Ltsputil.exe: LTspiceIV/SwitcherCADIII utility version 2.93 About this program. ------------------- This utility program has been written by Helmut Sennewald. It has been tested with LTspiceIV/SwitcherCADIII. Special thanks to Mike Engelhardt from Linear Technology for this great program LTspiceIV/SwitcherCADIII and his support. The LTspiceIV/SwitcherCADIII program can be downloaded from the Linear Technology website . Please be aware that a change in the raw file format can cause a crash of this program. There is no guarantee how long LTSpice will use this raw file format. I hope all these features are integrated in any future release of LTspiceIV/SwitcherCADIII. The utility program Ltsputil.exe is freeware and it has been developed independently of Linear Technology. There is no guarantee that the generated data files are free of errors. Support of this program is provided by the author of this utility. You can reach the author in the Ltspice group of YAHOO. Link: E-mail: Enjoy it! Usage: Ltsputil.exe -command [param1] [param2] [param3] [..] ... [paramN] Options for commands: -a About this utility program. -c[o][a|b][s][z] source destination Converts (binary file <--> ASCII file, zero x-offset) -e[o][a|b][l|v] source dest stepnum [varext] [xstart xend] Equalize steps, new stepsize is x-axis/(stepnum-1) Extension string is added to the variable(node) names. -m[o][a|b][l|v] source1 source2 destination extension1 extension2 Merge two raw files and extend variable names. -n[o][a|b][l|v] source1 source2 destination extension1 extension2 N-Merge data of two raw files and extend variable names. -t[o][a|b][z] source dest [sweepNo] Convert text file to raw file -x[o][s|t][nn][list] source dest varfmt delimfmt infofmt sig1 [sig2] .. Export data from raw file to different column formatted file(s). 'nn' selects different headers in output file(s). [list]: Any combination of [i][d,a,p,r,c] d=dB, a=abs, p=phase, q=phase +/-pi, r=real, c=complex, i=index. inffmt is the preceeding string of the info line. varfmt and delimfmt are C-syntax printf() controls -i source Info about raw file -h[n] n = a|c|e|h|i||m|n|t|x|z '-hz' prints all help pages. General options: [o]verwrite existing output files, [s]eperate swept files, [l|v] linear/vector interpolation, [z]ero x-axis offset [a|b] ASCII or binary format of result file. Conversion between binary raw file and ASCII raw file format. ------------------------------------------------------------- It converts and copies a raw data file to either an ASCII-data file or a binary data file. Other useful options can add the plot offset to the x-axis and swept parameter simulations can be split to single runs stored in separate raw files. Usage Ltsputil.exe -c[o][a|b][z][s] source destination Option 'o' : Overwrite an existing output file. Option 'a|b' : Output data format is 'a'SCII or 'b'inary. If none of these two options is given, output data format is binary. Option 'z' : Add x-axis offset to x-axis, zero offset. Option 's' : Write each sweep into a different file. File name contains the sweep number Example: out.raw -> out1.raw, out2.raw ... Example Ltsputil.exe -c mybin.raw myascii.raw Option -c or -cb forces binary output format. Example Ltsputil.exe -ca myxy.raw mybin.raw Option -ca forces ASCII output format. Example Ltsputil.exe -cbz myxy.raw mybin.raw Option z means zero offset after it's added to the x-axis. Example Ltsputil.exe -cbzs myxy.raw mybin.raw Option z means reset offset after it's added to the x-axis. Option b means binary data format. Option s means one file per sweep run in the simulation. Equalize stepsize of a LTSpice raw file. ---------------------------------------- This function generates a new LTSpice raw data file with a chosen number of data points with equal step size. This can be very helpful with later external post processing, e.g. FFT. Background information about (LT)Spice: You have no control of the really used time steps in .TRAN simulations. The only parameter you have there is minimum time step. The more activity is on the signals, the smaller becomes the stepsize in .TRAN simulations. The equalize function uses either linear or vector interpolation to calculate data values in a fixed step