1. What do I need? ------------------------------------ You only need a serial port (RS232), a serial cable to connect the DSO to your PC. 2. Loading up the Firmware to your DSO: ------------------------------------------- The tool: easyloader is a simple console program with commandline options - easy to run via Linux shell script or Windows batch file (see Linux/Win32). Linux: Open a console window and change to the firmware directory. I provided two shell scripts for Linux bash that must be changed according to your own configuration (examples inside). flashloader.sh -> loading firmware to W20xxA flash memory overwriting the old firmware ramloader.sh -> loading firmware to W20xxA RAM without overwriting the old firmware Start the GERMS monitor on your DSO and then type in ./flashloader.bat to start the update. Win32: Also you will find similar batch files for Windows with the same function. Please change the files regarding the Com port of your PC. flashloader.bat -> loading firmware to W20xxA flash memory overwriting the old firmware ramloader.bat -> loading firmware to W20xxA RAM without overwriting the old firmware Start the GERMS monitor on your DSO! The files can be started by directly double clicking them in the windows explorer. Or you open a console window and change to the firmware directory. Then type in "flashloader" and the update will start. GERMS monitor: - Switch on your DSO. - Press the left two function keys under the screen (first F1 holding then F2 short). The screen will become white and then black - the monitor has started. Upload: After 3 Minutes the upload should be complete and the DSO will run with the new Firmware if you loaded to RAM. If you loaded to flash you have to switch off and restart the DSO or to reset it with the first two function buttons. (First press the second key and then the first key - letting go just the other way round). Regards Hayo