To Build the W20xxA Application under Windows You need: 1. from and unzip it to some directory on your disk 2. Some old Version of Altera Quartus II from the same ftp server (I have made test's with 30sp1 Webedition and 41sp2 webedition) 3. A complete Build directory from Hayo (for example from the google group) How to Install: 1. Install Quartus II (you don't need to do the registration for a license key!) 2. Install nios 3.2 (run setup.exe) 3. Add PATH entry's (System property --> Advanced --> Environment Variables)for: \bin\cygwin\bin (for example C:\altera\quartus41sp2\bin\cygwin\bin) \bin\nios-gnupro\bin (for example C:\altera\kits\nios\bin\nios-gnupro\bin) Attention: If You already have Cygwin installed on Your system take care that the nios gcc used the right cygwin installation! (unfortunately newer cygwin build's are not compatible with the nios gcc tools) 4. Edit the Makefile inside Build directory: change line sopc_kit_nios = /opt/cdk4nios to sopc_kit_nios = C:/altera/kits/nios/bin/nios-gnupro (Or wherever You installed the nios 3.2, attention use '/' not '\'!) Now you should be able to run make from the command prompt (go to the directory where the file Makefile is). You should see something like this: C:\Welec\Build>make # 2009.07.07.09:59:02 --- (Note: to make for Nios 16, try "make clean all M=16") # 2009.07.07.09:59:02 --- Compiling nios-elf-gcc -I ./inc -I ./src -I ./inc -I ../inc -I ../../inc -I ../../../inc -W -g2 -c -O2 -mno-zero-extend -m32 -D_Debug_ src/TomCat.cpp -o obj/TomCat.cpp.o # 2009.07.07.09:59:04 --- Compiling nios-elf-gcc -I ./inc -I ./src -I ./inc -I ../inc -I ../../inc -I ../../../inc -W -g2 -c -O2 -mno-zero-extend -m32 -D_Debug_ src/tc_vars.cpp -o obj/tc_vars.cpp.o # 2009.07.07.09:59:04 --- Compiling nios-elf-gcc -I ./inc -I ./src -I ./inc -I ../inc -I ../../inc -I ../../../inc -W -g2 -c -O2 -mno-zero-extend -m32 -D_Debug_ src/hardware_t.cpp -o obj/hardware_t.cpp.o # 2009.07.07.09:59:20 --- Compiling nios-elf-gcc -I ./inc -I ./src -I ./inc -I ../inc -I ../../inc -I ../../../inc -W -g2 -c -O2 -mno-zero-extend -m32 -D_Debug_ src/display_t.cpp -o obj/display_t.cpp.o # 2009.07.07.09:59:44 --- Compiling nios-elf-gcc -I ./inc -I ./src -I ./inc -I ../inc -I ../../inc -I ../../../inc -W -g2 -c -O2 -mno-zero-extend -m32 -D_Debug_ src/floatstr_t.cpp -o obj/floatstr_t.cpp.o # 2009.07.07.09:59:44 --- Compiling nios-elf-gcc -I ./inc -I ./src -I ./inc -I ../inc -I ../../inc -I ../../../inc -W -g2 -c -O2 -mno-zero-extend -m32 -D_Debug_ src/flash_t.cpp -o obj/flash_t.cpp.o # 2009.07.07.09:59:48 --- Assembling lib/uart_rxchar.s # 2009.07.07.09:59:48 --- Assembling lib/uart_txchar.s # 2009.07.07.09:59:48 --- Assembling lib/uart_txstring.s # 2009.07.07.09:59:48 --- Assembling lib/nios_setup.s # 2009.07.07.09:59:48 --- Assembling lib/nios_delay.s # 2009.07.07.09:59:48 --- Assembling lib/nios_close.s # 2009.07.07.09:59:48 --- Assembling lib/nios_fstat.s # 2009.07.07.09:59:48 --- Assembling lib/nios_sbrk.s # 2009.07.07.09:59:48 --- Assembling lib/nios_lseek.s # 2009.07.07.09:59:48 --- Assembling lib/nios_isatty.s # 2009.07.07.09:59:48 --- Assembling lib/nios_jumptostart.s # 2009.07.07.09:59:49 --- Assembling lib/nios_isrmanager.s # 2009.07.07.09:59:49 --- Assembling lib/nios_copyrange.s # 2009.07.07.09:59:49 --- Assembling lib/nios_zerorange.s # 2009.07.07.09:59:49 --- Compiling lib lib/nios_uart.c # 2009.07.07.09:59:50 --- Assembling lib/nios_cwpmanager.s # 2009.07.07.09:59:50 --- Compiling lib lib/nios_more_cstubs.c # 2009.07.07.09:59:50 --- Linking obj/TomCat.out # 2009.07.07.09:59:50 --- ./obj/TomCat.cpp.o ./obj/tc_vars.cpp.o ./obj/hardware_t.cpp.o ./obj/display_t.cpp.o ./obj/floatstr_t.cpp.o ./obj/flash_t.cpp.o ./obj/uart_rxchar.s.o ./obj/uart_txchar.s.o ./obj/uart_txstring.s.o ./obj/nios_setup.s.o ./obj/nios_delay.s.o ./obj/nios_close.s.o ./obj/nios_fstat.s.o ./obj/nios_sbrk.s.o ./obj/nios_lseek.s.o ./obj/nios_isatty.s.o ./obj/nios_jumptostart.s.o ./obj/nios_isrmanager.s.o ./obj/nios_copyrange.s.o ./obj/nios_zerorange.s.o ./obj/nios_uart.c.o ./obj/nios_cwpmanager.s.o ./obj/nios_more_cstubs.c.o -e _start -u _start -g -T .//bin/excalibur.ld ./obj/nios_jumptostart.s.o --start-group -l c -l m -l gcc --end-group -LC:/altera/kits/nios/bin/nios-gnupro/nios-elf/lib/m32 -LC:/altera/kits/nios/bin/nios-gnupro/lib/gcc-lib/nios-elf/2.9-nios-010801-20030718/m32 -L./lib -o ./obj/TomCat.out # 2009.07.07.09:59:51 --- Converting TomCat to S-Record cat loader.flash > TomCat.flash cat TomCat.srec >> TomCat.flash unix2dos TomCat.flash TomCat.flash: done. # 2009.07.07.09:59:51 --- . # 2009.07.07.09:59:51 --- . Built TomCat.srec # 2009.07.07.09:59:51 --- . try make help for more information # 2009.07.07.09:59:51 --- . C:\Welec\Build>