\\mainbrain\G:\helmi\projects\reverse\current\cyberpen SetUserID.txt Version 2.18 (closed) Download (Set) User ID (Example: STR$ = 55 73 65 72 2D 49 44 2D = 'User-ID-'): Command sent Response message Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wakeup 01 06 02 31H 06-No error 02-STX 31-Protocol type:1 02 00 00-System status ok 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8 Bytes User ID 03 N B R I P A A A 8 Bytes Device Firmware Version 00 00-Null (message terminator) LRC LRC-XOR checksum of message ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set User ID 03 06 02 06-No error 02-STX 02 02 02-Length of following string 09 06 06-Parameter 06H (User ID with len(STR$)=8 bytes) 06 01 01-Parameter has been set STR$ 00 LRC 00-Null LRC-XOR checksum 00 LRC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Powerdown 05 06 02 00 04 06-No error 02-STX 00-Null 04-XOR checksum 02 00 07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: User ID is stored in the EEPROM and remains stored until a 'Set To Defaults' command is executed by swiping the appropriate command barcode. Since the User ID is part of the response message to the 'Wakeup' command, the User ID will be retrieved within every attempt to open a communication session with the pen. Upload (Get) User ID: Command sent Response message Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wakeup 01 06 02 31H 06-No error 02-STX 31-Protocol type:1 02 00 00-System status ok 00 55 73 65 72 2D 49 44 2D 8 Bytes User ID (55 73 65 72 2D 49 44 2D = 'User-ID-') 03 N B R I P A A A 8 Bytes Device Firmware Version 00 00-Null (message terminator) LRC LRC-XOR checksum of message ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Powerdown 05 06 02 00 04 06-No error 02-STX 00-Null 04-XOR checksum 02 00 07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end of file