code:0000 ; code:0000 ; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ code:0000 ; | This file has been generated by The Interactive Disassembler (IDA) | code:0000 ; | Copyright (c) 2015 Hex-Rays, | code:0000 ; | License info: xx-xxxx-xxxx-xx | code:0000 ; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ code:0000 ; code:0000 ; Input MD5 : C2C4908F269E6D44EF255099387A7031 code:0000 ; Input CRC32 : F4ED2812 code:0000 code:0000 ; File Name : C:\Users\Thomas\Downloads\TotalROM_0261203590_JB.bin code:0000 ; Format : Binary file code:0000 ; Base Address: 0000h Range: 0000h - A000h Loaded length: A000h code:0000 code:0000 ; Processor : C515A [RAM=1152 ROM=0 EPROM=0 EEPROM=0] code:0000 ; Target assembler: ASMI code:0000 ; Byte sex : Big endian code:0000 code:0000 ; =========================================================================== code:0000 code:0000 ; Segment type: Pure code code:0000 ;.segment code code:0000 code:0000 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0000 code:0000 ; RESET code:0000 ; Attributes: thunk code:0000 code:0000 ; public RESET code:0000 RESET: ; CODE XREF: code:013Fj code:0000 ljmp RESET_0 code:0000 ; End of function RESET code:0000 code:0003 code:0003 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0003 code:0003 ; External interrupt 0 code:0003 ; Attributes: thunk code:0003 code:0003 ; public IE0 code:0003 IE0: code:0003 ljmp IE0_0 ; extint0 code:0003 ; End of function IE0 code:0003 code:0003 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0006 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:000B code:000B ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:000B code:000B ; Timer 0 overflow code:000B ; Attributes: thunk code:000B code:000B ; public TF0 code:000B TF0: code:000B ljmp TF0_0 ; timint0 code:000B ; End of function TF0 code:000B code:000B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:000E .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:0013 code:0013 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0013 code:0013 ; External interrupt 1 code:0013 ; Attributes: thunk code:0013 code:0013 ; public IE1 code:0013 IE1: code:0013 ljmp IE1_0 ; extint1 code:0013 ; End of function IE1 code:0013 code:0013 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0016 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:001B code:001B ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:001B code:001B ; Timer 1 overflow code:001B ; Attributes: thunk code:001B code:001B ; public TF1 code:001B TF1: code:001B ljmp TF1_0 ; timint1 code:001B ; End of function TF1 code:001B code:001B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:001E .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:0023 code:0023 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0023 code:0023 ; Serial channel code:0023 ; Attributes: thunk code:0023 code:0023 ; public RI_TI code:0023 RI_TI: code:0023 ljmp RI_TI_0 ; serint code:0023 ; End of function RI_TI code:0023 code:0023 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0026 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:002B code:002B ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:002B code:002B ; Timer 2 overflow/ext. reload code:002B ; Attributes: thunk code:002B code:002B ; public TF2_EXF2 code:002B TF2_EXF2: code:002B ljmp TF2_EXF2_0 ; timint2 code:002B ; End of function TF2_EXF2 code:002B code:002B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:002E .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:002E .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:002E .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:0043 code:0043 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0043 code:0043 ; A/D converter code:0043 ; Attributes: thunk code:0043 code:0043 ; public IADC code:0043 IADC: code:0043 ljmp nullsub_3 code:0043 ; End of function IADC code:0043 code:0043 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0046 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:004B code:004B ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:004B code:004B ; External interrupt 2 code:004B ; Attributes: thunk code:004B code:004B ; public IEX2 code:004B IEX2: code:004B ljmp nullsub_4 code:004B ; End of function IEX2 code:004B code:004B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:004E .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:0053 code:0053 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0053 code:0053 ; External interrupt 3 code:0053 ; Attributes: thunk code:0053 code:0053 ; public IEX3 code:0053 IEX3: code:0053 ljmp IEX3_0 code:0053 ; End of function IEX3 code:0053 code:0053 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0056 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:005B code:005B ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:005B code:005B ; External interrupt 4 code:005B ; Attributes: thunk code:005B code:005B ; public IEX4 code:005B IEX4: code:005B ljmp IEX4_0 code:005B ; End of function IEX4 code:005B code:005B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:005E .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:0063 code:0063 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0063 code:0063 ; External interrupt 5 code:0063 ; Attributes: thunk code:0063 code:0063 ; public IEX5 code:0063 IEX5: code:0063 ljmp nullsub_5 code:0063 ; End of function IEX5 code:0063 code:0063 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0066 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:006B code:006B ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:006B code:006B ; External interrupt 6 code:006B ; Attributes: thunk code:006B code:006B ; public IEX6 code:006B IEX6: code:006B ljmp nullsub_6 code:006B ; End of function IEX6 code:006B code:006B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:006E .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:0073 code:0073 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0073 code:0073 code:0073 RESET_0: ; CODE XREF: RESETj code:0073 mov A, IP0 ; get bit6 of IP0 code:0075 mov C, ACC6 ; into carry code:0077 mov F0, C ; F0 is the Reset Flag code:0079 setb SWDT ; enable watchdog code:0079 ; End of function RESET_0 code:0079 code:007B code:007B ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:007B code:007B ; Wake-up from power-down mode code:007B ; Attributes: thunk code:007B code:007B ; public WAKE_UP code:007B WAKE_UP: code:007B ljmp WAKE_UP_0 code:007B ; End of function WAKE_UP code:007B code:007E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:007E clr IEX3 ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:0080 code:0080 code_80: ; CODE XREF: code:00D1j code:0080 jnb RAM_25.5, code_CE code:0083 clr RAM_25.5 code:0085 mov P2, #0xA0 ; '' ; Port 2 code:0088 mov R0, #0x40 ; '@' code:008A movx A, @R0 code:008B xrl A, #0x9E code:008D mov RAM_20, A code:008F mov R0, #0x41 ; 'A' code:0091 movx A, @R0 code:0092 xrl A, #2 code:0094 mov RAM_21, A code:0096 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0098 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:009A mov DPTR, #0xBE04 code:009D lcall code_21EA code:00A0 cjne A, #0xB0, code_A3 ; '' code:00A3 code:00A3 code_A3: ; CODE XREF: code:00A0j code:00A3 jc code_A9 code:00A5 setb RAM_28.4 code:00A7 sjmp code_AB code:00A9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:00A9 code:00A9 code_A9: ; CODE XREF: code:code_A3j code:00A9 clr RAM_28.4 code:00AB code:00AB code_AB: ; CODE XREF: code:00A7j code:00AB pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:00AD pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:00AF lcall code_2220 code:00B2 lcall code_1C9E code:00B5 lcall code_1B32 code:00B8 lcall code_2223 code:00BB lcall code_2226 code:00BE mov P2, #0xA0 ; '' ; Port 2 code:00C1 mov A, RAM_22 code:00C3 mov R0, #0x40 ; '@' code:00C5 movx @R0, A code:00C6 orl CCEN, #3 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:00C9 mov CRCL, A ; Com./Rel./Capt. Reg. Low Byte code:00CB anl CCEN, #0xFD ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:00CE code:00CE code_CE: ; CODE XREF: code:code_80j code:00CE mov RAM_68, #0x32 ; '2' code:00D1 jnb IEX3, code_80 ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:00D4 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:00D7 jnb P06, code_E5 ; Port 0 code:00DA mov R0, #0x8C ; '' code:00DC movx A, @R0 code:00DD jnb ACC4, code_E5 ; Accumulator code:00E0 clr ACC4 ; Accumulator code:00E2 movx @R0, A code:00E3 clr RAM_2A.3 code:00E5 code:00E5 code_E5: ; CODE XREF: code:00D7j code:00E5 ; code:00DDj code:00E5 ret code:00E6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:00E6 nop code:00E7 nop code:00E8 nop code:00E9 nop code:00EA nop code:00EB nop code:00EC nop code:00ED nop code:00EE nop code:00EF nop code:00F0 nop code:00F1 nop code:00F2 nop code:00F3 nop code:00F4 nop code:00F5 nop code:00F6 nop code:00F7 nop code:00F8 nop code:00F9 nop code:00FA nop code:00FB nop code:00FC nop code:00FD nop code:00FE nop code:00FF nop code:0100 code:0100 code_100: ; CODE XREF: code:code_1ACj code:0100 ; code_21EDj ... code:0100 mov R2, #0 code:0102 mov RAM_68, #0x1E code:0105 mov R1, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0107 movx A, @R0 code:0108 mov R4, A code:0109 code:0109 code_109: ; CODE XREF: code:code_1D2j code:0109 clr EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:010B setb WDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:010D setb SWDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:010F mov P0, R1 ; Port 0 code:0111 clr P43 ; Port 4 code:0113 mov R6, #0x32 ; '2' code:0115 code:0115 code_115: ; CODE XREF: code:code_115j code:0115 djnz R6, code_115 code:0117 code:0117 code_117: ; CODE XREF: code:0167j code:0117 mov R3, #0 code:0119 inc R2 code:011A code:011A code_11A: ; CODE XREF: code:012Ej code:011A mov P2, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:011D mov P0, R4 ; Port 0 code:011F mov R6, RAM_8 code:0121 mov R7, RAM_9 code:0123 inc R7 code:0124 clr P55 ; Port 5 code:0126 code:0126 code_126: ; CODE XREF: code:code_126j code:0126 ; code:0128j code:0126 djnz R6, code_126 code:0128 djnz R7, code_126 code:012A setb P55 ; Port 5 code:012C inc R3 code:012D mov A, R3 code:012E cjne A, RAM_D, code_11A code:0131 setb P43 ; Port 4 code:0133 mov R6, #0x64 ; 'd' code:0135 code:0135 code_135: ; CODE XREF: code:code_135j code:0135 djnz R6, code_135 code:0137 clr A code:0138 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0139 cjne A, RAM_4, code_1AE code:013C jnb IEX3, code_142 ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:013F ljmp RESET ; RESET code:0142 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0142 code:0142 code_142: ; CODE XREF: code:013Cj code:0142 setb WDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:0144 setb SWDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:0146 setb EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:0148 mov B, RAM_18 ; B-Register code:014B jnb B0, code_155 ; B-Register code:014E mov B, RAM_F ; B-Register code:0151 mov A, R2 code:0152 mul AB code:0153 sjmp code_157 code:0155 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0155 code:0155 code_155: ; CODE XREF: code:014Bj code:0155 mov A, RAM_E code:0157 code:0157 code_157: ; CODE XREF: code:0153j code:0157 jz code_17E code:0159 clr EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:015B mov P0, R1 ; Port 0 code:015D clr P43 ; Port 4 code:015F mov R6, #0x32 ; '2' code:0161 code:0161 code_161: ; CODE XREF: code:code_161j code:0161 djnz R6, code_161 code:0163 mov P2, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0166 mov A, R4 code:0167 sjmp code_117+1 code:0169 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0169 inc R3 code:016A mov R6, RAM_A code:016C inc R7 code:016D clr P55 ; Port 5 code:016F code:016F code_16F: ; CODE XREF: code:code_16Fj code:016F ; code:0171j code:016F djnz R6, code_16F code:0171 djnz R7, code_16F code:0173 pop RESERVED00FD ; RESERVED code:0175 setb ACC0 ; Accumulator code:0177 movx @DPTR, A code:0178 setb P43 ; Port 4 code:017A mov R6, #0x64 ; 'd' code:017C code:017C code_17C: ; CODE XREF: code:code_17Cj code:017C djnz R6, code_17C code:017E code:017E code_17E: ; CODE XREF: code:code_157j code:017E inc DPTR code:017F inc R0 code:0180 jnb IEX3, code_186 ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:0183 ljmp RESET ; RESET code:0186 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0186 code:0186 code_186: ; CODE XREF: code:0180j code:0186 setb WDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:0188 setb SWDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:018A setb EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:018C push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:018E push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0190 clr A code:0191 mov DPTR, #0x2006 code:0194 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0195 cjne A, #0xFF, code_19D code:0198 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:019B sjmp code_1A0 code:019D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:019D code:019D code_19D: ; CODE XREF: code:0195j code:019D mov P2, RAM_30 ; Port 2 code:01A0 code:01A0 code_1A0: ; CODE XREF: code:019Bj code:01A0 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:01A2 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:01A4 djnz R5, code_1AC code:01A6 mov A, #1 code:01A8 mov P0, #0xFF ; Port 0 code:01AB ret code:01AC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:01AC code:01AC code_1AC: ; CODE XREF: code:01A4j code:01AC ajmp code_100 code:01AE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:01AE code:01AE code_1AE: ; CODE XREF: code:0139j code:01AE mov B, RAM_18 ; B-Register code:01B1 jnb B0, code_1C0 ; B-Register code:01B4 jnb IEX3, code_1BA ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:01B7 ljmp RESET ; RESET code:01BA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:01BA code:01BA code_1BA: ; CODE XREF: code:01B4j code:01BA pop RESERVED00AF ; RESERVED code:01BC mov A, R2 code:01BD cjne A, RAM_C, code_1D2 code:01C0 code:01C0 code_1C0: ; CODE XREF: code:01B1j code:01C0 jnb IEX3, code_1C6 ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:01C3 ljmp RESET ; RESET code:01C6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:01C6 code:01C6 code_1C6: ; CODE XREF: code:code_1C0j code:01C6 setb WDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:01C8 setb SWDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:01CA setb EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:01CC mov A, #2 code:01CE mov P0, #0xFF ; Port 0 code:01D1 ret code:01D2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:01D2 code:01D2 code_1D2: ; CODE XREF: code:01BDj code:01D2 ljmp code_109 code:01D2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:01D5 .byte 0x7A ; z code:01D6 .byte 0 code:01D7 .byte 0xC2 ; code:01D8 .byte 0xAF ; code:01D9 .byte 0xD2 ; code:01DA .byte 0xAE ; code:01DB .byte 0xD2 ; code:01DC .byte 0xBE ; code:01DD .byte 0x75 ; u code:01DE .byte 0x68 ; h code:01DF .byte 0x1E code:01E0 .byte 0xA9 ; code:01E1 .byte 0x82 ; code:01E2 .byte 0xE2 ; code:01E3 .byte 0xFC ; code:01E4 .byte 0x89 ; code:01E5 .byte 0x80 ; code:01E6 .byte 0xC2 ; code:01E7 .byte 0xEB ; code:01E8 .byte 0x7E ; ~ code:01E9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:01E9 reti code:01E9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:01EA .byte 0xDE ; code:01EB .byte 0xFE ; code:01EC .byte 0x7B ; { code:01ED .byte 0 code:01EE .byte 0xA code:01EF .byte 0x85 ; code:01F0 .byte 0x83 ; code:01F1 .byte 0xA0 ; code:01F2 .byte 0x8C ; code:01F3 .byte 0x80 ; code:01F4 .byte 0xAE ; code:01F5 .byte 8 code:01F6 .byte 0xAF ; code:01F7 .byte 9 code:01F8 .byte 0xF code:01F9 .byte 0xC2 ; code:01FA .byte 0xFD ; code:01FB .byte 0xDE ; code:01FC .byte 0xFE ; code:01FD .byte 0xDF ; code:01FE .byte 0xFC ; code:01FF .byte 0xD2 ; code:0200 .byte 0xFD ; code:0201 .byte 0xB code:0202 .byte 0xEB ; code:0203 .byte 0xB5 ; code:0204 .byte 0xD code:0205 .byte 0xE9 ; code:0206 .byte 0xE4 ; code:0207 .byte 0x93 ; code:0208 .byte 0xB5 ; code:0209 .byte 4 code:020A .byte 0x64 ; d code:020B .byte 0x85 ; code:020C .byte 0x18 code:020D .byte 0xF0 ; code:020E .byte 0x30 ; 0 code:020F .byte 0xF0 ; code:0210 .byte 7 code:0211 .byte 0x85 ; code:0212 .byte 0xF code:0213 .byte 0xF0 ; code:0214 .byte 0xEA ; code:0215 .byte 0xA4 ; code:0216 .byte 0x80 ; code:0217 .byte 2 code:0218 .byte 0xE5 ; code:0219 .byte 0xE code:021A .byte 0x60 ; ` code:021B .byte 0x18 code:021C .byte 0x30 ; 0 code:021D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:021D clr RAM_20.3 code:021F ljmp RESET ; RESET code:021F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0222 .byte 0xD2 ; code:0223 .byte 0xAE ; code:0224 .byte 0xD2 ; code:0225 .byte 0xBE ; code:0226 .byte 0xAF ; code:0227 .byte 0xB code:0228 .byte 0xAE ; code:0229 .byte 0xA code:022A .byte 0xF code:022B .byte 0xC2 ; code:022C .byte 0xFD ; code:022D .byte 0xDE ; code:022E .byte 0xFE ; code:022F .byte 0xDF ; code:0230 .byte 0xFC ; code:0231 .byte 0xD2 ; code:0232 .byte 0xFD ; code:0233 .byte 0xD5 ; code:0234 .byte 0xE0 ; code:0235 .byte 0xE6 ; code:0236 .byte 0xAE ; code:0237 .byte 8 code:0238 .byte 0xD2 ; code:0239 .byte 0xEB ; code:023A .byte 0x7E ; ~ code:023B .byte 0x64 ; d code:023C .byte 0xDE ; code:023D .byte 0xFE ; code:023E .byte 0x30 ; 0 code:023F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:023F clr RAM_20.3 code:0241 ljmp RESET ; RESET code:0241 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0244 .byte 0xD2 ; code:0245 .byte 0xAE ; code:0246 .byte 0xD2 ; code:0247 .byte 0xBE ; code:0248 .byte 0xD2 ; code:0249 .byte 0xAF ; code:024A .byte 0xC0 ; code:024B .byte 0x83 ; code:024C .byte 0xC0 ; code:024D .byte 0x82 ; code:024E .byte 0xE4 ; code:024F .byte 0x90 ; code:0250 .byte 0x20 code:0251 .byte 6 code:0252 .byte 0x93 ; code:0253 .byte 0xB4 ; code:0254 .byte 0xFF, 5, 0x75, 0xA0, 0, 0x80, 3, 0x85, 0x30, 0xA0 code:0254 .byte 0xD0, 0x82, 0xD0, 0x83, 0xDD, 2, 0x80, 3, 2, 1, 0xD5 code:0254 .byte 0x74, 1, 0x75, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x22, 0x85, 0x18, 0xF0 code:0254 .byte 0x30, 0xF0, 9, 0xEA, 0xB5, 0xC, 2, 0x80, 3, 2, 1 code:0254 .byte 0xEC, 0xD2, 0xEB, 0x7E, 0x64, 0xDE, 0xFE, 0x30, 0xC2 code:0254 .byte 3, 2, 0, 0, 0xD2, 0xAE, 0xD2, 0xBE, 0xD2, 0xAF, 0x74 code:0254 .byte 2, 0x75, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x22, 0x7A, 0, 0xC2, 0xAF, 0xD2 code:0254 .byte 0xAE, 0xD2, 0xBE, 0x75, 0x68, 0x1E, 0xA9, 0x82, 0xE2 code:0254 .byte 0xFC, 0x89, 0x80, 0xC2, 0xEB, 0x7E, 0x32, 0xDE, 0xFE code:0254 .byte 0x7B, 0, 0xA, 0x85, 0x83, 0xA0, 0x8C, 0x80, 0xAE code:0254 .byte 8, 0xAF, 9, 0xF, 0xC2, 0xFD, 0xDE, 0xFE, 0xDF, 0xFC code:0254 .byte 0xD2, 0xFD, 0xB, 0xEB, 0xB5, 0xD, 0xE9, 0xE4, 0x93 code:0254 .byte 0xB5, 4, 0x64, 0x85, 0x18, 0xF0, 0x30, 0xF0, 7, 0x85 code:0254 .byte 0xF, 0xF0, 0xEA, 0xA4, 0x80, 2, 0xE5, 0xE, 0x60 code:0254 .byte 0x1A, 0xC2, 0xFD, 0x30, 0xC2, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0xD2, 0xAE code:0254 .byte 0xD2, 0xBE, 0xAF, 0xB, 0xAE, 0xA, 0xF, 0xDE, 0xFE code:0254 .byte 0xDF, 0xFC, 0xD2, 0xE0, 0xEA, 0xD2, 0xFD, 0xA3, 8 code:0254 .byte 0xD2, 0xEB, 0x7E, 0x64, 0xDE, 0xFE, 0x30, 0xC2, 3 code:0254 .byte 2, 0, 0, 0xD2, 0xAE, 0xD2, 0xBE, 0xD2, 0xAF, 0xC0 code:0254 .byte 0x83, 0xC0, 0x82, 0xE4, 0x90, 0x20, 6, 0x93, 0xB4 code:0254 .byte 0xFF, 5, 0x75, 0xA0, 0, 0x80, 3, 0x85, 0x30, 0xA0 code:0254 .byte 0xD0, 0x82, 0xD0, 0x83, 0xDD, 2, 0x80, 3, 2, 2, 0x96 code:0254 .byte 0x74, 1, 0x75, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x22, 0x85, 0x18, 0xF0 code:0254 .byte 0x30, 0xF0, 9, 0xEA, 0xB5, 0xC, 2, 0x80, 3, 2, 2 code:0254 .byte 0xAD, 0xD2, 0xEB, 0x7E, 0x94, 0xDE, 0xFE, 0x30, 0xC2 code:0254 .byte 3, 2, 0, 0, 0xD2, 0xAE, 0xD2, 0xBE, 0xD2, 0xAF, 0x74 code:0254 .byte 2, 0x75, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 code:0254 .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 code:0254 .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 code:0254 .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 code:0254 .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 code:0254 .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 code:0254 .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 code:0254 .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 code:0254 .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 code:0254 .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 code:0254 .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 code:0400 code:0400 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0400 code:0400 code:0400 code_400: ; CODE XREF: code:066Ep code:0400 ; code_21DE-14C4p ... code:0400 push PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:0402 push B ; B-Register code:0404 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0406 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0408 mov DPH, RAM_75 ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:040B mov DPL, RAM_76 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:040E mov A, R2 code:040F inc R2 code:0410 setb RS0 ; Program Status Word Register code:0412 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0413 cjne A, #0xFF, code_41A code:0416 setb RAM_29.3 code:0418 ajmp code_45F code:041A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:041A code:041A code_41A: ; CODE XREF: code_400+13j code:041A clr RAM_29.3 code:041C mov C, ACC0 ; Accumulator code:041E clr ACC0 ; Accumulator code:0420 mov DPH, RAM_73 ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0423 mov DPL, RAM_74 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0426 mov R7, A code:0427 inc R7 code:0428 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0429 xch A, R7 code:042A movc A, @A+DPTR code:042B mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:042D mov DPH, R7 ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:042F jc code_437 code:0431 acall code_46A code:0433 acall code_493 code:0435 ajmp code_45F code:0437 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0437 code:0437 code_437: ; CODE XREF: code_400+2Fj code:0437 acall code_46A code:0439 mov B, R1 ; B-Register code:043B mov A, R0 code:043C mov R6, A code:043D mov A, R3 code:043E mov R7, A code:043F acall code_46A code:0441 mov A, R2 code:0442 mul AB code:0443 add A, R1 code:0444 mov R1, A code:0445 mov A, R7 code:0446 jz code_44A code:0448 acall code_493 code:044A code:044A code_44A: ; CODE XREF: code_400+46j code:044A xch A, R2 code:044B cpl A code:044C inc A code:044D add A, R1 code:044E mov R1, A code:044F acall code_493 code:0451 xch A, R7 code:0452 jnz code_457 code:0454 xch A, R7 code:0455 ajmp code_45F code:0457 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0457 code:0457 code_457: ; CODE XREF: code_400+52j code:0457 mov R3, A code:0458 mov B, R6 ; B-Register code:045A xch A, R7 code:045B mov R5, A code:045C mov A, R2 code:045D acall code_4A2 code:045F code:045F code_45F: ; CODE XREF: code_400+18j code:045F ; code_400+35j ... code:045F clr RS0 ; Program Status Word Register code:0461 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0463 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0465 pop B ; B-Register code:0467 pop PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:0469 ret code:0469 ; End of function code_400 code:0469 code:046A code:046A ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:046A code:046A code:046A code_46A: ; CODE XREF: code_400+31p code:046A ; code_400:code_437p ... code:046A clr A code:046B movc A, @A+DPTR code:046C mov R0, A code:046D inc DPTR code:046E clr A code:046F movc A, @A+DPTR code:0470 mov R2, A code:0471 mov R1, A code:0472 mov A, @R0 code:0473 mov R0, A code:0474 code:0474 code_474: ; CODE XREF: code_46A+10j code:0474 mov A, R1 code:0475 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0476 add A, R0 code:0477 mov R0, A code:0478 jc code_480 code:047A djnz R1, code_474 code:047C inc R1 code:047D clr A code:047E ajmp code_486 code:0480 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0480 code:0480 code_480: ; CODE XREF: code_46A+Ej code:0480 mov A, R1 code:0481 xrl A, R2 code:0482 jz code_486 code:0484 mov A, R1 code:0485 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0486 code:0486 code_486: ; CODE XREF: code_46A+14j code:0486 ; code_46A+18j code:0486 mov R3, A code:0487 inc DPTR code:0488 mov A, R2 code:0489 add A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:048B mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:048D clr A code:048E addc A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0490 mov DPH, A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0492 ret code:0492 ; End of function code_46A code:0492 code:0493 code:0493 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0493 code:0493 code:0493 code_493: ; CODE XREF: code_400+33p code:0493 ; code_400+48p ... code:0493 mov A, R3 code:0494 jnz code_49A code:0496 mov A, R1 code:0497 dec A code:0498 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0499 ret code:049A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:049A code:049A code_49A: ; CODE XREF: code_493+1j code:049A mov B, R0 ; B-Register code:049C mov A, R1 code:049D dec A code:049E movc A, @A+DPTR code:049F mov R5, A code:04A0 mov A, R1 code:04A1 movc A, @A+DPTR code:04A1 ; End of function code_493 code:04A1 code:04A2 code:04A2 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:04A2 code:04A2 code:04A2 code_4A2: ; CODE XREF: code_400+5Dp code:04A2 clr C code:04A3 subb A, R5 code:04A4 mov F0, C ; Program Status Word Register code:04A6 jnc code_4AA code:04A8 cpl A code:04A9 inc A code:04AA code:04AA code_4AA: ; CODE XREF: code_4A2+4j code:04AA mul AB code:04AB mov R4, #8 code:04AD code:04AD code_4AD: ; CODE XREF: code_4A2+15j code:04AD rlc A code:04AE xch A, B ; B-Register code:04B0 rlc A code:04B1 subb A, R3 code:04B2 jnc code_4B5 code:04B4 add A, R3 code:04B5 code:04B5 code_4B5: ; CODE XREF: code_4A2+10j code:04B5 xch A, B ; B-Register code:04B7 djnz R4, code_4AD code:04B9 rlc A code:04BA cpl A code:04BB xch A, B ; B-Register code:04BD rlc A code:04BE subb A, R3 code:04BF cpl C code:04C0 clr A code:04C1 addc A, B ; B-Register code:04C3 jnb F0, code_4C8 ; Program Status Word Register code:04C6 cpl A code:04C7 inc A code:04C8 code:04C8 code_4C8: ; CODE XREF: code_4A2+21j code:04C8 add A, R5 code:04C9 ret code:04C9 ; End of function code_4A2 code:04C9 code:04CA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:04CA add A, #0x81 ; '' code:04CC movc A, @A+PC code:04CD ret code:04CD ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:04CE .byte 0xFF, 0xFC, 0xF8, 0xF4, 0xF0, 0xED, 0xE9, 0xE5, 0xE2 code:04CE .byte 0xDE, 0xDB, 0xD7, 0xD4, 0xD1, 0xCE, 0xCA, 0xC7, 0xC4 code:04CE .byte 0xC1, 0xBE, 0xBB, 0xB8, 0xB5, 0xB2, 0xAF, 0xAC, 0xAA code:04CE .byte 0xA7, 0xA4, 0xA1, 0x9F, 0x9C, 0x9A, 0x97, 0x95, 0x92 code:04CE .byte 0x90, 0x8D, 0x8B, 0x88, 0x86, 0x84, 0x82, 0x7F, 0x7D code:04CE .byte 0x7B, 0x79, 0x76, 0x74, 0x72, 0x70, 0x6E, 0x6C, 0x6A code:04CE .byte 0x68, 0x66, 0x64, 0x62, 0x60, 0x5E, 0x5D, 0x5B, 0x59 code:04CE .byte 0x57, 0x55, 0x54, 0x52, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x4D, 0x4B, 0x49 code:04CE .byte 0x48, 0x46, 0x44, 0x43, 0x41, 0x40, 0x3E, 0x3D, 0x3B code:04CE .byte 0x3A, 0x38, 0x37, 0x35, 0x34, 0x32, 0x31, 0x2F, 0x2E code:04CE .byte 0x2D, 0x2B, 0x2A, 0x29, 0x27, 0x26, 0x25, 0x23, 0x22 code:04CE .byte 0x21, 0x1F, 0x1E, 0x1D, 0x1C, 0x1A, 0x19, 0x18, 0x17 code:04CE .byte 0x16, 0x15, 0x13, 0x12, 0x11, 0x10, 0xF, 0xE, 0xD code:04CE .byte 0xB, 0xA, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 code:054E code:054E ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:054E code:054E code:054E code_54E: ; CODE XREF: code:0DC9p code:054E ; code_1250:code_1322p ... code:054E mov R5, A code:054F xch A, B ; B-Register code:0551 xch A, R6 code:0552 mul AB code:0553 xch A, R5 code:0554 xch A, B ; B-Register code:0556 xch A, R6 code:0557 xch A, R7 code:0558 mul AB code:0559 add A, R6 code:055A mov R6, A code:055B clr A code:055C addc A, B ; B-Register code:055E xch A, R7 code:055F mov B, A ; B-Register code:0561 ret code:0561 ; End of function code_54E code:0561 code:0562 code:0562 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0562 code:0562 code:0562 code_562: ; CODE XREF: code_1250+D9p code:0562 ; IE0_0_0+A7Dp ... code:0562 mov R5, A code:0563 mov B, R6 ; B-Register code:0565 mul AB code:0566 mov A, B ; B-Register code:0568 xch A, R6 code:0569 mov B, R1 ; B-Register code:056B mul AB code:056C add A, R6 code:056D xch A, R5 code:056E xch A, B ; B-Register code:0570 addc A, #0 code:0572 mov R6, A code:0573 mov A, R7 code:0574 mul AB code:0575 add A, R5 code:0576 mov R5, A code:0577 mov A, R6 code:0578 addc A, B ; B-Register code:057A mov R6, A code:057B clr A code:057C rlc A code:057D xch A, R7 code:057E mov B, A ; B-Register code:0580 mov A, R1 code:0581 mul AB code:0582 add A, R6 code:0583 mov R6, A code:0584 mov A, R7 code:0585 addc A, B ; B-Register code:0587 mov R7, A code:0588 ret code:0588 ; End of function code_562 code:0588 code:0589 code:0589 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0589 code:0589 code:0589 code_589: ; CODE XREF: code_66DA+10Fp code:0589 mov R4, #8 code:058B clr C code:058C code:058C code_58C: ; CODE XREF: code_589+10j code:058C ; code_589+19j code:058C rlc A code:058D xch A, B ; B-Register code:058F rlc A code:0590 jbc CY, code_59E ; Program Status Word Register code:0593 subb A, R3 code:0594 jnc code_597 code:0596 add A, R3 code:0597 code:0597 code_597: ; CODE XREF: code_589+Bj code:0597 xch A, B ; B-Register code:0599 djnz R4, code_58C code:059B rlc A code:059C cpl A code:059D ret code:059E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:059E code:059E code_59E: ; CODE XREF: code_589+7j code:059E subb A, R3 code:059F clr C code:05A0 xch A, B ; B-Register code:05A2 djnz R4, code_58C code:05A4 rlc A code:05A5 cpl A code:05A6 ret code:05A6 ; End of function code_589 code:05A6 code:05A7 code:05A7 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:05A7 code:05A7 code:05A7 code_5A7: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+1D1p code:05A7 ; code_1250+E0p ... code:05A7 jnb ACC7, code_5C8 ; Accumulator code:05AA code:05AA code_5AA: ; CODE XREF: code_5A7+Ej code:05AA clr C code:05AB xch A, R7 code:05AC rrc A code:05AD xch A, R7 code:05AE xch A, R6 code:05AF rrc A code:05B0 xch A, R6 code:05B1 xch A, R5 code:05B2 rrc A code:05B3 xch A, R5 code:05B4 inc A code:05B5 jnz code_5AA code:05B7 ret code:05B7 ; End of function code_5A7 code:05B7 code:05B8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:05B8 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_5C8 code:05B8 code:05B8 code_5B8: ; CODE XREF: code_5C8j code:05B8 xch A, R7 code:05B9 jnb ACC7, code_5BE ; Accumulator code:05BC xch A, R7 code:05BD ret code:05BE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:05BE code:05BE code_5BE: ; CODE XREF: code_5C8-Fj code:05BE clr C code:05BF xch A, R5 code:05C0 rlc A code:05C1 xch A, R5 code:05C2 xch A, R6 code:05C3 rlc A code:05C4 xch A, R6 code:05C5 rlc A code:05C6 xch A, R7 code:05C7 dec A code:05C7 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_5C8 code:05C8 code:05C8 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:05C8 code:05C8 code:05C8 code_5C8: ; CODE XREF: code_5A7j code:05C8 ; IE0_0_0+A63p ... code:05C8 code:05C8 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:05B8 SIZE 00000010 BYTES code:05C8 code:05C8 jnz code_5B8 code:05CA ret code:05CA ; End of function code_5C8 code:05CA code:05CB code:05CB ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:05CB code:05CB code:05CB code_5CB: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+2DCp code:05CB ; IE0_0_0+2F7p ... code:05CB mov A, R7 code:05CC jz code_5D4 code:05CE xch A, R4 code:05CF add A, #8 code:05D1 xch A, R4 code:05D2 sjmp code_5ED code:05D4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:05D4 code:05D4 code_5D4: ; CODE XREF: code_5CB+1j code:05D4 mov A, R6 code:05D5 jnz code_5D9 code:05D7 mov A, R5 code:05D8 ret code:05D9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:05D9 code:05D9 code_5D9: ; CODE XREF: code_5CB+Aj code:05D9 ; code_5CB+14j code:05D9 clr C code:05DA rrc A code:05DB xch A, R5 code:05DC rrc A code:05DD xch A, R5 code:05DE inc R4 code:05DF jnz code_5D9 code:05E1 addc A, R5 code:05E2 jnc code_5E7 code:05E4 mov A, #0x80 ; '' code:05E6 inc R4 code:05E7 code:05E7 code_5E7: ; CODE XREF: code_5CB+17j code:05E7 ret code:05E8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:05E8 mov A, R7 code:05E9 jnz code_5ED code:05EB mov A, R6 code:05EC ret code:05ED ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:05ED code:05ED code_5ED: ; CODE XREF: code_5CB+7j code:05ED ; code_5CB+1Ej ... code:05ED clr C code:05EE rrc A code:05EF xch A, R6 code:05F0 rrc A code:05F1 xch A, R6 code:05F2 inc R4 code:05F3 jnz code_5ED code:05F5 addc A, R6 code:05F6 jnc code_5FB code:05F8 mov A, #0x80 ; '' code:05FA inc R4 code:05FB code:05FB code_5FB: ; CODE XREF: code_5CB+2Bj code:05FB ret code:05FB ; End of function code_5CB code:05FB code:05FC code:05FC ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:05FC code:05FC code:05FC code_5FC: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+114p code:05FC ; code_3C53:code_3E41p ... code:05FC clr C code:05FD subb A, @R0 code:05FE mov F0, C ; Program Status Word Register code:0600 inc R0 code:0601 inc R0 code:0602 jnc code_606 code:0604 cpl A code:0605 inc A code:0606 code:0606 code_606: ; CODE XREF: code_5FC+6j code:0606 mul AB code:0607 jb F0, code_617 ; Program Status Word Register code:060A add A, @R0 code:060B mov @R0, A code:060C dec R0 code:060D mov A, @R0 code:060E addc A, B ; B-Register code:0610 mov @R0, A code:0611 dec R0 code:0612 mov A, @R0 code:0613 addc A, #0 code:0615 mov @R0, A code:0616 ret code:0617 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0617 code:0617 code_617: ; CODE XREF: code_5FC+Bj code:0617 xch A, @R0 code:0618 subb A, @R0 code:0619 mov @R0, A code:061A dec R0 code:061B mov A, @R0 code:061C subb A, B ; B-Register code:061E mov @R0, A code:061F dec R0 code:0620 mov A, @R0 code:0621 subb A, #0 code:0623 mov @R0, A code:0624 ret code:0624 ; End of function code_5FC code:0624 code:0625 code:0625 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0625 code:0625 code:0625 code_625: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+B7p code:0625 ; code_104C+107p ... code:0625 clr C code:0626 subb A, @R0 code:0627 mov F0, C ; Program Status Word Register code:0629 inc R0 code:062A jnc code_62E code:062C cpl A code:062D inc A code:062E code:062E code_62E: ; CODE XREF: code_625+5j code:062E mul AB code:062F jb F0, code_63A ; Program Status Word Register code:0632 add A, @R0 code:0633 mov @R0, A code:0634 dec R0 code:0635 mov A, @R0 code:0636 addc A, B ; B-Register code:0638 mov @R0, A code:0639 ret code:063A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:063A code:063A code_63A: ; CODE XREF: code_625+Aj code:063A xch A, @R0 code:063B subb A, @R0 code:063C mov @R0, A code:063D dec R0 code:063E mov A, @R0 code:063F subb A, B ; B-Register code:0641 mov @R0, A code:0642 ret code:0642 ; End of function code_625 code:0642 code:0643 code:0643 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0643 code:0643 code:0643 code_643: ; CODE XREF: code_2166+4481p code:0643 ; code_2166+4499p ... code:0643 mov B, A ; B-Register code:0645 jnb RAM_28.0, code_64A code:0648 mov @R0, #0 code:064A code:064A code_64A: ; CODE XREF: code_643+2j code:064A mov A, @R1 code:064B cjne A, B, code_64F ; B-Register code:064E ret code:064F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:064F code:064F code_64F: ; CODE XREF: code_643+8j code:064F cjne @R0, #0, code_65D code:0652 mov A, R2 code:0653 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0654 mov @R0, A code:0655 clr A code:0656 cjne A, B, code_65B ; B-Register code:0659 dec @R1 code:065A ret code:065B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:065B code:065B code_65B: ; CODE XREF: code_643+13j code:065B inc @R1 code:065C ret code:065D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:065D code:065D code_65D: ; CODE XREF: code_643:code_64Fj code:065D dec @R0 code:065E ret code:065E ; End of function code_643 code:065E code:065F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:065F mov B, A ; B-Register code:0661 jnb RAM_28.0, code_666 code:0664 mov @R0, #0 code:0666 code:0666 code_666: ; CODE XREF: code:0661j code:0666 mov A, @R1 code:0667 cjne A, B, code_66B ; B-Register code:066A ret code:066B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:066B code:066B code_66B: ; CODE XREF: code:0667j code:066B cjne @R0, #0, code_67A code:066E lcall code_400 code:0671 mov @R0, A code:0672 clr A code:0673 cjne A, B, code_678 ; B-Register code:0676 dec @R1 code:0677 ret code:0678 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0678 code:0678 code_678: ; CODE XREF: code:0673j code:0678 inc @R1 code:0679 ret code:067A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:067A code:067A code_67A: ; CODE XREF: code:code_66Bj code:067A dec @R0 code:067B ret code:067C code:067C ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:067C code:067C code:067C code_67C: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7219p code:067C ; code_104C+1EBp ... code:067C mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:067C ; End of function code_67C code:067C code:067F code:067F ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:067F code:067F code:067F code_67F: ; CODE XREF: code_67F+4j code:067F ; code_2184-79Fp ... code:067F mov A, @R1 code:0680 movx @R0, A code:0681 inc R0 code:0682 inc R1 code:0683 djnz R5, code_67F code:0685 ret code:0685 ; End of function code_67F code:0685 code:0686 code:0686 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0686 code:0686 code:0686 code_686: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+Dp code:0686 ; code_1250+AAp ... code:0686 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:0686 ; End of function code_686 code:0686 code:0689 code:0689 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0689 code:0689 code:0689 code_689: ; CODE XREF: code_689+4j code:0689 ; code_2184-86Ap ... code:0689 movx A, @R0 code:068A mov @R1, A code:068B inc R0 code:068C inc R1 code:068D djnz R5, code_689 code:068F ret code:068F ; End of function code_689 code:068F code:0690 code:0690 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0690 code:0690 code:0690 code_690: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+162p code:0690 ; code_104C+1A3p ... code:0690 mul AB code:0691 jnb B7, code_697 ; B-Register code:0694 mov B, #0x7F ; '' ; B-Register code:0697 code:0697 code_697: ; CODE XREF: code_690+1j code:0697 jnb RAM_29.4, code_69F code:069A cpl C code:069B cpl A code:069C xrl B, #0xFF ; B-Register code:069F code:069F code_69F: ; CODE XREF: code_690:code_697j code:069F addc A, R0 code:06A0 mov R0, A code:06A1 mov A, B ; B-Register code:06A3 addc A, R1 code:06A4 mov R1, A code:06A5 clr A code:06A6 jb RAM_29.4, code_6AB code:06A9 cpl C code:06AA cpl A code:06AB code:06AB code_6AB: ; CODE XREF: code_690+16j code:06AB jc code_6AF code:06AD mov R0, A code:06AE mov R1, A code:06AF code:06AF code_6AF: ; CODE XREF: code_690:code_6ABj code:06AF ret code:06AF ; End of function code_690 code:06AF code:06B0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:06B0 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:06B0 code:06B0 code_6B0: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+3Cj code:06B0 mov R0, #0x9E ; '' code:06B2 lcall code_1626 code:06B5 jnc code_6CF code:06B7 mov PCON, #0x80 ; '' ; Power Control Register code:06BA mov SCON, #0xE8 ; '' ; Serial Channel Control Register code:06BD mov R1, #0x9E ; '' code:06BF mov A, #0x16 code:06C1 movc A, @A+DPTR code:06C2 movx @R1, A code:06C3 inc R1 code:06C4 mov A, #0x17 code:06C6 movc A, @A+DPTR code:06C7 movx @R1, A code:06C8 inc R1 code:06C9 movx @R1, A code:06CA inc RAM_33 code:06CC mov SBUF, #0x55 ; 'U' ; Serial Channel Buffer Register code:06CF code:06CF code_6CF: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-768Bj code:06CF clr RI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:06D1 clr F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:06D3 ljmp code_B21 code:06D6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:06D6 code:06D6 code_6D6: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+42j code:06D6 mov R1, #0x9D ; '' code:06D8 movx A, @R1 code:06D9 mov B, A ; B-Register code:06DB jnz code_6F3 code:06DD mov R0, #0x9E ; '' code:06DF lcall code_1626 code:06E2 jnc code_6F0 code:06E4 mov SCON, #0xE8 ; '' ; Serial Channel Control Register code:06E7 mov A, #0x18 code:06E9 movc A, @A+PC code:06EA mov SBUF, A ; Serial Channel Buffer Register code:06EC mov A, B ; B-Register code:06EE inc A code:06EF movx @R1, A code:06F0 code:06F0 code_6F0: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-765Ej code:06F0 ljmp code_B21 code:06F3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:06F3 code:06F3 code_6F3: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7665j code:06F3 cjne A, #1, code_711 code:06F6 mov A, #0x19 code:06F8 movc A, @A+DPTR code:06F9 mov RAM_35, A code:06FB mov A, B ; B-Register code:06FD inc A code:06FE movx @R1, A code:06FF mov R1, #0x9E ; '' code:0701 mov A, #0x22 ; '"' code:0703 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0704 movx @R1, A code:0705 inc R1 code:0706 mov A, #0x23 ; '#' code:0708 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0709 movx @R1, A code:070A inc R1 code:070B movx @R1, A code:070C setb F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:070E ljmp code_B21 code:0711 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0711 code:0711 code_711: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_6F3j code:0711 cjne A, #2, code_74A code:0714 jnb F0, code_72E ; Program Status Word Register code:0717 clr RI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:0719 clr F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:071B mov A, RAM_35 code:071D cpl A code:071E cjne A, SBUF, code_738 ; Serial Channel Buffer Register code:0721 mov A, #0x13 code:0723 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0724 inc A code:0725 mov RAM_32, A code:0727 clr A code:0728 movx @R1, A code:0729 inc RAM_33 code:072B ljmp code_B21 code:072E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:072E code:072E code_72E: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-762Cj code:072E mov R0, #0x9E ; '' code:0730 lcall code_1626 code:0733 jc code_738 code:0735 ljmp code_B21 code:0738 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0738 code:0738 code_738: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7622j code:0738 ; code_7D40-760Dj code:0738 djnz RAM_32, code_73D code:073B sjmp code_74A code:073D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:073D code:073D code_73D: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_738j code:073D clr ES ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:073F clr A code:0740 mov RAM_33, A code:0742 movx @R1, A code:0743 inc A code:0744 movx @R0, A code:0745 inc R0 code:0746 movx @R0, A code:0747 ljmp code_B21 code:074A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:074A code:074A code_74A: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_711j code:074A ; code_7D40-7605j code:074A lcall code_B4B code:074D ljmp code_B21 code:0750 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0750 code:0750 code_750: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+48j code:0750 mov R0, #0x9D ; '' code:0752 movx A, @R0 code:0753 mov R1, #0xB1 ; '' code:0755 inc RAM_2E code:0757 jnz code_760 code:0759 mov A, #0xA code:075B mov DPTR, #0x9F02 code:075E sjmp code_7A4 code:0760 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0760 code:0760 code_760: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-75E9j code:0760 cjne A, #1, code_76A code:0763 mov A, #0xA code:0765 mov DPTR, #0x9F0C code:0768 sjmp code_7A4 code:076A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:076A code:076A code_76A: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_760j code:076A cjne A, #2, code_77B code:076D mov A, #7 code:076F jnz code_776 code:0771 movx A, @R0 code:0772 inc A code:0773 movx @R0, A code:0774 sjmp code_77B code:0776 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0776 code:0776 code_776: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-75D1j code:0776 mov DPTR, #0x9F16 code:0779 sjmp code_7A4 code:077B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:077B code:077B code_77B: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_76Aj code:077B ; code_7D40-75CCj code:077B cjne A, #3, code_78C code:077E mov A, #3 code:0780 jnz code_787 code:0782 movx A, @R0 code:0783 inc A code:0784 movx @R0, A code:0785 sjmp code_78C code:0787 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0787 code:0787 code_787: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-75C0j code:0787 mov DPTR, #0x9F1D code:078A sjmp code_7A4 code:078C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:078C code:078C code_78C: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_77Bj code:078C ; code_7D40-75BBj code:078C cjne A, #4, code_79E code:078F mov A, #3 code:0791 jnz code_799 code:0793 dec RAM_2E code:0795 inc RAM_33 code:0797 sjmp code_7C9 code:0799 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0799 code:0799 code_799: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-75AFj code:0799 mov DPTR, #0x9F20 code:079C sjmp code_7A4 code:079E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:079E code:079E code_79E: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_78Cj code:079E lcall code_B4B code:07A1 ljmp code_B21 code:07A4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:07A4 code:07A4 code_7A4: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-75E2j code:07A4 ; code_7D40-75D8j ... code:07A4 mov RAM_31, A code:07A6 add A, #3 code:07A8 movx @R1, A code:07A9 mov R1, #0xB4 ; '' code:07AB code:07AB code_7AB: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7590j code:07AB clr A code:07AC movc A, @A+DPTR code:07AD movx @R1, A code:07AE inc R1 code:07AF inc DPTR code:07B0 djnz RAM_31, code_7AB code:07B3 mov A, #3 code:07B5 movx @R1, A code:07B6 mov R1, #0xB2 ; '' code:07B8 mov A, RAM_2E code:07BA movx @R1, A code:07BB inc R1 code:07BC mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:07BF mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:07C2 mov A, #0x12 code:07C4 movc A, @A+DPTR code:07C5 movx @R1, A code:07C6 ljmp code_80A code:07C9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:07C9 code:07C9 code_7C9: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-75A9j code:07C9 ; code_7D40-7328j ... code:07C9 mov DPTR, #0x110 code:07CC movx A, @DPTR code:07CD jnb ACC0, code_7F0 ; Accumulator code:07D0 setb ACC4 ; Accumulator code:07D2 clr ACC3 ; Accumulator code:07D4 movx @DPTR, A code:07D5 mov R0, #0xA3 ; '' code:07D7 movx A, @R0 code:07D8 cjne A, #1, code_7E2 code:07DB setb ACC3 ; Accumulator code:07DD movx @DPTR, A code:07DE clr RI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:07E0 clr F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:07E2 code:07E2 code_7E2: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7568j code:07E2 mov R0, #0x9B ; '' code:07E4 mov A, #4 code:07E6 movx @R0, A code:07E7 mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:07EA mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:07ED ljmp code_B21 code:07F0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:07F0 code:07F0 code_7F0: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7573j code:07F0 mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:07F3 mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:07F6 mov R1, #0xB1 ; '' code:07F8 mov A, #3 code:07FA movx @R1, A code:07FB inc R1 code:07FC inc RAM_2E code:07FE mov A, RAM_2E code:0800 movx @R1, A code:0801 inc R1 code:0802 mov A, #8 code:0804 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0804 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:0805 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_EFF code:0805 code:0805 code_805: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF-6D9j code:0805 movx @R1, A code:0806 inc R1 code:0807 mov A, #3 code:0809 movx @R1, A code:0809 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_EFF code:080A ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_920 code:080A code:080A code_80A: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-757Aj code:080A ; code_EFF-64Dj ... code:080A inc RAM_34 code:080C mov RAM_2F, #0xB1 ; '' code:080F code:080F code_80F: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+A0j code:080F ljmp code_B21 code:080F ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_920 code:0812 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0812 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_EFF code:0812 code:0812 code_812: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF-667j code:0812 ; code_7D40+54j code:0812 mov R1, #0xB1 ; '' code:0814 mov A, #4 code:0816 movx @R1, A code:0817 inc R1 code:0818 inc RAM_2E code:081A mov A, RAM_2E code:081C movx @R1, A code:081D inc R1 code:081E mov A, #9 code:0820 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0821 movx @R1, A code:0822 inc R1 code:0823 mov A, RAM_2E code:0825 dec A code:0826 ljmp code_805 code:0826 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_EFF code:0829 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0829 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:0829 code:0829 code_829: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_7DA0j code:0829 jb RAM_29.2, code_83E code:082C mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:082F mov R0, #0x10 code:0831 movx A, @R0 code:0832 setb ACC4 ; Accumulator code:0834 setb ACC3 ; Accumulator code:0836 movx @R0, A code:0837 clr F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:0839 clr RI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:083B ljmp code_B21 code:083E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:083E code:083E code_83E: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_829j code:083E mov R0, #0xA4 ; '' code:0840 movx A, @R0 code:0841 mov R4, A code:0842 inc R0 code:0843 mov R1, #0xB1 ; '' code:0845 add A, #3 code:0847 movx @R1, A code:0848 inc R1 code:0849 inc RAM_2E code:084B mov A, RAM_2E code:084D movx @R1, A code:084E inc R1 code:084F mov A, #0xC code:0851 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0852 movx @R1, A code:0852 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:0853 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_EFF code:0853 code:0853 code_853: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+9Ej code:0853 inc R1 code:0854 movx A, @R0 code:0855 inc R0 code:0856 jnz code_862 code:0858 movx A, @R0 code:0859 mov R0, A code:085A code:085A code_85A: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF-6A1j code:085A mov A, @R0 code:085B movx @R1, A code:085C inc R0 code:085D inc R1 code:085E djnz R4, code_85A code:0860 sjmp code_8AF code:0862 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0862 code:0862 code_862: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF-6A9j code:0862 cjne A, #1, code_89B code:0865 movx A, @R0 code:0866 cjne A, #0x90, code_872 ; '' code:0869 orl P1, #0x51 ; Port 1 code:086C mov A, P1 ; Port 1 code:086E movx @R1, A code:086F inc R1 code:0870 sjmp code_8AF code:0872 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0872 code:0872 code_872: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF-699j code:0872 cjne A, #0xB0, code_87E ; '' code:0875 orl P3, #0xF8 ; Port 3 code:0878 mov A, P3 ; Port 3 code:087A movx @R1, A code:087B inc R1 code:087C sjmp code_8AF code:087E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:087E code:087E code_87E: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF:code_872j code:087E cjne A, #0xE8, code_88A ; '' code:0881 orl P4, #0 ; Port 4 code:0884 mov A, P4 ; Port 4 code:0886 movx @R1, A code:0887 inc R1 code:0888 sjmp code_8AF code:088A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:088A code:088A code_88A: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF:code_87Ej code:088A cjne A, #0xF8, code_896 ; '' code:088D orl P5, #9 ; Port 5 code:0890 mov A, P5 ; Port 5 code:0892 movx @R1, A code:0893 inc R1 code:0894 sjmp code_8AF code:0896 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0896 code:0896 code_896: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF:code_88Aj code:0896 dec RAM_2E code:0898 ljmp code_812 code:089B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:089B code:089B code_89B: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF:code_862j code:089B clr C code:089C subb A, #2 code:089E mov DPH, A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:08A0 movx A, @R0 code:08A1 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:08A3 code:08A3 code_8A3: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF-658j code:08A3 movx A, @DPTR code:08A4 movx @R1, A code:08A5 inc DPTR code:08A6 inc R1 code:08A7 djnz R4, code_8A3 code:08A9 mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:08AC mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:08AF code:08AF code_8AF: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF-69Fj code:08AF ; code_EFF-68Fj ... code:08AF mov A, #3 code:08B1 movx @R1, A code:08B2 ljmp code_80A code:08B2 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_EFF code:08B5 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:08B5 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:08B5 code:08B5 code_8B5: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_7DABj code:08B5 mov R0, #0xA4 ; '' code:08B7 movx A, @R0 code:08B8 mov R5, A code:08B9 inc R0 code:08BA mov R1, #0xB1 ; '' code:08BC add A, #3 code:08BE movx @R1, A code:08BF inc R1 code:08C0 inc RAM_2E code:08C2 mov A, RAM_2E code:08C4 movx @R1, A code:08C5 inc R1 code:08C6 mov A, #0xD code:08C8 movc A, @A+DPTR code:08C9 movx @R1, A code:08CA inc R1 code:08CB movx A, @R0 code:08CC mov R7, A code:08CD inc R0 code:08CE movx A, @R0 code:08CF mov R6, A code:08D0 cjne R6, #0x48, code_909 ; 'H' code:08D3 cjne R7, #0x9F, code_909 ; '' code:08D6 mov R0, #0xB1 ; '' code:08D8 mov A, #5 code:08DA movx @R0, A code:08DB mov A, #0x24 ; '$' code:08DD movc A, @A+DPTR code:08DE mov R3, A code:08DF mov DPH, R7 ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:08E1 mov DPL, R6 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:08E3 mov RAM_6, #6 code:08E6 mov R2, #0 code:08E8 lcall code_AF2 code:08EB mov A, R2 code:08EC jz code_8F9 code:08EE clr C code:08EF mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:08F1 subb A, RAM_6 code:08F3 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:08F5 jnc code_8F9 code:08F7 dec DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:08F9 code:08F9 code_8F9: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7454j code:08F9 ; code_7D40-744Bj code:08F9 mov R0, #0xB4 ; '' code:08FB mov R5, #0 code:08FD lcall code_B92 code:0900 movx @R1, A code:0901 inc R0 code:0902 lcall code_B92 code:0905 movx @R0, A code:0906 inc R0 code:0907 sjmp code_96A code:0909 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0909 code:0909 code_909: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7470j code:0909 ; code_7D40-746Dj code:0909 cjne R6, #0x90, code_92F ; '' code:090C cjne R7, #0x9F, code_92F ; '' code:090F mov A, #0x25 ; '%' code:0911 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0912 mov R3, A code:0913 mov DPH, R7 ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0915 mov DPL, R6 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0917 mov RAM_6, #3 code:091A mov R2, #0 code:091C lcall code_AF2 code:091F mov A, R2 code:091F ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:0920 code:0920 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0920 code:0920 code:0920 code_920: ; CODE XREF: code:0D98p code:0920 code:0920 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:080A SIZE 00000008 BYTES code:0920 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:21F9 SIZE 00000003 BYTES code:0920 code:0920 jz code_941 code:0922 clr C code:0923 mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0925 subb A, RAM_6 code:0927 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0929 jnc code_941 code:092B dec DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:092D sjmp code_941 code:092F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:092F code:092F code_92F: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_909j code:092F ; code_7D40-7434j code:092F cjne R6, #0x42, code_937 ; 'B' code:0932 cjne R7, #0x9F, code_937 ; '' code:0935 sjmp code_93D code:0937 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0937 code:0937 code_937: ; CODE XREF: code_920:code_92Fj code:0937 ; code_920+12j code:0937 cjne R6, #0x45, code_951 ; 'E' code:093A cjne R7, #0x9F, code_951 ; '' code:093D code:093D code_93D: ; CODE XREF: code_920+15j code:093D mov DPH, R7 ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:093F mov DPL, R6 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0941 code:0941 code_941: ; CODE XREF: code_920j code:0941 ; code_920+9j ... code:0941 mov R0, #0xB1 ; '' code:0943 mov A, #4 code:0945 movx @R0, A code:0946 mov R0, #0xB4 ; '' code:0948 mov R5, #0 code:094A lcall code_B92 code:094D movx @R0, A code:094E inc R0 code:094F sjmp code_96A code:0951 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0951 code:0951 code_951: ; CODE XREF: code_920:code_937j code:0951 ; code_920+1Aj code:0951 mov DPH, R7 ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0953 mov DPL, R6 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0955 jb RAM_29.2, code_961 code:0958 mov A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:095A orl A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:095C jnz code_961 code:095E ljmp code_21F9 code:0961 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0961 code:0961 code_961: ; CODE XREF: code_920+35j code:0961 ; code_920+3Cj ... code:0961 mov R0, #0xB4 ; '' code:0963 code:0963 code_963: ; CODE XREF: code_920+48j code:0963 clr A code:0964 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0965 movx @R0, A code:0966 inc R0 code:0967 inc DPTR code:0968 djnz R5, code_963 code:096A code:096A code_96A: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7439j code:096A ; code_920+2Fj code:096A mov A, #3 code:096C movx @R0, A code:096D ljmp code_80A code:096D ; End of function code_920 code:096D code:0970 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0970 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:0970 code:0970 code_970: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+71j code:0970 mov R1, #0xB1 ; '' code:0972 mov A, #5 code:0974 movx @R1, A code:0975 inc R1 code:0976 inc RAM_2E code:0978 mov A, RAM_2E code:097A movx @R1, A code:097B inc R1 code:097C mov A, #0xF code:097E movc A, @A+DPTR code:097F movx @R1, A code:0980 inc R1 code:0981 clr A code:0982 movx @R1, A code:0983 inc R1 code:0984 mov DPTR, #0xBE00 code:0987 mov R0, #0xA4 ; '' code:0989 movx A, @R0 code:098A jz code_990 code:098C code:098C code_98C: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-73B2j code:098C inc DPTR code:098D dec A code:098E jnz code_98C code:0990 code:0990 code_990: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-73B6j code:0990 movx A, @DPTR code:0991 lcall code_21EA code:0994 mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0997 mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:099A movx @R1, A code:099B inc R1 code:099C mov A, #3 code:099E movx @R1, A code:099F ljmp code_80A code:09A2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:09A2 code:09A2 code_9A2: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+77j code:09A2 mov R0, #0x9D ; '' code:09A4 movx A, @R0 code:09A5 mov R1, #0xB1 ; '' code:09A7 inc RAM_2E code:09A9 jnz code_9B2 code:09AB mov A, #0xC code:09AD mov DPTR, #0x9EE5 code:09B0 sjmp code_9CC code:09B2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:09B2 code:09B2 code_9B2: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7397j code:09B2 cjne A, #1, code_9BC code:09B5 mov A, #0xC code:09B7 mov DPTR, #0x9EF1 code:09BA sjmp code_9CC code:09BC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:09BC code:09BC code_9BC: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_9B2j code:09BC cjne A, #2, code_9C6 code:09BF mov A, #3 code:09C1 mov DPTR, #0x9EFD code:09C4 sjmp code_9CC code:09C6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:09C6 code:09C6 code_9C6: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_9BCj code:09C6 lcall code_B4B code:09C9 ljmp code_B21 code:09CC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:09CC code:09CC code_9CC: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7390j code:09CC ; code_7D40-7386j ... code:09CC mov RAM_31, A code:09CE add A, #3 code:09D0 movx @R1, A code:09D1 mov R1, #0xB4 ; '' code:09D3 code:09D3 code_9D3: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7368j code:09D3 clr A code:09D4 movc A, @A+DPTR code:09D5 movx @R1, A code:09D6 inc R1 code:09D7 inc DPTR code:09D8 djnz RAM_31, code_9D3 code:09DB mov A, #3 code:09DD movx @R1, A code:09DE mov R1, #0xB2 ; '' code:09E0 mov A, RAM_2E code:09E2 movx @R1, A code:09E3 inc R1 code:09E4 mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:09E7 mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:09EA mov A, #0x10 code:09EC movc A, @A+DPTR code:09ED movx @R1, A code:09EE ljmp code_80A code:09F1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:09F1 code:09F1 code_9F1: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+7Dj code:09F1 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:09F3 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:09F5 mov B, #0xFF ; B-Register code:09F8 lcall code_21F6 code:09FB mov DPTR, #0x300 code:09FE mov R1, #0x9D ; '' code:0A00 mov R0, #0xEC ; '' code:0A02 movx A, @R0 code:0A03 mov R4, A code:0A04 jnz code_A09 code:0A06 inc A code:0A07 sjmp code_A40 code:0A09 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0A09 code:0A09 code_A09: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-733Cj code:0A09 movx A, @R1 code:0A0A clr C code:0A0B rlc A code:0A0C mov R5, A code:0A0D clr C code:0A0E subb A, R4 code:0A0F jc code_A1B code:0A11 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0A13 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0A15 mov RAM_33, #3 code:0A18 ljmp code_7C9 code:0A1B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0A1B code:0A1B code_A1B: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7331j code:0A1B mov A, RAM_75 code:0A1D movx @DPTR, A code:0A1E inc R2 code:0A1F mul AB code:0A20 add A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0A22 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0A24 mov A, B ; B-Register code:0A26 addc A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0A28 mov DPH, A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0A2A mov A, R5 code:0A2B inc A code:0A2C clr C code:0A2D subb A, R4 code:0A2E jnz code_A35 code:0A30 movx @R1, A code:0A31 mov A, #5 code:0A33 sjmp code_A40 code:0A35 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0A35 code:0A35 code_A35: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7312j code:0A35 cjne A, #0xFF, code_A3B code:0A38 clr A code:0A39 sjmp code_A3D code:0A3B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0A3B code:0A3B code_A3B: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_A35j code:0A3B mov A, R0 code:0A3C inc A code:0A3D code:0A3D code_A3D: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7307j code:0A3D movx @R1, A code:0A3E mov A, #0xA code:0A40 code:0A40 code_A40: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7339j code:0A40 ; code_7D40-730Dj code:0A40 movx @R1, A code:0A41 mov A, #5 code:0A43 sjmp code_A50 code:0A43 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:0A45 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0A45 cjne A, #0xFF, code_A4B code:0A48 clr A code:0A49 sjmp code_A4D code:0A4B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0A4B code:0A4B code_A4B: ; CODE XREF: code:0A45j code:0A4B movx A, @R1 code:0A4C inc A code:0A4D code:0A4D code_A4D: ; CODE XREF: code:0A49j code:0A4D movx @R1, A code:0A4E mov A, #0xA code:0A50 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:0A50 code:0A50 code_A50: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-72FDj code:0A50 mov R5, A code:0A51 mov R2, A code:0A52 mov R0, #0xB4 ; '' code:0A54 code:0A54 code_A54: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-72E8j code:0A54 movx A, @DPTR code:0A55 movx @R0, A code:0A56 inc R0 code:0A57 inc DPTR code:0A58 djnz R2, code_A54 code:0A5A pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0A5C pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0A5E mov A, #3 code:0A60 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0A61 movx @R0, A code:0A62 ljmp code_80A code:0A62 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:0A65 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0A65 mov DPTR, #0x9F39 code:0A68 mov R0, #8 code:0A6A mov R1, #8 code:0A6C code:0A6C code_A6C: ; CODE XREF: code:0A71j code:0A6C clr A code:0A6D movc A, @A+DPTR code:0A6E mov @R0, A code:0A6F inc DPTR code:0A70 inc R0 code:0A71 djnz R1, code_A6C code:0A73 clr A code:0A74 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0A75 mov RAM_18, A code:0A77 mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0A7A mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0A7D mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:0A80 mov R1, #0xB1 ; '' code:0A82 mov A, #7 code:0A84 movx @R1, A code:0A85 inc R1 code:0A86 inc RAM_2E code:0A88 mov A, RAM_2E code:0A8A movx @R1, A code:0A8B inc R1 code:0A8C mov A, #0x11 code:0A8E movc A, @A+DPTR code:0A8F movx @R1, A code:0A90 inc R1 code:0A91 mov R0, #0xA4 ; '' code:0A93 movx A, @R0 code:0A94 mov R5, A code:0A95 inc R0 code:0A96 movx @R1, A code:0A97 inc R1 code:0A98 movx A, @R0 code:0A99 mov R7, A code:0A9A inc R0 code:0A9B movx A, @R0 code:0A9C mov R6, A code:0A9D cjne R6, #0x48, code_AAC ; 'H' code:0AA0 cjne R7, #0x9F, code_AAC ; '' code:0AA3 cjne R5, #6, code_AE9 code:0AA6 mov A, #0x24 ; '$' code:0AA8 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0AA9 mov R3, A code:0AAA sjmp code_ABD code:0AAC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0AAC code:0AAC code_AAC: ; CODE XREF: code:0A9Dj code:0AAC ; code:0AA0j code:0AAC cjne R6, #0x90, code_ABB ; '' code:0AAF cjne R7, #0x9F, code_ABB ; '' code:0AB2 cjne R5, #3, code_AE9 code:0AB5 mov A, #0x25 ; '%' code:0AB7 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0AB8 mov R3, A code:0AB9 sjmp code_ABD code:0ABB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0ABB code:0ABB code_ABB: ; CODE XREF: code:code_AACj code:0ABB ; code:0AAFj code:0ABB mov R3, #1 code:0ABD code:0ABD code_ABD: ; CODE XREF: code:0AAAj code:0ABD ; code:0AB9j code:0ABD mov DPH, R7 ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0ABF mov DPL, R6 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0AC1 mov RAM_6, R5 code:0AC3 mov R2, #0 code:0AC5 lcall code_AF2 code:0AC8 mov A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0ACA movx @R1, A code:0ACB inc R1 code:0ACC mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0ACE movx @R1, A code:0ACF cjne R3, #3, code_AD5 code:0AD2 mov A, R3 code:0AD3 sjmp code_AD9 code:0AD5 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0AD5 code:0AD5 code_AD5: ; CODE XREF: code:0ACFj code:0AD5 inc R0 code:0AD6 lcall code_21ED code:0AD9 code:0AD9 code_AD9: ; CODE XREF: code:0AD3j code:0AD9 ; code:0AF0j code:0AD9 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:0ADC mov R1, #0xB7 ; '' code:0ADE movx @R1, A code:0ADF inc R1 code:0AE0 mov A, #3 code:0AE2 movx @R1, A code:0AE3 mov RAM_34, #0 code:0AE6 ljmp code_80A code:0AE9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0AE9 code:0AE9 code_AE9: ; CODE XREF: code:0AA3j code:0AE9 ; code:0AB2j code:0AE9 mov A, R7 code:0AEA movx @R1, A code:0AEB inc R1 code:0AEC mov A, R6 code:0AED movx @R1, A code:0AEE mov A, #4 code:0AF0 sjmp code_AD9 code:0AF2 code:0AF2 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0AF2 code:0AF2 code:0AF2 code_AF2: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7458p code:0AF2 ; code_7D40-7424p ... code:0AF2 mov R7, #0 code:0AF4 code:0AF4 code_AF4: ; CODE XREF: code_AF2+Aj code:0AF4 clr A code:0AF5 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0AF6 cjne A, #0xFF, code_B0D code:0AF9 inc R7 code:0AFA inc DPTR code:0AFB mov A, R7 code:0AFC cjne A, RAM_6, code_AF4 code:0AFF clr C code:0B00 mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0B02 subb A, RAM_6 code:0B04 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0B06 jnc code_B0A code:0B08 dec DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0B0A code:0B0A code_B0A: ; CODE XREF: code_AF2+14j code:0B0A mov R3, #0 code:0B0C ret code:0B0D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0B0D code:0B0D code_B0D: ; CODE XREF: code_AF2+4j code:0B0D clr C code:0B0E mov A, RAM_6 code:0B10 subb A, R7 code:0B11 add A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0B13 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0B15 jnc code_B19 code:0B17 inc DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0B19 code:0B19 code_B19: ; CODE XREF: code_AF2+23j code:0B19 inc R2 code:0B1A mov A, R2 code:0B1B cjne A, RAM_3, code_AF2 code:0B1E mov R3, #3 code:0B20 ret code:0B20 ; End of function code_AF2 code:0B20 code:0B21 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0B21 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:0B21 code:0B21 code_B21: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-766Dj code:0B21 ; code_7D40:code_6F0j ... code:0B21 mov R1, #0x2E ; '.' code:0B23 mov R0, #0x95 ; '' code:0B25 mov R5, #8 code:0B27 lcall code_67C code:0B2A jnb F0, code_B42 ; Program Status Word Register code:0B2D mov A, #0x3C ; '<' code:0B2F code:0B2F code_B2F: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7210j code:0B2F dec A code:0B30 jnz code_B2F code:0B32 jb RAM_29.2, code_B3A code:0B35 mov SCON, #0x90 ; '' ; Serial Channel Control Register code:0B38 sjmp code_B3D code:0B3A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0B3A code:0B3A code_B3A: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-720Ej code:0B3A mov SCON, #0x68 ; 'h' ; Serial Channel Control Register code:0B3D code:0B3D code_B3D: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7208j code:0B3D mov SBUF, RAM_35 ; Serial Channel Buffer Register code:0B40 setb ES ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:0B42 code:0B42 code_B42: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7216j code:0B42 ; code_7D40-C4Dj ... code:0B42 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0B44 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0B46 pop RAM_5 code:0B48 pop RAM_0 code:0B4A ret code:0B4A ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:0B4B code:0B4B ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0B4B code:0B4B code:0B4B code_B4B: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_74Ap code:0B4B ; code_7D40:code_79Ep ... code:0B4B code:0B4B ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:20EB SIZE 00000003 BYTES code:0B4B ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:210C SIZE 0000000C BYTES code:0B4B ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:21C6 SIZE 00000003 BYTES code:0B4B ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:21F0 SIZE 00000003 BYTES code:0B4B ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:5B00 SIZE 000003BD BYTES code:0B4B ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:5F3A SIZE 00000112 BYTES code:0B4B ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:7833 SIZE 00000127 BYTES code:0B4B ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:839A SIZE 00000038 BYTES code:0B4B code:0B4B lcall code_21F3 code:0B4E mov A, RAM_3B code:0B50 jnz code_B5B code:0B52 mov R0, #0x81 ; '' code:0B54 movx A, @R0 code:0B55 cjne A, #1, code_B5B code:0B58 ljmp code_21F0 code:0B5B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0B5B code:0B5B code_B5B: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5j code:0B5B ; code_B4B+Aj code:0B5B mov PCON, #0 ; Power Control Register code:0B5E mov SCON, #0x90 ; '' ; Serial Channel Control Register code:0B61 clr ES ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:0B63 clr RAM_29.2 code:0B65 setb TxD ; Port 3 code:0B67 ret code:0B67 ; End of function code_B4B code:0B67 code:0B68 code:0B68 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0B68 code:0B68 code:0B68 RI_TI_0_0: ; CODE XREF: RI_TI_0j code:0B68 clr ES ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:0B6A mov SCON, #10010000b ; Serial Channel Control Register code:0B6D jnb RAM_29.2, code_B73 code:0B70 mov SCON, #11111010b ; Serial Channel Control Register code:0B73 code:0B73 code_B73: ; CODE XREF: RI_TI_0_0+5j code:0B73 reti code:0B73 ; End of function RI_TI_0_0 code:0B73 code:0B74 code:0B74 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0B74 code:0B74 code:0B74 code_B74: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E+9Fp code:0B74 mov R1, #0x94 ; '' code:0B76 mov R4, #9 code:0B78 code:0B78 code_B78: ; CODE XREF: code_B74+7j code:0B78 inc R1 code:0B79 clr A code:0B7A movx @R1, A code:0B7B djnz R4, code_B78 code:0B7D mov R1, #0x99 ; '' code:0B7F mov A, #0x13 code:0B81 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0B82 inc A code:0B83 movx @R1, A code:0B84 mov R1, #0x9E ; '' code:0B86 mov A, #0x14 code:0B88 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0B89 movx @R1, A code:0B8A inc R1 code:0B8B mov A, #0x15 code:0B8D movc A, @A+DPTR code:0B8E movx @R1, A code:0B8F inc R1 code:0B90 movx @R1, A code:0B91 ret code:0B91 ; End of function code_B74 code:0B91 code:0B92 code:0B92 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0B92 code:0B92 code:0B92 code_B92: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7443p code:0B92 ; code_7D40-743Ep ... code:0B92 mov R1, #2 code:0B94 mov B, #3 ; B-Register code:0B97 code:0B97 code_B97: ; CODE XREF: code_B92+Aj code:0B97 clr A code:0B98 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0B99 mov @R1, A code:0B9A inc R1 code:0B9B inc DPTR code:0B9C djnz B, code_B97 ; B-Register code:0B9F mov R6, #0 code:0BA1 mov A, R2 code:0BA2 xrl A, R3 code:0BA3 jnz code_BA9 code:0BA5 mov R1, #2 code:0BA7 mov R6, #1 code:0BA9 code:0BA9 code_BA9: ; CODE XREF: code_B92+11j code:0BA9 mov A, R3 code:0BAA xrl A, R4 code:0BAB jnz code_BB6 code:0BAD mov A, R6 code:0BAE add A, #1 code:0BB0 mov R6, A code:0BB1 cjne R6, #1, code_BB6 code:0BB4 mov R1, #3 code:0BB6 code:0BB6 code_BB6: ; CODE XREF: code_B92+19j code:0BB6 ; code_B92+1Fj code:0BB6 mov A, R4 code:0BB7 xrl A, R2 code:0BB8 jnz code_BC5 code:0BBA mov A, R6 code:0BBB add A, #1 code:0BBD mov R6, A code:0BBE cjne R6, #1, code_BCA code:0BC1 mov R1, #4 code:0BC3 sjmp code_BCA code:0BC5 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0BC5 code:0BC5 code_BC5: ; CODE XREF: code_B92+26j code:0BC5 cjne R6, #0, code_BCA code:0BC8 mov R1, #5 code:0BCA code:0BCA code_BCA: ; CODE XREF: code_B92+2Cj code:0BCA ; code_B92+31j ... code:0BCA mov A, @R1 code:0BCB ret code:0BCB ; End of function code_B92 code:0BCB code:0BCC code:0BCC ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0BCC code:0BCC code:0BCC code_BCC: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2+ACp code:0BCC ; code_7D40+4BEp code:0BCC push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0BCE push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0BD0 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:0BD3 mov R0, #0xEC ; '' code:0BD5 movx A, @R0 code:0BD6 jz code_BF7 code:0BD8 mov B, A ; B-Register code:0BDA clr A code:0BDB mov DPTR, #0x300 code:0BDE code:0BDE code_BDE: ; CODE XREF: code_BCC+18j code:0BDE mov R0, #5 code:0BE0 code:0BE0 code_BE0: ; CODE XREF: code_BCC+16j code:0BE0 movx @DPTR, A code:0BE1 inc DPTR code:0BE2 djnz R0, code_BE0 code:0BE4 djnz B, code_BDE ; B-Register code:0BE7 mov R0, #0xF2 ; '' code:0BE9 code:0BE9 code_BE9: ; CODE XREF: code_BCC+1Fj code:0BE9 dec R0 code:0BEA movx @R0, A code:0BEB cjne R0, #0xE9, code_BE9 ; '' code:0BEE mov R0, #0xF2 ; '' code:0BF0 mov A, #3 code:0BF2 movx @R0, A code:0BF3 inc R0 code:0BF4 mov A, #0 code:0BF6 movx @R0, A code:0BF7 code:0BF7 code_BF7: ; CODE XREF: code_BCC+Aj code:0BF7 clr A code:0BF8 mov R0, #0xC8 ; '' code:0BFA movx @R0, A code:0BFB inc R0 code:0BFC movx @R0, A code:0BFD inc R0 code:0BFE movx @R0, A code:0BFF inc R0 code:0C00 movx @R0, A code:0C01 mov R2, #8 code:0C03 mov R0, #0xCC ; '' code:0C05 code:0C05 code_C05: ; CODE XREF: code_BCC+3Bj code:0C05 inc R0 code:0C06 movx @R0, A code:0C07 djnz R2, code_C05 code:0C09 mov R2, #3 code:0C0B mov R0, #0xD6 ; '' code:0C0D code:0C0D code_C0D: ; CODE XREF: code_BCC+43j code:0C0D inc R0 code:0C0E movx @R0, A code:0C0F djnz R2, code_C0D code:0C11 mov R0, #0x2F ; '/' code:0C13 movx @R0, A code:0C14 mov R0, #0xE1 ; '' code:0C16 dec A code:0C17 movx @R0, A code:0C18 mov R0, #0xC2 ; '' code:0C1A movx A, @R0 code:0C1B clr ACC2 ; Accumulator code:0C1D movx @R0, A code:0C1E pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0C20 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0C22 ret code:0C22 ; End of function code_BCC code:0C22 code:0C23 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0C23 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_21DE code:0C23 code:0C23 code_C23: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE:code_6DB9j code:0C23 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:0C26 mov R0, #0x40 ; '@' code:0C28 mov R1, #0x2E ; '.' code:0C2A mov R5, #8 code:0C2C code:0C2C code_C2C: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-15AEj code:0C2C movx A, @R0 code:0C2D mov @R1, A code:0C2E inc R0 code:0C2F inc R1 code:0C30 djnz R5, code_C2C code:0C32 jnb RAM_28.0, code_C38 code:0C35 lcall code_D59 code:0C38 code:0C38 code_C38: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-15ACj code:0C38 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:0C3B mov R0, #0x50 ; 'P' code:0C3D movx A, @R0 code:0C3E cpl A code:0C3F cjne A, RAM_34, code_C54 code:0C42 mov A, #8 code:0C44 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0C45 cjne A, RAM_34, code_C48 code:0C48 code:0C48 code_C48: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-1599j code:0C48 jnc code_C54 code:0C4A mov A, #1 code:0C4C movc A, @A+DPTR code:0C4D cjne A, RAM_34, code_C50 code:0C50 code:0C50 code_C50: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-1591j code:0C50 jc code_C54 code:0C52 sjmp code_C59 code:0C54 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0C54 code:0C54 code_C54: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-159Fj code:0C54 ; code_21DE:code_C48j ... code:0C54 mov A, #1 code:0C56 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0C57 mov RAM_34, A code:0C59 code:0C59 code_C59: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-158Cj code:0C59 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0C5B push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0C5D code:0C5D code_C5D: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-1579j code:0C5D setb RAM_25.2 code:0C5F mov DPTR, #0xBE04 code:0C62 lcall code_21EA code:0C65 jnb RAM_25.2, code_C5D code:0C68 mov RAM_2F, A code:0C6A pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0C6C pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0C6E mov A, #7 code:0C70 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0C71 clr C code:0C72 subb A, RAM_2F code:0C74 jnc code_C91 code:0C76 setb RAM_2E.0 code:0C78 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:0C7B lcall code_1247 code:0C7E lcall code_220E code:0C81 lcall code_2211 code:0C84 mov A, #0xA code:0C86 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:0C89 mov R0, #0x4A ; 'J' code:0C8B movx @R0, A code:0C8C mov A, #9 code:0C8E movc A, @A+DPTR code:0C8F mov RAM_2F, A code:0C91 code:0C91 code_C91: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-156Aj code:0C91 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0C93 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0C95 mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0C98 mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0C9B mov A, #0x4A ; 'J' code:0C9D movc A, @A+DPTR code:0C9E mov B, A ; B-Register code:0CA0 mov R6, RAM_3B code:0CA2 mov R7, RAM_38 code:0CA4 clr A code:0CA5 setb ACC0 ; Accumulator code:0CA7 setb ACC4 ; Accumulator code:0CA9 mov R2, A code:0CAA mov C, RAM_2E.0 code:0CAC lcall code_EFF code:0CAF pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0CB1 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0CB3 mov A, #8 code:0CB5 movc A, @A+PC code:0CB6 dec A code:0CB7 clr C code:0CB8 subb A, RAM_2F code:0CBA cpl C code:0CBB jnc code_CD8 code:0CBD setb RAM_2E.0 code:0CBF mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:0CC2 lcall code_1247 code:0CC5 lcall code_220E code:0CC8 lcall code_2211 code:0CCB mov A, #0xA code:0CCD mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:0CD0 mov R0, #0x4A ; 'J' code:0CD2 movx @R0, A code:0CD3 mov A, #9 code:0CD5 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0CD6 mov RAM_2F, A code:0CD8 code:0CD8 code_CD8: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-1523j code:0CD8 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0CDA push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0CDC mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0CDF mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0CE2 mov A, #0x4A ; 'J' code:0CE4 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0CE5 mov B, A ; B-Register code:0CE7 mov R6, RAM_3B code:0CE9 mov R7, RAM_38 code:0CEB clr A code:0CEC setb ACC1 ; Accumulator code:0CEE setb ACC4 ; Accumulator code:0CF0 mov R2, A code:0CF1 mov C, RAM_2E.0 code:0CF3 lcall code_EFF code:0CF6 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0CF8 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0CFA mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:0CFD mov R0, #0x4A ; 'J' code:0CFF movx A, @R0 code:0D00 jz code_D06 code:0D02 dec A code:0D03 movx @R0, A code:0D04 sjmp code_D08 code:0D06 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0D06 code:0D06 code_D06: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-14DEj code:0D06 clr RAM_2E.0 code:0D08 code:0D08 code_D08: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-14DAj code:0D08 mov A, RAM_2F code:0D0A clr C code:0D0B subb A, RAM_34 code:0D0D jnc code_D10 code:0D0F clr A code:0D10 code:0D10 code_D10: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-14D1j code:0D10 mov RAM_30, A code:0D12 ljmp code_2208 code:0D15 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0D15 code:0D15 code_D15: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE:code_6E9Ej code:0D15 jb RAM_25.6, code_D23 code:0D18 mov R2, #2 code:0D1A lcall code_400 code:0D1D mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:0D20 mov R0, #0x4B ; 'K' code:0D22 movx @R0, A code:0D23 code:0D23 code_D23: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE:code_D15j code:0D23 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:0D26 mov R0, #0x49 ; 'I' code:0D28 movx A, @R0 code:0D29 dec A code:0D2A jnz code_D2E code:0D2C mov A, #0xB code:0D2E code:0D2E code_D2E: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-14B4j code:0D2E movx @R0, A code:0D2F cjne A, #0xA, code_D3D code:0D32 lcall code_D93 code:0D35 lcall code_E32 code:0D38 lcall code_E49 code:0D3B sjmp code_D46 code:0D3D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0D3D code:0D3D code_D3D: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-14AFj code:0D3D cjne A, #5, code_D46 code:0D40 lcall code_E6A code:0D43 lcall code_220B code:0D46 code:0D46 code_D46: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-14A3j code:0D46 ; code_21DE:code_D3Dj code:0D46 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:0D49 mov R0, #0x40 ; '@' code:0D4B mov R1, #0x2E ; '.' code:0D4D mov R5, #8 code:0D4F code:0D4F code_D4F: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-148Bj code:0D4F mov A, @R1 code:0D50 movx @R0, A code:0D51 inc R0 code:0D52 inc R1 code:0D53 djnz R5, code_D4F code:0D55 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:0D58 ret code:0D58 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_21DE code:0D59 code:0D59 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0D59 code:0D59 code:0D59 code_D59: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-15A9p code:0D59 mov A, #1 code:0D5B movc A, @A+DPTR code:0D5C mov B, A ; B-Register code:0D5E mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:0D61 mov R0, #0x5B ; '[' code:0D63 movx A, @R0 code:0D64 jnz code_D69 code:0D66 mov RAM_34, B ; B-Register code:0D69 code:0D69 code_D69: ; CODE XREF: code_D59+Bj code:0D69 mov A, B ; B-Register code:0D6B cjne A, RAM_34, code_D6E code:0D6E code:0D6E code_D6E: ; CODE XREF: code_D59+12j code:0D6E jnc code_D72 code:0D70 mov RAM_34, A code:0D72 code:0D72 code_D72: ; CODE XREF: code_D59:code_D6Ej code:0D72 mov A, #8 code:0D74 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0D75 jz code_D80 code:0D77 dec A code:0D78 cjne A, RAM_34, code_D7B code:0D7B code:0D7B code_D7B: ; CODE XREF: code_D59+1Fj code:0D7B jc code_D80 code:0D7D mov RAM_34, B ; B-Register code:0D80 code:0D80 code_D80: ; CODE XREF: code_D59+1Cj code:0D80 ; code_D59:code_D7Bj code:0D80 mov RAM_2E, #0 code:0D83 mov C, RAM_28.1 code:0D85 mov RAM_2E.2, C code:0D87 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:0D8A mov R0, #0x49 ; 'I' code:0D8C mov A, #0xB code:0D8E movx @R0, A code:0D8F mov RAM_33, RAM_34 code:0D92 ret code:0D92 ; End of function code_D59 code:0D92 code:0D93 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0D93 code:0D93 code_D93: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-14ACp code:0D93 jnb RAM_2E.0, code_D98+1 code:0D96 rr A code:0D97 inc R6 code:0D98 code:0D98 code_D98: ; CODE XREF: code:code_D93j code:0D98 acall code_920 code:0D9A orl A, RAM_3 code:0D9C ljmp code_E31 code:0D9F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0D9F mov A, RAM_36 code:0DA1 cjne A, #0x75, code_DA4 ; 'u' code:0DA4 code:0DA4 code_DA4: ; CODE XREF: code:0DA1j code:0DA4 jnc code_DA9 code:0DA6 ljmp code_E31 code:0DA9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0DA9 code:0DA9 code_DA9: ; CODE XREF: code:code_DA4j code:0DA9 clr C code:0DAA mov R0, #0x35 ; '5' code:0DAC mov A, #0x80 ; '' code:0DAE subb A, @R0 code:0DAF mov B, A ; B-Register code:0DB1 dec R0 code:0DB2 mov A, RAM_2F code:0DB4 subb A, @R0 code:0DB5 mov F0, C ; Program Status Word Register code:0DB7 jnc code_DC3 code:0DB9 xch A, B ; B-Register code:0DBB cpl A code:0DBC add A, #1 code:0DBE xch A, B ; B-Register code:0DC0 cpl A code:0DC1 addc A, #0 code:0DC3 code:0DC3 code_DC3: ; CODE XREF: code:0DB7j code:0DC3 mov R7, A code:0DC4 mov R6, B ; B-Register code:0DC6 mov A, #0 code:0DC8 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0DC9 lcall code_54E code:0DCC mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:0DCF mov R1, #0x48 ; 'H' code:0DD1 movx A, @R1 code:0DD2 jb F0, code_DFD ; Program Status Word Register code:0DD5 add A, R5 code:0DD6 movx @R1, A code:0DD7 inc R0 code:0DD8 mov A, R6 code:0DD9 addc A, @R0 code:0DDA mov @R0, A code:0DDB dec R0 code:0DDC mov A, R7 code:0DDD addc A, @R0 code:0DDE mov @R0, A code:0DDF jc code_DF4 code:0DE1 cjne A, RAM_2F, code_DE4 code:0DE4 code:0DE4 code_DE4: ; CODE XREF: code:0DE1j code:0DE4 jc code_E28 code:0DE6 mov RAM_34, RAM_2F code:0DE9 inc R0 code:0DEA mov A, @R0 code:0DEB cjne A, #0x80, code_DEE ; '' code:0DEE code:0DEE code_DEE: ; CODE XREF: code:0DEBj code:0DEE jc code_E28 code:0DF0 mov @R0, #0x80 ; '' code:0DF2 sjmp code_E28 code:0DF4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0DF4 code:0DF4 code_DF4: ; CODE XREF: code:0DDFj code:0DF4 mov A, #0xFF code:0DF6 mov @R0, A code:0DF7 inc R0 code:0DF8 mov A, #0x80 ; '' code:0DFA mov @R0, A code:0DFB sjmp code_E28 code:0DFD ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0DFD code:0DFD code_DFD: ; CODE XREF: code:0DD2j code:0DFD clr C code:0DFE subb A, R5 code:0DFF movx @R1, A code:0E00 mov A, R6 code:0E01 inc R0 code:0E02 xch A, @R0 code:0E03 subb A, @R0 code:0E04 mov @R0, A code:0E05 dec R0 code:0E06 mov A, R7 code:0E07 xch A, @R0 code:0E08 subb A, @R0 code:0E09 mov @R0, A code:0E0A jc code_E22 code:0E0C mov A, RAM_2F code:0E0E cjne A, RAM_34, code_E11 code:0E11 code:0E11 code_E11: ; CODE XREF: code:0E0Ej code:0E11 jc code_E28 code:0E13 mov RAM_34, RAM_2F code:0E16 mov A, #0x80 ; '' code:0E18 cjne A, RAM_35, code_E1B code:0E1B code:0E1B code_E1B: ; CODE XREF: code:0E18j code:0E1B jc code_E28 code:0E1D mov RAM_35, #0x80 ; '' code:0E20 sjmp code_E28 code:0E22 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0E22 code:0E22 code_E22: ; CODE XREF: code:0E0Aj code:0E22 clr A code:0E23 mov @R0, A code:0E24 inc R0 code:0E25 mov A, #0x80 ; '' code:0E27 mov @R0, A code:0E28 code:0E28 code_E28: ; CODE XREF: code:code_DE4j code:0E28 ; code:code_DEEj ... code:0E28 mov A, RAM_34 code:0E2A cpl A code:0E2B mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:0E2E mov R1, #0x50 ; 'P' code:0E30 movx @R1, A code:0E31 code:0E31 code_E31: ; CODE XREF: code:0D9Cj code:0E31 ; code:0DA6j code:0E31 ret code:0E32 code:0E32 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0E32 code:0E32 code:0E32 code_E32: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-14A9p code:0E32 mov A, RAM_34 code:0E34 cjne A, RAM_33, code_E37 code:0E37 code:0E37 code_E37: ; CODE XREF: code_E32+2j code:0E37 jnc code_E3C code:0E39 mov RAM_33, RAM_34 code:0E3C code:0E3C code_E3C: ; CODE XREF: code_E32:code_E37j code:0E3C mov A, #2 code:0E3E movc A, @A+DPTR code:0E3F add A, RAM_33 code:0E41 cjne A, RAM_34, code_E44 code:0E44 code:0E44 code_E44: ; CODE XREF: code_E32+Fj code:0E44 jnc code_E48 code:0E46 mov RAM_34, A code:0E48 code:0E48 code_E48: ; CODE XREF: code_E32:code_E44j code:0E48 ret code:0E48 ; End of function code_E32 code:0E48 code:0E49 code:0E49 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0E49 code:0E49 code:0E49 code_E49: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-14A6p code:0E49 jb RAM_28.1, code_E5B code:0E4C jnb RAM_2E.2, code_E5B code:0E4F jb RAM_28.5, code_E58 code:0E52 mov A, RAM_34 code:0E54 add A, #3 code:0E56 mov RAM_34, A code:0E58 code:0E58 code_E58: ; CODE XREF: code_E49+6j code:0E58 mov RAM_33, RAM_34 code:0E5B code:0E5B code_E5B: ; CODE XREF: code_E49j code:0E5B ; code_E49+3j code:0E5B mov A, #1 code:0E5D movc A, @A+DPTR code:0E5E cjne A, RAM_34, code_E61 code:0E61 code:0E61 code_E61: ; CODE XREF: code_E49+15j code:0E61 jnc code_E65 code:0E63 mov RAM_34, A code:0E65 code:0E65 code_E65: ; CODE XREF: code_E49:code_E61j code:0E65 mov C, RAM_28.1 code:0E67 mov RAM_2E.2, C code:0E69 ret code:0E69 ; End of function code_E49 code:0E69 code:0E6A code:0E6A ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0E6A code:0E6A code:0E6A code_E6A: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-149Ep code:0E6A mov R2, #0 code:0E6C lcall code_400 code:0E6F mov RAM_31, A code:0E71 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:0E74 mov R0, #0xCB ; '' code:0E76 movx A, @R0 code:0E77 mov C, ACC0 ; Accumulator code:0E79 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:0E7C mov R0, #0xCA ; '' code:0E7E movx A, @R0 code:0E7F orl C, ACC0 ; Accumulator code:0E81 jnc code_E8E code:0E83 mov A, #3 code:0E85 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0E86 add A, RAM_31 code:0E88 jnc code_E8C code:0E8A mov A, #0xFF code:0E8C code:0E8C code_E8C: ; CODE XREF: code_E6A+1Ej code:0E8C mov RAM_31, A code:0E8E code:0E8E code_E8E: ; CODE XREF: code_E6A+17j code:0E8E lcall code_400 code:0E91 mov RAM_32, A code:0E93 ret code:0E93 ; End of function code_E6A code:0E93 code:0E94 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0E94 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_822A code:0E94 code:0E94 code_E94: ; CODE XREF: code_822A:code_823Ej code:0E94 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0E96 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0E98 push RAM_3 code:0E9A mov R3, A code:0E9B inc R0 code:0E9C movx A, @R0 code:0E9D jz code_EB9 code:0E9F cjne A, B, code_EA4 ; B-Register code:0EA2 sjmp code_EEC code:0EA4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0EA4 code:0EA4 code_EA4: ; CODE XREF: code_822A-738Bj code:0EA4 mov R0, #0xF2 ; '' code:0EA6 movx A, @R0 code:0EA7 mov DPH, A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0EA9 inc R0 code:0EAA movx A, @R0 code:0EAB mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0EAD mov R0, #0xED ; '' code:0EAF mov R1, #5 code:0EB1 code:0EB1 code_EB1: ; CODE XREF: code_822A-7375j code:0EB1 movx A, @R0 code:0EB2 movx @DPTR, A code:0EB3 inc DPTR code:0EB4 inc R0 code:0EB5 djnz R1, code_EB1 code:0EB7 sjmp code_EC0 code:0EB9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0EB9 code:0EB9 code_EB9: ; CODE XREF: code_822A-738Dj code:0EB9 inc R0 code:0EBA movx A, @R0 code:0EBB cjne A, B, code_EC0 ; B-Register code:0EBE sjmp code_EF5 code:0EC0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0EC0 code:0EC0 code_EC0: ; CODE XREF: code_822A-7373j code:0EC0 ; code_822A-736Fj code:0EC0 mov DPTR, #0x300 code:0EC3 code:0EC3 code_EC3: ; CODE XREF: code_822A-7356j code:0EC3 movx A, @DPTR code:0EC4 cjne A, B, code_EC9 ; B-Register code:0EC7 sjmp code_ED6 code:0EC9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0EC9 code:0EC9 code_EC9: ; CODE XREF: code_822A-7366j code:0EC9 mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0ECB add A, #5 code:0ECD mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0ECF clr A code:0ED0 addc A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0ED2 mov DPH, A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0ED4 djnz R3, code_EC3 code:0ED6 code:0ED6 code_ED6: ; CODE XREF: code_822A-7363j code:0ED6 mov R0, #0xF2 ; '' code:0ED8 mov A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0EDA movx @R0, A code:0EDB inc R0 code:0EDC mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0EDE movx @R0, A code:0EDF mov R0, #0xED ; '' code:0EE1 mov R1, #5 code:0EE3 mov A, R3 code:0EE4 jz code_EEF code:0EE6 code:0EE6 code_EE6: ; CODE XREF: code_822A-7340j code:0EE6 movx A, @DPTR code:0EE7 movx @R0, A code:0EE8 inc DPTR code:0EE9 inc R0 code:0EEA djnz R1, code_EE6 code:0EEC code:0EEC code_EEC: ; CODE XREF: code_822A-7388j code:0EEC setb C code:0EED sjmp code_EF6 code:0EEF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0EEF code:0EEF code_EEF: ; CODE XREF: code_822A-7346j code:0EEF clr A code:0EF0 movx @R0, A code:0EF1 inc R0 code:0EF2 mov A, B ; B-Register code:0EF4 movx @R0, A code:0EF5 code:0EF5 code_EF5: ; CODE XREF: code_822A-736Cj code:0EF5 clr C code:0EF6 code:0EF6 code_EF6: ; CODE XREF: code_822A-733Dj code:0EF6 pop RAM_3 code:0EF8 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0EFA pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0EFC mov R0, #0xED ; '' code:0EFE ret code:0EFE ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_822A code:0EFF code:0EFF ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0EFF code:0EFF code:0EFF code_EFF: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-1532p code:0EFF ; code_21DE-14EBp ... code:0EFF code:0EFF ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:0805 SIZE 00000005 BYTES code:0EFF ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:0812 SIZE 00000017 BYTES code:0EFF ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:0853 SIZE 00000062 BYTES code:0EFF ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:223E SIZE 0000000C BYTES code:0EFF code:0EFF mov F0, C ; Program Status Word Register code:0F01 jb RAM_28.0, code_F0C code:0F04 jb RAM_2A.3, code_F0C code:0F07 mov A, B ; B-Register code:0F09 cjne A, #0xFF, code_F0F code:0F0C code:0F0C code_F0C: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+2j code:0F0C ; code_EFF+5j code:0F0C ljmp code_FE6 code:0F0F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0F0F