size. Vector interpolation is used for complex data only(.AC analysis). It has no influence on real data (.TRAN, .DC...). The x-axis starting point and end point can be specified. If the x-axis of the equalized step is beyond the simulated x-axis, the first/last y-data values are hold in the output file (no extrapolation) This behaviour can be sometimes observed in .TRAN simulations where the specified stop time is often not exactly reached. It can be avoided by specifying a slightly larger stop time as really needed. Using a small minimum stepsize in the simulation greatly helps to reduce the interpolation errors. I recommend to switch off compression in .TRAN simulations if you intend to merge raw files or if you want to equalize the time steps. The compression switch is in the control panel of LTSpice. The raw file size can be reduced dramatically with the the .SAVE command in LTSpice. General usage: Ltsputil.exe -e[o][l|v][a|b] source dest stepnum [varext] [xstart xend] Option 'o' : Overwrite an existing output file. Option 'l|v' : Use 'l'inear or 'v'ector interpolation. If none of these two options is given, vector interpolation will be used. The 'v' option should be used for .AC analysis. Option 'a' : Output data format is ASCII. 'b'inary is assumed as default if none is set. Optional a variable names extension can be specified. Optional a x-axis start and end value can be specified. Example: 1001 points, add "" nothing to the variable names. Ltsputil.exe -e my.raw myeq.raw 1001 "" If you look the new raw file(myeq.raw) in LTSpice,t the variables(nodes)have kept their original names. Vector interpolation will be used, because -e is the same as -ev. Example: 1001 points, add "_e" to the variable names Ltsputil.exe -e my.raw myeq.raw 1001 "_e" If you look the new raw file(myeq.raw) in LTSpice, the variables(nodes) have become new names. V(out) now will be V(out_e) in the LTSpice output display. Example: Ltsputil.exe -el my.raw myeq.raw 1001 "_e" Same as above, but -el forces linear interpolation in .AC analysis If no complex data are given, always linear interpolation is used Example: Ltsputil.exe -ea my.raw myeq.raw 1001 "_e" 2.5e0 5.5e0 Node names are extended with "_e". Output data file's x-axis is limited from 2.5 to 5.5 Option -ea forces ASCII data output mode Info about a file ----------------- It prints simulation properties of a raw file. The information mainly comes from the head lines of the raw file. You can get this information also if you open the raw file with a text editor. It is ASCII text. The biggest part of the raw files are the variable(node) values which are normally in binary format. You can have ASCII data instead when you select ASCII in the control panel compression menu. Normally this makes no sense, because the file size will be four times increased. Usage: Ltsputil.exe -i source Example: Ltsputil my.raw Result: Title: * D:\Daten\Ltc_spice\Educational\phono.asc Date: Mon Dec 10 11:12:13 2002 Plotname: Transient Analysis Flags: real forward No. Variables : 24 No. Points : 434 Offset : 0.000000000e0 No. Points : 434 No. Points : 434 Start x-axis value : 0.0 End . x-axis value : 100e-6 Num. ox x-axis sweeps : 1 ASCII DATA Merge data of two raw files --------------------------- Merging two raw files allows a direct comparison of two totally different circuit simulations in one graphical output window. It can be also used to add limit curves. The number of simulation steps in each file may be different. File size of the output file can be up to twice the sum of both files, especially with .TRAN simulations where you never have the same x-axis values. The program calculates new variable values for every x-axis value from each file. The merge-function uses either linear or vector interpolation to calculate data values in a fixed step size. Vector interpolation is used for complex data only(.AC analysis). It has no influence on real data (.TRAN, .DC...). Using a small minimum stepsize in the simulation greatly helps to reduce the interpolation errors. I recommend to switch off compression in .TRAN simulation if you think of merging the generated raw files or if you want to equalize the time steps. The compression switch is in the control panel of LTspiceIV/SwitcherCADIII. The raw file size can be reduced dramatically with the the .SAVE command in LTSpice. General usage: Ltsputil.exe -m[o][l|v][a|b] source1 source2 destination "ext1" "ext2" Option 'o' : Overwrite an existing output file. Option 'l|v' : Use 'l'inear or 'v'ector interpolation. If none of these two options is given, vector interpolation will be used. The 'v' option should be used for .AC analysis. Option 'a' : Output data format is ASCII. 