from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageOps from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import rawpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import math def findlines (im,doplot=False): rows = list() lines = {'red':{'nm':611.43,'lums':[],'cols':[]}, 'green':{'nm':545.98,'lums':[],'cols':[]}, 'blue':{'nm':435.85,'lums':[],'cols':[]}} lum = {} col = {} for r in range(12,im.height,30): # Find spectral lines # Extract three rows and resize them into one to reduce noise ims = im.crop((0,r-1,im.width,r+2)).resize((im.width,1)) # Now extract the luminance of the combined three rows iml = ims.convert('L') imlv = list(iml.getdata()) # Find the peaks in the luminance lum['green'] = max(imlv[im.width//3:im.width*2//3]) if lum['green']<32 or lum['green']>192: continue # Skip rows with out-of-range luminance col['green'] = imlv.index(lum['green'],im.width//3,im.width*2//3) endofgreen = col['green']+100 lum['red'] = max(imlv[endofgreen:]) col['red'] = imlv.index(lum['red'],endofgreen) col2nm = (lines['red']['nm']-lines['green']['nm'])/(col['red']-col['green']) predblue = int(col['green']-(lines['green']['nm']-lines['blue']['nm'])/col2nm) lum['blue'] = max(imlv[predblue-100:predblue+100]) col['blue'] = imlv.index(lum['blue'],predblue-100,predblue+100) rows.append(r) for color in lines: lines[color]['lums'].append(lum[color]) lines[color]['cols'].append(col[color]) if doplot: fig,ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(range(len(imlv)),imlv) ax.plot(list(col[color] for color in lines),list(lum[color] for color in lines),'x') return rows,lines fn = 'C:/Users/Hobbyraum/Documents/Spektrometer/esl8w.v4.png' im = iw = im.width ih = im.height rows,lines = findlines(im,False) # Calculate matrix fit of nm per row (polygonal) and col (linear) def rc2nm(row,col,a,b,c,d): return a*row*row+b*row+c*col+d def fitme(rc,a,b,c,d): row,col = rc.T return a*row*row+b*row+c*col+d xdata = list() ydata = list() for lc in lines.values(): xdata.extend(zip(rows,lc['cols'])) ydata.extend(list(lc['nm'] for row in rows)) popt,_ = curve_fit(fitme,np.array(xdata),np.array(ydata)) nmrc = dict() for row in range(ih//4,ih*3//4): for col in range(iw): nm = int(rc2nm(row,col,*popt)) nmrc.setdefault(nm,[]).append((row,col)) fn = 'halogen70w.v4.g2.dng' rp = rawpy.imread(fn) ri = rp.raw_image rc = rp.raw_colors cnmri = dict() for nm in sorted(nmrc): for row,col in nmrc[nm]: c = rc[row][col] l = ri[row][col] cnmri.setdefault(c,{}).setdefault(nm,[]).append(l) colors = rp.color_desc.decode('ascii') colorspecs = {0:'#ff0000',1:'#88cc00',2:'#0000ff',3:'#00cc88'} fig,ax = plt.subplots() for c in sorted(cnmri): nmri = cnmri[c] cl = f'Bayer filter color {colors[c]} ({c:d})' cs = colorspecs[c] ax.scatter(nmri.keys(),list(sum(nmri[nm])/len(nmri[nm]) for nm in nmri),s=list(math.log(len(nmri[nm])) for nm in nmri),color=cs,label=cl) ax.set_xlabel('nm') ax.set_ylabel('avg raw luminosity') ax.legend() ax.set_title(fn)