code:0F0F code_F0F: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+Aj code:0F0F mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0F12 mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0F15 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:0F18 jb F0, code_F1E ; Program Status Word Register code:0F1B ljmp code_F93 code:0F1E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0F1E code:0F1E code_F1E: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+19j code:0F1E lcall code_21F6 code:0F21 jc code_F6C code:0F23 mov R1, #0xEC ; '' code:0F25 movx A, @R1 code:0F26 cjne A, #0x33, code_F29 ; '3' code:0F29 code:0F29 code_F29: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+27j code:0F29 jc code_F2F code:0F2B nop code:0F2C ljmp code_FE6 code:0F2F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0F2F code:0F2F code_F2F: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF:code_F29j code:0F2F inc A code:0F30 movx @R1, A code:0F31 mov A, B ; B-Register code:0F33 movx @R0, A code:0F34 inc R0 code:0F35 ljmp code_223E code:0F38 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0F38 code:0F38 code_F38: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+1342j code:0F38 mov R1, #0 code:0F3A code:0F3A code_F3A: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF:code_F42j code:0F3A inc R1 code:0F3B mov A, R1 code:0F3C movc A, @A+DPTR code:0F3D cjne R1, #0, code_F42 code:0F40 sjmp code_F45 code:0F42 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0F42 code:0F42 code_F42: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+3Ej code:0F42 cjne A, B, code_F3A ; B-Register code:0F45 code:0F45 code_F45: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+41j code:0F45 mov A, R1 code:0F46 ljmp code_2244 code:0F49 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0F49 code:0F49 code_F49: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+1348j code:0F49 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0F4A mov C, ACC0 ; Accumulator code:0F4C mov A, R2 code:0F4D mov ACC4, C ; Accumulator code:0F4F setb ACC6 ; Accumulator code:0F51 movx @R0, A code:0F52 inc R0 code:0F53 mov A, R6 code:0F54 movx @R0, A code:0F55 inc R0 code:0F56 mov A, R7 code:0F57 movx @R0, A code:0F58 inc R0 code:0F59 mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0F5C mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0F5F mov A, #0x78 ; 'x' code:0F61 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0F62 movx @R0, A code:0F63 mov R0, #0xC6 ; '' code:0F65 mov A, #0x74 ; 't' code:0F67 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0F68 movx @R0, A code:0F69 ljmp code_FE6 code:0F6C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0F6C code:0F6C code_F6C: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+22j code:0F6C inc R0 code:0F6D movx A, @R0 code:0F6E anl A, #0xF code:0F70 mov RAM_1, R2 code:0F72 xch A, R1 code:0F73 anl A, #0xF code:0F75 cjne A, RAM_1, code_F7A code:0F78 sjmp code_F82 code:0F7A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0F7A code:0F7A code_F7A: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+76j code:0F7A movx A, @R0 code:0F7B jb ACC6, code_FE6 ; Accumulator code:0F7E anl A, #0xF0 code:0F80 orl A, R2 code:0F81 movx @R0, A code:0F82 code:0F82 code_F82: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+79j code:0F82 movx A, @R0 code:0F83 setb ACC6 ; Accumulator code:0F85 jb ACC5, code_F90 ; Accumulator code:0F88 mov R1, #0xC6 ; '' code:0F8A movx A, @R1 code:0F8B jnz code_F91 code:0F8D movx A, @R0 code:0F8E setb ACC5 ; Accumulator code:0F90 code:0F90 code_F90: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+86j code:0F90 movx @R0, A code:0F91 code:0F91 code_F91: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+8Cj code:0F91 sjmp code_FE6 code:0F93 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0F93 code:0F93 code_F93: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+1Cj code:0F93 lcall code_21F6 code:0F96 jnc code_FE6 code:0F98 inc R0 code:0F99 movx A, @R0 code:0F9A anl A, #0xF code:0F9C div AB code:0F9D ajmp code_853 code:0F9F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0F9F ajmp code_80F code:0FA1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0FA1 cjne A, RAM_1, code_FA6 code:0FA4 sjmp code_FAE code:0FA6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0FA6 code:0FA6 code_FA6: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+A2j code:0FA6 cjne A, #9, code_FA9 code:0FA9 code:0FA9 code_FA9: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF:code_FA6j code:0FA9 jnc code_FE6 code:0FAB cjne R1, #0, code_FE6 code:0FAE code:0FAE code_FAE: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+A5j code:0FAE movx A, @R0 code:0FAF jnb ACC5, code_FE3 ; Accumulator code:0FB2 jnb ACC6, code_FE6 ; Accumulator code:0FB5 setb ACC7 ; Accumulator code:0FB7 clr ACC6 ; Accumulator code:0FB9 movx @R0, A code:0FBA mov A, #0xEC ; '' code:0FBC add A, #5 code:0FBE mov R0, A code:0FBF mov A, #0x79 ; 'y' code:0FC1 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0FC2 push B ; B-Register code:0FC4 mov B, A ; B-Register code:0FC6 movx A, @R0 code:0FC7 cjne A, B, code_FCA ; B-Register code:0FCA code:0FCA code_FCA: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+C8j code:0FCA pop B ; B-Register code:0FCC jnc code_FE6 code:0FCE add A, #1 code:0FD0 push B ; B-Register code:0FD2 mov B, A ; B-Register code:0FD4 mov A, #0x78 ; 'x' code:0FD6 movc A, @A+DPTR code:0FD7 cjne A, B, code_FDA ; B-Register code:0FDA code:0FDA code_FDA: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+D8j code:0FDA jnc code_FDE code:0FDC mov A, B ; B-Register code:0FDE code:0FDE code_FDE: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF:code_FDAj code:0FDE pop B ; B-Register code:0FE0 movx @R0, A code:0FE1 sjmp code_FE6 code:0FE3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:0FE3 code:0FE3 code_FE3: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+B0j code:0FE3 lcall code_FE7 code:0FE6 code:0FE6 code_FE6: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF:code_F0Cj code:0FE6 ; code_EFF+2Dj ... code:0FE6 ret code:0FE6 ; End of function code_EFF code:0FE6 code:0FE7 code:0FE7 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:0FE7 code:0FE7 code:0FE7 code_FE7: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF:code_FE3p code:0FE7 ; code_216C-6A1p ... code:0FE7 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:0FE9 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:0FEB push B ; B-Register code:0FED mov R1, #0xEC ; '' code:0FEF movx A, @R1 code:0FF0 dec A code:0FF1 movx @R1, A code:0FF2 mov B, #5 ; B-Register code:0FF5 mul AB code:0FF6 add A, #0 code:0FF8 mov R4, A code:0FF9 mov A, #3 code:0FFB addc A, B ; B-Register code:0FFD mov R5, A code:0FFE mov R0, #0xF2 ; '' code:1000 movx A, @R0 code:1001 mov DPH, A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:1003 mov R1, A code:1004 inc R0 code:1005 movx A, @R0 code:1006 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:1008 add A, #5 code:100A mov R0, A code:100B code:100B code_100B: ; CODE XREF: code_FE7+3Aj code:100B jnc code_100E code:100D inc R1 code:100E code:100E code_100E: ; CODE XREF: code_FE7:code_100Bj code:100E mov A, R4 code:100F cjne A, DPL, code_1018 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:1012 mov A, R5 code:1013 cjne A, DPH, code_1018 ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:1016 sjmp code_1023 code:1018 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1018 code:1018 code_1018: ; CODE XREF: code_FE7+28j code:1018 ; code_FE7+2Cj code:1018 mov P2, R1 ; Port 2 code:101A movx A, @R0 code:101B movx @DPTR, A code:101C inc DPTR code:101D mov A, R0 code:101E add A, #1 code:1020 mov R0, A code:1021 sjmp code_100B code:1023 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1023 code:1023 code_1023: ; CODE XREF: code_FE7+2Fj code:1023 mov R4, #5 code:1025 clr A code:1026 code:1026 code_1026: ; CODE XREF: code_FE7+41j code:1026 movx @DPTR, A code:1027 inc DPTR code:1028 djnz R4, code_1026 code:102A mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:102D mov R0, #0xED ; '' code:102F mov R1, #5 code:1031 mov DPTR, #0x300 code:1034 code:1034 code_1034: ; CODE XREF: code_FE7+51j code:1034 movx A, @DPTR code:1035 movx @R0, A code:1036 inc DPTR code:1037 inc R0 code:1038 djnz R1, code_1034 code:103A mov R0, #0xF2 ; '' code:103C mov A, #3 code:103E movx @R0, A code:103F inc R0 code:1040 mov A, #0 code:1042 movx @R0, A code:1043 mov R0, #0xED ; '' code:1045 pop B ; B-Register code:1047 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:1049 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:104B ret code:104B ; End of function code_FE7 code:104B code:104C code:104C ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:104C code:104C code:104C code_104C: ; CODE XREF: code_68D4j code:104C code:104C ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:11F2 SIZE 0000004B BYTES code:104C ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:217E SIZE 00000006 BYTES code:104C ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:2214 SIZE 0000000C BYTES code:104C ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:68D7 SIZE 00000087 BYTES code:104C code:104C mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:104F mov R0, #0x43 ; 'C' code:1051 mov R1, #0x2E ; '.' code:1053 movx A, @R0 code:1054 mov @R1, A code:1055 inc R0 code:1056 inc R1 code:1057 mov R5, #7 code:1059 lcall code_686 code:105C push RAM_2E code:105E mov R0, #0xBE ; '' code:1060 mov RAM_2E, @R0 code:1062 mov C, RAM_2E.2 code:1064 pop RAM_2E code:1066 mov RAM_2E.3, C code:1068 ljmp code_217E code:106B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:106B code:106B code_106B: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+1135j code:106B jnb RAM_28.0, code_1078 code:106E lcall code_123D code:1071 mov RAM_2E, A code:1073 mov RAM_35, A code:1075 mov RAM_34, #0x80 ; '' code:1078 code:1078 code_1078: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_106Bj code:1078 mov A, RAM_3B code:107A cjne A, #0x78, code_107D ; 'x' code:107D code:107D code_107D: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+2Ej code:107D jc code_1084 code:107F mov R7, RAM_33 code:1081 ljmp code_122F code:1084 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1084 code:1084 code_1084: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_107Dj code:1084 mov R2, #4 code:1086 jnb RAM_20.4, code_1090 code:1089 mov R2, #2 code:108B jnb RAM_20.6, code_1090 code:108E mov R2, #3 code:1090 code:1090 code_1090: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+3Aj code:1090 ; code_104C+3Fj code:1090 lcall code_400 code:1093 mov R5, A code:1094 jb RAM_20.4, code_10A3 code:1097 jnb RAM_20.6, code_10A3 code:109A mov A, #2 code:109C movc A, @A+DPTR code:109D cjne A, RAM_5, code_10A0 code:10A0 code:10A0 code_10A0: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+51j code:10A0 jc code_10A3 code:10A2 mov R5, A code:10A3 code:10A3 code_10A3: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+48j code:10A3 ; code_104C+4Bj ... code:10A3 mov A, #4 code:10A5 movc A, @A+DPTR code:10A6 cjne A, RAM_36, code_10A9 code:10A9 code:10A9 code_10A9: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+5Aj code:10A9 jnc code_10B7 code:10AB mov B, A ; B-Register code:10AD mov A, #5 code:10AF movc A, @A+DPTR code:10B0 add A, B ; B-Register code:10B2 cjne A, RAM_36, code_10B5 code:10B5 code:10B5 code_10B5: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+66j code:10B5 jnc code_10BA code:10B7 code:10B7 code_10B7: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_10A9j code:10B7 cpl C code:10B8 mov RAM_2E.6, C code:10BA code:10BA code_10BA: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_10B5j code:10BA jnb RAM_2E.6, code_10C9 code:10BD mov A, #0 code:10BF movc A, @A+DPTR code:10C0 cjne A, RAM_5, code_10C3 code:10C3 code:10C3 code_10C3: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+74j code:10C3 orl C, RAM_20.4 code:10C5 jc code_10C9 code:10C7 mov RAM_5, A code:10C9 code:10C9 code_10C9: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_10BAj code:10C9 ; code_104C+79j code:10C9 ljmp code_2214 code:10CC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:10CC code:10CC code_10CC: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_68E8j code:10CC mov A, #9 code:10CE movc A, @A+DPTR code:10CF mov B, RAM_3C ; B-Register code:10D2 mul AB code:10D3 mov A, #3 code:10D5 movc A, @A+DPTR code:10D6 cjne A, B, code_10D9 ; B-Register code:10D9 code:10D9 code_10D9: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+8Aj code:10D9 jc code_10DD code:10DB mov A, B ; B-Register code:10DD code:10DD code_10DD: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_10D9j code:10DD jnb RAM_2E.3, code_10EC code:10E0 mov B, A ; B-Register code:10E2 mov A, #0xD code:10E4 movc A, @A+DPTR code:10E5 cjne A, B, code_10E8 ; B-Register code:10E8 code:10E8 code_10E8: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+99j code:10E8 jnc code_10EC code:10EA mov A, B ; B-Register code:10EC code:10EC code_10EC: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_10DDj code:10EC ; code_104C:code_10E8j code:10EC cjne A, RAM_2F, code_10EF code:10EF code:10EF code_10EF: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_10ECj code:10EF jc code_10F8 code:10F1 mov RAM_2F, A code:10F3 cjne A, RAM_5, code_10F6 code:10F6 code:10F6 code_10F6: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+A7j code:10F6 jnc code_110B code:10F8 code:10F8 code_10F8: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_10EFj code:10F8 mov R0, #0x2F ; '/' code:10FA mov R2, #0 code:10FC lcall code_400 code:10FF mov B, A ; B-Register code:1101 mov A, RAM_5 code:1103 lcall code_625 code:1106 jnb RAM_28.0, code_110B code:1109 mov @R0, RAM_5 code:110B code:110B code_110B: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_10F6j code:110B ; code_104C+BAj code:110B jnb RAM_28.1, code_111E code:110E mov R2, #1 code:1110 lcall code_400 code:1113 cjne A, RAM_3C, code_1116 code:1116 code:1116 code_1116: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+C7j code:1116 jc code_111E code:1118 lcall code_123D code:111B ljmp code_11F2 code:111E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:111E code:111E code_111E: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_110Bj code:111E ; code_104C:code_1116j code:111E clr C code:111F mov A, RAM_2F code:1121 subb A, RAM_3C code:1123 mov RAM_29.4, C code:1125 jnc code_112D code:1127 clr RAM_2E.0 code:1129 cpl A code:112A inc A code:112B sjmp code_112F code:112D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:112D code:112D code_112D: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+D9j code:112D clr RAM_2E.1 code:112F code:112F code_112F: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+DFj code:112F mov R3, A code:1130 nop code:1131 nop code:1132 mov R0, #0x31 ; '1' code:1134 clr A code:1135 mov C, RAM_28.5 code:1137 anl C, /RAM_27.0 code:1139 anl C, /RAM_2E.5 code:113B orl C, RAM_28.0 code:113D jnc code_1145 code:113F mov RAM_34, @R0 code:1141 mov RAM_35, A code:1143 sjmp code_117F code:1145 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1145 code:1145 code_1145: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+F1j code:1145 jnb RAM_29.4, code_115A code:1148 setb RAM_2E.1 code:114A mov RAM_35, A code:114C mov A, #6 code:114E movc A, @A+DPTR code:114F mov B, A ; B-Register code:1151 mov A, #0x80 ; '' code:1153 lcall code_625 code:1156 mov RAM_34, A code:1158 sjmp code_117F code:115A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:115A code:115A code_115A: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_1145j code:115A inc RAM_35 code:115C djnz RAM_35, code_1167 code:115F mov A, #0xC code:1161 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1162 inc A code:1163 jz code_117F code:1165 mov RAM_35, A code:1167 code:1167 code_1167: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+110j code:1167 djnz RAM_35, code_117F code:116A setb RAM_2E.0 code:116C inc RAM_35 code:116E mov A, #7 code:1170 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1171 mov B, A ; B-Register code:1173 mov A, RAM_34 code:1175 cjne A, #0x80, code_1178 ; '' code:1178 code:1178 code_1178: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+129j code:1178 jnc code_117C code:117A mov A, #0x80 ; '' code:117C code:117C code_117C: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_1178j code:117C lcall code_625 code:117F code:117F code_117F: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+F7j code:117F ; code_104C+10Cj ... code:117F ljmp code_2217 code:1182 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1182 code:1182 code_1182: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_68EBj code:1182 jb RAM_29.4, code_1199 code:1185 mov A, #1 code:1187 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1188 cjne A, RAM_3, code_118B code:118B code:118B code_118B: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+13Cj code:118B jnc code_1199 code:118D mov A, #0x7F ; '' code:118F cjne A, RAM_31, code_1192 code:1192 code:1192 code_1192: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+143j code:1192 jc code_1199 code:1194 inc A code:1195 mov RAM_34, A code:1197 mov RAM_31, A code:1199 code:1199 code_1199: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_1182j code:1199 ; code_104C:code_118Bj ... code:1199 mov R1, RAM_31 code:119B mov R0, RAM_32 code:119D jbc RAM_2E.0, code_11B5 code:11A0 jbc RAM_2E.1, code_11B5 code:11A3 mov R2, #5 code:11A5 jnb RAM_29.4, code_11A9 code:11A8 inc R2 code:11A9 code:11A9 code_11A9: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+159j code:11A9 lcall code_400 code:11AC mov B, R3 ; B-Register code:11AE lcall code_690 code:11B1 mov RAM_32, R0 code:11B3 mov RAM_31, R1 code:11B5 code:11B5 code_11B5: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+151j code:11B5 ; code_104C+154j code:11B5 mov A, R1 code:11B6 clr C code:11B7 jnb ACC7, code_11CA ; Accumulator code:11BA mov A, #0xA code:11BC movc A, @A+DPTR code:11BD rrc A code:11BE add A, #0x7F ; '' code:11C0 cjne A, RAM_1, code_11C3 code:11C3 code:11C3 code_11C3: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+174j code:11C3 jnc code_11C8 code:11C5 mov R1, A code:11C6 setb RAM_2E.0 code:11C8 code:11C8 code_11C8: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_11C3j code:11C8 sjmp code_11D9 code:11CA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:11CA code:11CA code_11CA: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+16Bj code:11CA mov A, #0xB code:11CC movc A, @A+DPTR code:11CD rrc A code:11CE cpl A code:11CF add A, #0x81 ; '' code:11D1 cjne A, RAM_1, code_11D4 code:11D4 code:11D4 code_11D4: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+185j code:11D4 jc code_11D9 code:11D6 mov R1, A code:11D7 setb RAM_2E.1 code:11D9 code:11D9 code_11D9: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_11C8j code:11D9 ; code_104C:code_11D4j code:11D9 mov R2, #8 code:11DB lcall code_400 code:11DE cjne A, RAM_40, code_11E1 code:11E1 code:11E1 code_11E1: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+192j code:11E1 jc code_11E5 code:11E3 setb RAM_2E.1 code:11E5 code:11E5 code_11E5: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_11E1j code:11E5 jb RAM_29.4, code_11F2 code:11E8 mov R2, #7 code:11EA lcall code_400 code:11ED mov B, R3 ; B-Register code:11EF lcall code_690 code:11EF ; End of function code_104C code:11EF code:11F2 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_104C code:11F2 code:11F2 code_11F2: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+CFj code:11F2 ; code_104C:code_11E5j code:11F2 mov A, R0 code:11F3 mov R0, #0xAF ; '' code:11F5 mov B, @R0 ; B-Register code:11F7 mov R0, A code:11F8 jnb RAM_2E.3, code_1208 code:11FB mov R2, #9 code:11FD lcall code_400 code:1200 add A, B ; B-Register code:1202 jnc code_1206 code:1204 mov A, #0xFF code:1206 code:1206 code_1206: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+1B6j code:1206 mov B, A ; B-Register code:1208 code:1208 code_1208: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+1ACj code:1208 ljmp code_221A code:120B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:120B code:120B code_120B: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+58C2j code:120B mov A, #0x80 ; '' code:120D clr RAM_29.4 code:120F lcall code_690 code:1212 mov A, R1 code:1213 jbc ACC7, code_1218 ; Accumulator code:1216 clr A code:1217 mov R0, A code:1218 code:1218 code_1218: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+1C7j code:1218 mov R7, A code:1219 mov A, R0 code:121A mov R6, A code:121B mov A, #1 code:121D lcall code_5A7 code:1220 mov A, #8 code:1222 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1223 cjne A, RAM_7, code_1226 code:1226 code:1226 code_1226: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+1D7j code:1226 jc code_122F code:1228 mov R7, A code:1229 lcall code_2211 code:122C lcall code_220E code:122F code:122F code_122F: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+35j code:122F ; code_104C:code_1226j code:122F mov RAM_33, R7 code:1231 mov R0, #0x43 ; 'C' code:1233 mov R1, #0x2E ; '.' code:1235 mov R5, #8 code:1237 lcall code_67C code:123A ljmp code_221D code:123A ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_104C code:123D code:123D ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:123D code:123D code:123D code_123D: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+22p code:123D ; code_104C+CCp ... code:123D mov RAM_31, #0x80 ; '' code:1240 clr A code:1241 mov RAM_32, A code:1243 mov R1, #0x80 ; '' code:1245 mov R0, A code:1246 ret code:1246 ; End of function code_123D code:1246 code:1247 code:1247 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:1247 code:1247 code:1247 code_1247: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-1563p code:1247 ; code_21DE-151Cp ... code:1247 mov R0, #0x46 ; 'F' code:1249 mov A, #0x80 ; '' code:124B movx @R0, A code:124C mov R0, #0x49 ; 'I' code:124E movx @R0, A code:124F ret code:124F ; End of function code_1247 code:124F code:1250 code:1250 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:1250 code:1250 code:1250 code_1250: ; CODE XREF: code_62DFj code:1250 code:1250 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:2172 SIZE 00000006 BYTES code:1250 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:21FC SIZE 00000006 BYTES code:1250 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:62E2 SIZE 0000000C BYTES code:1250 code:1250 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:1253 mov R0, #0x2D ; '-' code:1255 movx A, @R0 code:1256 mov RAM_2F, A code:1258 mov R0, #0x2C ; ',' code:125A movx A, @R0 code:125B mov RAM_2E, A code:125D clr RAM_2E.7 code:125F ljmp code_2172 code:1262 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1262 code:1262 code_1262: ; CODE XREF: code_1250+F25j code:1262 mov R0, #0xBC ; '' code:1264 mov A, @R0 code:1265 mov C, ACC0 ; Accumulator code:1267 jnc code_1275 code:1269 clr A code:126A mov R0, #0x2F ; '/' code:126C movx @R0, A code:126D mov A, #0x80 ; '' code:126F mov R0, #1 code:1271 movx @R0, A code:1272 mov R0, #7 code:1274 movx @R0, A code:1275 code:1275 code_1275: ; CODE XREF: code_1250+17j code:1275 ljmp code_21FC code:1278 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1278 code:1278 code_1278: ; CODE XREF: code_1250:code_62E2j code:1278 lcall code_15A0 code:127B jb RAM_28.0, code_12A6 code:127E jc code_12A6 code:1280 lcall code_1341 code:1283 lcall code_1385 code:1286 lcall code_13BD code:1289 lcall code_1618 code:128C cpl C code:128D anl C, RAM_29.5 code:128F anl C, RAM_2F.0 code:1291 anl C, RAM_2B.6 code:1293 anl C, RAM_2B.7 code:1295 jnc code_12A6 code:1297 lcall code_1490 code:129A jnb RAM_2F.2, code_12A6 code:129D lcall code_14BF code:12A0 lcall code_1537 code:12A3 jb RAM_2F.0, code_12D6 code:12A6 code:12A6 code_12A6: ; CODE XREF: code_1250+2Bj code:12A6 ; code_1250+2Ej ... code:12A6 mov A, #0x1A code:12A8 movc A, @A+DPTR code:12A9 mov RAM_8, A code:12AB mov RAM_9, #0 code:12AE clr RAM_2F.5 code:12B0 clr RAM_2F.6 code:12B2 clr RAM_2F.2 code:12B4 clr RAM_29.5 code:12B6 clr RAM_2F.7 code:12B8 clr A code:12B9 lcall code_15F5 code:12BC jnb RAM_28.0, code_12D6 code:12BF clr A code:12C0 mov RAM_2F, A code:12C2 setb RAM_2F.0 code:12C4 mov R0, #0x23 ; '#' code:12C6 movx @R0, A code:12C7 mov R0, #0x29 ; ')' code:12C9 movx @R0, A code:12CA mov R0, #0x1D code:12CC movx @R0, A code:12CD mov R0, #0x25 ; '%' code:12CF cpl A code:12D0 movx @R0, A code:12D1 dec R0 code:12D2 mov A, #9 code:12D4 movc A, @A+DPTR code:12D5 movx @R0, A code:12D6 code:12D6 code_12D6: ; CODE XREF: code_1250+53j code:12D6 ; code_1250+6Cj code:12D6 mov R0, #0x11 code:12D8 mov R1, #8 code:12DA mov R5, #2 code:12DC lcall code_67C code:12DF mov R0, #0x2E ; '.' code:12E1 movx A, @R0 code:12E2 mov C, RAM_29.4 code:12E4 mov ACC0, C ; Accumulator code:12E6 movx @R0, A code:12E7 mov R0, #0x2D ; '-' code:12E9 mov A, RAM_2F code:12EB movx @R0, A code:12EC ljmp code_21FF code:12EF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:12EF code:12EF code_12EF: ; CODE XREF: code_1250+509Bj code:12EF mov R0, #0x2C ; ',' code:12F1 mov A, RAM_2E code:12F3 movx @R0, A code:12F4 mov R0, #0x20 ; ' ' code:12F6 mov R1, #0xB code:12F8 mov R5, #3 code:12FA lcall code_686 code:12FD mov A, #0x1A code:12FF movc A, @A+DPTR code:1300 cpl A code:1301 inc A code:1302 add A, RAM_8 code:1304 add A, RAM_A code:1306 mov R7, A code:1307 mov R6, RAM_9 code:1309 jnb RAM_28.4, code_1310 code:130C mov A, #0x80 ; '' code:130E sjmp code_1312 code:1310 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1310 code:1310 code_1310: ; CODE XREF: code_1250+B9j code:1310 mov A, RAM_30 code:1312 code:1312 code_1312: ; CODE XREF: code_1250+BEj code:1312 jb RAM_2F.0, code_1322 code:1315 mov B, RAM_31 ; B-Register code:1318 mul AB code:1319 mov A, RAM_31 code:131B rrc A code:131C cpl A code:131D inc A code:131E add A, #0x80 ; '' code:1320 add A, B ; B-Register code:1322 code:1322 code_1322: ; CODE XREF: code_1250:code_1312j code:1322 lcall code_54E code:1325 mov R1, RAM_B code:1327 mov A, RAM_C code:1329 lcall code_562 code:132C mov A, RAM_D code:132E add A, #2 code:1330 lcall code_5A7 code:1333 mov RAM_D, A code:1335 setb RAM_25.4 code:1337 mov RAM_57, R7 code:1339 mov RAM_58, R6 code:133B mov RAM_59, RAM_D code:133E clr RAM_25.4 code:1340 ret code:1340 ; End of function code_1250 code:1340 code:1341 code:1341 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:1341 code:1341 code:1341 code_1341: ; CODE XREF: code_1250+30p code:1341 mov R0, #0x24 ; '$' code:1343 movx A, @R0 code:1344 jz code_1359 code:1346 inc R0 code:1347 movx A, @R0 code:1348 dec A code:1349 movx @R0, A code:134A jnz code_1350 code:134C dec R0 code:134D movx A, @R0 code:134E dec A code:134F movx @R0, A code:1350 code:1350 code_1350: ; CODE XREF: code_1341+9j code:1350 mov R0, #0xA4 ; '' code:1352 mov A, #0xA code:1354 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1355 clr C code:1356 subb A, @R0 code:1357 jnc code_1361 code:1359 code:1359 code_1359: ; CODE XREF: code_1341+3j code:1359 mov A, #8 code:135B movc A, @A+DPTR code:135C cjne A, RAM_3B, code_135F code:135F code:135F code_135F: ; CODE XREF: code_1341+1Bj code:135F anl C, RAM_28.4 code:1361 code:1361 code_1361: ; CODE XREF: code_1341+16j code:1361 orl C, RAM_28.1 code:1363 orl C, RAM_27.0 code:1365 cpl C code:1366 jnc code_137D code:1368 mov A, #5 code:136A jnb RAM_28.5, code_136F code:136D mov A, #6 code:136F code:136F code_136F: ; CODE XREF: code_1341+29j code:136F movc A, @A+DPTR code:1370 jb RAM_29.5, code_137A code:1373 movx @R0, A code:1374 movx @DPTR, A code:1375 mov A, #7 code:1377 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1378 add A, B ; B-Register code:137A code:137A code_137A: ; CODE XREF: code_1341+2Fj code:137A cjne A, RAM_38, code_137D code:137D code:137D code_137D: ; CODE XREF: code_1341+25j code:137D ; code_1341:code_137Aj code:137D mov RAM_29.5, C code:137F jnb RAM_28.4, code_1384 code:1382 setb RAM_2E.7 code:1384 code:1384 code_1384: ; CODE XREF: code_1341+3Ej code:1384 ret code:1384 ; End of function code_1341 code:1384 code:1385 code:1385 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:1385 code:1385 code:1385 code_1385: ; CODE XREF: code_1250+33p code:1385 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:1387 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:1389 mov DPTR, #0xBE05 code:138C mov R0, #0x26 ; '&' code:138E movx A, @R0 code:138F mov B, A ; B-Register code:1391 lcall code_21EA code:1394 lcall code_2205 code:1397 mov R2, A code:1398 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:139A pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:139C mov A, #0xF code:139E movc A, @A+DPTR code:139F cjne A, RAM_2, code_13A2 code:13A2 code:13A2 code_13A2: ; CODE XREF: code_1385+1Aj code:13A2 mov RAM_29.4, C code:13A4 mov R0, #0x2E ; '.' code:13A6 movx A, @R0 code:13A7 jnc code_13AD code:13A9 anl C, /ACC0 ; Accumulator code:13AB sjmp code_13B0 code:13AD ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:13AD code:13AD code_13AD: ; CODE XREF: code_1385+22j code:13AD cpl C code:13AE anl C, ACC0 ; Accumulator code:13B0 code:13B0 code_13B0: ; CODE XREF: code_1385+26j code:13B0 mov F0, C ; Program Status Word Register code:13B2 jnc code_13BC code:13B4 clr A code:13B5 lcall code_15F5 code:13B8 clr RAM_2F.7 code:13BA clr RAM_2F.5 code:13BC code:13BC code_13BC: ; CODE XREF: code_1385+2Dj code:13BC ret code:13BC ; End of function code_1385 code:13BC code:13BD code:13BD ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:13BD code:13BD code:13BD code_13BD: ; CODE XREF: code_1250+36p code:13BD clr RAM_2F.1 code:13BF mov R0, #0x23 ; '#' code:13C1 mov R1, #0x27 ; ''' code:13C3 mov A, #0x18 code:13C5 movc A, @A+DPTR code:13C6 cjne A, RAM_2, code_13C9 code:13C9 code:13C9 code_13C9: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+9j code:13C9 mov R4, #5 code:13CB jc code_13EA code:13CD mov A, #0x10 code:13CF movc A, @A+DPTR code:13D0 cjne A, RAM_2, code_13D3 code:13D3 code:13D3 code_13D3: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+13j code:13D3 dec R4 code:13D4 jc code_13EA code:13D6 mov A, #0x11 code:13D8 movc A, @A+DPTR code:13D9 dec A code:13DA cjne A, RAM_2, code_13DD code:13DD code:13DD code_13DD: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+1Dj code:13DD dec R4 code:13DE jc code_13EA code:13E0 mov A, #0x19 code:13E2 movc A, @A+DPTR code:13E3 cjne A, RAM_2, code_13E6 code:13E6 code:13E6 code_13E6: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+26j code:13E6 dec R4 code:13E7 jc code_13EA code:13E9 dec R4 code:13EA code:13EA code_13EA: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+Ej code:13EA ; code_13BD+17j ... code:13EA jnb RAM_28.1, code_141E code:13ED cjne R4, #3, code_13F4 code:13F0 clr RAM_2F.0 code:13F2 sjmp code_142A code:13F4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:13F4 code:13F4 code_13F4: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+30j code:13F4 cjne R4, #1, code_13F9 code:13F7 sjmp code_13FE code:13F9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:13F9 code:13F9 code_13F9: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD:code_13F4j code:13F9 cjne R4, #5, code_141A code:13FC sjmp code_140C code:13FE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:13FE code:13FE code_13FE: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+3Aj code:13FE mov R0, #0x2F ; '/' code:1400 movx A, @R0 code:1401 setb RAM_2F.0 code:1403 cjne A, #1, code_1408 code:1406 clr RAM_2F.0 code:1408 code:1408 code_1408: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+46j code:1408 mov R0, #0x23 ; '#' code:140A sjmp code_142A code:140C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:140C code:140C code_140C: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+3Fj code:140C mov R0, #0x2F ; '/' code:140E movx A, @R0 code:140F setb RAM_2F.0 code:1411 cjne A, #5, code_1416 code:1414 clr RAM_2F.0 code:1416 code:1416 code_1416: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+54j code:1416 mov R0, #0x23 ; '#' code:1418 sjmp code_142A code:141A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:141A code:141A code_141A: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD:code_13F9j code:141A setb RAM_2F.0 code:141C sjmp code_142A code:141E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:141E code:141E code_141E: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD:code_13EAj code:141E cjne R4, #1, code_142A code:1421 mov R0, #0x2F ; '/' code:1423 movx A, @R0 code:1424 jnz code_1428 code:1426 setb RAM_2F.0 code:1428 code:1428 code_1428: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+67j code:1428 mov R0, #0x23 ; '#' code:142A code:142A code_142A: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+35j code:142A ; code_13BD+4Dj ... code:142A movx A, @R0 code:142B mov B, R4 ; B-Register code:142D xch A, B ; B-Register code:142F movx @R0, A code:1430 setb RAM_2F.3 code:1432 cjne A, B, code_1437 ; B-Register code:1435 clr RAM_2F.3 code:1437 code:1437 code_1437: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+75j code:1437 mov R0, #0x16 code:1439 jnb ACC0, code_1467 ; Accumulator code:143C jnb RAM_2F.0, code_1463 code:143F jnb RAM_2F.3, code_1446 code:1442 mov A, #0 code:1444 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1445 movx @R0, A code:1446 code:1446 code_1446: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+82j code:1446 movx A, @R0 code:1447 dec A code:1448 jnz code_1462 code:144A clr RAM_2F.0 code:144C cjne R4, #1, code_1462 code:144F setb RAM_2E.7 code:1451 setb RAM_2F.0 code:1453 mov R1, #0x65 ; 'e' code:1455 movx A, @R1 code:1456 setb ACC5 ; Accumulator code:1458 movx @R1, A code:1459 mov R1, #0x27 ; ''' code:145B movx A, @R1 code:145C jnz code_1460 code:145E setb RAM_2F.1 code:1460 code:1460 code_1460: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+9Fj code:1460 mov A, #1 code:1462 code:1462 code_1462: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+8Bj code:1462 ; code_13BD+8Fj code:1462 movx @R0, A code:1463 code:1463 code_1463: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+7Fj code:1463 clr RAM_2F.3 code:1465 sjmp code_147A code:1467 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1467 code:1467 code_1467: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+7Cj code:1467 jb RAM_2F.0, code_1478 code:146A jnb RAM_2F.3, code_1471 code:146D mov A, #1 code:146F movc A, @A+DPTR code:1470 movx @R0, A code:1471 code:1471 code_1471: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+ADj code:1471 movx A, @R0 code:1472 dec A code:1473 jnz code_1477 code:1475 setb RAM_2F.0 code:1477 code:1477 code_1477: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+B6j code:1477 movx @R0, A code:1478 code:1478 code_1478: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD:code_1467j code:1478 setb RAM_2F.3 code:147A code:147A code_147A: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+A8j code:147A clr A code:147B jb RAM_2F.0, code_148C code:147E movx A, @R1 code:147F jnz code_148F code:1481 mov R1, #0x2F ; '/' code:1483 movx A, @R1 code:1484 anl A, #0xF code:1486 jnz code_148F code:1488 mov A, R4 code:1489 jnb ACC0, code_148F ; Accumulator code:148C code:148C code_148C: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+BEj code:148C lcall code_15E6 code:148F code:148F code_148F: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD+C2j code:148F ; code_13BD+C9j ... code:148F ret code:148F ; End of function code_13BD code:148F code:1490 code:1490 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:1490 code:1490 code:1490 code_1490: ; CODE XREF: code_1250+47p code:1490 mov R0, #0x1E code:1492 movx A, @R0 code:1493 cjne A, RAM_40, code_1496 code:1496 code:1496 code_1496: ; CODE XREF: code_1490+3j code:1496 jc code_149D code:1498 clr RAM_2F.6 code:149A setb RAM_2F.2 code:149C ret code:149D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:149D code:149D code_149D: ; CODE XREF: code_1490:code_1496j code:149D jnb RAM_2F.2, code_14BC code:14A0 mov R0, #0x1A code:14A2 jb RAM_2F.6, code_14B3 code:14A5 mov A, #0xB code:14A7 movc A, @A+DPTR code:14A8 movx @R0, A code:14A9 inc R0 code:14AA mov A, #0xD code:14AC movc A, @A+DPTR code:14AD movx @R0, A code:14AE inc R0 code:14AF movx @R0, A code:14B0 setb RAM_2F.6 code:14B2 ret code:14B3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:14B3 code:14B3 code_14B3: ; CODE XREF: code_1490+12j code:14B3 lcall code_1626 code:14B6 jnc code_14BC code:14B8 clr RAM_2F.2 code:14BA clr RAM_2F.6 code:14BC code:14BC code_14BC: ; CODE XREF: code_1490:code_149Dj code:14BC ; code_1490+26j code:14BC setb RAM_2E.7 code:14BE ret code:14BE ; End of function code_1490 code:14BE code:14BF code:14BF ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:14BF code:14BF code:14BF code_14BF: ; CODE XREF: code_1250+4Dp code:14BF mov R1, #0x29 ; ')' code:14C1 movx A, @R1 code:14C2 jz code_14C8 code:14C4 dec A code:14C5 movx @R1, A code:14C6 sjmp code_14CA code:14C8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:14C8 code:14C8 code_14C8: ; CODE XREF: code_14BF+3j code:14C8 setb RAM_2E.7 code:14CA code:14CA code_14CA: ; CODE XREF: code_14BF+7j code:14CA setb C code:14CB mov R0, #0x1D code:14CD movx A, @R0 code:14CE jz code_14D3 code:14D0 clr C code:14D1 dec A code:14D2 movx @R0, A code:14D3 code:14D3 code_14D3: ; CODE XREF: code_14BF+Fj code:14D3 jnb F0, code_14DD ; Program Status Word Register code:14D6 mov A, #0xC8 ; '' code:14D8 movx @R1, A code:14D9 mov R1, #0x1F code:14DB movx A, @R1 code:14DC movx @R0, A code:14DD code:14DD code_14DD: ; CODE XREF: code_14BF:code_14D3j code:14DD mov R0, #0x11 code:14DF mov R1, #8 code:14E1 jnb F0, code_14FA ; Program Status Word Register code:14E4 mov R5, #5 code:14E6 lcall code_686 code:14E9 anl C, RAM_29.4 code:14EB mov A, RAM_B code:14ED jnc code_14F5 code:14EF clr C code:14F0 subb A, RAM_C code:14F2 jnc code_14F5 code:14F4 clr A code:14F5 code:14F5 code_14F5: ; CODE XREF: code_14BF+2Ej code:14F5 ; code_14BF+33j code:14F5 mov B, #0x10 ; B-Register code:14F8 sjmp code_1502 code:14FA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:14FA code:14FA code_14FA: ; CODE XREF: code_14BF+22j code:14FA mov R5, #3 code:14FC lcall code_686 code:14FF mov B, #1 ; B-Register code:1502 code:1502 code_1502: ; CODE XREF: code_14BF+39j code:1502 mov R1, RAM_8 code:1504 mov R0, RAM_9 code:1506 lcall code_690 code:1509 mov RAM_8, R1 code:150B mov RAM_9, R0 code:150D mov R0, #0x2E ; '.' code:150F movx A, @R0 code:1510 jnb ACC1, code_1530 ; Accumulator code:1513 mov R0, #0x2B ; '+' code:1515 movx A, @R0 code:1516 jz code_1536 code:1518 add A, #0x80 ; '' code:151A mov B, A ; B-Register code:151C clr A code:151D movx @R0, A code:151E mov A, #3 code:1520 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1521 cjne A, B, code_1524 ; B-Register code:1524 code:1524 code_1524: ; CODE XREF: code_14BF+62j code:1524 jnc code_1528 code:1526 mov B, A ; B-Register code:1528 code:1528 code_1528: ; CODE XREF: code_14BF:code_1524j code:1528 mov RAM_8, B ; B-Register code:152B mov RAM_9, #0 code:152E sjmp code_1536 code:1530 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1530 code:1530 code_1530: ; CODE XREF: code_14BF+51j code:1530 mov RAM_8, #0x80 ; '' code:1533 mov RAM_9, #0 code:1536 code:1536 code_1536: ; CODE XREF: code_14BF+57j code:1536 ; code_14BF+6Fj code:1536 ret code:1536 ; End of function code_14BF code:1536 code:1537 code:1537 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:1537 code:1537 code:1537 code_1537: ; CODE XREF: code_1250+50p code:1537 mov A, RAM_8 code:1539 jnb ACC7, code_154B ; Accumulator code:153C mov A, #3 code:153E movc A, @A+DPTR code:153F jnb RAM_2F.1, code_1544 code:1542 mov A, #0xB3 ; '' code:1544 code:1544 code_1544: ; CODE XREF: code_1537+8j code:1544 cjne A, RAM_8, code_1547 code:1547 code:1547 code_1547: ; CODE XREF: code_1537:code_1544j code:1547 jnc code_1559 code:1549 sjmp code_1554 code:154B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:154B code:154B code_154B: ; CODE XREF: code_1537+2j code:154B mov A, #4 code:154D movc A, @A+DPTR code:154E cjne A, RAM_8, code_1551 code:1551 code:1551 code_1551: ; CODE XREF: code_1537+17j code:1551 cpl C code:1552 jnc code_1559 code:1554 code:1554 code_1554: ; CODE XREF: code_1537+12j code:1554 mov RAM_8, A code:1556 mov RAM_9, #0xFF code:1559 code:1559 code_1559: ; CODE XREF: code_1537:code_1547j code:1559 ; code_1537+1Bj code:1559 jnb RAM_2F.1, code_1575 code:155C mov R0, #0x19 code:155E jb RAM_2F.7, code_1568 code:1561 jnc code_15A7 code:1563 mov A, #0x65 ; 'e' code:1565 movx @R0, A code:1566 setb RAM_2F.7 code:1568 code:1568 code_1568: ; CODE XREF: code_1537+27j code:1568 movx A, @R0 code:1569 dec A code:156A movx @R0, A code:156B jnz code_15A7 code:156D clr RAM_2F.0 code:156F mov A, #1 code:1571 lcall code_15E6 code:1574 ret code:1575 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1575 code:1575 code_1575: ; CODE XREF: code_1537:code_1559j code:1575 jnb RAM_2F.7, code_1580 code:1578 mov R0, #0x19 code:157A mov A, #0xC code:157C movc A, @A+DPTR code:157D movx @R0, A code:157E clr RAM_2F.7 code:1580 code:1580 code_1580: ; CODE XREF: code_1537:code_1575j code:1580 mov R0, #0x17 code:1582 jb RAM_2F.5, code_1596 code:1585 jnc code_15A7 code:1587 mov A, #2 code:1589 movc A, @A+DPTR code:158A movx @R0, A code:158B mov A, #0xC code:158D movc A, @A+DPTR code:158E inc R0 code:158F movx @R0, A code:1590 inc R0 code:1591 movx @R0, A code:1592 setb RAM_2F.5 code:1594 sjmp code_15A7 code:1596 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1596 code:1596 code_1596: ; CODE XREF: code_1537+4Bj code:1596 lcall code_1626 code:1599 jnc code_15A7 code:159B mov A, RAM_8 code:159D rlc A code:159E mov A, #1 code:159E ; End of function code_1537 code:159E code:15A0 code:15A0 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:15A0 code:15A0 code:15A0 code_15A0: ; CODE XREF: code_1250:code_1278p code:15A0 jc code_15A3 code:15A2 inc A code:15A3 code:15A3 code_15A3: ; CODE XREF: code_15A0j code:15A3 movx @R0, A code:15A4 lcall code_15F5 code:15A7 code:15A7 code_15A7: ; CODE XREF: code_1537+2Aj code:15A7 ; code_1537+34j ... code:15A7 ret code:15A7 ; End of function code_15A0 code:15A7 code:15A8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:15A8 jc code_15E5 code:15AA mov R0, #0x27 ; ''' code:15AC mov A, #0x14 code:15AE movc A, @A+DPTR code:15AF cjne A, RAM_38, code_15B2 code:15B2 code:15B2 code_15B2: ; CODE XREF: code:15AFj code:15B2 anl C, /RAM_28.1 code:15B4 anl C, /RAM_28.0 code:15B6 jc code_15BD code:15B8 mov A, #0x15 code:15BA movc A, @A+DPTR code:15BB movx @R0, A code:15BC ret code:15BD ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:15BD code:15BD code_15BD: ; CODE XREF: code:15B6j code:15BD mov A, #0x16 code:15BF movc A, @A+DPTR code:15C0 cjne A, RAM_40, code_15C3 code:15C3 code:15C3 code_15C3: ; CODE XREF: code:15C0j code:15C3 anl C, /RAM_29.7 code:15C5 jc code_15D6 code:15C7 movx A, @R0 code:15C8 mov B, A ; B-Register code:15CA mov A, #0x17 code:15CC movc A, @A+DPTR code:15CD inc A code:15CE inc A code:15CF cjne A, B, code_15D2 ; B-Register code:15D2 code:15D2 code_15D2: ; CODE XREF: code:15CFj code:15D2 jc code_15D6 code:15D4 dec A code:15D5 movx @R0, A code:15D6 code:15D6 code_15D6: ; CODE XREF: code:15C5j code:15D6 ; code:code_15D2j code:15D6 movx A, @R0 code:15D7 jz code_15E4 code:15D9 inc R0 code:15DA movx A, @R0 code:15DB dec A code:15DC movx @R0, A code:15DD dec R0 code:15DE jnz code_15E3 code:15E0 movx A, @R0 code:15E1 dec A code:15E2 movx @R0, A code:15E3 code:15E3 code_15E3: ; CODE XREF: code:15DEj code:15E3 movx A, @R0 code:15E4 code:15E4 code_15E4: ; CODE XREF: code:15D7j code:15E4 clr C code:15E5 code:15E5 code_15E5: ; CODE XREF: code:15A8j code:15E5 ret code:15E6 code:15E6 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:15E6 code:15E6 code:15E6 code_15E6: ; CODE XREF: code_13BD:code_148Cp code:15E6 ; code_1537+3Ap code:15E6 mov R0, #0x2F ; '/' code:15E8 mov B, A ; B-Register code:15EA movx A, @R0 code:15EB anl A, #0xF0 code:15ED xch A, B ; B-Register code:15EF anl A, #0xF code:15F1 orl A, B ; B-Register code:15F3 movx @R0, A code:15F4 ret code:15F4 ; End of function code_15E6 code:15F4 code:15F5 code:15F5 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:15F5 code:15F5 code:15F5 code_15F5: ; CODE XREF: code_1250+69p code:15F5 ; code_1385+30p ... code:15F5 mov R0, #0x2F ; '/' code:15F7 swap A code:15F8 mov B, A ; B-Register code:15FA movx A, @R0 code:15FB anl A, #0xF code:15FD xch A, B ; B-Register code:15FF anl A, #0xF0 code:1601 orl A, B ; B-Register code:1603 movx @R0, A code:1604 ret code:1604 ; End of function code_15F5 code:1604 code:1605 code:1605 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:1605 code:1605 code:1605 code_1605: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+18F1p code:1605 ; code_83FD+2A0p code:1605 mov R0, #0x30 ; '0' code:1607 mov A, #0xFF code:1609 movx @R0, A code:160A ret code:160A ; End of function code_1605 code:160A code:160B code:160B ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:160B code:160B code:160B code_160B: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD:code_84D2p code:160B ; code_83FD+20Ap ... code:160B mov R0, #0x30 ; '0' code:160D movx A, @R0 code:160E cjne A, #0x80, code_1611 ; '' code:1611 code:1611 code_1611: ; CODE XREF: code_160B+3j code:1611 jc code_1614 code:1613 ret code:1614 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1614 code:1614 code_1614: ; CODE XREF: code_160B:code_1611j code:1614 mov A, #0x7F ; '' code:1616 movx @R0, A code:1617 ret code:1617 ; End of function code_160B code:1617 code:1618 code:1618 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:1618 code:1618 code:1618 code_1618: ; CODE XREF: code_1250+39p code:1618 mov R0, #0x30 ; '0' code:161A movx A, @R0 code:161B jz code_1624 code:161D dec A code:161E movx @R0, A code:161F jnb ACC6, code_1624 ; Accumulator code:1622 setb RAM_2E.7 code:1624 code:1624 code_1624: ; CODE XREF: code_1618+3j code:1624 ; code_1618+7j code:1624 rlc A code:1625 ret code:1625 ; End of function code_1618 code:1625 code:1626 code:1626 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:1626 code:1626 code:1626 code_1626: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-768Ep code:1626 ; code_7D40-7661p ... code:1626 clr C code:1627 inc R0 code:1628 movx A, @R0 code:1629 dec A code:162A jnz code_1636 code:162C inc R0 code:162D movx A, @R0 code:162E dec R0 code:162F movx @R0, A code:1630 dec R0 code:1631 movx A, @R0 code:1632 dec A code:1633 jnz code_1636 code:1635 setb C code:1636 code:1636 code_1636: ; CODE XREF: code_1626+4j code:1636 ; code_1626+Dj code:1636 movx @R0, A code:1637 ret code:1637 ; End of function code_1626 code:1637 code:1638 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1638 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_6BC3 code:1638 code:1638 code_1638: ; CODE XREF: code_6BC3+C1j code:1638 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:163B ljmp code_2178 code:163E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:163E code:163E code_163E: ; CODE XREF: code_6BC3-4A48j code:163E mov R2, #0 code:1640 lcall code_400 code:1643 mov R0, #0x13 code:1645 movx @R0, A code:1646 inc R0 code:1647 lcall code_400 code:164A movx @R0, A code:164B inc R0 code:164C lcall code_400 code:164F movx @R0, A code:1650 mov R0, #0x1E code:1652 mov R2, #3 code:1654 lcall code_400 code:1657 movx @R0, A code:1658 inc R0 code:1659 mov R2, #4 code:165B lcall code_400 code:165E movx @R0, A code:165F lcall code_2202 code:1662 ljmp code_17F3 code:1662 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_6BC3 code:1665 code:1665 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:1665 code:1665 code:1665 code_1665: ; CODE XREF: code_6661j code:1665 code:1665 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:2229 SIZE 00000006 BYTES code:1665 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:6664 SIZE 00000076 BYTES code:1665 code:1665 mov R0, #0x65 ; 'e' code:1667 mov R1, #0x2F ; '/' code:1669 mov R5, #7 code:166B lcall code_686 code:166E jnb RAM_28.0, code_167D code:1671 clr A code:1672 mov RAM_2F, A code:1674 mov RAM_31, A code:1676 mov RAM_33, A code:1678 mov RAM_35, A code:167A mov RAM_30, #0x80 ; '' code:167D code:167D code_167D: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+9j code:167D mov R0, #0x70 ; 'p' code:167F jnb RAM_28.0, code_1686 code:1682 clr RAM_2F.1 code:1684 sjmp code_16A4 code:1686 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1686 code:1686 code_1686: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+1Aj code:1686 lcall code_1626 code:1689 mov R0, #0x70 ; 'p' code:168B jc code_16A4 code:168D jnb RAM_2F.1, code_16C2 code:1690 mov A, #0x35 ; '5' code:1692 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1693 dec A code:1694 cjne A, RAM_30, code_1697 code:1697 code:1697 code_1697: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+2Fj code:1697 jnc code_16C2 code:1699 mov A, #0x2E ; '.' code:169B movc A, @A+DPTR code:169C mov B, A ; B-Register code:169E movx A, @R0 code:169F cjne A, B, code_16A2 ; B-Register code:16A2 code:16A2 code_16A2: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+3Aj code:16A2 jnc code_16C2 code:16A4 code:16A4 code_16A4: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+1Fj code:16A4 ; code_1665+26j code:16A4 cpl RAM_2F.1 code:16A6 mov A, #0x30 ; '0' code:16A8 movc A, @A+DPTR code:16A9 jnb RAM_2F.1, code_16BA code:16AC mov A, #0x2F ; '/' code:16AE movc A, @A+DPTR code:16AF mov B, A ; B-Register code:16B1 mov A, #0x2E ; '.' code:16B3 movc A, @A+DPTR code:16B4 add A, B ; B-Register code:16B6 jnc code_16BA code:16B8 mov A, #0xFF code:16BA code:16BA code_16BA: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+44j code:16BA ; code_1665+51j code:16BA movx @R0, A code:16BB mov A, #0x31 ; '1' code:16BD movc A, @A+DPTR code:16BE inc R0 code:16BF movx @R0, A code:16C0 inc R0 code:16C1 movx @R0, A code:16C2 code:16C2 code_16C2: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+28j code:16C2 ; code_1665:code_1697j ... code:16C2 mov A, #0x2D ; '-' code:16C4 movc A, @A+DPTR code:16C5 cjne A, RAM_38, code_16C8 code:16C8 code:16C8 code_16C8: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+60j code:16C8 anl C, RAM_2F.1 code:16CA anl C, /RAM_29.7 code:16CC mov RAM_2F.3, C code:16CE jb RAM_2E.7, code_16DC code:16D1 setb RAM_2E.7 code:16D3 jb RAM_2F.1, code_16DC code:16D6 mov A, RAM_33 code:16D8 jnz code_16DC code:16DA clr RAM_2E.7 code:16DC code:16DC code_16DC: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+69j code:16DC ; code_1665+6Ej ... code:16DC ljmp code_2229 code:16DF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:16DF code:16DF code_16DF: ; CODE XREF: code_1665:code_6664j code:16DF mov R0, #0x33 ; '3' code:16E1 mov R4, #0x26 ; '&' code:16E3 clr A code:16E4 mov C, RAM_2F.3 code:16E6 anl C, RAM_2F.4 code:16E8 anl C, RAM_29.5 code:16EA jnc code_1720 code:16EC jbc RAM_2F.5, code_1720 code:16EF jb RAM_2F.0, code_170E code:16F2 setb RAM_2F.0 code:16F4 clr RAM_2F.2 code:16F6 mov A, @R0 code:16F7 mov B, RAM_31 ; B-Register code:16FA mul AB code:16FB mov @R0, B ; B-Register code:16FD mov A, RAM_31 code:16FF mov B, RAM_30 ; B-Register code:1702 mul AB code:1703 mov A, RAM_31 code:1705 rrc A code:1706 cpl A code:1707 inc A code:1708 add A, #0x80 ; '' code:170A add A, B ; B-Register code:170C mov RAM_30, A code:170E code:170E code_170E: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+8Aj code:170E mov A, #0x34 ; '4' code:1710 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1711 cjne A, RAM_8, code_1714 code:1714 code:1714 code_1714: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+ACj code:1714 mov A, #0xFF code:1716 jc code_171B code:1718 cpl A code:1719 mov R4, #0x27 ; ''' code:171B code:171B code_171B: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+B1j code:171B lcall code_181D code:171E sjmp code_1762 code:1720 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1720 code:1720 code_1720: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+85j code:1720 ; code_1665+87j code:1720 jnb RAM_2F.0, code_1728 code:1723 clr RAM_2F.0 code:1725 mov RAM_31, #0xFF code:1728 code:1728 code_1728: ; CODE XREF: code_1665:code_1720j code:1728 jnb RAM_27.0, code_1731 code:172B setb RAM_2F.2 code:172D mov R4, #0x29 ; ')' code:172F sjmp code_175C code:1731 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1731 code:1731 code_1731: ; CODE XREF: code_1665:code_1728j code:1731 jnb RAM_2F.2, code_173E code:1734 clr RAM_2F.2 code:1736 mov A, @R0 code:1737 mov B, RAM_31 ; B-Register code:173A mul AB code:173B mov @R0, B ; B-Register code:173D clr A code:173E code:173E code_173E: ; CODE XREF: code_1665:code_1731j code:173E jb RAM_2F.3, code_174A code:1741 mov R4, #0x2A ; '*' code:1743 lcall code_181D code:1746 mov R4, #0x2A ; '*' code:1748 sjmp code_175C code:174A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:174A code:174A code_174A: ; CODE XREF: code_1665:code_173Ej code:174A jnb RAM_2F.4, code_1754 code:174D lcall code_181D code:1750 mov R4, #0x2B ; '+' code:1752 sjmp code_175C code:1754 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1754 code:1754 code_1754: ; CODE XREF: code_1665:code_174Aj code:1754 nop code:1755 nop code:1756 cpl A code:1757 lcall code_181D code:175A mov R4, #0x28 ; '(' code:175C code:175C code_175C: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+CAj code:175C ; code_1665+E3j ... code:175C clr A code:175D mov R0, #0x31 ; '1' code:175F lcall code_181D code:1762 code:1762 code_1762: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+B9j code:1762 jb RAM_2F.0, code_1768 code:1765 ljmp code_222C code:1768 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1768 code:1768 code_1768: ; CODE XREF: code_1665:code_1762j code:1768 mov A, #0x2C ; ',' code:176A movc A, @A+DPTR code:176B mov B, A ; B-Register code:176D mov R0, #0x30 ; '0' code:176F mov A, #0x1A code:1771 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1772 cpl A code:1773 inc A code:1774 add A, RAM_30 code:1776 add A, RAM_8 code:1778 mov R3, A code:1779 lcall code_5FC code:177C mov B, A ; B-Register code:177E mov A, #0x35 ; '5' code:1780 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1781 cjne A, B, code_1784 ; B-Register code:1784 code:1784 code_1784: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+11Cj code:1784 jc code_1790 code:1786 mov A, #0x33 ; '3' code:1788 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1789 cjne A, B, code_178C ; B-Register code:178C code:178C code_178C: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+124j code:178C jnc code_1790 code:178E mov A, B ; B-Register code:1790 code:1790 code_1790: ; CODE XREF: code_1665:code_1784j code:1790 ; code_1665:code_178Cj code:1790 mov @R0, A code:1791 clr C code:1792 mov A, #0x1A code:1794 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1795 subb A, RAM_30 code:1797 add A, R3 code:1798 mov RAM_8, A code:179A mov R0, #0x11 code:179C movx @R0, A code:179D ljmp code_222C code:179D ; End of function code_1665 code:179D code:17A0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:17A0 mov R0, #0x65 ; 'e' code:17A2 mov R1, #0x2F ; '/' code:17A4 mov R5, #6 code:17A6 lcall code_67C code:17A9 mov A, #0x36 ; '6' code:17AB movc A, @A+DPTR code:17AC xch A, B ; B-Register code:17AE cjne A, B, code_17B1 ; B-Register code:17B1 code:17B1 code_17B1: ; CODE XREF: code:17AEj code:17B1 jnc code_17B5 code:17B3 mov A, #0 code:17B5 code:17B5 code_17B5: ; CODE XREF: code:code_17B1j code:17B5 xch A, B ; B-Register code:17B7 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:17B9 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:17BB clr C code:17BC mov DPTR, #0xCA ; '' code:17BF movx A, @DPTR code:17C0 jnb ACC4, code_17C8 ; Accumulator code:17C3 mov B, #0 ; B-Register code:17C6 sjmp code_17D1 code:17C8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:17C8 code:17C8 code_17C8: ; CODE XREF: code:17C0j code:17C8 inc DPTR code:17C9 movx A, @DPTR code:17CA jnb ACC4, code_17D1 ; Accumulator code:17CD mov B, #0 ; B-Register code:17D0 setb C code:17D1 code:17D1 code_17D1: ; CODE XREF: code:17C6j code:17D1 ; code:17CAj code:17D1 mov DPTR, #0x162 code:17D4 movx A, @DPTR code:17D5 mov ACC3, C ; Accumulator code:17D7 movx @DPTR, A code:17D8 mov DPH, #0xA0 ; '' ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:17DB mov DPL, #0x21 ; '!' ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:17DE movx @DPTR, A code:17DF mov DPL, #5 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:17E2 mov A, B ; B-Register code:17E4 jz code_17ED code:17E6 cjne A, #5, code_17E9 code:17E9 code:17E9 code_17E9: ; CODE XREF: code:17E6j code:17E9 jnc code_17ED code:17EB mov A, #0 code:17ED code:17ED code_17ED: ; CODE XREF: code:17E4j code:17ED ; code:code_17E9j code:17ED movx @DPTR, A code:17EE pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:17F0 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:17F2 ret code:17F3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:17F3 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_6BC3 code:17F3 code:17F3 code_17F3: ; CODE XREF: code_6BC3-5561j code:17F3 mov R0, #0x6B ; 'k' code:17F5 mov R2, #7 code:17F7 lcall code_400 code:17FA mov B, A ; B-Register code:17FC mov A, #0x32 ; '2' code:17FE movc A, @A+DPTR code:17FF mul AB code:1800 rlc A code:1801 xch A, B ; B-Register code:1803 rlc A code:1804 jnc code_1808 code:1806 mov A, #0xFF code:1808 code:1808 code_1808: ; CODE XREF: code_6BC3-53BFj code:1808 movx @R0, A code:1809 mov R0, #0x65 ; 'e' code:180B mov R2, #6 code:180D lcall code_400 code:1810 cjne A, RAM_40, code_1813 code:1813 code:1813 code_1813: ; CODE XREF: code_6BC3-53B3j code:1813 cpl C code:1814 movx A, @R0 code:1815 mov RAM_2F, A code:1817 mov RAM_2F.4, C code:1819 mov A, RAM_2F code:181B movx @R0, A code:181C ret code:181C ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_6BC3 code:181D code:181D ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:181D code:181D code:181D code_181D: ; CODE XREF: code_1665:code_171Bp code:181D ; code_1665+DEp ... code:181D xch A, R4 code:181E movc A, @A+DPTR code:181F inc R0 code:1820 dec @R0 code:1821 mov B, @R0 ; B-Register code:1823 cjne A, B, code_1826 ; B-Register code:1826 code:1826 code_1826: ; CODE XREF: code_181D+6j code:1826 jnc code_1837 code:1828 mov @R0, A code:1829 dec R0 code:182A mov B, R4 ; B-Register code:182C mov A, @R0 code:182D cjne A, B, code_1831 ; B-Register code:1830 ret code:1831 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1831 code:1831 code_1831: ; CODE XREF: code_181D+10j code:1831 dec @R0 code:1832 jnc code_1836 code:1834 inc @R0 code:1835 inc @R0 code:1836 code:1836 code_1836: ; CODE XREF: code_181D+15j code:1836 inc R0 code:1837 code:1837 code_1837: ; CODE XREF: code_181D:code_1826j code:1837 dec R0 code:1838 mov A, @R0 code:1839 ret code:1839 ; End of function code_181D code:1839 code:183A code:183A ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:183A code:183A code:183A code_183A: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+3B5p code:183A mov R0, #0x65 ; 'e' code:183C movx A, @R0 code:183D setb ACC1 ; Accumulator code:183F movx @R0, A code:1840 mov R0, #0x70 ; 'p' code:1842 mov A, #0xFF code:1844 movx @R0, A code:1845 ret code:1845 ; End of function code_183A code:1845 code:1846 code:1846 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:1846 code:1846 code:1846 code_1846: ; CODE XREF: code_62C6j code:1846 mov R0, #0x75 ; 'u' code:1848 mov R1, #0x31 ; '1' code:184A mov R5, #3 code:184C lcall code_686 code:184F mov R0, #0xBE ; '' code:1851 mov A, @R0 code:1852 mov RAM_2E, A code:1854 inc R0 code:1855 mov A, @R0 code:1856 mov RAM_2F, A code:1858 jb RAM_28.0, code_188E code:185B mov P2, #0xA0 ; '' ; Port 2 code:185E mov R0, #0x40 ; '@' code:1860 movx A, @R0 code:1861 xrl A, #0x9E code:1863 mov RAM_2F, A code:1865 jnb RAM_2F.5, code_18A6 code:1868 jb RAM_2E.5, code_1877 code:186B setb RAM_2E.5 code:186D mov RAM_31, #0xFF code:1870 mov A, #6 code:1872 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1873 mov RAM_32, A code:1875 sjmp code_18D3 code:1877 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1877 code:1877 code_1877: ; CODE XREF: code_1846+22j code:1877 jb RAM_2E.6, code_188E code:187A mov A, RAM_31 code:187C jz code_1882 code:187E dec RAM_31 code:1880 sjmp code_18D3 code:1882 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1882 code:1882 code_1882: ; CODE XREF: code_1846+36j code:1882 mov A, RAM_32 code:1884 jz code_188C code:1886 dec RAM_32 code:1888 dec RAM_31 code:188A sjmp code_18D3 code:188C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:188C code:188C code_188C: ; CODE XREF: code_1846+3Ej code:188C setb RAM_2E.6 code:188E code:188E code_188E: ; CODE XREF: code_1846+12j code:188E ; code_1846:code_1877j ... code:188E clr A code:188F mov RAM_31, A code:1891 mov RAM_32, A code:1893 mov RAM_33, A code:1895 jnb RAM_28.0, code_189D code:1898 mov RAM_2E, #0 code:189B sjmp code_18FE code:189D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:189D code:189D code_189D: ; CODE XREF: code_1846+4Fj code:189D mov RAM_2E, #0 code:18A0 setb RAM_2E.6 code:18A2 setb RAM_2E.5 code:18A4 sjmp code_18FE code:18A6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:18A6 code:18A6 code_18A6: ; CODE XREF: code_1846+1Fj code:18A6 jb RAM_2E.6, code_188E code:18A9 clr A code:18AA mov RAM_31, A code:18AC mov RAM_32, A code:18AE anl RAM_2E, #0x18 code:18B1 jnb RAM_2E.3, code_18B8 code:18B4 setb RAM_2E.4 code:18B6 clr RAM_2E.3 code:18B8 code:18B8 code_18B8: ; CODE XREF: code_1846+6Bj code:18B8 jnb RAM_2E.4, code_18F8 code:18BB mov R0, #0xC0 ; '' code:18BD mov A, @R0 code:18BE mov B, A ; B-Register code:18C0 mov A, #5 code:18C2 movc A, @A+DPTR code:18C3 cpl A code:18C4 add A, B ; B-Register code:18C6 cjne A, RAM_51, code_18C9 code:18C9 code:18C9 code_18C9: ; CODE XREF: code_1846+80j code:18C9 jnc code_18CF code:18CB clr RAM_2E.4 code:18CD sjmp code_18F8 code:18CF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:18CF code:18CF code_18CF: ; CODE XREF: code_1846:code_18C9j code:18CF inc A code:18D0 mov @R0, A code:18D1 sjmp code_18F8 code:18D3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:18D3 code:18D3 code_18D3: ; CODE XREF: code_1846+2Fj code:18D3 ; code_1846+3Aj ... code:18D3 jnb RAM_2F.1, code_18E0 code:18D6 mov RAM_33, #4 code:18D9 setb RAM_2E.2 code:18DB anl RAM_2E, #0x64 code:18DE sjmp code_18FE code:18E0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:18E0 code:18E0 code_18E0: ; CODE XREF: code_1846:code_18D3j code:18E0 clr RAM_2E.2 code:18E2 mov A, RAM_2E code:18E4 anl A, #3 code:18E6 cjne A, #3, code_18F6 code:18E9 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:18EC mov R0, #0x78 ; 'x' code:18EE movx A, @R0 code:18EF mov R0, #0xC0 ; '' code:18F1 mov @R0, A code:18F2 setb RAM_2E.3 code:18F4 sjmp code_18F8 code:18F6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:18F6 code:18F6 code_18F6: ; CODE XREF: code_1846+A0j code:18F6 inc RAM_2E code:18F8 code:18F8 code_18F8: ; CODE XREF: code_1846:code_18B8j code:18F8 ; code_1846+87j ... code:18F8 mov A, RAM_33 code:18FA jz code_18FE code:18FC dec RAM_33 code:18FE code:18FE code_18FE: ; CODE XREF: code_1846+55j code:18FE ; code_1846+5Ej ... code:18FE mov R0, #0x75 ; 'u' code:1900 mov R1, #0x31 ; '1' code:1902 mov R5, #3 code:1904 lcall code_67C code:1907 mov R0, #0xBE ; '' code:1909 mov A, RAM_2E code:190B mov @R0, A code:190C inc R0 code:190D mov A, RAM_2F code:190F mov @R0, A code:1910 ret code:1910 ; End of function code_1846 code:1910 code:1911 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1911 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_2184 code:1911 code:1911 code_1911: ; CODE XREF: code_2184:code_62C3j code:1911 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:1914 mov R0, #0x63 ; 'c' code:1916 mov R1, #0x2E ; '.' code:1918 mov R5, #8 code:191A lcall code_689 code:191D jnb RAM_28.0, code_192B code:1920 mov RAM_2E, #0 code:1923 mov A, #0 code:1925 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1926 mov RAM_2F, A code:1928 ljmp code_19DF code:192B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:192B code:192B code_192B: ; CODE XREF: code_2184-867j code:192B djnz RAM_2F, code_194C code:192E mov A, #0 code:1930 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1931 mov RAM_2F, A code:1933 mov A, RAM_30 code:1935 clr C code:1936 subb A, RAM_3B code:1938 jnc code_1947 code:193A mov B, A ; B-Register code:193C mov A, #1 code:193E movc A, @A+DPTR code:193F add A, B ; B-Register code:1941 jc code_1947 code:1943 clr RAM_2E.0 code:1945 sjmp code_1949 code:1947 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1947 code:1947 code_1947: ; CODE XREF: code_2184-84Cj code:1947 ; code_2184-843j code:1947 setb RAM_2E.0 code:1949 code:1949 code_1949: ; CODE XREF: code_2184-83Fj code:1949 mov RAM_30, RAM_3B code:194C code:194C code_194C: ; CODE XREF: code_2184:code_192Bj code:194C mov A, RAM_31 code:194E jz code_1953 code:1950 dec A code:1951 mov RAM_31, A code:1953 code:1953 code_1953: ; CODE XREF: code_2184-836j code:1953 jb RAM_2E.3, code_19A5 code:1956 jb RAM_21.1, code_197A code:1959 jnb RAM_2A.2, code_19A3 code:195C jb RAM_2E.2, code_19A9 code:195F mov RAM_33, RAM_5F code:1962 mov RAM_32, #0 code:1965 setb RAM_2E.2 code:1967 mov R0, #0x6B ; 'k' code:1969 movx A, @R0 code:196A mov B, A ; B-Register code:196C mov A, #5 code:196E movc A, @A+DPTR code:196F cpl A code:1970 inc A code:1971 add A, RAM_3B code:1973 clr C code:1974 subb A, B ; B-Register code:1976 mov RAM_2E.1, C code:1978 sjmp code_19A9 code:197A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:197A code:197A code_197A: ; CODE XREF: code_2184-82Ej code:197A jb RAM_2E.2, code_1980 code:197D jb RAM_2A.2, code_198E code:1980 code:1980 code_1980: ; CODE XREF: code_2184:code_197Aj code:1980 mov A, #2 code:1982 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1983 mov RAM_31, A code:1985 mov R0, #0x6B ; 'k' code:1987 mov A, RAM_3B code:1989 movx @R0, A code:198A mov C, RAM_2E.0 code:198C mov RAM_2E.1, C code:198E code:198E code_198E: ; CODE XREF: code_2184-807j code:198E jb RAM_2E.1, code_1996 code:1991 mov RAM_5F, RAM_35 code:1994 sjmp code_1999 code:1996 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1996 code:1996 code_1996: ; CODE XREF: code_2184:code_198Ej code:1996 mov RAM_5F, RAM_34 code:1999 code:1999 code_1999: ; CODE XREF: code_2184-7F0j code:1999 clr RAM_2E.2 code:199B setb RAM_2A.2 code:199D mov A, RAM_31 code:199F jnz code_19DF code:19A1 setb RAM_2E.3 code:19A3 code:19A3 code_19A3: ; CODE XREF: code_2184-82Bj code:19A3 clr RAM_2A.2 code:19A5 code:19A5 code_19A5: ; CODE XREF: code_2184:code_1953j code:19A5 clr RAM_2E.2 code:19A7 sjmp code_19DF code:19A9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:19A9 code:19A9 code_19A9: ; CODE XREF: code_2184-828j code:19A9 ; code_2184-80Cj code:19A9 jnb RAM_2E.1, code_19B3 code:19AC mov A, #3 code:19AE movc A, @A+DPTR code:19AF mov B, A ; B-Register code:19B1 sjmp code_19B8 code:19B3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:19B3 code:19B3 code_19B3: ; CODE XREF: code_2184:code_19A9j code:19B3 mov A, #4 code:19B5 movc A, @A+DPTR code:19B6 mov B, A ; B-Register code:19B8 code:19B8 code_19B8: ; CODE XREF: code_2184-7D3j code:19B8 mov A, #0xFF code:19BA div AB code:19BB add A, RAM_32 code:19BD mov RAM_32, A code:19BF jc code_19DB code:19C1 mov B, A ; B-Register code:19C3 mov A, RAM_5F code:19C5 clr C code:19C6 subb A, RAM_51 code:19C8 jc code_19DB code:19CA mov A, RAM_33 code:19CC clr C code:19CD subb A, RAM_51 code:19CF jc code_19DB code:19D1 mul AB code:19D2 clr C code:19D3 mov A, RAM_33 code:19D5 subb A, B ; B-Register code:19D7 mov RAM_5F, A code:19D9 sjmp code_19DF code:19DB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:19DB code:19DB code_19DB: ; CODE XREF: code_2184-7C5j code:19DB ; code_2184-7BCj ... code:19DB clr RAM_2A.2 code:19DD clr RAM_2E.2 code:19DF code:19DF code_19DF: ; CODE XREF: code_2184-85Cj code:19DF ; code_2184-7E5j ... code:19DF mov R0, #0x63 ; 'c' code:19E1 mov R1, #0x2E ; '.' code:19E3 mov R5, #8 code:19E5 lcall code_67F code:19E8 ret code:19E8 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_2184 code:19E9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:19E9 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_216C code:19E9 code:19E9 code_19E9: ; CODE XREF: code_216C:code_62BDj code:19E9 jb RAM_28.0, code_1A65 code:19EC mov A, RAM_16 code:19EE cjne A, #1, code_19F3 code:19F1 sjmp code_19F6 code:19F3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:19F3 code:19F3 code_19F3: ; CODE XREF: code_216C-77Ej code:19F3 ljmp code_1ACE code:19F6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:19F6 code:19F6 code_19F6: ; CODE XREF: code_216C-77Bj code:19F6 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:19F9 mov R0, #0x1D code:19FB movx A, @R0 code:19FC cjne A, #0xAA, code_1A6F ; '' code:19FF mov A, #0x55 ; 'U' code:1A01 mov R0, #0x1D code:1A03 movx @R0, A code:1A04 mov A, RAM_3B code:1A06 mov R0, #0x1E code:1A08 movx @R0, A code:1A09 code:1A09 code_1A09: ; CODE XREF: code_216C-700j code:1A09 ; code_216C-6F5j ... code:1A09 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:1A0C mov R0, #0x43 ; 'C' code:1A0E movx A, @R0 code:1A0F mov RAM_2E, A code:1A11 setb RAM_2E.5 code:1A13 mov R1, #0xA4 ; '' code:1A15 clr A code:1A16 xch A, RAM_17 code:1A18 cpl A code:1A19 inc A code:1A1A mov @R1, A code:1A1B mov A, #3 code:1A1D movc A, @A+DPTR code:1A1E cpl A code:1A1F inc A code:1A20 mov B, A ; B-Register code:1A22 mov A, #1 code:1A24 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1A25 jb RAM_2B.6, code_1A2A code:1A28 add A, B ; B-Register code:1A2A code:1A2A code_1A2A: ; CODE XREF: code_216C-747j code:1A2A clr C code:1A2B subb A, @R1 code:1A2C cpl C code:1A2D mov RAM_2B.6, C code:1A2F mov A, #2 code:1A31 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1A32 jb RAM_2B.7, code_1A37 code:1A35 add A, B ; B-Register code:1A37 code:1A37 code_1A37: ; CODE XREF: code_216C-73Aj code:1A37 clr C code:1A38 subb A, @R1 code:1A39 cpl C code:1A3A mov RAM_2B.7, C code:1A3C mov A, @R1 code:1A3D cjne A, #2, code_1A40 code:1A40 code:1A40 code_1A40: ; CODE XREF: code_216C-72Fj code:1A40 mov A, #0 code:1A42 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1A43 jnc code_1A58 code:1A45 mov B, A ; B-Register code:1A47 clr A code:1A48 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:1A4B mov R0, #0x1D code:1A4D movx @R0, A code:1A4E mov A, B ; B-Register code:1A50 mov B, #0x80 ; '' ; B-Register code:1A53 mul AB code:1A54 mov A, B ; B-Register code:1A56 clr RAM_2E.5 code:1A58 code:1A58 code_1A58: ; CODE XREF: code_216C-729j code:1A58 inc A code:1A59 mov RAM_16, A code:1A5B mov A, RAM_2E code:1A5D mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:1A60 mov R0, #0x43 ; 'C' code:1A62 movx @R0, A code:1A63 sjmp code_1A82 code:1A65 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1A65 code:1A65 code_1A65: ; CODE XREF: code_216C:code_19E9j code:1A65 clr A code:1A66 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:1A69 mov R0, #0x1D code:1A6B movx @R0, A code:1A6C ljmp code_1A09 code:1A6F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1A6F code:1A6F code_1A6F: ; CODE XREF: code_216C-770j code:1A6F cjne A, #0x55, code_1A7A ; 'U' code:1A72 mov A, RAM_3B code:1A74 mov R0, #0x1E code:1A76 movx @R0, A code:1A77 ljmp code_1A09 code:1A7A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1A7A code:1A7A code_1A7A: ; CODE XREF: code_216C:code_1A6Fj code:1A7A mov A, #0xAA ; '' code:1A7C mov R0, #0x1D code:1A7E movx @R0, A code:1A7F ljmp code_1A09 code:1A82 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1A82 code:1A82 code_1A82: ; CODE XREF: code_216C-709j code:1A82 mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:1A85 mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:1A88 mov R6, RAM_3B code:1A8A mov R7, RAM_37 code:1A8C mov A, #0x4E ; 'N' code:1A8E movc A, @A+DPTR code:1A8F mov B, A ; B-Register code:1A91 mov A, #0x8F ; '' code:1A93 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1A94 cjne A, RAM_3B, code_1A97 code:1A97 code:1A97 code_1A97: ; CODE XREF: code_216C-6D8j code:1A97 jnc code_1AC1 code:1A99 mov A, #0x90 ; '' code:1A9B movc A, @A+DPTR code:1A9C cjne A, RAM_40, code_1A9F code:1A9F code:1A9F code_1A9F: ; CODE XREF: code_216C-6D0j code:1A9F jnc code_1AC1 code:1AA1 clr A code:1AA2 setb ACC3 ; Accumulator code:1AA4 mov R2, A code:1AA5 mov A, @R1 code:1AA6 cjne A, #2, code_1AA9 code:1AA9 code:1AA9 code_1AA9: ; CODE XREF: code_216C-6C6j code:1AA9 jnc code_1ABC code:1AAB lcall code_21F6 code:1AAE jc code_1AB3 code:1AB0 setb C code:1AB1 sjmp code_1ABC code:1AB3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1AB3 code:1AB3 code_1AB3: ; CODE XREF: code_216C-6BEj code:1AB3 inc R0 code:1AB4 movx A, @R0 code:1AB5 setb ACC5 ; Accumulator code:1AB7 setb ACC6 ; Accumulator code:1AB9 movx @R0, A code:1ABA sjmp code_1ACE code:1ABC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1ABC code:1ABC code_1ABC: ; CODE XREF: code_216C:code_1AA9j code:1ABC ; code_216C-6BBj code:1ABC lcall code_EFF code:1ABF sjmp code_1ACE code:1AC1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1AC1 code:1AC1 code_1AC1: ; CODE XREF: code_216C:code_1A97j code:1AC1 ; code_216C:code_1A9Fj code:1AC1 lcall code_21F6 code:1AC4 jnc code_1ACE code:1AC6 inc R0 code:1AC7 movx A, @R0 code:1AC8 jb ACC5, code_1ACE ; Accumulator code:1ACB lcall code_FE7 code:1ACE code:1ACE code_1ACE: ; CODE XREF: code_216C:code_19F3j code:1ACE ; code_216C-6B2j ... code:1ACE mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:1AD1 ret code:1AD1 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_216C code:1AD2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1AD2 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_218A code:1AD2 code:1AD2 code_1AD2: ; CODE XREF: code_218A:code_665Ej code:1AD2 mov A, #4 code:1AD4 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1AD5 cjne A, RAM_3B, code_1AD8 code:1AD8 code:1AD8 code_1AD8: ; CODE XREF: code_218A-6B5j code:1AD8 jnc code_1ADD code:1ADA jnb RAM_28.0, code_1AE3 code:1ADD code:1ADD code_1ADD: ; CODE XREF: code_218A:code_1AD8j code:1ADD mov A, #3 code:1ADF movc A, @A+DPTR code:1AE0 mov R0, #0xA8 ; '' code:1AE2 mov @R0, A code:1AE3 code:1AE3 code_1AE3: ; CODE XREF: code_218A-6B0j code:1AE3 jb RAM_27.6, code_1B31 code:1AE6 jnb RAM_27.4, code_1B16 code:1AE9 setb RAM_27.5 code:1AEB mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:1AEE mov R0, #0x64 ; 'd' code:1AF0 movx A, @R0 code:1AF1 mov R5, A code:1AF2 mov A, #2 code:1AF4 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1AF5 lcall code_222F code:1AF8 mov B, A ; B-Register code:1AFA mov A, #0 code:1AFC movc A, @A+DPTR code:1AFD add A, RAM_72 code:1AFF cjne A, B, code_1B02 ; B-Register code:1B02 code:1B02 code_1B02: ; CODE XREF: code_218A-68Bj code:1B02 jc code_1B06 code:1B04 mov A, B ; B-Register code:1B06 code:1B06 code_1B06: ; CODE XREF: code_218A:code_1B02j code:1B06 mov RAM_72, A code:1B08 mov R0, #0xA8 ; '' code:1B0A mov A, @R0 code:1B0B dec @R0 code:1B0C jnz code_1B31 code:1B0E setb RAM_27.6 code:1B10 clr RAM_27.4 code:1B12 clr RAM_27.5 code:1B14 sjmp code_1B31 code:1B16 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1B16 code:1B16 code_1B16: ; CODE XREF: code_218A-6A4j code:1B16 mov A, #3 code:1B18 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1B19 mov R0, #0xA8 ; '' code:1B1B mov @R0, A code:1B1C jnb RAM_27.5, code_1B31 code:1B1F mov A, #1 code:1B21 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1B22 cpl A code:1B23 add A, RAM_72 code:1B25 cjne A, RAM_51, code_1B28 code:1B28 code:1B28 code_1B28: ; CODE XREF: code_218A-665j code:1B28 jnc code_1B2E code:1B2A clr RAM_27.5 code:1B2C sjmp code_1B31 code:1B2E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1B2E code:1B2E code_1B2E: ; CODE XREF: code_218A:code_1B28j code:1B2E inc A code:1B2F mov RAM_72, A code:1B31 code:1B31 code_1B31: ; CODE XREF: code_218A:code_1AE3j code:1B31 ; code_218A-67Ej ... code:1B31 ret code:1B31 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_218A code:1B32 code:1B32 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:1B32 code:1B32 code:1B32 code_1B32: ; CODE XREF: code:00B5p code:1B32 ; code_7CDEj ... code:1B32 code:1B32 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:2232 SIZE 00000006 BYTES code:1B32 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:7CE1 SIZE 00000006 BYTES code:1B32 code:1B32 jnb RAM_29.2, code_1B36 code:1B35 ret code:1B36 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1B36 code:1B36 code_1B36: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32j code:1B36 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:1B39 mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:1B3C mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:1B3F mov R0, #0x80 ; '' code:1B41 movx A, @R0 code:1B42 mov RAM_2E, A code:1B44 mov R0, #0x8C ; '' code:1B46 mov R1, #0x2F ; '/' code:1B48 mov R5, #6 code:1B4A lcall code_686 code:1B4D jb RAM_2A.3, code_1B63 code:1B50 jbc RAM_2F.2, code_1B56 code:1B53 code:1B53 code_1B53: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32+49j code:1B53 ljmp code_1C60 code:1B56 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1B56 code:1B56 code_1B56: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32+1Ej code:1B56 mov B, #0xFF ; B-Register code:1B59 lcall code_21F6 code:1B5C setb RAM_2A.3 code:1B5E mov RAM_34, #0 code:1B61 sjmp code_1B71 code:1B63 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1B63 code:1B63 code_1B63: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32+1Bj code:1B63 jbc RAM_2F.2, code_1B6F code:1B66 mov R0, #0x92 ; '' code:1B68 lcall code_1626 code:1B6B mov RAM_2F.1, C code:1B6D sjmp code_1B7E code:1B6F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1B6F code:1B6F code_1B6F: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32:code_1B63j code:1B6F inc RAM_34 code:1B71 code:1B71 code_1B71: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32+2Fj code:1B71 mov A, #1 code:1B73 mov A, #0x3E ; '>' code:1B75 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1B76 mov RAM_32, A code:1B78 lcall code_1C7B code:1B7B jnb RAM_2A.3, code_1B53 code:1B7E code:1B7E code_1B7E: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32+3Bj code:1B7E mov A, RAM_31 code:1B80 jnz code_1B99 code:1B82 jbc RAM_2F.1, code_1B8A code:1B85 clr RAM_22.1 code:1B87 ljmp code_1C60 code:1B8A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1B8A code:1B8A code_1B8A: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32+50j code:1B8A inc RAM_31 code:1B8C mov R3, #0x35 ; '5' code:1B8E mov R4, #0x34 ; '4' code:1B90 lcall code_1C6F code:1B93 ljmp code_1C60 code:1B96 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1B96 ljmp code_2232 code:1B99 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1B99 code:1B99 code_1B99: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32+4Ej code:1B99 ; code_1B32:code_7CE1j code:1B99 cjne A, #1, code_1BB0 code:1B9C jbc RAM_2F.1, code_1BA4 code:1B9F setb RAM_22.1 code:1BA1 ljmp code_1C60 code:1BA4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1BA4 code:1BA4 code_1BA4: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32+6Aj code:1BA4 inc RAM_31 code:1BA6 mov R3, #0x37 ; '7' code:1BA8 mov R4, #0x36 ; '6' code:1BAA lcall code_1C6F code:1BAD ljmp code_1C60 code:1BB0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1BB0 code:1BB0 code_1BB0: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32:code_1B99j code:1BB0 cjne A, #2, code_1C0E code:1BB3 mov A, RAM_33 code:1BB5 jnz code_1BCE code:1BB7 clr C code:1BB8 mov A, #0xFF code:1BBA subb A, RAM_32 code:1BBC jz code_1BC8 code:1BBE djnz RAM_32, code_1BC8 code:1BC1 inc RAM_34 code:1BC3 mov A, #0x3E ; '>' code:1BC5 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1BC6 mov RAM_32, A code:1BC8 code:1BC8 code_1BC8: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32+8Aj code:1BC8 ; code_1B32+8Cj code:1BC8 lcall code_1C7B code:1BCB ljmp code_1C60 code:1BCE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1BCE code:1BCE code_1BCE: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32+83j code:1BCE jbc RAM_2F.1, code_1BD6 code:1BD1 clr RAM_22.1 code:1BD3 ljmp code_1C60 code:1BD6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1BD6 code:1BD6 code_1BD6: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32:code_1BCEj code:1BD6 djnz RAM_33, code_1BFF code:1BD9 inc RAM_31 code:1BDB mov A, #0x3F ; '?' code:1BDD movc A, @A+DPTR code:1BDE dec A code:1BDF cjne A, RAM_30, code_1BEF code:1BE2 mov R3, #0x3D ; '=' code:1BE4 mov R4, #0x3C ; '<' code:1BE6 lcall code_1C6F code:1BE9 inc RAM_31 code:1BEB inc RAM_31 code:1BED sjmp code_1C08 code:1BEF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1BEF code:1BEF code_1BEF: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32+ADj code:1BEF inc RAM_30 code:1BF1 mov R3, #0x3B ; ';' code:1BF3 mov R4, #0x3A ; ':' code:1BF5 lcall code_1C6F code:1BF8 inc RAM_31 code:1BFA lcall code_2238 code:1BFD sjmp code_1C08 code:1BFF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1BFF code:1BFF code_1BFF: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32:code_1BD6j code:1BFF inc RAM_31 code:1C01 mov R3, #0x39 ; '9' code:1C03 mov R4, #0x38 ; '8' code:1C05 lcall code_1C6F code:1C08 code:1C08 code_1C08: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32+BBj code:1C08 ; code_1B32+CBj code:1C08 ljmp code_1C60 code:1C0B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1C0B ljmp code_2235 code:1C0E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1C0E code:1C0E code_1C0E: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32:code_1BB0j code:1C0E ; code_1B32:code_7CE4j code:1C0E cjne A, #3, code_1C25 code:1C11 jbc RAM_2F.1, code_1C19 code:1C14 setb RAM_22.1 code:1C16 ljmp code_1C60 code:1C19 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1C19 code:1C19 code_1C19: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32+DFj code:1C19 dec RAM_31 code:1C1B mov R3, #0x37 ; '7' code:1C1D mov R4, #0x36 ; '6' code:1C1F lcall code_1C6F code:1C22 ljmp code_1C60 code:1C25 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1C25 code:1C25 code_1C25: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32:code_1C0Ej code:1C25 cjne A, #4, code_1C3E code:1C28 jbc RAM_2F.1, code_1C30 code:1C2B setb RAM_22.1 code:1C2D ljmp code_1C60 code:1C30 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1C30 code:1C30 code_1C30: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32+F6j code:1C30 dec RAM_31 code:1C32 dec RAM_31 code:1C34 mov R3, #0x37 ; '7' code:1C36 mov R4, #0x36 ; '6' code:1C38 lcall code_1C6F code:1C3B ljmp code_1C60 code:1C3E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1C3E code:1C3E code_1C3E: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32:code_1C25j code:1C3E cjne A, #5, code_1C60 code:1C41 jbc RAM_2F.1, code_1C49 code:1C44 setb RAM_22.1 code:1C46 ljmp code_1C60 code:1C49 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1C49 code:1C49 code_1C49: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32+10Fj code:1C49 clr C code:1C4A mov A, #0xFF code:1C4C subb A, RAM_32 code:1C4E jz code_1C5A code:1C50 djnz RAM_32, code_1C5A code:1C53 inc RAM_34 code:1C55 mov A, #0x3E ; '>' code:1C57 subb A, #0xF5 ; '' code:1C59 reti code:1C5A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1C5A code:1C5A code_1C5A: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32+11Cj code:1C5A ; code_1B32+11Ej code:1C5A lcall code_1C7B code:1C5D ljmp code_1C60 code:1C60 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1C60 code:1C60 code_1C60: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32:code_1B53j code:1C60 ; code_1B32+55j ... code:1C60 mov R0, #0x8C ; '' code:1C62 mov R1, #0x2F ; '/' code:1C64 mov R5, #6 code:1C66 lcall code_67C code:1C69 mov R0, #0x80 ; '' code:1C6B mov A, RAM_2E code:1C6D mov R7, A code:1C6E ret code:1C6E ; End of function code_1B32 code:1C6E code:1C6F code:1C6F ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:1C6F code:1C6F code:1C6F code_1C6F: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32+5Ep code:1C6F ; code_1B32+78p ... code:1C6F mov R1, #0x92 ; '' code:1C71 mov A, R4 code:1C72 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1C73 movx @R1, A code:1C74 inc R1 code:1C75 mov A, R3 code:1C76 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1C77 movx @R1, A code:1C78 inc R1 code:1C79 movx @R1, A code:1C7A ret code:1C7A ; End of function code_1C6F code:1C7A code:1C7B code:1C7B ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:1C7B code:1C7B code:1C7B code_1C7B: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32+46p code:1C7B ; code_1B32:code_1BC8p ... code:1C7B mov RAM_30, #0 code:1C7E mov A, #0x32 ; '2' code:1C80 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1C81 jz code_1C8A code:1C83 mov RAM_31, #0 code:1C86 mov R4, #0x32 ; '2' code:1C88 sjmp code_1C93 code:1C8A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1C8A code:1C8A code_1C8A: ; CODE XREF: code_1C7B+6j code:1C8A mov RAM_31, #2 code:1C8D mov R4, #0x36 ; '6' code:1C8F mov R3, #0x37 ; '7' code:1C91 sjmp code_1C95 code:1C93 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1C93 code:1C93 code_1C93: ; CODE XREF: code_1C7B+Dj code:1C93 mov R3, #0x33 ; '3' code:1C95 code:1C95 code_1C95: ; CODE XREF: code_1C7B+16j code:1C95 lcall code_1C6F code:1C98 lcall code_2238 code:1C9B sjmp code_1C9D code:1C9D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1C9D code:1C9D code_1C9D: ; CODE XREF: code_1C7B+20j code:1C9D ret code:1C9D ; End of function code_1C7B code:1C9D code:1C9E code:1C9E ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:1C9E code:1C9E code:1C9E code_1C9E: ; CODE XREF: code:00B2p code:1C9E ; code_7CD8j ... code:1C9E code:1C9E ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:223B SIZE 00000003 BYTES code:1C9E ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:7CDB SIZE 00000003 BYTES code:1C9E code:1C9E mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:1CA1 mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:1CA4 mov A, #0x26 ; '&' code:1CA6 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1CA7 clr C code:1CA8 subb A, RAM_3B code:1CAA jnc code_1CAF code:1CAC ljmp code_1D77 code:1CAF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1CAF code:1CAF code_1CAF: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E+Cj code:1CAF mov R0, #0x80 ; '' code:1CB1 mov R1, #0x2E ; '.' code:1CB3 mov R5, #6 code:1CB5 lcall code_686 code:1CB8 clr F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:1CBA mov A, #0x27 ; ''' code:1CBC movc A, @A+DPTR code:1CBD cjne A, #0xFF, code_1CC3 code:1CC0 ljmp code_1CC6 code:1CC3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1CC3 code:1CC3 code_1CC3: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E+1Fj code:1CC3 lcall code_1DA2 code:1CC6 code:1CC6 code_1CC6: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E+22j code:1CC6 ljmp code_223B code:1CC9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1CC9 code:1CC9 code_1CC9: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E:code_7CDBj code:1CC9 mov A, #0x2C ; ',' code:1CCB movc A, @A+DPTR code:1CCC cjne A, #0xFF, code_1CD2 code:1CCF ljmp code_1D6E code:1CD2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1CD2 code:1CD2 code_1CD2: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E+2Ej code:1CD2 mov B, A ; B-Register code:1CD4 jnb RAM_2F.0, code_1CE1 code:1CD7 jnb RAM_20.3, code_1CDE code:1CDA clr RAM_2F.0 code:1CDC setb RAM_2F.1 code:1CDE code:1CDE code_1CDE: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E+39j code:1CDE ljmp code_1D6E code:1CE1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1CE1 code:1CE1 code_1CE1: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E+36j code:1CE1 mov A, RAM_3B code:1CE3 jnz code_1CE8 code:1CE5 mov RAM_68, #0x32 ; '2' code:1CE8 code:1CE8 code_1CE8: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E+45j code:1CE8 djnz RAM_33, code_1CEE code:1CEB ljmp code_1D2B code:1CEE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1CEE code:1CEE code_1CEE: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E:code_1CE8j code:1CEE mov A, B ; B-Register code:1CF0 clr C code:1CF1 rrc A code:1CF2 mov B, A ; B-Register code:1CF4 cjne A, RAM_33, code_1D0A code:1CF7 clr A code:1CF8 mov C, RAM_20.3 code:1CFA cpl C code:1CFB mov ACC0, C ; Accumulator code:1CFD clr C code:1CFE subb A, RAM_31 code:1D00 jnz code_1D6E code:1D02 mov A, RAM_31 code:1D04 setb ACC7 ; Accumulator code:1D06 mov RAM_31, A code:1D08 sjmp code_1D6E code:1D0A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1D0A code:1D0A code_1D0A: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E+56j code:1D0A inc A code:1D0B cjne A, RAM_33, code_1D18 code:1D0E clr A code:1D0F mov C, RAM_20.3 code:1D11 cpl C code:1D12 mov ACC0, C ; Accumulator code:1D14 mov RAM_31, A code:1D16 sjmp code_1D6E code:1D18 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1D18 code:1D18 code_1D18: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E+6Dj code:1D18 dec A code:1D19 dec A code:1D1A cjne A, RAM_33, code_1D6E code:1D1D mov A, RAM_31 code:1D1F jbc ACC7, code_1D27 ; Accumulator code:1D22 mov C, RAM_20.3 code:1D24 cpl C code:1D25 mov ACC0, C ; Accumulator code:1D27 code:1D27 code_1D27: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E+81j code:1D27 mov RAM_31, A code:1D29 sjmp code_1D6E code:1D2B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1D2B code:1D2B code_1D2B: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E+4Dj code:1D2B djnz RAM_30, code_1D42 code:1D2E mov A, RAM_31 code:1D30 cjne A, #1, code_1D64 code:1D33 mov A, #0x2D ; '-' code:1D35 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1D36 cjne A, RAM_32, code_1D64 code:1D39 setb RAM_29.2 code:1D3B clr RAM_2A.3 code:1D3D lcall code_B74 code:1D40 sjmp code_1D64 code:1D42 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1D42 code:1D42 code_1D42: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E:code_1D2Bj code:1D42 mov A, RAM_30 code:1D44 cjne A, #9, code_1D55 code:1D47 mov A, RAM_31 code:1D49 jnz code_1D64 code:1D4B lcall code_B4B code:1D4E mov A, #0x2C ; ',' code:1D50 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1D51 mov RAM_33, A code:1D53 sjmp code_1D6E code:1D55 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1D55 code:1D55 code_1D55: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E+A6j code:1D55 mov A, RAM_31 code:1D57 rrc A code:1D58 mov A, RAM_32 code:1D5A rrc A code:1D5B mov RAM_32, A code:1D5D mov A, #0x2C ; ',' code:1D5F movc A, @A+DPTR code:1D60 mov RAM_33, A code:1D62 sjmp code_1D6E code:1D64 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1D64 code:1D64 code_1D64: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E+92j code:1D64 ; code_1C9E+98j ... code:1D64 lcall code_1D8E code:1D67 mov R0, #0x80 ; '' code:1D69 mov A, RAM_2E code:1D6B movx @R0, A code:1D6C sjmp code_1D77 code:1D6E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1D6E code:1D6E code_1D6E: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E+31j code:1D6E ; code_1C9E:code_1CDEj ... code:1D6E mov R0, #0x80 ; '' code:1D70 mov R1, #0x2E ; '.' code:1D72 mov R5, #6 code:1D74 lcall code_67C code:1D77 code:1D77 code_1D77: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E+Ej code:1D77 ; code_1C9E+CEj code:1D77 ret code:1D77 ; End of function code_1C9E code:1D77 code:1D78 code:1D78 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:1D78 code:1D78 code:1D78 code_1D78: ; CODE XREF: code_8247:code_8277p code:1D78 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:1D7B mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:1D7E mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:1D81 lcall code_1D88 code:1D84 lcall code_1D8E code:1D87 ret code:1D87 ; End of function code_1D78 code:1D87 code:1D88 code:1D88 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:1D88 code:1D88 code:1D88 code_1D88: ; CODE XREF: code_1D78+9p code:1D88 mov R0, #0x80 ; '' code:1D8A mov A, #0 code:1D8C movx @R0, A code:1D8D ret code:1D8D ; End of function code_1D88 code:1D8D code:1D8E code:1D8E ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:1D8E code:1D8E code:1D8E code_1D8E: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E:code_1D64p code:1D8E ; code_1D78+Cp code:1D8E mov R0, #0x81 ; '' code:1D90 mov A, #1 code:1D92 movx @R0, A code:1D93 inc R0 code:1D94 mov A, #0xA code:1D96 movx @R0, A code:1D97 inc R0 code:1D98 clr A code:1D99 movx @R0, A code:1D9A inc R0 code:1D9B movx @R0, A code:1D9C inc R0 code:1D9D mov A, #0x2C ; ',' code:1D9F movc A, @A+DPTR code:1DA0 movx @R0, A code:1DA1 ret code:1DA1 ; End of function code_1D8E code:1DA1 code:1DA2 code:1DA2 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:1DA2 code:1DA2 code:1DA2 code_1DA2: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E:code_1CC3p code:1DA2 mov A, RAM_3B code:1DA4 jz code_1DAE code:1DA6 mov RAM_2E, #0 code:1DA9 clr RAM_2A.3 code:1DAB ljmp code_1EAE code:1DAE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1DAE code:1DAE code_1DAE: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2+2j code:1DAE mov A, RAM_2E code:1DB0 anl A, #7 code:1DB2 mov R2, A code:1DB3 rl A code:1DB4 mov DPTR, #0x1DB8 code:1DB7 jmp @A+DPTR code:1DB8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1DB8 sjmp code_1DCB code:1DBA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1DBA sjmp code_1DCF code:1DBC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1DBC sjmp code_1E02 code:1DBE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1DBE sjmp code_1E10 code:1DC0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1DC0 sjmp code_1E24 code:1DC2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1DC2 sjmp code_1E2D code:1DC4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1DC4 sjmp code_1DC8 code:1DC6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1DC6 sjmp code_1DCB code:1DC8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1DC8 code:1DC8 code_1DC8: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2+22j code:1DC8 ljmp code_1E77 code:1DCB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1DCB code:1DCB code_1DCB: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2+16j code:1DCB ; code_1DA2+24j code:1DCB clr RAM_2A.3 code:1DCD clr RAM_22.1 code:1DCF code:1DCF code_1DCF: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2+18j code:1DCF mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:1DD2 mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:1DD5 mov R0, #0x89 ; '' code:1DD7 clr A code:1DD8 movx @R0, A code:1DD9 clr RAM_2E.3 code:1DDB clr RAM_2E.4 code:1DDD mov R0, #0xEC ; '' code:1DDF movx A, @R0 code:1DE0 jz code_1DEB code:1DE2 mov R1, A code:1DE3 mov R0, #0x91 ; '' code:1DE5 movx A, @R0 code:1DE6 cjne A, RAM_1, code_1DF5 code:1DE9 sjmp code_1DF1 code:1DEB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1DEB code:1DEB code_1DEB: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2+3Ej code:1DEB mov R0, #0x91 ; '' code:1DED movx A, @R0 code:1DEE cjne A, #2, code_1DF5 code:1DF1 code:1DF1 code_1DF1: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2+47j code:1DF1 mov A, #0x64 ; 'd' code:1DF3 sjmp code_1DF8 code:1DF5 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1DF5 code:1DF5 code_1DF5: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2+44j code:1DF5 ; code_1DA2+4Cj code:1DF5 mov A, #0x30 ; '0' code:1DF7 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1DF8 code:1DF8 code_1DF8: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2+51j code:1DF8 mov R0, #0x86 ; '' code:1DFA movx @R0, A code:1DFB mov A, #0x31 ; '1' code:1DFD movc A, @A+DPTR code:1DFE inc R0 code:1DFF movx @R0, A code:1E00 inc R0 code:1E01 code:1E01 code_1E01: ; CODE XREF: code:4174j code:1E01 movx @R0, A code:1E02 code:1E02 code_1E02: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2+1Aj code:1E02 mov DPH, RAM_7F ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:1E05 mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:1E08 mov R0, #0x8A ; '' code:1E0A mov A, #0x2F ; '/' code:1E0C movc A, @A+DPTR code:1E0D movx @R0, A code:1E0E mov R2, #3 code:1E10 code:1E10 code_1E10: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2+1Cj code:1E10 jnb RAM_28.4, code_1E8A code:1E13 setb RAM_2E.3 code:1E15 setb RAM_2E.4 code:1E17 mov R0, #0x8A ; '' code:1E19 movx A, @R0 code:1E1A jnz code_1E8A code:1E1C mov R0, #0x89 ; '' code:1E1E movx A, @R0 code:1E1F inc A code:1E20 movx @R0, A code:1E21 inc R2 code:1E22 sjmp code_1E8A code:1E24 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1E24 code:1E24 code_1E24: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2+1Ej code:1E24 jb RAM_28.4, code_1E8A code:1E27 clr RAM_2E.4 code:1E29 mov R2, #2 code:1E2B sjmp code_1E8A code:1E2D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1E2D code:1E2D code_1E2D: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2+20j code:1E2D mov R0, #0x89 ; '' code:1E2F movx A, @R0 code:1E30 mov B, A ; B-Register code:1E32 mov R0, #0xEC ; '' code:1E34 movx A, @R0 code:1E35 jz code_1E40 code:1E37 mov R1, A code:1E38 mov R0, #0x91 ; '' code:1E3A movx A, @R0 code:1E3B cjne A, RAM_1, code_1E59 code:1E3E sjmp code_1E46 code:1E40 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1E40 code:1E40 code_1E40: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2+93j code:1E40 mov R0, #0x91 ; '' code:1E42 movx A, @R0 code:1E43 cjne A, #2, code_1E59 code:1E46 code:1E46 code_1E46: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2+9Cj code:1E46 jnb RAM_28.4, code_1E51 code:1E49 mov A, B ; B-Register code:1E4B cjne A, #1, code_1E51 code:1E4E lcall code_BCC code:1E51 code:1E51 code_1E51: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2:code_1E46j code:1E51 ; code_1DA2+A9j code:1E51 mov R2, #0 code:1E53 mov R0, #0x91 ; '' code:1E55 clr A code:1E56 movx @R0, A code:1E57 sjmp code_1EA7 code:1E59 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1E59 code:1E59 code_1E59: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2+99j code:1E59 ; code_1DA2+A1j code:1E59 mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:1E5C mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:1E5F mov A, #0x2E ; '.' code:1E61 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1E62 cjne A, B, code_1E86 ; B-Register code:1E65 mov R0, #0x86 ; '' code:1E67 mov A, #0x29 ; ')' code:1E69 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1E6A movx @R0, A code:1E6B inc R0 code:1E6C mov A, #0x2A ; '*' code:1E6E movc A, @A+DPTR code:1E6F movx @R0, A code:1E70 inc R0 code:1E71 movx @R0, A code:1E72 setb RAM_22.1 code:1E74 inc R2 code:1E75 sjmp code_1EA7 code:1E77 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1E77 code:1E77 code_1E77: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2:code_1DC8j code:1E77 mov R0, #0x86 ; '' code:1E79 lcall code_1626 code:1E7C jnc code_1EA7 code:1E7E mov R0, #0x8C ; '' code:1E80 movx A, @R0 code:1E81 setb ACC2 ; Accumulator code:1E83 movx @R0, A code:1E84 setb RAM_2E.6 code:1E86 code:1E86 code_1E86: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2+C0j code:1E86 mov R2, #1 code:1E88 sjmp code_1EA7 code:1E8A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1E8A code:1E8A code_1E8A: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2:code_1E10j code:1E8A ; code_1DA2+78j ... code:1E8A jnb RAM_2E.4, code_1E94 code:1E8D mov R0, #0x8A ; '' code:1E8F movx A, @R0 code:1E90 jz code_1E94 code:1E92 dec A code:1E93 movx @R0, A code:1E94 code:1E94 code_1E94: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2:code_1E8Aj code:1E94 ; code_1DA2+EEj code:1E94 jnb RAM_2E.3, code_1EA7 code:1E97 mov R0, #0x86 ; '' code:1E99 movx A, @R0 code:1E9A jz code_1EA7 code:1E9C lcall code_1626 code:1E9F jnc code_1EA7 code:1EA1 clr RAM_2E.3 code:1EA3 clr RAM_2E.4 code:1EA5 mov R2, #5 code:1EA7 code:1EA7 code_1EA7: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2+B5j code:1EA7 ; code_1DA2+D3j ... code:1EA7 mov A, RAM_2E code:1EA9 anl A, #0xF8 code:1EAB orl A, R2 code:1EAC mov RAM_2E, A code:1EAE code:1EAE code_1EAE: ; CODE XREF: code_1DA2+9j code:1EAE mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:1EB1 mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:1EB4 ret code:1EB4 ; End of function code_1DA2 code:1EB4 code:1EB5 code:1EB5 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:1EB5 code:1EB5 ; Attributes: thunk code:1EB5 code:1EB5 code_1EB5: ; CODE XREF: code_38F3j code:1EB5 ljmp code_2136 code:1EB5 ; End of function code_1EB5 code:1EB5 code:1EB8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1EB8 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_2136 code:1EB8 code:1EB8 code_1EB8: ; CODE XREF: code_2136+3j code:1EB8 jnb RAM_23.0, code_1ECB code:1EBB mov A, #3 code:1EBD movc A, @A+DPTR code:1EBE mov RAM_2F, A code:1EC0 mov A, #4 code:1EC2 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1EC3 add A, RAM_2F code:1EC5 mov RAM_30, A code:1EC7 mov R2, #2 code:1EC9 sjmp code_1F0A code:1ECB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1ECB code:1ECB code_1ECB: ; CODE XREF: code_2136:code_1EB8j code:1ECB mov R2, #0 code:1ECD lcall code_400 code:1ED0 mov RAM_2F, A code:1ED2 lcall code_400 code:1ED5 add A, RAM_2F code:1ED7 mov RAM_2F, A code:1ED9 mov C, RAM_20.6 code:1EDB orl C, RAM_20.7 code:1EDD jnc code_1EE6 code:1EDF mov A, #2 code:1EE1 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1EE2 add A, RAM_2F code:1EE4 mov RAM_2F, A code:1EE6 code:1EE6 code_1EE6: ; CODE XREF: code_2136-259j code:1EE6 mov R0, #0x9E ; '' code:1EE8 mov B, @R0 ; B-Register code:1EEA mov A, #0 code:1EEC movc A, @A+DPTR code:1EED cjne A, B, code_1EF0 ; B-Register code:1EF0 code:1EF0 code_1EF0: ; CODE XREF: code_2136-249j code:1EF0 jnc code_1EF4 code:1EF2 mov A, B ; B-Register code:1EF4 code:1EF4 code_1EF4: ; CODE XREF: code_2136:code_1EF0j code:1EF4 add A, RAM_2F code:1EF6 mov RAM_30, A code:1EF8 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:1EFB mov R0, #0x5E ; '^' code:1EFD movx A, @R0 code:1EFE mov RAM_2E, A code:1F00 jnb RAM_2E.3, code_1F0A code:1F03 mov A, #1 code:1F05 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1F06 add A, RAM_2F code:1F08 mov RAM_30, A code:1F0A code:1F0A code_1F0A: ; CODE XREF: code_2136-26Dj code:1F0A ; code_2136-236j code:1F0A lcall code_400 code:1F0D mov RAM_31, A code:1F0F mov R5, #3 code:1F11 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:1F14 mov R1, #0x2F ; '/' code:1F16 mov R0, #0x2D ; '-' code:1F18 lcall code_67F code:1F1B ret code:1F1B ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_2136 code:1F1C code:1F1C ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:1F1C code:1F1C code:1F1C code_1F1C: ; CODE XREF: code_38F6j code:1F1C mov R5, #3 code:1F1E mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:1F21 mov R1, #0x2F ; '/' code:1F23 mov R0, #0x2D ; '-' code:1F25 lcall code_689 code:1F28 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:1F2B mov R0, #0xA0 ; '' code:1F2D jb RAM_27.0, code_1F69 code:1F30 mov A, RAM_30 code:1F32 cjne A, RAM_3B, code_1F35 code:1F35 code:1F35 code_1F35: ; CODE XREF: code_1F1C+16j code:1F35 jnc code_1F65 code:1F37 mov R0, #0x77 ; 'w' code:1F39 movx A, @R0 code:1F3A mov R0, #0xA0 ; '' code:1F3C jnz code_1F65 code:1F3E mov A, #0x10 code:1F40 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1F41 cjne A, RAM_37, code_1F46 code:1F44 sjmp code_1F48 code:1F46 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1F46 code:1F46 code_1F46: ; CODE XREF: code_1F1C+25j code:1F46 jnc code_1F65 code:1F48 code:1F48 code_1F48: ; CODE XREF: code_1F1C+28j code:1F48 jb RAM_28.5, code_1F52 code:1F4B mov A, RAM_31 code:1F4D cjne A, RAM_40, code_1F50 code:1F50 code:1F50 code_1F50: ; CODE XREF: code_1F1C+31j code:1F50 jc code_1F65 code:1F52 code:1F52 code_1F52: ; CODE XREF: code_1F1C:code_1F48j code:1F52 cjne @R0, #0, code_1F60 code:1F55 jb RAM_27.3, code_1F69 code:1F58 mov A, #0x11 code:1F5A movc A, @A+DPTR code:1F5B mov @R0, A code:1F5C setb RAM_27.3 code:1F5E sjmp code_1F69 code:1F60 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1F60 code:1F60 code_1F60: ; CODE XREF: code_1F1C:code_1F52j code:1F60 dec @R0 code:1F61 setb RAM_27.3 code:1F63 sjmp code_1F69 code:1F65 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1F65 code:1F65 code_1F65: ; CODE XREF: code_1F1C:code_1F35j code:1F65 ; code_1F1C+20j ... code:1F65 mov A, @R0 code:1F66 jz code_1F69 code:1F68 dec @R0 code:1F69 code:1F69 code_1F69: ; CODE XREF: code_1F1C+11j code:1F69 ; code_1F1C+39j ... code:1F69 mov R0, #0x77 ; 'w' code:1F6B movx A, @R0 code:1F6C jnz code_1F81 code:1F6E mov A, #0x12 code:1F70 movc A, @A+DPTR code:1F71 add A, RAM_31 code:1F73 cjne A, RAM_40, code_1F76 code:1F76 code:1F76 code_1F76: ; CODE XREF: code_1F1C+57j code:1F76 anl C, /RAM_28.5 code:1F78 jc code_1F81 code:1F7A mov A, RAM_2F code:1F7C cjne A, RAM_3B, code_1F7F code:1F7F code:1F7F code_1F7F: ; CODE XREF: code_1F1C+60j code:1F7F jc code_1F9C code:1F81 code:1F81 code_1F81: ; CODE XREF: code_1F1C+50j code:1F81 ; code_1F1C+5Cj code:1F81 clr RAM_27.3 code:1F83 mov R0, #0xA0 ; '' code:1F85 mov @R0, #0 code:1F87 jnb RAM_26.5, code_1F8F code:1F8A clr RAM_26.5 code:1F8C mov RAM_52, #1 code:1F8F code:1F8F code_1F8F: ; CODE XREF: code_1F1C+6Bj code:1F8F jnb RAM_27.0, code_1F9C code:1F92 mov R2, #0 code:1F94 mov R0, #0xA6 ; '' code:1F96 lcall code_400 code:1F99 mov @R0, A code:1F9A setb RAM_27.1 code:1F9C code:1F9C code_1F9C: ; CODE XREF: code_1F1C:code_1F7Fj code:1F9C ; code_1F1C:code_1F8Fj code:1F9C mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:1F9F mov R0, #0x5E ; '^' code:1FA1 movx A, @R0 code:1FA2 mov RAM_2E, A code:1FA4 mov C, RAM_28.0 code:1FA6 orl C, RAM_28.1 code:1FA8 jnc code_1FAE code:1FAA setb RAM_2E.3 code:1FAC sjmp code_1FBA code:1FAE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1FAE code:1FAE code_1FAE: ; CODE XREF: code_1F1C+8Cj code:1FAE jnb RAM_28.5, code_1FB5 code:1FB1 setb RAM_2E.3 code:1FB3 sjmp code_1FC0 code:1FB5 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1FB5 code:1FB5 code_1FB5: ; CODE XREF: code_1F1C:code_1FAEj code:1FB5 jbc RAM_2E.3, code_1FBA code:1FB8 sjmp code_1FC0 code:1FBA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1FBA code:1FBA code_1FBA: ; CODE XREF: code_1F1C+90j code:1FBA ; code_1F1C:code_1FB5j code:1FBA mov A, #0x13 code:1FBC movc A, @A+DPTR code:1FBD mov R0, #0x9E ; '' code:1FBF movx @R1, A code:1FC0 code:1FC0 code_1FC0: ; CODE XREF: code_1F1C+97j code:1FC0 ; code_1F1C+9Cj code:1FC0 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:1FC3 mov R0, #0x5E ; '^' code:1FC5 mov A, RAM_2E code:1FC7 movx @R0, A code:1FC8 ret code:1FC8 ; End of function code_1F1C code:1FC8 code:1FC8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:1FC9 .byte 0 code:1FCA .