Usage: toish [arguments...] Environment variables used: NAMESERVICE_ADDRESS: The address of the name service. This has precedence. NS_ADDRESS_FILENAME: A file from which the name service address can be read. Defaults to /tmp/nameservice_address. Available components and operations: applicationservice, as: Activate Activate application RegisterApplication Register new application to Application Service Kill Kill application informationservice, is: GetObject Returns object value. SetObject [volatile | permanent] Sets the object. Default storage type is volatile. UnsetObject [volatile | permanent] Removes object. uriloaderservice, uriloader, uri: LoadUri [MIME type] Load the URI. The MIME type is optional. platformservice, platform, ps: RebootNow Perform a controlled reboot, with components being shut down properly. mediarepository, mr: GetAssetList Returns list of valid asset ids. CreateAsset Creates a new asset, and returns its id. GetRange Gets the valid range of the asset.