'b'inary is assumed as default if none is set. Example 1: 1001 points, add ""(=nothing) to the variable names Ltsputil.exe -m in1.raw in2.raw out.raw "_1" "_2" If you look at the new raw file in LTSpice, the variables(nodes) have got new names. All variable(node) names from in1.raw are extended by _1 ,e.g. V(out_1), and all names from in2.raw are extended by _2 ,e.g. V(out_2). Vector interpolation will be used, because -m is the same as -mv . Ltsputil.exe -m in1.raw in2.raw out.raw "" "_" The names of in1.raw are kept in the out.raw file, but we will get extended names for the variables of in2.raw, e.g. V(out_). Ltsputil.exe -ml in1.raw in2.raw out.raw "" "_" Same as above, but -ml forces linear interpolation in .AC analysis If no complex data is given, always linear interpolation is used Ltsputil.exe -moa in1.raw in2.raw out.raw "" "_" Option -ma forces ASCII output mode. N-Merge data of two raw files ---------------------------- Merging two raw files allows a direct comparison of two totally different circuit simulations in one graphical output window. It can be also used to add limit curves. The number of simulation steps in each file may be different. File size of the output file mainly depends on the number of simulation steps of the first file, because the program only calculates values for every time/frequency value in the first file. This helps to reduce the size of data files especially with .TRAN simulations. The NMerge-function uses either linear or vector interpolation to calculate data values in a fixed step size. Vector interpolation is used for complex data only(.AC analysis). It has no influence on real data (.TRAN, .DC...). Using a small minimum stepsize in the simulation greatly helps to reduce the interpolation errors. I recommend to switch off compression in .TRAN simulation if you think of merging the generated raw files or if you want to equalize the time steps. The compression switch is in the control panel of LTspiceIV/SwitcherCADIII. The raw file size can be reduced dramatically with the the .SAVE command in LTSpice. General usage: Ltsputil.exe -n[o][l|v][a|b] source1 source2 destination "ext1" "ext2" Option 'o' : Overwrite an existing output file. Option 'l|v' : Use 'l'inear or 'v'ector interpolation. If none of these two options is given, vector interpolation will be used. The 'v' option should be used for .AC analysis. Option 'a' : Output data format is ASCII. 'b'inary is assumed as default if none is set. Example 1: 1001 points, add ""(=nothing) to the variable names Ltsputil.exe -n in1.raw in2.raw out.raw "_1" "_2" If you look at the new raw file in LTSpice, the variables(nodes) have got new names. All variable(node) names from in1.raw are extended by _1 ,e.g. V(out_1), and all names from in2.raw are extended by _2 ,e.g. V(out_2). Vector interpolation will be used, because -m is the same as -mv . Ltsputil.exe -n in1.raw in2.raw out.raw "" "_" The names of in1.raw are kept in the out.raw file, but we will get extended names for the variables of in2.raw, e.g. V(out_). Ltsputil.exe -nl in1.raw in2.raw out.raw "" "_" Same as above, but -nl forces linear interpolation in .AC analysis If no complex data is given, always linear interpolation is used Ltsputil.exe -noa in1.raw in2.raw out.raw "" "_" Option -na forces ASCII output mode. Usage: Ltsputil.exe -command [param1] [param2] [param3] [..] ... [paramN] Options for commands: -a About this utility program. -c[o][a|b][s][z] source destination Converts (binary file <--> ASCII file, zero x-offset) -e[o][a|b][l|v] source dest stepnum [varext] [xstart xend] Equalize steps, new stepsize is x-axis/(stepnum-1) Extension string is added to the variable(node) names. -m[o][a|b][l|v] source1 source2 destination extension1 extension2 Merge two raw files and extend variable names. -n[o][a|b][l|v] source1 source2 destination extension1 extension2 N-Merge data of two raw files and extend variable names. -t[o][a|b][z] source dest [sweepNo] Convert text file to raw file -x[o][s|t][nn][list] source dest varfmt delimfmt infofmt sig1 [sig2] .. Export data from raw file to different column formatted file(s). 