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 code:1FCA .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xED, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:1FCA .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:1FCA .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:1FCA .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 2, 0x9A code:2000 ; [00000003 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION IE0_0. PRESS CTRL-NUMPAD+ TO EXPAND] code:2003 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:2003 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:2010 code:2010 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2010 code:2010 code:2010 TF0_0: ; CODE XREF: TF0j code:2010 cpl T2EX ; Port 1 code:2012 clr TR0 ; Timer Control Register code:2014 reti code:2014 ; End of function TF0_0 code:2014 code:2014 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2015 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:2015 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:2015 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:2030 code:2030 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2030 code:2030 code:2030 IE1_0: ; CODE XREF: IE1j code:2030 djnz RAM_16, code_2036 code:2033 inc RAM_16 code:2035 reti code:2036 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2036 code:2036 code_2036: ; CODE XREF: IE1_0j code:2036 inc RAM_16 code:2038 djnz RAM_17, code_203D code:203B inc RAM_17 code:203D code:203D code_203D: ; CODE XREF: IE1_0+8j code:203D reti code:203D ; End of function IE1_0 code:203D code:203D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:203E .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:203E .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:2050 code:2050 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2050 code:2050 code:2050 TF1_0: ; CODE XREF: TF1j code:2050 code:2050 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:2624 SIZE 0000019B BYTES code:2050 code:2050 djnz RAM_16, code_2055 code:2053 inc RAM_16 code:2055 code:2055 code_2055: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0j code:2055 jb RAM_2A.4, code_205B code:2058 ljmp code_2624 code:205B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:205B code:205B code_205B: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0:code_2055j code:205B ljmp code_269E code:205B ; End of function TF1_0 code:205B code:205B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:205E .byte 0xFF, 0xFF code:2060 code:2060 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2060 code:2060 ; Attributes: thunk code:2060 code:2060 RI_TI_0: ; CODE XREF: RI_TIj code:2060 ljmp RI_TI_0_0 code:2060 ; End of function RI_TI_0 code:2060 code:2060 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2063 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:2063 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:2070 code:2070 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2070 code:2070 code:2070 TF2_EXF2_0: ; CODE XREF: TF2_EXF2j code:2070 inc T2count code:2072 clr TF2 ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:2074 reti code:2074 ; End of function TF2_EXF2_0 code:2074 code:2074 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2075 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:2075 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF code:2080 code:2080 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2080 code:2080 code:2080 nullsub_3: ; CODE XREF: IADCj code:2080 reti code:2080 ; End of function nullsub_3 code:2080 code:2080 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2081 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:2081 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:2090 code:2090 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2090 code:2090 code:2090 nullsub_4: ; CODE XREF: IEX2j code:2090 reti code:2090 ; End of function nullsub_4 code:2090 code:2090 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2091 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:2091 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:20A0 code:20A0 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:20A0 code:20A0 code:20A0 IEX3_0: ; CODE XREF: IEX3j code:20A0 code:20A0 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:2250 SIZE 000003BB BYTES code:20A0 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:27C0 SIZE 00000011 BYTES code:20A0 code:20A0 jb RAM_24.1, code_20A6 code:20A3 ljmp IEX3_0_0 code:20A6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:20A6 code:20A6 code_20A6: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0j code:20A6 ljmp IEX3_0_1 code:20A6 ; End of function IEX3_0 code:20A6 code:20A6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:20A9 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:20B0 code:20B0 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:20B0 code:20B0 ; Attributes: thunk code:20B0 code:20B0 IEX4_0: ; CODE XREF: IEX4j code:20B0 ljmp IEX4_0_0 code:20B0 ; End of function IEX4_0 code:20B0 code:20B0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:20B3 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:20B3 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:20C0 code:20C0 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:20C0 code:20C0 code:20C0 nullsub_5: ; CODE XREF: IEX5j code:20C0 reti code:20C0 ; End of function nullsub_5 code:20C0 code:20C0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:20C1 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:20C1 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:20D0 code:20D0 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:20D0 code:20D0 code:20D0 nullsub_6: ; CODE XREF: IEX6j code:20D0 reti code:20D0 ; End of function nullsub_6 code:20D0 code:20D0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:20D1 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:20D1 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:20E0 code:20E0 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:20E0 code:20E0 ; Attributes: thunk code:20E0 code:20E0 WAKE_UP_0: ; CODE XREF: WAKE_UPj code:20E0 ljmp WAKE_UP_0_0 code:20E0 ; End of function WAKE_UP_0 code:20E0 code:20E0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:20E3 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:20E8 code:20E8 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:20E8 code:20E8 ; Attributes: thunk code:20E8 code:20E8 code_20E8: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5062p code:20E8 ljmp code_8247 code:20E8 ; End of function code_20E8 code:20E8 code:20EB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:20EB ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_B4B code:20EB code:20EB code_20EB: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+536Fj code:20EB ljmp code_5FC8 code:20EB ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_B4B code:20EE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:20EE ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IE0_0_0 code:20EE code:20EE code_20EE: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+13j code:20EE lcall code_734E code:20F1 ljmp code_27E7 code:20F4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:20F4 code:20F4 code_20F4: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_29B2j code:20F4 ljmp code_29B5 code:20F7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:20F7 code:20F7 code_20F7: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+71Fj code:20F7 ljmp code_2EF3 code:20FA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:20FA code:20FA code_20FA: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2F2Cj code:20FA lcall code_7371 code:20FD ljmp code_2F2F code:2100 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2100 code:2100 code_2100: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2F95j code:2100 lcall code_7378 code:2103 ljmp code_2F98 code:2106 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2106 code:2106 code_2106: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+AF4j code:2106 lcall code_737C code:2109 ljmp code_32C8 code:2109 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IE0_0_0 code:210C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:210C ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_B4B code:210C code:210C code_210C: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_5C32j code:210C lcall code_7380 code:210F ljmp code_5C35 code:2112 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2112 code:2112 code_2112: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5480j code:2112 lcall code_7661 code:2115 ljmp code_5FCE code:2115 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_B4B code:2118 code:2118 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2118 code:2118 code:2118 code_2118: ; CODE XREF: code_9A19j code:2118 code:2118 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:9A1C SIZE 00000043 BYTES code:2118 code:2118 lcall code_7387 code:211B ljmp code_9A1C code:211B ; End of function code_2118 code:211B code:211E code:211E ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:211E code:211E code:211E code_211E: ; CODE XREF: code_6FDEj code:211E code:211E ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:6FE1 SIZE 00000106 BYTES code:211E code:211E lcall code_7394 code:2121 ljmp code_6FE1 code:2121 ; End of function code_211E code:2121 code:2124 code:2124 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2124 code:2124 code:2124 code_2124: ; CODE XREF: code_3623j code:2124 code:2124 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:3626 SIZE 00000108 BYTES code:2124 code:2124 lcall code_73B2 code:2127 ljmp code_3626 code:2127 ; End of function code_2124 code:2127 code:212A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:212A ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_3757 code:212A code:212A code_212A: ; CODE XREF: code_3757:code_383Cj code:212A lcall code_7400 code:212D ljmp code_383F code:212D ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_3757 code:2130 code:2130 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2130 code:2130 code:2130 code_2130: ; CODE XREF: code_372Ej code:2130 code:2130 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:3731 SIZE 00000026 BYTES code:2130 code:2130 lcall code_7435 code:2133 ljmp code_3731 code:2133 ; End of function code_2130 code:2133 code:2136 code:2136 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2136 code:2136 code:2136 code_2136: ; CODE XREF: code_1EB5j code:2136 code:2136 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:1EB8 SIZE 00000064 BYTES code:2136 code:2136 lcall code_7438 code:2139 ljmp code_1EB8 code:2139 ; End of function code_2136 code:2139 code:213C code:213C ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:213C code:213C code:213C code_213C: ; CODE XREF: code_38F9j code:213C code:213C ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:38FC SIZE 0000001B BYTES code:213C ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:3923 SIZE 000002A0 BYTES code:213C code:213C lcall code_7458 code:213F ljmp code_38FC code:213F ; End of function code_213C code:213F code:2142 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2142 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_3BD5 code:2142 code:2142 code_2142: ; CODE XREF: code_3BD5:code_3C09j code:2142 lcall code_74A0 code:2145 ljmp code_3C0C code:2145 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_3BD5 code:2148 code:2148 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2148 code:2148 code:2148 code_2148: ; CODE XREF: code_3C2Ej code:2148 code:2148 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:3C31 SIZE 00000022 BYTES code:2148 code:2148 lcall code_74D5 code:214B ljmp code_3C31 code:214B ; End of function code_2148 code:214B code:214E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:214E ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_6C87 code:214E code:214E code_214E: ; CODE XREF: code_6C87+3j code:214E lcall code_74D8 code:2151 ljmp code_6C8D code:2151 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_6C87 code:2154 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2154 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_3C53 code:2154 code:2154 code_2154: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53:code_3C5Dj code:2154 lcall code_74E8 code:2157 ljmp code_3C60 code:2157 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_3C53 code:215A code:215A ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:215A code:215A code:215A code_215A: ; CODE XREF: code_613Dj code:215A code:215A ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:21D8 SIZE 00000003 BYTES code:215A ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:6140 SIZE 0000017A BYTES code:215A code:215A lcall code_7508 code:215D ljmp code_6140 code:215D ; End of function code_215A code:215D code:2160 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2160 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_62EE code:2160 code:2160 code_2160: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+1Dj code:2160 lcall code_7651 code:2163 ljmp code_630E code:2163 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_62EE code:2166 code:2166 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2166 code:2166 code:2166 code_2166: ; CODE XREF: code_659Aj code:2166 code:2166 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:659D SIZE 000000BE BYTES code:2166 code:2166 lcall code_755F code:2169 ljmp code_659D code:2169 ; End of function code_2166 code:2169 code:216C code:216C ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:216C code:216C code:216C code_216C: ; CODE XREF: code_62BAj code:216C code:216C ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:19E9 SIZE 000000E9 BYTES code:216C ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:62BD SIZE 00000003 BYTES code:216C code:216C lcall code_757F code:216F ljmp code_62BD code:216F ; End of function code_216C code:216F code:2172 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2172 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_1250 code:2172 code:2172 code_2172: ; CODE XREF: code_1250+Fj code:2172 lcall code_758D code:2175 ljmp code_1262 code:2175 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_1250 code:2178 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2178 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_6BC3 code:2178 code:2178 code_2178: ; CODE XREF: code_6BC3-5588j code:2178 lcall code_75E1 code:217B ljmp code_163E code:217B ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_6BC3 code:217E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:217E ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_104C code:217E code:217E code_217E: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+1Cj code:217E lcall code_75E4 code:2181 ljmp code_106B code:2181 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_104C code:2184 code:2184 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2184 code:2184 code:2184 code_2184: ; CODE XREF: code_62C0j code:2184 code:2184 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:1911 SIZE 000000D8 BYTES code:2184 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:62C3 SIZE 00000003 BYTES code:2184 code:2184 lcall code_7601 code:2187 ljmp code_62C3 code:2187 ; End of function code_2184 code:2187 code:218A code:218A ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:218A code:218A code:218A code_218A: ; CODE XREF: code_665Bj code:218A code:218A ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:1AD2 SIZE 00000060 BYTES code:218A ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:665E SIZE 00000003 BYTES code:218A code:218A lcall code_7605 code:218D ljmp code_665E code:218D ; End of function code_218A code:218D code:2190 code:2190 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2190 code:2190 code:2190 code_2190: ; CODE XREF: code_62C9j code:2190 code:2190 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:62CC SIZE 00000013 BYTES code:2190 code:2190 lcall code_7615 code:2193 ljmp code_62CC code:2193 ; End of function code_2190 code:2193 code:2196 code:2196 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2196 code:2196 code:2196 code_2196: ; CODE XREF: code_604Cj code:2196 code:2196 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:604F SIZE 00000069 BYTES code:2196 code:2196 lcall code_7618 code:2199 ljmp code_604F code:2199 ; End of function code_2196 code:2199 code:219C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:219C ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_9113 code:219C code:219C code_219C: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+DDj code:219C lcall code_7639 code:219F ljmp code_91F3 code:219F ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_9113 code:21A2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:21A2 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_998E code:21A2 code:21A2 code_21A2: ; CODE XREF: code_998E+Dj code:21A2 lcall code_7649 code:21A5 ljmp code_999E code:21A5 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_998E code:21A8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:21A8 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_95E4 code:21A8 code:21A8 code_21A8: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+2Aj code:21A8 lcall code_7649 code:21AB ljmp code_9611 code:21AB ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_95E4 code:21AE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:21AE ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IEX4_0_0 code:21AE code:21AE code_21AE: ; CODE XREF: IEX4_0_0+26j code:21AE lcall code_7649 code:21B1 ljmp code_98FC code:21B1 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IEX4_0_0 code:21B4 code:21B4 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:21B4 code:21B4 code:21B4 code_21B4: ; CODE XREF: code_937Ej code:21B4 code:21B4 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:9381 SIZE 000001E7 BYTES code:21B4 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:95E3 SIZE 00000001 BYTES code:21B4 code:21B4 lcall code_7649 code:21B7 ljmp code_9381 code:21B7 ; End of function code_21B4 code:21B7 code:21BA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:21BA ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_95E4 code:21BA code:21BA code_21BA: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4:code_971Bj code:21BA lcall code_764D code:21BD ljmp code_971E code:21BD ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_95E4 code:21C0 code:21C0 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:21C0 code:21C0 ; Attributes: thunk code:21C0 code:21C0 code_21C0: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+51B9p code:21C0 ; code_B4B+524Ep code:21C0 ljmp code_833C code:21C0 ; End of function code_21C0 code:21C0 code:21C3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:21C3 ljmp code_82BB code:21C6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:21C6 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_B4B code:21C6 code:21C6 code_21C6: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+50A3j code:21C6 ljmp code_839A code:21C6 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_B4B code:21C9 code:21C9 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:21C9 code:21C9 ; Attributes: thunk code:21C9 code:21C9 code_21C9: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+51E4p code:21C9 ; code_B4B+521Dp ... code:21C9 ljmp code_7D40 code:21C9 ; End of function code_21C9 code:21C9 code:21CC code:21CC ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:21CC code:21CC ; Attributes: thunk code:21CC code:21CC code_21CC: ; CODE XREF: code_2118+7923p code:21CC ljmp code_83FD code:21CC ; End of function code_21CC code:21CC code:21CF code:21CF ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:21CF code:21CF ; Attributes: thunk code:21CF code:21CF code_21CF: ; CODE XREF: code_211E+4ED6p code:21CF ljmp code_86C4 code:21CF ; End of function code_21CF code:21CF code:21D2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:21D2 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IE0_0_0 code:21D2 code:21D2 code_21D2: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+7C1j code:21D2 ljmp code_8934 code:21D2 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IE0_0_0 code:21D5 code:21D5 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:21D5 code:21D5 ; Attributes: thunk code:21D5 code:21D5 code_21D5: ; CODE XREF: code_2118+7926p code:21D5 ljmp code_732D code:21D5 ; End of function code_21D5 code:21D5 code:21D8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:21D8 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_215A code:21D8 code:21D8 code_21D8: ; CODE XREF: code_215A:code_627Aj code:21D8 ljmp code_628A code:21D8 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_215A code:21DB code:21DB ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:21DB code:21DB ; Attributes: thunk code:21DB code:21DB code_21DB: ; CODE XREF: code_6981p code:21DB ljmp code_761C code:21DB ; End of function code_21DB code:21DB code:21DE code:21DE ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:21DE code:21DE code:21DE code_21DE: ; CODE XREF: code_6DB6j code:21DE code:21DE ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:0C23 SIZE 00000136 BYTES code:21DE ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:2208 SIZE 00000003 BYTES code:21DE ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:6DB9 SIZE 000000E8 BYTES code:21DE code:21DE lcall code_766F code:21E1 ljmp code_6DB9 code:21E1 ; End of function code_21DE code:21E1 code:21E4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:21E4 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IE0_0_0 code:21E4 code:21E4 code_21E4: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+568j code:21E4 lcall code_768C code:21E7 ljmp code_2D3C code:21E7 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IE0_0_0 code:21EA code:21EA ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:21EA code:21EA ; Attributes: thunk code:21EA code:21EA code_21EA: ; CODE XREF: code:009Dp code:21EA ; code_7D40-73AFp ... code:21EA ljmp code_9A5F code:21EA ; End of function code_21EA code:21EA code:21ED code:21ED ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:21ED code:21ED ; Attributes: thunk code:21ED code:21ED code_21ED: ; CODE XREF: code:0AD6p code:21ED ljmp code_100 code:21ED ; End of function code_21ED code:21ED code:21F0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:21F0 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_B4B code:21F0 code:21F0 code_21F0: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+Dj code:21F0 ljmp WAKE_UP_0_0 code:21F0 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_B4B code:21F3 code:21F3 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:21F3 code:21F3 ; Attributes: thunk code:21F3 code:21F3 code_21F3: ; CODE XREF: code_B4Bp code:21F3 ljmp code_7240 code:21F3 ; End of function code_21F3 code:21F3 code:21F6 code:21F6 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:21F6 code:21F6 ; Attributes: thunk code:21F6 code:21F6 code_21F6: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-7348p code:21F6 ; code_EFF:code_F1Ep ... code:21F6 ljmp code_822A code:21F6 ; End of function code_21F6 code:21F6 code:21F9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:21F9 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_920 code:21F9 code:21F9 code_21F9: ; CODE XREF: code_920+3Ej code:21F9 ljmp code_7E6E code:21F9 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_920 code:21FC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:21FC ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_1250 code:21FC code:21FC code_21FC: ; CODE XREF: code_1250:code_1275j code:21FC ljmp code_62E2 code:21FF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:21FF code:21FF code_21FF: ; CODE XREF: code_1250+9Cj code:21FF ljmp code_62E5 code:21FF ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_1250 code:2202 code:2202 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2202 code:2202 ; Attributes: thunk code:2202 code:2202 code_2202: ; CODE XREF: code_6BC3-5564p code:2202 ljmp code_686D code:2202 ; End of function code_2202 code:2202 code:2205 code:2205 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2205 code:2205 ; Attributes: thunk code:2205 code:2205 code_2205: ; CODE XREF: code_1385+Fp code:2205 ljmp code_3F3F code:2205 ; End of function code_2205 code:2205 code:2208 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2208 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_21DE code:2208 code:2208 code_2208: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-14CCj code:2208 ljmp code_6DBC code:2208 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_21DE code:220B code:220B ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:220B code:220B ; Attributes: thunk code:220B code:220B code_220B: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-149Bp code:220B ljmp code_6EA1 code:220B ; End of function code_220B code:220B code:220E code:220E ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:220E code:220E ; Attributes: thunk code:220E code:220E code_220E: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-1560p code:220E ; code_21DE-1519p ... code:220E ljmp code_3F6F code:220E ; End of function code_220E code:220E code:2211 code:2211 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2211 code:2211 ; Attributes: thunk code:2211 code:2211 code_2211: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE-155Dp code:2211 ; code_21DE-1516p ... code:2211 ljmp code_6DA6 code:2211 ; End of function code_2211 code:2211 code:2214 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2214 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_104C code:2214 code:2214 code_2214: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_10C9j code:2214 ljmp code_68D7 code:2217 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2217 code:2217 code_2217: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_117Fj code:2217 ljmp code_68EB code:221A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:221A code:221A code_221A: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_1208j code:221A ljmp code_68EE code:221D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:221D code:221D code_221D: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+1EEj code:221D ljmp code_6911 code:221D ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_104C code:2220 code:2220 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2220 code:2220 ; Attributes: thunk code:2220 code:2220 code_2220: ; CODE XREF: code:00AFp code:2220 ; code_833C+2Ap code:2220 ljmp code_7C3B code:2220 ; End of function code_2220 code:2220 code:2223 code:2223 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2223 code:2223 ; Attributes: thunk code:2223 code:2223 code_2223: ; CODE XREF: code:00B8p code:2223 ; code_833C+33p code:2223 ljmp code_7D40 code:2223 ; End of function code_2223 code:2223 code:2226 code:2226 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2226 code:2226 ; Attributes: thunk code:2226 code:2226 code_2226: ; CODE XREF: code:00BBp code:2226 ; code_833C+36p code:2226 ljmp code_5ED2 code:2226 ; End of function code_2226 code:2226 code:2229 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2229 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_1665 code:2229 code:2229 code_2229: ; CODE XREF: code_1665:code_16DCj code:2229 ljmp code_6664 code:222C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:222C code:222C code_222C: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+100j code:222C ; code_1665+138j code:222C ljmp code_6667 code:222C ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_1665 code:222F code:222F ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:222F code:222F ; Attributes: thunk code:222F code:222F code_222F: ; CODE XREF: code_218A-695p code:222F ljmp code_38C7 code:222F ; End of function code_222F code:222F code:2232 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2232 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_1B32 code:2232 code:2232 code_2232: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32+64j code:2232 ljmp code_7CE1 code:2235 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2235 code:2235 code_2235: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32+D9j code:2235 ljmp code_7CE4 code:2235 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_1B32 code:2238 code:2238 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:2238 code:2238 ; Attributes: thunk code:2238 code:2238 code_2238: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32+C8p code:2238 ; code_1C7B+1Dp code:2238 ljmp code_7CE7 code:2238 ; End of function code_2238 code:2238 code:223B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:223B ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_1C9E code:223B code:223B code_223B: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E:code_1CC6j code:223B ljmp code_7CDB code:223B ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_1C9E code:223E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:223E ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_EFF code:223E code:223E code_223E: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+36j code:223E mov DPTR, #0x4351 code:2241 ljmp code_F38 code:2244 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2244 code:2244 code_2244: ; CODE XREF: code_EFF+47j code:2244 mov DPTR, #0x43A4 code:2247 ljmp code_F49 code:2247 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_EFF code:224A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:224A ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_3BD5 code:224A code:224A code_224A: ; CODE XREF: code_3BD5+18j code:224A lcall code_7693 code:224D ljmp code_3BF0 code:224D ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_3BD5 code:2250 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2250 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IEX3_0 code:2250 code:2250 IEX3_0_1: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:code_20A6j code:2250 ; IEX3_0:code_237Fj code:2250 djnz RAM_4A, code_22C2 code:2253 jnb T2EX, code_22A9 ; Port 1 code:2256 jnb RAM_2A.5, code_22A9 code:2259 jb RAM_23.3, code_225F code:225C jb ET0, code_22A9 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:225F code:225F code_225F: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+1B9j code:225F jb I3FR, code_22A9 ; Timer 2 Control Register code:2262 inc RAM_54 code:2264 djnz RAM_71, code_2269 code:2267 inc RAM_71 code:2269 code:2269 code_2269: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+1C4j code:2269 inc RAM_71 code:226B push PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:226D push ACC ; Accumulator code:226F push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:2271 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2273 mov DPTR, #0x206 code:2276 movx A, @DPTR code:2277 inc A code:2278 movx @DPTR, A code:2279 dec A code:227A jnb RAM_29.6, code_227F code:227D add A, #6 code:227F code:227F code_227F: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+1DAj code:227F mov DPTR, #0x4192 code:2282 movc A, @A+DPTR code:2283 cjne A, #0xFF, code_2296 code:2286 mov DPTR, #0x206 code:2289 mov A, #1 code:228B movx @DPTR, A code:228C dec A code:228D jnb RAM_29.6, code_2292 code:2290 add A, #6 code:2292 code:2292 code_2292: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+1EDj code:2292 mov DPTR, #0x4192 code:2295 movc A, @A+DPTR code:2296 code:2296 code_2296: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+1E3j code:2296 mov DPTR, #0xA041 code:2299 movx @DPTR, A code:229A pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:229C pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:229E pop ACC ; Accumulator code:22A0 pop PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:22A2 clr RAM_23.3 code:22A4 clr ET0 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:22A6 ljmp code_2344 code:22A9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:22A9 code:22A9 code_22A9: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+1B3j code:22A9 ; IEX3_0+1B6j ... code:22A9 jnb RAM_23.3, code_22B1 code:22AC clr RAM_23.3 code:22AE ljmp code_23AB code:22B1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:22B1 code:22B1 code_22B1: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:code_22A9j code:22B1 jnb ET0, code_22B7 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:22B4 ljmp code_233F code:22B7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:22B7 code:22B7 code_22B7: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:code_22B1j code:22B7 inc RAM_4A code:22B9 setb RAM_23.3 code:22BB setb ET0 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:22BD setb I3FR ; Timer 2 Control Register code:22BF orl CCEN, #3 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:22C2 code:22C2 code_22C2: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:IEX3_0_1j code:22C2 ; IEX3_0:code_240Fj code:22C2 jb RAM_24.0, code_22D8 code:22C5 djnz RAM_48, code_22D2 code:22C8 setb RAM_24.0 code:22CA mov RAM_48, #4 code:22CD mov RAM_4F, #0xD4 ; '' code:22D0 dec RAM_49 code:22D2 code:22D2 code_22D2: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+225j code:22D2 djnz RAM_47, code_2338 code:22D5 ljmp code_2382 code:22D8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:22D8 code:22D8 code_22D8: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:code_22C2j code:22D8 push ACC ; Accumulator code:22DA push PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:22DC mov A, R0 code:22DD xch A, RAM_4F code:22DF mov R0, A code:22E0 mov @R0, CRCL ; Com./Rel./Capt. Reg. Low Byte code:22E2 dec R0 code:22E3 mov @R0, CRCH ; Com./Rel./Capt. Reg. High Byte code:22E5 dec R0 code:22E6 mov @R0, T2count code:22E8 mov A, CRCH ; Com./Rel./Capt. Reg. High Byte code:22EA xrl A, TH2 ; Timer 2, High Byte code:22EC jz code_22F5 code:22EE mov A, TH2 ; Timer 2, High Byte code:22F0 jnz code_22F5 code:22F2 mov @R0, T2count code:22F4 dec @R0 code:22F5 code:22F5 code_22F5: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+24Cj code:22F5 ; IEX3_0+250j code:22F5 dec R0 code:22F6 mov A, R0 code:22F7 xch A, RAM_4F code:22F9 mov R0, A code:22FA djnz RAM_48, code_2334 code:22FD jb T0, code_2302 ; Port 3 code:2300 setb RAM_2B.5 code:2302 code:2302 code_2302: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+25Dj code:2302 jnb P44, code_2307 ; Port 4 code:2305 setb RAM_2A.6 code:2307 code:2307 code_2307: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:code_2302j code:2307 setb P45 ; Port 4 code:2309 setb INT0 ; Port 3 code:230B setb P52 ; Port 5 code:230D clr RAM_24.0 code:230F djnz RAM_71, code_2316 code:2312 inc RAM_71 code:2314 sjmp code_2319 code:2316 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2316 code:2316 code_2316: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+26Fj code:2316 nop code:2317 nop code:2318 nop code:2319 code:2319 code_2319: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+274j code:2319 mov RAM_78, RAM_79 code:231C mov C, RAM_2C.4 code:231E mov RAM_2C.3, C code:2320 mov C, RAM_2D.3 code:2322 mov RAM_2C.5, C code:2324 clr P52 ; Port 5 code:2326 clr INT0 ; Port 3 code:2328 jnb RAM_24.3, code_2331 code:232B mov SP, #RESERVED00D5 ; Stack Pointer code:232E ljmp code_260B code:2331 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2331 code:2331 code_2331: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+288j code:2331 ljmp code_27C0 code:2334 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2334 code:2334 code_2334: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+25Aj code:2334 pop PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:2336 pop ACC ; Accumulator code:2338 code:2338 code_2338: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:code_22D2j code:2338 ; IEX3_0+308j code:2338 djnz RAM_71, code_233E code:233B ljmp code_2412 code:233E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:233E code:233E code_233E: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:code_2338j code:233E reti code:233F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:233F code:233F code_233F: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+214j code:233F clr ET0 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:2341 jnb TR0, code_234A ; Timer Control Register code:2344 code:2344 code_2344: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+206j code:2344 cpl T2EX ; Port 1 code:2346 clr TR0 ; Timer Control Register code:2348 clr TF0 ; Timer Control Register code:234A code:234A code_234A: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+2A1j code:234A jb T2EX, code_2366 ; Port 1 code:234D mov RAM_4A, RAM_54 code:2350 mov TL0, RAM_4B ; Timer 0, Low Byte code:2353 mov TH0, RAM_4C ; Timer 0, High Byte code:2356 jb RAM_23.5, code_235D code:2359 setb RAM_23.3 code:235B setb ET0 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:235D code:235D code_235D: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+2B6j code:235D jnb I3FR, code_237F ; Timer 2 Control Register code:2360 clr I3FR ; Timer 2 Control Register code:2362 anl CCEN, #0xFD ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:2365 reti code:2366 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2366 code:2366 code_2366: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:code_234Aj code:2366 mov RAM_4A, RAM_53 code:2369 mov TL0, RAM_4D ; Timer 0, Low Byte code:236C mov TH0, RAM_4E ; Timer 0, High Byte code:236F jb RAM_23.4, code_2376 code:2372 setb RAM_23.3 code:2374 setb ET0 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:2376 code:2376 code_2376: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+2CFj code:2376 jnb I3FR, code_237F ; Timer 2 Control Register code:2379 clr I3FR ; Timer 2 Control Register code:237B anl CCEN, #0xFD ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:237E reti code:237F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:237F code:237F code_237F: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:code_235Dj code:237F ; IEX3_0:code_2376j code:237F ljmp IEX3_0_1 code:2382 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2382 code:2382 code_2382: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+235j code:2382 push ACC ; Accumulator code:2384 push PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:2386 mov A, RAM_12 code:2388 add A, CRCL ; Com./Rel./Capt. Reg. Low Byte code:238A mov CCL1, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 1, Low Byte code:238C mov A, RAM_13 code:238E addc A, CRCH ; Com./Rel./Capt. Reg. High Byte code:2390 mov CCH1, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 1, High Byte code:2392 nop code:2393 clr IEX4 ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:2395 clr INT4 ; Port 1 code:2397 setb EX4 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:2399 mov RAM_79, RAM_77 code:239C mov C, RAM_2C.2 code:239E mov RAM_2C.4, C code:23A0 mov C, RAM_2D.6 code:23A2 mov RAM_2D.3, C code:23A4 pop PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:23A6 pop ACC ; Accumulator code:23A8 ljmp code_2338 code:23AB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:23AB code:23AB code_23AB: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+20Ej code:23AB jnb T2EX, code_2402 ; Port 1 code:23AE setb P54 ; Port 5 code:23B0 jb RAM_27.6, code_23B6 code:23B3 jb P54, code_23BC ; Port 5 code:23B6 code:23B6 code_23B6: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+310j code:23B6 clr RAM_27.4 code:23B8 clr P54 ; Port 5 code:23BA sjmp code_23CB code:23BC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:23BC code:23BC code_23BC: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+313j code:23BC jb RAM_27.4, code_23CB code:23BF setb RAM_27.4 code:23C1 anl CCEN, #0xF ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:23C4 setb INT6 ; Port 1 code:23C6 setb INT5 ; Port 1 code:23C8 mov RAM_72, RAM_51 code:23CB code:23CB code_23CB: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+31Aj code:23CB ; IEX3_0:code_23BCj code:23CB push PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:23CD push ACC ; Accumulator code:23CF push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:23D1 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:23D3 mov DPTR, #0x206 code:23D6 movx A, @DPTR code:23D7 inc A code:23D8 movx @DPTR, A code:23D9 dec A code:23DA jnb RAM_29.6, code_23DF code:23DD add A, #6 code:23DF code:23DF code_23DF: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+33Aj code:23DF mov DPTR, #0x4192 code:23E2 movc A, @A+DPTR code:23E3 cjne A, #0xFF, code_23F6 code:23E6 mov DPTR, #0x206 code:23E9 mov A, #1 code:23EB movx @DPTR, A code:23EC dec A code:23ED jnb RAM_29.6, code_23F2 code:23F0 add A, #6 code:23F2 code:23F2 code_23F2: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+34Dj code:23F2 mov DPTR, #0x4192 code:23F5 movc A, @A+DPTR code:23F6 code:23F6 code_23F6: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+343j code:23F6 mov DPTR, #0xA041 code:23F9 movx @DPTR, A code:23FA pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:23FC pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:23FE pop ACC ; Accumulator code:2400 pop PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:2402 code:2402 code_2402: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:code_23ABj code:2402 setb TR0 ; Timer Control Register code:2404 inc RAM_4A code:2406 cpl I3FR ; Timer 2 Control Register code:2408 xrl CCEN, #2 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:240B jb I3FR, code_240F ; Timer 2 Control Register code:240E reti code:240F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:240F code:240F code_240F: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+36Bj code:240F ljmp code_22C2 code:2412 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2412 code:2412 code_2412: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+29Bj code:2412 jb RAM_27.4, code_241A code:2415 jnb RAM_25.1, code_241B code:2418 inc RAM_71 code:241A code:241A code_241A: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:code_2412j code:241A reti code:241B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:241B code:241B code_241B: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+375j code:241B push ACC ; Accumulator code:241D push PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:241F jnb RAM_2B.4, code_249F code:2422 setb RAM_2B.2 code:2424 setb RAM_2B.0 code:2426 jnb RAM_2B.1, code_2464 code:2429 jb INT6, code_2430 ; Port 1 code:242C setb RAM_23.7 code:242E sjmp code_2432 code:2430 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2430 code:2430 code_2430: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+389j code:2430 clr RAM_23.7 code:2432 code:2432 code_2432: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+38Ej code:2432 mov A, CCH3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, High Byte code:2434 clr EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:2436 orl CCEN, #0xC0 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:2439 clr INT6 ; Port 1 code:243B mov CCL3, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, Low Byte code:243D setb EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:243F clr C code:2440 subb A, CCH3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, High Byte code:2442 jz code_2449 code:2444 cjne A, #0xFD, code_2447 ; '' code:2447 code:2447 code_2447: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+3A4j code:2447 jc code_244B code:2449 code:2449 code_2449: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+3A2j code:2449 setb RAM_23.2 code:244B code:244B code_244B: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:code_2447j code:244B anl CCEN, #0x3F ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:244E mov A, RAM_5C code:2450 cpl A code:2451 add A, CCL3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, Low Byte code:2453 mov CCL3, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, Low Byte code:2455 mov A, RAM_5B code:2457 cpl A code:2458 addc A, CCH3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, High Byte code:245A mov CCH3, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, High Byte code:245C orl CCEN, #0x80 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:245F setb INT6 ; Port 1 code:2461 ljmp code_24FE code:2464 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2464 code:2464 code_2464: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+386j code:2464 jb INT5, code_246B ; Port 1 code:2467 setb RAM_23.7 code:2469 sjmp code_246D code:246B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:246B code:246B code_246B: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:code_2464j code:246B clr RAM_23.7 code:246D code:246D code_246D: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+3C9j code:246D mov A, CCH2 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, High Byte code:246F clr EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:2471 orl CCEN, #0x30 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:2474 clr INT5 ; Port 1 code:2476 mov CCL2, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, Low Byte code:2478 setb EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:247A clr C code:247B subb A, CCH2 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, High Byte code:247D jz code_2484 code:247F cjne A, #0xFD, code_2482 ; '' code:2482 code:2482 code_2482: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+3DFj code:2482 jc code_2486 code:2484 code:2484 code_2484: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+3DDj code:2484 setb RAM_23.2 code:2486 code:2486 code_2486: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:code_2482j code:2486 anl CCEN, #0xCF ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:2489 mov A, RAM_5C code:248B cpl A code:248C add A, CCL2 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, Low Byte code:248E mov CCL2, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, Low Byte code:2490 mov A, RAM_5B code:2492 cpl A code:2493 addc A, CCH2 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, High Byte code:2495 mov CCH2, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, High Byte code:2497 orl CCEN, #0x20 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:249A setb INT5 ; Port 1 code:249C ljmp code_24FE code:249F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:249F code:249F code_249F: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+37Fj code:249F clr RAM_2B.0 code:24A1 jb INT6, code_24AB ; Port 1 code:24A4 jb INT5, code_24AB ; Port 1 code:24A7 setb RAM_23.7 code:24A9 sjmp code_24AD code:24AB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:24AB code:24AB code_24AB: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+401j code:24AB ; IEX3_0+404j code:24AB clr RAM_23.7 code:24AD code:24AD code_24AD: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+409j code:24AD mov A, CCH3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, High Byte code:24AF clr EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:24B1 orl CCEN, #0xC0 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:24B4 anl CCEN, #0xCF ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:24B7 jnb RAM_2B.6, code_24BF code:24BA anl P1, #0xF3 ; Port 1 code:24BD sjmp code_24C2 code:24BF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:24BF code:24BF code_24BF: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+417j code:24BF anl P1, #0xF7 ; Port 1 code:24C2 code:24C2 code_24C2: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+41Dj code:24C2 mov CCL3, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, Low Byte code:24C4 setb EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:24C6 clr C code:24C7 subb A, CCH3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, High Byte code:24C9 jz code_24D0 code:24CB cjne A, #0xFD, code_24CE ; '' code:24CE code:24CE code_24CE: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+42Bj code:24CE jc code_24D2 code:24D0 code:24D0 code_24D0: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+429j code:24D0 setb RAM_23.2 code:24D2 code:24D2 code_24D2: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:code_24CEj code:24D2 anl CCEN, #0x3F ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:24D5 mov A, RAM_5C code:24D7 cpl A code:24D8 add A, CCL3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, Low Byte code:24DA mov CCL3, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, Low Byte code:24DC mov A, RAM_5B code:24DE cpl A code:24DF addc A, CCH3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, High Byte code:24E1 mov CCH3, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, High Byte code:24E3 orl CCEN, #0x80 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:24E6 setb INT6 ; Port 1 code:24E8 mov CCH2, CCH3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, High Byte code:24EB mov CCL2, CCL3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, Low Byte code:24EE orl CCEN, #0x20 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:24F1 setb INT5 ; Port 1 code:24F3 clr IEX5 ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:24F5 jnb RAM_28.1, code_24FC code:24F8 setb RAM_2B.3 code:24FA sjmp code_24FE code:24FC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:24FC code:24FC code_24FC: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+455j code:24FC setb RAM_2B.2 code:24FE code:24FE code_24FE: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+3C1j code:24FE ; IEX3_0+3FCj ... code:24FE mov RAM_70, RAM_5C code:2501 mov RAM_6F, RAM_5B code:2504 pop PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:2506 pop ACC ; Accumulator code:2508 reti code:2509 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2509 code:2509 IEX3_0_0: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+3j code:2509 push ACC ; Accumulator code:250B push PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:250D mov PSW, #0x18 ; Program Status Word Register code:2510 dec RAM_48 code:2512 mov A, RAM_48 code:2514 cjne A, #4, code_2517 code:2517 code:2517 code_2517: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+474j code:2517 jnc code_2537 code:2519 mov A, R0 code:251A xch A, RAM_4F code:251C mov R0, A code:251D mov @R0, CRCL ; Com./Rel./Capt. Reg. Low Byte code:251F dec R0 code:2520 mov @R0, CRCH ; Com./Rel./Capt. Reg. High Byte code:2522 dec R0 code:2523 mov @R0, T2count code:2525 mov A, CRCH ; Com./Rel./Capt. Reg. High Byte code:2527 xrl A, TH2 ; Timer 2, High Byte code:2529 jz code_2532 code:252B mov A, TH2 ; Timer 2, High Byte code:252D jnz code_2532 code:252F mov @R0, T2count code:2531 dec @R0 code:2532 code:2532 code_2532: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+489j code:2532 ; IEX3_0+48Dj code:2532 dec R0 code:2533 mov A, R0 code:2534 xch A, RAM_4F code:2536 mov R0, A code:2537 code:2537 code_2537: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:code_2517j code:2537 mov A, RAM_48 code:2539 cjne A, #1, code_253E code:253C ajmp code_2564 code:253E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:253E code:253E code_253E: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+499j code:253E cjne A, #0, code_2543 code:2541 ajmp code_25AB code:2543 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2543 code:2543 code_2543: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:code_253Ej code:2543 cjne A, #2, code_2548 code:2546 ajmp code_254B code:2548 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2548 code:2548 code_2548: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:code_2543j code:2548 ljmp code_2606 code:254B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:254B code:254B code_254B: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+4A6j code:254B mov R0, #0xD4 ; '' code:254D mov R1, #0xD1 ; '' code:254F clr C code:2550 mov A, @R1 code:2551 subb A, @R0 code:2552 mov R6, A code:2553 dec R0 code:2554 dec R1 code:2555 mov A, @R1 code:2556 subb A, @R0 code:2557 mov R7, A code:2558 dec R0 code:2559 dec R1 code:255A mov A, @R1 code:255B subb A, @R0 code:255C jz code_2561 code:255E ljmp code_260B code:2561 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2561 code:2561 code_2561: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+4BCj code:2561 ljmp code_2606 code:2564 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2564 code:2564 code_2564: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+49Cj code:2564 mov R0, #0xD1 ; '' code:2566 mov R1, #0xCE ; '' code:2568 clr C code:2569 mov A, @R1 code:256A subb A, @R0 code:256B mov R4, A code:256C dec R0 code:256D dec R1 code:256E mov A, @R1 code:256F subb A, @R0 code:2570 mov R5, A code:2571 dec R0 code:2572 dec R1 code:2573 mov A, @R1 code:2574 subb A, @R0 code:2575 clr C code:2576 rrc A code:2577 jz code_257C code:2579 ljmp code_260B code:257C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:257C code:257C code_257C: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+4D7j code:257C mov A, R5 code:257D rrc A code:257E mov R5, A code:257F mov A, R4 code:2580 rrc A code:2581 mov R4, A code:2582 clr C code:2583 mov A, R4 code:2584 subb A, R6 code:2585 mov A, R5 code:2586 subb A, R7 code:2587 jnc code_25A8 code:2589 inc RAM_48 code:258B mov R0, #0xCE ; '' code:258D mov R1, #0xD1 ; '' code:258F mov A, @R0 code:2590 mov @R1, A code:2591 dec R0 code:2592 dec R1 code:2593 mov A, @R0 code:2594 mov @R1, A code:2595 dec R0 code:2596 dec R1 code:2597 mov A, @R0 code:2598 mov @R1, A code:2599 mov RAM_4F, #0xCE ; '' code:259C clr C code:259D mov A, R4 code:259E rlc A code:259F mov R6, A code:25A0 mov A, R5 code:25A1 rlc A code:25A2 mov R7, A code:25A3 jnc code_25A8 code:25A5 ljmp code_260B code:25A8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:25A8 code:25A8 code_25A8: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+4E7j code:25A8 ; IEX3_0+503j code:25A8 ljmp code_2606 code:25AB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:25AB code:25AB code_25AB: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+4A1j code:25AB mov R0, #0xCE ; '' code:25AD mov R1, #0xCB ; '' code:25AF clr C code:25B0 mov A, @R1 code:25B1 subb A, @R0 code:25B2 mov R2, A code:25B3 dec R0 code:25B4 dec R1 code:25B5 mov A, @R1 code:25B6 subb A, @R0 code:25B7 mov R3, A code:25B8 dec R0 code:25B9 dec R1 code:25BA mov A, @R1 code:25BB subb A, @R0 code:25BC jz code_25C1 code:25BE ljmp code_260B code:25C1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:25C1 code:25C1 code_25C1: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+51Cj code:25C1 mov A, R3 code:25C2 jz code_25E7 code:25C4 clr C code:25C5 mov A, R4 code:25C6 subb A, R2 code:25C7 mov A, R5 code:25C8 subb A, R3 code:25C9 jnc code_25E7 code:25CB inc RAM_48 code:25CD inc RAM_48 code:25CF mov R0, #0xCB ; '' code:25D1 mov R1, #0xD1 ; '' code:25D3 mov A, @R0 code:25D4 mov @R1, A code:25D5 dec R0 code:25D6 dec R1 code:25D7 mov A, @R0 code:25D8 mov @R1, A code:25D9 dec R0 code:25DA dec R1 code:25DB mov A, @R0 code:25DC mov @R1, A code:25DD mov RAM_4F, #0xCE ; '' code:25E0 mov A, R2 code:25E1 mov R6, A code:25E2 mov A, R3 code:25E3 mov R7, A code:25E4 ljmp code_2606 code:25E7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:25E7 code:25E7 code_25E7: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+522j code:25E7 ; IEX3_0+529j code:25E7 jb T0, code_25EC ; Port 3 code:25EA setb RAM_2B.5 code:25EC code:25EC code_25EC: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:code_25E7j code:25EC setb INT0 ; Port 3 code:25EE setb P52 ; Port 5 code:25F0 clr A code:25F1 mov RAM_49, A code:25F3 mov RAM_71, A code:25F5 clr RAM_26.1 code:25F7 clr RAM_26.2 code:25F9 setb RAM_24.1 code:25FB setb RAM_24.2 code:25FD clr RAM_24.0 code:25FF clr P52 ; Port 5 code:2601 clr INT0 ; Port 3 code:2603 ljmp code_27C0 code:2606 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2606 code:2606 code_2606: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:code_2548j code:2606 ; IEX3_0:code_2561j ... code:2606 pop PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:2608 pop ACC ; Accumulator code:260A reti code:260A ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IEX3_0 code:260B code:260B ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:260B code:260B code:260B code_260B: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0+28Ej code:260B ; IEX3_0+4BEj ... code:260B clr EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:260D mov DPTR, #0x20C code:2610 mov A, #0xAA ; '' code:2612 movx @DPTR, A code:2613 clr A code:2614 mov DPL, #0xB ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2617 movx @DPTR, A code:2618 lcall nullsub_1 code:261B lcall nullsub_1 code:261E lcall nullsub_1 code:2621 ljmp WAKE_UP_0_0 code:2621 ; End of function code_260B code:2621 code:2624 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2624 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR TF1_0 code:2624 code:2624 code_2624: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+8j code:2624 setb WDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:2626 setb SWDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:2628 djnz RAM_68, code_262E code:262B ljmp code_260B code:262E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:262E code:262E code_262E: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+5D8j code:262E jbc RAM_25.7, code_265B code:2631 jb RAM_23.0, code_2636 code:2634 setb T2 ; Port 1 code:2636 code:2636 code_2636: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+5E1j code:2636 jb RAM_26.0, code_264A code:2639 mov TH1, RAM_66 ; Timer 1, High Byte code:263C mov TL1, RAM_67 ; Timer 1, Low Byte code:263F mov RAM_69, RAM_64 code:2642 mov RAM_6A, RAM_65 code:2645 setb RAM_25.5 code:2647 setb RAM_25.7 code:2649 reti code:264A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:264A code:264A code_264A: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0:code_2636j code:264A mov TH1, RAM_3 ; Timer 1, High Byte code:264D mov TL1, RAM_7 ; Timer 1, Low Byte code:2650 mov RAM_69, RAM_1 code:2653 mov RAM_6A, RAM_0 code:2656 setb RAM_25.5 code:2658 setb RAM_25.7 code:265A reti code:265B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:265B code:265B code_265B: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0:code_262Ej code:265B jb RAM_23.0, code_2660 code:265E clr T2 ; Port 1 code:2660 code:2660 code_2660: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0:code_265Bj code:2660 mov TH1, RAM_69 ; Timer 1, High Byte code:2663 mov TL1, RAM_6A ; Timer 1, Low Byte code:2666 jbc RAM_27.7, code_269D code:2669 jnb EX3, code_269D ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:266C push ACC ; Accumulator code:266E push PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:2670 mov A, R0 code:2671 push ACC ; Accumulator code:2673 mov R0, #0xD5 ; '' code:2675 mov A, CRCH ; Com./Rel./Capt. Reg. High Byte code:2677 cjne A, RAM_6B, code_2691 code:267A inc @R0 code:267B jnb RAM_24.1, code_2689 code:267E jb RAM_24.0, code_2689 code:2681 cjne @R0, #6, code_2684 code:2684 code:2684 code_2684: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+631j code:2684 jc code_2696 code:2686 ljmp code_260B code:2689 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2689 code:2689 code_2689: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+62Bj code:2689 ; TF1_0+62Ej code:2689 cjne @R0, #0x10, code_268C code:268C code:268C code_268C: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0:code_2689j code:268C jc code_2696 code:268E ljmp code_260B code:2691 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2691 code:2691 code_2691: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+627j code:2691 mov @R0, #0 code:2693 mov RAM_6B, CRCH ; Com./Rel./Capt. Reg. High Byte code:2696 code:2696 code_2696: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0:code_2684j code:2696 ; TF1_0:code_268Cj code:2696 pop ACC ; Accumulator code:2698 mov R0, A code:2699 pop PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:269B pop ACC ; Accumulator code:269D code:269D code_269D: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+616j code:269D ; TF1_0+619j code:269D reti code:269E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:269E code:269E code_269E: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0:code_205Bj code:269E setb WDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:26A0 setb SWDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:26A2 djnz RAM_68, code_26A8 code:26A5 ljmp code_260B code:26A8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:26A8 code:26A8 code_26A8: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+652j code:26A8 mov TH1, #0xFC ; '' ; Timer 1, High Byte code:26AB mov TL1, #0x2D ; '-' ; Timer 1, Low Byte code:26AE jb RAM_25.7, code_26C4 code:26B1 jb RAM_23.0, code_26B8 code:26B4 setb T2 ; Port 1 code:26B6 clr P56 ; Port 5 code:26B8 code:26B8 code_26B8: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+661j code:26B8 djnz RAM_1B, code_26C2 code:26BB setb RAM_25.5 code:26BD setb RAM_25.7 code:26BF mov RAM_1B, #3 code:26C2 code:26C2 code_26C2: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0:code_26B8j code:26C2 sjmp code_26D3 code:26C4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:26C4 code:26C4 code_26C4: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+65Ej code:26C4 jb RAM_23.0, code_26CB code:26C7 clr T2 ; Port 1 code:26C9 setb P56 ; Port 5 code:26CB code:26CB code_26CB: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0:code_26C4j code:26CB djnz RAM_1B, code_26D3 code:26CE clr RAM_25.7 code:26D0 mov RAM_1B, #7 code:26D3 code:26D3 code_26D3: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0:code_26C2j code:26D3 ; TF1_0:code_26CBj code:26D3 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:26D5 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:26D7 push ACC ; Accumulator code:26D9 push PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:26DB push B ; B-Register code:26DD mov A, R0 code:26DE push ACC ; Accumulator code:26E0 mov DPH, #0xA0 ; '' ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:26E3 mov DPL, #0x40 ; '@' ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:26E6 movx A, @DPTR code:26E7 xrl A, #0x9E code:26E9 mov RAM_20, A code:26EB jb RAM_24.2, code_26F1 code:26EE ljmp code_27B1 code:26F1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:26F1 code:26F1 code_26F1: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+69Bj code:26F1 jb RAM_24.0, code_2746 code:26F4 jnb RAM_24.1, code_272C code:26F7 jnb RAM_20.0, code_2717 code:26FA mov A, RAM_1D code:26FC inc A code:26FD mov RAM_1D, A code:26FF cjne A, #0x22, code_2702 ; '"' code:2702 code:2702 code_2702: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+6AFj code:2702 jc code_2709 code:2704 clr RAM_24.1 code:2706 clr A code:2707 mov RAM_1D, A code:2709 code:2709 code_2709: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0:code_2702j code:2709 ; TF1_0:code_272Cj code:2709 djnz RAM_1A, code_2729 code:270C djnz RAM_19, code_2729 code:270F mov A, #0x80 ; '' code:2711 mov DPTR, #0x261 code:2714 movx @DPTR, A code:2715 sjmp code_2795 code:2717 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2717 code:2717 code_2717: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+6A7j code:2717 clr A code:2718 mov RAM_1D, A code:271A setb RAM_24.1 code:271C djnz RAM_1A, code_2729 code:271F djnz RAM_19, code_2729 code:2722 clr A code:2723 mov DPTR, #0x261 code:2726 movx @DPTR, A code:2727 sjmp code_2795 code:2729 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2729 code:2729 code_2729: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0:code_2709j code:2729 ; TF1_0+6BCj ... code:2729 ljmp code_27B1 code:272C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:272C code:272C code_272C: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+6A4j code:272C jb RAM_20.0, code_2709 code:272F mov A, RAM_19 code:2731 cjne A, RAM_1F, code_2742 code:2734 mov A, RAM_1A code:2736 cjne A, #0x9F, code_2739 ; '' code:2739 code:2739 code_2739: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+6E6j code:2739 jc code_2742 code:273B clr A code:273C mov RAM_1D, A code:273E setb RAM_24.1 code:2740 sjmp code_27B1 code:2742 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2742 code:2742 code_2742: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+6E1j code:2742 ; TF1_0:code_2739j code:2742 setb RAM_24.0 code:2744 setb RAM_24.7 code:2746 code:2746 code_2746: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0:code_26F1j code:2746 jb RAM_20.0, code_2786 code:2749 mov DPTR, #0x262 code:274C movx A, @DPTR code:274D mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:274F movx A, @DPTR code:2750 jnb ACC7, code_2755 ; Accumulator code:2753 inc DPTR code:2754 clr A code:2755 code:2755 code_2755: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+700j code:2755 ; TF1_0+73Dj ... code:2755 inc A code:2756 mov B, A ; B-Register code:2758 anl A, #0x7F code:275A cjne A, #0x21, code_275D ; '!' code:275D code:275D code_275D: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+70Aj code:275D jnc code_2797 code:275F mov A, B ; B-Register code:2761 movx @DPTR, A code:2762 mov R0, #0x1D code:2764 mov A, @R0 code:2765 inc A code:2766 mov @R0, A code:2767 cjne A, #0x62, code_276A ; 'b' code:276A code:276A code_276A: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+717j code:276A jc code_277E code:276C setb RAM_24.3 code:276E clr RAM_24.2 code:2770 clr A code:2771 mov @R0, A code:2772 mov RAM_1A, A code:2774 mov RAM_19, A code:2776 mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2778 mov RAM_1E, A code:277A mov A, #0x63 ; 'c' code:277C mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:277E code:277E code_277E: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0:code_276Aj code:277E mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2780 mov DPL, #0x62 ; 'b' ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2783 movx @DPTR, A code:2784 sjmp code_27B1 code:2786 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2786 code:2786 code_2786: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0:code_2746j code:2786 mov DPTR, #0x262 code:2789 movx A, @DPTR code:278A mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:278C movx A, @DPTR code:278D jb ACC7, code_2755 ; Accumulator code:2790 inc DPTR code:2791 mov A, #0x80 ; '' code:2793 sjmp code_2755 code:2795 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2795 code:2795 code_2795: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+6C5j code:2795 ; TF1_0+6D7j code:2795 clr RAM_24.2 code:2797 code:2797 code_2797: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0:code_275Dj code:2797 mov DPTR, #0x261 code:279A movx A, @DPTR code:279B jb B7, code_27A2 ; B-Register code:279E setb ACC1 ; Accumulator code:27A0 sjmp code_27A4 code:27A2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:27A2 code:27A2 code_27A2: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+74Bj code:27A2 setb ACC0 ; Accumulator code:27A4 code:27A4 code_27A4: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+750j code:27A4 movx @DPTR, A code:27A5 clr A code:27A6 mov @R0, A code:27A7 mov RAM_1A, A code:27A9 mov RAM_19, A code:27AB setb RAM_24.1 code:27AD clr RAM_24.0 code:27AF sjmp code_27B1 code:27B1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:27B1 code:27B1 code_27B1: ; CODE XREF: TF1_0+69Ej code:27B1 ; TF1_0:code_2729j ... code:27B1 pop ACC ; Accumulator code:27B3 mov R0, A code:27B4 pop B ; B-Register code:27B6 pop PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:27B8 pop ACC ; Accumulator code:27BA pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:27BC pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:27BE reti code:27BE ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR TF1_0 code:27BF ; [00000001 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION nullsub_1. PRESS CTRL-NUMPAD+ TO EXPAND] code:27C0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:27C0 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IEX3_0 code:27C0 code:27C0 code_27C0: ; CODE XREF: IEX3_0:code_2331j code:27C0 ; IEX3_0+563j code:27C0 mov RAM_47, #0 code:27C3 mov RAM_4A, #0xFF code:27C6 setb RAM_24.3 code:27C8 pop PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:27CA pop ACC ; Accumulator code:27CC setb IE0 ; Timer Control Register code:27CE setb EX0 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:27D0 reti code:27D0 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IEX3_0 code:27D1 code:27D1 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:27D1 code:27D1 code:27D1 IE0_0_0: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0j code:27D1 code:27D1 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:20EE SIZE 0000001E BYTES code:27D1 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:21D2 SIZE 00000003 BYTES code:27D1 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:21E4 SIZE 00000006 BYTES code:27D1 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:2D6E SIZE 00000027 BYTES code:27D1 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:2DBA SIZE 0000045F BYTES code:27D1 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:321F SIZE 0000033C BYTES code:27D1 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:35B1 SIZE 0000002C BYTES code:27D1 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:6846 SIZE 00000027 BYTES code:27D1 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:8934 SIZE 0000003A BYTES code:27D1 code:27D1 push ACC ; Accumulator code:27D3 push PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:27D5 nop code:27D6 nop code:27D7 mov PSW, #0x18 ; Program Status Word Register code:27DA push B ; B-Register code:27DC push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:27DE push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:27E0 push RAM_2E code:27E2 push RAM_2F code:27E4 ljmp code_20EE code:27E7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:27E7 code:27E7 code_27E7: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0-6E0j code:27E7 mov C, RAM_24.5 code:27E9 jnc code_2808 code:27EB setb P54 ; Port 5 code:27ED jb RAM_27.6, code_27F3 code:27F0 jb P54, code_27F9 ; Port 5 code:27F3 code:27F3 code_27F3: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+1Cj code:27F3 clr RAM_27.4 code:27F5 clr P54 ; Port 5 code:27F7 sjmp code_2808 code:27F9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:27F9 code:27F9 code_27F9: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+1Fj code:27F9 jb RAM_27.4, code_2808 code:27FC setb RAM_27.4 code:27FE anl CCEN, #0xF ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:2801 setb INT6 ; Port 1 code:2803 setb INT5 ; Port 1 code:2805 mov RAM_72, RAM_51 code:2808 code:2808 code_2808: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+18j code:2808 ; IE0_0_0+26j ... code:2808 jc code_2846 code:280A mov C, T2EX ; Port 1 code:280C jnc code_2846 code:280E push PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:2810 push ACC ; Accumulator code:2812 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:2814 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2816 mov DPTR, #0x206 code:2819 movx A, @DPTR code:281A inc A code:281B movx @DPTR, A code:281C dec A code:281D jnb RAM_29.6, code_2822 code:2820 add A, #6 code:2822 code:2822 code_2822: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+4Cj code:2822 mov DPTR, #0x4192 code:2825 movc A, @A+DPTR code:2826 cjne A, #0xFF, code_2839 code:2829 mov DPTR, #0x206 code:282C mov A, #1 code:282E movx @DPTR, A code:282F dec A code:2830 jnb RAM_29.6, code_2835 code:2833 add A, #6 code:2835 code:2835 code_2835: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+5Fj code:2835 mov DPTR, #0x4192 code:2838 movc A, @A+DPTR code:2839 code:2839 code_2839: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+55j code:2839 mov DPTR, #0xA041 code:283C movx @DPTR, A code:283D pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:283F pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:2841 pop ACC ; Accumulator code:2843 pop PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:2845 clr C code:2846 code:2846 code_2846: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2808j code:2846 ; IE0_0_0+3Bj code:2846 mov T2EX, C ; Port 1 code:2848 jc code_2864 code:284A mov RAM_54, #0xFF code:284D mov RAM_53, #0xFF code:2850 mov A, RAM_50 code:2852 anl A, #0xF8 code:2854 swap A code:2855 rl A code:2856 clr EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:2858 add A, RAM_4A code:285A jnb ACC7, code_285F ; Accumulator code:285D setb T2EX ; Port 1 code:285F code:285F code_285F: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+89j code:285F inc A code:2860 mov RAM_4A, A code:2862 setb EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:2864 code:2864 code_2864: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+77j code:2864 clr RAM_25.2 code:2866 setb RAM_2D.4 code:2868 anl ADCON0, #0xF8 ; A/D Converter Control Register code:286B orl ADCON0, #0 ; A/D Converter Control Register code:286E mov ADDATL, #0 ; A/D Converter Data Register, low Byte code:2871 mov A, #2 code:2873 movc A, @A+DPTR code:2874 rrc A code:2875 mov RAM_24.4, C code:2877 mov A, #1 code:2879 movc A, @A+DPTR code:287A clr C code:287B subb A, #4 code:287D clr EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:287F add A, RAM_48 code:2881 mov RAM_48, A code:2883 setb EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:2885 jnb RAM_24.4, code_288D code:2888 mov A, RAM_49 code:288A cjne A, #1, code_2891 code:288D code:288D code_288D: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+B4j code:288D dec RAM_48 code:288F dec RAM_48 code:2891 code:2891 code_2891: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+B9j code:2891 mov A, #0 code:2893 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:2895 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2897 mov DPTR, #0x4208 code:289A movc A, @A+DPTR code:289B pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:289D pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:289F anl A, #0xF8 code:28A1 clr C code:28A2 rrc A code:28A3 rrc A code:28A4 rrc A code:28A5 clr EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:28A7 add A, RAM_47 code:28A9 mov RAM_47, A code:28AB setb EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:28AD inc RAM_11 code:28AF mov A, RAM_6E code:28B1 cjne A, RAM_11, code_28B4 code:28B4 code:28B4 code_28B4: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+E0j code:28B4 jnc code_28B9 code:28B6 mov RAM_11, #1 code:28B9 code:28B9 code_28B9: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_28B4j code:28B9 mov A, RAM_49 code:28BB jnz code_28C8 code:28BD mov A, #0 code:28BF movc A, @A+DPTR code:28C0 mov RAM_49, A code:28C2 jnb RAM_24.2, code_28E4 code:28C5 ljmp code_29B2 code:28C8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:28C8 code:28C8 code_28C8: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+EAj code:28C8 jnb RAM_24.4, code_28E4 code:28CB mov R0, #0xCE ; '' code:28CD mov R1, #0xCB ; '' code:28CF clr C code:28D0 mov A, @R1 code:28D1 subb A, @R0 code:28D2 mov R2, A code:28D3 dec R0 code:28D4 dec R1 code:28D5 mov A, @R1 code:28D6 subb A, @R0 code:28D7 mov R3, A code:28D8 dec R0 code:28D9 dec R1 code:28DA mov A, @R1 code:28DB subb A, @R0 code:28DC jz code_28E1 code:28DE ljmp code_260B code:28E1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:28E1 code:28E1 code_28E1: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+10Bj code:28E1 ljmp code_29B2 code:28E4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:28E4 code:28E4 code_28E4: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+F1j code:28E4 ; IE0_0_0:code_28C8j code:28E4 mov R0, #0xD4 ; '' code:28E6 mov R1, #0xD1 ; '' code:28E8 clr C code:28E9 mov A, @R1 code:28EA subb A, @R0 code:28EB mov R6, A code:28EC dec R0 code:28ED dec R1 code:28EE mov A, @R1 code:28EF subb A, @R0 code:28F0 mov R7, A code:28F1 dec R0 code:28F2 dec R1 code:28F3 mov A, @R1 code:28F4 subb A, @R0 code:28F5 jz code_28FA code:28F7 ljmp code_260B code:28FA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:28FA code:28FA code_28FA: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+124j code:28FA mov R0, #0xD1 ; '' code:28FC mov R1, #0xCE ; '' code:28FE clr C code:28FF mov A, @R1 code:2900 subb A, @R0 code:2901 mov R4, A code:2902 dec R0 code:2903 dec R1 code:2904 mov A, @R1 code:2905 subb A, @R0 code:2906 mov R5, A code:2907 dec R0 code:2908 dec R1 code:2909 mov A, @R1 code:290A subb A, @R0 code:290B clr C code:290C rrc A code:290D jz code_2912 code:290F ljmp code_260B code:2912 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2912 code:2912 code_2912: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+13Cj code:2912 mov A, R5 code:2913 rrc A code:2914 mov R5, A code:2915 mov A, R4 code:2916 rrc A code:2917 mov R4, A code:2918 mov R0, #0xCE ; '' code:291A mov R1, #0xCB ; '' code:291C clr C code:291D mov A, @R1 code:291E subb A, @R0 code:291F mov R2, A code:2920 dec R0 code:2921 dec R1 code:2922 mov A, @R1 code:2923 subb A, @R0 code:2924 mov R3, A code:2925 dec R0 code:2926 dec R1 code:2927 mov A, @R1 code:2928 subb A, @R0 code:2929 jz code_292E code:292B ljmp code_260B code:292E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:292E code:292E code_292E: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+158j code:292E clr C code:292F mov A, R4 code:2930 subb A, R6 code:2931 mov A, R5 code:2932 subb A, R7 code:2933 jc code_2945 code:2935 mov A, R3 code:2936 jz code_2942 code:2938 clr C code:2939 mov A, R4 code:293A subb A, R2 code:293B mov A, R5 code:293C subb A, R3 code:293D jnc code_2942 code:293F ljmp code_2984 code:2942 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2942 code:2942 code_2942: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+165j code:2942 ; IE0_0_0+16Cj code:2942 ljmp code_29B2 code:2945 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2945 code:2945 code_2945: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+162j code:2945 mov A, R4 code:2946 rlc A code:2947 mov R4, A code:2948 mov A, R5 code:2949 rlc A code:294A mov R5, A code:294B jnc code_2950 code:294D lcall code_260B code:2950 code:2950 code_2950: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+17Aj code:2950 mov A, R7 code:2951 rrc A code:2952 mov R7, A code:2953 mov A, R6 code:2954 rrc A code:2955 mov R6, A code:2956 clr C code:2957 mov A, R6 code:2958 subb A, R4 code:2959 mov A, R7 code:295A subb A, R5 code:295B jc code_2969 code:295D dec RAM_48 code:295F dec RAM_4A code:2961 djnz RAM_71, code_2966 code:2964 inc RAM_71 code:2966 code:2966 code_2966: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+190j code:2966 ljmp code_29B2 code:2969 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2969 code:2969 code_2969: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+18Aj code:2969 clr C code:296A mov A, R3 code:296B rrc A code:296C mov R3, A code:296D mov A, R2 code:296E rrc A code:296F mov R2, A code:2970 clr C code:2971 mov A, R2 code:2972 subb A, R4 code:2973 mov A, R3 code:2974 subb A, R5 code:2975 jc code_2984 code:2977 inc RAM_48 code:2979 inc RAM_4A code:297B inc RAM_71 code:297D mov A, R4 code:297E mov R2, A code:297F mov A, R5 code:2980 mov R3, A code:2981 ljmp code_29B2 code:2984 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2984 code:2984 code_2984: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+16Ej code:2984 ; IE0_0_0+1A4j code:2984 clr EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:2986 clr RAM_24.1 code:2988 setb RAM_24.0 code:298A setb RAM_24.5 code:298C setb T2EX ; Port 1 code:298E clr RAM_29.6 code:2990 anl CCEN, #0xF ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:2993 setb INT6 ; Port 1 code:2995 setb INT5 ; Port 1 code:2997 mov RAM_48, #4 code:299A mov RAM_4F, #0xD4 ; '' code:299D pop RAM_2F code:299F pop RAM_2E code:29A1 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:29A3 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:29A5 pop B ; B-Register code:29A7 pop PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:29A9 pop ACC ; Accumulator code:29AB setb EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:29AD clr RAM_24.3 code:29AF clr EX0 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:29B1 reti code:29B2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:29B2 code:29B2 code_29B2: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+F4j code:29B2 ; IE0_0_0:code_28E1j ... code:29B2 ljmp code_20F4 code:29B5 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:29B5 code:29B5 code_29B5: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_20F4j code:29B5 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:29B7 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:29B9 mov DPTR, #0xFE ; '' code:29BC movx A, @DPTR code:29BD mov RAM_2E, A code:29BF mov R0, #0xB5 ; '' code:29C1 mov B, @R0 ; B-Register code:29C3 mov DPTR, #0x207 code:29C6 movx A, @DPTR code:29C7 cjne A, RAM_49, code_29D2 code:29CA jnb RAM_2B.5, code_29F7 code:29CD mov RAM_11, RAM_49 code:29D0 sjmp code_29F7 code:29D2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:29D2 code:29D2 code_29D2: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+1F6j code:29D2 inc DPTR code:29D3 movx A, @DPTR code:29D4 clr C code:29D5 subb A, RAM_49 code:29D7 jz code_29DC code:29D9 code:29D9 code_29D9: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+21Aj code:29D9 ljmp code_2A8A code:29DC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:29DC code:29DC code_29DC: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+206j code:29DC jnb RAM_2B.5, code_29E2 code:29DF mov RAM_11, #3 code:29E2 code:29E2 code_29E2: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_29DCj code:29E2 jnb RAM_29.6, code_29ED code:29E5 mov DPTR, #0x205 code:29E8 movx A, @DPTR code:29E9 cpl A code:29EA movx @DPTR, A code:29EB jz code_29D9 code:29ED code:29ED code_29ED: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_29E2j code:29ED mov C, RAM_2B.5 code:29EF mov DPTR, #0x202 code:29F2 movx A, @DPTR code:29F3 rlc A code:29F4 movx @DPTR, A code:29F5 sjmp code_2A29 code:29F7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:29F7 code:29F7 code_29F7: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+1F9j code:29F7 ; IE0_0_0+1FFj code:29F7 jb RAM_29.6, code_2A19 code:29FA mov DPTR, #0x4174 code:29FD clr A code:29FE movc A, @A+DPTR code:29FF clr C code:2A00 subb A, RAM_49 code:2A02 mov DPTR, #0x206 code:2A05 clr EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:2A07 mov C, ET0 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:2A09 clr ET0 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:2A0B jnb T2EX, code_2A11 ; Port 1 code:2A0E jnb TR0, code_2A12 ; Timer Control Register code:2A11 code:2A11 code_2A11: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+23Aj code:2A11 inc A code:2A12 code:2A12 code_2A12: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+23Dj code:2A12 movx @DPTR, A code:2A13 mov ET0, C ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:2A15 setb EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:2A17 sjmp code_2A1F code:2A19 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2A19 code:2A19 code_2A19: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_29F7j code:2A19 mov DPTR, #0x205 code:2A1C movx A, @DPTR code:2A1D jnz code_2A8A code:2A1F code:2A1F code_2A1F: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+246j code:2A1F mov C, RAM_2B.5 code:2A21 mov DPTR, #0x202 code:2A24 movx A, @DPTR code:2A25 rlc A code:2A26 movx @DPTR, A code:2A27 sjmp code_2A91 code:2A29 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2A29 code:2A29 code_2A29: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+224j code:2A29 rrc A code:2A2A orl C, ACC0 ; Accumulator code:2A2C mov DPTR, #0x203 code:2A2F movx A, @DPTR code:2A30 rlc A code:2A31 movx @DPTR, A code:2A32 jnb RAM_28.1, code_2A53 code:2A35 rrc A code:2A36 mov DPTR, #0x205 code:2A39 movx A, @DPTR code:2A3A xrl A, #0xBB code:2A3C jz code_2A4E code:2A3E djnz ACC, code_2A53 ; Accumulator code:2A41 clr A code:2A42 movx @DPTR, A code:2A43 mov A, #0xA code:2A45 jnc code_2A48 code:2A47 rlc A code:2A48 code:2A48 code_2A48: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+274j code:2A48 mov DPTR, #0x203 code:2A4B movx @DPTR, A code:2A4C sjmp code_2A91 code:2A4E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2A4E code:2A4E code_2A4E: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+26Bj code:2A4E mov A, #0xBA ; '' code:2A50 movx @DPTR, A code:2A51 sjmp code_2A91 code:2A53 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2A53 code:2A53 code_2A53: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+261j code:2A53 ; IE0_0_0+26Dj code:2A53 mov DPTR, #0x203 code:2A56 movx A, @DPTR code:2A57 cpl A code:2A58 jnb RAM_29.6, code_2A5D code:2A5B jz code_2A64 code:2A5D code:2A5D code_2A5D: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+287j code:2A5D jnz code_2A61 code:2A5F setb RAM_2E.1 code:2A61 code:2A61 code_2A61: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2A5Dj code:2A61 cjne A, #0xAA, code_2A8D ; '' code:2A64 code:2A64 code_2A64: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+28Aj code:2A64 mov A, #0xFF code:2A66 movx @DPTR, A code:2A67 mov DPTR, #0x205 code:2A6A movx @DPTR, A code:2A6B setb RAM_29.6 code:2A6D clr RAM_2E.0 code:2A6F clr RAM_2E.1 code:2A71 clr A code:2A72 clr EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:2A74 mov C, ET0 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:2A76 clr ET0 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:2A78 