GDB-Script: # connect to the J-Link gdb server target remote localhost:2331 # Set gdb server to little endian monitor endian little # Set JTAG speed to 5 kHz monitor speed 5 # Reset the target monitor reset monitor sleep 100 # Set JTAG speed in khz monitor speed auto # Vector table placed in RAM monitor writeu32 0xE000ED08 = 0x20000000 load monitor reg r13 = (0x20000000) monitor reg pc = (0x20000004) continue Konsolenausgabe in Eclipse: target remote localhost:2331 0x00000000 in ?? () monitor endian little Target endianess set to "little endian" monitor speed 5 JTAG speed set to 5 kHz monitor reset Resetting target monitor sleep 100 Sleep 100ms monitor speed auto Select auto JTAG speed (1000 kHz) monitor writeu32 0xE000ED08 = 0x20000000 Writing 0x20000000 @ address 0xE000ED08 load Loading section .text, size 0x2544 lma 0x20000000 Loading section .eh_frame, size 0xae0 lma 0x20002544 Loading section .rodata, size 0xb4 lma 0x20003024 Loading section .data, size 0x54 lma 0x200030d8 Start address 0x20000000, load size 12588 Transfer rate: 49 KB/sec, 2098 bytes/write. monitor reg r13 = (0x20000000) Writing register (SP = 0xF000B500) monitor reg pc = (0x20000004) Writing register (PC = 0xF04FF8AF) continue Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap. 0xf0010100 in ?? () kill