//typedef of Realtime Clock structure: typedef struct { uint8_t Sec; uint8_t Min; uint8_t Hour; uint8_t Day; uint8_t Mon; uint8_t Year; } S_RTC_CLOCK; //within file main.c: call off of actual time void main (void) { S_RTC_CLOCK rtc; . . . printf("\n\r0-%p",&rtc); // this will printout 0-0x500 getRTC(&rtc); . . . } //other file: static S_RTC_CLOCK RTClock; void getRTC(S_RTC_CLOCK* clock) { if (clock != NULL) { uint8_t i; uint8_t *pd,*ps; printf("\n\r1-%p",clock); // this will printout 1-0x500 pd=(uint8_t*)clock; ps=(uint8_t*)&RTClock; //read out the RTC for(i=0;i