jnb T2EX, code_2A7E ; Port 1 code:2A7B jnb TR0, code_2A7F ; Timer Control Register code:2A7E code:2A7E code_2A7E: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+2A7j code:2A7E inc A code:2A7F code:2A7F code_2A7F: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+2AAj code:2A7F mov ET0, C ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:2A81 mov DPTR, #0x206 code:2A84 inc A code:2A85 movx @DPTR, A code:2A86 setb EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:2A88 sjmp code_2A91 code:2A8A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2A8A code:2A8A code_2A8A: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_29D9j code:2A8A ; IE0_0_0+24Cj code:2A8A jnb RAM_2B.5, code_2A91 code:2A8D code:2A8D code_2A8D: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2A61j code:2A8D setb RAM_2E.0 code:2A8F clr RAM_29.6 code:2A91 code:2A91 code_2A91: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+256j code:2A91 ; IE0_0_0+27Bj ... code:2A91 mov DPTR, #0xFE ; '' code:2A94 mov A, RAM_2E code:2A96 movx @DPTR, A code:2A97 mov @R0, B ; B-Register code:2A99 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2A9B pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:2A9D jb RAM_24.2, code_2AA2 code:2AA0 sjmp code_2AB4 code:2AA2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2AA2 code:2AA2 code_2AA2: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+2CCj code:2AA2 mov A, R2 code:2AA3 mov R6, A code:2AA4 mov A, R3 code:2AA5 mov R7, A code:2AA6 mov A, #0xF code:2AA8 lcall code_54E code:2AAB mov R4, #0 code:2AAD lcall code_5CB code:2AB0 mov B, A ; B-Register code:2AB2 sjmp code_2ADD code:2AB4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2AB4 code:2AB4 code_2AB4: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+2CFj code:2AB4 mov R0, #0xC8 ; '' code:2AB6 mov R1, #0xCB ; '' code:2AB8 clr C code:2AB9 mov A, @R1 code:2ABA subb A, @R0 code:2ABB mov R5, A code:2ABC dec R0 code:2ABD dec R1 code:2ABE mov A, @R1 code:2ABF subb A, @R0 code:2AC0 mov R6, A code:2AC1 dec R0 code:2AC2 dec R1 code:2AC3 mov A, @R1 code:2AC4 subb A, @R0 code:2AC5 mov R7, A code:2AC6 mov R4, #0 code:2AC8 lcall code_5CB code:2ACB mov B, A ; B-Register code:2ACD mov A, RAM_49 code:2ACF add A, #6 code:2AD1 movc A, @A+DPTR code:2AD2 mul AB code:2AD3 jb B7, code_2ADD ; B-Register code:2AD6 rlc A code:2AD7 xch A, B ; B-Register code:2AD9 rlc A code:2ADA xch A, B ; B-Register code:2ADC dec R4 code:2ADD code:2ADD code_2ADD: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+2E1j code:2ADD ; IE0_0_0+302j code:2ADD mov RAM_3D, B ; B-Register code:2AE0 mov RAM_3E, R4 code:2AE2 setb RAM_25.3 code:2AE4 mov R0, #0xCB ; '' code:2AE6 mov R1, #0xC8 ; '' code:2AE8 mov A, @R0 code:2AE9 mov @R1, A code:2AEA dec R0 code:2AEB dec R1 code:2AEC mov A, @R0 code:2AED mov @R1, A code:2AEE dec R0 code:2AEF dec R1 code:2AF0 mov A, @R0 code:2AF1 mov @R1, A code:2AF2 mov A, #0xF code:2AF4 movc A, @A+DPTR code:2AF5 cjne A, RAM_3E, code_2AFE code:2AF8 mov A, #0xE code:2AFA movc A, @A+DPTR code:2AFB cjne A, RAM_3D, code_2AFE code:2AFE code:2AFE code_2AFE: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+324j code:2AFE ; IE0_0_0+32Aj code:2AFE cpl C code:2AFF mov RAM_24.6, C code:2B01 jc code_2B14 code:2B03 mov A, #0xD code:2B05 movc A, @A+DPTR code:2B06 cjne A, RAM_3E, code_2B0F code:2B09 mov A, #0xC code:2B0B movc A, @A+DPTR code:2B0C cjne A, RAM_3D, code_2B0F code:2B0F code:2B0F code_2B0F: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+335j code:2B0F ; IE0_0_0+33Bj code:2B0F jnc code_2B14 code:2B11 ljmp code_260B code:2B14 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2B14 code:2B14 code_2B14: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+330j code:2B14 ; IE0_0_0:code_2B0Fj code:2B14 mov A, #3 code:2B16 cjne A, RAM_3E, code_2B1E code:2B19 mov A, #0xEA ; '' code:2B1B cjne A, RAM_3D, code_2B1E code:2B1E code:2B1E code_2B1E: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+345j code:2B1E ; IE0_0_0+34Aj code:2B1E cpl C code:2B1F mov RAM_2A.5, C code:2B21 cjne R3, #0, code_2B2C code:2B24 mov A, R2 code:2B25 clr C code:2B26 rrc A code:2B27 clr C code:2B28 rrc A code:2B29 mov R2, A code:2B2A sjmp code_2B3F code:2B2C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2B2C code:2B2C code_2B2C: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+350j code:2B2C clr A code:2B2D xch A, R3 code:2B2E code:2B2E code_2B2E: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+363j code:2B2E clr C code:2B2F rrc A code:2B30 xch A, R2 code:2B31 rrc A code:2B32 xch A, R2 code:2B33 inc R3 code:2B34 jnz code_2B2E code:2B36 djnz R3, code_2B3E code:2B38 mov A, R2 code:2B39 clr C code:2B3A rrc A code:2B3B mov R2, A code:2B3C sjmp code_2B3F code:2B3E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2B3E code:2B3E code_2B3E: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+365j code:2B3E dec R3 code:2B3F code:2B3F code_2B3F: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+359j code:2B3F ; IE0_0_0+36Bj code:2B3F jb RAM_24.5, code_2B45 code:2B42 ljmp code_2C15 code:2B45 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2B45 code:2B45 code_2B45: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2B3Fj code:2B45 mov R7, RAM_55 code:2B47 mov A, RAM_50 code:2B49 clr C code:2B4A subb A, R7 code:2B4B jc code_2B9E code:2B4D mov RAM_53, A code:2B4F anl RAM_53, #0xF8 code:2B52 mov C, ACC2 ; Accumulator code:2B54 mov RAM_23.4, C code:2B56 anl A, #3 code:2B58 lcall code_35DD code:2B5B mov RAM_4D, A code:2B5D mov RAM_4E, B ; B-Register code:2B60 mov A, RAM_50 code:2B62 clr C code:2B63 subb A, RAM_53 code:2B65 anl A, #0xF8 code:2B67 swap A code:2B68 rl A code:2B69 mov RAM_54, A code:2B6B mov A, RAM_53 code:2B6D swap A code:2B6E rl A code:2B6F clr EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:2B71 add A, RAM_4A code:2B73 jb ACC7, code_2B9E ; Accumulator code:2B76 inc A code:2B77 mov RAM_4A, A code:2B79 mov TL0, RAM_4D ; Timer 0, Low Byte code:2B7C mov TH0, RAM_4E ; Timer 0, High Byte code:2B7F jb RAM_23.4, code_2B86 code:2B82 setb RAM_23.3 code:2B84 setb ET0 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:2B86 code:2B86 code_2B86: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+3AEj code:2B86 mov RAM_53, #0xFF code:2B89 setb EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:2B8B mov A, RAM_50 code:2B8D mov C, ACC2 ; Accumulator code:2B8F mov RAM_23.5, C code:2B91 anl A, #3 code:2B93 lcall code_35DD code:2B96 mov RAM_4B, A code:2B98 mov RAM_4C, B ; B-Register code:2B9B ljmp code_2C15 code:2B9E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2B9E code:2B9E code_2B9E: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+37Aj code:2B9E ; IE0_0_0+3A2j code:2B9E mov C, T2EX ; Port 1 code:2BA0 jnc code_2BD9 code:2BA2 push PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:2BA4 push ACC ; Accumulator code:2BA6 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:2BA8 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2BAA mov DPTR, #0x206 code:2BAD movx A, @DPTR code:2BAE inc A code:2BAF movx @DPTR, A code:2BB0 dec A code:2BB1 jnb RAM_29.6, code_2BB6 code:2BB4 add A, #6 code:2BB6 code:2BB6 code_2BB6: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+3E0j code:2BB6 mov DPTR, #0x4192 code:2BB9 movc A, @A+DPTR code:2BBA cjne A, #0xFF, code_2BCD code:2BBD mov DPTR, #0x206 code:2BC0 mov A, #1 code:2BC2 movx @DPTR, A code:2BC3 dec A code:2BC4 jnb RAM_29.6, code_2BC9 code:2BC7 add A, #6 code:2BC9 code:2BC9 code_2BC9: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+3F3j code:2BC9 mov DPTR, #0x4192 code:2BCC movc A, @A+DPTR code:2BCD code:2BCD code_2BCD: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+3E9j code:2BCD mov DPTR, #0xA041 code:2BD0 movx @DPTR, A code:2BD1 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2BD3 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:2BD5 pop ACC ; Accumulator code:2BD7 pop PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:2BD9 code:2BD9 code_2BD9: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+3CFj code:2BD9 clr T2EX ; Port 1 code:2BDB clr RAM_23.3 code:2BDD clr ET0 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:2BDF setb EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:2BE1 mov RAM_53, #0xFF code:2BE4 mov A, RAM_50 code:2BE6 mov C, ACC2 ; Accumulator code:2BE8 mov RAM_23.5, C code:2BEA anl A, #3 code:2BEC lcall code_35DD code:2BEF mov RAM_4B, A code:2BF1 mov RAM_4C, B ; B-Register code:2BF4 mov A, RAM_50 code:2BF6 anl A, #0xF8 code:2BF8 swap A code:2BF9 rl A code:2BFA clr EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:2BFC add A, RAM_4A code:2BFE jnb ACC7, code_2C03 ; Accumulator code:2C01 setb T2EX ; Port 1 code:2C03 code:2C03 code_2C03: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+42Dj code:2C03 inc A code:2C04 mov RAM_4A, A code:2C06 mov TL0, RAM_4B ; Timer 0, Low Byte code:2C09 mov TH0, RAM_4C ; Timer 0, High Byte code:2C0C jb RAM_23.5, code_2C13 code:2C0F setb RAM_23.3 code:2C11 setb ET0 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:2C13 code:2C13 code_2C13: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+43Bj code:2C13 setb EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:2C15 code:2C15 code_2C15: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+371j code:2C15 ; IE0_0_0+3CAj code:2C15 mov A, RAM_50 code:2C17 anl A, #0xF8 code:2C19 mov R7, A code:2C1A mov A, #1 code:2C1C movc A, @A+DPTR code:2C1D clr C code:2C1E subb A, #4 code:2C20 swap A code:2C21 rr A code:2C22 mov RAM_50, A code:2C24 add A, #0x20 ; ' ' code:2C26 subb A, R7 code:2C27 mov R7, A code:2C28 jbc RAM_26.1, code_2C3B code:2C2B clr RAM_26.2 code:2C2D mov A, #0x2D ; '-' code:2C2F movc A, @A+DPTR code:2C30 swap A code:2C31 rr A code:2C32 anl A, #3 code:2C34 cjne A, RAM_49, code_2C3D code:2C37 setb RAM_26.1 code:2C39 sjmp code_2C3D code:2C3B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2C3B code:2C3B code_2C3B: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+457j code:2C3B setb RAM_26.2 code:2C3D code:2C3D code_2C3D: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+463j code:2C3D ; IE0_0_0+468j code:2C3D jnb RAM_27.1, code_2C64 code:2C40 jnb RAM_26.1, code_2C64 code:2C43 jb RAM_27.0, code_2C4A code:2C46 clr RAM_27.1 code:2C48 sjmp code_2C80 code:2C4A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2C4A code:2C4A code_2C4A: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+472j code:2C4A mov R1, #0xA6 ; '' code:2C4C mov A, @R1 code:2C4D jz code_2C55 code:2C4F add A, RAM_51 code:2C51 mov RAM_51, A code:2C53 setb RAM_26.6 code:2C55 code:2C55 code_2C55: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+47Cj code:2C55 mov RAM_52, #1 code:2C58 clr RAM_26.5 code:2C5A clr RAM_27.0 code:2C5C setb RAM_27.2 code:2C5E mov RAM_5A, #0 code:2C61 ljmp code_2CDD code:2C64 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2C64 code:2C64 code_2C64: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2C3Dj code:2C64 ; IE0_0_0+46Fj code:2C64 jnb RAM_26.5, code_2C80 code:2C67 jnb RAM_27.3, code_2C80 code:2C6A mov A, RAM_56 code:2C6C cjne A, RAM_51, code_2C80 code:2C6F mov R1, #0xA0 ; '' code:2C71 cjne @R1, #0, code_2C80 code:2C74 setb RAM_27.0 code:2C76 clr RAM_27.2 code:2C78 mov R1, #0xBD ; '' code:2C7A mov RAM_2E, @R1 code:2C7C clr RAM_2E.0 code:2C7E mov @R1, RAM_2E code:2C80 code:2C80 code_2C80: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+477j code:2C80 ; IE0_0_0:code_2C64j ... code:2C80 jnb RAM_26.6, code_2C91 code:2C83 mov A, RAM_56 code:2C85 cjne A, RAM_51, code_2C88 code:2C88 code:2C88 code_2C88: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+4B4j code:2C88 jc code_2C91 code:2C8A clr RAM_26.6 code:2C8C clr RAM_26.5 code:2C8E mov RAM_52, #1 code:2C91 code:2C91 code_2C91: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2C80j code:2C91 ; IE0_0_0:code_2C88j code:2C91 djnz RAM_52, code_2CDD code:2C94 jnb RAM_26.6, code_2CA4 code:2C97 mov R1, #0xBD ; '' code:2C99 mov RAM_2E, @R1 code:2C9B mov A, #0x1A code:2C9D jnb RAM_2E.0, code_2CB5 code:2CA0 mov A, #0x1C code:2CA2 sjmp code_2CB5 code:2CA4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2CA4 code:2CA4 code_2CA4: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+4C3j code:2CA4 mov A, #0x18 code:2CA6 jb RAM_26.5, code_2CB5 code:2CA9 mov A, #0x14 code:2CAB jb RAM_26.3, code_2CB5 code:2CAE mov A, #0x16 code:2CB0 jb RAM_26.4, code_2CB5 code:2CB3 mov A, #0x12 code:2CB5 code:2CB5 code_2CB5: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+4CCj code:2CB5 ; IE0_0_0+4D1j ... code:2CB5 mov B, A ; B-Register code:2CB7 movc A, @A+DPTR code:2CB8 mov RAM_52, A code:2CBA inc B ; B-Register code:2CBC clr C code:2CBD mov A, RAM_56 code:2CBF subb A, RAM_51 code:2CC1 jnc code_2CC5 code:2CC3 cpl A code:2CC4 inc A code:2CC5 code:2CC5 code_2CC5: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+4F0j code:2CC5 mov F0, C ; Program Status Word Register code:2CC7 xch A, B ; B-Register code:2CC9 movc A, @A+DPTR code:2CCA cjne A, B, code_2CCD ; B-Register code:2CCD code:2CCD code_2CCD: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+4F9j code:2CCD jc code_2CD4 code:2CCF mov RAM_51, RAM_56 code:2CD2 sjmp code_2CDD code:2CD4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2CD4 code:2CD4 code_2CD4: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2CCDj code:2CD4 jnb F0, code_2CD9 ; Program Status Word Register code:2CD7 cpl A code:2CD8 inc A code:2CD9 code:2CD9 code_2CD9: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2CD4j code:2CD9 add A, RAM_51 code:2CDB mov RAM_51, A code:2CDD code:2CDD code_2CDD: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+490j code:2CDD ; IE0_0_0:code_2C91j ... code:2CDD jnb RAM_2A.2, code_2CE9 code:2CE0 mov A, RAM_5F code:2CE2 cjne A, RAM_51, code_2CE5 code:2CE5 code:2CE5 code_2CE5: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+511j code:2CE5 jnc code_2CE9 code:2CE7 mov A, RAM_51 code:2CE9 code:2CE9 code_2CE9: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2CDDj code:2CE9 ; IE0_0_0:code_2CE5j code:2CE9 jb RAM_2A.2, code_2CEE code:2CEC mov A, RAM_51 code:2CEE code:2CEE code_2CEE: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2CE9j code:2CEE jb RAM_27.4, code_2CF4 code:2CF1 jnb RAM_27.5, code_2CFB code:2CF4 code:2CF4 code_2CF4: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2CEEj code:2CF4 cjne A, RAM_72, code_2CF7 code:2CF7 code:2CF7 code_2CF7: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2CF4j code:2CF7 jnc code_2CFB code:2CF9 mov A, RAM_72 code:2CFB code:2CFB code_2CFB: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+520j code:2CFB ; IE0_0_0:code_2CF7j code:2CFB mov B, A ; B-Register code:2CFD mov R0, #0xBE ; '' code:2CFF mov A, @R0 code:2D00 mov RAM_2E, A code:2D02 jb RAM_2E.3, code_2D0A code:2D05 jb RAM_2E.4, code_2D0A code:2D08 sjmp code_2D14 code:2D0A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2D0A code:2D0A code_2D0A: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+531j code:2D0A ; IE0_0_0+534j code:2D0A mov R0, #0xC0 ; '' code:2D0C mov A, @R0 code:2D0D xch A, B ; B-Register code:2D0F cjne A, B, code_2D12 ; B-Register code:2D12 code:2D12 code_2D12: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+53Ej code:2D12 jnc code_2D16 code:2D14 code:2D14 code_2D14: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+537j code:2D14 mov A, B ; B-Register code:2D16 code:2D16 code_2D16: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2D12j code:2D16 jb RAM_2A.2, code_2D6E code:2D19 jb RAM_2E.3, code_2D6E code:2D1C jb RAM_2E.4, code_2D6E code:2D1F jb RAM_27.4, code_2D6E code:2D22 jb RAM_27.5, code_2D6E code:2D25 mov A, RAM_51 code:2D27 jb RAM_26.7, code_2D6E code:2D2A mov R0, #0xA4 ; '' code:2D2C mov A, @R0 code:2D2D cjne A, #2, code_2D30 code:2D30 code:2D30 code_2D30: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+55Cj code:2D30 mov A, RAM_51 code:2D32 jc code_2D6E code:2D34 mov R6, A code:2D35 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:2D37 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2D39 ljmp code_21E4 code:2D3C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2D3C code:2D3C code_2D3C: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0-5EAj code:2D3C mov R0, #0xA1 ; '' code:2D3E mov A, @R0 code:2D3F clr C code:2D40 subb A, RAM_3C code:2D42 jz code_2D69 code:2D44 jc code_2D58 code:2D46 cjne A, #0x11, code_2D49 code:2D49 code:2D49 code_2D49: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+575j code:2D49 jc code_2D4D code:2D4B mov A, #0x10 code:2D4D code:2D4D code_2D4D: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2D49j code:2D4D add A, #0x10 code:2D4F movc A, @A+DPTR code:2D50 clr C code:2D51 xch A, R6 code:2D52 subb A, R6 code:2D53 jnc code_2D6A code:2D55 clr A code:2D56 sjmp code_2D6A code:2D58 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2D58 code:2D58 code_2D58: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+573j code:2D58 cpl A code:2D59 inc A code:2D5A cjne A, #0x11, code_2D5D code:2D5D code:2D5D code_2D5D: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+589j code:2D5D jc code_2D61 code:2D5F mov A, #0x10 code:2D61 code:2D61 code_2D61: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2D5Dj code:2D61 movc A, @A+DPTR code:2D62 add A, R6 code:2D63 jnc code_2D6A code:2D65 mov A, #0xFF code:2D67 sjmp code_2D6A code:2D69 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2D69 code:2D69 code_2D69: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+571j code:2D69 mov A, R6 code:2D6A code:2D6A code_2D6A: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+582j code:2D6A ; IE0_0_0+585j ... code:2D6A pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2D6C pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:2D6C ; End of function IE0_0_0 code:2D6C code:2D6E ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IE0_0_0 code:2D6E code:2D6E code_2D6E: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2D16j code:2D6E ; IE0_0_0+548j ... code:2D6E add A, RAM_10 code:2D70 mov B, RAM_10 ; B-Register code:2D73 jb B7, code_2D7C ; B-Register code:2D76 jnc code_2D80 code:2D78 mov A, #0xFF code:2D7A sjmp code_2D80 code:2D7C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2D7C code:2D7C code_2D7C: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+5A2j code:2D7C jc code_2D80 code:2D7E mov A, #0 code:2D80 code:2D80 code_2D80: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+5A5j code:2D80 ; IE0_0_0+5A9j ... code:2D80 add A, RAM_7B code:2D82 mov B, RAM_7B ; B-Register code:2D85 jb B7, code_2D8E ; B-Register code:2D88 jnc code_2D92 code:2D8A mov A, #0xFF code:2D8C sjmp code_2D92 code:2D8E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2D8E code:2D8E code_2D8E: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+5B4j code:2D8E jc code_2D92 code:2D90 mov A, #0 code:2D92 code:2D92 code_2D92: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+5B7j code:2D92 ; IE0_0_0+5BBj ... code:2D92 nop code:2D93 sjmp code_2DBA code:2D93 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IE0_0_0 code:2D95 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2D95 xch A, B ; B-Register code:2D97 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:2D99 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2D9B mov DPTR, #0x114 code:2D9E mov A, RAM_11 code:2DA0 add A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2DA2 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2DA4 movx A, @DPTR code:2DA5 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2DA7 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:2DA9 xch A, B ; B-Register code:2DAB add A, B ; B-Register code:2DAD jb B7, code_2DB6 ; B-Register code:2DB0 jnc code_2DBA code:2DB2 mov A, #0xFF code:2DB4 sjmp code_2DBA code:2DB6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2DB6 code:2DB6 code_2DB6: ; CODE XREF: code:2DADj code:2DB6 jc code_2DBA code:2DB8 mov A, #0 code:2DBA ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IE0_0_0 code:2DBA code:2DBA code_2DBA: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+5C2j code:2DBA ; code:2DB0j ... code:2DBA mov B, A ; B-Register code:2DBC push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2DBE push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:2DC0 mov DPTR, #0x151 code:2DC3 movx A, @DPTR code:2DC4 cjne A, B, code_2DC7 ; B-Register code:2DC7 code:2DC7 code_2DC7: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+5F3j code:2DC7 jnc code_2DD2 code:2DC9 inc DPTR code:2DCA movx A, @DPTR code:2DCB cjne A, B, code_2DCE ; B-Register code:2DCE code:2DCE code_2DCE: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+5FAj code:2DCE jc code_2DD2 code:2DD0 mov A, B ; B-Register code:2DD2 code:2DD2 code_2DD2: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2DC7j code:2DD2 ; IE0_0_0:code_2DCEj code:2DD2 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:2DD4 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2DD6 cjne A, RAM_50, code_2DD9 code:2DD9 code:2DD9 code_2DD9: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+605j code:2DD9 jnc code_2DDD code:2DDB mov RAM_50, A code:2DDD code:2DDD code_2DDD: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2DD9j code:2DDD clr RAM_24.5 code:2DDF clr C code:2DE0 mov A, RAM_50 code:2DE2 subb A, RAM_55 code:2DE4 jc code_2DEB code:2DE6 setb RAM_24.5 code:2DE8 ljmp code_2EED code:2DEB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2DEB code:2DEB code_2DEB: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+613j code:2DEB mov R6, A code:2DEC jnb RAM_24.4, code_2DF4 code:2DEF mov A, #1 code:2DF1 cjne A, RAM_49, code_2E2F code:2DF4 code:2DF4 code_2DF4: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+61Bj code:2DF4 mov A, #0x20 ; ' ' code:2DF6 add A, R6 code:2DF7 jc code_2E05 code:2DF9 mov A, R7 code:2DFA add A, R6 code:2DFB mov R7, A code:2DFC mov C, ACC2 ; Accumulator code:2DFE mov RAM_23.4, C code:2E00 anl A, #3 code:2E02 ljmp code_2E38 code:2E05 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2E05 code:2E05 code_2E05: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+626j code:2E05 cjne A, #0x18, code_2E08 code:2E08 code:2E08 code_2E08: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2E05j code:2E08 jnc code_2E20 code:2E0A xch A, R7 code:2E0B clr C code:2E0C subb A, #0x20 ; ' ' code:2E0E xch A, R7 code:2E0F cjne A, #0x14, code_2E12 code:2E12 code:2E12 code_2E12: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+63Ej code:2E12 jnc code_2E19 code:2E14 clr RAM_23.4 code:2E16 ljmp code_2E38 code:2E19 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2E19 code:2E19 code_2E19: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2E12j code:2E19 setb RAM_23.4 code:2E1B subb A, #0x14 code:2E1D ljmp code_2E38 code:2E20 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2E20 code:2E20 code_2E20: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2E08j code:2E20 subb A, #0x18 code:2E22 xch A, R7 code:2E23 subb A, #0x18 code:2E25 xch A, R7 code:2E26 mov C, ACC2 ; Accumulator code:2E28 mov RAM_23.4, C code:2E2A anl A, #3 code:2E2C ljmp code_2E38 code:2E2F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2E2F code:2E2F code_2E2F: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+620j code:2E2F mov A, R7 code:2E30 add A, R6 code:2E31 mov R7, A code:2E32 mov C, ACC2 ; Accumulator code:2E34 mov RAM_23.4, C code:2E36 anl A, #3 code:2E38 code:2E38 code_2E38: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+631j code:2E38 ; IE0_0_0+645j ... code:2E38 xch A, R7 code:2E39 anl A, #0xF8 code:2E3B swap A code:2E3C rl A code:2E3D xch A, R7 code:2E3E mov R6, A code:2E3F mov A, RAM_50 code:2E41 mov C, ACC2 ; Accumulator code:2E43 mov RAM_23.5, C code:2E45 anl A, #3 code:2E47 lcall code_35DD code:2E4A mov RAM_4B, A code:2E4C mov RAM_4C, B ; B-Register code:2E4F mov A, R6 code:2E50 lcall code_35DD code:2E53 mov RAM_4D, A code:2E55 mov RAM_4E, B ; B-Register code:2E58 clr EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:2E5A mov A, RAM_4A code:2E5C jnb ACC7, code_2EDA ; Accumulator code:2E5F clr RAM_23.3 code:2E61 clr ET0 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:2E63 add A, R7 code:2E64 inc A code:2E65 mov RAM_4A, A code:2E67 jc code_2EDC code:2E69 setb P54 ; Port 5 code:2E6B jb RAM_27.6, code_2E71 code:2E6E jb P54, code_2E77 ; Port 5 code:2E71 code:2E71 code_2E71: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+69Aj code:2E71 clr RAM_27.4 code:2E73 clr P54 ; Port 5 code:2E75 sjmp code_2E86 code:2E77 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2E77 code:2E77 code_2E77: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+69Dj code:2E77 jb RAM_27.4, code_2E86 code:2E7A setb RAM_27.4 code:2E7C anl CCEN, #0xF ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:2E7F setb INT6 ; Port 1 code:2E81 setb INT5 ; Port 1 code:2E83 mov RAM_72, RAM_51 code:2E86 code:2E86 code_2E86: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+6A4j code:2E86 ; IE0_0_0:code_2E77j code:2E86 mov C, T2EX ; Port 1 code:2E88 jnc code_2EC9 code:2E8A push PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:2E8C push ACC ; Accumulator code:2E8E push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:2E90 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2E92 mov DPTR, #0x206 code:2E95 movx A, @DPTR code:2E96 inc A code:2E97 movx @DPTR, A code:2E98 dec A code:2E99 jnb RAM_29.6, code_2E9E code:2E9C add A, #6 code:2E9E code:2E9E code_2E9E: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+6C8j code:2E9E mov DPTR, #0x4192 code:2EA1 movc A, @A+DPTR code:2EA2 cjne A, #0xFF, code_2EB5 code:2EA5 mov DPTR, #0x206 code:2EA8 mov A, #1 code:2EAA movx @DPTR, A code:2EAB dec A code:2EAC jnb RAM_29.6, code_2EB1 code:2EAF add A, #6 code:2EB1 code:2EB1 code_2EB1: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+6DBj code:2EB1 mov DPTR, #0x4192 code:2EB4 movc A, @A+DPTR code:2EB5 code:2EB5 code_2EB5: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+6D1j code:2EB5 mov DPTR, #0xA041 code:2EB8 movx @DPTR, A code:2EB9 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2EBB pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:2EBD pop ACC ; Accumulator code:2EBF pop PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:2EC1 clr EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:2EC3 mov C, T2EX ; Port 1 code:2EC5 jc code_2EC9 code:2EC7 clr RAM_29.6 code:2EC9 code:2EC9 code_2EC9: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+6B7j code:2EC9 ; IE0_0_0+6F4j code:2EC9 setb EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:2ECB clr T2EX ; Port 1 code:2ECD mov TL0, RAM_4B ; Timer 0, Low Byte code:2ED0 mov TH0, RAM_4C ; Timer 0, High Byte code:2ED3 jb RAM_23.5, code_2EDA code:2ED6 setb RAM_23.3 code:2ED8 setb ET0 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:2EDA code:2EDA code_2EDA: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+68Bj code:2EDA ; IE0_0_0+702j code:2EDA sjmp code_2EE9 code:2EDC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2EDC code:2EDC code_2EDC: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+696j code:2EDC mov TL0, RAM_4D ; Timer 0, Low Byte code:2EDF mov TH0, RAM_4E ; Timer 0, High Byte code:2EE2 jb RAM_23.4, code_2EE9 code:2EE5 setb RAM_23.3 code:2EE7 setb ET0 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:2EE9 code:2EE9 code_2EE9: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2EDAj code:2EE9 ; IE0_0_0+711j code:2EE9 mov RAM_53, R7 code:2EEB setb EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:2EED code:2EED code_2EED: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+617j code:2EED lcall code_9A02 code:2EF0 ljmp code_20F7 code:2EF3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2EF3 code:2EF3 code_2EF3: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_20F7j code:2EF3 mov R0, #0xBD ; '' code:2EF5 mov RAM_2E, @R0 code:2EF7 mov A, #0x38 ; '8' code:2EF9 movc A, @A+DPTR code:2EFA mov RAM_2F, A code:2EFC push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2EFE push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:2F00 mov DPTR, #0x8B ; '' code:2F03 movx A, @DPTR code:2F04 mov R5, A code:2F05 mov DPTR, #0xBE00 code:2F08 mov A, ADDATH ; A/D Converter Data Register, High Byte code:2F0A clr RAM_2D.4 code:2F0C mov R3, A code:2F0D mov RAM_46, #0 code:2F10 mov C, RAM_28.1 code:2F12 orl C, RAM_24.6 code:2F14 orl C, RAM_28.5 code:2F16 jc code_2F5C code:2F18 mov A, R3 code:2F19 subb A, RAM_43 code:2F1B jc code_2F5C code:2F1D mov RAM_46, A code:2F1F mov A, RAM_2F code:2F21 cjne A, RAM_46, code_2F24 code:2F24 code:2F24 code_2F24: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+750j code:2F24 jnc code_2F2C code:2F26 mov DPTR, #0x243 code:2F29 mov A, #0x55 ; 'U' code:2F2B movx @DPTR, A code:2F2C code:2F2C code_2F2C: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2F24j code:2F2C ljmp code_20FA code:2F2F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2F2F code:2F2F code_2F2F: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0-6D4j code:2F2F mov A, RAM_46 code:2F31 cjne A, #0x1F, code_2F34 code:2F34 code:2F34 code_2F34: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+760j code:2F34 jc code_2F38 code:2F36 mov A, #0x1F code:2F38 code:2F38 code_2F38: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2F34j code:2F38 movc A, @A+DPTR code:2F39 mov B, RAM_5D ; B-Register code:2F3C mul AB code:2F3D mov A, B ; B-Register code:2F3F jz code_2F5C code:2F41 jnb RAM_25.0, code_2F4E code:2F44 mov R4, B ; B-Register code:2F46 mov A, R5 code:2F47 jz code_2F4C code:2F49 cpl A code:2F4A inc A code:2F4B mul AB code:2F4C code:2F4C code_2F4C: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+776j code:2F4C mov A, B ; B-Register code:2F4E code:2F4E code_2F4E: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+770j code:2F4E cjne A, RAM_63, code_2F51 code:2F51 code:2F51 code_2F51: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2F4Ej code:2F51 jc code_2F5C code:2F53 mov RAM_63, A code:2F55 jnb RAM_25.0, code_2F5A code:2F58 mov RAM_63, R4 code:2F5A code:2F5A code_2F5A: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+784j code:2F5A setb RAM_2E.4 code:2F5C code:2F5C code_2F5C: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+745j code:2F5C ; IE0_0_0+74Aj ... code:2F5C jnb RAM_28.5, code_2F62 code:2F5F mov RAM_63, #0 code:2F62 code:2F62 code_2F62: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2F5Cj code:2F62 mov R0, #0xBD ; '' code:2F64 mov @R0, RAM_2E code:2F66 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:2F68 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2F6A mov RAM_45, RAM_44 code:2F6D mov RAM_44, RAM_43 code:2F70 mov RAM_43, R3 code:2F72 jnb RAM_28.1, code_2F82 code:2F75 mov A, #0x2E ; '.' code:2F77 movc A, @A+DPTR code:2F78 mov B, #0x19 ; B-Register code:2F7B mul AB code:2F7C mov R7, B ; B-Register code:2F7E mov R6, A code:2F7F ljmp code_3032 code:2F82 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2F82 code:2F82 code_2F82: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+7A1j code:2F82 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2F84 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:2F86 mov R7, RAM_43 code:2F88 cjne R7, #0xC, code_2F8B code:2F8B code:2F8B code_2F8B: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+7B7j code:2F8B jnc code_2F8F code:2F8D mov R7, #0xC code:2F8F code:2F8F code_2F8F: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2F8Bj code:2F8F jnb RAM_29.7, code_2F95 code:2F92 ljmp code_21D2 code:2F95 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2F95 code:2F95 code_2F95: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2F8Fj code:2F95 ljmp code_2100 code:2F98 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2F98 code:2F98 code_2F98: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0-6CEj code:2F98 mov A, R7 code:2F99 mov B, #0x20 ; ' ' ; B-Register code:2F9C div AB code:2F9D mov R4, A code:2F9E add A, #8 code:2FA0 movc A, @A+DPTR code:2FA1 xch A, R4 code:2FA2 movc A, @A+DPTR code:2FA3 xch A, B ; B-Register code:2FA5 add A, #0x10 code:2FA7 movc A, @A+DPTR code:2FA8 mul AB code:2FA9 mov R7, B ; B-Register code:2FAB mov R6, A code:2FAC mov A, RAM_3D code:2FAE lcall code_54E code:2FB1 mov A, #0xF9 ; '' code:2FB3 add A, RAM_3E code:2FB5 add A, R4 code:2FB6 lcall code_5A7 code:2FB9 code:2FB9 code_2FB9: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_896Bj code:2FB9 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:2FBB pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2FBD mov R0, #0xA5 ; '' code:2FBF mov A, @R0 code:2FC0 mov B, #0x19 ; B-Register code:2FC3 mul AB code:2FC4 mov R5, A code:2FC5 subb A, R6 code:2FC6 mov A, B ; B-Register code:2FC8 subb A, R7 code:2FC9 jnc code_2FCF code:2FCB mov A, R5 code:2FCC mov R6, A code:2FCD mov R7, B ; B-Register code:2FCF code:2FCF code_2FCF: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+7F8j code:2FCF mov R0, #0xBD ; '' code:2FD1 mov RAM_2E, @R0 code:2FD3 mov R0, #0xB8 ; '' code:2FD5 jnb RAM_2E.4, code_2FDE code:2FD8 clr RAM_2E.4 code:2FDA clr A code:2FDB mov @R0, A code:2FDC clr RAM_25.0 code:2FDE code:2FDE code_2FDE: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+804j code:2FDE mov A, RAM_63 code:2FE0 jnz code_2FE6 code:2FE2 clr RAM_25.0 code:2FE4 sjmp code_302E code:2FE6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:2FE6 code:2FE6 code_2FE6: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+80Fj code:2FE6 inc @R0 code:2FE7 jb RAM_25.0, code_3014 code:2FEA mov R1, #0xC1 ; '' code:2FEC mov A, @R1 code:2FED mov B, @R0 ; B-Register code:2FEF cjne A, B, code_2FF2 ; B-Register code:2FF2 code:2FF2 code_2FF2: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+81Ej code:2FF2 jnc code_302E code:2FF4 setb RAM_25.0 code:2FF6 clr A code:2FF7 mov @R0, A code:2FF8 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:2FFA push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:2FFC mov DPTR, #0x8B ; '' code:2FFF movx A, @DPTR code:3000 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:3002 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:3004 mov B, RAM_63 ; B-Register code:3007 mul AB code:3008 mov A, RAM_63 code:300A clr C code:300B subb A, B ; B-Register code:300D jnc code_3010 code:300F clr A code:3010 code:3010 code_3010: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+83Cj code:3010 mov RAM_63, A code:3012 sjmp code_302E code:3014 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3014 code:3014 code_3014: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+816j code:3014 mov A, #0x37 ; '7' code:3016 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3017 mov B, @R0 ; B-Register code:3019 cjne A, B, code_301C ; B-Register code:301C code:301C code_301C: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+848j code:301C jnc code_302E code:301E mov R1, #0xB9 ; '' code:3020 mov B, @R1 ; B-Register code:3022 clr A code:3023 mov @R0, A code:3024 mov A, RAM_63 code:3026 clr C code:3027 subb A, B ; B-Register code:3029 jnc code_302C code:302B clr A code:302C code:302C code_302C: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+858j code:302C mov RAM_63, A code:302E code:302E code_302E: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+813j code:302E ; IE0_0_0:code_2FF2j ... code:302E mov R0, #0xBD ; '' code:3030 mov @R0, RAM_2E code:3032 code:3032 code_3032: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+7AEj code:3032 jnb RAM_28.1, code_303D code:3035 mov RAM_41, R7 code:3037 mov RAM_42, R6 code:3039 clr RAM_28.3 code:303B sjmp code_309B code:303D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:303D code:303D code_303D: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_3032j code:303D jb RAM_28.3, code_3046 code:3040 mov RAM_41, R7 code:3042 mov RAM_42, R6 code:3044 setb RAM_28.3 code:3046 code:3046 code_3046: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_303Dj code:3046 clr C code:3047 mov A, R6 code:3048 subb A, RAM_42 code:304A mov R6, A code:304B mov A, R7 code:304C subb A, RAM_41 code:304E mov R7, A code:304F jc code_307A code:3051 mov A, #1 code:3053 cjne A, RAM_63, code_3056 code:3056 code:3056 code_3056: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+882j code:3056 jnc code_3062 code:3058 mov A, #0x36 ; '6' code:305A movc A, @A+DPTR code:305B cjne A, RAM_46, code_305E code:305E code:305E code_305E: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+88Aj code:305E mov A, #0xFF code:3060 jc code_3064 code:3062 code:3062 code_3062: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_3056j code:3062 mov A, RAM_62 code:3064 code:3064 code_3064: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+88Fj code:3064 lcall code_54E code:3067 mov A, RAM_61 code:3069 add A, R5 code:306A mov RAM_61, A code:306C mov A, RAM_42 code:306E addc A, R6 code:306F mov RAM_42, A code:3071 mov R6, A code:3072 mov A, RAM_41 code:3074 addc A, R7 code:3075 mov RAM_41, A code:3077 mov R7, A code:3078 sjmp code_309B code:307A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:307A code:307A code_307A: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+87Ej code:307A mov A, R6 code:307B cpl A code:307C add A, #1 code:307E mov R6, A code:307F mov A, R7 code:3080 cpl A code:3081 addc A, #0 code:3083 mov R7, A code:3084 mov A, RAM_62 code:3086 lcall code_54E code:3089 clr C code:308A mov A, RAM_61 code:308C subb A, R5 code:308D mov RAM_61, A code:308F mov A, RAM_42 code:3091 subb A, R6 code:3092 mov RAM_42, A code:3094 mov R6, A code:3095 mov A, RAM_41 code:3097 subb A, R7 code:3098 mov RAM_41, A code:309A mov R7, A code:309B code:309B code_309B: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+86Aj code:309B ; IE0_0_0+8A7j code:309B push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:309D push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:309F mov DPTR, #0xFE ; '' code:30A2 movx A, @DPTR code:30A3 mov RAM_2E, A code:30A5 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:30A7 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:30A9 mov R0, #0xB5 ; '' code:30AB mov B, @R0 ; B-Register code:30AD jnb RAM_28.0, code_30B3 code:30B0 mov B, #2 ; B-Register code:30B3 code:30B3 code_30B3: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+8DCj code:30B3 jnb RAM_26.1, code_30B8 code:30B6 cpl RAM_2B.1 code:30B8 code:30B8 code_30B8: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_30B3j code:30B8 jb RAM_28.1, code_30E4 code:30BB jb RAM_2B.4, code_30D7 code:30BE jnb RAM_2B.5, code_30C5 code:30C1 setb B7 ; B-Register code:30C3 setb RAM_2B.1 code:30C5 code:30C5 code_30C5: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+8EDj code:30C5 jnb B7, code_30DB ; B-Register code:30C8 jbc B5, code_30D7 ; B-Register code:30CB mov C, RAM_2E.0 code:30CD orl C, RAM_2E.1 code:30CF jc code_30DB code:30D1 jnb RAM_27.0, code_30EF code:30D4 jnb B7, code_30DB ; B-Register code:30D7 code:30D7 code_30D7: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+8EAj code:30D7 ; IE0_0_0+8F7j code:30D7 setb B6 ; B-Register code:30D9 sjmp code_30EF code:30DB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:30DB code:30DB code_30DB: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_30C5j code:30DB ; IE0_0_0+8FEj ... code:30DB jb RAM_2B.4, code_30EF code:30DE clr B5 ; B-Register code:30E0 clr B6 ; B-Register code:30E2 sjmp code_30EF code:30E4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:30E4 code:30E4 code_30E4: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_30B8j code:30E4 jnb RAM_2B.5, code_30EB code:30E7 setb B7 ; B-Register code:30E9 setb RAM_2B.1 code:30EB code:30EB code_30EB: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_30E4j code:30EB setb B5 ; B-Register code:30ED clr B6 ; B-Register code:30EF code:30EF code_30EF: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+900j code:30EF ; IE0_0_0+908j ... code:30EF mov @R0, B ; B-Register code:30F1 lcall code_998E code:30F4 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:30F6 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:30F8 jnb RAM_28.0, code_3128 code:30FB mov DPTR, #0x7F ; '' code:30FE movx A, @DPTR code:30FF cjne A, #0xCC, code_3106 ; '' code:3102 mov R1, #0x1C code:3104 sjmp code_310F code:3106 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3106 code:3106 code_3106: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+92Ej code:3106 cjne A, #0xAA, code_310D ; '' code:3109 mov R1, #0x20 ; ' ' code:310B sjmp code_310F code:310D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:310D code:310D code_310D: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_3106j code:310D mov R1, #1 code:310F code:310F code_310F: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+933j code:310F ; IE0_0_0+93Aj code:310F mov A, #0x55 ; 'U' code:3111 movx @DPTR, A code:3112 mov A, R1 code:3113 mov DPTR, #0x7B ; '{' code:3116 movx @DPTR, A code:3117 mov DPTR, #0x7C ; '|' code:311A movx @DPTR, A code:311B mov DPTR, #0x7D ; '}' code:311E movx @DPTR, A code:311F mov DPTR, #0x7E ; '~' code:3122 movx @DPTR, A code:3123 clr RAM_2A.6 code:3125 ljmp code_31D9 code:3128 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3128 code:3128 code_3128: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+927j code:3128 jnb RAM_2B.0, code_3168 code:312B mov DPTR, #0x7B ; '{' code:312E movx A, @DPTR code:312F cjne A, #0x20, code_3132 ; ' ' code:3132 code:3132 code_3132: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+95Ej code:3132 jc code_315E code:3134 mov DPTR, #0x7C ; '|' code:3137 movx A, @DPTR code:3138 cjne A, #0x20, code_313B ; ' ' code:313B code:313B code_313B: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+967j code:313B jc code_315E code:313D mov DPTR, #0x7D ; '}' code:3140 movx A, @DPTR code:3141 cjne A, #0x20, code_3144 ; ' ' code:3144 code:3144 code_3144: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+970j code:3144 jc code_315E code:3146 mov DPTR, #0x7E ; '~' code:3149 movx A, @DPTR code:314A cjne A, #0x20, code_314D ; ' ' code:314D code:314D code_314D: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+979j code:314D jc code_315E code:314F mov DPTR, #0x7F ; '' code:3152 mov A, #0xCC ; '' code:3154 movx @DPTR, A code:3155 mov R1, #0x7E ; '~' code:3157 mov @R1, #0 code:3159 jnb RAM_2A.6, code_3168 code:315C sjmp code_31D7 code:315E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:315E code:315E code_315E: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_3132j code:315E ; IE0_0_0:code_313Bj ... code:315E mov DPTR, #0x7F ; '' code:3161 movx A, @DPTR code:3162 cjne A, #0xCC, code_3168 ; '' code:3165 mov A, #0x55 ; 'U' code:3167 movx @DPTR, A code:3168 code:3168 code_3168: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_3128j code:3168 ; IE0_0_0+988j ... code:3168 jnb RAM_29.6, code_31D9 code:316B jnb RAM_2B.0, code_31D9 code:316E jnb P53, code_31D9 ; Port 5 code:3171 mov R1, #0x7E ; '~' code:3173 mov RAM_2E, @R1 code:3175 mov DPTR, #0x7A ; 'z' code:3178 mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:317A add A, RAM_11 code:317C mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:317E movx A, @DPTR code:317F jnb RAM_2A.6, code_3188 code:3182 add A, #4 code:3184 clr RAM_2E.6 code:3186 sjmp code_3190 code:3188 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3188 code:3188 code_3188: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+9AEj code:3188 setb RAM_2E.6 code:318A mov R1, A code:318B djnz R1, code_318F code:318D mov R1, #1 code:318F code:318F code_318F: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+9BAj code:318F mov A, R1 code:3190 code:3190 code_3190: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+9B5j code:3190 cjne A, #0x32, code_3193 ; '2' code:3193 code:3193 code_3193: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_3190j code:3193 jc code_3197 code:3195 mov A, #0x32 ; '2' code:3197 code:3197 code_3197: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_3193j code:3197 movx @DPTR, A code:3198 cjne A, #0x28, code_319B ; '(' code:319B code:319B code_319B: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+9C7j code:319B jc code_31B9 code:319D mov A, RAM_11 code:319F cjne A, #3, code_31A2 code:31A2 code:31A2 code_31A2: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+9CEj code:31A2 jc code_31A8 code:31A4 setb RAM_2E.4 code:31A6 sjmp code_31AA code:31A8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:31A8 code:31A8 code_31A8: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_31A2j code:31A8 setb RAM_2E.5 code:31AA code:31AA code_31AA: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+9D5j code:31AA mov DPTR, #0x7F ; '' code:31AD mov A, #0xAA ; '' code:31AF setb RAM_2E.7 code:31B1 jnb RAM_2E.6, code_31B8 code:31B4 mov A, #0x55 ; 'U' code:31B6 clr RAM_2E.7 code:31B8 code:31B8 code_31B8: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+9E0j code:31B8 movx @DPTR, A code:31B9 code:31B9 code_31B9: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_319Bj code:31B9 clr RAM_2E.3 code:31BB jnb RAM_2E.4, code_31C7 code:31BE mov A, #4 code:31C0 cjne A, RAM_11, code_31C7 code:31C3 setb RAM_2E.3 code:31C5 clr RAM_2E.4 code:31C7 code:31C7 code_31C7: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+9EAj code:31C7 ; IE0_0_0+9EFj code:31C7 jnb RAM_2E.5, code_31D3 code:31CA mov A, #2 code:31CC cjne A, RAM_11, code_31D3 code:31CF setb RAM_2E.3 code:31D1 clr RAM_2E.5 code:31D3 code:31D3 code_31D3: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_31C7j code:31D3 ; IE0_0_0+9FBj code:31D3 mov R1, #0x7E ; '~' code:31D5 mov @R1, RAM_2E code:31D7 code:31D7 code_31D7: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+98Bj code:31D7 clr RAM_2A.6 code:31D9 code:31D9 code_31D9: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+954j code:31D9 ; IE0_0_0:code_3168j ... code:31D9 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:31DB pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:31DD mov A, #0x30 ; '0' code:31DF movc A, @A+DPTR code:31E0 cjne A, RAM_3E, code_31E9 code:31E3 mov A, #0x2F ; '/' code:31E5 movc A, @A+DPTR code:31E6 cjne A, RAM_3D, code_31E9 code:31E9 code:31E9 code_31E9: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+A0Fj code:31E9 ; IE0_0_0+A15j code:31E9 anl C, /RAM_27.0 code:31EB mov R0, #0xBC ; '' code:31ED mov A, @R0 code:31EE anl C, /ACC1 ; Accumulator code:31F0 jnc code_3203 code:31F2 jb RAM_2B.4, code_31F9 code:31F5 mov C, RAM_2B.7 code:31F7 sjmp code_3203 code:31F9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:31F9 code:31F9 code_31F9: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+A21j code:31F9 mov C, RAM_2B.7 code:31FB orl C, /RAM_2B.1 code:31FD jnc code_3203 code:31FF mov C, RAM_2B.6 code:3201 orl C, RAM_2B.1 code:3203 code:3203 code_3203: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+A1Fj code:3203 ; IE0_0_0+A26j ... code:3203 cpl C code:3204 jc code_3213 code:3206 mov R0, #0x7E ; '~' code:3208 mov RAM_2E, @R0 code:320A jb RAM_2E.3, code_320F code:320D sjmp code_321F code:320F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:320F code:320F code_320F: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+A39j code:320F clr RAM_2E.3 code:3211 mov @R0, RAM_2E code:3213 code:3213 code_3213: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+A33j code:3213 mov RAM_71, #0 code:3216 ljmp code_33AE code:3216 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IE0_0_0 code:3219 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3219 mov RAM_71, #0 code:321C ljmp code_33AE code:321F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:321F ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IE0_0_0 code:321F code:321F code_321F: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+A3Cj code:321F mov C, RAM_28.5 code:3221 orl C, RAM_24.6 code:3223 jc code_323D code:3225 mov A, RAM_63 code:3227 jz code_323D code:3229 add A, #0x40 ; '@' code:322B jnc code_322F code:322D mov A, #0xFF code:322F code:322F code_322F: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+A5Aj code:322F lcall code_54E code:3232 mov A, #2 code:3234 lcall code_5C8 code:3237 jz code_323D code:3239 mov R7, #0xFF code:323B mov R6, #0xFF code:323D code:323D code_323D: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+A52j code:323D ; IE0_0_0+A56j ... code:323D jnb RAM_28.1, code_3265 code:3240 jb RAM_28.7, code_325C code:3243 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:3245 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:3247 mov DPTR, #0x230 code:324A movx A, @DPTR code:324B mov R1, A code:324C inc DPTR code:324D movx A, @DPTR code:324E lcall code_562 code:3251 inc DPTR code:3252 movx A, @DPTR code:3253 lcall code_5C8 code:3256 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:3258 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:325A sjmp code_327D code:325C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:325C code:325C code_325C: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+A6Fj code:325C mov R1, RAM_7 code:325E mov A, RAM_6 code:3260 mov RAM_59, RAM_4 code:3263 sjmp code_3275 code:3265 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3265 code:3265 code_3265: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_323Dj code:3265 jnb RAM_25.4, code_3271 code:3268 mov R1, RAM_7 code:326A mov A, RAM_6 code:326C mov RAM_59, RAM_D code:326F sjmp code_3275 code:3271 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3271 code:3271 code_3271: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_3265j code:3271 mov R1, RAM_57 code:3273 mov A, RAM_58 code:3275 code:3275 code_3275: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+A92j code:3275 ; IE0_0_0+A9Ej code:3275 lcall code_562 code:3278 mov A, RAM_59 code:327A lcall code_5C8 code:327D code:327D code_327D: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+A89j code:327D mov R1, #0xBD ; '' code:327F mov RAM_2E, @R1 code:3281 jb RAM_27.2, code_3288 code:3284 clr RAM_2E.0 code:3286 sjmp code_32E8 code:3288 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3288 code:3288 code_3288: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+AB0j code:3288 jb RAM_2E.0, code_32A1 code:328B mov A, #0x31 ; '1' code:328D movc A, @A+DPTR code:328E cjne A, RAM_46, code_3291 code:3291 code:3291 code_3291: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+ABDj code:3291 mov RAM_2E.0, C code:3293 mov R0, #0x9F ; '' code:3295 mov B, @R0 ; B-Register code:3297 mov A, #0x32 ; '2' code:3299 movc A, @A+DPTR code:329A cjne A, B, code_329D ; B-Register code:329D code:329D code_329D: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+AC9j code:329D orl C, RAM_2E.0 code:329F mov RAM_2E.0, C code:32A1 code:32A1 code_32A1: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_3288j code:32A1 clr F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:32A3 jnb RAM_2E.0, code_32AA code:32A6 mov A, #0x33 ; '3' code:32A8 sjmp code_32AC code:32AA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:32AA code:32AA code_32AA: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+AD2j code:32AA mov A, #0x34 ; '4' code:32AC code:32AC code_32AC: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+AD7j code:32AC movc A, @A+DPTR code:32AD jnb ACC7, code_32B2 ; Accumulator code:32B0 mov A, #0x7F ; '' code:32B2 code:32B2 code_32B2: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+ADCj code:32B2 cjne A, RAM_5A, code_32B5 code:32B5 code:32B5 code_32B5: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_32B2j code:32B5 jnc code_32C1 code:32B7 setb F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:32B9 jnb RAM_26.6, code_32C1 code:32BC clr RAM_26.6 code:32BE mov RAM_52, #1 code:32C1 code:32C1 code_32C1: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_32B5j code:32C1 ; IE0_0_0+AE8j code:32C1 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:32C3 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:32C5 ljmp code_2106 code:32C8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:32C8 code:32C8 code_32C8: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0-6C8j code:32C8 mov A, RAM_5A code:32CA cjne A, #0x10, code_32CD code:32CD code:32CD code_32CD: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+AF9j code:32CD jc code_32D6 code:32CF jnb F0, code_32E4 ; Program Status Word Register code:32D2 clr RAM_27.2 code:32D4 sjmp code_32E4 code:32D6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:32D6 code:32D6 code_32D6: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_32CDj code:32D6 jnb RAM_2E.0, code_32DB code:32D9 add A, #0x10 code:32DB code:32DB code_32DB: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_32D6j code:32DB movc A, @A+DPTR code:32DC lcall code_54E code:32DF mov A, #2 code:32E1 lcall code_5C8 code:32E4 code:32E4 code_32E4: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+AFEj code:32E4 ; IE0_0_0+B03j code:32E4 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:32E6 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:32E8 code:32E8 code_32E8: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+AB5j code:32E8 mov @R1, RAM_2E code:32EA jb RAM_28.1, code_32F3 code:32ED jnb RAM_26.1, code_3307 code:32F0 jbc RAM_27.1, code_32FF code:32F3 code:32F3 code_32F3: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+B19j code:32F3 mov A, RAM_5A code:32F5 jnb ACC7, code_32FB ; Accumulator code:32F8 mov RAM_5A, #0x7F ; '' code:32FB code:32FB code_32FB: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+B24j code:32FB inc RAM_5A code:32FD sjmp code_3315 code:32FF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:32FF code:32FF code_32FF: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+B1Fj code:32FF mov RAM_70, #0 code:3302 mov RAM_6F, #0 code:3305 sjmp code_3315 code:3307 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3307 code:3307 code_3307: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+B1Cj code:3307 jnb RAM_26.2, code_3315 code:330A mov A, RAM_5A code:330C cjne A, #0, code_3315 code:330F mov A, RAM_6F code:3311 jz code_3315 code:3313 inc RAM_5A code:3315 code:3315 code_3315: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+B2Cj code:3315 ; IE0_0_0+B34j ... code:3315 ljmp code_6846 code:3318 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3318 code:3318 code_3318: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+4078j code:3318 ; IE0_0_0:code_686Aj code:3318 jb RAM_28.1, code_333E code:331B mov B, #5 ; B-Register code:331E mov A, RAM_60 code:3320 jbc ACC7, code_3331 ; Accumulator code:3323 mul AB code:3324 add A, R6 code:3325 mov R6, A code:3326 mov A, R7 code:3327 addc A, B ; B-Register code:3329 jnc code_332E code:332B mov A, #0xFF code:332D mov R6, A code:332E code:332E code_332E: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+B58j code:332E mov R7, A code:332F sjmp code_333E code:3331 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3331 code:3331 code_3331: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+B4Fj code:3331 mul AB code:3332 xch A, R6 code:3333 subb A, R6 code:3334 mov R6, A code:3335 mov A, R7 code:3336 subb A, B ; B-Register code:3338 jnc code_333D code:333A mov A, #0 code:333C mov R6, A code:333D code:333D code_333D: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+B67j code:333D mov R7, A code:333E code:333E code_333E: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_3318j code:333E ; IE0_0_0+B5Ej code:333E mov A, #0x35 ; '5' code:3340 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3341 mov B, #0x19 ; B-Register code:3344 mul AB code:3345 mov R5, A code:3346 subb A, R6 code:3347 mov A, B ; B-Register code:3349 subb A, R7 code:334A jc code_3350 code:334C mov A, R5 code:334D mov R6, A code:334E mov R7, B ; B-Register code:3350 code:3350 code_3350: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+B79j code:3350 setb RAM_25.1 code:3352 mov R0, #0xB5 ; '' code:3354 mov B, @R0 ; B-Register code:3356 jnb B6, code_336A ; B-Register code:3359 setb RAM_2B.4 code:335B clr C code:335C mov A, R6 code:335D rlc A code:335E mov R6, A code:335F mov A, R7 code:3360 rlc A code:3361 mov R7, A code:3362 jnc code_336C code:3364 mov R6, #0xFF code:3366 mov R7, #0xFF code:3368 sjmp code_336C code:336A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:336A code:336A code_336A: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+B85j code:336A clr RAM_2B.4 code:336C code:336C code_336C: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+B91j code:336C ; IE0_0_0+B97j code:336C mov A, #5 code:336E mov B, RAM_6C ; B-Register code:3371 mul AB code:3372 add A, R6 code:3373 cpl A code:3374 mov RAM_5C, A code:3376 mov A, B ; B-Register code:3378 addc A, R7 code:3379 cpl A code:337A mov RAM_5B, A code:337C jnc code_3383 code:337E clr A code:337F mov RAM_5C, A code:3381 mov RAM_5B, A code:3383 code:3383 code_3383: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+BABj code:3383 mov A, #0x2D ; '-' code:3385 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3386 anl A, #0x1F code:3388 jnb RAM_28.1, code_3390 code:338B mov RAM_71, A code:338D ljmp code_33AE code:3390 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3390 code:3390 code_3390: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+BB7j code:3390 jnb RAM_26.1, code_33AC code:3393 mov A, #1 code:3395 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3396 mov R0, A code:3397 mov R1, #0xB6 ; '' code:3399 mov A, @R1 code:339A add A, #4 code:339C clr EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:339E add A, RAM_48 code:33A0 clr C code:33A1 subb A, R0 code:33A2 jz code_33A6 code:33A4 jnc code_33A8 code:33A6 code:33A6 code_33A6: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+BD1j code:33A6 mov A, #1 code:33A8 code:33A8 code_33A8: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+BD3j code:33A8 mov RAM_71, A code:33AA setb EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:33AC code:33AC code_33AC: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_3390j code:33AC clr RAM_25.1 code:33AE code:33AE code_33AE: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+A45j code:33AE ; code:321Cj ... code:33AE mov R1, #0xBD ; '' code:33B0 mov RAM_2E, @R1 code:33B2 jb RAM_2B.3, code_33E7 code:33B5 jnb RAM_26.2, code_33CA code:33B8 jbc RAM_2B.2, code_33E7 code:33BB jnb RAM_2E.5, code_33C1 code:33BE ljmp code_345A code:33C1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:33C1 code:33C1 code_33C1: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+BEAj code:33C1 jnb RAM_2B.6, code_33CA code:33C4 mov C, RAM_2E.7 code:33C6 anl C, /RAM_27.0 code:33C8 jc code_33E3 code:33CA code:33CA code_33CA: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+BE4j code:33CA ; IE0_0_0:code_33C1j ... code:33CA jnb RAM_27.0, code_33E0 code:33CD push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:33CF push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:33D1 mov DPH, #0xA0 ; '' ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:33D4 mov DPL, #0x40 ; '@' ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:33D7 setb RAM_22.4 code:33D9 mov A, RAM_22 code:33DB movx @DPTR, A code:33DC pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:33DE pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:33E0 code:33E0 code_33E0: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_33CAj code:33E0 ljmp code_34F7 code:33E3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:33E3 code:33E3 code_33E3: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+BF7j code:33E3 clr RAM_2E.7 code:33E5 sjmp code_33E9 code:33E7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:33E7 code:33E7 code_33E7: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+BE1j code:33E7 ; IE0_0_0+BE7j code:33E7 setb RAM_2E.7 code:33E9 code:33E9 code_33E9: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+C14j code:33E9 setb RAM_25.1 code:33EB mov R6, RAM_70 code:33ED mov A, RAM_6F code:33EF jz code_33CA code:33F1 mov R7, A code:33F2 clr RAM_25.1 code:33F4 mov A, #5 code:33F6 mov B, RAM_6C ; B-Register code:33F9 mul AB code:33FA xch A, R6 code:33FB cpl A code:33FC inc A code:33FD clr C code:33FE subb A, R6 code:33FF xch A, R6 code:3400 mov A, B ; B-Register code:3402 xch A, R7 code:3403 cpl A code:3404 subb A, R7 code:3405 mov R7, A code:3406 mov A, R6 code:3407 jnc code_3413 code:3409 mov A, #0x35 ; '5' code:340B movc A, @A+DPTR code:340C mov B, #0x19 ; B-Register code:340F mul AB code:3410 mov R6, A code:3411 mov R7, B ; B-Register code:3413 code:3413 code_3413: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+C36j code:3413 jnb RAM_2B.3, code_346B code:3416 mov R0, #0xC2 ; '' code:3418 jnb RAM_2E.2, code_344D code:341B mov B, @R0 ; B-Register code:341D add A, B ; B-Register code:341F mov R6, A code:3420 inc R0 code:3421 mov B, @R0 ; B-Register code:3423 mov A, R7 code:3424 addc A, B ; B-Register code:3426 mov R7, A code:3427 jnc code_3432 code:3429 mov @R0, A code:342A dec R0 code:342B mov A, R6 code:342C mov @R0, A code:342D inc R0 code:342E inc R0 code:342F inc @R0 code:3430 setb RAM_2E.3 code:3432 code:3432 code_3432: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+C56j code:3432 jnb RAM_26.2, code_3457 code:3435 jnb RAM_2E.3, code_3449 code:3438 mov R0, #0xC4 ; '' code:343A mov A, @R0 code:343B jz code_3449 code:343D mov R6, #0xFF code:343F mov R7, #0xFF code:3441 dec @R0 code:3442 cjne @R0, #0, code_3494 code:3445 clr RAM_2E.3 code:3447 sjmp code_3494 code:3449 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3449 code:3449 code_3449: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+C64j code:3449 ; IE0_0_0+C6Aj code:3449 clr RAM_2E.2 code:344B sjmp code_3494 code:344D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:344D code:344D code_344D: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+C47j code:344D jb RAM_26.2, code_3494 code:3450 setb RAM_2E.2 code:3452 mov A, R6 code:3453 mov @R0, A code:3454 inc R0 code:3455 mov A, R7 code:3456 mov @R0, A code:3457 code:3457 code_3457: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_3432j code:3457 ljmp code_34F5 code:345A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:345A code:345A code_345A: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+BEDj code:345A mov R0, #0xC2 ; '' code:345C jnb RAM_2E.3, code_3465 code:345F mov R6, #0xFF code:3461 mov R7, #0xFF code:3463 sjmp code_3494 code:3465 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3465 code:3465 code_3465: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+C8Bj code:3465 mov A, @R0 code:3466 mov R6, A code:3467 inc R0 code:3468 mov @R0, A code:3469 mov R7, A code:346A mov A, R6 code:346B code:346B code_346B: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_3413j code:346B jnb RAM_28.6, code_3494 code:346E jb RAM_24.7, code_3494 code:3471 clr RAM_28.6 code:3473 mov R0, #0xC2 ; '' code:3475 mov B, @R0 ; B-Register code:3477 add A, B ; B-Register code:3479 mov R6, A code:347A inc R0 code:347B mov B, @R0 ; B-Register code:347D mov A, R7 code:347E addc A, B ; B-Register code:3480 mov R7, A code:3481 jc code_348A code:3483 mov A, #0 code:3485 mov @R0, A code:3486 dec R0 code:3487 mov @R0, A code:3488 sjmp code_3494 code:348A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:348A code:348A code_348A: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+CB0j code:348A mov @R0, A code:348B dec R0 code:348C mov A, R6 code:348D mov @R0, A code:348E setb RAM_28.6 code:3490 mov R6, #0xFF code:3492 mov R7, #0xFF code:3494 code:3494 code_3494: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+C71j code:3494 ; IE0_0_0+C76j ... code:3494 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:3496 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:3498 jb RAM_2B.4, code_34AB code:349B jnb RAM_2B.6, code_34AB code:349E clr C code:349F mov A, R6 code:34A0 rlc A code:34A1 mov R6, A code:34A2 mov A, R7 code:34A3 rlc A code:34A4 mov R7, A code:34A5 jnc code_34AB code:34A7 mov R7, #0xFF code:34A9 mov R6, #0xFF code:34AB code:34AB code_34AB: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+CC7j code:34AB ; IE0_0_0+CCAj ... code:34AB mov DPTR, #0x161 code:34AE movx A, @DPTR code:34AF add A, R6 code:34B0 xch A, R6 code:34B1 mov A, R7 code:34B2 addc A, #0 code:34B4 mov B, A ; B-Register code:34B6 mov A, R6 code:34B7 movx @DPTR, A code:34B8 mov DPH, #0xA0 ; '' ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:34BB jnb RAM_23.7, code_34D2 code:34BE mov DPL, #0x81 ; '' ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:34C1 movx A, @DPTR code:34C2 mov DPL, #0x40 ; '@' ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:34C5 jb ACC6, code_34E3 ; Accumulator code:34C8 mov DPL, #0x40 ; '@' ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:34CB clr RAM_22.4 code:34CD mov A, RAM_22 code:34CF movx @DPTR, A code:34D0 sjmp code_34F1 code:34D2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:34D2 code:34D2 code_34D2: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+CEAj code:34D2 mov DPL, #0x81 ; '' ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:34D5 movx A, @DPTR code:34D6 jb ACC6, code_34E3 ; Accumulator code:34D9 mov DPL, #0x40 ; '@' ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:34DC clr RAM_22.4 code:34DE mov A, RAM_22 code:34E0 movx @DPTR, A code:34E1 sjmp code_34F1 code:34E3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:34E3 code:34E3 code_34E3: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+CF4j code:34E3 ; IE0_0_0+D05j code:34E3 mov DPL, #0x40 ; '@' ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:34E6 setb RAM_22.4 code:34E8 mov A, RAM_22 code:34EA movx @DPTR, A code:34EB mov DPL, #9 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:34EE mov A, B ; B-Register code:34F0 movx @DPTR, A code:34F1 code:34F1 code_34F1: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+CFFj code:34F1 ; IE0_0_0+D10j code:34F1 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:34F3 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:34F5 code:34F5 code_34F5: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_3457j code:34F5 clr RAM_2B.3 code:34F7 code:34F7 code_34F7: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_33E0j code:34F7 mov R1, #0xBD ; '' code:34F9 mov @R1, RAM_2E code:34FB lcall code_95E4 code:34FE mov C, RAM_23.6 code:3500 anl C, RAM_29.1 code:3502 anl C, /RI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:3504 jnc code_351A code:3506 setb TI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:3508 mov A, RAM_49 code:350A cjne A, #2, code_350F code:350D sjmp code_351D code:350F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:350F code:350F code_350F: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+D39j code:350F cjne A, #1, code_3517 code:3512 jnb RAM_29.0, code_351D code:3515 sjmp code_353D code:3517 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3517 code:3517 code_3517: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_350Fj code:3517 jnb RAM_29.0, code_351D code:351A code:351A code_351A: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+D33j code:351A ljmp code_35BB code:351D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:351D code:351D code_351D: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+D3Cj code:351D ; IE0_0_0+D41j ... code:351D mov DPTR, #0x100 code:3520 lcall code_355B code:3523 mov DPTR, #0x102 code:3526 lcall code_355B code:3529 mov DPTR, #0x104 code:352C lcall code_355B code:352F mov DPTR, #0x106 code:3532 lcall code_355B code:3535 mov DPTR, #0x108 code:3538 lcall code_3584 code:353B sjmp code_35B1 code:353D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:353D code:353D code_353D: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+D44j code:353D mov DPTR, #0x10A code:3540 lcall code_355B code:3543 mov DPTR, #0x10C code:3546 lcall code_355B code:3549 mov DPTR, #0x10E code:354C lcall code_355B code:354F mov A, #3 code:3551 lcall code_3576 code:3554 mov A, #3 code:3556 lcall code_359D code:3559 sjmp code_35B1 code:3559 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IE0_0_0 code:355B code:355B ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:355B code:355B code:355B code_355B: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+D4Fp code:355B ; IE0_0_0+D55p ... code:355B movx A, @DPTR code:355C xch A, B ; B-Register code:355E inc DPTR code:355F movx A, @DPTR code:3560 xch A, B ; B-Register code:3562 cjne A, #2, code_3565 code:3565 code:3565 code_3565: ; CODE XREF: code_355B+7j code:3565 jnc code_356C code:3567 mov R0, B ; B-Register code:3569 mov A, @R0 code:356A sjmp code_3576 code:356C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:356C code:356C code_356C: ; CODE XREF: code_355B:code_3565j code:356C dec A code:356D dec A code:356E add A, #0 code:3570 mov DPH, A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:3572 mov DPL, B ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:3575 movx A, @DPTR code:3575 ; End of function code_355B code:3575 code:3576 code:3576 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:3576 code:3576 code:3576 code_3576: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+D80p code:3576 ; code_355B+Fj ... code:3576 jnb TI, code_3576 ; Serial Channel Control Register code:3579 clr TI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:357B mov C, P ; Program Status Word Register code:357D mov TB8, C ; Serial Channel Control Register code:357F mov SBUF, A ; Serial Channel Buffer Register code:3581 clr RI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:3583 ret code:3583 ; End of function code_3576 code:3583 code:3584 code:3584 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:3584 code:3584 code:3584 code_3584: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+D67p code:3584 movx A, @DPTR code:3585 xch A, B ; B-Register code:3587 inc DPTR code:3588 movx A, @DPTR code:3589 xch A, B ; B-Register code:358B cjne A, #2, code_358E code:358E code:358E code_358E: ; CODE XREF: code_3584+7j code:358E jnc code_3595 code:3590 mov R0, B ; B-Register code:3592 mov A, @R0 code:3593 sjmp code_359D code:3595 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3595 code:3595 code_3595: ; CODE XREF: code_3584:code_358Ej code:3595 dec A code:3596 dec A code:3597 mov DPH, A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:3599 mov DPL, B ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:359C movx A, @DPTR code:359C ; End of function code_3584 code:359C code:359D code:359D ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:359D code:359D code:359D code_359D: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+D85p code:359D ; code_3584+Fj ... code:359D jnb TI, code_359D ; Serial Channel Control Register code:35A0 clr TI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:35A2 mov C, P ; Program Status Word Register code:35A4 mov TB8, C ; Serial Channel Control Register code:35A6 nop code:35A7 nop code:35A8 clr EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:35AA mov SBUF, A ; Serial Channel Buffer Register code:35AC clr RI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:35AE setb EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:35B0 ret code:35B0 ; End of function code_359D code:35B0 code:35B1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:35B1 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IE0_0_0 code:35B1 code:35B1 code_35B1: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+D6Aj code:35B1 ; IE0_0_0+D88j ... code:35B1 jnb TI, code_35B1 ; Serial Channel Control Register code:35B4 nop code:35B5 nop code:35B6 nop code:35B7 nop code:35B8 nop code:35B9 clr RI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:35BB code:35BB code_35BB: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_351Aj code:35BB clr RAM_2B.5 code:35BD clr RAM_28.0 code:35BF clr RAM_25.1 code:35C1 clr P45 ; Port 4 code:35C3 clr RAM_24.2 code:35C5 setb RAM_27.7 code:35C7 nop code:35C8 nop code:35C9 nop code:35CA pop RAM_2F code:35CC pop RAM_2E code:35CE pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:35D0 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:35D2 pop B ; B-Register code:35D4 pop PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:35D6 pop ACC ; Accumulator code:35D8 clr RAM_24.3 code:35DA clr EX0 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:35DC reti code:35DC ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IE0_0_0 code:35DD code:35DD ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:35DD code:35DD code:35DD code_35DD: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+387p code:35DD ; IE0_0_0+3C2p ... code:35DD mov B, R2 ; B-Register code:35DF mul AB code:35E0 cjne R3, #0, code_35E8 code:35E3 cpl A code:35E4 xrl B, #0xFF ; B-Register code:35E7 ret code:35E8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:35E8 code:35E8 code_35E8: ; CODE XREF: code_35DD+3j code:35E8 xch A, R3 code:35E9 mov R4, A code:35EA xch A, R3 code:35EB code:35EB code_35EB: ; CODE XREF: code_35DD:code_35F8j code:35EB clr C code:35EC rlc A code:35ED xch A, B ; B-Register code:35EF rlc A code:35F0 xch A, B ; B-Register code:35F2 jnc code_35F8 code:35F4 mov A, #0xFF code:35F6 mov B, A ; B-Register code:35F8 code:35F8 code_35F8: ; CODE XREF: code_35DD+15j code:35F8 djnz R4, code_35EB code:35FA cpl A code:35FB xrl B, #0xFF ; B-Register code:35FE ret code:35FE ; End of function code_35DD code:35FE code:35FF code:35FF ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:35FF code:35FF code:35FF code_35FF: ; CODE XREF: code_9A02+3p code:35FF ; code_9A02+Ep code:35FF mov B, R2 ; B-Register code:3601 mul AB code:3602 cjne R3, #0, code_360D code:3605 clr C code:3606 xch A, B ; B-Register code:3608 rrc A code:3609 xch A, B ; B-Register code:360B rrc A code:360C ret code:360D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:360D code:360D code_360D: ; CODE XREF: code_35FF+3j code:360D xch A, R3 code:360E mov R4, A code:360F xch A, R3 code:3610 djnz R4, code_3613 code:3612 ret code:3613 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3613 code:3613 code_3613: ; CODE XREF: code_35FF+11j code:3613 ; code_35FF:code_3620j code:3613 clr C code:3614 rlc A code:3615 xch A, B ; B-Register code:3617 rlc A code:3618 xch A, B ; B-Register code:361A jnc code_3620 code:361C mov A, #0xFF code:361E mov B, A ; B-Register code:3620 code:3620 code_3620: ; CODE XREF: code_35FF+1Bj code:3620 djnz R4, code_3613 code:3622 ret code:3622 ; End of function code_35FF code:3622 code:3623 code:3623 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:3623 code:3623 ; Attributes: thunk code:3623 code:3623 code_3623: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+54ADp code:3623 ljmp code_2124 code:3623 ; End of function code_3623 code:3623 code:3626 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3626 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_2124 code:3626 code:3626 code_3626: ; CODE XREF: code_2124+3j code:3626 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:3628 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:362A clr A code:362B mov DPTR, #0x419E code:362E movc A, @A+DPTR code:362F mov DPTR, #0x207 code:3632 movx @DPTR, A code:3633 clr A code:3634 mov DPTR, #0x419F code:3637 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3638 mov DPTR, #0x208 code:363B movx @DPTR, A code:363C clr A code:363D mov DPTR, #0x41A0 code:3640 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3641 mov DPTR, #0x209 code:3644 movx @DPTR, A code:3645 jnb RAM_28.0, code_365E code:3648 mov A, #0xBB ; '' code:364A mov DPTR, #0x205 code:364D movx @DPTR, A code:364E mov A, #0 code:3650 mov DPTR, #0x203 code:3653 movx @DPTR, A code:3654 mov DPTR, #0x202 code:3657 movx @DPTR, A code:3658 mov DPTR, #0x206 code:365B movx @DPTR, A code:365C clr INT0 ; Port 3 code:365E code:365E code_365E: ; CODE XREF: code_2124+1521j code:365E pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:3660 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:3662 mov A, #0 code:3664 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3665 mov R5, A code:3666 mov R2, #0 code:3668 lcall code_400 code:366B lcall code_38C7 code:366E mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3671 mov R0, #0x64 ; 'd' code:3673 mov A, R5 code:3674 movx @R0, A code:3675 mov A, R5 code:3676 mov R6, A code:3677 mov A, R6 code:3678 mov R5, A code:3679 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:367B push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:367D mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:3680 mov A, #0x81 ; '' code:3682 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3683 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:3685 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:3687 lcall code_38C7 code:368A mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:368D mov R0, #0x22 ; '"' code:368F mov A, R5 code:3690 movx @R0, A code:3691 jnb RAM_28.1, code_36A8 code:3694 mov A, R6 code:3695 mov R5, A code:3696 mov R2, #1 code:3698 lcall code_400 code:369B lcall code_38C7 code:369E mov R0, #0x23 ; '#' code:36A0 mov A, R5 code:36A1 movx @R0, A code:36A2 lcall code_400 code:36A5 mov R0, #0x24 ; '$' code:36A7 movx @R0, A code:36A8 code:36A8 code_36A8: ; CODE XREF: code_2124+156Dj code:36A8 mov R0, #0x24 ; '$' code:36AA movx A, @R0 code:36AB mov B, A ; B-Register code:36AD mov R2, #3 code:36AF jnz code_36B4 code:36B1 inc R2 code:36B2 sjmp code_36BA code:36B4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:36B4 code:36B4 code_36B4: ; CODE XREF: code_2124+158Bj code:36B4 lcall code_400 code:36B7 mov R0, #0x26 ; '&' code:36B9 movx @R0, A code:36BA code:36BA code_36BA: ; CODE XREF: code_2124+158Ej code:36BA lcall code_400 code:36BD mov R0, #0x27 ; ''' code:36BF movx @R0, A code:36C0 mov A, B ; B-Register code:36C2 mov R2, #7 code:36C4 jz code_36D6 code:36C6 mov R2, #5 code:36C8 lcall code_400 code:36CB mov B, A ; B-Register code:36CD lcall code_400 code:36D0 lcall code_38DB code:36D3 mov R0, #0x28 ; '(' code:36D5 movx @R0, A code:36D6 code:36D6 code_36D6: ; CODE XREF: code_2124+15A0j code:36D6 mov R2, #7 code:36D8 lcall code_400 code:36DB mov R0, #0x29 ; ')' code:36DD movx @R0, A code:36DE lcall code_400 code:36E1 mov R0, #0x2A ; '*' code:36E3 movx @R0, A code:36E4 mov B, A ; B-Register code:36E6 mov A, R6 code:36E7 mov R5, A code:36E8 mov A, B ; B-Register code:36EA lcall code_38C7 code:36ED mov R0, #0x2B ; '+' code:36EF mov A, R5 code:36F0 movx @R0, A code:36F1 mov C, RAM_28.4 code:36F3 anl C, /RAM_29.5 code:36F5 mov R2, #9 code:36F7 lcall code_400 code:36FA mov B, A ; B-Register code:36FC jnc code_36FF code:36FE inc R2 code:36FF code:36FF code_36FF: ; CODE XREF: code_2124+15D8j code:36FF lcall code_400 code:3702 mul AB code:3703 mov R0, #0xB1 ; '' code:3705 mov A, B ; B-Register code:3707 mov @R0, A code:3708 jnb RAM_28.4, code_3712 code:370B mov R2, #0xD code:370D lcall code_400 code:3710 sjmp code_3717 code:3712 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3712 code:3712 code_3712: ; CODE XREF: code_2124+15E4j code:3712 mov R2, #0xC code:3714 lcall code_400 code:3717 code:3717 code_3717: ; CODE XREF: code_2124+15ECj code:3717 mov R0, #0x39 ; '9' code:3719 movx @R0, A code:371A mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:371D mov R0, #0x79 ; 'y' code:371F movx A, @R0 code:3720 anl A, #0x38 code:3722 rl A code:3723 swap A code:3724 add A, #1 code:3726 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3727 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:372A mov R0, #0x2C ; ',' code:372C movx @R0, A code:372D ret code:372D ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_2124 code:372E code:372E ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:372E code:372E ; Attributes: thunk code:372E code:372E code_372E: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+54B3p code:372E ljmp code_2130 code:372E ; End of function code_372E code:372E code:3731 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3731 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_2130 code:3731 code:3731 code_3731: ; CODE XREF: code_2130+3j code:3731 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:3734 mov A, #0 code:3736 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3737 mov R3, A code:3738 mov A, #9 code:373A movc A, @A+DPTR code:373B cpl A code:373C inc A code:373D add A, R3 code:373E mov R0, #0x51 ; 'Q' code:3740 movx @R0, A code:3741 mov A, #0xA code:3743 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3744 add A, R3 code:3745 mov R0, #0x52 ; 'R' code:3747 movx @R0, A code:3748 mov R2, #0xE code:374A lcall code_400 code:374D cjne A, #8, code_3750 code:3750 code:3750 code_3750: ; CODE XREF: code_2130+161Dj code:3750 jnc code_3754 code:3752 mov A, #8 code:3754 code:3754 code_3754: ; CODE XREF: code_2130:code_3750j code:3754 mov RAM_55, A code:3756 ret code:3756 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_2130 code:3757 code:3757 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:3757 code:3757 code:3757 code_3757: ; CODE XREF: code_215A:code_626Bp code:3757 code:3757 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:212A SIZE 00000006 BYTES code:3757 code:3757 mov A, #9 code:3759 movc A, @A+DPTR code:375A mov B, A ; B-Register code:375C mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:375F mov R0, #0x44 ; 'D' code:3761 movx A, @R0 code:3762 add A, B ; B-Register code:3764 jc code_3769 code:3766 cjne A, #0xFF, code_376B code:3769 code:3769 code_3769: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+Dj code:3769 mov A, #0xFE ; '' code:376B code:376B code_376B: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+Fj code:376B cjne A, RAM_3C, code_376E code:376E code:376E code_376E: ; CODE XREF: code_3757:code_376Bj code:376E jc code_3777 code:3770 jb RAM_26.3, code_3796 code:3773 setb RAM_26.3 code:3775 sjmp code_3793 code:3777 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3777 code:3777 code_3777: ; CODE XREF: code_3757:code_376Ej code:3777 jnb RAM_26.3, code_377F code:377A clr RAM_26.3 code:377C mov RAM_52, #1 code:377F code:377F code_377F: ; CODE XREF: code_3757:code_3777j code:377F mov A, #0xA code:3781 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3782 cjne A, RAM_40, code_3785 code:3785 code:3785 code_3785: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+2Bj code:3785 jc code_378E code:3787 jnb RAM_26.4, code_3796 code:378A clr RAM_26.4 code:378C sjmp code_3793 code:378E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:378E code:378E code_378E: ; CODE XREF: code_3757:code_3785j code:378E jb RAM_26.4, code_3796 code:3791 setb RAM_26.4 code:3793 code:3793 code_3793: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+1Ej code:3793 ; code_3757+35j code:3793 mov RAM_52, #1 code:3796 code:3796 code_3796: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+19j code:3796 ; code_3757+30j ... code:3796 jnb RAM_27.3, code_37A4 code:3799 jb RAM_26.5, code_37A4 code:379C mov RAM_52, #0xFF code:379F setb RAM_26.5 code:37A1 mov RAM_52, #1 code:37A4 code:37A4 code_37A4: ; CODE XREF: code_3757:code_3796j code:37A4 ; code_3757+42j code:37A4 jnb RAM_27.1, code_37AA code:37A7 ljmp code_38C3 code:37AA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:37AA code:37AA code_37AA: ; CODE XREF: code_3757:code_37A4j code:37AA mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:37AD jnb RAM_29.7, code_37BF code:37B0 mov C, RAM_28.1 code:37B2 orl C, RAM_28.5 code:37B4 orl C, RAM_28.4 code:37B6 jc code_37BF code:37B8 mov R0, #0x22 ; '"' code:37BA movx A, @R0 code:37BB mov R5, A code:37BC ljmp code_386B code:37BF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:37BF code:37BF code_37BF: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+56j code:37BF ; code_3757+5Fj code:37BF jnb RAM_28.1, code_37CB code:37C2 mov R0, #0x23 ; '#' code:37C4 movx A, @R0 code:37C5 mov R5, A code:37C6 mov R2, #1 code:37C8 ljmp code_384D code:37CB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:37CB code:37CB code_37CB: ; CODE XREF: code_3757:code_37BFj code:37CB mov C, RAM_28.4 code:37CD anl C, /RAM_29.5 code:37CF mov F0, C ; Program Status Word Register code:37D1 mov C, RAM_28.5 code:37D3 orl C, RAM_27.3 code:37D5 orl C, RAM_27.0 code:37D7 jnc code_37F8 code:37D9 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:37DC mov R0, #0x64 ; 'd' code:37DE movx A, @R0 code:37DF mov R5, A code:37E0 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:37E3 mov R0, #0x24 ; '$' code:37E5 movx A, @R0 code:37E6 jz code_37EE code:37E8 mov R0, #0x26 ; '&' code:37EA movx A, @R0 code:37EB lcall code_38C7 code:37EE code:37EE code_37EE: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+8Fj code:37EE mov R0, #0x27 ; ''' code:37F0 movx A, @R0 code:37F1 lcall code_38C7 code:37F4 mov R2, #2 code:37F6 sjmp code_384D code:37F8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:37F8 code:37F8 code_37F8: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+80j code:37F8 jnb F0, code_3803 ; Program Status Word Register code:37FB mov R0, #0x2B ; '+' code:37FD movx A, @R0 code:37FE mov R5, A code:37FF mov R2, #3 code:3801 sjmp code_384D code:3803 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3803 code:3803 code_3803: ; CODE XREF: code_3757:code_37F8j code:3803 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3806 mov R0, #0x64 ; 'd' code:3808 movx A, @R0 code:3809 mov R5, A code:380A mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:380D mov R0, #0x24 ; '$' code:380F movx A, @R0 code:3810 jz code_3818 code:3812 mov R0, #0x28 ; '(' code:3814 movx A, @R0 code:3815 lcall code_38C7 code:3818 code:3818 code_3818: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+B9j code:3818 mov A, #0xB code:381A movc A, @A+DPTR code:381B cjne A, RAM_40, code_381E code:381E code:381E code_381E: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+C4j code:381E jnc code_3826 code:3820 mov R0, #0x2A ; '*' code:3822 movx A, @R0 code:3823 lcall code_38C7 code:3826 code:3826 code_3826: ; CODE XREF: code_3757:code_381Ej code:3826 mov A, #0xC code:3828 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3829 cjne A, RAM_3B, code_382C code:382C code:382C code_382C: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+D2j code:382C jc code_383C code:382E mov A, #0xD code:3830 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3831 cjne A, RAM_40, code_3834 code:3834 code:3834 code_3834: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+DAj code:3834 jc code_383C code:3836 mov R0, #0x29 ; ')' code:3838 movx A, @R0 code:3839 lcall code_38C7 code:383C code:383C code_383C: ; CODE XREF: code_3757:code_382Cj code:383C ; code_3757:code_3834j code:383C ljmp code_212A code:383F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:383F code:383F code_383F: ; CODE XREF: code_3757-162Aj code:383F mov A, #0xE code:3841 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3842 cjne A, RAM_40, code_3845 code:3845 code:3845 code_3845: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+EBj code:3845 jnc code_384B code:3847 mov R2, #0 code:3849 sjmp code_384D code:384B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:384B code:384B code_384B: ; CODE XREF: code_3757:code_3845j code:384B mov R2, #1 code:384D code:384D code_384D: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+71j code:384D ; code_3757+9Fj ... code:384D lcall code_400 code:3850 lcall code_38C7 code:3853 mov A, #0xB code:3855 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3856 cjne A, RAM_40, code_3859 code:3859 code:3859 code_3859: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+FFj code:3859 orl C, F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:385B jnc code_386B code:385D mov A, #0xF code:385F movc A, @A+DPTR code:3860 clr C code:3861 subb A, RAM_3B code:3863 jnc code_386B code:3865 mov R0, #0x2C ; ',' code:3867 movx A, @R0 code:3868 lcall code_38C7 code:386B code:386B code_386B: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+65j code:386B ; code_3757+104j ... code:386B nop code:386C sjmp code_387D code:386E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:386E mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:3871 mov R0, #0x11 code:3873 movx A, @R0 code:3874 add A, #0x1E code:3876 jnc code_387A code:3878 mov A, #0xFF code:387A code:387A code_387A: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+11Fj code:387A lcall code_38C7 code:387D code:387D code_387D: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+115j code:387D mov C, RAM_28.5 code:387F anl C, /RAM_28.1 code:3881 anl C, /RAM_27.3 code:3883 anl C, /RAM_27.0 code:3885 jnc code_389F code:3887 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:388A mov R0, #0x44 ; 'D' code:388C movx A, @R0 code:388D mov R2, #4 code:388F clr C code:3890 subb A, RAM_3C code:3892 jnc code_3897 code:3894 cpl A code:3895 inc A code:3896 inc R2 code:3897 code:3897 code_3897: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+13Bj code:3897 mov RAM_3, A code:3899 lcall code_400 code:389C lcall code_38C7 code:389F code:389F code_389F: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+12Ej code:389F mov A, R5 code:38A0 jb RAM_27.1, code_38B7 code:38A3 jnb RAM_27.3, code_38B5 code:38A6 jb RAM_26.5, code_38B5 code:38A9 mov RAM_52, #0xFF code:38AC mov RAM_56, A code:38AE setb RAM_26.5 code:38B0 mov RAM_52, #1 code:38B3 sjmp code_38B7 code:38B5 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:38B5 code:38B5 code_38B5: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+14Cj code:38B5 ; code_3757+14Fj code:38B5 mov RAM_56, A code:38B7 code:38B7 code_38B7: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+149j code:38B7 ; code_3757+15Cj code:38B7 jnb RAM_28.0, code_38C3 code:38BA mov RAM_51, A code:38BC mov RAM_50, A code:38BE mov RAM_52, #1 code:38C1 setb RAM_24.5 code:38C3 code:38C3 code_38C3: ; CODE XREF: code_3757+50j code:38C3 ; code_3757:code_38B7j code:38C3 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:38C6 ret code:38C6 ; End of function code_3757 code:38C6 code:38C7 code:38C7 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:38C7 code:38C7 code:38C7 code_38C7: ; CODE XREF: code_222Fj code:38C7 ; code_2124+1547p ... code:38C7 xch A, R5 code:38C8 clr C code:38C9 subb A, R5 code:38CA jc code_38D4 code:38CC add A, #0x3C ; '<' code:38CE jnc code_38D9 code:38D0 mov A, #0xFF code:38D2 sjmp code_38D9 code:38D4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:38D4 code:38D4 code_38D4: ; CODE XREF: code_38C7+3j code:38D4 add A, #0x3C ; '<' code:38D6 jc code_38D9 code:38D8 clr A code:38D9 code:38D9 code_38D9: ; CODE XREF: code_38C7+7j code:38D9 ; code_38C7+Bj ... code:38D9 mov R5, A code:38DA ret code:38DA ; End of function code_38C7 code:38DA code:38DB code:38DB ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:38DB code:38DB code:38DB code_38DB: ; CODE XREF: code_2124+15ACp code:38DB clr C code:38DC subb A, #0x3C ; '<' code:38DE jnc code_38E8 code:38E0 cpl A code:38E1 mul AB code:38E2 mov A, B ; B-Register code:38E4 cpl A code:38E5 add A, #0x3C ; '<' code:38E7 ret code:38E8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:38E8 code:38E8 code_38E8: ; CODE XREF: code_38DB+3j code:38E8 jnz code_38ED code:38EA add A, #0x3C ; '<' code:38EC ret code:38ED ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:38ED code:38ED code_38ED: ; CODE XREF: code_38DB:code_38E8j code:38ED mul AB code:38EE mov A, B ; B-Register code:38F0 add A, #0x3C ; '<' code:38F2 ret code:38F2 ; End of function code_38DB code:38F2 code:38F3 code:38F3 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:38F3 code:38F3 ; Attributes: thunk code:38F3 code:38F3 code_38F3: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+54A7p code:38F3 ljmp code_1EB5 code:38F3 ; End of function code_38F3 code:38F3 code:38F6 code:38F6 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:38F6 code:38F6 ; Attributes: thunk code:38F6 code:38F6 code_38F6: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+4106p code:38F6 ljmp code_1F1C code:38F6 ; End of function code_38F6 code:38F6 code:38F9 code:38F9 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:38F9 code:38F9 ; Attributes: thunk code:38F9 code:38F9 code_38F9: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+54D1p code:38F9 ljmp code_213C code:38F9 ; End of function code_38F9 code:38F9 code:38FC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:38FC ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_213C code:38FC code:38FC code_38FC: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+3j code:38FC mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:38FF mov R0, #0x79 ; 'y' code:3901 movx A, @R0 code:3902 anl A, #7 code:3904 add A, #8 code:3906 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3907 mov B, A ; B-Register code:3909 mov R2, #0xE code:390B lcall code_400 code:390E mul AB code:390F mov R7, B ; B-Register code:3911 mov R6, A code:3912 mov R4, #2 code:3914 nop code:3915 sjmp code_3923 code:3915 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_213C code:3917 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3917 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:391A mov R0, #0x12 code:391C movx A, @R0 code:391D lcall code_3BCB code:3920 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3923 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_213C code:3923 code:3923 code_3923: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+17D9j code:3923 clr C code:3924 orl C, RAM_28.0 code:3926 orl C, RAM_28.5 code:3928 orl C, RAM_28.1 code:392A mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:392D mov R0, #0x3D ; '=' code:392F mov R1, #0x3A ; ':' code:3931 clr A code:3932 jnc code_393F code:3934 movx @R0, A code:3935 movx @R1, A code:3936 mov R0, #0x3E ; '>' code:3938 movx @R0, A code:3939 mov R0, #0x39 ; '9' code:393B movx @R0, A code:393C ljmp code_39B7 code:393F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:393F code:393F code_393F: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+17F6j code:393F jb RAM_2C.0, code_394A code:3942 movx @R0, A code:3943 movx @R1, A code:3944 mov R1, #0x3E ; '>' code:3946 movx @R1, A code:3947 ljmp code_39B7 code:394A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:394A code:394A code_394A: ; CODE XREF: code_213C:code_393Fj code:394A jb RAM_2D.0, code_3956 code:394D mov P2, #4 ; Port 2 code:3950 mov R0, #8 code:3952 movx A, @R0 code:3953 jnb ACC2, code_3967 ; Accumulator code:3956 code:3956 code_3956: ; CODE XREF: code_213C:code_394Aj code:3956 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:3959 mov R0, #0x3D ; '=' code:395B clr A code:395C movx @R0, A code:395D mov R0, #0xB1 ; '' code:395F mov A, @R0 code:3960 movx @R1, A code:3961 mov R1, #0x3E ; '>' code:3963 movx @R1, A code:3964 ljmp code_39B7 code:3967 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3967 code:3967 code_3967: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1817j code:3967 mov R1, #0x82 ; '' code:3969 mov A, #0xA0 ; '' code:396B clr C code:396C add A, @R1 code:396D mov R0, A code:396E jnc code_3975 code:3970 mov P2, #5 ; Port 2 code:3973 sjmp code_3978 code:3975 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3975 code:3975 code_3975: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1832j code:3975 mov P2, #4 ; Port 2 code:3978 code:3978 code_3978: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1837j code:3978 mov R1, RAM_6E code:397A mov B, #0 ; B-Register code:397D code:397D code_397D: ; CODE XREF: code_213C:code_3996j code:397D movx A, @R0 code:397E clr C code:397F add A, B ; B-Register code:3981 mov B, A ; B-Register code:3983 jnc code_398F code:3985 mov R1, #0x86 ; '' code:3987 mov A, @R1 code:3988 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:398B mov R0, #0x3D ; '=' code:398D sjmp code_39AC code:398F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:398F code:398F code_398F: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1847j code:398F inc R0 code:3990 cjne R0, #0, code_3996 code:3993 mov P2, #5 ; Port 2 code:3996 code:3996 code_3996: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1854j code:3996 djnz R1, code_397D code:3998 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:399B mov R0, #0x3D ; '=' code:399D mov A, RAM_6E code:399F xch A, B ; B-Register code:39A1 jz code_39AC code:39A3 div AB code:39A4 xch A, B ; B-Register code:39A6 jz code_39AA code:39A8 inc B ; B-Register code:39AA code:39AA code_39AA: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+186Aj code:39AA mov A, B ; B-Register code:39AC code:39AC code_39AC: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1851j code:39AC ; code_213C+1865j code:39AC