'nn' selects different headers in output file(s). [list]: Any combination of [i][d,a,p,r,c] d=dB, a=abs, p=phase, q=phase +/-pi, r=real, c=complex, i=index. inffmt is the preceeding string of the info line. varfmt and delimfmt are C-syntax printf() controls -i source Info about raw file -h[n] n = a|c|e|h|i||m|n|t|x|z '-hz' prints all help pages. General options: [o]verwrite existing output files, [s]eperate swept files, [l|v] linear/vector interpolation, [z]ero x-axis offset [a|b] ASCII or binary format of result file. Export data from raw file -------------------------- This command retrieves the selected signals from a simulation raw file and stores it column formatted to a new file. This allows you to do any other post processing without knowing the raw file data format. You can also easily copy and paste these column based data to your favorite graphic, math or spread sheet program. Swept parameter simulations can be split into single runs stored in separate raw files or transposed to parallel columns. I would recommend switching off compression in .TRAN simulation if you think of merging the raw files generated or if you want to equalize the time steps. This hint is basically for .TRAN simulations only. The compression switch is in the control panel of LTspiceIV/SwitcherCADIII. Usage: Ltsputil.exe -x[o][s|t][nn][list] src dest varfmt delimfmt infofmt sig1 [sig2] .. Option 'o' : Overwrite an existing output file. Option 's' : Write each sweep into a different file. File name contains the sweep number Example: out.plt -> out1.plt, out2.plt ... Single swept output files have the greatest flexibility. Option 't' : A parameter swept raw file will be transposed to parallel columns. This requires that all sweeps must have the same number of x-axis steps. Thus all .TRAN raw files must be preprocessed(equalized) with "ltsputil -e". Graphic programs give greater flexibilty with sweep data organized in columns compared to sweep data in sequences. Option nn none : The same as '1'. '0' : Only data values in output file. '1' : Additional #ASCII file info head lines in output file. '2' : Additional info line before each sweep run in output file. '3' : Option '1' + '2'. '4' : Additional automation info headlines with exactly the same number of columns like the data rows. The info is in the same order as in option '1'. '5' : Option '1' + '4' . '6' : Option '2' + '4' . '7' : Option '1' + '2' + '4' . Options for easiest file import of swept files: The most convenient options are 's' or 't' in most cases. Other useful options are depending on the graphic program. DPLOT 0,(1) GNUPLOT 0,1,(2) ORIGIN 0,(1),(2) EXCEL, MATLAB, MATHCAD, SCILAB : 0 or 4 list : Optional 'i' for index followed by any combination of 'd|a|p|q|r|c' characters Default is 'rc' for complex data if list is empty. d=dB, a=abs, p=phase, q=phase +/-pi, r=real, c=complex, src : name of the input raw file dest : name of the output file varfmt : C-syntax printf() format string for the data Example: Floating point 7 digits resolution -> "%15.7e" Always specify >=8 char. more as precision. 15 = 7 + 8 This ensures exact column format if option '4' is used. delimfmt : C-syntax printf() format string for the column delimiter, e.g "," for a ',' delimiter infofmt : The info line starts with this string. It precedes each sweep data set if option '2' is set. Only an empty line is written if infofmt is empty "". Examples: "#DATA" -> #DATA 2 201 4 3 , "" -> "" Structure of sweep info line if option '2': Nr = Number infoFmt actSweepNr NrOfSweepSteps NrOfDataColumns totalNrOfSweeps transposeFlag sig1 The wildcard character * means extract all variables The character 'list' after x is necessary and useful for complex data only. It allows to select the type of output data: 'd'=dB, 'a'=abs, 'p'= total phase, 'q'=quadrant phase(+/-pi), 'r'=real or 'c'=complex value of the variables. You can freely choose any collection of data types. The chosen data formats apply to all variables except the frequency axis. You can add an additional prefix 'i' to the 'list' to get an index from 0 to the number of data points minus one. Example: .TRAN simulation Ltsputil.exe -xo0 my.raw plot.plt "%14.6e" "," "" * '0' Write only SPICE simulation data into the file. '*' Write all variables to the file. Example: .AC simulation Ltsputil.exe -xdp my.raw plot.plt "%14.6e" " " "" 0 3 4 7" -xdp : store d=dB and p=phase of all selected variables. "%14.6e" : eng. format with 6 digit behind decimal point. " " : only one extra space after each column. "" : No meaning as long as option '2' is not given in nn. 0 3 4 7 : Select 0=frequency and variables with index 3 4 7. These numbers are listed in the raw file. You can also give exactly the name of the variables. Example: .AC simulation, with variable names Ltsputil.exe -xdp my.raw plot.plt "%14.6e" " " "" frequency V(out) V(in) Example: .AC simulation, with variable names Ltsputil.exe -xsdp my.raw plot.plt "%14.6e" " " "" frequency V(out) V(in) Option 's' commands a new output file for every x-axis sweep. Option nn assumed to be 3 if not given (see description above). Example: .AC simulation, with variable names Ltsputil.exe -xot1dp my.raw plot.plt "%14.6e" " " "" frequency V(out) V(in) Option 't' formats sweeps to columns for every x-axis sweep. Option '1' selects nn-mode 1. Plots signals in (d)B and (p)hase. Example: .TRAN simulation Ltsputil.exe -xo3 my.raw plot.plt "%14.6e" "," "" 0 4 3 "," Means comma delimiter between columns. 'o' Overwrite existing output file. '3' Write info head lines and info line before each sweep data run. Example: .TRAN simulation Ltsputil.exe -xo4 my.raw plot.plt "%14.6e" "," "" 0 4 3 '4' Write automation info columns into the file. Example: .TRAN simulation Ltsputil.exe -xo0 my.raw plot.plt "%14.6e" "," "" 0 4 3 '0' Write only SPICE simulation data into the file. The 'i' option is less useful. Examples: with 'i' option Ltsputil.exe -xidp my.raw plot.plt "%14.6e" " " "" 0 3 4 7 Ltsputil.exe -xi my.raw plot.plt "%14.6e" "" "" 0 4 3 The index of each simulated step will be printed into the first column. Example: Spice raw file with 3 sweeps ------------------------------------- ltsputil.exe -xo7d stepac.raw stepac_exp.plt "%14.6e" ", " "#SW" 0 1 V(out) 2 Info header if option '1': #Title: * F:\Programme\LTC\SwCADIII\examples\Educational\stepAC.asc #Date: Tue Jan 21 01:08:12 2003 #Plotname: AC Analysis #Variables(d): frequency V(out) V(in) V(n008) #Ltsputil: -xo5d #DataColumns: 4 #InfoLines: 14 #DataRows: 603 #SimSteps: 603 #Sweeps: 3 #SweepDef: 1 201 #SweepDef: 2 201 #SweepDef: 3 201 #Values: Automation header if option '4': 4, 0, 0 <- Number of data columns 11, 0, 0 <- Number of info rows(lines 603, 0, 0 <- Number of data rows 603, 0, 0 <- Number of sim. steps in raw file 3, 0, 0 <- Number of defined sweeps 1, 0, 0 <- Sweep number 1 201, 0, 0 <- Number of sweep steps in run-1 2, 0, 0 <- Sweep number 2 201, 0, 0 <- Number of sweep steps in run-2 3, 0, 0 <- Sweep number 3 201, 0, 0 <- Number of sweep steps in run-3 Exported data from rawfile: Frequency, V(out), V(in), V(in) #SW 1 201 4 3 0 <- Sweep info if option '2', 1st run. 5.000000e+006, -3.164250e+001, -1.075981e+001, , -1.075981e+001 5.017359e+006, -3.145187e+001, -1.067875e+001, -1.075981e+001 5.034778e+006, -3.125998e+001, -1.059704e+001, -1.075981e+001 5.052257e+006, -3.106682e+001, -1.051467e+001, -1.075981e+001 ............., .............., .............., .............. ............., .............., .............., .............. ............., .............., .............., .............. #SW 2 201 4 3 0 <- Sweep info if option '2', 2nd run. 5.000000e+006, -3.164250e+001, -1.075981e+001, -1.075981e+001 5.017359e+006, -3.145187e+001, -1.067875e+001, -1.075981e+001 5.034778e+006, -3.125998e+001, -1.059704e+001, -1.075981e+001 5.052257e+006, -3.106682e+001, -1.051467e+001, -1.075981e+001 ............., .............., .............., .............. ............., .............., .............., .............. ............., .............., .............., .............. #SW 3 201 4 3 0 <- Sweep info if option '2', 3rd run. 5.000000e+006, -3.164250e+001, -1.075981e+001, -1.075981e+001 5.017359e+006, -3.145187e+001, -1.067875e+001, -1.075981e+001 5.034778e+006, -3.125998e+001, -1.059704e+001, -1.075981e+001 5.052257e+006, -3.106682e+001, -1.051467e+001, -1.075981e+001 ............., .............., .............., .............. ............., .............., .............., .............. ............., .............., .............., .............. Conversion of tabulated data to binary/ASCII raw file file format. ----------------------------------------------------------------- It converts and copies a text data file to either an ASCII-data file or a binary data file in raw format. The data can be then viewed with LTSPICE like a normal simulation result. The output file can be also used for further processing, e.g. for Merge or NMerge. Parameter sweepNo duplicates the data multiple times. This can be convenient for stepped parameter simulation, if you only need the same data for every sweep. An offset can be added to the x-axis numbers. This option is required if negative time data is in the input file. The source file have to contain a standard raw file header followed by the data table. This table is then converted to the raw file format in the destination file. The header of the input file will become the header of the output raw-file. Usage Ltsputil.exe -t[o][a|b|][z] source dest [sweepNo] .. Option 'o' : Overwrite an existing output file. Option 'a|b' : Output data format is 'a'SCII or 'b'inary. If none of these two options is given, output data format is binary. Option 'z' : Add x-axis offset to x-axis, zero offset. The value is in the header behind 'Offset:' sweepNo : Number of sweeps with the same data Default is 1 if no number is given Example Ltsputil.exe -toa limits.txt limits.raw Option -o overwrite, -a ASCII The input file must have the standard header of a raw-file starting with the line 'Title ...' and ending with the line 'Values:' The number behind 'Offset:' is used with the 'z'-option. The data is in the lines following the line 'Values:'. Data for generating .AC raw-files has to be in real,imag format. Some examples of input files are below. Transient Analysis ------------------ Title: * C:\LTSPICE\circuits\generator\test1.asc Date: Sun Jan 28 12:08:17 2007 Plotname: Transient Analysis Flags: real forward No. Variables: 4 No. Points: 2000 Offset: 0.0000000000000000e+000 Command: Linear Technology Corporation LTspice Variables: 0 time time 1 V(in) voltage 2 V(out) voltage 3 I(R1) device_current Values: 0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000 0.000000e+000 1.198373e-003 7.530538e-003 6.235998e-005 7.468177e-008 2.396745e-003 1.505872e-002 2.273675e-004 1.483135e-007 .... DC-Sweep -------- Title: * C:\LTSPICE\circuits\generator\test1.asc Date: Sun Jan 28 12:17:39 2007 Plotname: DC transfer characteristic Flags: real forward No. Variables: 3 No. Points: 1000 Offset: 0.0000000000000000e+000 Command: Linear Technology Corporation LTspice Variables: 0 v1 voltage 1 V(out) voltage 2 I(R1) device_current Values: 5.000000e-001 3.021287e-001 1.978713e-006 1.000000e+000 3.556208e-001 6.444044e-006 1.500000e+000 3.806172e-001 1.119386e-005 .... AC Analysis: data pairs of real_value,imag_value ------------------------------------------------ Title: * C:\LTSPICE\circuits\generator\test1.asc Date: Sun Jan 28 12:24:11 2007 Plotname: AC Analysis Flags: complex forward log No. Variables: 3 No. Points: 1000 Offset: 0.0000000000000000e+000; Command: Linear Technology Corporation LTspice Variables: 0 frequency frequency 1 V(out) voltage 2 I(R1) device_current Values: 1.00000e-001 9.90602e-001, -6.18974e-002 9.39800e-008, 6.18974e-007 1.25893e-001 9.88354e-001, -7.77473e-002 1.16462e-007, 7.77473e-007 1.58489e-001 9.84811e-001, -9.75273e-002 1.51886e-007, 9.75273e-007 .... Help ---- Usage: Ltsputil.exe -h[] [] : The command character a|c|e|h|i|m|n|t|x|z -ha : About this program. -hc : Convert binary to ASCII. -he : Equalize step size. -hh : Just this message. -hi : Info about a raw file. -hm : Merge two raw files. -hn : NMerge two raw files. -ht : Convert text file to raw data file. -hx : Export data. -hz : ltsputil -hz >> help.txt Prints all help to file