private DataTable CreateDataTableA() { DataTable aTable = new DataTable("A"); DataColumn dtCol; // Create ID column and add to the DataTable. dtCol = new DataColumn(); dtCol.DataType= System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"); dtCol.ColumnName = "MESSAGE"; dtCol.AutoIncrement = false; dtCol.Caption = "MESSAGE"; dtCol.ReadOnly = false; dtCol.Unique = true; // Add the column to the DataColumnCollection. aTable.Columns.Add(dtCol); // Create Name column and add to the table dtCol = new DataColumn(); dtCol.DataType= System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"); dtCol.ColumnName = "LENGTH"; dtCol.AutoIncrement = false; dtCol.Caption = "LENGTH"; dtCol.ReadOnly = false; dtCol.Unique = false; aTable.Columns.Add(dtCol); // Create Name column and add to the table dtCol = new DataColumn(); dtCol.DataType= System.Type.GetType("System.Int32"); dtCol.ColumnName = "DATA"; dtCol.AutoIncrement = false; dtCol.Caption = "DATA"; dtCol.ReadOnly = false; dtCol.Unique = false; aTable.Columns.Add(dtCol); return aTable; } private void button7_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { }