Welcome to WordClock Logger! ---------------------------- irmp_ini▒ Welcome to WordClock Logger! ---------------------------- irmp_init... power_init... power_init() called power_on... switching power on delay_init... board_led_init... button_init... timer2_init... wpsbutton_init... Version: 2.9.5 Hardware: STM32F103 Display: WC12h LEDs: WS2812 GRB Welcome to WordClock Logger! ---------------------------- irmp_init... power_init... power_init() called power_on... switching power on delay_init... board_led_init... button_init... timer2_init... wpsbutton_init... Version: 2.9.5 Hardware: STM32F103 Display: WC12h LEDs: WS2812 GRB rtc is online eeprom is online ws2812: no external pullup detected eeprom is online current eeprom version: 0x00020900 reading ir codes from eeprom DFPLAYER LOGGER ESP8266 LOGGER read rtc: Tu 2019-03-19 21:59:27 read rtc: Tu 2019-03-19 21:59:27 net_time_countdown = 3794, don't check overlays read rtc: Tu 2019-03-19 21:59:45 RTC temperature: 20 read rtc: Tu 2019-03-19 22:00:45