movx @R0, A code:39AD mov R1, #0x3E ; '>' code:39AF movx @R1, A code:39B0 clr A code:39B1 mov R1, #0x3A ; ':' code:39B3 movx @R1, A code:39B4 ljmp code_39B7 code:39B7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:39B7 code:39B7 code_39B7: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1800j code:39B7 ; code_213C+180Bj ... code:39B7 clr C code:39B8 orl C, RAM_28.0 code:39BA orl C, RAM_28.5 code:39BC orl C, RAM_28.1 code:39BE mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:39C1 mov R0, #0x38 ; '8' code:39C3 jc code_3A0F code:39C5 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:39C8 mov R1, #0x3E ; '>' code:39CA movx A, @R1 code:39CB jz code_3A0F code:39CD mov B, A ; B-Register code:39CF movx A, @R0 code:39D0 dec A code:39D1 jnz code_3A11 code:39D3 mov R1, #0x39 ; '9' code:39D5 movx A, @R1 code:39D6 xch A, B ; B-Register code:39D8 clr C code:39D9 subb A, B ; B-Register code:39DB jnc code_39DF code:39DD mov A, #0 code:39DF code:39DF code_39DF: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+189Fj code:39DF mov B, A ; B-Register code:39E1 mov A, #0 code:39E3 movc A, @A+DPTR code:39E4 mul AB code:39E5 clr C code:39E6 rlc A code:39E7 xch A, B ; B-Register code:39E9 rlc A code:39EA jnc code_39F1 code:39EC mov A, #0xFF code:39EE mov B, #0xFF ; B-Register code:39F1 code:39F1 code_39F1: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+18AEj code:39F1 add A, #0x80 ; '' code:39F3 jnc code_39FA code:39F5 mov A, #0xFF code:39F7 mov B, #0xFF ; B-Register code:39FA code:39FA code_39FA: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+18B7j code:39FA mov R1, #0x3B ; ';' code:39FC movx @R1, A code:39FD xch A, B ; B-Register code:39FF inc R1 code:3A00 movx @R1, A code:3A01 mov R1, B ; B-Register code:3A03 lcall code_562 code:3A06 mov A, R4 code:3A07 add A, #1 code:3A09 lcall code_5A7 code:3A0C mov R4, A code:3A0D sjmp code_3A1C code:3A0F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3A0F code:3A0F code_3A0F: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1887j code:3A0F ; code_213C+188Fj code:3A0F mov A, #3 code:3A11 code:3A11 code_3A11: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1895j code:3A11 movx @R0, A code:3A12 mov R1, #0x3B ; ';' code:3A14 mov A, #0x80 ; '' code:3A16 movx @R1, A code:3A17 clr A code:3A18 inc R1 code:3A19 movx @R1, A code:3A1A sjmp code_3A30 code:3A1C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3A1C code:3A1C code_3A1C: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+18D1j code:3A1C mov R1, #0x3B ; ';' code:3A1E movx A, @R1 code:3A1F cjne A, #0x81, code_3A22 ; '' code:3A22 code:3A22 code_3A22: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+18E3j code:3A22 jc code_3A26 code:3A24 sjmp code_3A2A code:3A26 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3A26 code:3A26 code_3A26: ; CODE XREF: code_213C:code_3A22j code:3A26 inc R1 code:3A27 movx A, @R1 code:3A28 jz code_3A30 code:3A2A code:3A2A code_3A2A: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+18E8j code:3A2A mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3A2D lcall code_1605 code:3A30 code:3A30 code_3A30: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+18DEj code:3A30 ; code_213C+18ECj code:3A30 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3A33 jb RAM_28.1, code_3A39 code:3A36 ljmp code_3AC1 code:3A39 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3A39 code:3A39 code_3A39: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+18F7j code:3A39 mov R0, #0x99 ; '' code:3A3B mov @R0, #0xFF code:3A3D mov RAM_30, R7 code:3A3F mov RAM_31, R6 code:3A41 mov RAM_32, R4 code:3A43 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3A46 mov R0, #0x32 ; '2' code:3A48 movx A, @R0 code:3A49 mov RAM_2F, A code:3A4B jb RAM_2F.0, code_3A7C code:3A4E mov R2, #0x18 code:3A50 lcall code_400 code:3A53 lcall code_54E code:3A56 mov A, R4 code:3A57 add A, #5 code:3A59 lcall code_5A7 code:3A5C mov R4, A code:3A5D jnb RAM_2F.6, code_3A6E code:3A60 lcall code_400 code:3A63 lcall code_54E code:3A66 lcall code_400 code:3A69 lcall code_54E code:3A6C sjmp code_3AA1 code:3A6E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3A6E code:3A6E code_3A6E: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1921j code:3A6E mov C, RAM_2F.1 code:3A70 anl C, RAM_2F.4 code:3A72 jnc code_3A7A code:3A74 mov A, #2 code:3A76 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3A77 lcall code_54E code:3A7A code:3A7A code_3A7A: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1936j code:3A7A sjmp code_3AA1 code:3A7C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3A7C code:3A7C code_3A7C: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+190Fj code:3A7C mov R2, #0x1B code:3A7E lcall code_400 code:3A81 lcall code_54E code:3A84 mov A, R4 code:3A85 add A, #4 code:3A87 lcall code_5A7 code:3A8A mov R4, A code:3A8B jnb RAM_2F.6, code_3AA1 code:3A8E lcall code_400 code:3A91 lcall code_54E code:3A94 lcall code_400 code:3A97 lcall code_54E code:3A9A mov A, R4 code:3A9B add A, #4 code:3A9D lcall code_5A7 code:3AA0 mov R4, A code:3AA1 code:3AA1 code_3AA1: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1930j code:3AA1 ; code_213C:code_3A7Aj ... code:3AA1 mov R0, #1 code:3AA3 movx A, @R0 code:3AA4 lcall code_3BCB code:3AA7 setb RAM_28.7 code:3AA9 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:3AAC mov R0, #0x30 ; '0' code:3AAE mov A, R7 code:3AAF movx @R0, A code:3AB0 inc R0 code:3AB1 mov A, R6 code:3AB2 movx @R0, A code:3AB3 inc R0 code:3AB4 mov A, R4 code:3AB5 movx @R0, A code:3AB6 clr RAM_28.7 code:3AB8 mov R7, RAM_30 code:3ABA mov R6, RAM_31 code:3ABC mov R4, RAM_32 code:3ABE mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3AC1 code:3AC1 code_3AC1: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+18FAj code:3AC1 jnb RAM_28.0, code_3AD2 code:3AC4 mov A, #0xFF code:3AC6 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:3AC9 mov R0, #0x36 ; '6' code:3ACB movx @R0, A code:3ACC mov R0, A code:3ACD mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3AD0 sjmp code_3ADE code:3AD2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3AD2 code:3AD2 code_3AD2: ; CODE XREF: code_213C:code_3AC1j code:3AD2 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:3AD5 mov R0, #0x36 ; '6' code:3AD7 movx A, @R0 code:3AD8 mov R0, A code:3AD9 cjne A, #0x7E, code_3ADE ; '~' code:3ADC sjmp code_3AF0 code:3ADE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3ADE code:3ADE code_3ADE: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1994j code:3ADE ; code_213C+199Dj code:3ADE mov R2, #0xE code:3AE0 inc R2 code:3AE1 jnb RAM_28.5, code_3AED code:3AE4 inc R2 code:3AE5 inc R2 code:3AE6 inc R2 code:3AE7 inc R2 code:3AE8 jb ACC0, code_3B11 ; Accumulator code:3AEB sjmp code_3AF0 code:3AED ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3AED code:3AED code_3AED: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+19A5j code:3AED jb ACC7, code_3AF8 ; Accumulator code:3AF0 code:3AF0 code_3AF0: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+19A0j code:3AF0 ; code_213C+19AFj code:3AF0 clr A code:3AF1 mov B, A ; B-Register code:3AF3 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3AF6 sjmp code_3B3D code:3AF8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3AF8 code:3AF8 code_3AF8: ; CODE XREF: code_213C:code_3AEDj code:3AF8 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:3AFB mov R1, #0x24 ; '$' code:3AFD mov B, A ; B-Register code:3AFF movx A, @R1 code:3B00 jz code_3B11 code:3B02 inc R2 code:3B03 inc R2 code:3B04 lcall code_400 code:3B07 mov B, A ; B-Register code:3B09 lcall code_400 code:3B0C mul AB code:3B0D mov A, #0xFF code:3B0F sjmp code_3B26 code:3B11 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3B11 code:3B11 code_3B11: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+19ACj code:3B11 ; code_213C+19C4j code:3B11 lcall code_400 code:3B14 mov B, A ; B-Register code:3B16 lcall code_400 code:3B19 mul AB code:3B1A jb OV, code_3B3D ; Program Status Word Register code:3B1D mov A, R0 code:3B1E jnb RAM_28.5, code_3B24 code:3B21 jbc ACC0, code_3B26 ; Accumulator code:3B24 code:3B24 code_3B24: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+19E2j code:3B24 clr ACC7 ; Accumulator code:3B26 code:3B26 code_3B26: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+19D3j code:3B26 ; code_213C+19E5j code:3B26 mov R1, A code:3B27 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:3B2A mov R0, #0x24 ; '$' code:3B2C movx A, @R0 code:3B2D jz code_3B33 code:3B2F mov A, #0xFF code:3B31 sjmp code_3B34 code:3B33 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3B33 code:3B33 code_3B33: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+19F1j code:3B33 mov A, R1 code:3B34 code:3B34 code_3B34: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+19F5j code:3B34 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:3B37 mov R0, #0x36 ; '6' code:3B39 movx @R0, A code:3B3A mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3B3D code:3B3D code_3B3D: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+19BAj code:3B3D ; code_213C+19DEj code:3B3D mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3B40 mov R1, #0x2B ; '+' code:3B42 mov R0, #0x2E ; '.' code:3B44 movx A, @R0 code:3B45 jb ACC1, code_3B5A ; Accumulator code:3B48 jb RAM_29.5, code_3B52 code:3B4B mov A, B ; B-Register code:3B4D lcall code_3BC3 code:3B50 sjmp code_3B63 code:3B52 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3B52 code:3B52 code_3B52: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1A0Cj code:3B52 setb ACC1 ; Accumulator code:3B54 movx @R0, A code:3B55 mov A, B ; B-Register code:3B57 movx @R1, A code:3B58 sjmp code_3B63 code:3B5A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3B5A code:3B5A code_3B5A: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1A09j code:3B5A jb RAM_29.5, code_3B63 code:3B5D mov A, B ; B-Register code:3B5F movx @R1, A code:3B60 lcall code_3BC3 code:3B63 code:3B63 code_3B63: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1A14j code:3B63 ; code_213C+1A1Cj ... code:3B63 mov R1, #0x99 ; '' code:3B65 mov A, @R1 code:3B66 jz code_3BB2 code:3B68 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3B6B mov R0, #0x32 ; '2' code:3B6D movx A, @R0 code:3B6E mov RAM_2F, A code:3B70 jb RAM_2F.0, code_3B8D code:3B73 mov R2, #0x15 code:3B75 lcall code_400 code:3B78 mov B, A ; B-Register code:3B7A mov C, RAM_2F.1 code:3B7C anl C, RAM_2F.5 code:3B7E jnc code_3B84 code:3B80 mov A, #3 code:3B82 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3B83 mul AB code:3B84 code:3B84 code_3B84: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1A42j code:3B84 mov A, @R1 code:3B85 mul AB code:3B86 mov A, B ; B-Register code:3B88 lcall code_3BC3 code:3B8B sjmp code_3BB2 code:3B8D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3B8D code:3B8D code_3B8D: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1A34j code:3B8D mov R2, #0x16 code:3B8F lcall code_400 code:3B92 mov B, A ; B-Register code:3B94 lcall code_400 code:3B97 add A, B ; B-Register code:3B99 jnc code_3B9D code:3B9B mov A, #0xFF code:3B9D code:3B9D code_3B9D: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1A5Dj code:3B9D mov B, @R1 ; B-Register code:3B9F mul AB code:3BA0 mov A, B ; B-Register code:3BA2 add A, #0x10 code:3BA4 jnc code_3BA8 code:3BA6 mov A, #0xFF code:3BA8 code:3BA8 code_3BA8: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1A68j code:3BA8 lcall code_54E code:3BAB mov A, R4 code:3BAC add A, #4 code:3BAE lcall code_5A7 code:3BB1 mov R4, A code:3BB2 code:3BB2 code_3BB2: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1A2Aj code:3BB2 ; code_213C+1A4Fj code:3BB2 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:3BB5 mov R0, #0x33 ; '3' code:3BB7 mov A, R7 code:3BB8 movx @R0, A code:3BB9 inc R0 code:3BBA mov A, R6 code:3BBB movx @R0, A code:3BBC inc R0 code:3BBD mov A, R4 code:3BBE movx @R0, A code:3BBF mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3BC2 ret code:3BC2 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_213C code:3BC3 code:3BC3 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:3BC3 code:3BC3 code:3BC3 code_3BC3: ; CODE XREF: code_213C+1A11p code:3BC3 ; code_213C+1A24p ... code:3BC3 jz code_3BD4 code:3BC5 add A, #0x80 ; '' code:3BC7 jnc code_3BCB code:3BC9 rrc A code:3BCA inc R4 code:3BCA ; End of function code_3BC3 code:3BCA code:3BCB code:3BCB ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:3BCB code:3BCB code:3BCB code_3BCB: ; CODE XREF: code:391Dp code:3BCB ; code_213C+1968p ... code:3BCB lcall code_54E code:3BCE mov A, R4 code:3BCF inc A code:3BD0 lcall code_5C8 code:3BD3 mov R4, A code:3BD4 code:3BD4 code_3BD4: ; CODE XREF: code_3BC3j code:3BD4 ret code:3BD4 ; End of function code_3BCB code:3BD4 code:3BD5 code:3BD5 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:3BD5 code:3BD5 code:3BD5 code_3BD5: ; CODE XREF: code_215A:code_6274p code:3BD5 code:3BD5 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:2142 SIZE 00000006 BYTES code:3BD5 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:224A SIZE 00000006 BYTES code:3BD5 code:3BD5 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:3BD8 mov R0, #0x33 ; '3' code:3BDA movx A, @R0 code:3BDB mov R7, A code:3BDC inc R0 code:3BDD movx A, @R0 code:3BDE mov R6, A code:3BDF inc R0 code:3BE0 movx A, @R0 code:3BE1 mov R4, A code:3BE2 mov R2, #6 code:3BE4 jb RAM_28.5, code_3C17 code:3BE7 jnb RAM_28.4, code_3C09 code:3BEA jb RAM_29.5, code_3C09 code:3BED ljmp code_224A code:3BF0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3BF0 code:3BF0 code_3BF0: ; CODE XREF: code_3BD5-1988j code:3BF0 mov A, #0xAF ; '' code:3BF2 clr C code:3BF3 subb A, RAM_3B code:3BF5 jnc code_3BFB code:3BF7 mov A, #0 code:3BF9 sjmp code_3C02 code:3BFB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3BFB code:3BFB code_3BFB: ; CODE XREF: code_3BD5+20j code:3BFB cjne A, #0x9D, code_3BFE ; '' code:3BFE code:3BFE code_3BFE: ; CODE XREF: code_3BD5:code_3BFBj code:3BFE jc code_3C02 code:3C00 mov A, #0x9D ; '' code:3C02 code:3C02 code_3C02: ; CODE XREF: code_3BD5+24j code:3C02 ; code_3BD5:code_3BFEj code:3C02 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3C03 lcall code_3BCB code:3C06 ljmp code_3C1D code:3C09 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3C09 code:3C09 code_3C09: ; CODE XREF: code_3BD5+12j code:3C09 ; code_3BD5+15j code:3C09 ljmp code_2142 code:3C0C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3C0C code:3C0C code_3C0C: ; CODE XREF: code_3BD5-1A90j code:3C0C mov R2, #0 code:3C0E mov A, #6 code:3C10 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3C11 cjne A, RAM_40, code_3C14 code:3C14 code:3C14 code_3C14: ; CODE XREF: code_3BD5+3Cj code:3C14 jc code_3C17 code:3C16 inc R2 code:3C17 code:3C17 code_3C17: ; CODE XREF: code_3BD5+Fj code:3C17 ; code_3BD5:code_3C14j code:3C17 lcall code_400 code:3C1A lcall code_3BCB code:3C1D code:3C1D code_3C1D: ; CODE XREF: code_3BD5+31j code:3C1D mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3C20 mov R0, #0x20 ; ' ' code:3C22 mov A, R7 code:3C23 movx @R0, A code:3C24 inc R0 code:3C25 mov A, R6 code:3C26 movx @R0, A code:3C27 inc R0 code:3C28 mov A, R4 code:3C29 movx @R0, A code:3C2A mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3C2D ret code:3C2D ; End of function code_3BD5 code:3C2D code:3C2E code:3C2E ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:3C2E code:3C2E ; Attributes: thunk code:3C2E code:3C2E code_3C2E: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+54D7p code:3C2E ljmp code_2148 code:3C2E ; End of function code_3C2E code:3C2E code:3C31 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3C31 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_2148 code:3C31 code:3C31 code_3C31: ; CODE XREF: code_2148+3j code:3C31 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3C34 mov R0, #0x64 ; 'd' code:3C36 movx A, @R0 code:3C37 mov R5, A code:3C38 mov RAM_3, A code:3C3A mov R2, #0xF code:3C3C lcall code_400 code:3C3F lcall code_38C7 code:3C42 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:3C45 mov R0, #0x69 ; 'i' code:3C47 movx @R0, A code:3C48 mov R5, RAM_3 code:3C4A lcall code_400 code:3C4D lcall code_38C7 code:3C50 inc R0 code:3C51 movx @R0, A code:3C52 ret code:3C52 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_2148 code:3C53 code:3C53 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:3C53 code:3C53 code:3C53 code_3C53: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+54A1p code:3C53 code:3C53 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:2154 SIZE 00000006 BYTES code:3C53 code:3C53 mov A, RAM_3B code:3C55 cjne A, #0x78, code_3C58 ; 'x' code:3C58 code:3C58 code_3C58: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+2j code:3C58 orl C, RAM_28.0 code:3C5A jc code_3C5D code:3C5C ret code:3C5D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3C5D code:3C5D code_3C5D: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+7j code:3C5D ljmp code_2154 code:3C60 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3C60 code:3C60 code_3C60: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53-1AFCj code:3C60 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3C63 mov R0, #0xAD ; '' code:3C65 mov R1, #0x43 ; 'C' code:3C67 movx A, @R1 code:3C68 mov RAM_2E, A code:3C6A jnb RAM_28.1, code_3C7E code:3C6D mov R2, #3 code:3C6F lcall code_400 code:3C72 mov R3, A code:3C73 lcall code_400 code:3C76 lcall code_3F38 code:3C79 mov @R0, A code:3C7A setb RAM_2E.7 code:3C7C sjmp code_3CC3 code:3C7E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3C7E code:3C7E code_3C7E: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+17j code:3C7E jnb RAM_27.0, code_3C88 code:3C81 mov R2, #2 code:3C83 lcall code_400 code:3C86 sjmp code_3C96 code:3C88 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3C88 code:3C88 code_3C88: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53:code_3C7Ej code:3C88 mov R2, #1 code:3C8A lcall code_400 code:3C8D mov R3, A code:3C8E mov R2, #7 code:3C90 lcall code_400 code:3C93 lcall code_3F38 code:3C96 code:3C96 code_3C96: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+33j code:3C96 jnb RAM_28.0, code_3C9C code:3C99 mov @R0, A code:3C9A clr RAM_2E.7 code:3C9C code:3C9C code_3C9C: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53:code_3C96j code:3C9C mov B, A ; B-Register code:3C9E mov R3, #4 code:3CA0 lcall code_3F38 code:3CA3 mov A, @R0 code:3CA4 cjne A, RAM_3, code_3CA7 code:3CA7 code:3CA7 code_3CA7: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+51j code:3CA7 jc code_3CB2 code:3CA9 mov A, #2 code:3CAB jnb RAM_2E.7, code_3CBD code:3CAE mov A, #3 code:3CB0 sjmp code_3CBD code:3CB2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3CB2 code:3CB2 code_3CB2: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53:code_3CA7j code:3CB2 clr RAM_2E.7 code:3CB4 cjne A, B, code_3CB7 ; B-Register code:3CB7 code:3CB7 code_3CB7: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+61j code:3CB7 mov A, #2 code:3CB9 jnc code_3CBD code:3CBB mov A, #1 code:3CBD code:3CBD code_3CBD: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+58j code:3CBD ; code_3C53+5Dj ... code:3CBD movc A, @A+DPTR code:3CBE xch A, B ; B-Register code:3CC0 lcall code_625 code:3CC3 code:3CC3 code_3CC3: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+29j code:3CC3 mov R3, A code:3CC4 mov R2, #6 code:3CC6 lcall code_400 code:3CC9 mov B, A ; B-Register code:3CCB mov R2, #5 code:3CCD mov R0, #0xA9 ; '' code:3CCF clr A code:3CD0 jnb RAM_20.4, code_3CD6 code:3CD3 lcall code_400 code:3CD6 code:3CD6 code_3CD6: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+7Dj code:3CD6 lcall code_625 code:3CD9 lcall code_3F38 code:3CDC mov R1, #0x4B ; 'K' code:3CDE mov R0, #0xAB ; '' code:3CE0 mov B, @R0 ; B-Register code:3CE2 jb RAM_20.6, code_3CFE code:3CE5 clr A code:3CE6 movx @R1, A code:3CE7 mov C, RAM_20.7 code:3CE9 anl C, RAM_2A.0 code:3CEB jnc code_3CF0 code:3CED jb RAM_2E.4, code_3D22 code:3CF0 code:3CF0 code_3CF0: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+98j code:3CF0 clr RAM_2E.4 code:3CF2 mov A, #4 code:3CF4 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3CF5 cjne A, B, code_3CF8 ; B-Register code:3CF8 code:3CF8 code_3CF8: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+A2j code:3CF8 jnc code_3CFB code:3CFA mov @R0, A code:3CFB code:3CFB code_3CFB: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53:code_3CF8j code:3CFB clr A code:3CFC sjmp code_3D34 code:3CFE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3CFE code:3CFE code_3CFE: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+8Fj code:3CFE movx A, @R1 code:3CFF jnz code_3D08 code:3D01 mov A, #6 code:3D03 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3D04 jnz code_3D07 code:3D06 inc A code:3D07 code:3D07 code_3D07: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+B1j code:3D07 movx @R1, A code:3D08 code:3D08 code_3D08: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+ACj code:3D08 cjne A, #0xFF, code_3D0D code:3D0B sjmp code_3D11 code:3D0D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3D0D code:3D0D code_3D0D: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53:code_3D08j code:3D0D dec A code:3D0E jz code_3D11 code:3D10 movx @R1, A code:3D11 code:3D11 code_3D11: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+B8j code:3D11 ; code_3C53+BBj code:3D11 mov C, RAM_20.7 code:3D13 anl C, RAM_2A.0 code:3D15 jnc code_3D29 code:3D17 jb RAM_2E.4, code_3D22 code:3D1A setb RAM_2E.4 code:3D1C jz code_3D22 code:3D1E mov A, #5 code:3D20 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3D21 mov @R0, A code:3D22 code:3D22 code_3D22: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+9Aj code:3D22 ; code_3C53+C4j ... code:3D22 mov R2, #0 code:3D24 lcall code_400 code:3D27 sjmp code_3D34 code:3D29 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3D29 code:3D29 code_3D29: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+C2j code:3D29 clr RAM_2E.4 code:3D2B mov A, #4 code:3D2D movc A, @A+DPTR code:3D2E cjne A, B, code_3D31 ; B-Register code:3D31 code:3D31 code_3D31: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+DBj code:3D31 jnc code_3D34 code:3D33 mov @R0, A code:3D34 code:3D34 code_3D34: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+A9j code:3D34 ; code_3C53+D4j ... code:3D34 mov B, A ; B-Register code:3D36 mov A, #0 code:3D38 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3D39 xch A, B ; B-Register code:3D3B lcall code_625 code:3D3E lcall code_3F38 code:3D41 mov R0, #0x43 ; 'C' code:3D43 mov A, RAM_2E code:3D45 movx @R0, A code:3D46 mov R0, #0x4E ; 'N' code:3D48 mov R1, #0x2F ; '/' code:3D4A mov R5, #5 code:3D4C lcall code_686 code:3D4F jnb RAM_28.0, code_3D87 code:3D52 mov R0, #0x4C ; 'L' code:3D54 movx A, @R0 code:3D55 cjne A, #0x3B, code_3D68 ; ';' code:3D58 inc R0 code:3D59 movx A, @R0 code:3D5A dec R0 code:3D5B cjne A, #0xC4, code_3D68 ; '' code:3D5E mov B, RAM_2F ; B-Register code:3D61 mov A, #0xB code:3D63 lcall code_3F53 code:3D66 jnc code_3D81 code:3D68 code:3D68 code_3D68: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+102j code:3D68 ; code_3C53+108j code:3D68 mov A, #0x3B ; ';' code:3D6A movx @R0, A code:3D6B inc R0 code:3D6C cpl A code:3D6D movx @R0, A code:3D6E mov RAM_2F, #0x80 ; '' code:3D71 mov A, #0x80 ; '' code:3D73 mov R5, #0x10 code:3D75 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:3D78 mov R0, #0xD code:3D7A code:3D7A code_3D7A: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+129j code:3D7A movx @R0, A code:3D7B inc R0 code:3D7C djnz R5, code_3D7A code:3D7E mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3D81 code:3D81 code_3D81: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+113j code:3D81 mov RAM_32, RAM_2F code:3D84 mov RAM_33, #0 code:3D87 code:3D87 code_3D87: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+FCj code:3D87 mov R0, #0x2F ; '/' code:3D89 mov A, #7 code:3D8B movc A, @A+DPTR code:3D8C cjne A, RAM_38, code_3D8F code:3D8F code:3D8F code_3D8F: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+139j code:3D8F anl C, RAM_28.5 code:3D91 anl C, /RAM_27.0 code:3D93 anl C, /RAM_2E.5 code:3D95 clr A code:3D96 jc code_3DBE code:3D98 mov RAM_33, A code:3D9A mov A, @R0 code:3D9B mov R0, #0x51 ; 'Q' code:3D9D movx @R0, A code:3D9E mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:3DA1 mov R5, #4 code:3DA3 mov R0, #0xD code:3DA5 mov R1, #0x19 code:3DA7 dec R0 code:3DA8 dec R0 code:3DA9 dec R0 code:3DAA dec R1 code:3DAB code:3DAB code_3DAB: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+15Ej code:3DAB inc R0 code:3DAC inc R0 code:3DAD inc R0 code:3DAE inc R1 code:3DAF movx A, @R0 code:3DB0 movx @R1, A code:3DB1 djnz R5, code_3DAB code:3DB3 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3DB6 mov R0, #0x2F ; '/' code:3DB8 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:3DBB ljmp code_3E9E code:3DBE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3DBE code:3DBE code_3DBE: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+143j code:3DBE cjne A, RAM_33, code_3DC7 code:3DC1 mov A, #8 code:3DC3 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3DC4 inc A code:3DC5 mov RAM_33, A code:3DC7 code:3DC7 code_3DC7: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53:code_3DBEj code:3DC7 djnz RAM_33, code_3DE4 code:3DCA inc RAM_33 code:3DCC mov A, @R0 code:3DCD mov R4, A code:3DCE mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:3DD1 jnb RAM_20.4, code_3DF4 code:3DD4 mov C, RAM_20.7 code:3DD6 anl C, RAM_2A.0 code:3DD8 jnc code_3DEA code:3DDA mov R0, #0x1C code:3DDC movx A, @R0 code:3DDD mov RAM_32, A code:3DDF mov R0, #0x16 code:3DE1 ljmp code_3E0B code:3DE4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3DE4 code:3DE4 code_3DE4: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53:code_3DC7j code:3DE4 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:3DE7 ljmp code_3E9E code:3DEA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3DEA code:3DEA code_3DEA: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+185j code:3DEA mov R0, #0x1B code:3DEC movx A, @R0 code:3DED mov RAM_32, A code:3DEF mov R0, #0x13 code:3DF1 ljmp code_3E0B code:3DF4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3DF4 code:3DF4 code_3DF4: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+17Ej code:3DF4 mov C, RAM_20.7 code:3DF6 anl C, RAM_2A.0 code:3DF8 jnc code_3E04 code:3DFA mov R0, #0x1A code:3DFC movx A, @R0 code:3DFD mov RAM_32, A code:3DFF mov R0, #0x10 code:3E01 ljmp code_3E0B code:3E04 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3E04 code:3E04 code_3E04: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+1A5j code:3E04 mov R0, #0x19 code:3E06 movx A, @R0 code:3E07 mov RAM_32, A code:3E09 mov R0, #0xD code:3E0B code:3E0B code_3E0B: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+18Ej code:3E0B ; code_3C53+19Ej ... code:3E0B mov R1, #0x2F ; '/' code:3E0D mov R5, #3 code:3E0F lcall code_689 code:3E12 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3E15 mov R0, #0x2F ; '/' code:3E17 mov B, @R0 ; B-Register code:3E19 mov R6, B ; B-Register code:3E1B mov R1, #0x46 ; 'F' code:3E1D movx A, @R1 code:3E1E mov R1, A code:3E1F mov A, #0xA code:3E21 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3E22 mov R5, A code:3E23 mov A, #0xD code:3E25 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3E26 clr C code:3E27 rrc A code:3E28 add A, R1 code:3E29 jnc code_3E2D code:3E2B mov A, #0xFF code:3E2D code:3E2D code_3E2D: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+1D6j code:3E2D lcall code_3F3F code:3E30 mov A, R5 code:3E31 xch A, B ; B-Register code:3E33 jnb RAM_28.4, code_3E41 code:3E36 mov B, #8 ; B-Register code:3E39 lcall code_625 code:3E3C mov RAM_32, R4 code:3E3E ljmp code_3F0A code:3E41 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3E41 code:3E41 code_3E41: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+1E0j code:3E41 lcall code_5FC code:3E44 clr C code:3E45 subb A, RAM_32 code:3E47 jnc code_3E4B code:3E49 cpl A code:3E4A inc A code:3E4B code:3E4B code_3E4B: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+1F4j code:3E4B mov B, A ; B-Register code:3E4D clr C code:3E4E mov A, #9 code:3E50 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3E51 rrc A code:3E52 cjne A, B, code_3E55 ; B-Register code:3E55 code:3E55 code_3E55: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+1FFj code:3E55 mov B, @R0 ; B-Register code:3E57 jnc code_3E5B code:3E59 mov B, R6 ; B-Register code:3E5B code:3E5B code_3E5B: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+204j code:3E5B mov A, #0xB code:3E5D lcall code_3F53 code:3E60 mov A, B ; B-Register code:3E62 mov @R0, A code:3E63 cpl A code:3E64 inc A code:3E65 mov B, R6 ; B-Register code:3E67 lcall code_3F3F code:3E6A mov R1, #0x46 ; 'F' code:3E6C movx A, @R1 code:3E6D lcall code_3F3F code:3E70 movx @R1, A code:3E71 mov R1, #0x49 ; 'I' code:3E73 movx @R1, A code:3E74 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:3E77 jnb RAM_20.4, code_3E8A code:3E7A mov C, RAM_20.7 code:3E7C anl C, RAM_2A.0 code:3E7E jnc code_3E85 code:3E80 mov R0, #0x16 code:3E82 ljmp code_3E97 code:3E85 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3E85 code:3E85 code_3E85: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+22Bj code:3E85 mov R0, #0x13 code:3E87 ljmp code_3E97 code:3E8A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3E8A code:3E8A code_3E8A: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+224j code:3E8A mov C, RAM_20.7 code:3E8C anl C, RAM_2A.0 code:3E8E jnc code_3E95 code:3E90 mov R0, #0x10 code:3E92 ljmp code_3E97 code:3E95 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3E95 code:3E95 code_3E95: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+23Bj code:3E95 mov R0, #0xD code:3E97 code:3E97 code_3E97: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+22Fj code:3E97 ; code_3C53+234j ... code:3E97 mov R1, #0x2F ; '/' code:3E99 mov R5, #3 code:3E9B lcall code_67F code:3E9E code:3E9E code_3E9E: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+168j code:3E9E ; code_3C53+194j code:3E9E jnb RAM_20.4, code_3EB1 code:3EA1 mov C, RAM_20.7 code:3EA3 anl C, RAM_2A.0 code:3EA5 jnc code_3EAC code:3EA7 mov R0, #0x16 code:3EA9 ljmp code_3EBE code:3EAC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3EAC code:3EAC code_3EAC: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+252j code:3EAC mov R0, #0x13 code:3EAE ljmp code_3EBE code:3EB1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3EB1 code:3EB1 code_3EB1: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53:code_3E9Ej code:3EB1 mov C, RAM_20.7 code:3EB3 anl C, RAM_2A.0 code:3EB5 jnc code_3EBC code:3EB7 mov R0, #0x10 code:3EB9 ljmp code_3EBE code:3EBC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3EBC code:3EBC code_3EBC: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+262j code:3EBC mov R0, #0xD code:3EBE code:3EBE code_3EBE: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+256j code:3EBE ; code_3C53+25Bj ... code:3EBE mov R1, #0x2F ; '/' code:3EC0 mov R5, #3 code:3EC2 lcall code_689 code:3EC5 mov C, RAM_20.7 code:3EC7 anl C, RAM_2A.0 code:3EC9 jc code_3ED3 code:3ECB mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3ECE mov R0, #0x2F ; '/' code:3ED0 ljmp code_3F12 code:3ED3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3ED3 code:3ED3 code_3ED3: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+276j code:3ED3 mov R1, #0x2F ; '/' code:3ED5 jnb RAM_20.4, code_3EDD code:3ED8 mov R0, #0x13 code:3EDA ljmp code_3EDF code:3EDD ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3EDD code:3EDD code_3EDD: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+282j code:3EDD mov R0, #0xD code:3EDF code:3EDF code_3EDF: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+287j code:3EDF mov B, #0x80 ; '' ; B-Register code:3EE2 mov A, @R1 code:3EE3 add A, B ; B-Register code:3EE5 mov @R1, A code:3EE6 movx A, @R0 code:3EE7 add A, B ; B-Register code:3EE9 xch A, B ; B-Register code:3EEB inc R1 code:3EEC inc R0 code:3EED movx A, @R0 code:3EEE add A, @R1 code:3EEF mov @R1, A code:3EF0 dec R1 code:3EF1 dec R0 code:3EF2 xch A, B ; B-Register code:3EF4 addc A, @R1 code:3EF5 jnb OV, code_3F00 ; Program Status Word Register code:3EF8 jc code_3EFE code:3EFA mov A, #0x7F ; '' code:3EFC jnc code_3F00 code:3EFE code:3EFE code_3EFE: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+2A5j code:3EFE mov A, #0x80 ; '' code:3F00 code:3F00 code_3F00: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+2A2j code:3F00 ; code_3C53+2A9j code:3F00 add A, #0x80 ; '' code:3F02 mov @R1, A code:3F03 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:3F06 mov R0, #0x2F ; '/' code:3F08 mov B, @R0 ; B-Register code:3F0A code:3F0A code_3F0A: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+1EBj code:3F0A mov A, #0xB code:3F0C lcall code_3F53 code:3F0F mov A, B ; B-Register code:3F11 mov @R0, A code:3F12 code:3F12 code_3F12: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+27Dj code:3F12 mov R0, #0x51 ; 'Q' code:3F14 movx A, @R0 code:3F15 mov RAM_32, A code:3F17 mov R0, #0x2F ; '/' code:3F19 mov B, R3 ; B-Register code:3F1B mov A, @R0 code:3F1C lcall code_3F3F code:3F1F mov A, @R0 code:3F20 lcall code_3F3F code:3F23 mov R3, A code:3F24 mov R0, #0x4E ; 'N' code:3F26 mov R1, #0x2F ; '/' code:3F28 mov R5, #5 code:3F2A lcall code_67C code:3F2D mov R0, #0xAF ; '' code:3F2F mov A, R3 code:3F30 mov @R0, A code:3F31 mov R0, #0x48 ; 'H' code:3F33 movx A, @R0 code:3F34 mov R0, #0xB0 ; '' code:3F36 mov @R0, A code:3F37 ret code:3F37 ; End of function code_3C53 code:3F37 code:3F38 code:3F38 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:3F38 code:3F38 code:3F38 code_3F38: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+23p code:3F38 ; code_3C53+40p ... code:3F38 add A, R3 code:3F39 jnc code_3F3D code:3F3B mov A, #0xFF code:3F3D code:3F3D code_3F3D: ; CODE XREF: code_3F38+1j code:3F3D mov R3, A code:3F3E ret code:3F3E ; End of function code_3F38 code:3F3E code:3F3F code:3F3F ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:3F3F code:3F3F code:3F3F code_3F3F: ; CODE XREF: code_2205j code:3F3F ; code_3C53:code_3E2Dp ... code:3F3F add A, #0x80 ; '' code:3F41 jc code_3F4A code:3F43 add A, B ; B-Register code:3F45 jc code_3F50 code:3F47 clr A code:3F48 sjmp code_3F50 code:3F4A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3F4A code:3F4A code_3F4A: ; CODE XREF: code_3F3F+2j code:3F4A add A, B ; B-Register code:3F4C jnc code_3F50 code:3F4E clr A code:3F4F cpl A code:3F50 code:3F50 code_3F50: ; CODE XREF: code_3F3F+6j code:3F50 ; code_3F3F+9j ... code:3F50 mov B, A ; B-Register code:3F52 ret code:3F52 ; End of function code_3F3F code:3F52 code:3F53 code:3F53 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:3F53 code:3F53 code:3F53 code_3F53: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53+110p code:3F53 ; code_3C53+20Ap ... code:3F53 clr C code:3F54 jb B7, code_3F61 ; B-Register code:3F57 inc A code:3F58 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3F59 rrc A code:3F5A cpl A code:3F5B add A, #0x81 ; '' code:3F5D cjne A, B, code_3F69 ; B-Register code:3F60 ret code:3F61 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3F61 code:3F61 code_3F61: ; CODE XREF: code_3F53+1j code:3F61 movc A, @A+DPTR code:3F62 rrc A code:3F63 add A, #0x80 ; '' code:3F65 cjne A, B, code_3F68 ; B-Register code:3F68 code:3F68 code_3F68: ; CODE XREF: code_3F53+12j code:3F68 cpl C code:3F69 code:3F69 code_3F69: ; CODE XREF: code_3F53+Aj code:3F69 jc code_3F6D code:3F6B mov B, A ; B-Register code:3F6D code:3F6D code_3F6D: ; CODE XREF: code_3F53:code_3F69j code:3F6D cpl C code:3F6E ret code:3F6E ; End of function code_3F53 code:3F6E code:3F6F code:3F6F ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:3F6F code:3F6F code:3F6F code_3F6F: ; CODE XREF: code_220Ej code:3F6F ; code_83FD:code_84C5p ... code:3F6F mov R0, #0x52 ; 'R' code:3F71 clr A code:3F72 movx @R0, A code:3F73 ret code:3F73 ; End of function code_3F6F code:3F73 code:3F73 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:3F74 .byte 0xFF code:3F75 .byte 0xFF code:3F76 .byte 0xFF code:3F77 .byte 0xFF code:3F78 .byte 0xFF code:3F79 .byte 0xFF code:3F7A .byte 0xFF code:3F7B .byte 0xFF code:3F7C .byte 0xFF code:3F7D .byte 0xFF code:3F7E .byte 0xFF code:3F7F .byte 0xFF code:3F80 .byte 0xFF code:3F81 .byte 0xFF code:3F82 .byte 0xFF code:3F83 .byte 0xFF code:3F84 .byte 0xFF code:3F85 .byte 0xFF code:3F86 .byte 0xFF 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0x12, 0x12, 0x38, 2, 0x5C code:47F0 .byte 0x8E, 0xA, 0xA, 0x3A, 3, 0x3F, 0x3F, 0x33, 0x64 code:47F0 .byte 0x84, 0xA4, 0x38, 6, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x20, 0x3D code:47F0 .byte 0x51, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0x38, 4, 0x1F, 0x1E, 0x5D code:47F0 .byte 0x50, 0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0, 0x36, 4, 0x49, 0x1E code:47F0 .byte 0x1D, 0x15, 0xFA, 0x55, 0x35, 0x2D, 0x3B, 6, 3, 7 code:47F0 .byte 0xD, 0x25, 0x19, 0x9C, 0x80, 0x2A, 0x40, 0x60, 0x80 code:47F0 .byte 0x80, 0x3B, 6, 3, 3, 7, 5, 8, 0xDA, 0x80, 0x80, 0x40 code:47F0 .byte 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x3B, 6, 3, 3, 2, 0xA, 3, 0xDF code:47F0 .byte 0x80, 0x80, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x3B, 3, 0xA code:47F0 .byte 0x2D, 0xB5, 0x40, 4, 0x14, 0x28, 0x28, 0x74, 0xFF code:47F0 .byte 0xFF, 0x9A, 0x80, 0xFF, 0xB3, 0x80, 0x80, 0xB3, 0x80 code:47F0 .byte 0x4D, 0x4D, 0x38, 6, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x20, 0x4D code:47F0 .byte 0x41, 0x60, 0x53, 0x3A, 0x2A, 0x19, 4, 0x38, 6, 0x10 code:47F0 .byte 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x2E, 0x3F, 0x41, 0x78, 0x58, 0x2C, 0x18 code:47F0 .byte 6, 3, 0x3B, 4, 0xA, 8, 0xC, 0xCE, 8, 8, 0x15, 0x1A code:47F0 .byte 0x38, 4, 0x2F, 0x1F, 0x5D, 0x51, 0x4D, 0x4D, 0x4D code:47F0 .byte 0x33, 0x3B, 6, 7, 7, 6, 0x19, 0xD, 0xA8, 3, 6, 5 code:47F0 .byte 1, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xD8, 2, 2, 2, 4, 6, 6, 0xD, 0xD code:47F0 .byte 0xD, 0xD, 4, 6, 0xD, 0xD, 0xD, 0xD, 4, 6, 2, 2, 2 code:47F0 .byte 2, 2, 2, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0x38 code:47F0 .byte 4, 0x2F, 0x1F, 0x5D, 0x51, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0x3B, 8, 5 code:47F0 .byte 0xF, 0xD, 0x14, 0x11, 0x17, 0x19, 0x76, 0x37, 5 code:47F0 .byte 0x2F, 0x1F, 0x28, 0x24, 0x62, 0x8D, 0x85 code:49F0 .byte 0x80, 0x7D, 0x7B, 0x8D, 0x85, 0x80, 0x7D, 0x7B, 0x8D code:49F0 .byte 0x85, 0x80, 0x7D, 0x7B, 0x8D, 0x85, 0x80, 0x7D, 0x7B code:49F0 .byte 0x8D, 0x85, 0x80, 0x7D, 0x7B, 0x8D, 0x85, 0x80, 0x7D code:49F0 .byte 0x7B, 0x8D, 0x85, 0x80, 0x7D, 0x7B, 0x8D, 0x85, 0x80 code:49F0 .byte 0x7D, 0x7B, 0x38, 6, 0xF, 0xF, 0x1F, 0x20, 0x3D code:49F0 .byte 0x50, 0xCD, 0xA7, 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0, 0x3B, 7, 5 code:49F0 .byte 8, 0xF, 0xF, 0x25, 0x28, 0x74, 0x40, 7, 0x14, 0x14 code:49F0 .byte 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x28, 0x60, 0x27, 0x35, 0x5C, 0x6C code:49F0 .byte 0x88, 0xC3, 0x49, 0x1B, 0x35, 0x57, 0x66, 0x88, 0xA4 code:49F0 .byte 0x6E, 0x1B, 0x44, 0x4D, 0x61, 0x76, 0x81, 0x60, 0x1B code:49F0 .byte 0x33, 0x7B, 0xA4, 0xA4, 0x8D, 0x7F, 0x1B, 0x48, 0xA4 code:49F0 .byte 0xA4, 0xA4, 0x67, 0x7B, 0x1B, 0xA4, 0x80, 0x80, 0xA4 code:49F0 .byte 0x5D, 0x93, 0x1B, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xA4, 0x49, 0x6E code:49F0 .byte 0x3B, 7, 5, 8, 0xF, 0xF, 0x25, 0x28, 0x74, 0x40 code:49F0 .byte 7, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x28, 0x60, 0x27 code:49F0 .byte 0x35, 0x5C, 0x6C, 0x88, 0xC3, 0x49, 0x1B, 0x35, 0x57 code:49F0 .byte 0x66, 0x88, 0xA4, 0x6E, 0x1B, 0x44, 0x4D, 0x61, 0x76 code:49F0 .byte 0x81, 0x60, 0x1B, 0x33, 0x7B, 0xA4, 0xA4, 0x8D, 0x7F code:49F0 .byte 0x1B, 0x48, 0xA4, 0xA4, 0xA4, 0x67, 0x7B, 0x1B, 0xA4 code:49F0 .byte 0x80, 0x80, 0xA4, 0x5D, 0x93, 0x1B, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80 code:49F0 .byte 0xA4, 0x49, 0x6E, 0x38, 5, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0x20, 0x3D code:49F0 .byte 0x50, 0xCD, 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0, 0x38, 6, 0x10, 0x20 code:49F0 .byte 0x1E, 0x20, 0x3E, 0x50, 0x8D, 0x66, 0x33, 0x20, 0x13 code:49F0 .byte 0, 0x40, 2, 0x24, 0x9C, 0x4D, 0x9A, 0x38, 6, 0x10 code:49F0 .byte 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x20, 0x3E, 0x50, 0x9A, 0x66, 0x40, 0x33 code:49F0 .byte 0x20, 7, 0x37, 4, 0x31, 0xE, 0xA, 0x19, 0, 0, 0 code:49F0 .byte 0, 0x9D, 4, 6, 4, 2, 0xEE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x38, 6, 0x10 code:49F0 .byte 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x20, 0x3E, 0x50, 0x4C, 0x32, 0x1C, 0x12 code:49F0 .byte 0xB, 6, 0x5A, 2, 0x46, 0xB8, 0xFF, 0x9A, 0x3B, 2 code:49F0 .byte 0xB, 0xEC, 0xFF, 0x9A, 0x37, 4, 0x20, 0xE, 0xA, 0x19 code:49F0 .byte 0x1D, 0x1D, 0x1D, 0x1D, 0x9D, 4, 8, 4, 2, 0xEE, 0x10 code:49F0 .byte 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x38, 6, 0xF, 0xF, 0x1F, 0x20 code:49F0 .byte 0x3D, 0x50, 0x80, 0x60, 0x4C, 0x2A, 0x11, 0, 0x38 code:49F0 .byte 6, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x20, 0x3E, 0x50, 0x6D, 0x66 code:49F0 .byte 0x33, 0x20, 0x13, 0, 0x40, 2, 0x1C, 0x9C, 0x4D, 0xB3 code:49F0 .byte 0x38, 6, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x20, 0x3E, 0x50, 0xCD code:49F0 .byte 0x9A, 0x5A, 0x3A, 0x26, 7, 0x5A, 2, 0x46, 0xB8, 0xFF code:49F0 .byte 0x73, 0x3B, 2, 8, 0xEC, 0xFF, 0xB3, 0x3A, 3, 0x3F code:49F0 .byte 0x3F, 0x33, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x3B, 7, 5, 8, 0xF code:49F0 .byte 0xF, 0x25, 0x28, 0x74, 0x40, 7, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14 code:49F0 .byte 0x14, 0x14, 0x28, 0x60, 0x27, 0x35, 0x5C, 0x6C, 0x88 code:49F0 .byte 0xC3, 0x49, 0x1B, 0x35, 0x57, 0x66, 0x88, 0xA4, 0x6E code:49F0 .byte 0x1B, 0x44, 0x4D, 0x61, 0x76, 0x81, 0x60, 0x1B, 0x33 code:49F0 .byte 0x4D, 0x6C, 0x75, 0x8D, 0x7F, 0x1B, 0x2A, 0x33, 0x4C code:49F0 .byte 0x52, 0x67, 0x7B, 0x1B, 0x36, 0x3D, 0x47, 0x49, 0x5D code:49F0 .byte 0x93, 0x1B, 0x5A, 0x46, 0x5A, 0x43, 0x49, 0x6E, 0x3B code:49F0 .byte 7, 5, 8, 0xF, 0xF, 0x25, 0x28, 0x74, 0x40, 7, 0x14 code:49F0 .byte 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x28, 0x60, 0x27, 0x35, 0x5C code:49F0 .byte 0x6C, 0x88, 0xC3, 0x49, 0x1B, 0x35, 0x57, 0x66, 0x88 code:49F0 .byte 0xA4, 0x6E, 0x1B, 0x44, 0x4D, 0x61, 0x76, 0x81, 0x60 code:49F0 .byte 0x1B, 0x33, 0x4D, 0x6C, 0x75, 0x8D, 0x7F, 0x1B, 0x2A code:49F0 .byte 0x33, 0x4C, 0x52, 0x67, 0x7B, 0x1B, 0x36, 0x3D, 0x47 code:49F0 .byte 0x49, 0x5D, 0x93, 0x1B, 0x5A, 0x46, 0x5A, 0x43, 0x49 code:49F0 .byte 0x6E, 0x38, 5, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0x20, 0x3D, 0x50, 0x80 code:49F0 .byte 0x4C, 0x2A, 0x11, 0 code:4BF0 .byte 0x38, 6, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x20, 0x3E, 0x50, 0x64 code:4BF0 .byte 0x4B, 0x2D, 0x26, 0x21, 0x19, 0x9F, 4, 1, 4, 0x27 code:4BF0 .byte 0xD3, 0, 3, 5, 0x14, 0x3B, 4, 5, 0x19, 0xF, 0x83 code:4BF0 .byte 8, 0xA, 0xE, 0x10, 0x38, 6, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x20 code:4BF0 .byte 0x3E, 0x50, 0x64, 0x4B, 0x2D, 0x26, 0x21, 0x1E, 0x9F code:4BF0 .byte 4, 6, 0x15, 0xF, 0xD3, 0, 4, 8, 0xF, 0x3B, 4, 0x2E code:4BF0 .byte 0x26, 0x32, 0x6A, 0x3C, 0x3D, 0x3E, 0x40, 0x38, 5 code:4BF0 .byte 0xD, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x3E, 0x70, 0x3C, 0x37, 0x2F, 0x2C code:4BF0 .byte 0x28, 0x38, 5, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x33, 0x10, 0x6B, 0x5E code:4BF0 .byte 0x46, 0x2E, 0x18, 0, 0x38, 5, 0xD, 0x12, 0xD, 0xF code:4BF0 .byte 0x6C, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x38, 3, 0x30 code:4BF0 .byte 0x5B, 0x71, 0x47, 0x47, 0x3C, 0x3B, 6, 5, 0xD, 0xC code:4BF0 .byte 0xD, 0x19, 0x9C, 0x40, 6, 6, 0x22, 0x11, 0xF, 0x14 code:4BF0 .byte 0x88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x4D, 0x4D, 0x33, 0, 0 code:4BF0 .byte 0x55, 0xFF, 0xB7, 0x9F, 0x3D, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xB7 code:4BF0 .byte 0xB7, 0x7A, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xB7, 0x7A, 0, 0 code:4BF0 .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x38, 5, 0x2E, 9, 0x12, 2, 0xA1, 0x3C code:4BF0 .byte 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x38, 6, 0x1F, 0x18, 0x1F code:4BF0 .byte 0x27, 0xD, 0x62, 0x46, 0x43, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x3C code:4BF0 .byte 0x37, 4, 0x10, 0x36, 0x1C, 0x63, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x3C code:4BF0 .byte 0x38, 0x38, 3, 0x1F, 0x22, 0x19, 0x37, 4, 0x1F, 0xF code:4BF0 .byte 0x20, 0x7F, 0xE, 0x11, 0x13, 0x17, 0x10, 0x13, 0x16 code:4BF0 .byte 0x1A, 0x12, 0x16, 0x19, 0x1D, 0x3B, 0xC, 5, 8, 0xF code:4BF0 .byte 0xF, 0xE, 0xD, 0xA, 0xC, 0xD, 0xF, 0x16, 0x5E, 0x40 code:4BF0 .byte 7, 0x18, 0x14, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0x74, 0x66, 0xB3 code:4BF0 .byte 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xB3, 0xB3, 0xAC, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xDA, 0xDA code:4BF0 .byte 0xC0, 0xBB, 0xBB, 0x80, 0xD7, 0xF3, 0xE6, 0xDA, 0xCD code:4BF0 .byte 0xD7, 0x76, 0x83, 0xC5, 0xD7, 0xCA, 0xCD, 0xCD, 0x5C code:4BF0 .byte 0x76, 0xB8, 0xB6, 0xA1, 0xA4, 0xB6, 0x4F, 0x83, 0xC5 code:4BF0 .byte 0xBD, 0xCF, 0xBD, 0xCF, 0, 0x69, 0xB8, 0xB8, 0xBD code:4BF0 .byte 0xA4, 0xAC, 0x4F, 0xC5, 0xE4, 0xE4, 0xCF, 0xCF, 0xE4 code:4BF0 .byte 0x83, 0xD2, 0xE4, 0xCF, 0xCF, 0xE4, 0xE4, 0x4F, 0xC5 code:4BF0 .byte 0xC5, 0xB8, 0xBD, 0xB1, 0xBD, 0x26, 0x76, 0xB8, 0xAC code:4BF0 .byte 0x9C, 0x9A, 0x9A, 0, 0x83, 0xC5, 0xB8, 0xAE, 0x9F code:4BF0 .byte 0xA6, 0x3B, 0x10, 0xF, 6, 9, 0xF, 5, 0xA, 0x10, 9 code:4BF0 .byte 5, 7, 3, 5, 0xF, 0xF, 0xA, 0x5B, 0xCD, 0xC5, 0xCD code:4BF0 .byte 0xCD, 0xCA, 0xCA, 0xCF, 0xBD, 0xDA, 0xDA, 0xE1, 0xE1 code:4BF0 .byte 0xB3, 0x9A, 0xA4, 0xB3, 0x3B, 6, 0xD, 0xC, 0xD, 0xC code:4BF0 .byte 0xC, 0x5E, 0x40, 5, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0x74, 0x18 code:4BF0 .byte 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18 code:4BF0 .byte 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 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0x30, 0xC, 0x74, 0x42, 0x3C, 0x35 code:4DF0 .byte 0x35, 0x3B, 4, 0x1B, 0x1C, 0x1B, 0x79, 0x3C, 0x3C code:4DF0 .byte 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x38, 5, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x33, 0x10, 0x6B code:4DF0 .byte 0x5E, 0x46, 0x2E, 0x18, 0, 0x3B, 6, 5, 0xD, 0xC code:4DF0 .byte 0xD, 0x19, 0x9C, 0x40, 6, 6, 0x22, 0x11, 0xF, 0x14 code:4DF0 .byte 0x88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x80, 0x80, 0x4D, 0, 0 code:4DF0 .byte 0x80, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xB7, 0x3D, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:4DF0 .byte 0xB7, 0x7A, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xB7, 0x7A, 0, 0 code:4DF0 .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x38, 5, 0x2E, 9, 0x12, 2, 0xA1, 0x3C code:4DF0 .byte 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x20, 0x3B, 0xC, 5, 8, 0x12, 0xC code:4DF0 .byte 0xE, 0xD, 0xA, 0xC, 0xD, 0xF, 0x16, 0x5E, 0x40, 7 code:4DF0 .byte 0x18, 0x14, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0x74, 0x5A, 0xB6 code:4DF0 .byte 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x5A, 0xC0, 0xCA, 0xD2 code:4DF0 .byte 0xD2, 0xD2, 0xD2, 0x4D, 0xD7, 0xE1, 0xE1, 0xE1, 0xD7 code:4DF0 .byte 0xD7, 0x33, 0x6C, 0x9A, 0xDF, 0xDF, 0xDF, 0xDF, 0x40 code:4DF0 .byte 0x80, 0xD2, 0xDC, 0xEC, 0xE6, 0xE6, 0, 0x9A, 0xDC code:4DF0 .byte 0xDC, 0xDC, 0xD2, 0xD2, 0, 0x9F, 0xCD, 0xD4, 0xDC code:4DF0 .byte 0xD2, 0xC8, 0x4D, 0xA9, 0xCD, 0xD2, 0xD2, 0xD2, 0xC8 code:4DF0 .byte 0x4D, 0xA9, 0xCD, 0xD2, 0xC8, 0xC8, 0xD2, 0x33, 0x69 code:4DF0 .byte 0xBD, 0xBD, 0xBD, 0xC8, 0xC8, 0, 0x69, 0xA6, 0xA6 code:4DF0 .byte 0xA6, 0x9F, 0x9F, 0, 0x76, 0xA6, 0xA6, 0xA6, 0x9F code:4DF0 .byte 0x9F, 0x3B, 0x10, 0xF, 6, 9, 0xF, 5, 0xA, 0x10, 9 code:4DF0 .byte 5, 7, 3, 5, 0xF, 0xF, 0xA, 0x5B, 0xB6, 0xDC, 0xE6 code:4DF0 .byte 0xE6, 0xE6, 0xE1, 0xD2, 0xD2, 0xD2, 0xD2, 0xDA, 0xDA code:4DF0 .byte 0xB3, 0xB8, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x3B, 6, 0xD, 0xC, 0xD, 0xC code:4DF0 .byte 0xC, 0x5E, 0x40, 5, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0x74, 0x18 code:4DF0 .byte 0x18, 0x16, 0x14, 0x14, 0x17, 0x13, 0x11, 0xE, 0xD code:4DF0 .byte 0x16, 0x14, 0x12, 0x11, 0xF, 0x15, 0x12, 0xD, 9 code:4DF0 .byte 6, 0x14, 0xE, 9, 6, 3, 0xE, 0xA, 5, 0, 0, 0x3B, 4 code:4DF0 .byte 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x92, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x37 code:4DF0 .byte 4, 0x20, 8, 0x70, 0x16, 0x38, 4, 0x2F, 0x3F, 0x3D code:4DF0 .byte 0x51, 0x2C, 0x83, 0xBB, 0xFF, 0x2C, 0x83, 0xBB, 0xFF code:4DF0 .byte 0x2C, 0x83, 0x92, 0x92, 0x2C, 0x42, 0x42, 0x42, 0x3B code:4DF0 .byte 4, 0x14, 0x19, 0x32, 0x83, 0x37, 2, 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xF code:4DF0 .byte 0x12, 0x19, 0x23, 0x2D, 0x37, 0x4B, 0x5A, 0x3B, 4 code:4DF0 .byte 2, 0xE, 0x14, 0xCE, 0x38, 6, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x20 code:4DF0 .byte 0x55, 0x39, 0xAA, 0x89, 0x6F, 0x5C, 0x50, 0x3C, 0x9B code:4DF0 .byte 0x7F, 0x65, 0x52, 0x46, 0x32, 0x9B, 0x7F, 0x65, 0x52 code:4DF0 .byte 0x46, 0x32, 0xA0, 0x84, 0x6A, 0x5C, 0x50, 0x3A, 0x3B code:4DF0 .byte 4, 0x19, 0x19, 0x20, 0x88, 0x38, 6, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x1F code:4DF0 .byte 0x20, 0x55, 0x39, 0x9B, 0x82, 0x69, 0x55, 0x4B, 0x37 code:4DF0 .byte 0xA5, 0x87, 0x78, 0x6E, 0x5F, 0x4B, 0xBE, 0x96, 0x91 code:4DF0 .byte 0x82, 0x73, 0x5A, 0xE7, 0xC9, 0xB0, 0x8F, 0x83, 0x65 code:4DF0 .byte 0x38, 6, 7, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x20, 0x4D, 0x41, 0x78, 0x87 code:4DF0 .byte 0x68, 0x46, 0x3C, 0x32, 0x3B, 3, 4, 3, 0xF3, 0, 0 code:4DF0 .byte 0, 0x38, 6, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x20, 0x55, 0x39, 0x3C code:4DF0 .byte 0x23, 0x14, 0xF, 0xA, 5, 0x38, 6, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x1F code:4DF0 .byte 0x20, 0x3E, 0x50, 0x4A, 0x4A, 0x4A, 0x4A, 0x4A, 0x4A code:4DF0 .byte 0x40, 5, 4, 8, 8, 0xA, 0xC4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x3B code:4DF0 .byte 4, 2, 0xE, 0x14, 0xCE, 0x38, 6, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x1F code:4DF0 .byte 0x20, 0x55, 0x39, 0xB4, 0xA5, 0x84, 0x6C code:4FF0 .byte 0x5A, 0x43, 0xAF, 0x97, 0x7A, 0x62, 0x50, 0x39, 0xAF code:4FF0 .byte 0x97, 0x7A, 0x62, 0x50, 0x39, 0xAA, 0x9C, 0x80, 0x6C code:4FF0 .byte 0x5A, 0x43, 0x38, 6, 7, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x20, 0x4D, 0x41 code:4FF0 .byte 0xFD, 0xBE, 0x7D, 0x5F, 0x46, 0x37, 0x3B, 4, 0x19 code:4FF0 .byte 0x19, 0x32, 0x83, 0x88, 0x74, 0x60, 0x50, 0x40, 6 code:4FF0 .byte 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x4C, 0x79, 0x79, 0x79 code:4FF0 .byte 0x79, 0x79, 0x79, 0x3B, 4, 0x19, 0x19, 0x32, 0x83 code:4FF0 .byte 0x88, 0x74, 0x60, 0x50, 0x40, 5, 0x14, 0x28, 0x32 code:4FF0 .byte 0xA, 0x60, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x38, 4 code:4FF0 .byte 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x5D, 0x51, 0x18, 0x15, 0x11, 0xC, 0x38 code:4FF0 .byte 6, 0x10, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x20, 0x3E, 0x50, 0x78, 0x70 code:4FF0 .byte 0x5A, 0x50, 0x50, 0x50, 0x38, 4, 0x2F, 0x4F, 0x2D code:4FF0 .byte 0x51, 0x78, 0x5F, 0x55, 0x4E, 0x38, 4, 0x3F, 0x3F code:4FF0 .byte 0x2D, 0x51, 0x78, 0x64, 0x57, 0x53, 0x38, 4, 0x2F code:4FF0 .byte 0x4F, 0x2D, 0x51, 0x78, 0x5F, 0x55, 0x55, 3, 4, 1 code:4FF0 .byte 8, 0xA, 0xEC, 0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 4, 1, 0x12, 0x14, 0xD8 code:4FF0 .byte 0, 1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 2, 8, 0xC, 0xE8, 0, 0x1E, 0x70 code:4FF0 .byte 0x70, 0x38, 4, 0x2F, 0x3F, 0x5E, 0x30, 0x29, 0x1E code:4FF0 .byte 0x19, 0x14, 0x3B, 4, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x9C, 0x64 code:4FF0 .byte 0x64, 0x64, 0x64, 0x38, 4, 0x1F, 0x2F, 0x5D, 0x51 code:4FF0 .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x38, 4, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x5D, 0x51, 0x18 code:4FF0 .byte 0x15, 0x11, 0xC, 0x36, 5, 0x2C, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x1D code:4FF0 .byte 0x15, 0xDA, 0x9A, 0x80, 0x6E, 0x60, 0x38, 5, 7, 0x3E code:4FF0 .byte 0x3F, 0x3E, 0x31, 0x37, 5, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x3F, 0x27 code:4FF0 .byte 0x48, 0x6D, 0x6D, 0x63, 0x72, 0x7D, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x58 code:4FF0 .byte 0x60, 0x6A, 0x4F, 0x53, 0x5C, 0x63, 0x6E, 0x4F, 0x5B code:4FF0 .byte 0x62, 0x6D, 0x72, 0x4F, 0x5B, 0x65, 0x73, 0x82, 0x38 code:4FF0 .byte 4, 0x1F, 0x1F, 0x3E, 0x70, 0xB4, 0xAF, 0x8C, 0x82 code:4FF0 .byte 0x3B, 7, 5, 6, 6, 8, 0x1E, 0x19, 0x9C, 0x40, 6, 0xE code:4FF0 .byte 0xB, 0x10, 0x1C, 0x18, 0x88, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3 code:4FF0 .byte 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 9, 0xA, 0xA, 0xD, 0x12, 0x14, 0xA code:4FF0 .byte 0xD, 0x10, 0x13, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x15, 0x16, 0x20, 0x25 code:4FF0 .byte 0x2C, 0x34, 0x20, 0x30, 0x40, 0x4A, 0x4C, 0x4C, 0x31 code:4FF0 .byte 0x3F, 0x4C, 0x4C, 0x4C, 0x4C, 0x3B, 4, 0x16, 0x1E code:4FF0 .byte 0x19, 0x9C, 0x40, 6, 0xE, 0xB, 0x10, 0x1C, 0x18 code:4FF0 .byte 0x88, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x3D, 0x3D code:4FF0 .byte 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D code:4FF0 .byte 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3B, 0xA code:4FF0 .byte 3, 0x16, 0x1E, 0xD, 0xC, 0xD, 0xC, 0xD, 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0x15, 9, 0x19 code:51F0 .byte 0x1F, 0x7B, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x20, 0x40 code:51F0 .byte 0x80, 0, 0, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x30, 0x50, 0x70 code:51F0 .byte 0xB0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x40, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:51F0 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x3B, 0xA, 3 code:51F0 .byte 0xF, 0xC, 0x19, 0xD, 0xC, 0xD, 0xC, 0x26, 0x5D, 0x40 code:51F0 .byte 6, 0xA, 0x14, 0x14, 0x28, 0x28, 0x60, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA code:51F0 .byte 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA code:51F0 .byte 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0x10, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x1E code:51F0 .byte 0x10, 0x10, 0x20, 0x20, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x24 code:51F0 .byte 0x24, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x2A code:51F0 .byte 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x37 code:51F0 .byte 0x37, 0x37, 0x37, 0x37, 0x37, 0x37, 0x37, 0x37, 0x37 code:51F0 .byte 0x37, 0x37, 0x3B, 6, 0xA, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19 code:51F0 .byte 0x83, 0x74, 0x74, 0x74, 0x72, 0x70, 0x70, 0x3B, 6 code:51F0 .byte 4, 5, 0xA, 0x14, 0x19, 0xAB, 0x40, 6, 0x16, 0x15 code:51F0 .byte 9, 0x19, 0x1F, 0x7B, 0xB, 0xB, 0xB, 0xF, 0x17, 0x1F code:51F0 .byte 0xB, 0xB, 0xB, 0x14, 0x1F, 0x40, 0xB, 0xB, 0x14 code:51F0 .byte 0x1F, 0x40, 0x80, 0x20, 0x40, 0x5A, 0x66, 0x80, 0xC0 code:51F0 .byte 0x40, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xCD, 0xFF, 0xFD, 0xFD, 0xFF code:51F0 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x3B, 4, 0x19, 0x19, 0x32, 0x83 code:51F0 .byte 0xF, 0xF, 0x1B, 0x14, 0x3B, 2, 0xB, 0xEF, 0x50, 0x5A code:51F0 .byte 0x3B, 8, 2, 3, 0xD, 3, 0xF, 0xF, 0xE, 0xB3, 0x40 code:51F0 .byte 3, 0x14, 0x14, 0xB0, 0x53, 0x50, 0x4B, 0x53, 0x50 code:51F0 .byte 0x4B, 0x4B, 0x4B, 0x4B, 0x4B, 0x4B, 0x4B, 0x4B, 0x4B code:51F0 .byte 0x4B, 0x4B, 0x4B, 0x4B, 0x53, 0x53, 0x4B, 0x5D, 0x5D code:51F0 .byte 0x57, 0x3B, 0x10, 0xF, 6, 9, 0xF, 5, 0xA, 0x10, 9 code:51F0 .byte 5, 7, 3, 5, 0xF, 0xF, 0xA, 0x5B, 0x41, 0x51, 0x53 code:51F0 .byte 0x57, 0x5A, 0x5B, 0x5C, 0x5A, 0x58, 0x57, 0x58, 0x5B code:51F0 .byte 0x5B, 0x5A, 0x5A, 0x5B, 3, 4, 2, 6, 0xA, 0xEC, 0x3C code:51F0 .byte 0x3C, 0x3F, 0x42, 3, 4, 2, 6, 0xA, 0xEC, 0x3C, 0x3C code:51F0 .byte 0x3A, 0x37, 0x3B, 4, 4, 0xC, 0x14, 0xCE, 0x40, 3 code:51F0 .byte 8, 0x36, 0x9C, 0x84, 0x8A, 0x92, 0x7B, 0x81, 0x8B code:51F0 .byte 0x7B, 0x81, 0x8B, 0x84, 0x81, 0x8B, 0x3B, 4, 0x19 code:51F0 .byte 0x19, 0x32, 0x83, 0xF, 0xF, 0x1B, 0x14, 0x3B, 4 code:51F0 .byte 4, 0xB, 0x14, 0xCE, 0x40, 3, 8, 0x28, 0x9C, 0x84 code:51F0 .byte 0x8A, 0x92, 0x7B, 0x81, 0x85, 0x7B, 0x81, 0x85, 0x84 code:51F0 .byte 0x81, 0x85, 0x3B, 0x10, 0xF, 6, 9, 0xF, 5, 0xA, 0x10 code:51F0 .byte 9, 5, 7, 3, 5, 0xF, 0xF, 0xA, 0x5B, 0x40, 0x51, 0x52 code:51F0 .byte 0x57, 0x59, 0x59, 0x5B, 0x5A, 0x57, 0x57, 0x57, 0x5B code:51F0 .byte 0x5B, 0x5A, 0x5A, 0x5B, 0x3B, 0xC, 5, 0xC, 8, 8 code:51F0 .byte 0xC, 0xC, 0x1A, 0xD, 0xB, 0xF, 0x16, 0x5E, 0x40 code:51F0 .byte 7, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0x60, 0x85, 0x7D code:51F0 .byte 0x73, 0x6A, 0x6D, 0x6D, 0x6D, 0x81, 0x77, 0x6E, 0x66 code:51F0 .byte 0x5F, 0x5F, 0x5F, 0x81, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77 code:51F0 .byte 0x77, 0x84, 0x7D, 0x74, 0x6E, 0x6E, 0x6E, 0x6E, 0x7E code:51F0 .byte 0x80, 0x76, 0x6E, 0x68, 0x68, 0x68, 0x79, 0x7A, 0x7B code:51F0 .byte 0x73, 0x70, 0x70, 0x70, 0x6F, 0x73, 0x75, 0x75, 0x75 code:51F0 .byte 0x75, 0x75, 0x6E, 0x74, 0x74, 0x74, 0x6E, 0x68, 0x68 code:51F0 .byte 0x70, 0x75, 0x76, 0x7A, 0x76, 0x76, 0x76, 0x6E, 0x74 code:51F0 .byte 0x73, 0x75, 0x70, 0x6B, 0x6B, 0x6E, 0x73, 0x77, 0x7B code:51F0 .byte 0x79, 0x79, 0x79, 0x6D, 0x73, 0x78, 0x7C, 0x7E, 0x7E code:51F0 .byte 0x7E, 0x3B, 0xC, 5, 0xC, 8, 8, 0xD, 0xB, 0x1A, 0xD code:51F0 .byte 0xB, 0xF code:53F0 .byte 0x16, 0x5E, 0x40, 6, 0xA, 0x14, 0xA, 0x14, 0x14 code:53F0 .byte 0x9C, 0x7D, 0x7F, 0x81, 0x86, 0x86, 0x85, 0x7C, 0x7F code:53F0 .byte 0x80, 0x87, 0x85, 0x81, 0x7C, 0x7E, 0x80, 0x86, 0x85 code:53F0 .byte 0x81, 0x7C, 0x7D, 0x7F, 0x85, 0x7F, 0x84, 0x7C, 0x7D code:53F0 .byte 0x7E, 0x7C, 0x77, 0x7E, 0x7C, 0x7D, 0x78, 0x72, 0x71 code:53F0 .byte 0x79, 0x7C, 0x77, 0x72, 0x6A, 0x6A, 0x6F, 0x7C, 0x77 code:53F0 .byte 0x73, 0x6A, 0x6A, 0x6E, 0x7D, 0x77, 0x73, 0x6A, 0x6A code:53F0 .byte 0x70, 0x7D, 0x77, 0x73, 0x6A, 0x6A, 0x6E, 0x7D, 0x77 code:53F0 .byte 0x74, 0x6A, 0x6A, 0x6E, 0x7D, 0x77, 0x74, 0x6A, 0x6A code:53F0 .byte 0x6D, 0x3B, 0xC, 5, 0xC, 8, 8, 0xC, 0xC, 0x1A, 0xD code:53F0 .byte 0xB, 0xF, 0x16, 0x5E, 0x40, 7, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA code:53F0 .byte 0xA, 0xA, 0x60, 0x7A, 0x77, 0x73, 0x6A, 0x6D, 0x6D code:53F0 .byte 0x6D, 0x73, 0x70, 0x6E, 0x66, 0x5F, 0x5F, 0x5F, 0x73 code:53F0 .byte 0x75, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x6E, 0x6D, 0x74 code:53F0 .byte 0x6E, 0x6E, 0x6E, 0x6E, 0x68, 0x6D, 0x76, 0x6E, 0x68 code:53F0 .byte 0x68, 0x68, 0x68, 0x6D, 0x7B, 0x73, 0x70, 0x70, 0x70 code:53F0 .byte 0x69, 0x6D, 0x75, 0x75, 0x75, 0x75, 0x75, 0x6E, 0x74 code:53F0 .byte 0x74, 0x74, 0x6E, 0x68, 0x68, 0x70, 0x75, 0x76, 0x7A code:53F0 .byte 0x76, 0x76, 0x76, 0x6E, 0x74, 0x73, 0x75, 0x70, 0x6B code:53F0 .byte 0x6B, 0x6E, 0x73, 0x77, 0x7B, 0x79, 0x79, 0x79, 0x6D code:53F0 .byte 0x73, 0x78, 0x7C, 0x7E, 0x7E, 0x7E, 0x3B, 0xC, 5 code:53F0 .byte 0xC, 8, 8, 0xD, 0xB, 0x1A, 0xD, 0xB, 0xF, 0x16, 0x5E code:53F0 .byte 0x40, 6, 0xA, 0x14, 0xA, 0x14, 0x14, 0x9C, 0x7D code:53F0 .byte 0x79, 0x79, 0x7D, 0x7A, 0x7A, 0x7C, 0x79, 0x79, 0x7D code:53F0 .byte 0x75, 0x73, 0x7C, 0x76, 0x75, 0x75, 0x75, 0x73, 0x7C code:53F0 .byte 0x76, 0x75, 0x6E, 0x6E, 0x6E, 0x7C, 0x76, 0x6D, 0x68 code:53F0 .byte 0x68, 0x68, 0x7C, 0x77, 0x6D, 0x68, 0x68, 0x68, 0x7C code:53F0 .byte 0x77, 0x72, 0x68, 0x6A, 0x69, 0x7C, 0x77, 0x73, 0x6A code:53F0 .byte 0x6A, 0x6E, 0x7D, 0x77, 0x73, 0x6A, 0x6A, 0x70, 0x7D code:53F0 .byte 0x77, 0x73, 0x6A, 0x6A, 0x6E, 0x7D, 0x77, 0x74, 0x6A code:53F0 .byte 0x6A, 0x6E, 0x7D, 0x77, 0x74, 0x6A, 0x6A, 0x6D, 0x3B code:53F0 .byte 0x10, 2, 3, 0xC, 8, 7, 2, 0xB, 0xC, 0xF, 0xA, 0xD code:53F0 .byte 8, 7, 0xC, 0x16, 0x5E, 0x40, 7, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA code:53F0 .byte 0xA, 0xA, 0x60, 0x85, 0x7D, 0x73, 0x6A, 0x6D, 0x6D code:53F0 .byte 0x6D, 0x82, 0x79, 0x70, 0x68, 0x61, 0x61, 0x61, 0x81 code:53F0 .byte 0x77, 0x6E, 0x66, 0x5F, 0x5F, 0x5F, 0x81, 0x77, 0x77 code:53F0 .byte 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x84, 0x7D, 0x74, 0x6E, 0x6E code:53F0 .byte 0x6E, 0x6E, 0x84, 0x80, 0x77, 0x6F, 0x68, 0x68, 0x68 code:53F0 .byte 0x84, 0x80, 0x76, 0x6E, 0x68, 0x68, 0x68, 0x85, 0x83 code:53F0 .byte 0x7B, 0x73, 0x70, 0x70, 0x70, 0x81, 0x7C, 0x75, 0x75 code:53F0 .byte 0x75, 0x75, 0x75, 0x81, 0x7F, 0x7B, 0x75, 0x75, 0x75 code:53F0 .byte 0x75, 0x80, 0x7D, 0x79, 0x74, 0x6E, 0x68, 0x68, 0x82 code:53F0 .byte 0x81, 0x7C, 0x7A, 0x76, 0x76, 0x76, 0x80, 0x79, 0x75 code:53F0 .byte 0x71, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x7F, 0x7C, 0x78, 0x75, 0x70 code:53F0 .byte 0x6B, 0x6B, 0x80, 0x7E, 0x7D, 0x7B, 0x79, 0x79, 0x79 code:53F0 .byte 0x7F, 0x7F, 0x7E, 0x7C, 0x7E, 0x7E, 0x7E, 0x3B, 0x10 code:53F0 .byte 2, 3, 0xC, 8, 7, 2, 0xB, 0xC, 0xF, 0xA, 0xD, 8, 7 code:53F0 .byte 0xC, 0x16, 0x5E, 0x40, 6, 0xA, 0x14, 0xA, 0x14, 0x14 code:53F0 .byte 0x9C, 0x7C, 0x7F, 0x81, 0x86, 0x86, 0x85, 0x7C, 0x7F code:53F0 .byte 0x81, 0x86, 0x86, 0x82, 0x7C, 0x7F, 0x80, 0x87, 0x85 code:53F0 .byte 0x81, 0x7C, 0x7E, 0x80, 0x86, 0x85, 0x81, 0x7C, 0x7D code:53F0 .byte 0x7F, 0x85, 0x85, 0x84, 0x7C, 0x7D, 0x7E, 0x83, 0x83 code:53F0 .byte 0x84, 0x7C, 0x7D, 0x7E, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x7C, 0x7D code:53F0 .byte 0x7E, 0x7E, 0x83, 0x85, 0x7C, 0x7D, 0x7E, 0x7F, 0x81 code:53F0 .byte 0x81, 0x7C, 0x7D, 0x7E, 0x7F, 0x81, 0x81, 0x7C, 0x7D code:53F0 .byte 0x7F, 0x81 code:55F0 .byte 0x81, 0x80, 0x7D, 0x7D, 0x7F, 0x7F, 0x81, 0x82, 0x7D code:55F0 .byte 0x7D, 0x7F, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x7D, 0x7D, 0x7F, 0x80 code:55F0 .byte 0x82, 0x7F, 0x7D, 0x7D, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x7D code:55F0 .byte 0x7D, 0x80, 0x82, 0x81, 0x7F, 0x3B, 0xC, 8, 8, 0xF code:55F0 .byte 0xF, 0xE, 0xD, 0xA, 0xC, 0xD, 0xF, 0x16, 0x5E, 0x40 code:55F0 .byte 7, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0x14, 0x3C, 0x24, 0x40, 0x3F code:55F0 .byte 0x3E, 0x3D, 0x3C, 0x3A, 0x37, 0x4B, 0x4A, 0x48, 0x47 code:55F0 .byte 0x46, 0x44, 0x40, 0x55, 0x53, 0x51, 0x4F, 0x4E, 0x4D code:55F0 .byte 0x48, 0x5A, 0x58, 0x56, 0x54, 0x52, 0x50, 0x4C, 0x5F code:55F0 .byte 0x5A, 0x59, 0x57, 0x57, 0x56, 0x51, 0x65, 0x60, 0x5F code:55F0 .byte 0x5B, 0x5A, 0x58, 0x53, 0x66, 0x60, 0x5F, 0x5B, 0x5A code:55F0 .byte 0x58, 0x55, 0x65, 0x60, 0x5D, 0x5B, 0x5A, 0x58, 0x53 code:55F0 .byte 0x64, 0x5E, 0x5B, 0x59, 0x56, 0x54, 0x52, 0x67, 0x62 code:55F0 .byte 0x5F, 0x5D, 0x5B, 0x5A, 0x56, 0x67, 0x63, 0x5F, 0x5B code:55F0 .byte 0x5A, 0x59, 0x56, 0x6B, 0x66, 0x5F, 0x5B, 0x5A, 0x5A code:55F0 .byte 0x56, 0x3B, 0xC, 8, 8, 0xF, 0xF, 0xE, 0xD, 0xA, 0xC code:55F0 .byte 0xD, 0xF, 0x16, 0x5E, 0x40, 6, 0xA, 0xA, 0x14, 0x14 code:55F0 .byte 0x14, 0x9C, 0x53, 0x53, 0x53, 0x4E, 0x46, 0x40, 0x53 code:55F0 .byte 0x53, 0x5A, 0x57, 0x52, 0x4B, 0x57, 0x5A, 0x5F, 0x5A code:55F0 .byte 0x57, 0x55, 0x59, 0x61, 0x61, 0x5D, 0x5C, 0x5A, 0x61 code:55F0 .byte 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x67, 0x62, 0x5F, 0x69, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F code:55F0 .byte 0x6A, 0x65, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F, 0x6A, 0x66, 0x6C code:55F0 .byte 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x70, 0x6B, 0x65, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x70 code:55F0 .byte 0x6A, 0x64, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x70, 0x6E, 0x67, 0x6C code:55F0 .byte 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x72, 0x6D, 0x67, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x72 code:55F0 .byte 0x70, 0x6B, 0x3B, 0xC, 5, 8, 0xF, 0xF, 0xE, 0xD code:55F0 .byte 0xA, 0xC, 0xD, 0xF, 0x16, 0x5E, 0x40, 7, 0xA, 0xA code:55F0 .byte 0xA, 0xA, 0x14, 0x3C, 0x24, 0x44, 0x43, 0x42, 0x41 code:55F0 .byte 0x40, 0x3E, 0x3A, 0x4B, 0x4A, 0x48, 0x47, 0x46, 0x44 code:55F0 .byte 0x40, 0x55, 0x53, 0x51, 0x4F, 0x4E, 0x4D, 0x48, 0x5A code:55F0 .byte 0x58, 0x56, 0x54, 0x52, 0x50, 0x4C, 0x5F, 0x5A, 0x59 code:55F0 .byte 0x57, 0x5A, 0x56, 0x51, 0x65, 0x60, 0x5F, 0x5B, 0x5A code:55F0 .byte 0x58, 0x53, 0x66, 0x60, 0x5F, 0x5B, 0x5A, 0x58, 0x55 code:55F0 .byte 0x67, 0x60, 0x5D, 0x5B, 0x5A, 0x58, 0x53, 0x66, 0x5E code:55F0 .byte 0x5B, 0x59, 0x56, 0x54, 0x52, 0x67, 0x62, 0x5F, 0x5D code:55F0 .byte 0x5B, 0x5A, 0x56, 0x67, 0x63, 0x5F, 0x5B, 0x5A, 0x59 code:55F0 .byte 0x56, 0x6B, 0x66, 0x5F, 0x5B, 0x5A, 0x5A, 0x56, 0x3B code:55F0 .byte 0xC, 5, 8, 0xF, 0xF, 0xE, 0xD, 0xA, 0xC, 0xD, 0xF code:55F0 .byte 0x16, 0x5E, 0x40, 6, 0xA, 0xA, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14 code:55F0 .byte 0x9C, 0x56, 0x56, 0x56, 0x51, 0x4A, 0x44, 0x5A, 0x5A code:55F0 .byte 0x5A, 0x57, 0x52, 0x4B, 0x5F, 0x5F, 0x5F, 0x5A, 0x57 code:55F0 .byte 0x55, 0x61, 0x61, 0x61, 0x5D, 0x5C, 0x5A, 0x6C, 0x6C code:55F0 .byte 0x6C, 0x67, 0x62, 0x5F, 0x6C, 0x74, 0x72, 0x6F, 0x6A code:55F0 .byte 0x65, 0x70, 0x75, 0x72, 0x6F, 0x6A, 0x66, 0x76, 0x76 code:55F0 .byte 0x76, 0x72, 0x6E, 0x67, 0x7C, 0x77, 0x76, 0x72, 0x6C code:55F0 .byte 0x66, 0x7C, 0x7B, 0x7A, 0x73, 0x6E, 0x67, 0x7C, 0x7B code:55F0 .byte 0x7A, 0x72, 0x6D, 0x67, 0x7A, 0x7A, 0x7A, 0x74, 0x70 code:55F0 .byte 0x6B, 0x3B, 0xC, 8, 8, 0xF, 0xF, 0xE, 0xD, 0xA, 0xC code:55F0 .byte 0xD, 0xF, 0x16, 0x5E, 0x40, 7, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA, 0xA code:55F0 .byte 0x14, 0x3C, 0x24, 0x40, 0x3F, 0x3E, 0x3D, 0x3B, 0x39 code:55F0 .byte 0x37, 0x4B, 0x49, 0x48, 0x47, 0x46, 0x44, 0x3E, 0x55 code:55F0 .byte 0x53, 0x52, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x4C, 0x46, 0x58, 0x56, 0x55 code:55F0 .byte 0x53, 0x52, 0x50, 0x4A, 0x5D, 0x5C, 0x5B, 0x5A, 0x59 code:55F0 .byte 0x56, 0x50, 0x60, 0x5F, 0x5D, 0x5A, 0x59, 0x56, 0x52 code:55F0 .byte 0x60, 0x5F, 0x5F, 0x5D, 0x5A, 0x58, 0x54, 0x5E, 0x5C code:55F0 .byte 0x5A, 0x58, 0x57, 0x56 code:57F0 .byte 0x51, 0x5C, 0x5A, 0x58, 0x57, 0x56, 0x55, 0x50, 0x5F code:57F0 .byte 0x5E, 0x5D, 0x5C, 0x5B, 0x5A, 0x54, 0x62, 0x61, 0x5E code:57F0 .byte 0x5B, 0x5A, 0x59, 0x54, 0x62, 0x61, 0x5F, 0x5B, 0x5A code:57F0 .byte 0x5A, 0x54, 0x3B, 0xC, 8, 8, 0xF, 0xF, 0xE, 0xD code:57F0 .byte 0xA, 0xC, 0xD, 0xF, 0x16, 0x5E, 0x40, 6, 0xA, 0xA code:57F0 .byte 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x9C, 0x53, 0x53, 0x53, 0x4D, 0x44 code:57F0 .byte 0x40, 0x53, 0x53, 0x5A, 0x55, 0x51, 0x4B, 0x57, 0x5A code:57F0 .byte 0x5F, 0x5A, 0x57, 0x55, 0x59, 0x61, 0x61, 0x5C, 0x5A code:57F0 .byte 0x58, 0x61, 0x6C, 0x68, 0x63, 0x5F, 0x5D, 0x69, 0x6C code:57F0 .byte 0x6A, 0x66, 0x63, 0x60, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6B, 0x65, 0x62 code:57F0 .byte 0x60, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6A, 0x64, 0x62, 0x5E, 0x6C, 0x6C code:57F0 .byte 0x6A, 0x64, 0x61, 0x5C, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6A, 0x65, 0x62 code:57F0 .byte 0x5F, 0x6C, 0x6B, 0x6A, 0x67, 0x64, 0x62, 0x6C, 0x6A code:57F0 .byte 0x68, 0x66, 0x63, 0x62, 0x3B, 3, 0x14, 0x3C, 0x9C code:57F0 .byte 2, 3, 4, 0x3B, 6, 0x17, 0xF, 0xC, 0x1C, 0x1B, 0x7E code:57F0 .byte 0x9A, 0x9A, 0x9A, 0x9A, 0x9A, 0x9A, 0x3B, 6, 5, 0xD code:57F0 .byte 0xC, 0x19, 0x4B, 0x6A, 0x30, 7, 0xB, 0xA, 0xB, 0x10 code:57F0 .byte 0x10, 0x30, 0x90, 0xA, 0x38, 0x5C, 0x80, 0xB0, 0xFF code:57F0 .byte 0xFF, 0xA, 0x38, 0x5C, 0x80, 0xB0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xA code:57F0 .byte 0x38, 0x5C, 0x80, 0xB0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xA, 0x22, 0x37 code:57F0 .byte 0x64, 0x7C, 0x87, 0x8C, 0xA, 0x1E, 0x28, 0x53, 0x71 code:57F0 .byte 0x86, 0x8C, 0xA, 0x1E, 0x23, 0x2F, 0x55, 0x82, 0x8C code:57F0 .byte 0x3B, 6, 0x17, 0xF, 0xC, 0x1C, 0x1B, 0x7E, 0x8C code:57F0 .byte 0x8C, 0x8C, 0x8C, 0x8C, 0x8C, 0x3B, 8, 0x12, 0x18 code:57F0 .byte 0xF, 0x17, 9, 0x12, 0x19, 0x6A, 0xD, 0x10, 0xF, 0xE code:57F0 .byte 0xE, 0xF, 0x11, 0x11, 0x3B, 8, 0x12, 0x18, 0xF, 0x17 code:57F0 .byte 9, 0x12, 0xA, 0x79, 0x3D, 0x2C, 0x2A, 0x2D, 0x37 code:57F0 .byte 0x3D, 0x3E, 0x42, 0x3B, 8, 0xF, 0x19, 0x14, 0xF code:57F0 .byte 0x16, 0x1A, 0x18, 0x5E, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x11, 0x11 code:57F0 .byte 0x13, 0x10, 0xF, 0x3B, 8, 0xC, 0x16, 0xE, 0xA, 3 code:57F0 .byte 0x17, 5, 0x7E, 0x38, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x40, 0x3C, 0x34 code:57F0 .byte 0x34, 0x42, 0x3B, 8, 0x1E, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14 code:57F0 .byte 0x14, 0xD, 0x5D, 4, 0xA, 0x12, 0x18, 0x1E, 0x32 code:57F0 .byte 0x4B, 0x80, 0x3B, 8, 0xF, 9, 0x1A, 0x11, 0xD, 0x17 code:57F0 .byte 4, 0x81, 0x14, 0x18, 0x18, 0x16, 0x14, 0x16, 0x16 code:57F0 .byte 0x12, 0x3B, 7, 5, 0xD, 0xC, 0x19, 0xD, 0xC, 0x9C code:57F0 .byte 0x28, 0x2C, 0x28, 0x28, 0x32, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x3B, 8 code:57F0 .byte 0xA, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x6A, 4 code:57F0 .byte 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0x3B, 8, 0xF, 0x19, 0x14, 0xF code:57F0 .byte 0x16, 0x1A, 0x18, 0x5E, 0x47, 0x47, 0x41, 0x37, 0x3C code:57F0 .byte 0x3C, 0x37, 0x31, 0x3B, 8, 0xA, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14 code:57F0 .byte 0x14, 0x14, 0x14, 0x6A, 0x6A, 0x6A, 0x6A, 0x6A, 0x6A code:57F0 .byte 0x6A, 0x6A, 0x6A, 0x3B, 8, 0x23, 0x1E, 0x14, 0x1E code:57F0 .byte 0x14, 0xA, 8, 0x58, 0x33, 0x33, 0x43, 0x5C, 0x80 code:57F0 .byte 0xA4, 0xC8, 0xD8, 0x3B, 8, 5, 0xF, 0x14, 0x14, 0x14 code:57F0 .byte 0x28, 0x14, 0x6A, 0xD2, 0xDC, 0xE9, 0xF1, 0xF3, 0xF3 code:57F0 .byte 0xF3, 0xF3, 0x3B, 8, 0xF, 0x19, 0x14, 0xF, 0x16 code:57F0 .byte 0x1A, 0x18, 0x5E, 0x48, 0x48, 0x42, 0x38, 0x3D, 0x3D code:57F0 .byte 0x38, 0x33, 0x3B, 8, 0xF, 0x19, 0x14, 0xF, 0x16 code:57F0 .byte 0x1A, 0x18, 0x5E, 0x53, 0x53, 0x4E, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49 code:57F0 .byte 0x43, 0x3D, 0x3B, 8, 0xF, 0x19, 0x14, 0xF, 0x16 code:57F0 .byte 0x1A, 0x18, 0x5E, 0x66, 0x66, 0x61, 0x57, 0x57, 0x59 code:57F0 .byte 0x59, 0x4D, 0x3B, 8, 7, 0xC, 0xD, 0x19, 0x19, 0x19 code:57F0 .byte 0xD, 0x5D, 0xFE, 0xE1, 0xB3, 0x97, 0x71, 0x5A, 0x4D code:57F0 .byte 0x48, 0x3B, 8, 7, 0xC, 0xD, 0xC, 0xD, 0x32 code:59F0 .byte 0x26, 0x5D, 0xCD, 0x9A, 0x6C, 0x5A, 0x4D, 0x40, 0x26 code:59F0 .byte 0x1F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:59F0 .byte 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--------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:5B00 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_B4B code:5B00 code:5B00 WAKE_UP_0_0: ; CODE XREF: WAKE_UP_0j code:5B00 ; code_B4B:code_21F0j ... code:5B00 setb SWDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:5B02 setb CLK ; A/D Converter Control Register code:5B04 mov DPH, #0xA0 ; '' ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:5B07 mov DPL, #0x81 ; '' ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5B0A mov A, #1 code:5B0C movx @DPTR, A code:5B0D mov DPL, #0x10 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5B10 mov A, #0x81 ; '' code:5B12 movx @DPTR, A code:5B13 inc DPTR code:5B14 mov A, #0x11 code:5B16 movx @DPTR, A code:5B17 mov DPL, #0x40 ; '@' ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5B1A mov A, #0xFF code:5B1C movx @DPTR, A code:5B1D inc DPTR code:5B1E mov A, #0xFF code:5B20 movx @DPTR, A code:5B21 mov DPL, #2 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5B24 mov A, #0 code:5B26 movx @DPTR, A code:5B27 inc DPTR code:5B28 mov A, #0 code:5B2A movx @DPTR, A code:5B2B inc DPTR code:5B2C mov A, #0 code:5B2E movx @DPTR, A code:5B2F inc DPTR code:5B30 mov A, #0 code:5B32 movx @DPTR, A code:5B33 mov DPL, #8 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5B36 mov A, #0 code:5B38 movx @DPTR, A code:5B39 inc DPTR code:5B3A mov A, #0 code:5B3C movx @DPTR, A code:5B3D mov DPL, #0x21 ; '!' ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5B40 mov A, #0xC7 ; '' code:5B42 movx @DPTR, A code:5B43 mov DPL, #0x20 ; ' ' ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5B46 mov A, #0xFF code:5B48 movx @DPTR, A code:5B49 mov DPTR, #0x162 code:5B4C mov A, #0xC7 ; '' code:5B4E movx @DPTR, A code:5B4F ljmp code_7833 code:5B52 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:5B52 code:5B52 code_5B52: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+6D3Cj code:5B52 ; code_7ADD+1Bj code:5B52 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:5B55 mov R0, #0 code:5B57 movx A, @R0 code:5B58 cjne A, #0x55, code_5B75 ; 'U' code:5B5B cpl A code:5B5C mov B, A ; B-Register code:5B5E mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:5B61 mov R0, #0x5A ; 'Z' code:5B63 movx A, @R0 code:5B64 cjne A, B, code_5B75 ; B-Register code:5B67 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:5B6A mov R0, #0x5B ; '[' code:5B6C movx A, @R0 code:5B6D inc A code:5B6E jnz code_5B72 code:5B70 mov A, #0xFF code:5B72 code:5B72 code_5B72: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5023j code:5B72 movx @R0, A code:5B73 sjmp code_5B7C code:5B75 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:5B75 code:5B75 code_5B75: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+500Dj code:5B75 ; code_B4B+5019j code:5B75 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:5B78 mov R0, #0x5B ; '[' code:5B7A clr A code:5B7B movx @R0, A code:5B7C code:5B7C code_5B7C: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5028j code:5B7C mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:5B7F mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:5B82 mov R0, #0x5B ; '[' code:5B84 movx A, @R0 code:5B85 jnz code_5B95 code:5B87 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:5B8A mov R0, #0xB code:5B8C clr A code:5B8D movx @R0, A code:5B8E mov R0, #0xC code:5B90 mov A, #0xAA ; '' code:5B92 movx @R0, A code:5B93 sjmp code_5B9B code:5B95 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:5B95 code:5B95 code_5B95: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+503Aj code:5B95 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:5B98 mov R0, #0xC code:5B9A movx A, @R0 code:5B9B code:5B9B code_5B9B: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5048j code:5B9B cjne A, #0x55, code_5BA2 ; 'U' code:5B9E clr P52 ; Port 5 code:5BA0 sjmp code_5BA4 code:5BA2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:5BA2 code:5BA2 code_5BA2: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_5B9Bj code:5BA2 setb P52 ; Port 5 code:5BA4 code:5BA4 code_5BA4: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5055j code:5BA4 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:5BA7 mov RAM_7D, #0x43 ; 'C' code:5BAA mov RAM_6D, #0x11 code:5BAD lcall code_20E8 code:5BB0 lcall code_7240 code:5BB3 mov IEN0, #0xA0 ; '' ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:5BB6 mov IEN1, #0 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:5BB9 mov CCEN, #1 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:5BBC mov P1, #0xFF ; Port 1 code:5BBF mov P3, #0xFF ; Port 3 code:5BC2 mov P4, #0xFF ; Port 4 code:5BC5 jnb P52, code_5BCD ; Port 5 code:5BC8 mov P5, #0xFF ; Port 5 code:5BCB sjmp code_5BD0 code:5BCD ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:5BCD code:5BCD code_5BCD: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+507Aj code:5BCD mov P5, #0xFB ; '' ; Port 5 code:5BD0 code:5BD0 code_5BD0: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5080j code:5BD0 mov IP0, #0x3A ; ':' ; Interrupt Priority Register 0 code:5BD3 mov IP1, #0x26 ; '&' ; Interrupt Priority Register 1 code:5BD6 mov IRCON, #0 ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:5BD9 mov TMOD, #0x11 ; Timer Mode Register code:5BDC mov TCON, #5 ; Timer Control Register code:5BDF mov T2CON, #0x85 ; '' ; Timer 2 Control Register code:5BE2 mov SCON, #0x90 ; '' ; Serial Channel Control Register code:5BE5 mov ADCON0, #0xC0 ; '' ; A/D Converter Control Register code:5BE8 mov SP, #RESERVED00D5 ; Stack Pointer code:5BEB mov PSW, #0 ; Program Status Word Register code:5BEE ljmp code_21C6 code:5BF1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:5BF1 code:5BF1 code_5BF1: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_83CFj code:5BF1 mov R0, #0xD6 ; '' code:5BF3 clr A code:5BF4 code:5BF4 code_5BF4: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+50AAj code:5BF4 mov @R0, A code:5BF5 djnz R0, code_5BF4 code:5BF7 mov RAM_22, #0xFF code:5BFA mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:5BFD mov R0, #0xCB ; '' code:5BFF movx A, @R0 code:5C00 jb ACC3, code_5C07 ; Accumulator code:5C03 clr RAM_22.1 code:5C05 sjmp code_5C09 code:5C07 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:5C07 code:5C07 code_5C07: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+50B5j code:5C07 setb RAM_22.1 code:5C09 code:5C09 code_5C09: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+50BAj code:5C09 mov A, RAM_22 code:5C0B mov P2, #0xA0 ; '' ; Port 2 code:5C0E mov R0, #0x40 ; '@' code:5C10 movx @R0, A code:5C11 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:5C14 mov R0, #0x8C ; '' code:5C16 clr A code:5C17 movx @R0, A code:5C18 mov RAM_7D, #0x43 ; 'C' code:5C1B mov RAM_6D, #0x11 code:5C1E clr P55 ; Port 5 code:5C20 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:5C23 mov R0, #0x5B ; '[' code:5C25 movx A, @R0 code:5C26 jnz code_5C32 code:5C28 clr A code:5C29 mov R0, #0x2E ; '.' code:5C2B mov DPTR, #0x253 code:5C2E code:5C2E code_5C2E: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+50E5j code:5C2E movx @DPTR, A code:5C2F inc DPTR code:5C30 djnz R0, code_5C2E code:5C32 code:5C32 code_5C32: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+50DBj code:5C32 ljmp code_210C code:5C35 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:5C35 code:5C35 code_5C35: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+15C4j code:5C35 lcall code_9D6B code:5C38 jnb RAM_2A.4, code_5C9B code:5C3B clr RAM_25.7 code:5C3D mov RAM_1B, #1 code:5C40 setb SWDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:5C42 setb TR1 ; Timer Control Register code:5C44 setb ET1 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:5C46 setb TF1 ; Timer Control Register code:5C48 clr RAM_23.0 code:5C4A push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:5C4C push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5C4E mov DPTR, #0x9FD1 code:5C51 clr A code:5C52 movc A, @A+DPTR code:5C53 anl A, #0xF code:5C55 mov R0, A code:5C56 mov B, #0xE8 ; '' ; B-Register code:5C59 mul AB code:5C5A mov R1, B ; B-Register code:5C5C mov R2, A code:5C5D mov A, R0 code:5C5E mov B, #3 ; B-Register code:5C61 mul AB code:5C62 mov R3, A code:5C63 inc DPTR code:5C64 clr A code:5C65 movc A, @A+DPTR code:5C66 anl A, #0xF code:5C68 mov B, #0x64 ; 'd' ; B-Register code:5C6B mul AB code:5C6C add A, R2 code:5C6D mov R2, A code:5C6E mov A, B ; B-Register code:5C70 addc A, R3 code:5C71 mov R3, A code:5C72 inc DPTR code:5C73 clr A code:5C74 movc A, @A+DPTR code:5C75 anl A, #0xF code:5C77 mov B, #0xA ; B-Register code:5C7A mul AB code:5C7B add A, R2 code:5C7C mov R2, A code:5C7D mov A, B ; B-Register code:5C7F addc A, R3 code:5C80 mov R3, A code:5C81 inc DPTR code:5C82 clr A code:5C83 movc A, @A+DPTR code:5C84 anl A, #0xF code:5C86 add A, R2 code:5C87 mov R2, A code:5C88 mov A, R1 code:5C89 addc A, R3 code:5C8A anl A, #0xF code:5C8C mov R3, A code:5C8D mov DPTR, #0x255 code:5C90 mov A, R3 code:5C91 movx @DPTR, A code:5C92 mov DPTR, #0x256 code:5C95 mov A, R2 code:5C96 movx @DPTR, A code:5C97 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5C99 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:5C9B code:5C9B code_5C9B: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+50EDj code:5C9B mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:5C9E mov R0, #0xC code:5CA0 movx A, @R0 code:5CA1 cjne A, #0x55, code_5CD2 ; 'U' code:5CA4 mov R0, #0xB code:5CA6 movx A, @R0 code:5CA7 jz code_5CBD code:5CA9 clr C code:5CAA subb A, #1 code:5CAC jc code_5CB0 code:5CAE jnz code_5CB8 code:5CB0 code:5CB0 code_5CB0: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5161j code:5CB0 mov A, #0xAA ; '' code:5CB2 mov R0, #0xC code:5CB4 movx @R0, A code:5CB5 setb P52 ; Port 5 code:5CB7 clr A code:5CB8 code:5CB8 code_5CB8: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5163j code:5CB8 mov R0, #0xB code:5CBA movx @R0, A code:5CBB sjmp code_5CD2 code:5CBD ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:5CBD code:5CBD code_5CBD: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+515Cj code:5CBD mov A, #3 code:5CBF movc A, @A+DPTR code:5CC0 clr C code:5CC1 subb A, #1 code:5CC3 jc code_5CC7 code:5CC5 jnz code_5CCF code:5CC7 code:5CC7 code_5CC7: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5178j code:5CC7 mov A, #0xAA ; '' code:5CC9 mov R0, #0xC code:5CCB movx @R0, A code:5CCC setb P52 ; Port 5 code:5CCE clr A code:5CCF code:5CCF code_5CCF: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+517Aj code:5CCF mov R0, #0xB code:5CD1 movx @R0, A code:5CD2 code:5CD2 code_5CD2: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5156j code:5CD2 ; code_B4B+5170j code:5CD2 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:5CD5 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:5CD7 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5CD9 lcall nullsub_2 code:5CDC clr A code:5CDD mov DPTR, #0x15C code:5CE0 movx @DPTR, A code:5CE1 mov DPTR, #0x15D code:5CE4 movx @DPTR, A code:5CE5 mov DPTR, #0x15E code:5CE8 movx @DPTR, A code:5CE9 mov DPTR, #0x15F code:5CEC movx @DPTR, A code:5CED mov DPTR, #0x161 code:5CF0 movx @DPTR, A code:5CF1 mov DPTR, #0x160 code:5CF4 movx @DPTR, A code:5CF5 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5CF7 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:5CF9 clr IEX3 ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:5CFB code:5CFB code_5CFB: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+51CFj code:5CFB jnb RAM_25.5, code_5D11 code:5CFE clr RAM_25.5 code:5D00 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:5D02 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5D04 lcall code_21C0 code:5D07 lcall code_5ED2 code:5D0A lcall code_9A75 code:5D0D pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5D0F pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:5D11 code:5D11 code_5D11: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_5CFBj code:5D11 jb P53, code_5D17 ; Port 5 code:5D14 lcall code_604C code:5D17 code:5D17 code_5D17: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_5D11j code:5D17 mov RAM_68, #0x46 ; 'F' code:5D1A jnb IEX3, code_5CFB ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:5D1D mov A, #0 code:5D1F movc A, @A+DPTR code:5D20 cpl A code:5D21 mov TH0, A ; Timer 0, High Byte code:5D23 mov TL0, #0 ; Timer 0, Low Byte code:5D26 clr TF0 ; Timer Control Register code:5D28 setb TR0 ; Timer Control Register code:5D2A code:5D2A code_5D2A: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_5D46j code:5D2A jnb RAM_25.5, code_5D40 code:5D2D clr RAM_25.5 code:5D2F lcall code_21C9 code:5D32 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:5D34 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5D36 lcall code_5ED2 code:5D39 lcall code_9A75 code:5D3C pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5D3E pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:5D40 code:5D40 code_5D40: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_5D2Aj code:5D40 jb P53, code_5D46 ; Port 5 code:5D43 lcall code_604C code:5D46 code:5D46 code_5D46: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_5D40j code:5D46 jnb TF0, code_5D2A ; Timer Control Register code:5D49 clr TR0 ; Timer Control Register code:5D4B clr TF0 ; Timer Control Register code:5D4D mov A, #1 code:5D4F movc A, @A+DPTR code:5D50 mov R0, A code:5D51 code:5D51 code_5D51: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5240j code:5D51 clr IEX3 ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:5D53 clr A code:5D54 mov R2, A code:5D55 mov R3, A code:5D56 code:5D56 code_5D56: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_5D85j code:5D56 djnz R2, code_5D5D code:5D58 djnz R3, code_5D5D code:5D5A ljmp WAKE_UP_0_0 code:5D5D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:5D5D code:5D5D code_5D5D: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_5D56j code:5D5D ; code_B4B+520Dj code:5D5D jnb RAM_25.5, code_5D7F code:5D60 clr RAM_25.5 code:5D62 push RAM_0 code:5D64 push RAM_2 code:5D66 push RAM_3 code:5D68 lcall code_21C9 code:5D6B push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:5D6D push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5D6F lcall code_5ED2 code:5D72 lcall code_9A75 code:5D75 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5D77 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:5D79 pop RAM_3 code:5D7B pop RAM_2 code:5D7D pop RAM_0 code:5D7F code:5D7F code_5D7F: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_5D5Dj code:5D7F jb P53, code_5D85 ; Port 5 code:5D82 lcall code_604C code:5D85 code:5D85 code_5D85: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_5D7Fj code:5D85 jnb IEX3, code_5D56 ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:5D88 mov RAM_68, #0x46 ; 'F' code:5D8B djnz R0, code_5D51 code:5D8D code:5D8D code_5D8D: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5269j code:5D8D jb RAM_24.4, code_5DBC code:5D90 jnb RAM_25.5, code_5DB1 code:5D93 clr RAM_25.5 code:5D95 push RAM_2 code:5D97 push RAM_3 code:5D99 lcall code_21C0 code:5D9C pop RAM_3 code:5D9E pop RAM_2 code:5DA0 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:5DA2 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5DA4 lcall code_5ED2 code:5DA7 lcall code_9A75 code:5DAA pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5DAC pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:5DAE mov RAM_68, #0x32 ; '2' code:5DB1 code:5DB1 code_5DB1: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5245j code:5DB1 jnb P53, code_5DB9 ; Port 5 code:5DB4 jb RAM_24.6, code_5D8D code:5DB7 sjmp code_5DBC code:5DB9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:5DB9 code:5DB9 code_5DB9: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_5DB1j code:5DB9 lcall code_604C code:5DBC code:5DBC code_5DBC: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_5D8Dj code:5DBC ; code_B4B+526Cj code:5DBC clr P52 ; Port 5 code:5DBE mov RAM_4F, #0xD4 ; '' code:5DC1 mov RAM_48, #4 code:5DC4 code:5DC4 code_5DC4: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+52C1j code:5DC4 clr IEX3 ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:5DC6 clr A code:5DC7 mov R2, A code:5DC8 mov R3, A code:5DC9 code:5DC9 code_5DC9: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_5DEBj code:5DC9 djnz R2, code_5DD0 code:5DCB djnz R3, code_5DD0 code:5DCD ljmp WAKE_UP_0_0 code:5DD0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:5DD0 code:5DD0 code_5DD0: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_5DC9j code:5DD0 ; code_B4B+5280j code:5DD0 jnb RAM_25.5, code_5DEB code:5DD3 clr RAM_25.5 code:5DD5 push RAM_2 code:5DD7 push RAM_3 code:5DD9 lcall code_21C9 code:5DDC pop RAM_3 code:5DDE pop RAM_2 code:5DE0 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:5DE2 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5DE4 lcall code_5ED2 code:5DE7 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5DE9 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:5DEB code:5DEB code_5DEB: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_5DD0j code:5DEB jnb IEX3, code_5DC9 ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:5DEE mov A, R0 code:5DEF xch A, RAM_4F code:5DF1 mov R0, A code:5DF2 mov @R0, CRCL ; Com./Rel./Capt. Reg. Low Byte code:5DF4 dec R0 code:5DF5 mov @R0, CRCH ; Com./Rel./Capt. Reg. High Byte code:5DF7 dec R0 code:5DF8 mov @R0, T2count code:5DFA mov A, CRCH ; Com./Rel./Capt. Reg. High Byte code:5DFC xrl A, TH2 ; Timer 2, High Byte code:5DFE jz code_5E07 code:5E00 mov A, TH2 ; Timer 2, High Byte code:5E02 jnz code_5E07 code:5E04 mov @R0, T2count code:5E06 dec @R0 code:5E07 code:5E07 code_5E07: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+52B3j code:5E07 ; code_B4B+52B7j code:5E07 dec R0 code:5E08 mov A, R0 code:5E09 xch A, RAM_4F code:5E0B mov R0, A code:5E0C djnz RAM_48, code_5DC4 code:5E0F mov R0, #0xD4 ; '' code:5E11 mov R1, #0xD1 ; '' code:5E13 clr C code:5E14 mov A, @R1 code:5E15 subb A, @R0 code:5E16 mov R6, A code:5E17 dec R0 code:5E18 dec R1 code:5E19 mov A, @R1 code:5E1A subb A, @R0 code:5E1B mov R7, A code:5E1C dec R0 code:5E1D dec R1 code:5E1E mov A, @R1 code:5E1F subb A, @R0 code:5E20 jz code_5E25 code:5E22 ljmp WAKE_UP_0_0 code:5E25 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:5E25 code:5E25 code_5E25: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+52D5j code:5E25 mov R0, #0xCE ; '' code:5E27 mov R1, #0xCB ; '' code:5E29 clr C code:5E2A mov A, @R1 code:5E2B subb A, @R0 code:5E2C mov R2, A code:5E2D dec R0 code:5E2E dec R1 code:5E2F mov A, @R1 code:5E30 subb A, @R0 code:5E31 mov R3, A code:5E32 dec R0 code:5E33 dec R1 code:5E34 mov A, @R1 code:5E35 subb A, @R0 code:5E36 jz code_5E3B code:5E38 ljmp WAKE_UP_0_0 code:5E3B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:5E3B code:5E3B code_5E3B: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+52EBj code:5E3B clr C code:5E3C mov A, R6 code:5E3D subb A, R2 code:5E3E mov A, R7 code:5E3F subb A, R3 code:5E40 jc code_5E46 code:5E42 mov A, R2 code:5E43 mov R6, A code:5E44 mov A, R3 code:5E45 mov R7, A code:5E46 code:5E46 code_5E46: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+52F5j code:5E46 mov A, #0xF code:5E48 lcall code_54E code:5E4B mov R4, #0 code:5E4D lcall code_5CB code:5E50 mov RAM_3D, A code:5E52 mov RAM_3E, R4 code:5E54 setb RAM_25.3 code:5E56 mov A, RAM_3E code:5E58 cpl A code:5E59 inc A code:5E5A mov R4, A code:5E5B mov A, RAM_3D code:5E5D push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5E5F push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:5E61 mov DPTR, #0x44E code:5E64 movc A, @A+DPTR code:5E65 mov B, A ; B-Register code:5E67 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:5E69 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5E6B mov A, #0xB7 ; '' code:5E6D mov R7, A code:5E6E mul AB code:5E6F xch A, B ; B-Register code:5E71 add A, R7 code:5E72 jnc code_5E7B code:5E74 rrc A code:5E75 xch A, B ; B-Register code:5E77 rrc A code:5E78 xch A, B ; B-Register code:5E7A inc R4 code:5E7B code:5E7B code_5E7B: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5327j code:5E7B mov R7, A code:5E7C mov R6, B ; B-Register code:5E7E mov A, #2 code:5E80 add A, R4 code:5E81 lcall code_5A7 code:5E84 jz code_5E88 code:5E86 mov R7, #0xFF code:5E88 code:5E88 code_5E88: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5339j code:5E88 mov RAM_3B, R7 code:5E8A inc A code:5E8B inc A code:5E8C lcall code_5A7 code:5E8F jz code_5E93 code:5E91 mov R7, #0xFF code:5E93 code:5E93 code_5E93: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5344j code:5E93 mov RAM_3C, R7 code:5E95 mov A, #0x28 ; '(' code:5E97 mov RAM_40, A code:5E99 mov B, #0x19 ; B-Register code:5E9C mul AB code:5E9D mov RAM_41, B ; B-Register code:5EA0 mov RAM_42, A code:5EA2 setb RAM_28.0 code:5EA4 setb RAM_28.1 code:5EA6 mov RAM_4F, #0xD4 ; '' code:5EA9 mov RAM_48, #5 code:5EAC code:5EAC code_5EAC: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_5EACj code:5EAC jnb RAM_25.5, code_5EAC code:5EAF push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:5EB1 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5EB3 lcall code_5EF1 code:5EB6 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5EB8 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:5EBA ljmp code_20EB code:5EBA ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_B4B code:5EBD code:5EBD ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:5EBD code:5EBD code:5EBD code_5EBD: ; CODE XREF: code_9D6B+1Ep code:5EBD ; code_9D6B+74p code:5EBD mov R7, #0x40 ; '@' code:5EBF lcall code_695E code:5EC2 mov RAM_6B, CRCH ; Com./Rel./Capt. Reg. High Byte code:5EC5 clr RAM_25.7 code:5EC7 setb SWDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:5EC9 setb TR1 ; Timer Control Register code:5ECB setb ET1 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:5ECD setb TF1 ; Timer Control Register code:5ECF clr RAM_23.0 code:5ED1 ret code:5ED1 ; End of function code_5EBD code:5ED1 code:5ED2 code:5ED2 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:5ED2 code:5ED2 code:5ED2 code_5ED2: ; CODE XREF: code_2226j code:5ED2 ; code_B4B+51BCp ... code:5ED2 mov DPH, #2 ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:5ED5 mov DPL, #0xC ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5ED8 movx A, @DPTR code:5ED9 cjne A, #0x55, code_5EF0 ; 'U' code:5EDC mov DPL, #0xB ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5EDF movx A, @DPTR code:5EE0 dec A code:5EE1 jnz code_5EEC code:5EE3 setb P52 ; Port 5 code:5EE5 mov A, #0xAA ; '' code:5EE7 mov DPL, #0xC ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5EEA movx @DPTR, A code:5EEB clr A code:5EEC code:5EEC code_5EEC: ; CODE XREF: code_5ED2+Fj code:5EEC mov DPL, #0xB ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5EEF movx @DPTR, A code:5EF0 code:5EF0 code_5EF0: ; CODE XREF: code_5ED2+7j code:5EF0 ret code:5EF0 ; End of function code_5ED2 code:5EF0 code:5EF1 code:5EF1 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:5EF1 code:5EF1 code:5EF1 code_5EF1: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5368p code:5EF1 mov DPH, #2 ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:5EF4 mov DPL, #0xC ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5EF7 movx A, @DPTR code:5EF8 cjne A, #0x55, code_5F0D ; 'U' code:5EFB mov DPL, #0xB ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5EFE movx A, @DPTR code:5EFF dec A code:5F00 jnz code_5F09 code:5F02 mov A, #0xAA ; '' code:5F04 mov DPL, #0xC ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5F07 movx @DPTR, A code:5F08 clr A code:5F09 code:5F09 code_5F09: ; CODE XREF: code_5EF1+Fj code:5F09 mov DPL, #0xB ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5F0C movx @DPTR, A code:5F0D code:5F0D code_5F0D: ; CODE XREF: code_5EF1+7j code:5F0D ret code:5F0D ; End of function code_5EF1 code:5F0D code:5F0E code:5F0E ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:5F0E code:5F0E code:5F0E code_5F0E: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+4148p code:5F0E jb RAM_28.1, code_5F1F code:5F11 mov A, #0x55 ; 'U' code:5F13 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:5F16 mov R0, #0xC code:5F18 movx @R0, A code:5F19 clr A code:5F1A mov R0, #0xB code:5F1C movx @R0, A code:5F1D sjmp code_5F39 code:5F1F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:5F1F code:5F1F code_5F1F: ; CODE XREF: code_5F0Ej code:5F1F mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:5F22 mov R0, #0xC code:5F24 movx A, @R0 code:5F25 cjne A, #0x55, code_5F39 ; 'U' code:5F28 mov R0, #0xB code:5F2A movx A, @R0 code:5F2B jz code_5F39 code:5F2D dec A code:5F2E jnz code_5F36 code:5F30 mov A, #0xAA ; '' code:5F32 mov R0, #0xC code:5F34 movx @R0, A code:5F35 clr A code:5F36 code:5F36 code_5F36: ; CODE XREF: code_5F0E+20j code:5F36 mov R0, #0xB code:5F38 movx @R0, A code:5F39 code:5F39 code_5F39: ; CODE XREF: code_5F0E+Fj code:5F39 ; code_5F0E+17j ... code:5F39 ret code:5F39 ; End of function code_5F0E code:5F39 code:5F3A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:5F3A ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_B4B code:5F3A code:5F3A code_5F3A: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+54FEj code:5F3A jnb RAM_28.0, code_5F69 code:5F3D mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:5F40 mov R0, #0x5B ; '[' code:5F42 movx A, @R0 code:5F43 jnz code_5F69 code:5F45 mov B, #0x55 ; 'U' ; B-Register code:5F48 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:5F4B mov R0, #0 code:5F4D movx A, @R0 code:5F4E cjne A, B, code_5F53 ; B-Register code:5F51 jc code_5F56 code:5F53 code:5F53 code_5F53: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5403j code:5F53 mov A, #0x55 ; 'U' code:5F55 movx @R0, A code:5F56 code:5F56 code_5F56: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5406j code:5F56 mov A, #0x55 ; 'U' code:5F58 cpl A code:5F59 mov B, A ; B-Register code:5F5B mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:5F5E mov R0, #0x5A ; 'Z' code:5F60 movx A, @R0 code:5F61 cjne A, B, code_5F66 ; B-Register code:5F64 jc code_5F69 code:5F66 code:5F66 code_5F66: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5416j code:5F66 mov A, B ; B-Register code:5F68 movx @R0, A code:5F69 code:5F69 code_5F69: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_5F3Aj code:5F69 ; code_B4B+53F8j ... code:5F69 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:5F6C mov TMOD, #0x11 ; Timer Mode Register code:5F6F anl T2CON, #0xC5 ; Timer 2 Control Register code:5F72 orl T2CON, #0x85 ; Timer 2 Control Register code:5F75 orl TCON, #0x45 ; Timer Control Register code:5F78 anl CCEN, #0xFB ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:5F7B orl CCEN, #9 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:5F7E mov ADCON0, #0xC0 ; '' ; A/D Converter Control Register code:5F81 mov IP0, #0x3A ; ':' ; Interrupt Priority Register 0 code:5F84 mov IP1, #0x26 ; '&' ; Interrupt Priority Register 1 code:5F87 anl IEN0, #0xBF ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:5F8A orl IEN0, #0xA4 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:5F8D anl IEN1, #0xC ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:5F90 orl IEN1, #4 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:5F93 mov DPTR, #0xA081 code:5F96 mov A, #1 code:5F98 movx @DPTR, A code:5F99 mov DPL, #0x20 ; ' ' ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5F9C mov A, #0xFF code:5F9E movx @DPTR, A code:5F9F mov DPL, #0x10 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:5FA2 mov A, #0x81 ; '' code:5FA4 movx @DPTR, A code:5FA5 mov DPTR, #0x162 code:5FA8 movx A, @DPTR code:5FA9 orl A, #0xC7 code:5FAB anl A, #0xDF code:5FAD movx @DPTR, A code:5FAE mov SP, #RESERVED00D5 ; Stack Pointer code:5FB1 orl P1, #0x51 ; Port 1 code:5FB4 orl P3, #0xF8 ; Port 3 code:5FB7 orl P4, #0 ; Port 4 code:5FBA orl P5, #9 ; Port 5 code:5FBD mov PSW, #0 ; Program Status Word Register code:5FC0 mov RAM_7D, #0x43 ; 'C' code:5FC3 mov RAM_6D, #0x11 code:5FC6 clr RAM_2A.4 code:5FC8 code:5FC8 code_5FC8: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_20EBj code:5FC8 mov RAM_68, #0x46 ; 'F' code:5FCB ljmp code_2112 code:5FCE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:5FCE code:5FCE code_5FCE: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+15CAj code:5FCE mov A, #0 code:5FD0 movc A, @A+DPTR code:5FD1 mov C, ACC0 ; Accumulator code:5FD3 mov RAM_23.1, C code:5FD5 cjne A, #5, code_5FDA code:5FD8 sjmp code_5FDB code:5FDA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:5FDA code:5FDA code_5FDA: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+548Aj code:5FDA rl A code:5FDB code:5FDB code_5FDB: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+548Dj code:5FDB mov RAM_6E, A code:5FDD lcall code_7282 code:5FE0 lcall code_9A19 code:5FE3 lcall code_6FDE code:5FE6 lcall code_604C code:5FE9 lcall code_613D code:5FEC lcall code_3C53 code:5FEF lcall code_613D code:5FF2 lcall code_38F3 code:5FF5 lcall code_613D code:5FF8 lcall code_3623 code:5FFB lcall code_613D code:5FFE lcall code_372E code:6001 lcall code_613D code:6004 lcall code_9113 code:6007 lcall code_613D code:600A lcall code_932D code:600D lcall code_613D code:6010 lcall code_6C87 code:6013 lcall code_613D code:6016 lcall code_6BC3 code:6019 lcall code_613D code:601C lcall code_38F9 code:601F lcall code_613D code:6022 lcall code_3C2E code:6025 lcall code_613D code:6028 lcall code_62C9 code:602B lcall code_613D code:602E lcall code_896E code:6031 lcall code_613D code:6034 lcall code_901A code:6037 lcall code_9090 code:603A lcall code_613D code:603D lcall code_6981 code:6040 lcall code_613D code:6043 lcall code_76AB code:6046 lcall code_613D code:6049 ljmp code_5F3A code:6049 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_B4B code:604C code:604C ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:604C code:604C ; Attributes: thunk code:604C code:604C code_604C: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+51C9p code:604C ; code_B4B+51F8p ... code:604C ljmp code_2196 code:604C ; End of function code_604C code:604C code:604F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:604F ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_2196 code:604F code:604F code_604F: ; CODE XREF: code_2196+3j code:604F mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:6052 jnb P53, code_605B ; Port 5 code:6055 jb RAM_28.0, code_605A code:6058 clr P55 ; Port 5 code:605A code:605A code_605A: ; CODE XREF: code_2196+3EBFj code:605A ret code:605B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:605B code:605B code_605B: ; CODE XREF: code_2196+3EBCj code:605B clr TR0 ; Timer Control Register code:605D clr ET0 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:605F clr EX3 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:6061 setb INT6 ; Port 1 code:6063 setb INT5 ; Port 1 code:6065 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:6067 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:6069 mov DPH, #0xA0 ; '' ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:606C mov DPL, #5 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:606F clr A code:6070 movx @DPTR, A code:6071 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:6073 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:6075 setb T2EX ; Port 1 code:6077 setb P52 ; Port 5 code:6079 mov R2, #0xD code:607B code:607B code_607B: ; CODE XREF: code_2196:code_607Bj code:607B ; code_2196+3EEAj ... code:607B djnz R0, code_607B code:607D mov RAM_68, #0x20 ; ' ' code:6080 djnz R1, code_607B code:6082 djnz R2, code_607B code:6084 code:6084 code_6084: ; CODE XREF: code_2196+3F0Cj code:6084 mov A, #0 code:6086 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6087 mov R6, A code:6088 clr F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:608A push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:608C push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:608E mov R3, #0 code:6090 mov R2, #0x9F ; '' code:6092 mov DPTR, #0 code:6095 clr A code:6096 mov R4, A code:6097 mov R5, A code:6098 code:6098 code_6098: ; CODE XREF: code_2196:code_60A4j code:6098 lcall code_60B8 code:609B jnb F0, code_60A4 ; Program Status Word Register code:609E pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:60A0 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:60A2 sjmp code_6084 code:60A4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:60A4 code:60A4 code_60A4: ; CODE XREF: code_2196+3F05j code:60A4 djnz R6, code_6098 code:60A6 clr A code:60A7 mov DPTR, #0x253 code:60AA movx @DPTR, A code:60AB mov DPTR, #0x254 code:60AE movx @DPTR, A code:60AF setb RAM_22.3 code:60B1 lcall code_6134 code:60B4 setb P55 ; Port 5 code:60B6 code:60B6 code_60B6: ; CODE XREF: code_2196:code_60B6j code:60B6 sjmp code_60B6 code:60B6 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_2196 code:60B8 code:60B8 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:60B8 code:60B8 code:60B8 code_60B8: ; CODE XREF: code_2196:code_6098p code:60B8 ; code_60B8:code_612Ej code:60B8 mov RAM_68, #0xF code:60BB jnb P53, code_60C6 ; Port 5 code:60BE setb RAM_22.3 code:60C0 lcall code_6134 code:60C3 ljmp code_260B code:60C6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:60C6 code:60C6 code_60C6: ; CODE XREF: code_60B8+3j code:60C6 jb IEX3, code_612A ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:60C9 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:60CC mov R0, #0xC2 ; '' code:60CE movx A, @R0 code:60CF jb ACC7, code_612E ; Accumulator code:60D2 clr A code:60D3 movc A, @A+DPTR code:60D4 add A, R4 code:60D5 mov R4, A code:60D6 jnc code_60D9 code:60D8 inc R5 code:60D9 code:60D9 code_60D9: ; CODE XREF: code_60B8+1Ej code:60D9 inc DPTR code:60DA setb WDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:60DC setb SWDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:60DE mov A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:60E0 cjne A, RAM_2, code_612E code:60E3 mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:60E5 cjne A, RAM_3, code_612E code:60E8 clr A code:60E9 movc A, @A+DPTR code:60EA clr C code:60EB subb A, R5 code:60EC jnz code_60F9 code:60EE inc DPTR code:60EF movc A, @A+DPTR code:60F0 clr C code:60F1 subb A, R4 code:60F2 jnz code_60F9 code:60F4 clr F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:60F6 ljmp code_60FB code:60F9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:60F9 code:60F9 code_60F9: ; CODE XREF: code_60B8+34j code:60F9 ; code_60B8+3Aj code:60F9 setb F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:60FB code:60FB code_60FB: ; CODE XREF: code_60B8+3Ej code:60FB mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:60FE mov R0, #0xC2 ; '' code:6100 movx A, @R0 code:6101 setb ACC7 ; Accumulator code:6103 movx @R0, A code:6104 mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:6107 mov A, #0x40 ; '@' code:6109 mov RAM_3B, A code:610B add A, #1 code:610D movc A, @A+DPTR code:610E mov B, A ; B-Register code:6110 mov R2, #4 code:6112 clr A code:6113 mov R6, A code:6114 mov R7, A code:6115 mov C, F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:6117 lcall code_8241 code:611A lcall code_822A code:611D jnc code_6124 code:611F inc R0 code:6120 movx A, @R0 code:6121 setb ACC5 ; Accumulator code:6123 movx @R0, A code:6124 code:6124 code_6124: ; CODE XREF: code_60B8+65j code:6124 mov RAM_3B, #0 code:6127 ljmp code_612E code:612A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:612A code:612A code_612A: ; CODE XREF: code_60B8:code_60C6j code:612A setb F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:612C clr IEX3 ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:612E code:612E code_612E: ; CODE XREF: code_60B8+17j code:612E ; code_60B8+28j ... code:612E jnb RAM_25.5, code_60B8 code:6131 clr RAM_25.5 code:6133 ret code:6133 ; End of function code_60B8 code:6133 code:6134 code:6134 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:6134 code:6134 code:6134 code_6134: ; CODE XREF: code_2196+3F1Bp code:6134 ; code_60B8+8p code:6134 mov P2, #0xA0 ; '' ; Port 2 code:6137 mov R0, #0x40 ; '@' code:6139 mov A, RAM_22 code:613B movx @R0, A code:613C ret code:613C ; End of function code_6134 code:613C code:613D code:613D ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:613D code:613D ; Attributes: thunk code:613D code:613D code_613D: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+549Ep code:613D ; code_B4B+54A4p ... code:613D ljmp code_215A code:613D ; End of function code_613D code:613D code:6140 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6140 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_215A code:6140 code:6140 code_6140: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+3j code:6140 jbc RAM_25.3, code_6146 code:6143 ljmp code_61FF code:6146 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6146 code:6146 code_6146: ; CODE XREF: code_215A:code_6140j code:6146 ; code_215A+3FF5j code:6146 setb RAM_25.2 code:6148 mov A, RAM_3E code:614A cpl A code:614B inc A code:614C mov R4, A code:614D mov A, RAM_3D code:614F jnb RAM_25.2, code_6146 code:6152 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:6154 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:6156 mov DPTR, #0x44E code:6159 movc A, @A+DPTR code:615A mov B, A ; B-Register code:615C pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:615E pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:6160 mov A, #0xB7 ; '' code:6162 mov R7, A code:6163 mul AB code:6164 xch A, B ; B-Register code:6166 add A, R7 code:6167 jnc code_6170 code:6169 rrc A code:616A xch A, B ; B-Register code:616C rrc A code:616D xch A, B ; B-Register code:616F inc R4 code:6170 code:6170 code_6170: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+400Dj code:6170 mov R7, A code:6171 mov R6, B ; B-Register code:6173 mov A, #2 code:6175 add A, R4 code:6176 lcall code_5A7 code:6179 jz code_617D code:617B mov R7, #0xFF code:617D code:617D code_617D: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+401Fj code:617D mov RAM_3B, R7 code:617F inc A code:6180 lcall code_5A7 code:6183 jz code_6187 code:6185 mov R7, #0xFF code:6187 code:6187 code_6187: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+4029j code:6187 mov RAM_3, R7 code:6189 inc A code:618A lcall code_5A7 code:618D jz code_6191 code:618F mov R7, #0xFF code:6191 code:6191 code_6191: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+4033j code:6191 mov RAM_3C, R7 code:6193 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:6196 mov R1, #0xA code:6198 mov R0, #0x39 ; '9' code:619A mov B, RAM_3C ; B-Register code:619D code:619D code_619D: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+4048j code:619D movx A, @R0 code:619E xch A, B ; B-Register code:61A0 movx @R0, A code:61A1 inc R0 code:61A2 djnz R1, code_619D code:61A4 mov R0, #0x9F ; '' code:61A6 clr C code:61A7 mov A, B ; B-Register code:61A9 subb A, RAM_3C code:61AB jnc code_61AE code:61AD clr A code:61AE code:61AE code_61AE: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+4051j code:61AE mov @R0, A code:61AF mov R0, #0xA1 ; '' code:61B1 mov A, #0 code:61B3 movc A, @A+DPTR code:61B4 cjne A, RAM_3B, code_61B7 code:61B7 code:61B7 code_61B7: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+405Aj code:61B7 jc code_61DB code:61B9 mov A, #1 code:61BB movc A, @A+DPTR code:61BC cjne A, RAM_3B, code_61BF code:61BF code:61BF code_61BF: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+4062j code:61BF jnc code_61DB code:61C1 mov A, #2 code:61C3 movc A, @A+DPTR code:61C4 cjne A, RAM_40, code_61C7 code:61C7 code:61C7 code_61C7: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+406Aj code:61C7 orl C, RAM_28.0 code:61C9 orl C, RAM_28.1 code:61CB jc code_61DB code:61CD mov A, #3 code:61CF movc A, @A+DPTR code:61D0 mov B, A ; B-Register code:61D2 mov A, RAM_3C code:61D4 lcall code_625 code:61D7 clr RAM_26.7 code:61D9 sjmp code_61E2 code:61DB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:61DB code:61DB code_61DB: ; CODE XREF: code_215A:code_61B7j code:61DB ; code_215A:code_61BFj ... code:61DB mov @R0, RAM_3C code:61DD inc R0 code:61DE mov @R0, #0 code:61E0 setb RAM_26.7 code:61E2 code:61E2 code_61E2: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+407Fj code:61E2 ; code_215A+408Ej code:61E2 setb RAM_25.2 code:61E4 mov R7, RAM_41 code:61E6 mov R6, RAM_42 code:61E8 jnb RAM_25.2, code_61E2 code:61EB mov R5, #0xA4 ; '' code:61ED mov A, R5 code:61EE mov B, R6 ; B-Register code:61F0 mul AB code:61F1 mov A, B ; B-Register code:61F3 xch A, R5 code:61F4 mov B, R7 ; B-Register code:61F6 mul AB code:61F7 add A, R5 code:61F8 anl A, #0xF0 code:61FA addc A, B ; B-Register code:61FC swap A code:61FD mov RAM_40, A code:61FF code:61FF code_61FF: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+3FE9j code:61FF jbc RAM_25.5, code_6203 code:6202 ret code:6203 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6203 code:6203 code_6203: ; CODE XREF: code_215A:code_61FFj code:6203 ; code_215A+40B3j code:6203 setb RAM_25.2 code:6205 mov R7, RAM_41 code:6207 mov R6, RAM_42 code:6209 mov R4, RAM_3E code:620B mov A, RAM_3D code:620D jnb RAM_25.2, code_6203 code:6210 mov R1, RAM_7 code:6212 mov R0, RAM_6 code:6214 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:6216 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:6218 mov DPTR, #0x44E code:621B movc A, @A+DPTR code:621C pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:621E pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:6220 lcall code_54E code:6223 mov A, R6 code:6224 add A, R0 code:6225 mov R6, A code:6226 mov A, R7 code:6227 addc A, R1 code:6228 mov R7, A code:6229 mov A, #4 code:622B movc A, @A+DPTR code:622C lcall code_54E code:622F mov A, #5 code:6231 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6232 add A, #5 code:6234 subb A, R4 code:6235 lcall code_5A7 code:6238 jz code_623C code:623A mov R7, #0xFF code:623C code:623C code_623C: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+40DEj code:623C mov R1, #0xB4 ; '' code:623E mov A, R7 code:623F mov @R1, A code:6240 mov A, #3 code:6242 lcall code_5A7 code:6245 jz code_6249 code:6247 mov R7, #0xFF code:6249 code:6249 code_6249: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+40EBj code:6249 mov R1, #0xB3 ; '' code:624B mov A, R7 code:624C mov @R1, A code:624D mov P2, #0xA0 ; '' ; Port 2 code:6250 mov R0, #0x41 ; 'A' code:6252 movx A, @R0 code:6253 xrl A, #2 code:6255 mov RAM_21, A code:6257 lcall code_6DB6 code:625A lcall code_6EDA code:625D lcall code_7508 code:6260 lcall code_38F6 code:6263 jb RAM_28.0, code_626B code:6266 jbc RAM_28.2, code_6274 code:6269 setb RAM_28.2 code:626B code:626B code_626B: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+4109j code:626B lcall code_3757 code:626E lcall code_659A code:6271 jnb RAM_28.0, code_627A code:6274 code:6274 code_6274: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+410Cj code:6274 lcall code_3BD5 code:6277 lcall code_68D4 code:627A code:627A code_627A: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+4117j code:627A ljmp code_21D8 code:627D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:627D code:627D code_627D: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+415Dj code:627D mov DPH, #0xA0 ; '' ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:6280 mov DPL, #0x40 ; '@' ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:6283 code:6283 code_6283: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+412Cj code:6283 mov A, RAM_22 code:6285 movx @DPTR, A code:6286 cjne A, RAM_22, code_6283 code:6289 ret code:628A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:628A code:628A code_628A: ; CODE XREF: code_215A:code_21D8j code:628A lcall code_62BA code:628D lcall code_937E code:6290 lcall code_62C0 code:6293 lcall code_87BC code:6296 lcall code_665B code:6299 lcall code_62C6 code:629C lcall code_87D8 code:629F lcall code_62EE code:62A2 lcall code_5F0E code:62A5 lcall code_62DF code:62A8 lcall code_8818 code:62AB lcall code_7CD8 code:62AE lcall code_7CDE code:62B1 lcall code_7D40 code:62B4 lcall code_6EE7 code:62B7 ljmp code_627D code:62B7 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_215A code:62BA code:62BA ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:62BA code:62BA ; Attributes: thunk code:62BA code:62BA code_62BA: ; CODE XREF: code_215A:code_628Ap code:62BA ljmp code_216C code:62BA ; End of function code_62BA code:62BA code:62BD ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:62BD ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_216C code:62BD code:62BD code_62BD: ; CODE XREF: code_216C+3j code:62BD ljmp code_19E9 code:62BD ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_216C code:62C0 code:62C0 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:62C0 code:62C0 ; Attributes: thunk code:62C0 code:62C0 code_62C0: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+4136p code:62C0 ljmp code_2184 code:62C0 ; End of function code_62C0 code:62C0 code:62C3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:62C3 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_2184 code:62C3 code:62C3 code_62C3: ; CODE XREF: code_2184+3j code:62C3 ljmp code_1911 code:62C3 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_2184 code:62C6 code:62C6 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:62C6 code:62C6 ; Attributes: thunk code:62C6 code:62C6 code_62C6: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+413Fp code:62C6 ljmp code_1846 code:62C6 ; End of function code_62C6 code:62C6 code:62C9 code:62C9 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:62C9 code:62C9 ; Attributes: thunk code:62C9 code:62C9 code_62C9: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+54DDp code:62C9 ljmp code_2190 code:62C9 ; End of function code_62C9 code:62C9 code:62CC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:62CC ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_2190 code:62CC code:62CC code_62CC: ; CODE XREF: code_2190+3j code:62CC mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:62CF mov R0, #0x64 ; 'd' code:62D1 movx A, @R0 code:62D2 mov R5, A code:62D3 mov R2, #0 code:62D5 lcall code_400 code:62D8 lcall code_38C7 code:62DB mov R0, #0x78 ; 'x' code:62DD movx @R0, A code:62DE ret code:62DE ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_2190 code:62DF code:62DF ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:62DF code:62DF ; Attributes: thunk code:62DF code:62DF code_62DF: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+414Bp code:62DF ljmp code_1250 code:62DF ; End of function code_62DF code:62DF code:62E2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:62E2 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_1250 code:62E2 code:62E2 code_62E2: ; CODE XREF: code_1250:code_21FCj code:62E2 ljmp code_1278 code:62E5 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:62E5 code:62E5 code_62E5: ; CODE XREF: code_1250:code_21FFj code:62E5 lcall code_6661 code:62E8 lcall code_66DA code:62EB ljmp code_12EF code:62EB ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_1250 code:62EE code:62EE ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:62EE code:62EE code:62EE code_62EE: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+4145p code:62EE code:62EE ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:2160 SIZE 00000006 BYTES code:62EE code:62EE jnb RAM_25.6, code_62F4 code:62F1 ljmp code_6597 code:62F4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:62F4 code:62F4 code_62F4: ; CODE XREF: code_62EEj code:62F4 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:62F7 mov R0, #0x40 ; '@' code:62F9 movx A, @R0 code:62FA mov RAM_2E, A code:62FC mov R0, #0x4B ; 'K' code:62FE movx A, @R0 code:62FF mov RAM_2F, A code:6301 mov R0, #0x4C ; 'L' code:6303 movx A, @R0 code:6304 mov RAM_30, A code:6306 mov R0, #0x4D ; 'M' code:6308 movx A, @R0 code:6309 mov RAM_31, A code:630B ljmp code_2160 code:630E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:630E code:630E code_630E: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE-418Bj code:630E jnb RAM_28.0, code_6324 code:6311 clr A code:6312 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:6315 mov R0, #0x44 ; 'D' code:6317 movx @R0, A code:6318 mov R0, #0x45 ; 'E' code:631A movx @R0, A code:631B mov RAM_30, RAM_2F code:631E mov RAM_31, RAM_2F code:6321 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:6324 code:6324 code_6324: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE:code_630Ej code:6324 clr C code:6325 mov A, RAM_2F code:6327 subb A, RAM_31 code:6329 jnc code_632C code:632B clr A code:632C code:632C code_632C: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+3Bj code:632C mov RAM_32, A code:632E mov RAM_31, RAM_30 code:6331 mov RAM_30, RAM_2F code:6334 mov R0, #0x4C ; 'L' code:6336 mov A, RAM_30 code:6338 movx @R0, A code:6339 mov R0, #0x4D ; 'M' code:633B mov A, RAM_31 code:633D movx @R0, A code:633E mov R0, #0x4E ; 'N' code:6340 mov A, RAM_32 code:6342 movx @R0, A code:6343 jc code_635D code:6345 mov R0, #0x55 ; 'U' code:6347 movx A, @R0 code:6348 mov B, A ; B-Register code:634A mov A, RAM_32 code:634C subb A, B ; B-Register code:634E jc code_6354 code:6350 mov R0, #0x96 ; '' code:6352 mov @R0, #0xAA ; '' code:6354 code:6354 code_6354: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+60j code:6354 clr C code:6355 orl C, RAM_2E.0 code:6357 orl C, RAM_28.1 code:6359 orl C, RAM_27.4 code:635B jnc code_6360 code:635D code:635D code_635D: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+55j code:635D ljmp code_6597 code:6360 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6360 code:6360 code_6360: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+6Dj code:6360 mov A, #0 code:6362 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6363 cjne A, RAM_32, code_6366 code:6366 code:6366 code_6366: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+75j code:6366 jc code_6375 code:6368 clr A code:6369 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:636C mov R0, #0x45 ; 'E' code:636E movx @R0, A code:636F mov R0, #0x44 ; 'D' code:6371 movx @R0, A code:6372 ljmp code_6597 code:6375 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6375 code:6375 code_6375: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE:code_6366j code:6375 mov R2, #0 code:6377 lcall code_400 code:637A mov B, A ; B-Register code:637C mov R0, #0x4F ; 'O' code:637E movx A, @R0 code:637F mul AB code:6380 mov A, B ; B-Register code:6382 jnz code_6391 code:6384 clr A code:6385 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:6388 mov R0, #0x45 ; 'E' code:638A movx @R0, A code:638B mov R0, #0x44 ; 'D' code:638D movx @R0, A code:638E ljmp code_6597 code:6391 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6391 code:6391 code_6391: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+94j code:6391 mov A, RAM_32 code:6393 mul AB code:6394 mov R6, A code:6395 mov R7, B ; B-Register code:6397 mov A, #5 code:6399 lcall code_5A7 code:639C jz code_63A0 code:639E mov R7, #0xFF code:63A0 code:63A0 code_63A0: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+AEj code:63A0 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:63A3 mov R0, #1 code:63A5 movx A, @R0 code:63A6 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:63A9 lcall code_54E code:63AC mov A, #1 code:63AE lcall code_5A7 code:63B1 jz code_63B5 code:63B3 mov R7, #0xFF code:63B5 code:63B5 code_63B5: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+C3j code:63B5 mov A, #0x19 code:63B7 mov B, R7 ; B-Register code:63B9 mul AB code:63BA mov R7, B ; B-Register code:63BC mov R6, A code:63BD mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:63C0 mov R0, #0x45 ; 'E' code:63C2 movx A, @R0 code:63C3 add A, R6 code:63C4 mov R6, A code:63C5 mov R0, #0x44 ; 'D' code:63C7 movx A, @R0 code:63C8 addc A, R7 code:63C9 jnc code_63CF code:63CB mov A, #0xFF code:63CD mov R6, #0xFF code:63CF code:63CF code_63CF: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+DBj code:63CF mov R7, A code:63D0 cjne A, #2, code_63D5 code:63D3 sjmp code_63D9 code:63D5 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:63D5 code:63D5 code_63D5: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+E2j code:63D5 jc code_63DF code:63D7 sjmp code_63EA code:63D9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:63D9 code:63D9 code_63D9: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+E5j code:63D9 mov A, R6 code:63DA cjne A, #1, code_63DD code:63DD code:63DD code_63DD: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+ECj code:63DD jnc code_63EA code:63DF code:63DF code_63DF: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE:code_63D5j code:63DF mov A, R6 code:63E0 mov R0, #0x45 ; 'E' code:63E2 movx @R0, A code:63E3 mov A, R7 code:63E4 mov R0, #0x44 ; 'D' code:63E6 movx @R0, A code:63E7 ljmp code_6597 code:63EA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:63EA code:63EA code_63EA: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+E9j code:63EA ; code_62EE:code_63DDj code:63EA clr A code:63EB mov R0, #0x45 ; 'E' code:63ED movx @R0, A code:63EE mov R0, #0x44 ; 'D' code:63F0 movx @R0, A code:63F1 jb RAM_2B.0, code_63F7 code:63F4 ljmp code_6483 code:63F7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:63F7 code:63F7 code_63F7: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+103j code:63F7 setb RAM_24.7 code:63F9 mov R0, #0xC2 ; '' code:63FB mov A, @R0 code:63FC mov B, R6 ; B-Register code:63FE add A, B ; B-Register code:6400 mov @R0, A code:6401 inc R0 code:6402 mov A, @R0 code:6403 mov B, R7 ; B-Register code:6405 addc A, B ; B-Register code:6407 mov @R0, A code:6408 jnc code_640F code:640A mov A, #0xFF code:640C mov @R0, A code:640D dec R0 code:640E mov @R0, A code:640F code:640F code_640F: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+11Aj code:640F setb RAM_28.6 code:6411 clr RAM_24.7 code:6413 mov R0, #0x7E ; '~' code:6415 mov RAM_2E, @R0 code:6417 jnb RAM_2E.7, code_641B code:641A ret code:641B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:641B code:641B code_641B: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+129j code:641B clr EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:641D mov A, RAM_11 code:641F cjne A, #3, code_6425 code:6422 ljmp code_6516 code:6425 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6425 code:6425 code_6425: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+131j code:6425 cjne A, #1, code_642B code:6428 ljmp code_6558 code:642B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:642B code:642B code_642B: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE:code_6425j code:642B cjne A, #4, code_6430 code:642E sjmp code_6435 code:6430 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6430 code:6430 code_6430: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE:code_642Bj code:6430 cjne A, #2, code_6483 code:6433 sjmp code_645A code:6435 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6435 code:6435 code_6435: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+140j code:6435 mov A, #0x11 code:6437 jnb RAM_24.0, code_6449 code:643A cjne A, #5, code_643D code:643D code:643D code_643D: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+14Cj code:643D jnc code_6480 code:643F mov B, RAM_48 ; B-Register code:6442 cjne A, B, code_6445 ; B-Register code:6445 code:6445 code_6445: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+154j code:6445 jc code_647D code:6447 sjmp code_6480 code:6449 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6449 code:6449 code_6449: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+149j code:6449 cjne A, #6, code_644C code:644C code:644C code_644C: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE:code_6449j code:644C jc code_647D code:644E subb A, #4 code:6450 mov B, RAM_48 ; B-Register code:6453 cjne A, B, code_6456 ; B-Register code:6456 code:6456 code_6456: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+165j code:6456 jc code_647D code:6458 sjmp code_6480 code:645A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:645A code:645A code_645A: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+145j code:645A mov A, #0x11 code:645C jnb RAM_24.0, code_646E code:645F cjne A, #5, code_6462 code:6462 code:6462 code_6462: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+171j code:6462 jnc code_647D code:6464 mov B, RAM_48 ; B-Register code:6467 cjne A, B, code_646A ; B-Register code:646A code:646A code_646A: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+179j code:646A jc code_6480 code:646C sjmp code_647D code:646E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:646E code:646E code_646E: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+16Ej code:646E cjne A, #6, code_6471 code:6471 code:6471 code_6471: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE:code_646Ej code:6471 jc code_6480 code:6473 subb A, #4 code:6475 mov B, RAM_48 ; B-Register code:6478 cjne A, B, code_647B ; B-Register code:647B code:647B code_647B: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+18Aj code:647B jc code_6480 code:647D code:647D code_647D: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE:code_6445j code:647D ; code_62EE:code_644Cj ... code:647D ljmp code_6516 code:6480 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6480 code:6480 code_6480: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE:code_643Dj code:6480 ; code_62EE+159j ... code:6480 ljmp code_6558 code:6483 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6483 code:6483 code_6483: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+106j code:6483 ; code_62EE:code_6430j code:6483 clr C code:6484 mov A, R7 code:6485 rrc A code:6486 mov R7, A code:6487 mov A, R6 code:6488 rrc A code:6489 mov R6, A code:648A setb RAM_24.7 code:648C mov R0, #0xC2 ; '' code:648E mov A, @R0 code:648F mov B, R6 ; B-Register code:6491 add A, B ; B-Register code:6493 mov @R0, A code:6494 inc R0 code:6495 mov A, @R0 code:6496 mov B, R7 ; B-Register code:6498 addc A, B ; B-Register code:649A mov @R0, A code:649B jnc code_64A2 code:649D mov A, #0xFF code:649F mov @R0, A code:64A0 dec R0 code:64A1 mov @R0, A code:64A2 code:64A2 code_64A2: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+1ADj code:64A2 setb RAM_28.6 code:64A4 clr RAM_24.7 code:64A6 clr EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:64A8 jb INT6, code_64CE ; Port 1 code:64AB anl P1, #0xF3 ; Port 1 code:64AE jb INT6, code_64D1 ; Port 1 code:64B1 anl CCEN, #0x3F ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:64B4 mov A, R6 code:64B5 add A, CCL3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, Low Byte code:64B7 mov CCL3, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, Low Byte code:64B9 mov A, R7 code:64BA addc A, CCH3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, High Byte code:64BC mov CCH3, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, High Byte code:64BE orl CCEN, #0x80 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:64C1 setb INT6 ; Port 1 code:64C3 mov CCH2, CCH3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, High Byte code:64C6 mov CCL2, CCL3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, Low Byte code:64C9 setb INT5 ; Port 1 code:64CB ljmp code_6597 code:64CE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:64CE code:64CE code_64CE: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+1BAj code:64CE orl P1, #0xC ; Port 1 code:64D1 code:64D1 code_64D1: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+1C0j code:64D1 mov A, #5 code:64D3 mov B, RAM_6C ; B-Register code:64D6 mul AB code:64D7 add A, R6 code:64D8 mov R6, A code:64D9 mov A, B ; B-Register code:64DB addc A, R7 code:64DC mov R7, A code:64DD mov A, CCH3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, High Byte code:64DF orl CCEN, #0xC0 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:64E2 anl CCEN, #0xCF ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:64E5 anl P1, #0xF3 ; Port 1 code:64E8 mov CCL3, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, Low Byte code:64EA clr C code:64EB subb A, CCH3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, High Byte code:64ED jz code_64F4 code:64EF cjne A, #0xFD, code_64F2 ; '' code:64F2 code:64F2 code_64F2: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+201j code:64F2 jc code_64F6 code:64F4 code:64F4 code_64F4: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+1FFj code:64F4 setb RAM_23.2 code:64F6 code:64F6 code_64F6: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE:code_64F2j code:64F6 anl CCEN, #0x3F ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:64F9 mov A, R6 code:64FA add A, CCL3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, Low Byte code:64FC mov CCL3, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, Low Byte code:64FE mov A, R7 code:64FF addc A, CCH3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, High Byte code:6501 mov CCH3, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, High Byte code:6503 orl CCEN, #0x80 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:6506 setb INT6 ; Port 1 code:6508 mov CCH2, CCH3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, High Byte code:650B mov CCL2, CCL3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, Low Byte code:650E orl CCEN, #0x20 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:6511 setb INT5 ; Port 1 code:6513 ljmp code_6597 code:6516 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6516 code:6516 code_6516: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+134j code:6516 ; code_62EE:code_647Dj code:6516 jb INT6, code_6522 ; Port 1 code:6519 clr INT6 ; Port 1 code:651B jb INT6, code_6520 ; Port 1 code:651E sjmp code_6543 code:6520 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6520 code:6520 code_6520: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+22Dj code:6520 setb INT6 ; Port 1 code:6522 code:6522 code_6522: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE:code_6516j code:6522 mov A, #5 code:6524 mov B, RAM_6C ; B-Register code:6527 mul AB code:6528 add A, R6 code:6529 mov R6, A code:652A mov A, B ; B-Register code:652C addc A, R7 code:652D mov R7, A code:652E mov A, CCH3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, High Byte code:6530 orl CCEN, #0xC0 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:6533 clr INT6 ; Port 1 code:6535 mov CCL3, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, Low Byte code:6537 clr C code:6538 subb A, CCH3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, High Byte code:653A jz code_6541 code:653C cjne A, #0xFD, code_653F ; '' code:653F code:653F code_653F: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+24Ej code:653F jc code_6543 code:6541 code:6541 code_6541: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+24Cj code:6541 setb RAM_23.2 code:6543 code:6543 code_6543: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+230j code:6543 ; code_62EE:code_653Fj code:6543 anl CCEN, #0x3F ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:6546 mov A, R6 code:6547 add A, CCL3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, Low Byte code:6549 mov CCL3, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, Low Byte code:654B mov A, R7 code:654C addc A, CCH3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, High Byte code:654E mov CCH3, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, High Byte code:6550 orl CCEN, #0x80 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:6553 setb INT6 ; Port 1 code:6555 ljmp code_6597 code:6558 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6558 code:6558 code_6558: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+13Aj code:6558 ; code_62EE:code_6480j code:6558 jb INT5, code_6564 ; Port 1 code:655B clr INT5 ; Port 1 code:655D jb INT5, code_6562 ; Port 1 code:6560 sjmp code_6585 code:6562 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6562 code:6562 code_6562: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+26Fj code:6562 setb INT5 ; Port 1 code:6564 code:6564 code_6564: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE:code_6558j code:6564 mov A, #5 code:6566 mov B, RAM_6C ; B-Register code:6569 mul AB code:656A add A, R6 code:656B mov R6, A code:656C mov A, B ; B-Register code:656E addc A, R7 code:656F mov R7, A code:6570 mov A, CCH2 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, High Byte code:6572 orl CCEN, #0x30 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:6575 clr INT5 ; Port 1 code:6577 mov CCL2, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, Low Byte code:6579 clr C code:657A subb A, CCH2 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, High Byte code:657C jz code_6583 code:657E cjne A, #0xFD, code_6581 ; '' code:6581 code:6581 code_6581: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+290j code:6581 jc code_6585 code:6583 code:6583 code_6583: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+28Ej code:6583 setb RAM_23.2 code:6585 code:6585 code_6585: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+272j code:6585 ; code_62EE:code_6581j code:6585 anl CCEN, #0xCF ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:6588 mov A, R6 code:6589 add A, CCL2 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, Low Byte code:658B mov CCL2, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, Low Byte code:658D mov A, R7 code:658E addc A, CCH2 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, High Byte code:6590 mov CCH2, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, High Byte code:6592 orl CCEN, #0x20 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:6595 setb INT5 ; Port 1 code:6597 code:6597 code_6597: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE+3j code:6597 ; code_62EE:code_635Dj ... code:6597 setb EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:6599 ret code:6599 ; End of function code_62EE code:6599 code:659A code:659A ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:659A code:659A ; Attributes: thunk code:659A code:659A code_659A: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+4114p code:659A ljmp code_2166 code:659A ; End of function code_659A code:659A code:659D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:659D ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_2166 code:659D code:659D code_659D: ; CODE XREF: code_2166+3j code:659D mov R0, #0x32 ; '2' code:659F mov R1, #0x2F ; '/' code:65A1 mov R5, #6 code:65A3 lcall code_686 code:65A6 jb RAM_28.1, code_65BA code:65A9 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:65AC mov R0, #0x41 ; 'A' code:65AE movx A, @R0 code:65AF jz code_65B3 code:65B1 dec A code:65B2 movx @R0, A code:65B3 code:65B3 code_65B3: ; CODE XREF: code_2166+4449j code:65B3 mov R0, #0x42 ; 'B' code:65B5 movx A, @R0 code:65B6 jz code_65BA code:65B8 dec A code:65B9 movx @R0, A code:65BA code:65BA code_65BA: ; CODE XREF: code_2166+4440j code:65BA ; code_2166+4450j code:65BA mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:65BD mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:65C0 mov R0, #0x25 ; '%' code:65C2 jnb RAM_28.0, code_65CB code:65C5 clr A code:65C6 movx @R0, A code:65C7 dec R0 code:65C8 movx @R0, A code:65C9 sjmp code_65D9 code:65CB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:65CB code:65CB code_65CB: ; CODE XREF: code_2166+445Cj code:65CB movx A, @R0 code:65CC clr C code:65CD subb A, #2 code:65CF movx @R0, A code:65D0 jnc code_65D9 code:65D2 dec R0 code:65D3 movx A, @R0 code:65D4 jnz code_65D7 code:65D6 inc A code:65D7 code:65D7 code_65D7: ; CODE XREF: code_2166+446Ej code:65D7 dec A code:65D8 movx @R0, A code:65D9 code:65D9 code_65D9: ; CODE XREF: code_2166+4463j code:65D9 ; code_2166+446Aj code:65D9 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:65DC jnb RAM_2F.2, code_65EA code:65DF mov R0, #0x30 ; '0' code:65E1 mov R1, #0x9C ; '' code:65E3 mov R2, #0 code:65E5 mov A, #0xFF code:65E7 lcall code_643 code:65EA code:65EA code_65EA: ; CODE XREF: code_2166+4476j code:65EA mov A, #1 code:65EC movc A, @A+DPTR code:65ED cjne A, RAM_3B, code_65F0 code:65F0 code:65F0 code_65F0: ; CODE XREF: code_2166+4487j code:65F0 jnc code_65F4 code:65F2 clr RAM_2F.3 code:65F4 code:65F4 code_65F4: ; CODE XREF: code_2166:code_65F0j code:65F4 jnb RAM_2F.3, code_6602 code:65F7 mov R0, #0x31 ; '1' code:65F9 mov R1, #0x9D ; '' code:65FB mov R2, #2 code:65FD mov A, #0xFF code:65FF lcall code_643 code:6602 code:6602 code_6602: ; CODE XREF: code_2166:code_65F4j code:6602 mov R0, #0x34 ; '4' code:6604 mov R1, #0x9E ; '' code:6606 mov R2, #3 code:6608 clr A code:6609 lcall code_643 code:660C jnb RAM_28.1, code_661E code:660F mov R2, #0 code:6611 lcall code_400 code:6614 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:6617 mov R0, #0x37 ; '7' code:6619 movx @R0, A code:661A mov B, A ; B-Register code:661C sjmp code_6626 code:661E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:661E code:661E code_661E: ; CODE XREF: code_2166+44A6j code:661E mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:6621 mov R0, #0x37 ; '7' code:6623 movx A, @R0 code:6624 mov B, A ; B-Register code:6626 code:6626 code_6626: ; CODE XREF: code_2166+44B6j code:6626 mov R0, #0x99 ; '' code:6628 mov A, @R0 code:6629 jz code_6651 code:662B mov A, #4 code:662D movc A, @A+DPTR code:662E clr C code:662F subb A, @R0 code:6630 jc code_664D code:6632 mov A, #5 code:6634 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6635 mul AB code:6636 jb B7, code_664A ; B-Register code:6639 jb B6, code_664A ; B-Register code:663C rlc A code:663D xch A, B ; B-Register code:663F rlc A code:6640 xch A, B ; B-Register code:6642 rlc A code:6643 xch A, B ; B-Register code:6645 rlc A code:6646 xch A, B ; B-Register code:6648 sjmp code_664D code:664A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:664A code:664A code_664A: ; CODE XREF: code_2166+44D0j code:664A ; code_2166+44D3j code:664A mov B, #0xFF ; B-Register code:664D code:664D code_664D: ; CODE XREF: code_2166+44CAj code:664D ; code_2166+44E2j code:664D clr A code:664E lcall code_5FC code:6651 code:6651 code_6651: ; CODE XREF: code_2166+44C3j code:6651 mov R0, #0x32 ; '2' code:6653 mov R1, #0x2F ; '/' code:6655 mov R5, #6 code:6657 lcall code_67C code:665A ret code:665A ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_2166 code:665B code:665B ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:665B code:665B ; Attributes: thunk code:665B code:665B code_665B: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+413Cp code:665B ljmp code_218A code:665B ; End of function code_665B code:665B code:665E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:665E ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_218A code:665E code:665E code_665E: ; CODE XREF: code_218A+3j code:665E ljmp code_1AD2 code:665E ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_218A code:6661 code:6661 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:6661 code:6661 ; Attributes: thunk code:6661 code:6661 code_6661: ; CODE XREF: code_1250:code_62E5p code:6661 ljmp code_1665 code:6661 ; End of function code_6661 code:6661 code:6664 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6664 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_1665 code:6664 code:6664 code_6664: ; CODE XREF: code_1665:code_2229j code:6664 ljmp code_16DF code:6667 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6667 code:6667 code_6667: ; CODE XREF: code_1665:code_222Cj code:6667 mov R0, #0x6C ; 'l' code:6669 mov B, RAM_33 ; B-Register code:666C jnb RAM_28.5, code_6674 code:666F mov A, #0x37 ; '7' code:6671 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6672 sjmp code_6676 code:6674 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6674 code:6674 code_6674: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+5007j code:6674 mov A, RAM_35 code:6676 code:6676 code_6676: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+500Dj code:6676 mov R1, #0x7E ; '~' code:6678 cjne @R1, #0x80, code_667B ; '' code:667B code:667B code_667B: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+5013j code:667B jnc code_6680 code:667D jnb RAM_27.0, code_6681 code:6680 code:6680 code_6680: ; CODE XREF: code_1665:code_667Bj code:6680 clr A code:6681 code:6681 code_6681: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+5018j code:6681 mul AB code:6682 mov A, B ; B-Register code:6684 movx @R0, A code:6685 mov B, A ; B-Register code:6687 mov R0, #0x65 ; 'e' code:6689 mov R1, #0x2F ; '/' code:668B mov R5, #6 code:668D lcall code_67C code:6690 mov A, #0x36 ; '6' code:6692 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6693 xch A, B ; B-Register code:6695 cjne A, B, code_6698 ; B-Register code:6698 code:6698 code_6698: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+5030j code:6698 jnc code_669C code:669A mov A, #0 code:669C code:669C code_669C: ; CODE XREF: code_1665:code_6698j code:669C xch A, B ; B-Register code:669E push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:66A0 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:66A2 clr C code:66A3 mov DPTR, #0xD4 ; '' code:66A6 movx A, @DPTR code:66A7 jnb ACC2, code_66AF ; Accumulator code:66AA mov B, #0 ; B-Register code:66AD sjmp code_66B8 code:66AF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:66AF code:66AF code_66AF: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+5042j code:66AF inc DPTR code:66B0 movx A, @DPTR code:66B1 jnb ACC2, code_66B8 ; Accumulator code:66B4 mov B, #0 ; B-Register code:66B7 setb C code:66B8 code:66B8 code_66B8: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+5048j code:66B8 ; code_1665+504Cj code:66B8 mov DPTR, #0x162 code:66BB movx A, @DPTR code:66BC mov ACC3, C ; Accumulator code:66BE movx @DPTR, A code:66BF mov DPH, #0xA0 ; '' ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:66C2 mov DPL, #0x21 ; '!' ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:66C5 movx @DPTR, A code:66C6 mov DPL, #5 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:66C9 mov A, B ; B-Register code:66CB jz code_66D4 code:66CD cjne A, #5, code_66D0 code:66D0 code:66D0 code_66D0: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+5068j code:66D0 jnc code_66D4 code:66D2 mov A, #0 code:66D4 code:66D4 code_66D4: ; CODE XREF: code_1665+5066j code:66D4 ; code_1665:code_66D0j code:66D4 movx @DPTR, A code:66D5 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:66D7 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:66D9 ret code:66D9 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_1665 code:66DA code:66DA ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:66DA code:66DA code:66DA code_66DA: ; CODE XREF: code_1250+5098p code:66DA jnb RAM_28.0, code_66E0 code:66DD lcall code_6800 code:66E0 code:66E0 code_66E0: ; CODE XREF: code_66DAj code:66E0 mov C, RAM_29.5 code:66E2 cpl C code:66E3 mov RAM_2E.5, C code:66E5 mov A, RAM_2E code:66E7 anl A, #0xF8 code:66E9 mov R0, #1 code:66EB jz code_6717 code:66ED movx A, @R0 code:66EE mov RAM_A, A code:66F0 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:66F3 mov R0, #0xB code:66F5 movx A, @R0 code:66F6 cpl A code:66F7 cjne A, RAM_A, code_670C code:66FA mov A, #0x1C code:66FC movc A, @A+DPTR code:66FD cjne A, RAM_A, code_6700 code:6700 code:6700 code_6700: ; CODE XREF: code_66DA+23j code:6700 jnc code_670C code:6702 mov A, #0x1B code:6704 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6705 cjne A, RAM_A, code_6708 code:6708 code:6708 code_6708: ; CODE XREF: code_66DA+2Bj code:6708 jc code_670C code:670A sjmp code_670F code:670C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:670C code:670C code_670C: ; CODE XREF: code_66DA+1Dj code:670C ; code_66DA:code_6700j ... code:670C mov RAM_A, #0x80 ; '' code:670F code:670F code_670F: ; CODE XREF: code_66DA+30j code:670F mov R0, #7 code:6711 movx A, @R0 code:6712 mov RAM_B, A code:6714 ljmp code_67D3 code:6717 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6717 code:6717 code_6717: ; CODE XREF: code_66DA+11j code:6717 mov R1, #0xA code:6719 mov R5, #6 code:671B lcall code_686 code:671E mov R0, #0xD code:6720 mov A, #0x1E code:6722 jnb RAM_2E.1, code_6728 code:6725 mov R0, #0xA code:6727 inc A code:6728 code:6728 code_6728: ; CODE XREF: code_66DA+48j code:6728 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6729 mov B, A ; B-Register code:672B mov A, #0x1A code:672D movc A, @A+DPTR code:672E cpl A code:672F inc A code:6730 add A, RAM_A code:6732 add A, RAM_8 code:6734 mov R3, A code:6735 clr C code:6736 subb A, @R0 code:6737 mov RAM_29.4, C code:6739 jnc code_673D code:673B cpl A code:673C inc A code:673D code:673D code_673D: ; CODE XREF: code_66DA+5Fj code:673D mul AB code:673E mov R6, B ; B-Register code:6740 mov R5, A code:6741 inc R0 code:6742 jb RAM_29.4, code_675E code:6745 mov A, @R0 code:6746 add A, R5 code:6747 mov @R0, A code:6748 inc R0 code:6749 mov A, @R0 code:674A addc A, R6 code:674B mov @R0, A code:674C jnc code_6775 code:674E clr C code:674F subb A, #0x80 ; '' code:6751 mov @R0, A code:6752 dec R0 code:6753 dec R0 code:6754 mov A, #0x1B code:6756 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6757 setb C code:6758 subb A, @R0 code:6759 jc code_6775 code:675B inc @R0 code:675C sjmp code_6775 code:675E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:675E code:675E code_675E: ; CODE XREF: code_66DA+68j code:675E clr C code:675F mov A, @R0 code:6760 subb A, R5 code:6761 mov @R0, A code:6762 inc R0 code:6763 mov A, @R0 code:6764 subb A, R6 code:6765 mov @R0, A code:6766 jnc code_6775 code:6768 add A, #0x80 ; '' code:676A mov @R0, A code:676B dec R0 code:676C dec R0 code:676D mov A, #0x1C code:676F movc A, @A+DPTR code:6770 clr C code:6771 subb A, @R0 code:6772 jnc code_6775 code:6774 dec @R0 code:6775 code:6775 code_6775: ; CODE XREF: code_66DA+72j code:6775 ; code_66DA+7Fj ... code:6775 mov A, RAM_A code:6777 cpl A code:6778 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:677B mov R1, #0xB code:677D movx @R1, A code:677E mov R0, #1 code:6780 mov R1, #0xA code:6782 mov R5, #3 code:6784 jb RAM_2E.1, code_678B code:6787 mov R0, #4 code:6789 mov R1, #0xD code:678B code:678B code_678B: ; CODE XREF: code_66DA+AAj code:678B lcall code_67C code:678E clr C code:678F mov A, #0x1A code:6791 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6792 subb A, RAM_A code:6794 add A, R3 code:6795 mov RAM_8, A code:6797 mov R0, #0x11 code:6799 movx @R0, A code:679A mov R0, #7 code:679C mov R1, #0xB code:679E mov R5, #2 code:67A0 lcall code_686 code:67A3 jb RAM_2E.1, code_67D3 code:67A6 mov R0, #9 code:67A8 movx A, @R0 code:67A9 dec A code:67AA movx @R0, A code:67AB jnz code_67D3 code:67AD mov A, #0x1D code:67AF movc A, @A+DPTR code:67B0 movx @R0, A code:67B1 clr C code:67B2 mov A, RAM_D code:67B4 subb A, RAM_A code:67B6 jnc code_67BA code:67B8 cpl A code:67B9 inc A code:67BA code:67BA code_67BA: ; CODE XREF: code_66DA+DCj code:67BA mov RAM_29.4, C code:67BC mov B, #1 ; B-Register code:67BF mov R1, RAM_B code:67C1 mov R0, RAM_C code:67C3 lcall code_690 code:67C6 mov RAM_B, R1 code:67C8 mov RAM_C, R0 code:67CA mov R0, #7 code:67CC mov R1, #0xB code:67CE mov R5, #2 code:67D0 lcall code_67C code:67D3 code:67D3 code_67D3: ; CODE XREF: code_66DA+3Aj code:67D3 ; code_66DA+C9j ... code:67D3 clr C code:67D4 mov A, RAM_B code:67D6 subb A, #0x80 ; '' code:67D8 mov F0, C ; Program Status Word Register code:67DA jnc code_67DE code:67DC cpl A code:67DD inc A code:67DE code:67DE code_67DE: ; CODE XREF: code_66DA+100j code:67DE mov R1, A code:67DF mov R3, RAM_3B code:67E1 mov B, RAM_3B ; B-Register code:67E4 mov A, #0x32 ; '2' code:67E6 div AB code:67E7 mov R7, A code:67E8 clr A code:67E9 lcall code_589 code:67EC mov R6, A code:67ED mov A, R1 code:67EE lcall code_54E code:67F1 mov A, R7 code:67F2 jz code_67F6 code:67F4 mov R6, #0xFF code:67F6 code:67F6 code_67F6: ; CODE XREF: code_66DA+118j code:67F6 mov A, R6 code:67F7 clr C code:67F8 rrc A code:67F9 mov RAM_5E, A code:67FB mov C, F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:67FD mov RAM_2A.1, C code:67FF ret code:67FF ; End of function code_66DA code:67FF code:6800 code:6800 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:6800 code:6800 code:6800 code_6800: ; CODE XREF: code_66DA+3p code:6800 clr A code:6801 mov R0, #0x2E ; '.' code:6803 movx @R0, A code:6804 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:6807 mov R0, #0x5B ; '[' code:6809 movx A, @R0 code:680A mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:680D jz code_6828 code:680F mov R0, #1 code:6811 movx A, @R0 code:6812 mov B, A ; B-Register code:6814 mov A, #0x1B code:6816 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6817 jb B7, code_681E ; B-Register code:681A mov A, #0x1C code:681C movc A, @A+DPTR code:681D dec A code:681E code:681E code_681E: ; CODE XREF: code_6800+17j code:681E cjne A, B, code_6821 ; B-Register code:6821 code:6821 code_6821: ; CODE XREF: code_6800:code_681Ej code:6821 jb B7, code_6825 ; B-Register code:6824 cpl C code:6825 code:6825 code_6825: ; CODE XREF: code_6800:code_6821j code:6825 jc code_6828 code:6827 ret code:6828 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6828 code:6828 code_6828: ; CODE XREF: code_6800+Dj code:6828 ; code_6800:code_6825j code:6828 mov A, #0x1A code:682A movc A, @A+DPTR code:682B mov R5, #7 code:682D mov R0, #0 code:682F code:682F code_682F: ; CODE XREF: code_6800+31j code:682F inc R0 code:6830 movx @R0, A code:6831 djnz R5, code_682F code:6833 clr A code:6834 mov R0, #2 code:6836 movx @R0, A code:6837 mov R0, #5 code:6839 movx @R0, A code:683A mov R0, #8 code:683C movx @R0, A code:683D inc A code:683E mov R0, #9 code:6840 movx @R0, A code:6841 clr A code:6842 mov R0, #0x2F ; '/' code:6844 movx @R0, A code:6845 ret code:6845 ; End of function code_6800 code:6845 code:6846 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6846 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IE0_0_0 code:6846 code:6846 code_6846: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_3315j code:6846 jnb RAM_28.1, code_684C code:6849 ljmp code_3318 code:684C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:684C code:684C code_684C: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_6846j code:684C mov A, RAM_5E code:684E mov B, #1 ; B-Register code:6851 mul AB code:6852 jnb RAM_2A.1, code_685A code:6855 cpl C code:6856 cpl A code:6857 xrl B, #0xFF ; B-Register code:685A code:685A code_685A: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+4081j code:685A addc A, R6 code:685B mov R6, A code:685C mov A, B ; B-Register code:685E addc A, R7 code:685F mov R7, A code:6860 clr A code:6861 jb RAM_2A.1, code_6866 code:6864 cpl C code:6865 cpl A code:6866 code:6866 code_6866: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+4090j code:6866 jc code_686A code:6868 mov R7, A code:6869 mov R6, A code:686A code:686A code_686A: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_6866j code:686A ljmp code_3318 code:686A ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IE0_0_0 code:686D code:686D ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:686D code:686D code:686D code_686D: ; CODE XREF: code_2202j code:686D mov R0, #0x2C ; ',' code:686F movx A, @R0 code:6870 anl A, #0xA0 code:6872 mov RAM_2E, A code:6874 mov A, RAM_40 code:6876 mov B, RAM_3B ; B-Register code:6879 mul AB code:687A mov R7, B ; B-Register code:687C mov R6, A code:687D mov A, #0xA4 ; '' code:687F lcall code_54E code:6882 mov A, #2 code:6884 lcall code_5A7 code:6887 jz code_688B code:6889 mov R7, #0xFF code:688B code:688B code_688B: ; CODE XREF: code_686D+1Aj code:688B mov A, R7 code:688C mov R4, A code:688D mov R2, #5 code:688F lcall code_400 code:6892 cjne A, RAM_40, code_6895 code:6895 code:6895 code_6895: ; CODE XREF: code_686D+25j code:6895 jc code_68B5 code:6897 mov A, #0x24 ; '$' code:6899 movc A, @A+DPTR code:689A subb A, R4 code:689B jnc code_68A7 code:689D mov A, #0x25 ; '%' code:689F movc A, @A+DPTR code:68A0 clr C code:68A1 subb A, RAM_40 code:68A3 mov RAM_2E.1, C code:68A5 sjmp code_68B5 code:68A7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:68A7 code:68A7 code_68A7: ; CODE XREF: code_686D+2Ej code:68A7 mov A, #0x23 ; '#' code:68A9 movc A, @A+DPTR code:68AA subb A, RAM_3B code:68AC jc code_68B5 code:68AE mov A, #0x22 ; '"' code:68B0 movc A, @A+DPTR code:68B1 subb A, R4 code:68B2 cpl C code:68B3 mov RAM_2E.0, C code:68B5 code:68B5 code_68B5: ; CODE XREF: code_686D:code_6895j code:68B5 ; code_686D+38j ... code:68B5 mov A, RAM_2E code:68B7 anl A, #7 code:68B9 jnz code_68BD code:68BB setb RAM_2E.3 code:68BD code:68BD code_68BD: ; CODE XREF: code_686D+4Cj code:68BD mov A, #0x20 ; ' ' code:68BF movc A, @A+DPTR code:68C0 cjne A, RAM_38, code_68C3 code:68C3 code:68C3 code_68C3: ; CODE XREF: code_686D+53j code:68C3 cpl C code:68C4 mov RAM_2E.4, C code:68C6 mov A, #0x21 ; '!' code:68C8 movc A, @A+DPTR code:68C9 cjne A, RAM_37, code_68CC code:68CC code:68CC code_68CC: ; CODE XREF: code_686D+5Cj code:68CC mov RAM_2E.6, C code:68CE mov R0, #0x2C ; ',' code:68D0 mov A, RAM_2E code:68D2 movx @R0, A code:68D3 ret code:68D3 ; End of function code_686D code:68D3 code:68D4 code:68D4 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:68D4 code:68D4 ; Attributes: thunk code:68D4 code:68D4 code_68D4: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+411Dp code:68D4 ljmp code_104C code:68D4 ; End of function code_68D4 code:68D4 code:68D7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:68D7 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_104C code:68D7 code:68D7 code_68D7: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_2214j code:68D7 jnb RAM_28.0, code_68E8 code:68DA mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:68DD mov R0, #0x57 ; 'W' code:68DF mov R2, #0xA code:68E1 lcall code_400 code:68E4 movx @R0, A code:68E5 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:68E8 code:68E8 code_68E8: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_68D7j code:68E8 ljmp code_10CC code:68EB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:68EB code:68EB code_68EB: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_2217j code:68EB ljmp code_1182 code:68EE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:68EE code:68EE code_68EE: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_221Aj code:68EE jb RAM_28.1, code_690B code:68F1 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:68F4 push RAM_0 code:68F6 mov R0, #0x57 ; 'W' code:68F8 movx A, @R0 code:68F9 jnz code_68FF code:68FB pop RAM_0 code:68FD sjmp code_690B code:68FF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:68FF code:68FF code_68FF: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+58ADj code:68FF dec A code:6900 movx @R0, A code:6901 pop RAM_0 code:6903 mov A, RAM_31 code:6905 jb ACC7, code_690B ; Accumulator code:6908 lcall code_123D code:690B code:690B code_690B: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_68EEj code:690B ; code_104C+58B1j ... code:690B mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:690E ljmp code_120B code:6911 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6911 code:6911 code_6911: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_221Dj code:6911 lcall code_74D8 code:6914 mov R0, #0x58 ; 'X' code:6916 movx A, @R0 code:6917 lcall code_54E code:691A mov A, #1 code:691C lcall code_5A7 code:691F jz code_6923 code:6921 mov R7, #0xFF code:6923 code:6923 code_6923: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+58D3j code:6923 mov R0, #0x57 ; 'W' code:6925 movx A, @R0 code:6926 add A, R6 code:6927 mov R6, A code:6928 dec R0 code:6929 movx A, @R0 code:692A addc A, R7 code:692B jnc code_692F code:692D mov A, #0xFF code:692F code:692F code_692F: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+58DFj code:692F mov R7, A code:6930 mov R0, #0x5A ; 'Z' code:6932 movx A, @R0 code:6933 lcall code_54E code:6936 mov A, #1 code:6938 lcall code_5A7 code:693B jz code_693F code:693D mov R7, #0xFF code:693F code:693F code_693F: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+58EFj code:693F mov B, #0xAA ; '' ; B-Register code:6942 mov A, #0xB code:6944 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6945 cjne A, RAM_7, code_6948 code:6948 code:6948 code_6948: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+58F9j code:6948 jc code_6958 code:694A mov A, #0xA code:694C movc A, @A+DPTR code:694D cjne A, RAM_7, code_6950 code:6950 code:6950 code_6950: ; CODE XREF: code_104C+5901j code:6950 jc code_6955 code:6952 mov B, #0x55 ; 'U' ; B-Register code:6955 code:6955 code_6955: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_6950j code:6955 jnc code_6958 code:6957 mov A, R7 code:6958 code:6958 code_6958: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_6948j code:6958 ; code_104C:code_6955j code:6958 mov R7, A code:6959 mov R0, #0xFF code:695B xch A, B ; B-Register code:695D movx @R0, A code:695D ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_104C code:695E code:695E ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:695E code:695E code:695E code_695E: ; CODE XREF: code_5EBD+2p code:695E ; code_7C3B+69p ... code:695E mov A, #0x27 ; ''' code:6960 mov R1, A code:6961 mov R4, A code:6962 mov A, #0x10 code:6964 mov R3, A code:6965 lcall code_562 code:6968 mov A, R6 code:6969 cpl A code:696A mov R0, A code:696B mov A, R7 code:696C cpl A code:696D mov R1, A code:696E setb C code:696F mov A, R6 code:6970 subb A, R3 code:6971 xch A, R7 code:6972 subb A, R4 code:6973 mov R3, A code:6974 setb RAM_26.0 code:6976 mov RAM_67, R7 code:6978 mov RAM_66, R3 code:697A mov RAM_65, R0 code:697C mov RAM_64, R1 code:697E clr RAM_26.0 code:6980 ret code:6980 ; End of function code_695E code:6980 code:6981 code:6981 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:6981 code:6981 code:6981 code_6981: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+54F2p code:6981 lcall code_21DB code:6984 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:6987 mov R0, #0xD4 ; '' code:6989 movx A, @R0 code:698A clr C code:698B jb ACC3, code_6995 ; Accumulator code:698E mov R0, #0xD5 ; '' code:6990 movx A, @R0 code:6991 setb C code:6992 jnb ACC3, code_699D ; Accumulator code:6995 code:6995 code_6995: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+Aj code:6995 mov RAM_22.2, C code:6997 lcall code_6BAE code:699A ljmp code_69D0 code:699D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:699D code:699D code_699D: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+11j code:699D mov A, #9 code:699F movc A, @A+DPTR code:69A0 clr C code:69A1 dec A code:69A2 jz code_69A9 code:69A4 dec A code:69A5 dec A code:69A6 setb C code:69A7 jnz code_69D0 code:69A9 code:69A9 code_69A9: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+21j code:69A9 mov F0, C ; Program Status Word Register code:69AB mov R2, #0 code:69AD lcall code_400 code:69B0 cjne A, RAM_40, code_69B3 code:69B3 code:69B3 code_69B3: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+2Fj code:69B3 jc code_69C9 code:69B5 xch A, B ; B-Register code:69B7 mov A, #0xA code:69B9 movc A, @A+DPTR code:69BA inc A code:69BB xch A, B ; B-Register code:69BD subb A, B ; B-Register code:69BF jnc code_69C2 code:69C1 clr A code:69C2 code:69C2 code_69C2: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+3Ej code:69C2 cjne A, RAM_40, code_69C5 code:69C5 code:69C5 code_69C5: ; CODE XREF: code_6981:code_69C2j code:69C5 jc code_69D0 code:69C7 cpl F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:69C9 code:69C9 code_69C9: ; CODE XREF: code_6981:code_69B3j code:69C9 mov C, F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:69CB mov RAM_22.2, C code:69CD lcall code_6BAE code:69D0 code:69D0 code_69D0: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+19j code:69D0 ; code_6981+26j ... code:69D0 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:69D3 mov R0, #0xCA ; '' code:69D5 movx A, @R0 code:69D6 clr C code:69D7 jb ACC4, code_69E1 ; Accumulator code:69DA mov R0, #0xCB ; '' code:69DC movx A, @R0 code:69DD setb C code:69DE jnb ACC4, code_69E9 ; Accumulator code:69E1 code:69E1 code_69E1: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+56j code:69E1 mov RAM_22.0, C code:69E3 lcall code_6BAE code:69E6 ljmp code_6B10 code:69E9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:69E9 code:69E9 code_69E9: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+5Dj code:69E9 mov A, #0 code:69EB movc A, @A+DPTR code:69EC clr C code:69ED dec A code:69EE jz code_69F8 code:69F0 dec A code:69F1 dec A code:69F2 setb C code:69F3 jz code_69F8 code:69F5 ljmp code_6B10 code:69F8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:69F8 code:69F8 code_69F8: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+6Dj code:69F8 ; code_6981+72j code:69F8 mov F0, C ; Program Status Word Register code:69FA mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:69FD mov R0, #0x52 ; 'R' code:69FF mov C, RAM_28.0 code:6A01 orl C, RAM_28.1 code:6A03 jnc code_6A0B code:6A05 mov A, #2 code:6A07 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6A08 movx @R0, A code:6A09 sjmp code_6A10 code:6A0B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6A0B code:6A0B code_6A0B: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+82j code:6A0B movx A, @R0 code:6A0C jz code_6A2A code:6A0E dec A code:6A0F movx @R0, A code:6A10 code:6A10 code_6A10: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+88j code:6A10 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:6A13 mov R0, #0x3F ; '?' code:6A15 clr A code:6A16 movx @R0, A code:6A17 mov R0, #0x40 ; '@' code:6A19 movx @R0, A code:6A1A mov R0, #0x41 ; 'A' code:6A1C movx @R0, A code:6A1D mov R0, #0x42 ; 'B' code:6A1F mov A, #6 code:6A21 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6A22 movx @R0, A code:6A23 clr RAM_2A.0 code:6A25 cpl F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:6A27 ljmp code_6B05 code:6A2A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6A2A code:6A2A code_6A2A: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+8Bj code:6A2A jb RAM_20.7, code_6A59 code:6A2D clr RAM_2A.0 code:6A2F mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:6A32 mov R0, #0x42 ; 'B' code:6A34 mov A, #6 code:6A36 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6A37 movx @R0, A code:6A38 mov R0, #0x3F ; '?' code:6A3A mov R1, #0x40 ; '@' code:6A3C movx A, @R0 code:6A3D jz code_6A4A code:6A3F dec A code:6A40 movx @R0, A code:6A41 mov A, #4 code:6A43 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6A44 movx @R1, A code:6A45 cpl F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:6A47 ljmp code_6B05 code:6A4A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6A4A code:6A4A code_6A4A: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+BCj code:6A4A mov R0, #0x41 ; 'A' code:6A4C movx A, @R0 code:6A4D jnz code_6A51 code:6A4F cpl F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:6A51 code:6A51 code_6A51: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+CCj code:6A51 movx A, @R1 code:6A52 jz code_6A56 code:6A54 dec A code:6A55 movx @R1, A code:6A56 code:6A56 code_6A56: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+D1j code:6A56 ljmp code_6B05 code:6A59 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6A59 code:6A59 code_6A59: ; CODE XREF: code_6981:code_6A2Aj code:6A59 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:6A5C mov R0, #0xA4 ; '' code:6A5E mov RAM_30, @R0 code:6A60 mov A, #1 code:6A62 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6A63 jz code_6A94 code:6A65 dec A code:6A66 cjne A, RAM_3B, code_6A69 code:6A69 code:6A69 code_6A69: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+E5j code:6A69 jc code_6A94 code:6A6B mov R0, #0x43 ; 'C' code:6A6D jb RAM_28.4, code_6A72 code:6A70 sjmp code_6A7F code:6A72 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6A72 code:6A72 code_6A72: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+ECj code:6A72 mov A, #8 code:6A74 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6A75 jnz code_6A79 code:6A77 sjmp code_6A94 code:6A79 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6A79 code:6A79 code_6A79: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+F4j code:6A79 dec A code:6A7A cjne A, RAM_30, code_6A7D code:6A7D code:6A7D code_6A7D: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+F9j code:6A7D jnc code_6A90 code:6A7F code:6A7F code_6A7F: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+EFj code:6A7F movx A, @R0 code:6A80 cjne A, #0x55, code_6A94 ; 'U' code:6A83 mov A, #7 code:6A85 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6A86 jnz code_6A8A code:6A88 sjmp code_6A94 code:6A8A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6A8A code:6A8A code_6A8A: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+105j code:6A8A dec A code:6A8B cjne A, RAM_30, code_6A8E code:6A8E code:6A8E code_6A8E: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+10Aj code:6A8E jc code_6A94 code:6A90 code:6A90 code_6A90: ; CODE XREF: code_6981:code_6A7Dj code:6A90 mov R3, #0xAA ; '' code:6A92 sjmp code_6A96 code:6A94 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6A94 code:6A94 code_6A94: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+E2j code:6A94 ; code_6981:code_6A69j ... code:6A94 mov R3, #0 code:6A96 code:6A96 code_6A96: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+111j code:6A96 mov R1, #0x40 ; '@' code:6A98 mov R0, #0x3F ; '?' code:6A9A movx A, @R0 code:6A9B jz code_6AB4 code:6A9D dec A code:6A9E movx @R0, A code:6A9F cpl F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:6AA1 mov A, #4 code:6AA3 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6AA4 movx @R1, A code:6AA5 clr RAM_2A.0 code:6AA7 mov R0, #0x41 ; 'A' code:6AA9 clr A code:6AAA movx @R0, A code:6AAB mov R0, #0x42 ; 'B' code:6AAD mov A, #6 code:6AAF movc A, @A+DPTR code:6AB0 movx @R0, A code:6AB1 ljmp code_6B05 code:6AB4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6AB4 code:6AB4 code_6AB4: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+11Aj code:6AB4 movx A, @R1 code:6AB5 jz code_6AD2 code:6AB7 dec A code:6AB8 movx @R1, A code:6AB9 mov R1, #0x41 ; 'A' code:6ABB mov R0, #0x42 ; 'B' code:6ABD movx A, @R0 code:6ABE jz code_6AC9 code:6AC0 clr A code:6AC1 movx @R1, A code:6AC2 setb RAM_2A.0 code:6AC4 cpl F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:6AC6 ljmp code_6B05 code:6AC9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6AC9 code:6AC9 code_6AC9: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+13Dj code:6AC9 mov A, #5 code:6ACB movc A, @A+DPTR code:6ACC movx @R1, A code:6ACD setb RAM_2A.0 code:6ACF ljmp code_6B05 code:6AD2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6AD2 code:6AD2 code_6AD2: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+134j code:6AD2 mov R0, #0x42 ; 'B' code:6AD4 movx A, @R0 code:6AD5 mov R0, #0x41 ; 'A' code:6AD7 mov R1, #0x3F ; '?' code:6AD9 jnz code_6AFA code:6ADB cjne R3, #0xAA, code_6AF1 ; '' code:6ADE code:6ADE code_6ADE: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+17Cj code:6ADE clr RAM_2A.0 code:6AE0 cpl F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:6AE2 mov A, #3 code:6AE4 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6AE5 movx @R1, A code:6AE6 clr A code:6AE7 movx @R0, A code:6AE8 mov R0, #0x40 ; '@' code:6AEA mov A, #4 code:6AEC movc A, @A+DPTR code:6AED movx @R0, A code:6AEE ljmp code_6B05 code:6AF1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6AF1 code:6AF1 code_6AF1: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+15Aj code:6AF1 setb RAM_2A.0 code:6AF3 mov A, #5 code:6AF5 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6AF6 movx @R0, A code:6AF7 ljmp code_6B05 code:6AFA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6AFA code:6AFA code_6AFA: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+158j code:6AFA cjne R3, #0xAA, code_6AFF ; '' code:6AFD sjmp code_6ADE code:6AFF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6AFF code:6AFF code_6AFF: ; CODE XREF: code_6981:code_6AFAj code:6AFF setb RAM_2A.0 code:6B01 cpl F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:6B03 clr A code:6B04 movx @R0, A code:6B05 code:6B05 code_6B05: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+A6j code:6B05 ; code_6981+C6j ... code:6B05 mov C, F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:6B07 mov RAM_22.0, C code:6B09 lcall code_6BAE code:6B0C mov R0, #0x43 ; 'C' code:6B0E clr A code:6B0F movx @R0, A code:6B10 code:6B10 code_6B10: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+65j code:6B10 ; code_6981+74j code:6B10 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:6B13 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:6B16 mov R0, #0xCA ; '' code:6B18 movx A, @R0 code:6B19 clr C code:6B1A jb ACC1, code_6B24 ; Accumulator code:6B1D mov R0, #0xCB ; '' code:6B1F movx A, @R0 code:6B20 setb C code:6B21 jnb ACC1, code_6B2C ; Accumulator code:6B24 code:6B24 code_6B24: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+199j code:6B24 mov RAM_22.5, C code:6B26 lcall code_6BAE code:6B29 ljmp code_6BAD code:6B2C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6B2C code:6B2C code_6B2C: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+1A0j code:6B2C mov A, #0xB code:6B2E movc A, @A+DPTR code:6B2F clr C code:6B30 dec A code:6B31 jz code_6B38 code:6B33 dec A code:6B34 dec A code:6B35 setb C code:6B36 jnz code_6BAD code:6B38 code:6B38 code_6B38: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+1B0j code:6B38 mov RAM_2E.0, C code:6B3A mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:6B3D mov R0, #0x21 ; '!' code:6B3F movx A, @R0 code:6B40 mov RAM_2F, A code:6B42 jnb RAM_28.0, code_6B4A code:6B45 mov RAM_2F, #1 code:6B48 sjmp code_6B9D code:6B4A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6B4A code:6B4A code_6B4A: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+1C1j code:6B4A mov A, #0xD code:6B4C movc A, @A+DPTR code:6B4D cjne A, RAM_38, code_6B50 code:6B50 code:6B50 code_6B50: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+1CCj code:6B50 jnc code_6B9A code:6B52 mov A, RAM_2F code:6B54 clr C code:6B55 subb A, #1 code:6B57 jnz code_6B71 code:6B59 mov R2, #1 code:6B5B lcall code_400 code:6B5E mov B, A ; B-Register code:6B60 mov A, RAM_3B code:6B62 clr C code:6B63 subb A, B ; B-Register code:6B65 jc code_6B6C code:6B67 mov RAM_2F, #0 code:6B6A sjmp code_6B9D code:6B6C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6B6C code:6B6C code_6B6C: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+1E4j code:6B6C mov RAM_2F, #1 code:6B6F sjmp code_6B9D code:6B71 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6B71 code:6B71 code_6B71: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+1D6j code:6B71 mov A, RAM_2F code:6B73 jnz code_6B95 code:6B75 mov A, #0xC code:6B77 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6B78 mov B, A ; B-Register code:6B7A mov R2, #1 code:6B7C lcall code_400 code:6B7F clr C code:6B80 subb A, B ; B-Register code:6B82 mov B, A ; B-Register code:6B84 mov A, RAM_3B code:6B86 clr C code:6B87 subb A, B ; B-Register code:6B89 jnc code_6B90 code:6B8B mov RAM_2F, #1 code:6B8E sjmp code_6B9D code:6B90 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6B90 code:6B90 code_6B90: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+208j code:6B90 mov RAM_2F, #0 code:6B93 sjmp code_6B9D code:6B95 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6B95 code:6B95 code_6B95: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+1F2j code:6B95 mov RAM_2F, #1 code:6B98 sjmp code_6B9D code:6B9A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6B9A code:6B9A code_6B9A: ; CODE XREF: code_6981:code_6B50j code:6B9A mov RAM_2F, #1 code:6B9D code:6B9D code_6B9D: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+1C7j code:6B9D ; code_6981+1E9j ... code:6B9D mov A, RAM_2F code:6B9F movx @R0, A code:6BA0 clr C code:6BA1 jz code_6BA4 code:6BA3 setb C code:6BA4 code:6BA4 code_6BA4: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+220j code:6BA4 jnb RAM_2E.0, code_6BA8 code:6BA7 cpl C code:6BA8 code:6BA8 code_6BA8: ; CODE XREF: code_6981:code_6BA4j code:6BA8 mov RAM_22.5, C code:6BAA lcall code_6BAE code:6BAD code:6BAD code_6BAD: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+1A8j code:6BAD ; code_6981+1B5j code:6BAD ret code:6BAD ; End of function code_6981 code:6BAD code:6BAE code:6BAE ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:6BAE code:6BAE code:6BAE code_6BAE: ; CODE XREF: code_6981+16p code:6BAE ; code_6981+4Cp ... code:6BAE push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:6BB0 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:6BB2 mov DPH, #0xA0 ; '' ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:6BB5 mov DPL, #0x40 ; '@' ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:6BB8 code:6BB8 code_6BB8: ; CODE XREF: code_6BAE+Dj code:6BB8 mov A, RAM_22 code:6BBA movx @DPTR, A code:6BBB cjne A, RAM_22, code_6BB8 code:6BBE pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:6BC0 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:6BC2 ret code:6BC2 ; End of function code_6BAE code:6BC2 code:6BC3 code:6BC3 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:6BC3 code:6BC3 code:6BC3 code_6BC3: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+54CBp code:6BC3 code:6BC3 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:1638 SIZE 0000002D BYTES code:6BC3 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:17F3 SIZE 0000002A BYTES code:6BC3 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:2178 SIZE 00000006 BYTES code:6BC3 code:6BC3 lcall code_7458 code:6BC6 mov B, #0x8C ; '' ; B-Register code:6BC9 mov R2, #0 code:6BCB lcall code_400 code:6BCE clr C code:6BCF subb A, #0x80 ; '' code:6BD1 mov F0, C ; Program Status Word Register code:6BD3 jnc code_6BD7 code:6BD5 cpl A code:6BD6 inc A code:6BD7 code:6BD7 code_6BD7: ; CODE XREF: code_6BC3+10j code:6BD7 mul AB code:6BD8 mov R6, A code:6BD9 mov R7, B ; B-Register code:6BDB mov A, RAM_3D code:6BDD lcall code_54E code:6BE0 mov A, RAM_3E code:6BE2 add A, #0xFC ; '' code:6BE4 lcall code_5A7 code:6BE7 mov A, R7 code:6BE8 cjne A, #0x3C, code_6BEB ; '<' code:6BEB code:6BEB code_6BEB: ; CODE XREF: code_6BC3+25j code:6BEB jc code_6BEF code:6BED mov A, #0x3C ; '<' code:6BEF code:6BEF code_6BEF: ; CODE XREF: code_6BC3:code_6BEBj code:6BEF mov C, F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:6BF1 mov ACC7, C ; Accumulator code:6BF3 mov RAM_60, A code:6BF5 mov R0, #0xB9 ; '' code:6BF7 lcall code_400 code:6BFA mov @R0, A code:6BFB mov R0, #0xA5 ; '' code:6BFD lcall code_400 code:6C00 mov @R0, A code:6C01 lcall code_400 code:6C04 mov RAM_6C, A code:6C06 jb RAM_28.5, code_6C12 code:6C09 lcall code_400 code:6C0C mov RAM_62, A code:6C0E inc R2 code:6C0F inc R2 code:6C10 sjmp code_6C29 code:6C12 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6C12 code:6C12 code_6C12: ; CODE XREF: code_6BC3+43j code:6C12 inc R2 code:6C13 mov R0, #0xA4 ; '' code:6C15 mov A, @R0 code:6C16 cjne A, #2, code_6C19 code:6C19 code:6C19 code_6C19: ; CODE XREF: code_6BC3+53j code:6C19 jnc code_6C23 code:6C1B lcall code_400 code:6C1E mov RAM_62, A code:6C20 inc R2 code:6C21 sjmp code_6C29 code:6C23 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6C23 code:6C23 code_6C23: ; CODE XREF: code_6BC3:code_6C19j code:6C23 inc R2 code:6C24 lcall code_400 code:6C27 mov RAM_62, A code:6C29 code:6C29 code_6C29: ; CODE XREF: code_6BC3+4Dj code:6C29 ; code_6BC3+5Ej code:6C29 lcall code_400 code:6C2C mov B, A ; B-Register code:6C2E lcall code_400 code:6C31 mul AB code:6C32 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:6C35 mov R0, #0x79 ; 'y' code:6C37 movx A, @R0 code:6C38 anl A, #0xC0 code:6C3A rl A code:6C3B rl A code:6C3C add A, #4 code:6C3E movc A, @A+DPTR code:6C3F mul AB code:6C40 rlc A code:6C41 xch A, B ; B-Register code:6C43 rlc A code:6C44 jnc code_6C48 code:6C46 mov A, #0xFF code:6C48 code:6C48 code_6C48: ; CODE XREF: code_6BC3+81j code:6C48 mov RAM_5D, A code:6C4A mov A, #1 code:6C4C movc A, @A+DPTR code:6C4D mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:6C50 clr C code:6C51 subb A, RAM_3B code:6C53 mov RAM_25.6, C code:6C55 jnc code_6C5E code:6C57 clr A code:6C58 mov R0, #0x4E ; 'N' code:6C5A movx @R0, A code:6C5B inc R2 code:6C5C sjmp code_6C61 code:6C5E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6C5E code:6C5E code_6C5E: ; CODE XREF: code_6BC3+92j code:6C5E lcall code_400 code:6C61 code:6C61 code_6C61: ; CODE XREF: code_6BC3+99j code:6C61 mov R0, #0x4F ; 'O' code:6C63 movx @R0, A code:6C64 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:6C67 mov R0, #0xC1 ; '' code:6C69 lcall code_400 code:6C6C mov @R0, A code:6C6D mov R0, #0x8B ; '' code:6C6F lcall code_400 code:6C72 movx @R0, A code:6C73 jnb RAM_28.5, code_6C79 code:6C76 inc R2 code:6C77 sjmp code_6C7E code:6C79 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6C79 code:6C79 code_6C79: ; CODE XREF: code_6BC3+B0j code:6C79 mov A, RAM_5B code:6C7B cpl A code:6C7C mov RAM_3, A code:6C7E code:6C7E code_6C7E: ; CODE XREF: code_6BC3+B4j code:6C7E mov R0, #0xB6 ; '' code:6C80 lcall code_400 code:6C83 mov @R0, A code:6C84 ljmp code_1638 code:6C84 ; End of function code_6BC3 code:6C84 code:6C87 code:6C87 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:6C87 code:6C87 code:6C87 code_6C87: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+54C5p code:6C87 code:6C87 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:214E SIZE 00000006 BYTES code:6C87 code:6C87 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:6C8A ljmp code_214E code:6C8D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6C8D code:6C8D code_6C8D: ; CODE XREF: code_6C87-4B36j code:6C8D lcall code_6DAC code:6C90 orl C, RAM_28.0 code:6C92 jnc code_6C99 code:6C94 lcall code_6D77 code:6C97 sjmp code_6CEB code:6C99 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6C99 code:6C99 code_6C99: ; CODE XREF: code_6C87+Bj code:6C99 mov C, RAM_28.1 code:6C9B orl C, /RAM_28.5 code:6C9D jnc code_6CA3 code:6C9F setb RAM_2A.7 code:6CA1 sjmp code_6CF4 code:6CA3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6CA3 code:6CA3 code_6CA3: ; CODE XREF: code_6C87+16j code:6CA3 jnb RAM_2A.7, code_6CB3 code:6CA6 clr RAM_2A.7 code:6CA8 jb RAM_2D.7, code_6CF4 code:6CAB mov A, #0 code:6CAD movc A, @A+DPTR code:6CAE mov R0, #0x5B ; '[' code:6CB0 movx @R0, A code:6CB1 sjmp code_6CF4 code:6CB3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6CB3 code:6CB3 code_6CB3: ; CODE XREF: code_6C87:code_6CA3j code:6CB3 lcall code_6CFD code:6CB6 jnc code_6CF4 code:6CB8 mov R0, #0x55 ; 'U' code:6CBA mov R1, #0x2E ; '.' code:6CBC mov R5, #5 code:6CBE lcall code_686 code:6CC1 mov R0, #0x48 ; 'H' code:6CC3 movx A, @R0 code:6CC4 mov RAM_33, A code:6CC6 lcall code_6D29 code:6CC9 nop code:6CCA nop code:6CCB mov R0, #0x5B ; '[' code:6CCD movx A, @R0 code:6CCE jz code_6CE6 code:6CD0 dec A code:6CD1 movx @R0, A code:6CD2 jb RAM_2D.7, code_6CE8 code:6CD5 jnb RAM_2C.7, code_6CF4 code:6CD8 mov A, #1 code:6CDA movc A, @A+DPTR code:6CDB add A, RAM_2E code:6CDD subb A, RAM_33 code:6CDF jnc code_6CF4 code:6CE1 lcall code_6D43 code:6CE4 sjmp code_6CEB code:6CE6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6CE6 code:6CE6 code_6CE6: ; CODE XREF: code_6C87+47j code:6CE6 clr RAM_2D.7 code:6CE8 code:6CE8 code_6CE8: ; CODE XREF: code_6C87+4Bj code:6CE8 lcall code_6D56 code:6CEB code:6CEB code_6CEB: ; CODE XREF: code_6C87+10j code:6CEB ; code_6C87+5Dj code:6CEB mov R0, #0x55 ; 'U' code:6CED mov R1, #0x2E ; '.' code:6CEF mov R5, #5 code:6CF1 lcall code_67C code:6CF4 code:6CF4 code_6CF4: ; CODE XREF: code_6C87+1Aj code:6CF4 ; code_6C87+21j ... code:6CF4 mov R2, #0 code:6CF6 lcall code_400 code:6CF9 mov R0, #0x5A ; 'Z' code:6CFB movx @R0, A code:6CFC ret code:6CFC ; End of function code_6C87 code:6CFC code:6CFD code:6CFD ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:6CFD code:6CFD code:6CFD code_6CFD: ; CODE XREF: code_6C87:code_6CB3p code:6CFD mov R0, #0x48 ; 'H' code:6CFF movx A, @R0 code:6D00 mov B, A ; B-Register code:6D02 mov R2, #2 code:6D04 lcall code_400 code:6D07 clr C code:6D08 subb A, B ; B-Register code:6D0A jc code_6D27 code:6D0C mov DPTR, #0x4280 code:6D0F mov A, #8 code:6D11 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6D12 mov DPTR, #0x428E code:6D15 xch A, B ; B-Register code:6D17 subb A, B ; B-Register code:6D19 jc code_6D27 code:6D1B mov A, #3 code:6D1D movc A, @A+DPTR code:6D1E subb A, RAM_40 code:6D20 jc code_6D27 code:6D22 mov R0, #0xFF code:6D24 movx A, @R0 code:6D25 subb A, #0x60 ; '`' code:6D27 code:6D27 code_6D27: ; CODE XREF: code_6CFD+Dj code:6D27 ; code_6CFD+1Cj ... code:6D27 cpl C code:6D28 ret code:6D28 ; End of function code_6CFD code:6D28 code:6D29 code:6D29 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:6D29 code:6D29 code:6D29 code_6D29: ; CODE XREF: code_6C87+3Fp code:6D29 mov R1, #0xB3 ; '' code:6D2B mov A, @R1 code:6D2C clr C code:6D2D subb A, RAM_33 code:6D2F jnc code_6D33 code:6D31 cpl A code:6D32 inc A code:6D33 code:6D33 code_6D33: ; CODE XREF: code_6D29+6j code:6D33 cpl C code:6D34 mov RAM_29.4, C code:6D36 nop code:6D37 mov R4, A code:6D38 mov A, #2 code:6D3A movc A, @A+DPTR code:6D3B cjne A, RAM_4, code_6D3E code:6D3E code:6D3E code_6D3E: ; CODE XREF: code_6D29+12j code:6D3E jc code_6D42 code:6D40 mov R4, #0 code:6D42 code:6D42 code_6D42: ; CODE XREF: code_6D29:code_6D3Ej code:6D42 ret code:6D42 ; End of function code_6D29 code:6D42 code:6D43 code:6D43 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:6D43 code:6D43 code:6D43 code_6D43: ; CODE XREF: code_6C87+5Ap code:6D43 mov A, #4 code:6D45 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6D46 mov B, R4 ; B-Register code:6D48 mov R1, RAM_31 code:6D4A mov R0, RAM_32 code:6D4C lcall code_690 code:6D4F mov A, RAM_31 code:6D51 mov RAM_31, R1 code:6D53 mov RAM_32, R0 code:6D55 ret code:6D55 ; End of function code_6D43 code:6D55 code:6D56 code:6D56 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:6D56 code:6D56 code:6D56 code_6D56: ; CODE XREF: code_6C87:code_6CE8p code:6D56 mov A, R4 code:6D57 jnz code_6D5F code:6D59 setb RAM_2C.7 code:6D5B mov RAM_2E, RAM_33 code:6D5E ret code:6D5F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6D5F code:6D5F code_6D5F: ; CODE XREF: code_6D56+1j code:6D5F clr RAM_2C.7 code:6D61 mov B, A ; B-Register code:6D63 mov A, #5 code:6D65 jnb RAM_2D.7, code_6D6A code:6D68 mov A, #6 code:6D6A code:6D6A code_6D6A: ; CODE XREF: code_6D56+Fj code:6D6A movc A, @A+DPTR code:6D6B mov R1, RAM_2F code:6D6D mov R0, RAM_30 code:6D6F lcall code_690 code:6D72 mov RAM_2F, R1 code:6D74 mov RAM_30, R0 code:6D76 ret code:6D76 ; End of function code_6D56 code:6D76 code:6D77 code:6D77 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:6D77 code:6D77 code:6D77 code_6D77: ; CODE XREF: code_6C87+Dp code:6D77 mov A, #7 code:6D79 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6D7A mov R0, #0x5B ; '[' code:6D7C movx @R0, A code:6D7D setb RAM_2D.7 code:6D7F setb RAM_2A.7 code:6D81 clr RAM_2C.7 code:6D83 mov A, #8 code:6D85 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6D86 mov RAM_31, A code:6D88 jb RAM_29.7, code_6D92 code:6D8B mov R2, #1 code:6D8D lcall code_400 code:6D90 sjmp code_6D95 code:6D92 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6D92 code:6D92 code_6D92: ; CODE XREF: code_6D77+11j code:6D92 mov A, #9 code:6D94 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6D95 code:6D95 code_6D95: ; CODE XREF: code_6D77+19j code:6D95 mov RAM_2F, A code:6D97 mov RAM_2E, #0xFF code:6D9A clr A code:6D9B mov RAM_32, A code:6D9D mov RAM_30, A code:6D9F jnb RAM_28.0, code_6DA5 code:6DA2 mov R0, #0x5C ; '\' code:6DA4 movx @R0, A code:6DA5 code:6DA5 code_6DA5: ; CODE XREF: code_6D77+28j code:6DA5 ret code:6DA5 ; End of function code_6D77 code:6DA5 code:6DA6 code:6DA6 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:6DA6 code:6DA6 code:6DA6 code_6DA6: ; CODE XREF: code_2211j code:6DA6 ; code_83FD+20Dp ... code:6DA6 mov R0, #0x5C ; '\' code:6DA8 mov A, #0x64 ; 'd' code:6DAA movx @R0, A code:6DAB ret code:6DAB ; End of function code_6DA6 code:6DAB code:6DAC code:6DAC ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:6DAC code:6DAC code:6DAC code_6DAC: ; CODE XREF: code_6C87:code_6C8Dp code:6DAC mov R0, #0x5C ; '\' code:6DAE movx A, @R0 code:6DAF clr C code:6DB0 jz code_6DB5 code:6DB2 setb C code:6DB3 dec A code:6DB4 movx @R0, A code:6DB5 code:6DB5 code_6DB5: ; CODE XREF: code_6DAC+4j code:6DB5 ret code:6DB5 ; End of function code_6DAC code:6DB5 code:6DB6 code:6DB6 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:6DB6 code:6DB6 ; Attributes: thunk code:6DB6 code:6DB6 code_6DB6: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+40FDp code:6DB6 ljmp code_21DE code:6DB6 ; End of function code_6DB6 code:6DB6 code:6DB9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6DB9 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_21DE code:6DB9 code:6DB9 code_6DB9: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE+3j code:6DB9 ljmp code_C23 code:6DBC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6DBC code:6DBC code_6DBC: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE:code_2208j code:6DBC jb RAM_2E.0, code_6DD8 code:6DBF mov A, RAM_30 code:6DC1 jnb RAM_28.5, code_6DC7 code:6DC4 jz code_6DC7 code:6DC6 dec A code:6DC7 code:6DC7 code_6DC7: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE+4BE3j code:6DC7 ; code_21DE+4BE6j code:6DC7 cjne A, RAM_31, code_6DCA code:6DCA code:6DCA code_6DCA: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE:code_6DC7j code:6DCA mov RAM_28.5, C code:6DCC jb RAM_28.4, code_6DD2 code:6DCF jz code_6DD2 code:6DD1 dec A code:6DD2 code:6DD2 code_6DD2: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE+4BEEj code:6DD2 ; code_21DE+4BF1j code:6DD2 cjne A, RAM_32, code_6DD5 code:6DD5 code:6DD5 code_6DD5: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE:code_6DD2j code:6DD5 cpl C code:6DD6 mov RAM_28.4, C code:6DD8 code:6DD8 code_6DD8: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE:code_6DBCj code:6DD8 mov R0, #0x7E ; '~' code:6DDA cjne @R0, #0x80, code_6DDD ; '' code:6DDD code:6DDD code_6DDD: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE+4BFCj code:6DDD jc code_6DE1 code:6DDF clr RAM_28.4 code:6DE1 code:6DE1 code_6DE1: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE:code_6DDDj code:6DE1 jnb RAM_28.0, code_6DEB code:6DE4 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:6DE7 mov R0, #0x6C ; 'l' code:6DE9 clr A code:6DEA movx @R0, A code:6DEB code:6DEB code_6DEB: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE:code_6DE1j code:6DEB mov A, #6 code:6DED movc A, @A+DPTR code:6DEE cjne A, RAM_3B, code_6DF1 code:6DF1 code:6DF1 code_6DF1: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE+4C10j code:6DF1 jnc code_6E20 code:6DF3 clr F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:6DF5 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:6DF8 mov R0, #0x6C ; 'l' code:6DFA movx A, @R0 code:6DFB jnz code_6E22 code:6DFD jnb RAM_2E.0, code_6E05 code:6E00 mov B, #0xA ; B-Register code:6E03 sjmp code_6E57 code:6E05 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6E05 code:6E05 code_6E05: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE+4C1Fj code:6E05 jnb RAM_28.5, code_6E0D code:6E08 mov B, #0x17 ; B-Register code:6E0B sjmp code_6E57 code:6E0D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6E0D code:6E0D code_6E0D: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE:code_6E05j code:6E0D mov A, #0x17 code:6E0F add A, RAM_30 code:6E11 jnc code_6E15 code:6E13 mov A, #0xFF code:6E15 code:6E15 code_6E15: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE+4C33j code:6E15 cjne A, #0xE9, code_6E18 ; '' code:6E18 code:6E18 code_6E18: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE:code_6E15j code:6E18 jc code_6E1C code:6E1A mov A, #0xE9 ; '' code:6E1C code:6E1C code_6E1C: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE:code_6E18j code:6E1C mov B, A ; B-Register code:6E1E sjmp code_6E57 code:6E20 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6E20 code:6E20 code_6E20: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE:code_6DF1j code:6E20 setb F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:6E22 code:6E22 code_6E22: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE+4C1Dj code:6E22 jnb RAM_28.0, code_6E2A code:6E25 clr RAM_2E.1 code:6E27 ljmp code_6E9E code:6E2A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6E2A code:6E2A code_6E2A: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE:code_6E22j code:6E2A jnb RAM_2E.1, code_6E32 code:6E2D mov B, #0x33 ; '3' ; B-Register code:6E30 sjmp code_6E57 code:6E32 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6E32 code:6E32 code_6E32: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE:code_6E2Aj code:6E32 mov A, #0xD3 ; '' code:6E34 mov B, RAM_38 ; B-Register code:6E37 mul AB code:6E38 clr C code:6E39 xch A, B ; B-Register code:6E3B rrc A code:6E3C mov B, #0x57 ; 'W' ; B-Register code:6E3F add A, B ; B-Register code:6E41 jnc code_6E45 code:6E43 mov A, #0xFF code:6E45 code:6E45 code_6E45: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE+4C63j code:6E45 cjne A, #0xCD, code_6E48 ; '' code:6E48 code:6E48 code_6E48: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE:code_6E45j code:6E48 jc code_6E4E code:6E4A mov A, #0xCD ; '' code:6E4C sjmp code_6E55 code:6E4E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6E4E code:6E4E code_6E4E: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE:code_6E48j code:6E4E cjne A, #0x4D, code_6E51 ; 'M' code:6E51 code:6E51 code_6E51: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE:code_6E4Ej code:6E51 jnc code_6E55 code:6E53 mov A, #0x4D ; 'M' code:6E55 code:6E55 code_6E55: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE+4C6Ej code:6E55 ; code_21DE:code_6E51j code:6E55 mov B, A ; B-Register code:6E57 code:6E57 code_6E57: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE+4C25j code:6E57 ; code_21DE+4C2Dj ... code:6E57 jb F0, code_6E64 ; Program Status Word Register code:6E5A mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:6E5D mov R0, #0x6C ; 'l' code:6E5F movx A, @R0 code:6E60 jz code_6E79 code:6E62 dec A code:6E63 movx @R0, A code:6E64 code:6E64 code_6E64: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE:code_6E57j code:6E64 mov P2, #0xA0 ; '' ; Port 2 code:6E67 mov R0, #0x11 code:6E69 mov A, #0x21 ; '!' code:6E6B movx @R0, A code:6E6C jnb F0, code_6E81 ; Program Status Word Register code:6E6F mov A, #0x32 ; '2' code:6E71 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:6E74 mov R0, #0x6C ; 'l' code:6E76 movx @R0, A code:6E77 sjmp code_6E81 code:6E79 