INCLUDE ;68332 global registerdefinitions *** Exception Vector Table = Interrupt Vektor Tabelle ORG 0 DC.L STACK ;Init Stack DC.L $200 ;Init Program Counter (oder DC.L COUNT ) ORG $60*4 ;Entry at $180 DC.L ISR ;address of isr *** Program ORG $200 ;Programcode at $200 COUNT MOVE.B #$0C,SYPCR ;no timeout watchdog MOVE.W #$1000,RAMBAR ;init internal SRAM * Initialize PIT MOVE.W #$0760,PICR ;set IPL=7, vector=$60 MOVE.W #$0102,PITR ;set time * Initialize CPU32 registers CLR.L D0 ;initialize D0 * Main LOOP BRA LOOP ;loop *** Exception handler = Interrupt Service Routine ISR ADD.L #1,D0 ;ISR: increase D0 RTS ORG $100400 ;$100400…1007FE STACK DC.W 0 ;Fill memory with $0000 *** For the Assembler... END COUNT