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6E79 code:6E79 code_6E79: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE+4C82j code:6E79 mov P2, #0xA0 ; '' ; Port 2 code:6E7C mov R0, #0x11 code:6E7E mov A, #0x11 code:6E80 movx @R0, A code:6E81 code:6E81 code_6E81: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE+4C8Ej code:6E81 ; code_21DE+4C99j code:6E81 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:6E84 mov R0, #0x62 ; 'b' code:6E86 movx A, @R0 code:6E87 clr ACC4 ; Accumulator code:6E89 movx @R0, A code:6E8A mov P2, #0xA0 ; '' ; Port 2 code:6E8D mov R0, #0x21 ; '!' code:6E8F movx @R0, A code:6E90 mov R0, #8 code:6E92 mov A, B ; B-Register code:6E94 jz code_6E9D code:6E96 cjne A, #5, code_6E99 code:6E99 code:6E99 code_6E99: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE+4CB8j code:6E99 jnc code_6E9D code:6E9B mov A, #0 code:6E9D code:6E9D code_6E9D: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE+4CB6j code:6E9D ; code_21DE:code_6E99j code:6E9D movx @R0, A code:6E9E code:6E9E code_6E9E: ; CODE XREF: code_21DE+4C49j code:6E9E ljmp code_D15 code:6E9E ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_21DE code:6EA1 code:6EA1 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:6EA1 code:6EA1 code:6EA1 code_6EA1: ; CODE XREF: code_220Bj code:6EA1 jnb RAM_2E.0, code_6ED9 code:6EA4 mov R1, #0xB4 ; '' code:6EA6 mov A, #0xA code:6EA8 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6EA9 jnb RAM_28.5, code_6EB7 code:6EAC mov B, A ; B-Register code:6EAE mov A, #0xB code:6EB0 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6EB1 add A, B ; B-Register code:6EB3 jnc code_6EB7 code:6EB5 mov A, #0xFF code:6EB7 code:6EB7 code_6EB7: ; CODE XREF: code_6EA1+8j code:6EB7 ; code_6EA1+12j code:6EB7 dec A code:6EB8 clr C code:6EB9 subb A, @R1 code:6EBA cpl C code:6EBB mov RAM_28.5, C code:6EBD mov A, #0xC code:6EBF movc A, @A+DPTR code:6EC0 clr C code:6EC1 subb A, RAM_40 code:6EC3 jnc code_6ECB code:6EC5 mov A, #0xD code:6EC7 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6EC8 clr C code:6EC9 subb A, RAM_3B code:6ECB code:6ECB code_6ECB: ; CODE XREF: code_6EA1+22j code:6ECB mov RAM_28.4, C code:6ECD jnb RAM_28.4, code_6ED9 code:6ED0 mov R0, #0x7E ; '~' code:6ED2 cjne @R0, #0x80, code_6ED5 ; '' code:6ED5 code:6ED5 code_6ED5: ; CODE XREF: code_6EA1+31j code:6ED5 jc code_6ED9 code:6ED7 clr RAM_28.4 code:6ED9 code:6ED9 code_6ED9: ; CODE XREF: code_6EA1j code:6ED9 ; code_6EA1+2Cj ... code:6ED9 ret code:6ED9 ; End of function code_6EA1 code:6ED9 code:6EDA code:6EDA ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:6EDA code:6EDA code:6EDA code_6EDA: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+4100p code:6EDA mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:6EDD mov R1, #0x50 ; 'P' code:6EDF mov A, RAM_34 code:6EE1 cpl A code:6EE2 movx @R1, A code:6EE3 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:6EE6 ret code:6EE6 ; End of function code_6EDA code:6EE6 code:6EE7 code:6EE7 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:6EE7 code:6EE7 code:6EE7 code_6EE7: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+415Ap code:6EE7 lcall code_6F94 code:6EEA mov DPTR, #0x4161 code:6EED mov A, #0 code:6EEF movc A, @A+DPTR code:6EF0 jnb ACC7, code_6EFE ; Accumulator code:6EF3 ret code:6EF4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6EF4 mov DPTR, #0x4160 code:6EF7 mov A, #1 code:6EF9 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6EFA jbc ACC7, code_6EFE ; Accumulator code:6EFD ret code:6EFE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6EFE code:6EFE code_6EFE: ; CODE XREF: code_6EE7+9j code:6EFE ; code_6EE7+13j code:6EFE jnz code_6F01 code:6F00 ret code:6F01 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6F01 code:6F01 code_6F01: ; CODE XREF: code_6EE7:code_6EFEj code:6F01 cjne A, #0x15, code_6F04 code:6F04 code:6F04 code_6F04: ; CODE XREF: code_6EE7:code_6F01j code:6F04 jc code_6F08 code:6F06 mov A, #0x14 code:6F08 code:6F08 code_6F08: ; CODE XREF: code_6EE7:code_6F04j code:6F08 mov R4, #1 code:6F0A mov R5, A code:6F0B push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:6F0D push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:6F0F mov DPTR, #0xDE00 code:6F12 movx @DPTR, A code:6F13 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:6F15 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:6F17 inc DPTR code:6F18 code:6F18 code_6F18: ; CODE XREF: code_6EE7+AAj code:6F18 clr A code:6F19 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6F1A jz code_6F68 code:6F1C dec A code:6F1D jnz code_6F3A code:6F1F inc DPTR code:6F20 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6F21 cjne A, #0x90, code_6F28 ; '' code:6F24 mov A, P1 ; Port 1 code:6F26 sjmp code_6F6C code:6F28 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6F28 code:6F28 code_6F28: ; CODE XREF: code_6EE7+3Aj code:6F28 cjne A, #0xB0, code_6F2F ; '' code:6F2B mov A, P3 ; Port 3 code:6F2D sjmp code_6F6C code:6F2F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6F2F code:6F2F code_6F2F: ; CODE XREF: code_6EE7:code_6F28j code:6F2F cjne A, #0xE8, code_6F36 ; '' code:6F32 mov A, P4 ; Port 4 code:6F34 sjmp code_6F6C code:6F36 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6F36 code:6F36 code_6F36: ; CODE XREF: code_6EE7:code_6F2Fj code:6F36 mov A, P5 ; Port 5 code:6F38 sjmp code_6F6C code:6F3A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6F3A code:6F3A code_6F3A: ; CODE XREF: code_6EE7+36j code:6F3A dec A code:6F3B add A, #0 code:6F3D mov B, A ; B-Register code:6F3F clr A code:6F40 inc DPTR code:6F41 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6F42 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:6F44 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:6F46 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:6F48 mov DPH, B ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:6F4B movx A, @DPTR code:6F4C mov R0, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:6F4E cjne R0, #0x11, code_6F62 code:6F51 mov R1, B ; B-Register code:6F53 cjne R1, #0, code_6F62 code:6F56 mov R1, A code:6F57 inc DPTR code:6F58 movx A, @DPTR code:6F59 rlc A code:6F5A xch A, R1 code:6F5B rlc A code:6F5C xch A, R1 code:6F5D rlc A code:6F5E xch A, R1 code:6F5F rlc A code:6F60 add A, #0x80 ; '' code:6F62 code:6F62 code_6F62: ; CODE XREF: code_6EE7+67j code:6F62 ; code_6EE7+6Cj code:6F62 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:6F64 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:6F66 sjmp code_6F6C code:6F68 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6F68 code:6F68 code_6F68: ; CODE XREF: code_6EE7+33j code:6F68 inc DPTR code:6F69 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6F6A mov R0, A code:6F6B mov A, @R0 code:6F6C code:6F6C code_6F6C: ; CODE XREF: code_6EE7+3Fj code:6F6C ; code_6EE7+46j ... code:6F6C djnz R5, code_6F81 code:6F6E push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:6F70 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:6F72 mov DPH, #0xDE ; '' ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:6F75 mov DPL, R4 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:6F77 movx @DPTR, A code:6F78 mov DPH, #0x9E ; '' ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:6F7B movx @DPTR, A code:6F7C pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:6F7E pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:6F80 ret code:6F81 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6F81 code:6F81 code_6F81: ; CODE XREF: code_6EE7:code_6F6Cj code:6F81 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:6F83 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:6F85 mov DPH, #0xDE ; '' ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:6F88 mov DPL, R4 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:6F8A movx @DPTR, A code:6F8B pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:6F8D pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:6F8F inc R4 code:6F90 inc DPTR code:6F91 ljmp code_6F18 code:6F91 ; End of function code_6EE7 code:6F91 code:6F94 code:6F94 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:6F94 code:6F94 code:6F94 code_6F94: ; CODE XREF: code_6EE7p code:6F94 mov DPTR, #0x43A3 code:6F97 clr A code:6F98 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6F99 jnz code_6F9C code:6F9B ret code:6F9C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6F9C code:6F9C code_6F9C: ; CODE XREF: code_6F94+5j code:6F9C mov DPTR, #0x4160 code:6F9F clr A code:6FA0 movc A, @A+DPTR code:6FA1 mov B, A ; B-Register code:6FA3 clr RAM_29.1 code:6FA5 clr TI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:6FA7 jnb RI, code_6FDD ; Serial Channel Control Register code:6FAA mov A, SBUF ; Serial Channel Buffer Register code:6FAC clr TB8 ; Serial Channel Control Register code:6FAE jb B0, code_6FC6 ; B-Register code:6FB1 jbc ACC7, code_6FCA ; Accumulator code:6FB4 jnb B2, code_6FC6 ; B-Register code:6FB7 jb ACC6, code_6FC0 ; Accumulator code:6FBA add A, #0x80 ; '' code:6FBC mov R0, A code:6FBD mov A, @R0 code:6FBE sjmp code_6FD4 code:6FC0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6FC0 code:6FC0 code_6FC0: ; CODE XREF: code_6F94+23j code:6FC0 add A, #0 code:6FC2 mov R0, A code:6FC3 mov A, @R0 code:6FC4 sjmp code_6FD4 code:6FC6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6FC6 code:6FC6 code_6FC6: ; CODE XREF: code_6F94+1Aj code:6FC6 ; code_6F94+20j code:6FC6 mov R0, A code:6FC7 mov A, @R0 code:6FC8 sjmp code_6FD4 code:6FCA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6FCA code:6FCA code_6FCA: ; CODE XREF: code_6F94+1Dj code:6FCA add A, #0 code:6FCC mov R0, A code:6FCD mov A, #0 code:6FCF add A, #0 code:6FD1 mov P2, A ; Port 2 code:6FD3 movx A, @R0 code:6FD4 code:6FD4 code_6FD4: ; CODE XREF: code_6F94+2Aj code:6FD4 ; code_6F94+30j ... code:6FD4 mov SBUF, A ; Serial Channel Buffer Register code:6FD6 code:6FD6 code_6FD6: ; CODE XREF: code_6F94:code_6FD6j code:6FD6 jnb TI, code_6FD6 ; Serial Channel Control Register code:6FD9 clr TI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:6FDB clr RI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:6FDD code:6FDD code_6FDD: ; CODE XREF: code_6F94+13j code:6FDD ret code:6FDD ; End of function code_6F94 code:6FDD code:6FDE code:6FDE ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:6FDE code:6FDE ; Attributes: thunk code:6FDE code:6FDE code_6FDE: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5498p code:6FDE ljmp code_211E code:6FDE ; End of function code_6FDE code:6FDE code:6FE1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:6FE1 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_211E code:6FE1 code:6FE1 code_6FE1: ; CODE XREF: code_211E+3j code:6FE1 mov P2, #0xA0 ; '' ; Port 2 code:6FE4 mov R0, #0x40 ; '@' code:6FE6 movx A, @R0 code:6FE7 xrl A, #0x9E code:6FE9 anl A, RAM_2E code:6FEB mov RAM_20, A code:6FED mov R0, #0x41 ; 'A' code:6FEF movx A, @R0 code:6FF0 xrl A, #2 code:6FF2 mov RAM_21, A code:6FF4 lcall code_21CF code:6FF7 jb RAM_28.0, code_700E code:6FFA mov R0, #0xBB ; '' code:6FFC mov A, @R0 code:6FFD jnb ACC1, code_700E ; Accumulator code:7000 jnb RAM_20.0, code_700E code:7003 mov A, #6 code:7005 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7006 cjne A, RAM_3B, code_7009 code:7009 code:7009 code_7009: ; CODE XREF: code_211E+4EE8j code:7009 jc code_700E code:700B ljmp code_260B code:700E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:700E code:700E code_700E: ; CODE XREF: code_211E+4ED9j code:700E ; code_211E+4EDFj ... code:700E mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:7011 mov R0, #0x31 ; '1' code:7013 movx A, @R0 code:7014 mov RAM_2E, A code:7016 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:7019 mov R0, #0x32 ; '2' code:701B movx A, @R0 code:701C mov RAM_2F, A code:701E jnb RAM_28.0, code_7034 code:7021 clr RAM_2E.0 code:7023 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:7026 mov R0, #0x5B ; '[' code:7028 movx A, @R0 code:7029 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:702C jnz code_7034 code:702E clr RAM_2F.4 code:7030 clr RAM_2F.5 code:7032 clr RAM_2E.1 code:7034 code:7034 code_7034: ; CODE XREF: code_211E+4F00j code:7034 ; code_211E+4F0Ej code:7034 mov A, #7 code:7036 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7037 jb RAM_28.0, code_7042 code:703A cjne A, RAM_3B, code_703D code:703D code:703D code_703D: ; CODE XREF: code_211E+4F1Cj code:703D jc code_707A code:703F jb RAM_28.1, code_707A code:7042 code:7042 code_7042: ; CODE XREF: code_211E+4F19j code:7042 clr RAM_2F.6 code:7044 mov RAM_5A, #0 code:7047 setb RAM_28.1 code:7049 mov A, #0 code:704B movc A, @A+DPTR code:704C cjne A, RAM_38, code_704F code:704F code:704F code_704F: ; CODE XREF: code_211E+4F2Ej code:704F mov RAM_2F.0, C code:7051 mov A, #1 code:7053 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7054 cjne A, RAM_38, code_7057 code:7057 code:7057 code_7057: ; CODE XREF: code_211E+4F36j code:7057 cpl C code:7058 mov RAM_2F.1, C code:705A jb RAM_2E.2, code_706B code:705D setb RAM_2E.2 code:705F jb RAM_2E.0, code_706B code:7062 jbc RAM_2E.1, code_7069 code:7065 clr RAM_2F.5 code:7067 sjmp code_706B code:7069 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7069 code:7069 code_7069: ; CODE XREF: code_211E+4F44j code:7069 setb RAM_2F.5 code:706B code:706B code_706B: ; CODE XREF: code_211E+4F3Cj code:706B ; code_211E+4F41j ... code:706B mov R0, #0x9C ; '' code:706D clr A code:706E clr RAM_2F.2 code:7070 mov @R0, A code:7071 inc R0 code:7072 clr RAM_2F.3 code:7074 mov @R0, A code:7075 mov R0, #0x33 ; '3' code:7077 movx @R0, A code:7078 inc R0 code:7079 movx @R0, A code:707A code:707A code_707A: ; CODE XREF: code_211E:code_703Dj code:707A ; code_211E+4F21j code:707A jnb RAM_28.1, code_708D code:707D mov R2, #0 code:707F lcall code_400 code:7082 cjne A, RAM_3B, code_7085 code:7085 code:7085 code_7085: ; CODE XREF: code_211E+4F64j code:7085 jnc code_708D code:7087 clr RAM_28.1 code:7089 clr RAM_2E.2 code:708B setb RAM_2F.2 code:708D code:708D code_708D: ; CODE XREF: code_211E:code_707Aj code:708D ; code_211E:code_7085j code:708D jnb RAM_28.1, code_70AE code:7090 mov R2, #1 code:7092 lcall code_400 code:7095 cjne A, RAM_3B, code_7098 code:7098 code:7098 code_7098: ; CODE XREF: code_211E+4F77j code:7098 jc code_70A2 code:709A mov A, #2 code:709C movc A, @A+DPTR code:709D cjne A, RAM_5A, code_70A0 code:70A0 code:70A0 code_70A0: ; CODE XREF: code_211E+4F7Fj code:70A0 jnc code_70AE code:70A2 code:70A2 code_70A2: ; CODE XREF: code_211E:code_7098j code:70A2 jb RAM_2F.6, code_70AE code:70A5 setb RAM_2F.6 code:70A7 mov RAM_5A, #0 code:70AA setb RAM_2F.4 code:70AC setb RAM_2F.3 code:70AE code:70AE code_70AE: ; CODE XREF: code_211E:code_708Dj code:70AE ; code_211E:code_70A0j ... code:70AE mov R0, #0x9C ; '' code:70B0 mov B, @R0 ; B-Register code:70B2 mov A, #3 code:70B4 movc A, @A+DPTR code:70B5 cjne A, B, code_70B8 ; B-Register code:70B8 code:70B8 code_70B8: ; CODE XREF: code_211E+4F97j code:70B8 jnc code_70BC code:70BA clr RAM_2F.4 code:70BC code:70BC code_70BC: ; CODE XREF: code_211E:code_70B8j code:70BC mov A, #5 code:70BE movc A, @A+DPTR code:70BF cjne A, B, code_70C2 ; B-Register code:70C2 code:70C2 code_70C2: ; CODE XREF: code_211E+4FA1j code:70C2 jnc code_70CA code:70C4 clr RAM_2E.0 code:70C6 clr RAM_2E.1 code:70C8 sjmp code_70D6 code:70CA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:70CA code:70CA code_70CA: ; CODE XREF: code_211E:code_70C2j code:70CA mov A, #4 code:70CC movc A, @A+DPTR code:70CD cjne A, B, code_70D0 ; B-Register code:70D0 code:70D0 code_70D0: ; CODE XREF: code_211E+4FAFj code:70D0 jnc code_70D6 code:70D2 setb RAM_2E.0 code:70D4 setb RAM_2E.1 code:70D6 code:70D6 code_70D6: ; CODE XREF: code_211E+4FAAj code:70D6 ; code_211E:code_70D0j code:70D6 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:70D9 mov R0, #0x31 ; '1' code:70DB mov A, RAM_2E code:70DD movx @R0, A code:70DE mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:70E1 mov R0, #0x32 ; '2' code:70E3 mov A, RAM_2F code:70E5 movx @R0, A code:70E6 ret code:70E6 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_211E code:70E7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:70E7 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:70E7 code:70E7 code_70E7: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+17j code:70E7 mov DPTR, #0x4160 code:70EA mov A, #0 code:70EC movc A, @A+DPTR code:70ED mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:70F0 jb ACC1, code_70F6 ; Accumulator code:70F3 ljmp code_B42 code:70F6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:70F6 code:70F6 code_70F6: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-C50j code:70F6 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:70F9 mov R0, #0x10 code:70FB movx A, @R0 code:70FC jnb ACC0, code_7118 ; Accumulator code:70FF mov RAM_68, #0x46 ; 'F' code:7102 mov C, RI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:7104 jnc code_7113 code:7106 clr RAM_29.0 code:7108 clr RAM_23.6 code:710A clr ACC4 ; Accumulator code:710C movx @R0, A code:710D code:710D code_710D: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-C2Aj code:710D mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:7110 ljmp code_7D5A code:7113 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7113 code:7113 code_7113: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-C3Cj code:7113 jb ACC4, code_7141 ; Accumulator code:7116 sjmp code_710D code:7118 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7118 code:7118 code_7118: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-C44j code:7118 jnb RI, code_712E ; Serial Channel Control Register code:711B mov A, SBUF ; Serial Channel Buffer Register code:711D cjne A, #6, code_712E code:7120 mov A, #7 code:7122 movx @R0, A code:7123 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:7126 mov R0, #0x9B ; '' code:7128 mov A, #4 code:712A movx @R0, A code:712B ljmp code_7D5A code:712B ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:712E code:712E ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:712E code:712E code:712E code_712E: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_7118j code:712E ; code_7D40-C23j code:712E clr A code:712F movx @R0, A code:7130 mov DPTR, #0x4160 code:7133 mov A, #0 code:7135 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7136 jnb ACC1, code_713E ; Accumulator code:7139 clr RI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:713B mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:713E code:713E code_713E: ; CODE XREF: code_712E+8j code:713E ljmp code_B42 code:713E ; End of function code_712E code:713E code:7141 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7141 code:7141 code_7141: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_7113j code:7141 jnb ACC3, code_7147 ; Accumulator code:7144 ljmp code_71CD code:7147 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7147 code:7147 code_7147: ; CODE XREF: code:code_7141j code:7147 setb RAM_29.1 code:7149 push ACC ; Accumulator code:714B lcall code_7220 code:714E pop ACC ; Accumulator code:7150 mov C, ACC2 ; Accumulator code:7152 mov RAM_29.0, C code:7154 mov C, ACC1 ; Accumulator code:7156 cpl C code:7157 mov RAM_23.6, C code:7159 mov R7, RAM_3B code:715B cjne R7, #3, code_715E code:715E code:715E code_715E: ; CODE XREF: code:715Bj code:715E jnc code_7165 code:7160 setb ACC5 ; Accumulator code:7162 movx @R0, A code:7163 sjmp code_716B code:7165 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7165 code:7165 code_7165: ; CODE XREF: code:code_715Ej code:7165 clr ACC5 ; Accumulator code:7167 movx @R0, A code:7168 jnb ACC1, code_71AF ; Accumulator code:716B code:716B code_716B: ; CODE XREF: code:7163j code:716B clr RAM_23.6 code:716D setb TI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:716F mov R2, #8 code:7171 mov R0, #0 code:7173 code:7173 code_7173: ; CODE XREF: code:code_71A2j code:7173 movx A, @R0 code:7174 mov DPH, A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7176 inc R0 code:7177 cjne A, #2, code_717A code:717A code:717A code_717A: ; CODE XREF: code:7177j code:717A movx A, @R0 code:717B mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:717D inc R0 code:717E jc code_718D code:7180 dec DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7182 dec DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7184 mov A, #0 code:7186 add A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7188 mov DPH, A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:718A movx A, @DPTR code:718B sjmp code_7190 code:718D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:718D code:718D code_718D: ; CODE XREF: code:717Ej code:718D mov R1, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:718F mov A, @R1 code:7190 code:7190 code_7190: ; CODE XREF: code:718Bj code:7190 lcall code_71C1 code:7193 cjne R2, #4, code_71A2 code:7196 jnb RAM_29.0, code_71AC code:7199 jb RAM_23.6, code_71A2 code:719C mov B, #0x32 ; '2' ; B-Register code:719F code:719F code_719F: ; CODE XREF: code:code_719Fj code:719F djnz B, code_719F ; B-Register code:71A2 code:71A2 code_71A2: ; CODE XREF: code:7193j code:71A2 ; code:7199j code:71A2 djnz R2, code_7173 code:71A4 mov A, #3 code:71A6 lcall code_71C1 code:71A9 lcall code_71C1 code:71AC code:71AC code_71AC: ; CODE XREF: code:7196j code:71AC ; code:code_71ACj code:71AC jnb TI, code_71AC ; Serial Channel Control Register code:71AF code:71AF code_71AF: ; CODE XREF: code:7168j code:71AF clr F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:71B1 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:71B4 mov R0, #0x9B ; '' code:71B6 mov A, #4 code:71B8 movx @R0, A code:71B9 clr RI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:71BB mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:71BE ljmp code_B42 code:71C1 code:71C1 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:71C1 code:71C1 code:71C1 code_71C1: ; CODE XREF: code:code_7190p code:71C1 ; code:71A6p ... code:71C1 jnb TI, code_71C1 ; Serial Channel Control Register code:71C4 clr TI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:71C6 mov C, P ; Program Status Word Register code:71C8 mov TB8, C ; Serial Channel Control Register code:71CA mov SBUF, A ; Serial Channel Buffer Register code:71CC ret code:71CC ; End of function code_71C1 code:71CC code:71CD ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:71CD ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:71CD code:71CD code_71CD: ; CODE XREF: code:7144j code:71CD mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:71D0 mov R1, #0xA4 ; '' code:71D2 movx A, @R1 code:71D3 anl A, #0xF code:71D5 mov R6, A code:71D6 movx A, @R1 code:71D7 swap A code:71D8 anl A, #0xF code:71DA mov R4, A code:71DB add A, R6 code:71DC cjne A, #9, code_71DF code:71DF code:71DF code_71DF: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-B64j code:71DF jc code_71F8 code:71E1 mov A, #4 code:71E3 mov R0, #0x9A ; '' code:71E5 movx @R0, A code:71E6 clr A code:71E7 inc R0 code:71E8 movx @R0, A code:71E9 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:71EC mov R0, #0x10 code:71EE movx A, @R0 code:71EF anl A, #0xF code:71F1 movx @R0, A code:71F2 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:71F5 ljmp code_B42 code:71F8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:71F8 code:71F8 code_71F8: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_71DFj code:71F8 mov A, R4 code:71F9 clr C code:71FA rlc A code:71FB add A, #0 code:71FD mov R0, A code:71FE inc R1 code:71FF movx A, @R1 code:7200 mov DPH, A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7202 inc R1 code:7203 movx A, @R1 code:7204 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7206 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:7209 code:7209 code_7209: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-B2Ej code:7209 mov A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:720B movx @R0, A code:720C inc R0 code:720D mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:720F movx @R0, A code:7210 inc R0 code:7211 inc DPTR code:7212 djnz R6, code_7209 code:7214 mov R0, #0x10 code:7216 movx A, @R0 code:7217 clr ACC3 ; Accumulator code:7219 movx @R0, A code:721A mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:721D ljmp code_B42 code:721D ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:7220 code:7220 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7220 code:7220 code:7220 code_7220: ; CODE XREF: code:714Bp code:7220 clr A code:7221 mov C, RAM_28.4 code:7223 rrc A code:7224 mov C, RAM_28.5 code:7226 rrc A code:7227 mov C, RAM_28.1 code:7229 rrc A code:722A mov C, RAM_27.0 code:722C rrc A code:722D mov R2, A code:722E clr C code:722F mov A, RAM_63 code:7231 jz code_7234 code:7233 cpl C code:7234 code:7234 code_7234: ; CODE XREF: code_7220+11j code:7234 mov A, R2 code:7235 rrc A code:7236 clr C code:7237 rrc A code:7238 clr C code:7239 rrc A code:723A clr C code:723B rrc A code:723C mov R1, #0x1E code:723E movx @R1, A code:723F ret code:723F ; End of function code_7220 code:723F code:7240 code:7240 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7240 code:7240 code:7240 code_7240: ; CODE XREF: code_21F3j code:7240 ; code_B4B+5065p ... code:7240 push RAM_0 code:7242 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7244 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7246 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:7249 clr RAM_29.1 code:724B clr RAM_23.6 code:724D clr RAM_29.0 code:724F mov R0, #0x10 code:7251 clr A code:7252 movx @R0, A code:7253 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:7256 mov DPTR, #0x111 code:7259 mov A, #0x1E code:725B movx @DPTR, A code:725C mov DPTR, #0x112 code:725F mov A, #0x80 ; '' code:7261 movx @DPTR, A code:7262 inc DPTR code:7263 movx @DPTR, A code:7264 inc DPTR code:7265 movx @DPTR, A code:7266 clr A code:7267 inc DPTR code:7268 movx @DPTR, A code:7269 inc DPTR code:726A movx @DPTR, A code:726B inc DPTR code:726C movx @DPTR, A code:726D inc DPTR code:726E movx @DPTR, A code:726F pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7271 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7273 pop RAM_0 code:7275 ret code:7275 ; End of function code_7240 code:7275 code:7275 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7276 .byte 0x30 ; 0 code:7277 .byte 0x30 ; 0 code:7278 .byte 0x30 ; 0 code:7279 .byte 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x4D, 0x31, 0x2E, 0x37, 0x20 code:7282 code:7282 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7282 code:7282 code:7282 code_7282: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5492p code:7282 ; code_7380p code:7282 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:7285 mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:7288 mov A, #0x24 ; '$' code:728A movc A, @A+DPTR code:728B mov R3, A code:728C mov DPTR, #0x9F48 code:728F mov RAM_6, #6 code:7292 mov R2, #0 code:7294 lcall code_AF2 code:7297 mov A, R2 code:7298 jz code_72A5 code:729A clr C code:729B mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:729D subb A, RAM_6 code:729F mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:72A1 jnc code_72A5 code:72A3 dec DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:72A5 code:72A5 code_72A5: ; CODE XREF: code_7282+16j code:72A5 ; code_7282+1Fj code:72A5 mov R5, #0xFF code:72A7 mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:72A9 lcall code_B92 code:72AC mov @R0, A code:72AD mov R4, #1 code:72AF mov R5, #2 code:72B1 lcall code_731E code:72B4 inc R0 code:72B5 mov R5, #1 code:72B7 lcall code_B92 code:72BA mov @R0, A code:72BB mov R4, #1 code:72BD mov R5, #2 code:72BF lcall code_731E code:72C2 mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:72C5 mov A, #0x25 ; '%' code:72C7 movc A, @A+DPTR code:72C8 mov DPTR, #0x9F90 code:72CB mov R3, A code:72CC mov RAM_6, #3 code:72CF mov R2, #0 code:72D1 lcall code_AF2 code:72D4 mov A, R2 code:72D5 jz code_72E2 code:72D7 clr C code:72D8 mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:72DA subb A, RAM_6 code:72DC mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:72DE jnc code_72E2 code:72E0 dec DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:72E2 code:72E2 code_72E2: ; CODE XREF: code_7282+53j code:72E2 ; code_7282+5Cj code:72E2 mov R5, #0xFF code:72E4 mov R0, #0x79 ; 'y' code:72E6 lcall code_B92 code:72E9 movx @R0, A code:72EA mov R4, #4 code:72EC mov R5, #8 code:72EE lcall code_731E code:72F1 mov DPTR, #0x9F42 code:72F4 mov R5, #0x80 ; '' code:72F6 mov R0, #0x26 ; '&' code:72F8 lcall code_B92 code:72FB movx @R0, A code:72FC mov R4, #0x40 ; '@' code:72FE mov R5, #0x80 ; '' code:7300 lcall code_731E code:7303 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:7306 mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:7309 mov A, #0x41 ; 'A' code:730B movc A, @A+DPTR code:730C mov B, A ; B-Register code:730E mov R2, #8 code:7310 mov R1, #0xC8 ; '' code:7312 movx A, @R1 code:7313 clr C code:7314 jz code_731A code:7316 mov R6, A code:7317 setb C code:7318 clr A code:7319 movx @R1, A code:731A code:731A code_731A: ; CODE XREF: code_7282+92j code:731A lcall code_8241 code:731D ret code:731D ; End of function code_7282 code:731D code:731E code:731E ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:731E code:731E code:731E code_731E: ; CODE XREF: code_7282+2Fp code:731E ; code_7282+3Dp ... code:731E mov R1, #0xC8 ; '' code:7320 cjne R6, #0, code_7326 code:7323 movx A, @R1 code:7324 orl A, R4 code:7325 movx @R1, A code:7326 code:7326 code_7326: ; CODE XREF: code_731E+2j code:7326 cjne R6, #1, code_732C code:7329 movx A, @R1 code:732A orl A, R5 code:732B movx @R1, A code:732C code:732C code_732C: ; CODE XREF: code_731E:code_7326j code:732C ret code:732C ; End of function code_731E code:732C code:732D code:732D ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:732D code:732D code:732D code_732D: ; CODE XREF: code_21D5j code:732D mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:7330 mov DPTR, #0x9F45 code:7333 mov R5, #0x80 ; '' code:7335 lcall code_B92 code:7338 mov B, RAM_36 ; B-Register code:733B mul AB code:733C rlc A code:733D xch A, B ; B-Register code:733F rlc A code:7340 jnc code_7344 code:7342 mov A, #0xFF code:7344 code:7344 code_7344: ; CODE XREF: code_732D+13j code:7344 mov RAM_36, A code:7346 mov R4, #0x10 code:7348 mov R5, #0x20 ; ' ' code:734A lcall code_731E code:734D ret code:734D ; End of function code_732D code:734D code:734E code:734E ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:734E code:734E code:734E code_734E: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_20EEp code:734E push ACC ; Accumulator code:7350 mov R0, #0xBB ; '' code:7352 mov A, @R0 code:7353 mov C, ACC0 ; Accumulator code:7355 mov R0, #0xBC ; '' code:7357 mov A, @R0 code:7358 setb ACC1 ; Accumulator code:735A jc code_735E code:735C clr ACC1 ; Accumulator code:735E code:735E code_735E: ; CODE XREF: code_734E+Cj code:735E mov @R0, A code:735F mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:7361 mov A, @R0 code:7362 jb ACC1, code_736B ; Accumulator code:7365 mov DPTR, #0x4174 code:7368 pop ACC ; Accumulator code:736A ret code:736B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:736B code:736B code_736B: ; CODE XREF: code_734E+14j code:736B mov DPTR, #0x41AD code:736E pop ACC ; Accumulator code:7370 ret code:7370 ; End of function code_734E code:7370 code:7371 code:7371 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7371 code:7371 code:7371 code_7371: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_20FAp code:7371 mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:7373 mov A, @R0 code:7374 mov DPTR, #0x4590 code:7377 ret code:7377 ; End of function code_7371 code:7377 code:7378 code:7378 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7378 code:7378 code:7378 code_7378: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2100p code:7378 mov DPTR, #0x4560 code:737B ret code:737B ; End of function code_7378 code:737B code:737C code:737C ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:737C code:737C code:737C code_737C: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2106p code:737C mov DPTR, #0x45B0 code:737F ret code:737F ; End of function code_737C code:737F code:7380 code:7380 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7380 code:7380 code:7380 code_7380: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_210Cp code:7380 lcall code_7282 code:7383 mov DPTR, #0x4170 code:7386 ret code:7386 ; End of function code_7380 code:7386 code:7387 code:7387 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7387 code:7387 code:7387 code_7387: ; CODE XREF: code_2118p code:7387 mov RAM_73, #0x44 ; 'D' code:738A mov RAM_74, #0x10 code:738D mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:7390 mov RAM_76, #0 code:7393 ret code:7393 ; End of function code_7387 code:7393 code:7394 code:7394 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7394 code:7394 code:7394 code_7394: ; CODE XREF: code_211Ep code:7394 mov RAM_73, #0x44 ; 'D' code:7397 mov RAM_74, #0x14 code:739A mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:739C mov A, @R0 code:739D jb ACC1, code_73A5 ; Accumulator code:73A0 mov RAM_2E, #0xCF ; '' code:73A3 sjmp code_73A8 code:73A5 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:73A5 code:73A5 code_73A5: ; CODE XREF: code_7394+9j code:73A5 mov RAM_2E, #0xDF ; '' code:73A8 code:73A8 code_73A8: ; CODE XREF: code_7394+Fj code:73A8 mov DPTR, #0x41E6 code:73AB mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:73AE mov RAM_76, #2 code:73B1 ret code:73B1 ; End of function code_7394 code:73B1 code:73B2 code:73B2 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:73B2 code:73B2 code:73B2 code_73B2: ; CODE XREF: code_2124p code:73B2 ; code_7435j ... code:73B2 mov RAM_73, #0x44 ; 'D' code:73B5 mov RAM_74, #0x72 ; 'r' code:73B8 mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:73BA mov A, @R0 code:73BB jnb ACC4, code_73D2 ; Accumulator code:73BE mov DPTR, #0x4208 code:73C1 jb ACC1, code_73CB ; Accumulator code:73C4 mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:73C7 mov RAM_76, #0x82 ; '' code:73CA ret code:73CB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:73CB code:73CB code_73CB: ; CODE XREF: code_73B2+Fj code:73CB mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:73CE mov RAM_76, #0x93 ; '' code:73D1 ret code:73D2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:73D2 code:73D2 code_73D2: ; CODE XREF: code_73B2+9j code:73D2 jb ACC3, code_73EC ; Accumulator code:73D5 jnb ACC2, code_73EC ; Accumulator code:73D8 mov DPTR, #0x4208 code:73DB jb ACC1, code_73E5 ; Accumulator code:73DE mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:73E1 mov RAM_76, #0x82 ; '' code:73E4 ret code:73E5 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:73E5 code:73E5 code_73E5: ; CODE XREF: code_73B2+29j code:73E5 mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:73E8 mov RAM_76, #0x93 ; '' code:73EB ret code:73EC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:73EC code:73EC code_73EC: ; CODE XREF: code_73B2:code_73D2j code:73EC ; code_73B2+23j code:73EC mov DPTR, #0x4208 code:73EF jb ACC1, code_73F9 ; Accumulator code:73F2 mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:73F5 mov RAM_76, #0xA4 ; '' code:73F8 ret code:73F9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:73F9 code:73F9 code_73F9: ; CODE XREF: code_73B2+3Dj code:73F9 mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:73FC mov RAM_76, #0xB5 ; '' code:73FF ret code:73FF ; End of function code_73B2 code:73FF code:7400 code:7400 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7400 code:7400 code:7400 code_7400: ; CODE XREF: code_3757:code_212Ap code:7400 mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:7402 mov A, @R0 code:7403 jnb ACC4, code_7417 ; Accumulator code:7406 jb ACC1, code_7410 ; Accumulator code:7409 mov RAM_75, #0x41 ; 'A' code:740C mov RAM_76, #0x3D ; '=' code:740F ret code:7410 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7410 code:7410 code_7410: ; CODE XREF: code_7400+6j code:7410 mov RAM_75, #0x41 ; 'A' code:7413 mov RAM_76, #0x3F ; '?' code:7416 ret code:7417 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7417 code:7417 code_7417: ; CODE XREF: code_7400+3j code:7417 jb ACC3, code_742E ; Accumulator code:741A jnb ACC2, code_742E ; Accumulator code:741D jb ACC1, code_7427 ; Accumulator code:7420 mov RAM_75, #0x41 ; 'A' code:7423 mov RAM_76, #0x3D ; '=' code:7426 ret code:7427 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7427 code:7427 code_7427: ; CODE XREF: code_7400+1Dj code:7427 mov RAM_75, #0x41 ; 'A' code:742A mov RAM_76, #0x3F ; '?' code:742D ret code:742E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:742E code:742E code_742E: ; CODE XREF: code_7400:code_7417j code:742E ; code_7400+1Aj code:742E mov RAM_75, #0x41 ; 'A' code:7431 mov RAM_76, #0x41 ; 'A' code:7434 ret code:7434 ; End of function code_7400 code:7434 code:7435 code:7435 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7435 code:7435 ; Attributes: thunk code:7435 code:7435 code_7435: ; CODE XREF: code_2130p code:7435 ljmp code_73B2 code:7435 ; End of function code_7435 code:7435 code:7438 code:7438 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7438 code:7438 code:7438 code_7438: ; CODE XREF: code_2136p code:7438 mov RAM_73, #0x44 ; 'D' code:743B mov RAM_74, #0x68 ; 'h' code:743E mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:7440 mov A, @R0 code:7441 jb ACC1, code_744E ; Accumulator code:7444 mov DPTR, #0x41FE code:7447 mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:744A mov RAM_76, #0x7C ; '|' code:744D ret code:744E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:744E code:744E code_744E: ; CODE XREF: code_7438+9j code:744E mov DPTR, #0x4203 code:7451 mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:7454 mov RAM_76, #0x7F ; '' code:7457 ret code:7457 ; End of function code_7438 code:7457 code:7458 code:7458 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7458 code:7458 code:7458 code_7458: ; CODE XREF: code_213Cp code:7458 ; code_6BC3p code:7458 mov RAM_73, #0x44 ; 'D' code:745B mov RAM_74, #0x18 code:745E mov DPTR, #0x41EE code:7461 mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:7463 mov A, @R0 code:7464 jnb ACC4, code_7478 ; Accumulator code:7467 jb ACC1, code_7471 ; Accumulator code:746A mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:746D mov RAM_76, #4 code:7470 ret code:7471 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7471 code:7471 code_7471: ; CODE XREF: code_7458+Fj code:7471 mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:7474 mov RAM_76, #0x22 ; '"' code:7477 ret code:7478 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7478 code:7478 code_7478: ; CODE XREF: code_7458+Cj code:7478 jb ACC3, code_748F ; Accumulator code:747B jnb ACC2, code_748F ; Accumulator code:747E jb ACC1, code_7488 ; Accumulator code:7481 mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:7484 mov RAM_76, #4 code:7487 ret code:7488 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7488 code:7488 code_7488: ; CODE XREF: code_7458+26j code:7488 mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:748B mov RAM_76, #0x22 ; '"' code:748E ret code:748F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:748F code:748F code_748F: ; CODE XREF: code_7458:code_7478j code:748F ; code_7458+23j code:748F jb ACC1, code_7499 ; Accumulator code:7492 mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:7495 mov RAM_76, #0x40 ; '@' code:7498 ret code:7499 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7499 code:7499 code_7499: ; CODE XREF: code_7458:code_748Fj code:7499 mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:749C mov RAM_76, #0x5E ; '^' code:749F ret code:749F ; End of function code_7458 code:749F code:74A0 code:74A0 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:74A0 code:74A0 code:74A0 code_74A0: ; CODE XREF: code_3BD5:code_2142p code:74A0 mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:74A2 mov A, @R0 code:74A3 jnb ACC4, code_74B7 ; Accumulator code:74A6 jb ACC1, code_74B0 ; Accumulator code:74A9 mov RAM_75, #0x41 ; 'A' code:74AC mov RAM_76, #0x33 ; '3' code:74AF ret code:74B0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:74B0 code:74B0 code_74B0: ; CODE XREF: code_74A0+6j code:74B0 mov RAM_75, #0x41 ; 'A' code:74B3 mov RAM_76, #0x35 ; '5' code:74B6 ret code:74B7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:74B7 code:74B7 code_74B7: ; CODE XREF: code_74A0+3j code:74B7 jb ACC3, code_74CE ; Accumulator code:74BA jnb ACC2, code_74CE ; Accumulator code:74BD jb ACC1, code_74C7 ; Accumulator code:74C0 mov RAM_75, #0x41 ; 'A' code:74C3 mov RAM_76, #0x39 ; '9' code:74C6 ret code:74C7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:74C7 code:74C7 code_74C7: ; CODE XREF: code_74A0+1Dj code:74C7 mov RAM_75, #0x41 ; 'A' code:74CA mov RAM_76, #0x3B ; ';' code:74CD ret code:74CE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:74CE code:74CE code_74CE: ; CODE XREF: code_74A0:code_74B7j code:74CE ; code_74A0+1Aj code:74CE mov RAM_75, #0x41 ; 'A' code:74D1 mov RAM_76, #0x37 ; '7' code:74D4 ret code:74D4 ; End of function code_74A0 code:74D4 code:74D5 code:74D5 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:74D5 code:74D5 ; Attributes: thunk code:74D5 code:74D5 code_74D5: ; CODE XREF: code_2148p code:74D5 ljmp code_73B2 code:74D5 ; End of function code_74D5 code:74D5 code:74D8 code:74D8 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:74D8 code:74D8 code:74D8 code_74D8: ; CODE XREF: code_6C87:code_214Ep code:74D8 ; code_104C:code_6911p code:74D8 mov RAM_73, #0x44 ; 'D' code:74DB mov RAM_74, #0xDE ; '' code:74DE mov DPTR, #0x428E code:74E1 mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:74E4 mov RAM_76, #0xF4 ; '' code:74E7 ret code:74E7 ; End of function code_74D8 code:74E7 code:74E8 code:74E8 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:74E8 code:74E8 code:74E8 code_74E8: ; CODE XREF: code_3C53:code_2154p code:74E8 mov RAM_73, #0x44 ; 'D' code:74EB mov RAM_74, #0xA8 ; '' code:74EE mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:74F0 mov A, @R0 code:74F1 jb ACC1, code_74FE ; Accumulator code:74F4 mov DPTR, #0x424F code:74F7 mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:74FA mov RAM_76, #0xC9 ; '' code:74FD ret code:74FE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:74FE code:74FE code_74FE: ; CODE XREF: code_74E8+9j code:74FE mov DPTR, #0x425D code:7501 mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:7504 mov RAM_76, #0xD1 ; '' code:7507 ret code:7507 ; End of function code_74E8 code:7507 code:7508 code:7508 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7508 code:7508 code:7508 code_7508: ; CODE XREF: code_215Ap code:7508 ; code_215A+4103p code:7508 mov RAM_73, #0x44 ; 'D' code:750B mov RAM_74, #0xFC ; '' code:750E mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:7510 mov A, @R0 code:7511 jnb ACC4, code_752B ; Accumulator code:7514 jb ACC1, code_7521 ; Accumulator code:7517 mov DPTR, #0x4213 code:751A mov RAM_75, #0x41 ; 'A' code:751D mov RAM_76, #0x17 code:7520 ret code:7521 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7521 code:7521 code_7521: ; CODE XREF: code_7508+Cj code:7521 mov DPTR, #0x4227 code:7524 mov RAM_75, #0x41 ; 'A' code:7527 mov RAM_76, #0x1E code:752A ret code:752B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:752B code:752B code_752B: ; CODE XREF: code_7508+9j code:752B jb ACC3, code_7548 ; Accumulator code:752E jnb ACC2, code_7548 ; Accumulator code:7531 jb ACC1, code_753E ; Accumulator code:7534 mov DPTR, #0x4213 code:7537 mov RAM_75, #0x41 ; 'A' code:753A mov RAM_76, #0x17 code:753D ret code:753E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:753E code:753E code_753E: ; CODE XREF: code_7508+29j code:753E mov DPTR, #0x4227 code:7541 mov RAM_75, #0x41 ; 'A' code:7544 mov RAM_76, #0x1E code:7547 ret code:7548 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7548 code:7548 code_7548: ; CODE XREF: code_7508:code_752Bj code:7548 ; code_7508+26j code:7548 jb ACC1, code_7555 ; Accumulator code:754B mov DPTR, #0x4213 code:754E mov RAM_75, #0x41 ; 'A' code:7551 mov RAM_76, #0x25 ; '%' code:7554 ret code:7555 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7555 code:7555 code_7555: ; CODE XREF: code_7508:code_7548j code:7555 mov DPTR, #0x4227 code:7558 mov RAM_75, #0x41 ; 'A' code:755B mov RAM_76, #0x2C ; ',' code:755E ret code:755E ; End of function code_7508 code:755E code:755F code:755F ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:755F code:755F code:755F code_755F: ; CODE XREF: code_2166p code:755F mov RAM_73, #0x44 ; 'D' code:7562 mov RAM_74, #0xA4 ; '' code:7565 mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:7567 mov A, @R0 code:7568 jb ACC1, code_7575 ; Accumulator code:756B mov DPTR, #0x423B code:756E mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:7571 mov RAM_76, #0xC7 ; '' code:7574 ret code:7575 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7575 code:7575 code_7575: ; CODE XREF: code_755F+9j code:7575 mov DPTR, #0x4241 code:7578 mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:757B mov RAM_76, #0xC8 ; '' code:757E ret code:757E ; End of function code_755F code:757E code:757F code:757F ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:757F code:757F code:757F code_757F: ; CODE XREF: code_216Cp code:757F mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:7581 mov A, @R0 code:7582 jb ACC1, code_7589 ; Accumulator code:7585 mov DPTR, #0x4247 code:7588 ret code:7589 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7589 code:7589 code_7589: ; CODE XREF: code_757F+3j code:7589 mov DPTR, #0x424B code:758C ret code:758C ; End of function code_757F code:758C code:758D code:758D ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:758D code:758D code:758D code_758D: ; CODE XREF: code_1250:code_2172p code:758D ; code_75E1j code:758D mov RAM_73, #0x44 ; 'D' code:7590 mov RAM_74, #0xE4 ; '' code:7593 mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:7595 mov A, @R0 code:7596 jnb ACC5, code_75A1 ; Accumulator code:7599 mov R0, #0xBC ; '' code:759B mov A, @R0 code:759C setb ACC0 ; Accumulator code:759E mov @R0, A code:759F sjmp code_75A7 code:75A1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:75A1 code:75A1 code_75A1: ; CODE XREF: code_758D+9j code:75A1 mov R0, #0xBC ; '' code:75A3 mov A, @R0 code:75A4 clr ACC0 ; Accumulator code:75A6 mov @R0, A code:75A7 code:75A7 code_75A7: ; CODE XREF: code_758D+12j code:75A7 mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:75A9 mov A, @R0 code:75AA jb ACC4, code_75B3 ; Accumulator code:75AD jb ACC3, code_75CA ; Accumulator code:75B0 jnb ACC2, code_75CA ; Accumulator code:75B3 code:75B3 code_75B3: ; CODE XREF: code_758D+1Dj code:75B3 jb ACC1, code_75C0 ; Accumulator code:75B6 mov DPTR, #0x429A code:75B9 mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:75BC mov RAM_76, #0xF7 ; '' code:75BF ret code:75C0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:75C0 code:75C0 code_75C0: ; CODE XREF: code_758D:code_75B3j code:75C0 mov DPTR, #0x42D2 code:75C3 mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:75C6 mov RAM_76, #0xFF code:75C9 ret code:75CA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:75CA code:75CA code_75CA: ; CODE XREF: code_758D+20j code:75CA ; code_758D+23j code:75CA jb ACC1, code_75D7 ; Accumulator code:75CD mov RAM_75, #0x41 ; 'A' code:75D0 mov RAM_76, #7 code:75D3 mov DPTR, #0x429A code:75D6 ret code:75D7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:75D7 code:75D7 code_75D7: ; CODE XREF: code_758D:code_75CAj code:75D7 mov DPTR, #0x42D2 code:75DA mov RAM_75, #0x41 ; 'A' code:75DD mov RAM_76, #0xF code:75E0 ret code:75E0 ; End of function code_758D code:75E0 code:75E1 code:75E1 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:75E1 code:75E1 ; Attributes: thunk code:75E1 code:75E1 code_75E1: ; CODE XREF: code_6BC3:code_2178p code:75E1 ljmp code_758D code:75E1 ; End of function code_75E1 code:75E1 code:75E4 code:75E4 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:75E4 code:75E4 code:75E4 code_75E4: ; CODE XREF: code_104C:code_217Ep code:75E4 mov RAM_73, #0x44 ; 'D' code:75E7 mov RAM_74, #0xC6 ; '' code:75EA mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:75EC mov DPTR, #0x4280 code:75EF mov A, @R0 code:75F0 jb ACC1, code_75FA ; Accumulator code:75F3 mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:75F6 mov RAM_76, #0xDE ; '' code:75F9 ret code:75FA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:75FA code:75FA code_75FA: ; CODE XREF: code_75E4+Cj code:75FA mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:75FD mov RAM_76, #0xE9 ; '' code:7600 ret code:7600 ; End of function code_75E4 code:7600 code:7601 code:7601 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7601 code:7601 code:7601 code_7601: ; CODE XREF: code_2184p code:7601 mov DPTR, #0x430B code:7604 ret code:7604 ; End of function code_7601 code:7604 code:7605 code:7605 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7605 code:7605 code:7605 code_7605: ; CODE XREF: code_218Ap code:7605 ; code_7615j code:7605 mov RAM_73, #0x44 ; 'D' code:7608 mov RAM_74, #0xA2 ; '' code:760B mov DPTR, #0x4279 code:760E mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:7611 mov RAM_76, #0xC6 ; '' code:7614 ret code:7614 ; End of function code_7605 code:7614 code:7615 code:7615 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7615 code:7615 ; Attributes: thunk code:7615 code:7615 code_7615: ; CODE XREF: code_2190p code:7615 ljmp code_7605 code:7615 ; End of function code_7615 code:7615 code:7618 code:7618 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7618 code:7618 code:7618 code_7618: ; CODE XREF: code_2196p code:7618 mov DPTR, #0x430A code:761B ret code:761B ; End of function code_7618 code:761B code:761C code:761C ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:761C code:761C code:761C code_761C: ; CODE XREF: code_21DBj code:761C mov RAM_73, #0x44 ; 'D' code:761F mov RAM_74, #0xBE ; '' code:7622 mov DPTR, #0x426B code:7625 mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:7627 mov A, @R0 code:7628 jb ACC1, code_7632 ; Accumulator code:762B mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:762E mov RAM_76, #0xD9 ; '' code:7631 ret code:7632 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7632 code:7632 code_7632: ; CODE XREF: code_761C+Cj code:7632 mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:7635 mov RAM_76, #0xDB ; '' code:7638 ret code:7638 ; End of function code_761C code:7638 code:7639 code:7639 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7639 code:7639 code:7639 code_7639: ; CODE XREF: code_9113:code_219Cp code:7639 ; code_932Dp code:7639 mov DPTR, #0x43DC code:763C mov RAM_73, #0x45 ; 'E' code:763F mov RAM_74, #0x32 ; '2' code:7642 mov RAM_75, #0x41 ; 'A' code:7645 mov RAM_76, #0x49 ; 'I' code:7648 ret code:7648 ; End of function code_7639 code:7648 code:7649 code:7649 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7649 code:7649 code:7649 code_7649: ; CODE XREF: code_998E:code_21A2p code:7649 ; code_95E4:code_21A8p ... code:7649 mov DPTR, #0x43DC code:764C ret code:764C ; End of function code_7649 code:764C code:764D code:764D ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:764D code:764D code:764D code_764D: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4:code_21BAp code:764D mov DPTR, #0x4694 code:7650 ret code:7650 ; End of function code_764D code:7650 code:7651 code:7651 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7651 code:7651 code:7651 code_7651: ; CODE XREF: code_62EE:code_2160p code:7651 mov DPTR, #0x43DB code:7654 mov RAM_73, #0x44 ; 'D' code:7657 mov RAM_74, #0xC4 ; '' code:765A mov RAM_75, #0x40 ; '@' code:765D mov RAM_76, #0xDD ; '' code:7660 ret code:7660 ; End of function code_7651 code:7660 code:7661 code:7661 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7661 code:7661 code:7661 code_7661: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_2112p code:7661 mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:7663 mov A, @R0 code:7664 jb ACC1, code_766B ; Accumulator code:7667 mov DPTR, #0x4174 code:766A ret code:766B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:766B code:766B code_766B: ; CODE XREF: code_7661+3j code:766B mov DPTR, #0x41AD code:766E ret code:766E ; End of function code_7661 code:766E code:766F code:766F ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:766F code:766F code:766F code_766F: ; CODE XREF: code_21DEp code:766F mov RAM_73, #0x45 ; 'E' code:7672 mov RAM_74, #0x2A ; '*' code:7675 mov DPTR, #0x43CD code:7678 mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:767A mov A, @R0 code:767B jb ACC1, code_7685 ; Accumulator code:767E mov RAM_75, #0x41 ; 'A' code:7681 mov RAM_76, #0x43 ; 'C' code:7684 ret code:7685 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7685 code:7685 code_7685: ; CODE XREF: code_766F+Cj code:7685 mov RAM_75, #0x41 ; 'A' code:7688 mov RAM_76, #0x46 ; 'F' code:768B ret code:768B ; End of function code_766F code:768B code:768C code:768C ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:768C code:768C code:768C code_768C: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_21E4p code:768C mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:768E mov A, @R0 code:768F mov DPTR, #0x45CF code:7692 ret code:7692 ; End of function code_768C code:7692 code:7693 code:7693 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7693 code:7693 code:7693 code_7693: ; CODE XREF: code_3BD5:code_224Ap code:7693 mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:7695 mov A, @R0 code:7696 jnb ACC4, code_769D ; Accumulator code:7699 mov DPTR, #0x4794 code:769C ret code:769D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:769D code:769D code_769D: ; CODE XREF: code_7693+3j code:769D jb ACC3, code_76A7 ; Accumulator code:76A0 jnb ACC2, code_76A7 ; Accumulator code:76A3 mov DPTR, #0x4794 code:76A6 ret code:76A7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:76A7 code:76A7 code_76A7: ; CODE XREF: code_7693:code_769Dj code:76A7 ; code_7693+Dj code:76A7 mov DPTR, #0x4832 code:76AA ret code:76AA ; End of function code_7693 code:76AA code:76AB code:76AB ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:76AB code:76AB code:76AB code_76AB: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+54F8p code:76AB mov B, #0xFF ; B-Register code:76AE lcall code_822A code:76B1 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:76B4 mov R0, #0xEC ; '' code:76B6 movx A, @R0 code:76B7 jnz code_76ED code:76B9 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:76BC mov R0, #0x46 ; 'F' code:76BE movx A, @R0 code:76BF mov DPH, A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:76C1 inc R0 code:76C2 movx A, @R0 code:76C3 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:76C5 inc DPTR code:76C6 mov A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:76C8 cjne A, #3, code_76CB code:76CB code:76CB code_76CB: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+1Dj code:76CB jc code_76DE code:76CD cjne A, #4, code_76D0 code:76D0 code:76D0 code_76D0: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+22j code:76D0 jnc code_76DE code:76D2 cjne A, #3, code_76D5 code:76D5 code:76D5 code_76D5: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+27j code:76D5 jc code_76E1 code:76D7 mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:76D9 cjne A, #0xFF, code_76DC code:76DC code:76DC code_76DC: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+2Ej code:76DC jc code_76E1 code:76DE code:76DE code_76DE: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB:code_76CBj code:76DE ; code_76AB:code_76D0j code:76DE mov DPTR, #0x300 code:76E1 code:76E1 code_76E1: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB:code_76D5j code:76E1 ; code_76AB:code_76DCj code:76E1 mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:76E3 movx @R0, A code:76E4 dec R0 code:76E5 mov A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:76E7 movx @R0, A code:76E8 clr A code:76E9 movx @DPTR, A code:76EA ljmp code_782F code:76ED ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:76ED code:76ED code_76ED: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+Cj code:76ED mov DPTR, #0x300 code:76F0 mov R2, #1 code:76F2 mov R3, #0 code:76F4 code:76F4 code_76F4: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB:code_770Aj code:76F4 ; code_76AB+68j code:76F4 movx A, @DPTR code:76F5 jz code_76F9 code:76F7 mov R3, RAM_2 code:76F9 code:76F9 code_76F9: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+4Aj code:76F9 inc R2 code:76FA mov A, #5 code:76FC add A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:76FE mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7700 clr A code:7701 addc A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7703 mov DPH, A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7705 mov A, #2 code:7707 cjne A, DPH, code_770A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:770A code:770A code_770A: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+5Cj code:770A jnc code_76F4 code:770C mov A, #0xFB ; '' code:770E cjne A, DPL, code_7711 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7711 code:7711 code_7711: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+63j code:7711 jc code_7715 code:7713 sjmp code_76F4 code:7715 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7715 code:7715 code_7715: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB:code_7711j code:7715 mov DPTR, #0xEC ; '' code:7718 mov A, R3 code:7719 jnz code_771F code:771B movx @DPTR, A code:771C ljmp code_782F code:771F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:771F code:771F code_771F: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+6Ej code:771F movx A, @DPTR code:7720 cjne A, RAM_3, code_7725 code:7723 sjmp code_772D code:7725 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7725 code:7725 code_7725: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+75j code:7725 xch A, R3 code:7726 movx @DPTR, A code:7727 mov DPTR, #0x248 code:772A xch A, R3 code:772B movx @DPTR, A code:772C xch A, R3 code:772D code:772D code_772D: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+78j code:772D mov B, A ; B-Register code:772F mov DPTR, #0x246 code:7732 movx A, @DPTR code:7733 inc A code:7734 cjne A, B, code_7737 ; B-Register code:7737 code:7737 code_7737: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+89j code:7737 jc code_773A code:7739 clr A code:773A code:773A code_773A: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB:code_7737j code:773A movx @DPTR, A code:773B mov R5, A code:773C mov DPTR, #0x300 code:773F mov B, #5 ; B-Register code:7742 mov A, R5 code:7743 mul AB code:7744 add A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7746 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7748 mov A, B ; B-Register code:774A addc A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:774C mov DPH, A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:774E mov R0, #0xF2 ; '' code:7750 mov A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7752 movx @R0, A code:7753 inc R0 code:7754 mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7756 movx @R0, A code:7757 mov R6, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7759 mov R7, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:775B movx A, @DPTR code:775C mov B, A ; B-Register code:775E jnz code_7765 code:7760 mov DPTR, #0x249 code:7763 sjmp code_77C0 code:7765 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7765 code:7765 code_7765: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+B3j code:7765 cjne A, #0xFF, code_776D code:7768 mov DPTR, #0x24B code:776B sjmp code_77C0 code:776D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:776D code:776D code_776D: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB:code_7765j code:776D mov DPTR, #0x4351 code:7770 mov R4, #0x29 ; ')' code:7772 code:7772 code_7772: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB:code_7779j code:7772 mov A, R4 code:7773 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7774 cjne A, B, code_7779 ; B-Register code:7777 sjmp code_7784 code:7779 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7779 code:7779 code_7779: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+C9j code:7779 djnz R4, code_7772 code:777B mov DPTR, #0x24D code:777E mov A, B ; B-Register code:7780 movx @DPTR, A code:7781 ljmp code_77C5 code:7784 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7784 code:7784 code_7784: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+CCj code:7784 mov DPH, R7 ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7786 mov A, R6 code:7787 add A, #5 code:7789 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:778B jnc code_778F code:778D inc DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:778F code:778F code_778F: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+E0j code:778F ; code_76AB+F6j code:778F movx A, @DPTR code:7790 cjne A, B, code_7795 ; B-Register code:7793 sjmp code_77A5 code:7795 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7795 code:7795 code_7795: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+E5j code:7795 mov A, #5 code:7797 add A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7799 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:779B mov A, #0 code:779D addc A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:779F mov DPH, A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:77A1 djnz R3, code_778F code:77A3 sjmp code_77D1 code:77A5 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:77A5 code:77A5 code_77A5: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+E8j code:77A5 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:77A8 mov R0, #0xF2 ; '' code:77AA mov A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:77AC movx @R0, A code:77AD inc R0 code:77AE mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:77B0 movx @R0, A code:77B1 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:77B4 mov R0, #0x4E ; 'N' code:77B6 mov A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:77B8 movx @R0, A code:77B9 inc R0 code:77BA mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:77BC movx @R0, A code:77BD ljmp code_77C5 code:77C0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:77C0 code:77C0 code_77C0: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+B8j code:77C0 ; code_76AB+C0j code:77C0 mov A, R7 code:77C1 movx @DPTR, A code:77C2 inc DPTR code:77C3 mov A, R6 code:77C4 movx @DPTR, A code:77C5 code:77C5 code_77C5: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+D6j code:77C5 ; code_76AB+112j code:77C5 mov A, #0xFF code:77C7 mov DPTR, #0x246 code:77CA movx @DPTR, A code:77CB lcall code_8244 code:77CE ljmp code_782F code:77D1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:77D1 code:77D1 code_77D1: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+F8j code:77D1 mov DPH, R7 ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:77D3 mov DPL, R6 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:77D5 movx A, @DPTR code:77D6 mov R1, A code:77D7 inc DPTR code:77D8 movx A, @DPTR code:77D9 mov B, A ; B-Register code:77DB jnb ACC5, code_77E6 ; Accumulator code:77DE jb ACC7, code_77E6 ; Accumulator code:77E1 jb ACC6, code_77E6 ; Accumulator code:77E4 sjmp code_77F6 code:77E6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:77E6 code:77E6 code_77E6: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+130j code:77E6 ; code_76AB+133j ... code:77E6 mov DPTR, #0x43A4 code:77E9 mov A, R4 code:77EA movc A, @A+DPTR code:77EB jnb ACC0, code_77F3 ; Accumulator code:77EE jb B4, code_780B ; B-Register code:77F1 sjmp code_77F6 code:77F3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:77F3 code:77F3 code_77F3: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+140j code:77F3 jnb B4, code_780B ; B-Register code:77F6 code:77F6 code_77F6: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+139j code:77F6 ; code_76AB+146j code:77F6 mov DPTR, #0x24F code:77F9 mov A, R1 code:77FA movx @DPTR, A code:77FB inc DPTR code:77FC mov A, B ; B-Register code:77FE movx @DPTR, A code:77FF mov A, #0xFF code:7801 mov DPTR, #0x246 code:7804 movx @DPTR, A code:7805 lcall code_8244 code:7808 ljmp code_782F code:780B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:780B code:780B code_780B: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+143j code:780B ; code_76AB:code_77F3j code:780B mov DPH, R7 ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:780D mov DPL, R6 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:780F inc DPTR code:7810 inc DPTR code:7811 inc DPTR code:7812 inc DPTR code:7813 movx A, @DPTR code:7814 mov B, A ; B-Register code:7816 clr A code:7817 mov DPTR, #0x438A code:781A movc A, @A+DPTR code:781B cjne A, B, code_781E ; B-Register code:781E code:781E code_781E: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+170j code:781E jnc code_782F code:7820 mov DPTR, #0x251 code:7823 mov A, B ; B-Register code:7825 movx @DPTR, A code:7826 mov A, #0xFF code:7828 mov DPTR, #0x246 code:782B movx @DPTR, A code:782C lcall code_8244 code:782F code:782F code_782F: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+3Fj code:782F ; code_76AB+71j ... code:782F mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:7832 ret code:7832 ; End of function code_76AB code:7832 code:7833 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7833 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_B4B code:7833 code:7833 code_7833: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5004j code:7833 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:7836 mov R1, #0x58 ; 'X' code:7838 clr A code:7839 movx @R1, A code:783A inc R1 code:783B movx @R1, A code:783C mov RAM_2C, #0x1F code:783F lcall code_7AC0 code:7842 mov DPL, #0x20 ; ' ' ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7845 mov A, #8 code:7847 movx @DPTR, A code:7848 clr A code:7849 mov DPL, #5 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:784C movx @DPTR, A code:784D mov DPL, #8 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7850 movx @DPTR, A code:7851 mov P2, #0xA0 ; '' ; Port 2 code:7854 mov R0, #0x40 ; '@' code:7856 movx A, @R0 code:7857 jb ACC3, code_7880 ; Accumulator code:785A clr P47 ; Port 4 code:785C clr EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:785E clr A code:785F mov CCEN, A ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:7861 mov R6, #5 code:7863 mov RAM_2E, #0 code:7866 mov DPTR, #0x7C26 code:7869 code:7869 code_7869: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+6D31j code:7869 lcall code_79B3 code:786C clr A code:786D movc A, @A+DPTR code:786E inc DPTR code:786F add A, ADDATH ; A/D Converter Data Register, High Byte code:7871 jc code_7880 code:7873 mov R5, A code:7874 clr A code:7875 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7876 inc DPTR code:7877 add A, R5 code:7878 jnc code_7880 code:787A inc RAM_2E code:787C djnz R6, code_7869 code:787E sjmp code_788A code:7880 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7880 code:7880 code_7880: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+6D0Cj code:7880 ; code_B4B+6D26j ... code:7880 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:7883 mov R1, #0x58 ; 'X' code:7885 mov @R1, #0x55 ; 'U' code:7887 ljmp code_5B52 code:788A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:788A code:788A code_788A: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+6D33j code:788A mov R0, #0xFF code:788C code:788C code_788C: ; CODE XREF: code:7C38j code:788C clr F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:788E code:788E code_788E: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+6D52j code:788E mov A, #0x55 ; 'U' code:7890 mov @R0, A code:7891 mov A, @R0 code:7892 cjne A, #0x55, code_78A9 ; 'U' code:7895 cpl A code:7896 mov @R0, A code:7897 mov A, @R0 code:7898 cjne A, #0xAA, code_78A9 ; '' code:789B mov @R0, #0 code:789D djnz R0, code_788E code:789F setb WDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:78A1 setb SWDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:78A3 mov RAM_28, #0 code:78A6 ljmp code_78AC code:78A9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:78A9 code:78A9 code_78A9: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+6D47j code:78A9 ; code_B4B+6D4Dj code:78A9 mov RAM_28, #1 code:78AC code:78AC code_78AC: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+6D5Bj code:78AC lcall code_82F4 code:78AF jnb F0, code_78B5 ; Program Status Word Register code:78B2 mov RAM_28, #2 code:78B5 code:78B5 code_78B5: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+6D64j code:78B5 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:78B8 mov R1, #0x59 ; 'Y' code:78BA mov A, #0x55 ; 'U' code:78BC movx @R1, A code:78BD clr RAM_24.0 code:78BF clr RAM_24.2 code:78C1 clr A code:78C2 mov RAM_2B, A code:78C4 mov RAM_25, A code:78C6 mov RAM_44, #1 code:78C9 mov TH2, A ; Timer 2, High Byte code:78CB mov TL2, A ; Timer 2, Low Byte code:78CD mov T2CON, #1 ; Timer 2 Control Register code:78D0 mov RAM_26, A code:78D2 mov SP, #RAM_52 ; Stack Pointer code:78D5 mov RAM_2A, #0x80 ; '' code:78D8 mov RAM_22, #0xFF code:78DB mov RAM_45, #0xFF code:78DE clr P45 ; Port 4 code:78E0 clr P52 ; Port 5 code:78E2 clr INT0 ; Port 3 code:78E4 clr P42 ; Port 4 code:78E6 clr P51 ; Port 5 code:78E8 clr P55 ; Port 5 code:78EA clr P40 ; Port 4 code:78EC clr P41 ; Port 4 code:78EE mov SCON, #0x70 ; 'p' ; Serial Channel Control Register code:78F1 mov PCON, #0x80 ; '' ; Power Control Register code:78F4 orl ADCON0, #0x80 ; A/D Converter Control Register code:78F7 lcall code_7B1C code:78FA mov A, RAM_28 code:78FC jz code_7901 code:78FE ljmp WAKE_UP_0_0 code:7901 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7901 code:7901 code_7901: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+6DB1j code:7901 ljmp code_7904 code:7904 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7904 code:7904 code_7904: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_7901j code:7904 ; code_B4B+6DD5j ... code:7904 lcall code_7ADD code:7907 jnb INT1, code_790F ; Port 3 code:790A jb RAM_24.0, code_7942 code:790D sjmp code_7912 code:790F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:790F code:790F code_790F: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+6DBCj code:790F jnb RAM_24.0, code_794A code:7912 code:7912 code_7912: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+6DC2j code:7912 jb RAM_24.1, code_791D code:7915 mov RAM_2D, #0xC code:7918 mov TH2, #0 ; Timer 2, High Byte code:791B setb RAM_24.1 code:791D code:791D code_791D: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_7912j code:791D lcall code_7AD3 code:7920 jc code_7904 code:7922 jb RAM_24.0, code_794C code:7925 setb RAM_24.0 code:7927 inc RAM_26 code:7929 lcall code_79C4 code:792C setb INT0 ; Port 3 code:792E lcall code_799A code:7931 clr INT0 ; Port 3 code:7933 lcall code_795A code:7936 setb P45 ; Port 4 code:7938 clr T2EX ; Port 1 code:793A jb RAM_24.3, code_7955 code:793D lcall code_79EF code:7940 clr RAM_24.2 code:7942 code:7942 code_7942: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+6DBFj code:7942 clr RAM_24.1 code:7944 jb RAM_24.3, code_7955 code:7947 lcall code_7A35 code:794A code:794A code_794A: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_790Fj code:794A sjmp code_7955 code:794C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:794C code:794C code_794C: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+6DD7j code:794C clr RAM_24.0 code:794E lcall code_7A35 code:7951 clr P45 ; Port 4 code:7953 setb T2EX ; Port 1 code:7955 code:7955 code_7955: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+6DEFj code:7955 ; code_B4B+6DF9j ... code:7955 lcall code_7BD2 code:7958 sjmp code_7904 code:7958 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_B4B code:795A code:795A ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:795A code:795A code:795A code_795A: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+6DE8p code:795A mov A, #8 code:795C clr C code:795D subb A, RAM_26 code:795F jc code_7983 code:7961 cpl P40 ; Port 4 code:7963 mov R7, RAM_26 code:7965 cjne R7, #8, code_796A code:7968 sjmp code_796C code:796A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:796A code:796A code_796A: ; CODE XREF: code_795A+Bj code:796A cpl P41 ; Port 4 code:796C code:796C code_796C: ; CODE XREF: code_795A+Ej code:796C clr INT4 ; Port 1 code:796E setb P51 ; Port 5 code:7970 mov RAM_2D, #0xC code:7973 lcall code_7986 code:7976 setb INT4 ; Port 1 code:7978 mov RAM_2E, #7 code:797B lcall code_79B3 code:797E lcall code_7994 code:7981 clr P51 ; Port 5 code:7983 code:7983 code_7983: ; CODE XREF: code_795A+5j code:7983 ljmp code_7ADD code:7983 ; End of function code_795A code:7983 code:7986 code:7986 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7986 code:7986 code:7986 code_7986: ; CODE XREF: code_795A+19p code:7986 mov TH2, #0 ; Timer 2, High Byte code:7989 code:7989 code_7989: ; CODE XREF: code_7986+Bj code:7989 lcall code_7ADD code:798C mov A, RAM_2D code:798E clr C code:798F subb A, TH2 ; Timer 2, High Byte code:7991 jnc code_7989 code:7993 ret code:7993 ; End of function code_7986 code:7993 code:7994 code:7994 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7994 code:7994 code:7994 code_7994: ; CODE XREF: code_795A+24p code:7994 ; code_799A+Fp ... code:7994 mov R0, RAM_2A code:7996 mov @R0, A code:7997 inc RAM_2A code:7999 ret code:7999 ; End of function code_7994 code:7999 code:799A code:799A ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:799A code:799A code:799A code_799A: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+6DE3p code:799A mov A, #4 code:799C clr C code:799D subb A, RAM_26 code:799F jc code_79B0 code:79A1 mov R6, #7 code:79A3 mov RAM_2E, #0 code:79A6 code:79A6 code_79A6: ; CODE XREF: code_799A+14j code:79A6 lcall code_79B3 code:79A9 lcall code_7994 code:79AC inc RAM_2E code:79AE djnz R6, code_79A6 code:79B0 code:79B0 code_79B0: ; CODE XREF: code_799A+5j code:79B0 ljmp code_7ADD code:79B0 ; End of function code_799A code:79B0 code:79B3 code:79B3 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:79B3 code:79B3 code:79B3 code_79B3: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_7869p code:79B3 ; code_795A+21p ... code:79B3 mov A, #0xF8 ; '' code:79B5 anl A, ADCON0 ; A/D Converter Control Register code:79B7 orl A, RAM_2E code:79B9 mov ADCON0, A ; A/D Converter Control Register code:79BB mov ADDATL, #0 ; A/D Converter Data Register, low Byte code:79BE code:79BE code_79BE: ; CODE XREF: code_79B3:code_79BEj code:79BE jb BSY, code_79BE ; A/D Converter Control Register code:79C1 mov A, ADDATH ; A/D Converter Data Register, High Byte code:79C3 ret code:79C3 ; End of function code_79B3 code:79C3 code:79C4 code:79C4 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:79C4 code:79C4 code:79C4 code_79C4: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+6DDEp code:79C4 mov A, #0x12 code:79C6 clr C code:79C7 subb A, RAM_26 code:79C9 jc code_79EC code:79CB mov P2, #0xA0 ; '' ; Port 2 code:79CE mov R0, #0x40 ; '@' code:79D0 movx A, @R0 code:79D1 lcall code_7994 code:79D4 mov R0, #0x41 ; 'A' code:79D6 movx A, @R0 code:79D7 mov C, INT2 ; Port 1 code:79D9 rlc A code:79DA mov C, P50 ; Port 5 code:79DC rlc A code:79DD mov C, P44 ; Port 4 code:79DF rlc A code:79E0 mov C, INT1 ; Port 3 code:79E2 rlc A code:79E3 mov C, T0 ; Port 3 code:79E5 rlc A code:79E6 mov C, P53 ; Port 5 code:79E8 rlc A code:79E9 lcall code_7994 code:79EC code:79EC code_79EC: ; CODE XREF: code_79C4+5j code:79EC ljmp code_7ADD code:79EC ; End of function code_79C4 code:79EC code:79EF code:79EF ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:79EF code:79EF code:79EF code_79EF: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+6DF2p code:79EF code:79EF ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:7A5B SIZE 0000001A BYTES code:79EF code:79EF mov R7, RAM_26 code:79F1 cjne R7, #1, code_79F8 code:79F4 clr P57 ; Port 5 code:79F6 clr P41 ; Port 4 code:79F8 code:79F8 code_79F8: ; CODE XREF: code_79EF+2j code:79F8 cjne R7, #2, code_79FF code:79FB setb P55 ; Port 5 code:79FD setb P42 ; Port 4 code:79FF code:79FF code_79FF: ; CODE XREF: code_79EF:code_79F8j code:79FF cjne R7, #3, code_7A04 code:7A02 clr P55 ; Port 5 code:7A04 code:7A04 code_7A04: ; CODE XREF: code_79EF:code_79FFj code:7A04 clr F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:7A06 lcall code_7A75 code:7A09 code:7A09 code_7A09: ; CODE XREF: code_79EF+27j code:7A09 mov A, RAM_44 code:7A0B clr C code:7A0C rrc A code:7A0D mov RAM_44, A code:7A0F jc code_7A19 code:7A11 code:7A11 code_7A11: ; CODE XREF: code_79EF+40j code:7A11 mov A, RAM_43 code:7A13 rlc A code:7A14 mov RAM_43, A code:7A16 jnc code_7A09 code:7A18 ret code:7A19 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7A19 code:7A19 code_7A19: ; CODE XREF: code_79EF+20j code:7A19 mov DPTR, #0x7C30 code:7A1C mov A, RAM_2B code:7A1E movc A, @A+DPTR code:7A1F mov RAM_25, A code:7A21 jz code_7A31 code:7A23 inc RAM_2B code:7A25 mov A, RAM_2B code:7A27 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7A28 mov RAM_43, A code:7A2A inc RAM_2B code:7A2C mov RAM_44, #0x80 ; '' code:7A2F sjmp code_7A11 code:7A31 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7A31 code:7A31 code_7A31: ; CODE XREF: code_79EF+32j code:7A31 setb RAM_24.3 code:7A33 sjmp code_7A5B code:7A33 ; End of function code_79EF code:7A33 code:7A35 code:7A35 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7A35 code:7A35 code:7A35 code_7A35: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+6DFCp code:7A35 ; code_B4B+6E03p code:7A35 lcall code_7ADD code:7A38 code:7A38 code_7A38: ; CODE XREF: code_7A35:code_7A4Dj code:7A38 ; code_7A35+22j code:7A38 mov A, RAM_26 code:7A3A cjne A, #0x12, code_7A44 code:7A3D setb INT0 ; Port 3 code:7A3F jb T0, code_7A4D ; Port 3 code:7A42 sjmp code_7A47 code:7A44 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7A44 code:7A44 code_7A44: ; CODE XREF: code_7A35+5j code:7A44 jb INT3, code_7A4D ; Port 1 code:7A47 code:7A47 code_7A47: ; CODE XREF: code_7A35+Dj code:7A47 setb RAM_24.2 code:7A49 setb F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:7A4B sjmp code_7A54 code:7A4D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7A4D code:7A4D code_7A4D: ; CODE XREF: code_7A35+Aj code:7A4D ; code_7A35:code_7A44j code:7A4D jnb RAM_24.2, code_7A38 code:7A50 clr RAM_24.2 code:7A52 clr F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:7A54 code:7A54 code_7A54: ; CODE XREF: code_7A35+16j code:7A54 lcall code_7A75 code:7A57 jnb RAM_24.2, code_7A38 code:7A5A ret code:7A5A ; End of function code_7A35 code:7A5A code:7A5B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7A5B ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_79EF code:7A5B code:7A5B code_7A5B: ; CODE XREF: code_79EF+44j code:7A5B orl P1, #0xAE ; Port 1 code:7A5E orl P5, #0xF4 ; Port 5 code:7A61 orl RAM_22, #0x37 code:7A64 lcall code_7AA0 code:7A67 orl RAM_45, #0xF code:7A6A lcall code_7AB0 code:7A6D orl RAM_2C, #0x18 code:7A70 lcall code_7AC0 code:7A73 sjmp code_7ADD code:7A73 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_79EF code:7A75 code:7A75 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7A75 code:7A75 code:7A75 code_7A75: ; CODE XREF: code_79EF+17p code:7A75 ; code_7A35:code_7A54p code:7A75 code:7A75 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:7AA7 SIZE 00000009 BYTES code:7A75 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:7AB7 SIZE 00000009 BYTES code:7A75 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:7ACA SIZE 00000009 BYTES code:7A75 code:7A75 lcall code_7ADD code:7A78 mov A, RAM_44 code:7A7A jb F0, code_7A7E ; Program Status Word Register code:7A7D cpl A code:7A7E code:7A7E code_7A7E: ; CODE XREF: code_7A75+5j code:7A7E jb RAM_25.0, code_7A8E code:7A81 jb RAM_25.1, code_7A97 code:7A84 jb RAM_25.2, code_7AA7 code:7A87 jb RAM_25.3, code_7AB7 code:7A8A jb RAM_25.4, code_7ACA code:7A8D ret code:7A8E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7A8E code:7A8E code_7A8E: ; CODE XREF: code_7A75:code_7A7Ej code:7A8E jb F0, code_7A94 ; Program Status Word Register code:7A91 anl P1, A ; Port 1 code:7A93 ret code:7A94 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7A94 code:7A94 code_7A94: ; CODE XREF: code_7A75:code_7A8Ej code:7A94 orl P1, A ; Port 1 code:7A96 ret code:7A97 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7A97 code:7A97 code_7A97: ; CODE XREF: code_7A75+Cj code:7A97 jb F0, code_7A9E ; Program Status Word Register code:7A9A anl RAM_22, A code:7A9C sjmp code_7AA0 code:7A9E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7A9E code:7A9E code_7A9E: ; CODE XREF: code_7A75:code_7A97j code:7A9E orl RAM_22, A code:7A9E ; End of function code_7A75 code:7A9E code:7AA0 code:7AA0 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7AA0 code:7AA0 code:7AA0 code_7AA0: ; CODE XREF: code_79EF+75p code:7AA0 ; code_7A75+27j code:7AA0 mov A, RAM_22 code:7AA2 mov DPTR, #0xA040 code:7AA5 movx @DPTR, A code:7AA6 ret code:7AA6 ; End of function code_7AA0 code:7AA6 code:7AA7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7AA7 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7A75 code:7AA7 code:7AA7 code_7AA7: ; CODE XREF: code_7A75+Fj code:7AA7 jb F0, code_7AAE ; Program Status Word Register code:7AAA anl RAM_45, A code:7AAC sjmp code_7AB0 code:7AAE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7AAE code:7AAE code_7AAE: ; CODE XREF: code_7A75:code_7AA7j code:7AAE orl RAM_45, A code:7AAE ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7A75 code:7AB0 code:7AB0 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7AB0 code:7AB0 code:7AB0 code_7AB0: ; CODE XREF: code_79EF+7Bp code:7AB0 ; code_7A75+37j code:7AB0 mov A, RAM_45 code:7AB2 mov DPTR, #0xA041 code:7AB5 movx @DPTR, A code:7AB6 ret code:7AB6 ; End of function code_7AB0 code:7AB6 code:7AB7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7AB7 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7A75 code:7AB7 code:7AB7 code_7AB7: ; CODE XREF: code_7A75+12j code:7AB7 jb F0, code_7ABE ; Program Status Word Register code:7ABA anl RAM_2C, A code:7ABC sjmp code_7AC0 code:7ABE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7ABE code:7ABE code_7ABE: ; CODE XREF: code_7A75:code_7AB7j code:7ABE orl RAM_2C, A code:7ABE ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7A75 code:7AC0 code:7AC0 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7AC0 code:7AC0 code:7AC0 code_7AC0: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+6CF4p code:7AC0 ; code_79EF+81p ... code:7AC0 mov A, RAM_2C code:7AC2 mov DPH, #0xA0 ; '' ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7AC5 mov DPL, #0x21 ; '!' ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7AC8 movx @DPTR, A code:7AC9 ret code:7AC9 ; End of function code_7AC0 code:7AC9 code:7ACA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7ACA ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7A75 code:7ACA code:7ACA code_7ACA: ; CODE XREF: code_7A75+15j code:7ACA jb F0, code_7AD0 ; Program Status Word Register code:7ACD anl P5, A ; Port 5 code:7ACF ret code:7AD0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7AD0 code:7AD0 code_7AD0: ; CODE XREF: code_7A75:code_7ACAj code:7AD0 orl P5, A ; Port 5 code:7AD2 ret code:7AD2 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7A75 code:7AD3 code:7AD3 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7AD3 code:7AD3 code:7AD3 code_7AD3: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_791Dp code:7AD3 ; code_7C0A+5p code:7AD3 setb WDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:7AD5 setb SWDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:7AD7 mov A, TH2 ; Timer 2, High Byte code:7AD9 clr C code:7ADA subb A, RAM_2D code:7ADC ret code:7ADC ; End of function code_7AD3 code:7ADC code:7ADD code:7ADD ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7ADD code:7ADD code:7ADD code_7ADD: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_7904p code:7ADD ; code_795A:code_7983j ... code:7ADD setb WDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:7ADF setb SWDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:7AE1 push RAM_0 code:7AE3 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:7AE6 mov R0, #0x58 ; 'X' code:7AE8 movx A, @R0 code:7AE9 jnz code_7AF4 code:7AEB inc R0 code:7AEC movx A, @R0 code:7AED xrl A, #0x55 code:7AEF jnz code_7AF4 code:7AF1 pop RAM_0 code:7AF3 ret code:7AF4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7AF4 code:7AF4 code_7AF4: ; CODE XREF: code_7ADD+Cj code:7AF4 ; code_7ADD+12j code:7AF4 pop RAM_0 code:7AF6 pop ACC ; Accumulator code:7AF8 ljmp code_5B52 code:7AF8 ; End of function code_7ADD code:7AF8 code:7AFB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7AFB ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7BD2 code:7AFB code:7AFB code_7AFB: ; CODE XREF: code_7BD2+2Fj code:7AFB mov A, RAM_46 code:7AFD cjne A, #0x14, code_7B02 code:7B00 sjmp code_7B26 code:7B02 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7B02 code:7B02 code_7B02: ; CODE XREF: code_7BD2-D5j code:7B02 cjne A, #0x20, code_7B07 ; ' ' code:7B05 sjmp code_7B31 code:7B07 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7B07 code:7B07 code_7B07: ; CODE XREF: code_7BD2:code_7B02j code:7B07 cjne A, #0x22, code_7B0C ; '"' code:7B0A sjmp code_7B3E code:7B0C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7B0C code:7B0C code_7B0C: ; CODE XREF: code_7BD2:code_7B07j code:7B0C cjne A, #0x24, code_7B11 ; '$' code:7B0F sjmp code_7B49 code:7B11 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7B11 code:7B11 code_7B11: ; CODE XREF: code_7BD2:code_7B0Cj code:7B11 cjne A, #0x30, code_7B16 ; '0' code:7B14 sjmp code_7B57 code:7B16 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7B16 code:7B16 code_7B16: ; CODE XREF: code_7BD2:code_7B11j code:7B16 mov RAM_28, #1 code:7B19 ljmp code_7C1B code:7B19 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7BD2 code:7B1C code:7B1C ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7B1C code:7B1C code:7B1C code_7B1C: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+6DACp code:7B1C clr F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:7B1E mov A, #2 code:7B20 mov R6, #0xFD ; '' code:7B22 mov R0, #0x28 ; '(' code:7B24 sjmp code_7B96 code:7B26 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7B26 code:7B26 code_7B26: ; CODE XREF: code_7BD2-D2j code:7B26 setb F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:7B28 mov A, #0x21 ; '!' code:7B2A mov R6, #0xEC ; '' code:7B2C mov DPTR, #0x9F02 code:7B2F sjmp code_7B96 code:7B31 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7B31 code:7B31 code_7B31: ; CODE XREF: code_7BD2-CDj code:7B31 clr F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:7B33 mov A, RAM_2A code:7B35 clr C code:7B36 subb A, #0x80 ; '' code:7B38 mov R6, #0xE0 ; '' code:7B3A mov R0, #0x80 ; '' code:7B3C sjmp code_7B96 code:7B3E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7B3E code:7B3E code_7B3E: ; CODE XREF: code_7BD2-C8j code:7B3E setb F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:7B40 mov A, #0x1B code:7B42 mov R6, #0xDE ; '' code:7B44 mov DPTR, #0x9EE5 code:7B47 sjmp code_7B96 code:7B49 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7B49 code:7B49 code_7B49: ; CODE XREF: code_7BD2-C3j code:7B49 ; code_7B1C+72j code:7B49 setb F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:7B4B mov A, RAM_47 code:7B4D mov R6, #0xDC ; '' code:7B4F mov DPL, RAM_48 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7B52 mov DPH, RAM_49 ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7B55 sjmp code_7B96 code:7B57 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7B57 code:7B57 code_7B57: ; CODE XREF: code_7BD2-BEj code:7B57 mov DPTR, #0x9F39 code:7B5A mov R0, #8 code:7B5C mov R1, #8 code:7B5E code:7B5E code_7B5E: ; CODE XREF: code_7B1C+47j code:7B5E clr A code:7B5F movc A, @A+DPTR code:7B60 mov @R0, A code:7B61 inc DPTR code:7B62 inc R0 code:7B63 djnz R1, code_7B5E code:7B65 clr A code:7B66 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7B67 mov RAM_18, A code:7B69 mov R5, RAM_47 code:7B6B mov DPL, RAM_48 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7B6E mov DPH, RAM_49 ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7B71 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:7B74 mov R1, #0x4A ; 'J' code:7B76 mov R0, #0x70 ; 'p' code:7B78 code:7B78 code_7B78: ; CODE XREF: code_7B1C+60j code:7B78 mov A, @R1 code:7B79 movx @R0, A code:7B7A inc R1 code:7B7B inc R0 code:7B7C djnz R5, code_7B78 code:7B7E mov R5, RAM_47 code:7B80 mov R0, #0x70 ; 'p' code:7B82 setb P55 ; Port 5 code:7B84 clr IEX3 ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:7B86 lcall code_100 code:7B89 clr EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:7B8B cjne A, #1, code_7B90 code:7B8E sjmp code_7B49 code:7B90 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7B90 code:7B90 code_7B90: ; CODE XREF: code_7B1C+6Fj code:7B90 mov RAM_28, #4 code:7B93 ljmp code_7C1B code:7B96 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7B96 code:7B96 code_7B96: ; CODE XREF: code_7B1C+8j code:7B96 ; code_7B1C+13j ... code:7B96 mov R4, #0 code:7B98 mov R7, A code:7B99 add A, #3 code:7B9B lcall code_7BC3 code:7B9E mov A, R6 code:7B9F lcall code_7BC3 code:7BA2 jnb F0, code_7BB4 ; Program Status Word Register code:7BA5 clr A code:7BA6 code:7BA6 code_7BA6: ; CODE XREF: code_7B1C+94j code:7BA6 mov R2, A code:7BA7 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7BA8 lcall code_7BC3 code:7BAB lcall code_7ADD code:7BAE mov A, R2 code:7BAF inc A code:7BB0 djnz R7, code_7BA6 code:7BB2 sjmp code_7BBE code:7BB4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7BB4 code:7BB4 code_7BB4: ; CODE XREF: code_7B1C+86j code:7BB4 ; code_7B1C+A0j code:7BB4 mov A, @R0 code:7BB5 lcall code_7BC3 code:7BB8 inc R0 code:7BB9 lcall code_7ADD code:7BBC djnz R7, code_7BB4 code:7BBE code:7BBE code_7BBE: ; CODE XREF: code_7B1C+96j code:7BBE mov A, R4 code:7BBF lcall code_7BC3 code:7BC2 ret code:7BC2 ; End of function code_7B1C code:7BC2 code:7BC3 code:7BC3 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7BC3 code:7BC3 code:7BC3 code_7BC3: ; CODE XREF: code_7B1C+7Fp code:7BC3 ; code_7B1C+83p ... code:7BC3 mov SBUF, A ; Serial Channel Buffer Register code:7BC5 code:7BC5 code_7BC5: ; CODE XREF: code_7BC3:code_7BC5j code:7BC5 jnb RI, code_7BC5 ; Serial Channel Control Register code:7BC8 anl SCON, #0xFC ; Serial Channel Control Register code:7BCB xrl A, R4 code:7BCC mov R4, A code:7BCD mov R5, #0x32 ; '2' code:7BCF code:7BCF code_7BCF: ; CODE XREF: code_7BC3:code_7BCFj code:7BCF djnz R5, code_7BCF code:7BD1 ret code:7BD1 ; End of function code_7BC3 code:7BD1 code:7BD2 code:7BD2 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7BD2 code:7BD2 code:7BD2 code_7BD2: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_7955p code:7BD2 code:7BD2 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:7AFB SIZE 00000021 BYTES code:7BD2 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:7C1B SIZE 0000000B BYTES code:7BD2 code:7BD2 clr C code:7BD3 lcall code_7C0A code:7BD6 jnc code_7C09 code:7BD8 mov R2, #0x3C ; '<' code:7BDA code:7BDA code_7BDA: ; CODE XREF: code_7BD2:code_7BDAj code:7BDA djnz R2, code_7BDA code:7BDC mov R3, A code:7BDD cpl A code:7BDE lcall code_7BC3 code:7BE1 mov A, R3 code:7BE2 mov R4, A code:7BE3 clr C code:7BE4 subb A, #3 code:7BE6 mov R7, A code:7BE7 dec R3 code:7BE8 mov R0, #0x46 ; 'F' code:7BEA mov RAM_28, #3 code:7BED code:7BED code_7BED: ; CODE XREF: code_7BD2+2Bj code:7BED mov RAM_2D, #0xC8 ; '' code:7BF0 mov TH2, #0 ; Timer 2, High Byte code:7BF3 setb C code:7BF4 lcall code_7C0A code:7BF7 jnc code_7C1B code:7BF9 mov @R0, A code:7BFA inc R0 code:7BFB xrl A, R4 code:7BFC mov R4, A code:7BFD djnz R3, code_7BED code:7BFF jnz code_7C04 code:7C01 ljmp code_7AFB code:7C04 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7C04 code:7C04 code_7C04: ; CODE XREF: code_7BD2+2Dj code:7C04 mov RAM_28, #2 code:7C07 sjmp code_7C1B code:7C09 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7C09 code:7C09 code_7C09: ; CODE XREF: code_7BD2+4j code:7C09 ret code:7C09 ; End of function code_7BD2 code:7C09 code:7C0A code:7C0A ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7C0A code:7C0A code:7C0A code_7C0A: ; CODE XREF: code_7BD2+1p code:7C0A ; code_7BD2+22p ... code:7C0A jb RI, code_7C15 ; Serial Channel Control Register code:7C0D jnc code_7C1A code:7C0F lcall code_7AD3 code:7C12 jc code_7C0A code:7C14 ret code:7C15 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7C15 code:7C15 code_7C15: ; CODE XREF: code_7C0Aj code:7C15 mov A, SBUF ; Serial Channel Buffer Register code:7C17 setb C code:7C18 clr RI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:7C1A code:7C1A code_7C1A: ; CODE XREF: code_7C0A+3j code:7C1A ret code:7C1A ; End of function code_7C0A code:7C1A code:7C1B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7C1B ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7BD2 code:7C1B code:7C1B code_7C1B: ; CODE XREF: code_7BD2-B9j code:7C1B ; code_7B1C+77j ... code:7C1B clr F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:7C1D mov A, #1 code:7C1F mov R6, #2 code:7C21 mov R0, #0x28 ; '(' code:7C23 ljmp code_7B96 code:7C23 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7BD2 code:7C26 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7C26 dec R2 code:7C27 inc @R0 code:7C28 rrc A code:7C29 lcall code_E308 code:7C2C add A, RAM_8 code:7C2E mov A, R1 code:7C2F inc R0 code:7C30 inc R0 code:7C31 addc A, R0 code:7C32 jbc RAM_28.4, code_7C37 code:7C35 mov @R1, #4 code:7C37 code:7C37 code_7C37: ; CODE XREF: code:7C32j code:7C37 inc R7 code:7C38 ajmp code_788C code:7C3A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7C3A nop code:7C3B code:7C3B ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7C3B code:7C3B code:7C3B code_7C3B: ; CODE XREF: code_2220j code:7C3B mov B, RAM_A ; B-Register code:7C3E jnb B0, code_7C92 ; B-Register code:7C41 djnz RAM_8, code_7C92 code:7C44 mov A, RAM_9 code:7C46 cjne A, #0, code_7C6D code:7C49 orl CCEN, #0xC0 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:7C4C clr EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:7C4E clr INT6 ; Port 1 code:7C50 mov CCL3, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, Low Byte code:7C52 setb EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:7C54 anl CCEN, #0x3F ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:7C57 mov A, #0xF4 ; '' code:7C59 add A, CCL3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, Low Byte code:7C5B mov CCL3, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, Low Byte code:7C5D mov A, #1 code:7C5F addc A, CCH3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, High Byte code:7C61 mov CCH3, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, High Byte code:7C63 orl CCEN, #0x80 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:7C66 setb INT6 ; Port 1 code:7C68 mov RAM_8, #0xA code:7C6B sjmp code_7CD4 code:7C6D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7C6D code:7C6D code_7C6D: ; CODE XREF: code_7C3B+Bj code:7C6D cjne A, #1, code_7C94 code:7C70 orl CCEN, #0x30 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:7C73 clr EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:7C75 clr INT5 ; Port 1 code:7C77 mov CCL2, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, Low Byte code:7C79 setb EAL ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:7C7B anl CCEN, #0xCF ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:7C7E mov A, #0xF4 ; '' code:7C80 add A, CCL2 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, Low Byte code:7C82 mov CCL2, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, Low Byte code:7C84 mov A, #1 code:7C86 addc A, CCH2 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, High Byte code:7C88 mov CCH2, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, High Byte code:7C8A orl CCEN, #0x20 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:7C8D setb INT5 ; Port 1 code:7C8F mov RAM_8, #0xA code:7C92 code:7C92 code_7C92: ; CODE XREF: code_7C3B+3j code:7C92 ; code_7C3B+6j code:7C92 sjmp code_7CD4 code:7C94 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7C94 code:7C94 code_7C94: ; CODE XREF: code_7C3B:code_7C6Dj code:7C94 cjne A, #2, code_7CAB code:7C97 jbc B1, code_7CA0 ; B-Register code:7C9A setb B1 ; B-Register code:7C9C mov R7, #0xE6 ; '' code:7C9E sjmp code_7CA2 code:7CA0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7CA0 code:7CA0 code_7CA0: ; CODE XREF: code_7C3B+5Cj code:7CA0 mov R7, #0x1B code:7CA2 code:7CA2 code_7CA2: ; CODE XREF: code_7C3B+63j code:7CA2 push B ; B-Register code:7CA4 lcall code_695E code:7CA7 pop B ; B-Register code:7CA9 sjmp code_7CD1 code:7CAB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7CAB code:7CAB code_7CAB: ; CODE XREF: code_7C3B:code_7C94j code:7CAB cjne A, #3, code_7CC8 code:7CAE cpl B1 ; B-Register code:7CB0 mov DPTR, #0x162 code:7CB3 movx A, @DPTR code:7CB4 mov C, B1 ; B-Register code:7CB6 mov ACC3, C ; Accumulator code:7CB8 movx @DPTR, A code:7CB9 mov DPH, #0xA0 ; '' ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7CBC mov DPL, #0x21 ; '!' ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7CBF movx @DPTR, A code:7CC0 mov DPL, #5 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7CC3 mov A, #0 code:7CC5 movx @DPTR, A code:7CC6 sjmp code_7CD1 code:7CC8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7CC8 code:7CC8 code_7CC8: ; CODE XREF: code_7C3B:code_7CABj code:7CC8 cjne A, #4, code_7CCF code:7CCB cpl RAM_22.2 code:7CCD sjmp code_7CD1 code:7CCF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7CCF code:7CCF code_7CCF: ; CODE XREF: code_7C3B:code_7CC8j code:7CCF cpl RAM_22.0 code:7CD1 code:7CD1 code_7CD1: ; CODE XREF: code_7C3B+6Ej code:7CD1 ; code_7C3B+8Bj ... code:7CD1 mov RAM_8, #0x64 ; 'd' code:7CD4 code:7CD4 code_7CD4: ; CODE XREF: code_7C3B+30j code:7CD4 ; code_7C3B:code_7C92j code:7CD4 mov RAM_A, B ; B-Register code:7CD7 ret code:7CD7 ; End of function code_7C3B code:7CD7 code:7CD8 code:7CD8 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7CD8 code:7CD8 ; Attributes: thunk code:7CD8 code:7CD8 code_7CD8: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+4151p code:7CD8 ljmp code_1C9E code:7CD8 ; End of function code_7CD8 code:7CD8 code:7CDB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7CDB ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_1C9E code:7CDB code:7CDB code_7CDB: ; CODE XREF: code_1C9E:code_223Bj code:7CDB ljmp code_1CC9 code:7CDB ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_1C9E code:7CDE code:7CDE ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7CDE code:7CDE ; Attributes: thunk code:7CDE code:7CDE code_7CDE: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+4154p code:7CDE ljmp code_1B32 code:7CDE ; End of function code_7CDE code:7CDE code:7CE1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7CE1 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_1B32 code:7CE1 code:7CE1 code_7CE1: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32:code_2232j code:7CE1 ljmp code_1B99 code:7CE4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7CE4 code:7CE4 code_7CE4: ; CODE XREF: code_1B32:code_2235j code:7CE4 ljmp code_1C0E code:7CE4 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_1B32 code:7CE7 code:7CE7 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7CE7 code:7CE7 code:7CE7 code_7CE7: ; CODE XREF: code_2238j code:7CE7 mov A, #0x3F ; '?' code:7CE9 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7CEA mov R3, A code:7CEB mov R2, #0 code:7CED mov R0, #0xEC ; '' code:7CEF movx A, @R0 code:7CF0 jz code_7D1C code:7CF2 cjne A, RAM_34, code_7CF7 code:7CF5 sjmp code_7D21 code:7CF7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7CF7 code:7CF7 code_7CF7: ; CODE XREF: code_7CE7+Bj code:7CF7 jc code_7D38 code:7CF9 mov DPTR, #0x300 code:7CFC mov B, #5 ; B-Register code:7CFF mov A, RAM_34 code:7D01 mul AB code:7D02 add A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7D04 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7D06 clr A code:7D07 addc A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7D09 mov DPH, A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7D0B movx A, @DPTR code:7D0C mov B, A ; B-Register code:7D0E mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:7D11 mov R4, #0x40 ; '@' code:7D13 code:7D13 code_7D13: ; CODE XREF: code_7CE7+30j code:7D13 inc R2 code:7D14 inc R4 code:7D15 mov A, R4 code:7D16 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7D17 cjne A, B, code_7D13 ; B-Register code:7D1A sjmp code_7D28 code:7D1C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7D1C code:7D1C code_7D1C: ; CODE XREF: code_7CE7+9j code:7D1C mov A, RAM_34 code:7D1E cjne A, #1, code_7D26 code:7D21 code:7D21 code_7D21: ; CODE XREF: code_7CE7+Ej code:7D21 mov DPTR, #0x45F4 code:7D24 sjmp code_7D2B code:7D26 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7D26 code:7D26 code_7D26: ; CODE XREF: code_7CE7+37j code:7D26 jnc code_7D38 code:7D28 code:7D28 code_7D28: ; CODE XREF: code_7CE7+33j code:7D28 mov DPTR, #0x45F8 code:7D2B code:7D2B code_7D2B: ; CODE XREF: code_7CE7+3Dj code:7D2B mov B, R2 ; B-Register code:7D2D mov A, R3 code:7D2E mul AB code:7D2F add A, RAM_30 code:7D31 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7D32 mov RAM_33, A code:7D34 mov A, RAM_30 code:7D36 sjmp code_7D3C code:7D38 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7D38 code:7D38 code_7D38: ; CODE XREF: code_7CE7:code_7CF7j code:7D38 ; code_7CE7:code_7D26j code:7D38 clr RAM_2A.3 code:7D3A clr RAM_22.1 code:7D3C code:7D3C code_7D3C: ; CODE XREF: code_7CE7+4Fj code:7D3C mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:7D3F ret code:7D3F ; End of function code_7CE7 code:7D3F code:7D40 code:7D40 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7D40 code:7D40 code:7D40 code_7D40: ; CODE XREF: code_21C9j code:7D40 ; code_2223j ... code:7D40 code:7D40 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:06B0 SIZE 00000155 BYTES code:7D40 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:0829 SIZE 0000002A BYTES code:7D40 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:08B5 SIZE 0000006B BYTES code:7D40 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:0970 SIZE 000000D5 BYTES code:7D40 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:0A50 SIZE 00000015 BYTES code:7D40 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:0B21 SIZE 0000002A BYTES code:7D40 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:70E7 SIZE 00000047 BYTES code:7D40 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:71CD SIZE 00000053 BYTES code:7D40 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:7F46 SIZE 00000010 BYTES code:7D40 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:7F8F SIZE 0000003A BYTES code:7D40 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:8005 SIZE 000000EF BYTES code:7D40 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:80F5 SIZE 00000135 BYTES code:7D40 code:7D40 jb RAM_2A.3, code_7D48 code:7D43 jb RAM_29.2, code_7D49 code:7D46 sjmp code_7D4C code:7D48 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7D48 code:7D48 code_7D48: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40j code:7D48 ret code:7D49 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7D49 code:7D49 code_7D49: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+3j code:7D49 lcall code_7240 code:7D4C code:7D4C code_7D4C: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+6j code:7D4C push RAM_0 code:7D4E push RAM_5 code:7D50 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7D52 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7D54 jb RAM_29.2, code_7D5A code:7D57 ljmp code_70E7 code:7D5A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7D5A code:7D5A code_7D5A: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40-C30j code:7D5A ; code_7D40-C15j ... code:7D5A mov C, RI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:7D5C mov F0, C ; Program Status Word Register code:7D5E mov A, RAM_3B code:7D60 jnz code_7D65 code:7D62 mov RAM_68, #0x46 ; 'F' code:7D65 code:7D65 code_7D65: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+20j code:7D65 mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:7D68 mov R1, #0x2E ; '.' code:7D6A mov R0, #0x95 ; '' code:7D6C mov R5, #8 code:7D6E lcall code_686 code:7D71 mov A, RAM_34 code:7D73 jz code_7D78 code:7D75 ljmp code_7E74 code:7D78 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7D78 code:7D78 code_7D78: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+33j code:7D78 mov A, RAM_33 code:7D7A jnz code_7D7F code:7D7C ljmp code_6B0 code:7D7F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7D7F code:7D7F code_7D7F: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+3Aj code:7D7F cjne A, #1, code_7D85 code:7D82 ljmp code_6D6 code:7D85 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7D85 code:7D85 code_7D85: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_7D7Fj code:7D85 cjne A, #2, code_7D8B code:7D88 ljmp code_750 code:7D8B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7D8B code:7D8B code_7D8B: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_7D85j code:7D8B cjne A, #3, code_7D91 code:7D8E ljmp code_7C9 code:7D91 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7D91 code:7D91 code_7D91: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_7D8Bj code:7D91 cjne A, #4, code_7D97 code:7D94 ljmp code_812 code:7D97 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7D97 code:7D97 code_7D97: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_7D91j code:7D97 cjne A, #5, code_7D9D code:7D9A ljmp code_7DA0 code:7D9D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7D9D code:7D9D code_7D9D: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_7D97j code:7D9D ljmp code_7DA3 code:7DA0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7DA0 code:7DA0 code_7DA0: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+5Aj code:7DA0 ljmp code_829 code:7DA3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7DA3 code:7DA3 code_7DA3: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_7D9Dj code:7DA3 cjne A, #6, code_7DA8 code:7DA6 sjmp code_7DAB code:7DA8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7DA8 code:7DA8 code_7DA8: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_7DA3j code:7DA8 ljmp code_7DAE code:7DAB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7DAB code:7DAB code_7DAB: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+66j code:7DAB ljmp code_8B5 code:7DAE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7DAE code:7DAE code_7DAE: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_7DA8j code:7DAE cjne A, #7, code_7DB4 code:7DB1 ljmp code_970 code:7DB4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7DB4 code:7DB4 code_7DB4: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_7DAEj code:7DB4 cjne A, #8, code_7DBA code:7DB7 ljmp code_9A2 code:7DBA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7DBA code:7DBA code_7DBA: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_7DB4j code:7DBA cjne A, #9, code_7DC0 code:7DBD ljmp code_9F1 code:7DC0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7DC0 code:7DC0 code_7DC0: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_7DBAj code:7DC0 mov DPTR, #0x9F39 code:7DC3 mov R0, #8 code:7DC5 mov R1, #8 code:7DC7 code:7DC7 code_7DC7: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+8Cj code:7DC7 clr A code:7DC8 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7DC9 mov @R0, A code:7DCA inc DPTR code:7DCB inc R0 code:7DCC djnz R1, code_7DC7 code:7DCE clr A code:7DCF movc A, @A+DPTR code:7DD0 mov RAM_18, A code:7DD2 mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7DD5 mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7DD8 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:7DDB mov R1, #0xB1 ; '' code:7DDD mov A, #7 code:7DDF movx @R1, A code:7DE0 inc R1 code:7DE1 inc RAM_2E code:7DE3 mov A, RAM_2E code:7DE5 movx @R1, A code:7DE6 inc R1 code:7DE7 mov A, #0x11 code:7DE9 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7DEA movx @R1, A code:7DEB inc R1 code:7DEC mov R0, #0xA4 ; '' code:7DEE movx A, @R0 code:7DEF mov R5, A code:7DF0 inc R0 code:7DF1 movx @R1, A code:7DF2 inc R1 code:7DF3 movx A, @R0 code:7DF4 mov R7, A code:7DF5 inc R0 code:7DF6 movx A, @R0 code:7DF7 mov R6, A code:7DF8 cjne R6, #0x48, code_7E1D ; 'H' code:7DFB cjne R7, #0x9F, code_7E1D ; '' code:7DFE cjne R5, #6, code_7E5C code:7E01 push RAM_0 code:7E03 inc R0 code:7E04 inc R0 code:7E05 inc R0 code:7E06 inc R0 code:7E07 movx A, @R0 code:7E08 jb ACC1, code_7E0F ; Accumulator code:7E0B pop RAM_0 code:7E0D sjmp code_7E17 code:7E0F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7E0F code:7E0F code_7E0F: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+C8j code:7E0F mov R0, #0xBB ; '' code:7E11 mov A, @R0 code:7E12 pop RAM_0 code:7E14 jnb ACC1, code_7E65 ; Accumulator code:7E17 code:7E17 code_7E17: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+CDj code:7E17 mov A, #0x24 ; '$' code:7E19 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7E1A mov R3, A code:7E1B sjmp code_7E2E code:7E1D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7E1D code:7E1D code_7E1D: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+B8j code:7E1D ; code_7D40+BBj code:7E1D cjne R6, #0x90, code_7E2C ; '' code:7E20 cjne R7, #0x9F, code_7E2C ; '' code:7E23 cjne R5, #3, code_7E5C code:7E26 mov A, #0x25 ; '%' code:7E28 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7E29 mov R3, A code:7E2A sjmp code_7E2E code:7E2C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7E2C code:7E2C code_7E2C: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_7E1Dj code:7E2C ; code_7D40+E0j code:7E2C mov R3, #1 code:7E2E code:7E2E code_7E2E: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+DBj code:7E2E ; code_7D40+EAj code:7E2E mov DPH, R7 ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7E30 mov DPL, R6 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7E32 mov RAM_6, R5 code:7E34 mov R2, #0 code:7E36 lcall code_AF2 code:7E39 mov A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7E3B movx @R1, A code:7E3C inc R1 code:7E3D mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7E3F movx @R1, A code:7E40 cjne R3, #3, code_7E46 code:7E43 mov A, R3 code:7E44 sjmp code_7E4C code:7E46 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7E46 code:7E46 code_7E46: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+100j code:7E46 setb P55 ; Port 5 code:7E48 inc R0 code:7E49 lcall code_100 code:7E4C code:7E4C code_7E4C: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+104j code:7E4C ; code_7D40+123j ... code:7E4C mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:7E4F mov R1, #0xB7 ; '' code:7E51 movx @R1, A code:7E52 inc R1 code:7E53 mov A, #3 code:7E55 movx @R1, A code:7E56 mov RAM_34, #0 code:7E59 ljmp code_80A code:7E5C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7E5C code:7E5C code_7E5C: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+BEj code:7E5C ; code_7D40+E3j code:7E5C mov A, R7 code:7E5D movx @R1, A code:7E5E inc R1 code:7E5F mov A, R6 code:7E60 movx @R1, A code:7E61 mov A, #4 code:7E63 sjmp code_7E4C code:7E65 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7E65 code:7E65 code_7E65: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+D4j code:7E65 mov A, R7 code:7E66 movx @R1, A code:7E67 inc R1 code:7E68 mov A, R6 code:7E69 movx @R1, A code:7E6A mov A, #5 code:7E6C sjmp code_7E4C code:7E6E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7E6E code:7E6E code_7E6E: ; CODE XREF: code_920:code_21F9j code:7E6E mov DPTR, #0x7276 code:7E71 ljmp code_961 code:7E74 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7E74 code:7E74 code_7E74: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+35j code:7E74 mov A, RAM_34 code:7E76 cjne A, #1, code_7E7C code:7E79 ljmp code_7EAF code:7E7C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7E7C code:7E7C code_7E7C: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+136j code:7E7C cjne A, #2, code_7E87 code:7E7F lcall code_7EF9 code:7E82 jnc code_7EAC code:7E84 ljmp code_7EAF code:7E87 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7E87 code:7E87 code_7E87: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_7E7Cj code:7E87 cjne A, #3, code_7E8D code:7E8A ljmp code_7F46 code:7E8D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7E8D code:7E8D code_7E8D: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_7E87j code:7E8D cjne A, #4, code_7E98 code:7E90 lcall code_7F56 code:7E93 jnc code_7EAC code:7E95 ljmp code_7F8F code:7E98 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7E98 code:7E98 code_7E98: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_7E8Dj code:7E98 cjne A, #5, code_7EA3 code:7E9B lcall code_7FC9 code:7E9E jnc code_7EAC code:7EA0 ljmp code_7F8F code:7EA3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7EA3 code:7EA3 code_7EA3: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_7E98j code:7EA3 cjne A, #6, code_7EA9 code:7EA6 ljmp code_8005 code:7EA9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7EA9 code:7EA9 code_7EA9: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_7EA3j code:7EA9 lcall code_B4B code:7EAC code:7EAC code_7EAC: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+142j code:7EAC ; code_7D40+153j ... code:7EAC ljmp code_B21 code:7EAF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7EAF code:7EAF code_7EAF: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+139j code:7EAF ; code_7D40+144j code:7EAF mov R0, RAM_2F code:7EB1 movx A, @R0 code:7EB2 mov RAM_35, A code:7EB4 mov R0, #0xB1 ; '' code:7EB6 movx A, @R0 code:7EB7 add A, #0xB1 ; '' code:7EB9 cjne A, RAM_2F, code_7ECE code:7EBC mov R1, #0x9E ; '' code:7EBE mov A, #0x1E code:7EC0 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7EC1 movx @R1, A code:7EC2 inc R1 code:7EC3 mov A, #0x1F code:7EC5 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7EC6 movx @R1, A code:7EC7 inc R1 code:7EC8 movx @R1, A code:7EC9 mov RAM_34, #4 code:7ECC sjmp code_7EF4 code:7ECE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7ECE code:7ECE code_7ECE: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+179j code:7ECE mov A, #2 code:7ED0 cjne A, RAM_33, code_7EE2 code:7ED3 mov R1, #0x9E ; '' code:7ED5 mov A, #0x22 ; '"' code:7ED7 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7ED8 movx @R1, A code:7ED9 inc R1 code:7EDA mov A, #0x23 ; '#' code:7EDC movc A, @A+DPTR code:7EDD movx @R1, A code:7EDE inc R1 code:7EDF movx @R1, A code:7EE0 sjmp code_7EEF code:7EE2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7EE2 code:7EE2 code_7EE2: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+190j code:7EE2 mov R1, #0x9E ; '' code:7EE4 mov A, #0x20 ; ' ' code:7EE6 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7EE7 movx @R1, A code:7EE8 inc R1 code:7EE9 mov A, #0x21 ; '!' code:7EEB movc A, @A+DPTR code:7EEC movx @R1, A code:7EED inc R1 code:7EEE movx @R1, A code:7EEF code:7EEF code_7EEF: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+1A0j code:7EEF mov RAM_34, #2 code:7EF2 inc RAM_2F code:7EF4 code:7EF4 code_7EF4: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+18Cj code:7EF4 setb F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:7EF6 ljmp code_B21 code:7EF6 ; End of function code_7D40 code:7EF6 code:7EF9 code:7EF9 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7EF9 code:7EF9 code:7EF9 code_7EF9: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+13Fp code:7EF9 jnb F0, code_7F33 ; Program Status Word Register code:7EFC clr F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:7EFE clr RI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:7F00 mov A, RAM_35 code:7F02 cpl A code:7F03 cjne A, SBUF, code_7F0E ; Serial Channel Buffer Register code:7F06 setb C code:7F07 mov A, #0x13 code:7F09 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7F0A inc A code:7F0B mov RAM_32, A code:7F0D ret code:7F0E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7F0E code:7F0E code_7F0E: ; CODE XREF: code_7EF9+Aj code:7F0E ; code_7EF9+4Bj code:7F0E clr REN ; Serial Channel Control Register code:7F10 mov A, #2 code:7F12 cjne A, RAM_33, code_7F24 code:7F15 mov R1, #0x9E ; '' code:7F17 mov A, #0x22 ; '"' code:7F19 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7F1A movx @R1, A code:7F1B inc R1 code:7F1C mov A, #0x23 ; '#' code:7F1E movc A, @A+DPTR code:7F1F movx @R1, A code:7F20 inc R1 code:7F21 movx @R1, A code:7F22 sjmp code_7F40 code:7F24 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7F24 code:7F24 code_7F24: ; CODE XREF: code_7EF9+19j code:7F24 mov R1, #0x9E ; '' code:7F26 mov A, #0x20 ; ' ' code:7F28 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7F29 movx @R1, A code:7F2A inc R1 code:7F2B mov A, #0x21 ; '!' code:7F2D movc A, @A+DPTR code:7F2E movx @R1, A code:7F2F inc R1 code:7F30 movx @R1, A code:7F31 sjmp code_7F40 code:7F33 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7F33 code:7F33 code_7F33: ; CODE XREF: code_7EF9j code:7F33 mov R0, #0x9E ; '' code:7F35 lcall code_1626 code:7F38 jnc code_7F40 code:7F3A djnz RAM_32, code_7F42 code:7F3D lcall code_B4B code:7F40 code:7F40 code_7F40: ; CODE XREF: code_7EF9+29j code:7F40 ; code_7EF9+38j ... code:7F40 clr C code:7F41 ret code:7F42 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7F42 code:7F42 code_7F42: ; CODE XREF: code_7EF9+41j code:7F42 inc RAM_34 code:7F44 sjmp code_7F0E code:7F44 ; End of function code_7EF9 code:7F44 code:7F46 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7F46 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:7F46 code:7F46 code_7F46: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+14Aj code:7F46 mov R0, #0x9E ; '' code:7F48 lcall code_1626 code:7F4B jnc code_7F53 code:7F4D mov RAM_2F, #0xB1 ; '' code:7F50 mov RAM_34, #1 code:7F53 code:7F53 code_7F53: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+20Bj code:7F53 ljmp code_B21 code:7F53 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:7F56 code:7F56 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7F56 code:7F56 code:7F56 code_7F56: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+150p code:7F56 clr C code:7F57 jbc F0, code_7F66 ; Program Status Word Register code:7F5A mov R0, #0x9E ; '' code:7F5C lcall code_1626 code:7F5F jnc code_7F8E code:7F61 lcall code_B4B code:7F64 sjmp code_7F8E code:7F66 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7F66 code:7F66 code_7F66: ; CODE XREF: code_7F56+1j code:7F66 clr RI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:7F68 mov RAM_30, #0xA1 ; '' code:7F6B mov RAM_35, SBUF ; Serial Channel Buffer Register code:7F6E mov A, RAM_35 code:7F70 cjne A, #0x11, code_7F73 code:7F73 code:7F73 code_7F73: ; CODE XREF: code_7F56+1Aj code:7F73 jc code_7F86 code:7F75 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7F77 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7F79 mov DPTR, #0x110 code:7F7C clr A code:7F7D movx @DPTR, A code:7F7E pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:7F80 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:7F82 lcall code_B4B code:7F85 ret code:7F86 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7F86 code:7F86 code_7F86: ; CODE XREF: code_7F56:code_7F73j code:7F86 mov RAM_31, RAM_35 code:7F89 inc RAM_31 code:7F8B inc RAM_34 code:7F8D setb C code:7F8E code:7F8E code_7F8E: ; CODE XREF: code_7F56+9j code:7F8E ; code_7F56+Ej code:7F8E ret code:7F8E ; End of function code_7F56 code:7F8E code:7F8F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7F8F ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:7F8F code:7F8F code_7F8F: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+155j code:7F8F ; code_7D40+160j code:7F8F mov R1, RAM_30 code:7F91 mov A, RAM_35 code:7F93 movx @R1, A code:7F94 djnz RAM_31, code_7F9C code:7F97 mov RAM_34, #6 code:7F9A sjmp code_7FC6 code:7F9C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7F9C code:7F9C code_7F9C: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+254j code:7F9C mov A, #2 code:7F9E cjne A, RAM_33, code_7FB0 code:7FA1 mov R1, #0x9E ; '' code:7FA3 mov A, #0x22 ; '"' code:7FA5 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7FA6 movx @R1, A code:7FA7 inc R1 code:7FA8 mov A, #0x23 ; '#' code:7FAA movc A, @A+DPTR code:7FAB movx @R1, A code:7FAC inc R1 code:7FAD movx @R1, A code:7FAE sjmp code_7FBD code:7FB0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7FB0 code:7FB0 code_7FB0: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+25Ej code:7FB0 mov R1, #0x9E ; '' code:7FB2 mov A, #0x20 ; ' ' code:7FB4 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7FB5 movx @R1, A code:7FB6 inc R1 code:7FB7 mov A, #0x21 ; '!' code:7FB9 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7FBA movx @R1, A code:7FBB inc R1 code:7FBC movx @R1, A code:7FBD code:7FBD code_7FBD: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+26Ej code:7FBD inc RAM_30 code:7FBF mov A, RAM_35 code:7FC1 cpl A code:7FC2 setb F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:7FC4 mov RAM_35, A code:7FC6 code:7FC6 code_7FC6: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+25Aj code:7FC6 ljmp code_B21 code:7FC6 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:7FC9 code:7FC9 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:7FC9 code:7FC9 code:7FC9 code_7FC9: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+15Bp code:7FC9 clr C code:7FCA jbc F0, code_7FF8 ; Program Status Word Register code:7FCD mov R0, #0x9E ; '' code:7FCF lcall code_1626 code:7FD2 jnc code_8004 code:7FD4 mov A, RAM_31 code:7FD6 cjne A, #1, code_7FDF code:7FD9 mov RAM_35, #0 code:7FDC setb C code:7FDD sjmp code_8004 code:7FDF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7FDF code:7FDF code_7FDF: ; CODE XREF: code_7FC9+Dj code:7FDF dec RAM_34 code:7FE1 djnz RAM_32, code_7FE9 code:7FE4 lcall code_B4B code:7FE7 sjmp code_8004 code:7FE9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7FE9 code:7FE9 code_7FE9: ; CODE XREF: code_7FC9+18j code:7FE9 mov R1, #0x9E ; '' code:7FEB mov A, #0x1E code:7FED movc A, @A+DPTR code:7FEE movx @R1, A code:7FEF inc R1 code:7FF0 mov A, #0x1F code:7FF2 movc A, @A+DPTR code:7FF3 movx @R1, A code:7FF4 inc R1 code:7FF5 movx @R1, A code:7FF6 sjmp code_8004 code:7FF8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:7FF8 code:7FF8 code_7FF8: ; CODE XREF: code_7FC9+1j code:7FF8 clr RI ; Serial Channel Control Register code:7FFA mov A, #0x13 code:7FFC movc A, @A+DPTR code:7FFD inc A code:7FFE mov RAM_32, A code:8000 mov RAM_35, SBUF ; Serial Channel Buffer Register code:8003 setb C code:8004 code:8004 code_8004: ; CODE XREF: code_7FC9+9j code:8004 ; code_7FC9+14j ... code:8004 ret code:8004 ; End of function code_7FC9 code:8004 code:8005 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8005 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:8005 code:8005 code_8005: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+166j code:8005 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:8007 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:8009 mov DPTR, #0x110 code:800C movx A, @DPTR code:800D pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:800F pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:8011 jb ACC0, code_801B ; Accumulator code:8014 mov R0, #0xA2 ; '' code:8016 movx A, @R0 code:8017 dec A code:8018 cjne A, RAM_2E, code_8025 code:801B code:801B code_801B: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+2D1j code:801B inc RAM_2E code:801D mov R0, RAM_30 code:801F movx A, @R0 code:8020 cjne A, #3, code_8025 code:8023 sjmp code_8028 code:8025 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8025 code:8025 code_8025: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+2D8j code:8025 ; code_7D40+2E0j code:8025 ljmp code_8221 code:8028 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8028 code:8028 code_8028: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+2E3j code:8028 mov R0, #0xA3 ; '' code:802A movx A, @R0 code:802B mov B, A ; B-Register code:802D mov A, #8 code:802F movc A, @A+DPTR code:8030 cjne A, B, code_805B ; B-Register code:8033 mov R1, #0x9D ; '' code:8035 mov A, RAM_33 code:8037 cjne A, #9, code_8040 code:803A movx A, @R1 code:803B jz code_8050 code:803D ljmp code_8224 code:8040 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8040 code:8040 code_8040: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+2F7j code:8040 cjne A, #8, code_8049 code:8043 movx A, @R1 code:8044 cjne A, #2, code_8056 code:8047 sjmp code_8050 code:8049 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8049 code:8049 code_8049: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_8040j code:8049 cjne A, #2, code_8050 code:804C movx A, @R1 code:804D cjne A, #4, code_8056 code:8050 code:8050 code_8050: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+2FBj code:8050 ; code_7D40+307j ... code:8050 mov RAM_33, #3 code:8053 ljmp code_8224 code:8056 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8056 code:8056 code_8056: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+304j code:8056 ; code_7D40+30Dj code:8056 inc A code:8057 movx @R1, A code:8058 ljmp code_8224 code:805B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:805B code:805B code_805B: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+2F0j code:805B mov A, #9 code:805D movc A, @A+DPTR code:805E cjne A, B, code_8067 ; B-Register code:8061 mov RAM_34, #0 code:8064 ljmp code_8224 code:8067 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8067 code:8067 code_8067: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+31Ej code:8067 mov A, RAM_33 code:8069 cjne A, #2, code_806F code:806C ljmp code_8221 code:806F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:806F code:806F code_806F: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+329j code:806F mov A, RAM_3B code:8071 jnz code_8075 code:8073 mov RAM_A, A code:8075 code:8075 code_8075: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+331j code:8075 mov A, #0 code:8077 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8078 cjne A, B, code_8081 ; B-Register code:807B mov RAM_33, #5 code:807E ljmp code_8224 code:8081 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8081 code:8081 code_8081: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+338j code:8081 mov A, #1 code:8083 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8084 cjne A, B, code_8089 ; B-Register code:8087 sjmp code_808C code:8089 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8089 code:8089 code_8089: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+344j code:8089 ljmp code_816C code:808C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:808C code:808C code_808C: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+347j code:808C mov A, RAM_3B code:808E jz code_80A2 code:8090 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:8092 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:8094 mov DPTR, #0x110 code:8097 movx A, @DPTR code:8098 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:809A pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:809C jb ACC0, code_80A2 ; Accumulator code:809F ljmp code_8221 code:80A2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:80A2 code:80A2 code_80A2: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+34Ej code:80A2 ; code_7D40+35Cj code:80A2 mov RAM_33, #3 code:80A5 inc R0 code:80A6 movx A, @R0 code:80A7 cjne A, #0x53, code_80AC ; 'S' code:80AA sjmp code_80AF code:80AC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:80AC code:80AC code_80AC: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+367j code:80AC ljmp code_8155 code:80AF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:80AF code:80AF code_80AF: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+36Aj code:80AF inc R0 code:80B0 movx A, @R0 code:80B1 mov R4, A code:80B2 inc R0 code:80B3 movx A, @R0 code:80B4 inc R0 code:80B5 jnz code_8102 code:80B7 movx A, @R0 code:80B8 mov R1, A code:80B9 code:80B9 code_80B9: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+3BDj code:80B9 inc R0 code:80BA movx A, @R0 code:80BB push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:80BD push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:80BF mov B, A ; B-Register code:80C1 mov DPTR, #0x110 code:80C4 movx A, @DPTR code:80C5 jnb ACC0, code_80F5 ; Accumulator code:80C8 cjne R1, #0, code_80CD code:80CB sjmp code_80D9 code:80CD ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:80CD code:80CD code_80CD: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+388j code:80CD cjne R1, #0xE, code_80D0 code:80D0 code:80D0 code_80D0: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_80CDj code:80D0 jnc code_80F5 code:80D2 mov A, R1 code:80D3 add A, #0x10 code:80D5 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:80D7 sjmp code_80EA code:80D9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:80D9 code:80D9 code_80D9: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+38Bj code:80D9 mov A, B ; B-Register code:80DB mov B, #3 ; B-Register code:80DE cjne A, #2, code_80E1 code:80E1 code:80E1 code_80E1: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+39Ej code:80E1 jnc code_80E5 code:80E3 clr B1 ; B-Register code:80E5 code:80E5 code_80E5: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_80E1j code:80E5 jnb ACC0, code_80EA ; Accumulator code:80E8 setb B2 ; B-Register code:80EA code:80EA code_80EA: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+397j code:80EA ; code_7D40:code_80E5j code:80EA mov A, B ; B-Register code:80EC movx @DPTR, A code:80ED pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:80EF pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:80F1 ljmp code_8224 code:80F1 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:80F4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:80F4 movx @DPTR, A code:80F5 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:80F5 code:80F5 code_80F5: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+385j code:80F5 ; code_7D40:code_80D0j code:80F5 mov A, B ; B-Register code:80F7 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:80F9 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:80FB mov @R1, A code:80FC inc R1 code:80FD djnz R4, code_80B9 code:80FF ljmp code_8224 code:8102 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8102 code:8102 code_8102: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+375j code:8102 cjne A, #1, code_8158 code:8105 movx A, @R0 code:8106 mov R1, A code:8107 inc R0 code:8108 movx A, @R0 code:8109 cjne R1, #0x90, code_811C ; '' code:810C anl A, #0x2C code:810E mov R0, A code:810F mov A, #0x2C ; ',' code:8111 cpl A code:8112 anl A, P1 ; Port 1 code:8114 orl A, R0 code:8115 orl A, #0x51 code:8117 mov P1, A ; Port 1 code:8119 ljmp code_8224 code:811C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:811C code:811C code_811C: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+3C9j code:811C cjne R1, #0xB0, code_812F ; '' code:811F anl A, #0 code:8121 mov R0, A code:8122 mov A, #0 code:8124 cpl A code:8125 anl A, P3 ; Port 3 code:8127 orl A, R0 code:8128 orl A, #0xF8 code:812A mov P3, A ; Port 3 code:812C ljmp code_8224 code:812F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:812F code:812F code_812F: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_811Cj code:812F cjne R1, #0xE8, code_8142 ; '' code:8132 anl A, #3 code:8134 mov R0, A code:8135 mov A, #3 code:8137 cpl A code:8138 anl A, P4 ; Port 4 code:813A orl A, R0 code:813B orl A, #0 code:813D mov P4, A ; Port 4 code:813F ljmp code_8224 code:8142 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8142 code:8142 code_8142: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_812Fj code:8142 cjne R1, #0xF8, code_8155 ; '' code:8145 anl A, #0xF4 code:8147 mov R0, A code:8148 mov A, #0xF4 ; '' code:814A cpl A code:814B anl A, P5 ; Port 5 code:814D orl A, R0 code:814E orl A, #9 code:8150 mov P5, A ; Port 5 code:8152 ljmp code_8224 code:8155 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8155 code:8155 code_8155: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_80ACj code:8155 ; code_7D40:code_8142j code:8155 ljmp code_8221 code:8158 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8158 code:8158 code_8158: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_8102j code:8158 clr C code:8159 subb A, #2 code:815B mov DPH, A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:815D movx A, @R0 code:815E mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:8160 code:8160 code_8160: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+424j code:8160 inc R0 code:8161 movx A, @R0 code:8162 movx @DPTR, A code:8163 inc DPTR code:8164 djnz R4, code_8160 code:8166 mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:8169 ljmp code_8224 code:816C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:816C code:816C code_816C: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_8089j code:816C mov A, #2 code:816E movc A, @A+DPTR code:816F cjne A, B, code_8178 ; B-Register code:8172 mov RAM_33, #6 code:8175 ljmp code_8224 code:8178 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8178 code:8178 code_8178: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+42Fj code:8178 mov A, #0xB code:817A movc A, @A+DPTR code:817B cjne A, B, code_818B ; B-Register code:817E mov A, RAM_3B code:8180 jz code_8185 code:8182 ljmp code_8221 code:8185 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8185 code:8185 code_8185: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+440j code:8185 mov RAM_33, #0xA code:8188 ljmp code_8224 code:818B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:818B code:818B code_818B: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+43Bj code:818B mov A, #6 code:818D movc A, @A+DPTR code:818E cjne A, B, code_819B ; B-Register code:8191 mov RAM_33, #9 code:8194 mov R0, #0x9D ; '' code:8196 clr A code:8197 movx @R0, A code:8198 ljmp code_8224 code:819B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:819B code:819B code_819B: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+44Ej code:819B mov A, #7 code:819D movc A, @A+DPTR code:819E cjne A, B, code_81A7 ; B-Register code:81A1 mov RAM_33, #7 code:81A4 ljmp code_8224 code:81A7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:81A7 code:81A7 code_81A7: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+45Ej code:81A7 mov A, #3 code:81A9 movc A, @A+DPTR code:81AA cjne A, B, code_81F8 ; B-Register code:81AD mov A, RAM_3B code:81AF jnz code_8221 code:81B1 mov B, RAM_A ; B-Register code:81B4 mov R0, #0xA4 ; '' code:81B6 movx A, @R0 code:81B7 cjne A, #3, code_81BF code:81BA mov RAM_9, #0 code:81BD sjmp code_81C5 code:81BF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:81BF code:81BF code_81BF: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+477j code:81BF cjne A, #0x20, code_81CC ; ' ' code:81C2 mov RAM_9, #1 code:81C5 code:81C5 code_81C5: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+47Dj code:81C5 setb ET0 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:81C7 mov RAM_8, #0xA code:81CA sjmp code_81ED code:81CC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:81CC code:81CC code_81CC: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_81BFj code:81CC cjne A, #0x1D, code_81D4 code:81CF mov RAM_9, #2 code:81D2 sjmp code_81EA code:81D4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:81D4 code:81D4 code_81D4: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_81CCj code:81D4 cjne A, #0x24, code_81DC ; '$' code:81D7 mov RAM_9, #3 code:81DA sjmp code_81EA code:81DC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:81DC code:81DC code_81DC: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_81D4j code:81DC cjne A, #0x25, code_81E4 ; '%' code:81DF mov RAM_9, #4 code:81E2 sjmp code_81EA code:81E4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:81E4 code:81E4 code_81E4: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_81DCj code:81E4 cjne A, #0x30, code_8221 ; '0' code:81E7 mov RAM_9, #5 code:81EA code:81EA code_81EA: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+492j code:81EA ; code_7D40+49Aj ... code:81EA mov RAM_8, #0x64 ; 'd' code:81ED code:81ED code_81ED: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+48Aj code:81ED setb B0 ; B-Register code:81EF mov RAM_A, B ; B-Register code:81F2 mov RAM_33, #3 code:81F5 ljmp code_8224 code:81F8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:81F8 code:81F8 code_81F8: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+46Aj code:81F8 mov A, #4 code:81FA movc A, @A+DPTR code:81FB cjne A, B, code_8207 ; B-Register code:81FE lcall code_BCC code:8201 mov RAM_33, #3 code:8204 ljmp code_8224 code:8207 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8207 code:8207 code_8207: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+4BBj code:8207 mov A, #0xA code:8209 movc A, @A+DPTR code:820A cjne A, B, code_8216 ; B-Register code:820D mov RAM_33, #8 code:8210 mov R0, #0x9D ; '' code:8212 clr A code:8213 movx @R0, A code:8214 sjmp code_8224 code:8216 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8216 code:8216 code_8216: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+4CAj code:8216 mov A, #5 code:8218 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8219 cjne A, B, code_8221 ; B-Register code:821C lcall code_B4B code:821F sjmp code_8224 code:8221 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8221 code:8221 code_8221: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40:code_8025j code:8221 ; code_7D40+32Cj ... code:8221 mov RAM_33, #4 code:8224 code:8224 code_8224: ; CODE XREF: code_7D40+2FDj code:8224 ; code_7D40+313j ... code:8224 mov RAM_34, #0 code:8227 ljmp code_B21 code:8227 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_7D40 code:822A code:822A ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:822A code:822A code:822A code_822A: ; CODE XREF: code_21F6j code:822A ; code_60B8+62p ... code:822A code:822A ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:0E94 SIZE 0000006B BYTES code:822A code:822A mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:822D mov R0, #0xEC ; '' code:822F movx A, @R0 code:8230 jnz code_8236 code:8232 clr C code:8233 mov R0, #0xED ; '' code:8235 ret code:8236 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8236 code:8236 code_8236: ; CODE XREF: code_822A+6j code:8236 cjne A, #0x29, code_8239 ; ')' code:8239 code:8239 code_8239: ; CODE XREF: code_822A:code_8236j code:8239 jc code_823E code:823B mov A, #0x29 ; ')' code:823D movx @R0, A code:823E code:823E code_823E: ; CODE XREF: code_822A:code_8239j code:823E ljmp code_E94 code:823E ; End of function code_822A code:823E code:8241 code:8241 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:8241 code:8241 ; Attributes: thunk code:8241 code:8241 code_8241: ; CODE XREF: code_60B8+5Fp code:8241 ; code_7282:code_731Ap ... code:8241 ljmp code_EFF code:8241 ; End of function code_8241 code:8241 code:8244 code:8244 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:8244 code:8244 ; Attributes: thunk code:8244 code:8244 code_8244: ; CODE XREF: code_76AB+120p code:8244 ; code_76AB+15Ap ... code:8244 ljmp code_FE7 code:8244 ; End of function code_8244 code:8244 code:8247 code:8247 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:8247 code:8247 code:8247 code_8247: ; CODE XREF: code_20E8j code:8247 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:824A mov R0, #0x5B ; '[' code:824C movx A, @R0 code:824D jnz code_8277 code:824F mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:8252 mov R0, #0xF2 ; '' code:8254 clr A code:8255 code:8255 code_8255: ; CODE XREF: code_8247+10j code:8255 dec R0 code:8256 movx @R0, A code:8257 cjne R0, #0x80, code_8255 ; '' code:825A mov DPTR, #0x2FF code:825D code:825D code_825D: ; CODE XREF: code_8247+1Bj code:825D ; code_8247+20j code:825D clr A code:825E inc DPTR code:825F movx @DPTR, A code:8260 mov A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:8262 cjne A, #3, code_825D code:8265 mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:8267 cjne A, #0xFF, code_825D code:826A mov R0, #0xF2 ; '' code:826C mov A, #3 code:826E movx @R0, A code:826F inc R0 code:8270 mov A, #0 code:8272 movx @R0, A code:8273 clr A code:8274 mov R0, #0x2F ; '/' code:8276 movx @R0, A code:8277 code:8277 code_8277: ; CODE XREF: code_8247+6j code:8277 lcall code_1D78 code:827A mov R0, #0xC3 ; '' code:827C mov A, #0x88 ; '' code:827E movc A, @A+DPTR code:827F movx @R0, A code:8280 mov A, #0x64 ; 'd' code:8282 inc R0 code:8283 movx @R0, A code:8284 inc R0 code:8285 movx @R0, A code:8286 mov R0, #0xC2 ; '' code:8288 movx A, @R0 code:8289 clr ACC0 ; Accumulator code:828B clr ACC7 ; Accumulator code:828D clr ACC6 ; Accumulator code:828F clr ACC3 ; Accumulator code:8291 movx @R0, A code:8292 mov R0, #0x8C ; '' code:8294 clr A code:8295 movx @R0, A code:8296 mov R0, #0xDB ; '' code:8298 mov A, #0x7C ; '|' code:829A movc A, @A+DPTR code:829B movx @R0, A code:829C mov A, #0x64 ; 'd' code:829E inc R0 code:829F movx @R0, A code:82A0 inc R0 code:82A1 movx @R0, A code:82A2 mov R0, #0xF7 ; '' code:82A4 mov A, #0x77 ; 'w' code:82A6 movc A, @A+DPTR code:82A7 movx @R0, A code:82A8 mov A, #0xA code:82AA inc R0 code:82AB movx @R0, A code:82AC inc R0 code:82AD movx @R0, A code:82AE mov R0, #0xF4 ; '' code:82B0 mov A, #0x76 ; 'v' code:82B2 movc A, @A+DPTR code:82B3 movx @R0, A code:82B4 mov A, #0xA code:82B6 inc R0 code:82B7 movx @R0, A code:82B8 inc R0 code:82B9 movx @R0, A code:82BA ret code:82BA ; End of function code_8247 code:82BA code:82BB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:82BB code:82BB code_82BB: ; CODE XREF: code:21C3j code:82BB mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:82BE mov R0, #0xC2 ; '' code:82C0 movx A, @R0 code:82C1 jb ACC7, code_82F0 ; Accumulator code:82C4 lcall code_82F4 code:82C7 jb IEX3, code_82F0 ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:82CA mov R0, #0xC2 ; '' code:82CC movx A, @R0 code:82CD setb ACC7 ; Accumulator code:82CF movx @R0, A code:82D0 mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:82D3 mov A, #0x40 ; '@' code:82D5 mov RAM_3B, A code:82D7 add A, #1 code:82D9 movc A, @A+DPTR code:82DA mov B, A ; B-Register code:82DC mov R2, #4 code:82DE clr A code:82DF mov R6, A code:82E0 mov R7, A code:82E1 mov C, F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:82E3 lcall code_8241 code:82E6 lcall code_822A code:82E9 jnc code_82F0 code:82EB inc R0 code:82EC movx A, @R0 code:82ED setb ACC5 ; Accumulator code:82EF movx @R0, A code:82F0 code:82F0 code_82F0: ; CODE XREF: code:82C1j code:82F0 ; code:82C7j ... code:82F0 mov RAM_3B, #0 code:82F3 ret code:82F4 code:82F4 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:82F4 code:82F4 code:82F4 code_82F4: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_78ACp code:82F4 ; code:82C4p code:82F4 mov R3, #0 code:82F6 mov R2, #0x9F ; '' code:82F8 mov DPTR, #0 code:82FB clr A code:82FC mov R0, A code:82FD mov R1, A code:82FE code:82FE code_82FE: ; CODE XREF: code_82F4+2Bj code:82FE ; code_82F4+33j code:82FE clr A code:82FF movc A, @A+DPTR code:8300 add A, R0 code:8301 mov R0, A code:8302 jnc code_8305 code:8304 inc R1 code:8305 code:8305 code_8305: ; CODE XREF: code_82F4+Ej code:8305 inc DPTR code:8306 jnb RAM_25.5, code_8316 code:8309 clr RAM_25.5 code:830B push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:830D push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:830F lcall code_5ED2 code:8312 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:8314 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:8316 code:8316 code_8316: ; CODE XREF: code_82F4+12j code:8316 setb WDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:8318 setb SWDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:831A jb IEX3, code_833B ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:831D mov A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:831F cjne A, RAM_2, code_82FE code:8322 mov RAM_68, #0x46 ; 'F' code:8325 mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:8327 cjne A, RAM_3, code_82FE code:832A clr A code:832B movc A, @A+DPTR code:832C clr C code:832D subb A, R1 code:832E jnz code_8339 code:8330 inc DPTR code:8331 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8332 clr C code:8333 subb A, R0 code:8334 jnz code_8339 code:8336 clr F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:8338 ret code:8339 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8339 code:8339 code_8339: ; CODE XREF: code_82F4+3Aj code:8339 ; code_82F4+40j code:8339 setb F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:833B code:833B code_833B: ; CODE XREF: code_82F4+26j code:833B ret code:833B ; End of function code_82F4 code:833B code:833C code:833C ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:833C code:833C code:833C code_833C: ; CODE XREF: code_21C0j code:833C mov P2, #0xA0 ; '' ; Port 2 code:833F mov R0, #0x40 ; '@' code:8341 movx A, @R0 code:8342 xrl A, #0x9E code:8344 mov RAM_20, A code:8346 mov R0, #0x41 ; 'A' code:8348 movx A, @R0 code:8349 xrl A, #2 code:834B mov RAM_21, A code:834D push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:834F push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:8351 mov DPTR, #0xBE04 code:8354 lcall code_21EA code:8357 cjne A, #0xB0, code_835A ; '' code:835A code:835A code_835A: ; CODE XREF: code_833C+1Bj code:835A jc code_8360 code:835C setb RAM_28.4 code:835E sjmp code_8362 code:8360 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8360 code:8360 code_8360: ; CODE XREF: code_833C:code_835Aj code:8360 clr RAM_28.4 code:8362 code:8362 code_8362: ; CODE XREF: code_833C+22j code:8362 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:8364 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:8366 lcall code_2220 code:8369 lcall code_1C9E code:836C lcall code_1B32 code:836F lcall code_2223 code:8372 lcall code_2226 code:8375 mov P2, #0xA0 ; '' ; Port 2 code:8378 mov A, RAM_22 code:837A mov R0, #0x40 ; '@' code:837C movx @R0, A code:837D orl CCEN, #3 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:8380 mov CRCL, A ; Com./Rel./Capt. Reg. Low Byte code:8382 anl CCEN, #0xFD ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:8385 mov RAM_68, #0x32 ; '2' code:8388 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:838B jnb RAM_2A.3, code_8399 code:838E mov R0, #0x8C ; '' code:8390 movx A, @R0 code:8391 jnb ACC4, code_8399 ; Accumulator code:8394 clr ACC4 ; Accumulator code:8396 movx @R0, A code:8397 clr RAM_2A.3 code:8399 code:8399 code_8399: ; CODE XREF: code_833C+4Fj code:8399 ; code_833C+55j code:8399 ret code:8399 ; End of function code_833C code:8399 code:839A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:839A ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_B4B code:839A code:839A code_839A: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_21C6j code:839A mov R0, #0xFF code:839C mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:839F code:839F code_839F: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+7862j code:839F setb F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:83A1 mov A, #0x55 ; 'U' code:83A3 mov @R0, A code:83A4 cjne @R0, #0x55, code_83B1 ; 'U' code:83A7 mov A, #0xAA ; '' code:83A9 mov @R0, A code:83AA cjne @R0, #0xAA, code_83B1 ; '' code:83AD djnz R0, code_839F code:83AF clr F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:83B1 code:83B1 code_83B1: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+7859j code:83B1 ; code_B4B+785Fj code:83B1 mov R2, #1 code:83B3 mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:83B6 mov A, #0x40 ; '@' code:83B8 add A, #1 code:83BA movc A, @A+DPTR code:83BB mov B, A ; B-Register code:83BD clr A code:83BE mov R6, A code:83BF mov R7, A code:83C0 mov C, F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:83C2 lcall code_8241 code:83C5 lcall code_822A code:83C8 jnc code_83CF code:83CA inc R0 code:83CB movx A, @R0 code:83CC setb ACC5 ; Accumulator code:83CE movx @R0, A code:83CF code:83CF code_83CF: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+787Dj code:83CF ljmp code_5BF1 code:83CF ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_B4B code:83D2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:83D2 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:83D5 mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:83D8 mov A, #0x24 ; '$' code:83DA movc A, @A+DPTR code:83DB mov R3, A code:83DC mov DPTR, #0x9F48 code:83DF mov RAM_6, #6 code:83E2 mov R2, #0 code:83E4 lcall code_AF2 code:83E7 mov A, R2 code:83E8 jz code_83F5 code:83EA clr C code:83EB mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:83ED subb A, RAM_6 code:83EF mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:83F1 jnc code_83F5 code:83F3 dec DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:83F5 code:83F5 code_83F5: ; CODE XREF: code:83E8j code:83F5 ; code:83F1j code:83F5 mov R5, #0xFF code:83F7 mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:83F9 lcall code_B92 code:83FC ret code:83FD code:83FD ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:83FD code:83FD code:83FD code_83FD: ; CODE XREF: code_21CCj code:83FD mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:8400 mov R0, #0x40 ; '@' code:8402 movx A, @R0 code:8403 mov RAM_2E, A code:8405 clr RAM_2E.1 code:8407 mov A, RAM_2E code:8409 movx @R0, A code:840A mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:840D mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:8410 mov R0, #0x36 ; '6' code:8412 mov R4, #0x36 ; '6' code:8414 mov R3, #1 code:8416 code:8416 code_8416: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+EBj code:8416 mov R6, RAM_3B code:8418 mov R7, RAM_30 code:841A mov A, R3 code:841B jb P, code_8420 ; Program Status Word Register code:841E mov R7, RAM_31 code:8420 code:8420 code_8420: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+1Ej code:8420 mov R2, #0 code:8422 mov A, #0x44 ; 'D' code:8424 add A, R3 code:8425 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8426 mov B, A ; B-Register code:8428 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:842B mov R1, #0xC2 ; '' code:842D mov A, #0x6A ; 'j' code:842F add A, R3 code:8430 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8431 clr C code:8432 subb A, @R0 code:8433 jz code_8447 code:8435 cpl C code:8436 clr A code:8437 mov ACC1, C ; Accumulator code:8439 mov R2, A code:843A jnc code_8447 code:843C mov F0, C ; Program Status Word Register code:843E cjne R4, #0x36, code_846D ; '6' code:8441 movx A, @R1 code:8442 jnb ACC6, code_847A ; Accumulator code:8445 sjmp code_846D code:8447 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8447 code:8447 code_8447: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+36j code:8447 ; code_83FD+3Dj code:8447 mov A, #0x6F ; 'o' code:8449 add A, R3 code:844A movc A, @A+DPTR code:844B clr C code:844C subb A, @R0 code:844D clr A code:844E mov ACC0, C ; Accumulator code:8450 mov R2, A code:8451 mov F0, C ; Program Status Word Register code:8453 jnc code_846D code:8455 cjne R4, #0x37, code_8461 ; '7' code:8458 movx A, @R1 code:8459 jnb ACC6, code_847A ; Accumulator code:845C jnb ACC4, code_847A ; Accumulator code:845F sjmp code_846D code:8461 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8461 code:8461 code_8461: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+58j code:8461 cjne R4, #0x38, code_846D ; '8' code:8464 mov A, #0x83 ; '' code:8466 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8467 add A, #0x16 code:8469 subb A, RAM_37 code:846B jc code_847A code:846D code:846D code_846D: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+41j code:846D ; code_83FD+48j ... code:846D mov C, F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:846F push RAM_3 code:8471 push RAM_4 code:8473 lcall code_8241 code:8476 pop RAM_4 code:8478 pop RAM_3 code:847A code:847A code_847A: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+45j code:847A ; code_83FD+5Cj ... code:847A lcall code_822A code:847D jnc code_84D5 code:847F inc R0 code:8480 movx A, @R0 code:8481 jnb ACC5, code_84D5 ; Accumulator code:8484 jnb ACC6, code_84D5 ; Accumulator code:8487 cjne R4, #0x36, code_848C ; '6' code:848A sjmp code_84C5 code:848C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:848C code:848C code_848C: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+8Aj code:848C cjne R4, #0x37, code_8496 ; '7' code:848F mov A, #0x7B ; '{' code:8491 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8492 mov RAM_37, A code:8494 sjmp code_84D2 code:8496 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8496 code:8496 code_8496: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD:code_848Cj code:8496 cjne R4, #0x38, code_84CA ; '8' code:8499 mov A, #0x83 ; '' code:849B movc A, @A+DPTR code:849C mov B, A ; B-Register code:849E mov A, RAM_37 code:84A0 cjne A, B, code_84A3 ; B-Register code:84A3 code:84A3 code_84A3: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+A3j code:84A3 jc code_84B0 code:84A5 mov R0, #0xC2 ; '' code:84A7 movx A, @R0 code:84A8 jb ACC6, code_84B0 ; Accumulator code:84AB mov RAM_38, RAM_37 code:84AE sjmp code_84B5 code:84B0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:84B0 code:84B0 code_84B0: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD:code_84A3j code:84B0 ; code_83FD+ABj code:84B0 mov A, #0x7A ; 'z' code:84B2 movc A, @A+DPTR code:84B3 mov RAM_38, A code:84B5 code:84B5 code_84B5: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+B1j code:84B5 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:84B8 mov R0, #0x40 ; '@' code:84BA movx A, @R0 code:84BB mov RAM_2E, A code:84BD setb RAM_2E.1 code:84BF mov A, RAM_2E code:84C1 movx @R0, A code:84C2 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:84C5 code:84C5 code_84C5: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+8Dj code:84C5 lcall code_3F6F code:84C8 sjmp code_84D2 code:84CA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:84CA code:84CA code_84CA: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD:code_8496j code:84CA cjne R4, #0x3A, code_84D5 ; ':' code:84CD mov A, #0x82 ; '' code:84CF movc A, @A+DPTR code:84D0 mov RAM_3A, A code:84D2 code:84D2 code_84D2: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+97j code:84D2 ; code_83FD+CBj code:84D2 lcall code_160B code:84D5 code:84D5 code_84D5: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+80j code:84D5 ; code_83FD+84j ... code:84D5 cjne R4, #0x3A, code_84DA ; ':' code:84D8 sjmp code_84EB code:84DA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:84DA code:84DA code_84DA: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD:code_84D5j code:84DA cjne R4, #0x38, code_84E4 ; '8' code:84DD inc R4 code:84DE mov R0, #0xBC ; '' code:84E0 mov A, @R0 code:84E1 jnb ACC0, code_84EB ; Accumulator code:84E4 code:84E4 code_84E4: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD:code_84DAj code:84E4 inc R3 code:84E5 inc R4 code:84E6 mov A, R4 code:84E7 mov R0, A code:84E8 ljmp code_8416 code:84EB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:84EB code:84EB code_84EB: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+DBj code:84EB ; code_83FD+E4j code:84EB mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:84EE setb F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:84F0 mov R6, RAM_3B code:84F2 mov R7, RAM_31 code:84F4 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:84F7 mov R1, #0xE1 ; '' code:84F9 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:84FB push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:84FD mov DPTR, #0xBE00 code:8500 jb EX3, code_8513 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:8503 lcall code_9A5F code:8506 movx @R1, A code:8507 mov A, RAM_3B code:8509 cjne A, #0xD, code_850C code:850C code:850C code_850C: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+10Cj code:850C jc code_8513 code:850E mov A, #0xFF code:8510 movx @R1, A code:8511 sjmp code_8528 code:8513 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8513 code:8513 code_8513: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+103j code:8513 ; code_83FD:code_850Cj code:8513 jnb RAM_28.0, code_852F code:8516 movx A, @R1 code:8517 inc A code:8518 jz code_8528 code:851A lcall code_9A5F code:851D mov B, A ; B-Register code:851F movx A, @R1 code:8520 cjne A, B, code_8523 ; B-Register code:8523 code:8523 code_8523: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+123j code:8523 jc code_8528 code:8525 xch A, B ; B-Register code:8527 movx @R1, A code:8528 code:8528 code_8528: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+114j code:8528 ; code_83FD+11Bj ... code:8528 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:852A pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:852C ljmp code_863D code:852F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:852F code:852F code_852F: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD:code_8513j code:852F pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:8531 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:8533 movx A, @R1 code:8534 jnb RAM_28.1, code_8556 code:8537 mov B, A ; B-Register code:8539 mov A, #0x8B ; '' code:853B movc A, @A+DPTR code:853C add A, B ; B-Register code:853E jnc code_8542 code:8540 mov A, #0xFF code:8542 code:8542 code_8542: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+141j code:8542 jz code_8545 code:8544 dec A code:8545 code:8545 code_8545: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD:code_8542j code:8545 clr C code:8546 subb A, RAM_43 code:8548 jnc code_8553 code:854A mov A, #0xFF code:854C movx @R1, A code:854D mov R0, #0xC2 ; '' code:854F movx A, @R0 code:8550 clr ACC2 ; Accumulator code:8552 movx @R0, A code:8553 code:8553 code_8553: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+14Bj code:8553 ; code_83FD+18Ej code:8553 ljmp code_862E code:8556 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8556 code:8556 code_8556: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+137j code:8556 clr C code:8557 subb A, #0xFF code:8559 jz code_85AA code:855B mov A, #0x8D ; '' code:855D movc A, @A+DPTR code:855E cjne A, RAM_43, code_8561 code:8561 code:8561 code_8561: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+161j code:8561 cpl C code:8562 jnc code_85AA code:8564 jb RAM_29.7, code_8576 code:8567 mov R0, #0xC2 ; '' code:8569 movx A, @R0 code:856A jb ACC2, code_8576 ; Accumulator code:856D setb ACC2 ; Accumulator code:856F movx @R0, A code:8570 mov A, #0xFF code:8572 movx @R1, A code:8573 ljmp code_862E code:8576 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8576 code:8576 code_8576: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+167j code:8576 ; code_83FD+16Dj code:8576 mov A, #0x44 ; 'D' code:8578 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8579 mov B, A ; B-Register code:857B clr A code:857C setb ACC1 ; Accumulator code:857E setb ACC4 ; Accumulator code:8580 mov R2, A code:8581 push PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:8583 lcall code_8241 code:8586 pop PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:8588 lcall code_822A code:858B jnc code_8553 code:858D mov R1, #0xC6 ; '' code:858F movx A, @R1 code:8590 mov R3, A code:8591 clr A code:8592 movx @R1, A code:8593 clr A code:8594 setb ACC1 ; Accumulator code:8596 setb ACC4 ; Accumulator code:8598 mov R2, A code:8599 push RAM_3 code:859B push PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:859D lcall code_8241 code:85A0 pop PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:85A2 pop RAM_3 code:85A4 mov A, R3 code:85A5 mov R1, #0xC6 ; '' code:85A7 movx @R1, A code:85A8 sjmp code_85F2 code:85AA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:85AA code:85AA code_85AA: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+15Cj code:85AA ; code_83FD+165j code:85AA mov A, #0x8D ; '' code:85AC movc A, @A+DPTR code:85AD cjne A, RAM_43, code_85B0 code:85B0 code:85B0 code_85B0: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+1B0j code:85B0 jnc code_85BB code:85B2 mov A, #0xFF code:85B4 movx @R1, A code:85B5 mov R0, #0xC2 ; '' code:85B7 movx A, @R0 code:85B8 clr ACC2 ; Accumulator code:85BA movx @R0, A code:85BB code:85BB code_85BB: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD:code_85B0j code:85BB mov A, #0x8A ; '' code:85BD movc A, @A+DPTR code:85BE cjne A, RAM_3B, code_85C1 code:85C1 code:85C1 code_85C1: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+1C1j code:85C1 jnc code_85CC code:85C3 mov A, #0x6A ; 'j' code:85C5 movc A, @A+DPTR code:85C6 cjne A, RAM_43, code_85C9 code:85C9 code:85C9 code_85C9: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+1C9j code:85C9 cpl C code:85CA jc code_85D9 code:85CC code:85CC code_85CC: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD:code_85C1j code:85CC jb RAM_28.5, code_85D9 code:85CF jnb RAM_28.4, code_85D9 code:85D2 mov A, #0x8C ; '' code:85D4 movc A, @A+DPTR code:85D5 cjne A, RAM_43, code_85D8 code:85D8 code:85D8 code_85D8: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+1D8j code:85D8 cpl C code:85D9 code:85D9 code_85D9: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+1CDj code:85D9 ; code_83FD:code_85CCj ... code:85D9 mov A, #0x44 ; 'D' code:85DB movc A, @A+DPTR code:85DC mov B, A ; B-Register code:85DE clr A code:85DF setb ACC4 ; Accumulator code:85E1 jnb F0, code_85E8 ; Program Status Word Register code:85E4 setb ACC1 ; Accumulator code:85E6 sjmp code_85EA code:85E8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:85E8 code:85E8 code_85E8: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+1E4j code:85E8 setb ACC0 ; Accumulator code:85EA code:85EA code_85EA: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+1E9j code:85EA mov R2, A code:85EB push PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:85ED lcall code_8241 code:85F0 pop PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:85F2 code:85F2 code_85F2: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+1ABj code:85F2 lcall code_822A code:85F5 jnc code_862E code:85F7 inc R0 code:85F8 movx A, @R0 code:85F9 jnb ACC5, code_862E ; Accumulator code:85FC jnb ACC6, code_862E ; Accumulator code:85FF jb ACC1, code_8612 ; Accumulator code:8602 jb F0, code_862E ; Program Status Word Register code:8605 setb RAM_29.7 code:8607 lcall code_160B code:860A lcall code_6DA6 code:860D lcall code_3F6F code:8610 sjmp code_863D code:8612 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8612 code:8612 code_8612: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+202j code:8612 setb RAM_29.7 code:8614 lcall code_160B code:8617 lcall code_6DA6 code:861A lcall code_3F6F code:861D mov R1, #0xC6 ; '' code:861F movx A, @R1 code:8620 jnz code_863D code:8622 mov R1, #0xE1 ; '' code:8624 clr A code:8625 movx @R1, A code:8626 mov R1, #0xC2 ; '' code:8628 movx A, @R1 code:8629 setb ACC2 ; Accumulator code:862B movx @R1, A code:862C sjmp code_863D code:862E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:862E code:862E code_862E: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD:code_8553j code:862E ; code_83FD+176j ... code:862E jnb F0, code_863B ; Program Status Word Register code:8631 clr F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:8633 mov A, #0x6F ; 'o' code:8635 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8636 cjne A, RAM_43, code_8639 code:8639 code:8639 code_8639: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+239j code:8639 sjmp code_85D9 code:863B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:863B code:863B code_863B: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD:code_862Ej code:863B clr RAM_29.7 code:863D code:863D code_863D: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+12Fj code:863D ; code_83FD+213j ... code:863D mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:8640 mov R2, #0 code:8642 mov R0, #0x2F ; '/' code:8644 movx A, @R0 code:8645 anl A, #0xF code:8647 clr C code:8648 jz code_865B code:864A cjne A, #1, code_8651 code:864D mov R2, #2 code:864F sjmp code_865A code:8651 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8651 code:8651 code_8651: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+24Dj code:8651 cjne A, #3, code_8658 code:8654 mov R2, #4 code:8656 sjmp code_865A code:8658 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8658 code:8658 code_8658: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD:code_8651j code:8658 mov R2, #1 code:865A code:865A code_865A: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+252j code:865A ; code_83FD+259j code:865A setb C code:865B code:865B code_865B: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+24Bj code:865B mov DPTR, #0x4362 code:865E clr A code:865F movc A, @A+DPTR code:8660 mov B, A ; B-Register code:8662 mov R6, RAM_3B code:8664 mov R7, RAM_40 code:8666 lcall code_8241 code:8669 mov R2, #0 code:866B mov R0, #0x2F ; '/' code:866D movx A, @R0 code:866E anl A, #0xF0 code:8670 clr C code:8671 jz code_867D code:8673 cjne A, #0x10, code_867A code:8676 mov R2, #1 code:8678 sjmp code_867C code:867A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:867A code:867A code_867A: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+276j code:867A mov R2, #2 code:867C code:867C code_867C: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+27Bj code:867C setb C code:867D code:867D code_867D: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+274j code:867D mov DPTR, #0x4363 code:8680 clr A code:8681 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8682 mov B, A ; B-Register code:8684 mov R6, RAM_3B code:8686 mov R7, RAM_40 code:8688 lcall code_8241 code:868B mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:868E mov R0, #0x7F ; '' code:8690 movx A, @R0 code:8691 cjne A, #0xCC, code_8697 ; '' code:8694 setb C code:8695 sjmp code_86A4 code:8697 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8697 code:8697 code_8697: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+294j code:8697 cjne A, #0xAA, code_86A3 ; '' code:869A mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:869D lcall code_1605 code:86A0 setb C code:86A1 sjmp code_86A4 code:86A3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:86A3 code:86A3 code_86A3: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD:code_8697j code:86A3 clr C code:86A4 code:86A4 code_86A4: ; CODE XREF: code_83FD+298j code:86A4 ; code_83FD+2A4j code:86A4 mov F0, C ; Program Status Word Register code:86A6 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:86A8 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:86AA mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:86AD mov A, #0x5C ; '\' code:86AF movc A, @A+DPTR code:86B0 mov B, A ; B-Register code:86B2 mov R6, RAM_3B code:86B4 mov R7, RAM_40 code:86B6 clr A code:86B7 setb ACC3 ; Accumulator code:86B9 mov R2, A code:86BA mov C, F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:86BC lcall code_8241 code:86BF pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:86C1 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:86C3 ret code:86C3 ; End of function code_83FD code:86C3 code:86C4 code:86C4 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:86C4 code:86C4 code:86C4 code_86C4: ; CODE XREF: code_21CFj code:86C4 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:86C6 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:86C8 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:86CB mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:86CE mov A, #0x43 ; 'C' code:86D0 movc A, @A+DPTR code:86D1 mov B, A ; B-Register code:86D3 clr A code:86D4 setb ACC1 ; Accumulator code:86D6 mov R2, A code:86D7 clr C code:86D8 jnb RAM_28.4, code_86F0 code:86DB jnb RAM_28.5, code_86F3 code:86DE mov R0, #0xBB ; '' code:86E0 mov A, @R0 code:86E1 jnb ACC2, code_86F3 ; Accumulator code:86E4 mov A, #0x87 ; '' code:86E6 movc A, @A+DPTR code:86E7 subb A, RAM_40 code:86E9 cpl C code:86EA jnc code_86F3 code:86EC mov R6, RAM_3B code:86EE mov R7, RAM_38 code:86F0 code:86F0 code_86F0: ; CODE XREF: code_86C4+14j code:86F0 lcall code_8241 code:86F3 code:86F3 code_86F3: ; CODE XREF: code_86C4+17j code:86F3 ; code_86C4+1Dj ... code:86F3 lcall code_822A code:86F6 jnc code_870A code:86F8 inc R0 code:86F9 movx A, @R0 code:86FA jnb ACC5, code_870A ; Accumulator code:86FD jnb ACC6, code_870A ; Accumulator code:8700 mov A, #0x89 ; '' code:8702 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8703 clr C code:8704 subb A, RAM_40 code:8706 jc code_870A code:8708 clr RAM_28.4 code:870A code:870A code_870A: ; CODE XREF: code_86C4+32j code:870A ; code_86C4+36j ... code:870A mov A, #0x42 ; 'B' code:870C movc A, @A+DPTR code:870D mov B, A ; B-Register code:870F clr A code:8710 setb ACC1 ; Accumulator code:8712 mov R2, A code:8713 clr C code:8714 jnb RAM_28.5, code_8734 code:8717 mov R0, #0xBB ; '' code:8719 mov A, @R0 code:871A jnb ACC2, code_8752 ; Accumulator code:871D mov A, #0x85 ; '' code:871F movc A, @A+DPTR code:8720 subb A, RAM_40 code:8722 jnc code_8734 code:8724 clr C code:8725 mov A, #0x84 ; '' code:8727 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8728 subb A, RAM_3B code:872A jnc code_8734 code:872C clr C code:872D mov A, #0x86 ; '' code:872F movc A, @A+DPTR code:8730 subb A, RAM_38 code:8732 jc code_8746 code:8734 code:8734 code_8734: ; CODE XREF: code_86C4+50j code:8734 ; code_86C4+5Ej ... code:8734 mov A, #0x8E ; '' code:8736 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8737 mov R0, #0xDE ; '' code:8739 movx @R0, A code:873A mov A, #0x64 ; 'd' code:873C inc R0 code:873D movx @R0, A code:873E inc R0 code:873F movx @R0, A code:8740 clr C code:8741 jnb RAM_28.5, code_874F code:8744 sjmp code_8752 code:8746 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8746 code:8746 code_8746: ; CODE XREF: code_86C4+6Ej code:8746 mov R0, #0xDE ; '' code:8748 movx A, @R0 code:8749 jnz code_8752 code:874B mov R6, RAM_3B code:874D mov R7, RAM_38 code:874F code:874F code_874F: ; CODE XREF: code_86C4+7Dj code:874F lcall code_8241 code:8752 code:8752 code_8752: ; CODE XREF: code_86C4+56j code:8752 ; code_86C4+80j ... code:8752 lcall code_822A code:8755 jnc code_8768 code:8757 inc R0 code:8758 movx A, @R0 code:8759 jnb ACC5, code_8768 ; Accumulator code:875C jnb ACC6, code_8768 ; Accumulator code:875F lcall code_1247 code:8762 lcall code_3F6F code:8765 lcall code_6DA6 code:8768 code:8768 code_8768: ; CODE XREF: code_86C4+91j code:8768 ; code_86C4+95j ... code:8768 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:876B mov R0, #0x56 ; 'V' code:876D mov A, #0xA code:876F jnb RAM_28.0, code_8773 code:8772 movx @R0, A code:8773 code:8773 code_8773: ; CODE XREF: code_86C4+ABj code:8773 mov C, RAM_20.7 code:8775 anl C, /RAM_20.6 code:8777 jc code_877C code:8779 movx @R0, A code:877A sjmp code_8783 code:877C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:877C code:877C code_877C: ; CODE XREF: code_86C4+B3j code:877C movx A, @R0 code:877D jz code_8783 code:877F dec A code:8780 movx @R0, A code:8781 sjmp code_87B4 code:8783 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8783 code:8783 code_8783: ; CODE XREF: code_86C4+B6j code:8783 ; code_86C4+B9j code:8783 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:8786 mov F0, C ; Program Status Word Register code:8788 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:878A push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:878C mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:878F mov A, #0x4F ; 'O' code:8791 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8792 mov B, A ; B-Register code:8794 mov R6, RAM_3B code:8796 mov R7, RAM_40 code:8798 clr A code:8799 setb ACC3 ; Accumulator code:879B mov R2, A code:879C mov C, F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:879E lcall code_8241 code:87A1 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:87A3 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:87A5 lcall code_822A code:87A8 jnc code_87B4 code:87AA inc R0 code:87AB movx A, @R0 code:87AC jnb ACC5, code_87B4 ; Accumulator code:87AF jnb ACC6, code_87B4 ; Accumulator code:87B2 setb RAM_20.6 code:87B4 code:87B4 code_87B4: ; CODE XREF: code_86C4+BDj code:87B4 ; code_86C4+E4j ... code:87B4 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:87B7 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:87B9 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:87BB ret code:87BB ; End of function code_86C4 code:87BB code:87BC code:87BC ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:87BC code:87BC code:87BC code_87BC: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+4139p code:87BC mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:87BF mov R2, #2 code:87C1 mov R6, RAM_3B code:87C3 mov R7, RAM_40 code:87C5 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:87C8 mov R0, #0x63 ; 'c' code:87CA movx A, @R0 code:87CB mov RAM_2E, A code:87CD mov A, #0x49 ; 'I' code:87CF movc A, @A+DPTR code:87D0 mov B, A ; B-Register code:87D2 mov C, RAM_2E.3 code:87D4 lcall code_8241 code:87D7 ret code:87D7 ; End of function code_87BC code:87D7 code:87D8 code:87D8 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:87D8 code:87D8 code:87D8 code_87D8: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+4142p code:87D8 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:87DA push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:87DC mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:87DF mov A, #0x4C ; 'L' code:87E1 movc A, @A+DPTR code:87E2 mov B, A ; B-Register code:87E4 mov R6, RAM_3B code:87E6 mov R7, RAM_40 code:87E8 clr A code:87E9 setb ACC0 ; Accumulator code:87EB mov R2, A code:87EC mov C, RAM_27.6 code:87EE lcall code_8241 code:87F1 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:87F3 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:87F5 mov R1, #0xBE ; '' code:87F7 mov A, @R1 code:87F8 mov RAM_2E, A code:87FA push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:87FC push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:87FE mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:8801 mov A, #0x4D ; 'M' code:8803 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8804 mov B, A ; B-Register code:8806 mov R6, RAM_3B code:8808 mov R7, RAM_40 code:880A clr A code:880B setb ACC0 ; Accumulator code:880D mov R2, A code:880E mov C, RAM_2E.6 code:8810 lcall code_8241 code:8813 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:8815 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:8817 ret code:8817 ; End of function code_87D8 code:8817 code:8818 code:8818 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:8818 code:8818 code:8818 code_8818: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+414Ep code:8818 mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:881B mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:881E mov R0, #0xC6 ; '' code:8820 movx A, @R0 code:8821 jz code_8825 code:8823 dec A code:8824 movx @R0, A code:8825 code:8825 code_8825: ; CODE XREF: code_8818+9j code:8825 jb RAM_2A.3, code_88A3 code:8828 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:882A push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:882C mov DPTR, #0xEC ; '' code:882F movx A, @DPTR code:8830 jz code_8878 code:8832 mov R2, A code:8833 mov DPTR, #0x301 code:8836 code:8836 code_8836: ; CODE XREF: code_8818+32j code:8836 movx A, @DPTR code:8837 mov C, ACC5 ; Accumulator code:8839 anl C, ACC4 ; Accumulator code:883B anl C, ACC6 ; Accumulator code:883D jc code_884E code:883F mov A, #5 code:8841 add A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:8843 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:8845 clr A code:8846 addc A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:8848 mov DPH, A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:884A djnz R2, code_8836 code:884C sjmp code_8878 code:884E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:884E code:884E code_884E: ; CODE XREF: code_8818+25j code:884E mov R1, #0xF7 ; '' code:8850 mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:8853 mov A, #0x75 ; 'u' code:8855 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8856 movx @R1, A code:8857 inc R1 code:8858 mov A, #0xA code:885A movx @R1, A code:885B jnb RAM_22.1, code_8868 code:885E mov R0, #0xF4 ; '' code:8860 movx A, @R0 code:8861 jz code_8868 code:8863 lcall code_1626 code:8866 sjmp code_8897 code:8868 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8868 code:8868 code_8868: ; CODE XREF: code_8818+43j code:8868 ; code_8818+49j ... code:8868 mov R0, #0xCB ; '' code:886A movx A, @R0 code:886B jb ACC3, code_889D ; Accumulator code:886E mov R0, #0xC2 ; '' code:8870 movx A, @R0 code:8871 jb ACC3, code_8897 ; Accumulator code:8874 code:8874 code_8874: ; CODE XREF: code_8818+82j code:8874 clr RAM_22.1 code:8876 sjmp code_889F code:8878 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8878 code:8878 code_8878: ; CODE XREF: code_8818+18j code:8878 ; code_8818+34j code:8878 mov R1, #0xF4 ; '' code:887A mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:887D mov A, #0x76 ; 'v' code:887F movc A, @A+DPTR code:8880 movx @R1, A code:8881 inc R1 code:8882 mov A, #0xA code:8884 movx @R1, A code:8885 jb RAM_22.1, code_8897 code:8888 mov R0, #0xF7 ; '' code:888A movx A, @R0 code:888B cjne A, #0xFF, code_8890 code:888E sjmp code_8868 code:8890 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8890 code:8890 code_8890: ; CODE XREF: code_8818+73j code:8890 jz code_8897 code:8892 lcall code_1626 code:8895 sjmp code_8868 code:8897 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8897 code:8897 code_8897: ; CODE XREF: code_8818+4Ej code:8897 ; code_8818+59j ... code:8897 mov R0, #0xCA ; '' code:8899 movx A, @R0 code:889A jb ACC3, code_8874 ; Accumulator code:889D code:889D code_889D: ; CODE XREF: code_8818+53j code:889D setb RAM_22.1 code:889F code:889F code_889F: ; CODE XREF: code_8818+5Ej code:889F pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:88A1 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:88A3 code:88A3 code_88A3: ; CODE XREF: code_8818:code_8825j code:88A3 jb RAM_28.1, code_88B7 code:88A6 mov R1, #0xC2 ; '' code:88A8 movx A, @R1 code:88A9 jb ACC6, code_88B7 ; Accumulator code:88AC mov R0, #0xC3 ; '' code:88AE lcall code_1626 code:88B1 jnc code_88B7 code:88B3 movx A, @R1 code:88B4 setb ACC6 ; Accumulator code:88B6 movx @R1, A code:88B7 code:88B7 code_88B7: ; CODE XREF: code_8818:code_88A3j code:88B7 ; code_8818+91j ... code:88B7 mov R1, #0xC2 ; '' code:88B9 mov R0, #0xDB ; '' code:88BB movx A, @R1 code:88BC jnb RAM_28.5, code_88CD code:88BF jb ACC4, code_88D4 ; Accumulator code:88C2 lcall code_1626 code:88C5 jnc code_88D4 code:88C7 movx A, @R1 code:88C8 setb ACC4 ; Accumulator code:88CA movx @R1, A code:88CB sjmp code_88D4 code:88CD ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:88CD code:88CD code_88CD: ; CODE XREF: code_8818+A4j code:88CD clr ACC4 ; Accumulator code:88CF movx @R1, A code:88D0 mov A, #0x7C ; '|' code:88D2 movc A, @A+DPTR code:88D3 movx @R0, A code:88D4 code:88D4 code_88D4: ; CODE XREF: code_8818+A7j code:88D4 ; code_8818+ADj ... code:88D4 mov R0, #0xDE ; '' code:88D6 movx A, @R0 code:88D7 jz code_88DC code:88D9 lcall code_1626 code:88DC code:88DC code_88DC: ; CODE XREF: code_8818+BFj code:88DC push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:88DE push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:88E0 jb RAM_28.1, code_892F code:88E3 mov R1, #0xC2 ; '' code:88E5 movx A, @R1 code:88E6 jb ACC0, code_892F ; Accumulator code:88E9 setb ACC0 ; Accumulator code:88EB movx @R1, A code:88EC mov DPTR, #0xEC ; '' code:88EF movx A, @DPTR code:88F0 jz code_892F code:88F2 mov R2, A code:88F3 mov B, #0xFF ; B-Register code:88F6 lcall code_822A code:88F9 mov DPTR, #0x300 code:88FC code:88FC code_88FC: ; CODE XREF: code_8818:code_892Dj code:88FC mov R3, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:88FE mov R0, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:8900 inc DPTR code:8901 movx A, @DPTR code:8902 mov B, A ; B-Register code:8904 mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:8906 add A, #3 code:8908 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:890A mov A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:890C addc A, #0 code:890E mov DPH, A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:8910 mov A, B ; B-Register code:8912 jb ACC6, code_892C ; Accumulator code:8915 movx A, @DPTR code:8916 jz code_891C code:8918 dec A code:8919 movx @DPTR, A code:891A jnz code_892C code:891C code:891C code_891C: ; CODE XREF: code_8818+FEj code:891C mov R1, #0xF2 ; '' code:891E mov A, R3 code:891F movx @R1, A code:8920 mov DPH, A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:8922 inc R1 code:8923 mov A, R0 code:8924 movx @R1, A code:8925 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:8927 lcall code_8244 code:892A sjmp code_892D code:892C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:892C code:892C code_892C: ; CODE XREF: code_8818+FAj code:892C ; code_8818+102j code:892C inc DPTR code:892D code:892D code_892D: ; CODE XREF: code_8818+112j code:892D djnz R2, code_88FC code:892F code:892F code_892F: ; CODE XREF: code_8818+C8j code:892F ; code_8818+CEj ... code:892F pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:8931 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:8933 ret code:8933 ; End of function code_8818 code:8933 code:8934 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8934 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IE0_0_0 code:8934 code:8934 code_8934: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_21D2j code:8934 mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:8937 jnb RAM_28.5, code_895C code:893A mov R0, #0xB0 ; '' code:893C mov A, @R0 code:893D mov B, RAM_3D ; B-Register code:8940 mul AB code:8941 mov R7, B ; B-Register code:8943 mov R6, A code:8944 mov A, #0x7D ; '}' code:8946 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8947 lcall code_54E code:894A clr A code:894B xch A, R7 code:894C xch A, R6 code:894D xch A, R5 code:894E mov A, #0x7E ; '~' code:8950 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8951 add A, RAM_3E code:8953 lcall code_5A7 code:8956 jz code_896B code:8958 mov R7, #0xFF code:895A sjmp code_896B code:895C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:895C code:895C code_895C: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+6166j code:895C mov A, #0x7F ; '' code:895E jnb RAM_28.4, code_8963 code:8961 mov A, #0x80 ; '' code:8963 code:8963 code_8963: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+618Dj code:8963 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8964 mov B, #0x19 ; B-Register code:8967 mul AB code:8968 mov R7, B ; B-Register code:896A mov R6, A code:896B code:896B code_896B: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+6185j code:896B ; IE0_0_0+6189j code:896B ljmp code_2FB9 code:896B ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR IE0_0_0 code:896E code:896E ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:896E code:896E code:896E code_896E: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+54E3p code:896E mov R0, #0xCA ; '' code:8970 mov R1, #0x2E ; '.' code:8972 mov R5, #4 code:8974 lcall code_686 code:8977 jnb RAM_28.0, code_897D code:897A mov RAM_30, #8 code:897D code:897D code_897D: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+9j code:897D mov A, RAM_30 code:897F cjne A, #8, code_8988 code:8982 jnb P50, code_8988 ; Port 5 code:8985 lcall code_8E0F code:8988 code:8988 code_8988: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+11j code:8988 ; code_896E+14j code:8988 mov R1, #0xC9 ; '' code:898A mov R0, #0xD1 ; '' code:898C movx A, @R1 code:898D jnb ACC0, code_8999 ; Accumulator code:8990 lcall code_1626 code:8993 jnc code_89A2 code:8995 movx A, @R1 code:8996 clr ACC0 ; Accumulator code:8998 movx @R1, A code:8999 code:8999 code_8999: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+1Fj code:8999 mov A, #0xA code:899B movx @R0, A code:899C inc R0 code:899D mov A, #0xA code:899F movx @R0, A code:89A0 inc R0 code:89A1 movx @R0, A code:89A2 code:89A2 code_89A2: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+25j code:89A2 mov C, P50 ; Port 5 code:89A4 setb P42 ; Port 4 code:89A6 jnc code_89B4 code:89A8 mov A, RAM_30 code:89AA cjne A, #6, code_89AD code:89AD code:89AD code_89AD: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+3Cj code:89AD jc code_89B4 code:89AF mov RAM_30, #8 code:89B2 sjmp code_89DA code:89B4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:89B4 code:89B4 code_89B4: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+38j code:89B4 ; code_896E:code_89ADj code:89B4 mov A, RAM_2E code:89B6 orl A, RAM_2F code:89B8 anl A, #4 code:89BA jnz code_89DA code:89BC mov R0, #0x36 ; '6' code:89BE cjne @R0, #0x85, code_89C1 ; '' code:89C1 code:89C1 code_89C1: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+50j code:89C1 jc code_89DA code:89C3 mov R0, #0xC9 ; '' code:89C5 movx A, @R0 code:89C6 jb ACC0, code_89DA ; Accumulator code:89C9 djnz RAM_30, code_89CE code:89CC sjmp code_89DD code:89CE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:89CE code:89CE code_89CE: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+5Bj code:89CE mov A, RAM_30 code:89D0 cjne A, #5, code_89DA code:89D3 jb RAM_2F.3, code_89DA code:89D6 clr RAM_22.1 code:89D8 setb RAM_2E.3 code:89DA code:89DA code_89DA: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+44j code:89DA ; code_896E+4Cj ... code:89DA ljmp code_8AE2 code:89DD ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:89DD code:89DD code_89DD: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+5Ej code:89DD mov RAM_30, #8 code:89E0 clr RAM_2E.3 code:89E2 setb RAM_23.0 code:89E4 mov R7, #6 code:89E6 mov A, RAM_31 code:89E8 jz code_8A20 code:89EA mov R1, A code:89EB cpl A code:89EC anl RAM_2E, A code:89EE anl RAM_2F, A code:89F0 clr A code:89F1 mov R2, A code:89F2 mov R0, #0 code:89F4 mov A, R1 code:89F5 code:89F5 code_89F5: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+89j code:89F5 rrc A code:89F6 inc R0 code:89F7 jnc code_89F5 code:89F9 code:89F9 code_89F9: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+98j code:89F9 setb RAM_25.2 code:89FB lcall code_8D5E code:89FE lcall code_9014 code:8A01 mov C, P50 ; Port 5 code:8A03 cpl C code:8A04 mov F0, C ; Program Status Word Register code:8A06 jnb RAM_25.2, code_89F9 code:8A09 code:8A09 code_8A09: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+A6j code:8A09 setb C code:8A0A setb RAM_25.2 code:8A0C lcall code_8DA6 code:8A0F lcall code_9014 code:8A12 mov C, P50 ; Port 5 code:8A14 jnb RAM_25.2, code_8A09 code:8A17 jb F0, code_8A1E ; Program Status Word Register code:8A1A jnc code_8A61 code:8A1C sjmp code_8A20 code:8A1E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8A1E code:8A1E code_8A1E: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+A9j code:8A1E jc code_8A61 code:8A20 code:8A20 code_8A20: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+7Aj code:8A20 ; code_896E+AEj ... code:8A20 mov RAM_68, #0xFF code:8A23 clr A code:8A24 mov RAM_2E, A code:8A26 mov RAM_2F, A code:8A28 code:8A28 code_8A28: ; CODE XREF: code_896E:code_8AC0j code:8A28 djnz R7, code_8A2D code:8A2A ljmp code_8ADC code:8A2D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8A2D code:8A2D code_8A2D: ; CODE XREF: code_896E:code_8A28j code:8A2D clr A code:8A2E lcall code_8DEE code:8A31 mov R0, #0x1C code:8A33 code:8A33 code_8A33: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+C8j code:8A33 lcall code_9014 code:8A36 djnz R0, code_8A33 code:8A38 code:8A38 code_8A38: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+D8j code:8A38 ; code_896E:code_8AA6j code:8A38 clr A code:8A39 setb RAM_25.2 code:8A3B lcall code_8DEE code:8A3E lcall code_9014 code:8A41 mov C, P50 ; Port 5 code:8A43 cpl C code:8A44 mov F0, C ; Program Status Word Register code:8A46 jnb RAM_25.2, code_8A38 code:8A49 lcall code_8E68 code:8A4C jc code_8A61 code:8A4E clr A code:8A4F lcall code_8DEE code:8A52 mov R0, #0x1C code:8A54 code:8A54 code_8A54: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+E9j code:8A54 lcall code_9014 code:8A57 djnz R0, code_8A54 code:8A59 lcall code_8E8D code:8A5C jc code_8A61 code:8A5E ljmp code_8ADC code:8A61 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8A61 code:8A61 code_8A61: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+ACj code:8A61 ; code_896E:code_8A1Ej ... code:8A61 mov A, R2 code:8A62 xrl A, R1 code:8A63 mov RAM_31, A code:8A65 xrl A, R2 code:8A66 anl A, RAM_31 code:8A68 jz code_8A6F code:8A6A jb F0, code_8A72 ; Program Status Word Register code:8A6D sjmp code_8A7A code:8A6F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8A6F code:8A6F code_8A6F: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+FAj code:8A6F jb F0, code_8A7A ; Program Status Word Register code:8A72 code:8A72 code_8A72: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+FCj code:8A72 mov A, RAM_31 code:8A74 orl A, RAM_2F code:8A76 mov RAM_2F, A code:8A78 sjmp code_8A80 code:8A7A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8A7A code:8A7A code_8A7A: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+FFj code:8A7A ; code_896E:code_8A6Fj code:8A7A mov A, RAM_31 code:8A7C orl A, RAM_2E code:8A7E mov RAM_2E, A code:8A80 code:8A80 code_8A80: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+10Aj code:8A80 clr A code:8A81 lcall code_8DEE code:8A84 mov R0, #0x1C code:8A86 code:8A86 code_8A86: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+11Bj code:8A86 lcall code_9014 code:8A89 djnz R0, code_8A86 code:8A8B code:8A8B code_8A8B: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+128j code:8A8B clr A code:8A8C setb RAM_25.2 code:8A8E lcall code_8DEE code:8A91 lcall code_9014 code:8A94 mov C, P50 ; Port 5 code:8A96 jnb RAM_25.2, code_8A8B code:8A99 jc code_8AA9 code:8A9B cjne R7, #6, code_8AA1 code:8A9E ljmp code_8A20 code:8AA1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8AA1 code:8AA1 code_8AA1: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+12Dj code:8AA1 djnz R7, code_8AA6 code:8AA3 ljmp code_8ADC code:8AA6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8AA6 code:8AA6 code_8AA6: ; CODE XREF: code_896E:code_8AA1j code:8AA6 ljmp code_8A38 code:8AA9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8AA9 code:8AA9 code_8AA9: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+12Bj code:8AA9 ; code_896E+147j code:8AA9 mov A, #0xFF code:8AAB setb RAM_25.2 code:8AAD lcall code_8DEE code:8AB0 lcall code_9014 code:8AB3 mov C, P50 ; Port 5 code:8AB5 jnb RAM_25.2, code_8AA9 code:8AB8 jc code_8AC3 code:8ABA cjne R7, #6, code_8AC0 code:8ABD ljmp code_8A20 code:8AC0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8AC0 code:8AC0 code_8AC0: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+14Cj code:8AC0 ljmp code_8A28 code:8AC3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8AC3 code:8AC3 code_8AC3: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+14Aj code:8AC3 push RAM_2E code:8AC5 push RAM_2F code:8AC7 mov R7, #1 code:8AC9 code:8AC9 code_8AC9: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+15Ej code:8AC9 lcall code_8E0F code:8ACC djnz R7, code_8AC9 code:8ACE pop ACC ; Accumulator code:8AD0 cjne A, RAM_2F, code_8ADA code:8AD3 pop ACC ; Accumulator code:8AD5 cjne A, RAM_2E, code_8ADC code:8AD8 sjmp code_8AE2 code:8ADA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8ADA code:8ADA code_8ADA: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+162j code:8ADA pop ACC ; Accumulator code:8ADC code:8ADC code_8ADC: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+BCj code:8ADC ; code_896E+F0j ... code:8ADC mov R0, #0xC9 ; '' code:8ADE movx A, @R0 code:8ADF setb ACC0 ; Accumulator code:8AE1 movx @R0, A code:8AE2 code:8AE2 code_8AE2: ; CODE XREF: code_896E:code_89DAj code:8AE2 ; code_896E+16Aj code:8AE2 clr P42 ; Port 4 code:8AE4 mov A, RAM_30 code:8AE6 cjne A, #6, code_8AE9 code:8AE9 code:8AE9 code_8AE9: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+178j code:8AE9 jnc code_8AEE code:8AEB ljmp code_8B38 code:8AEE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8AEE code:8AEE code_8AEE: ; CODE XREF: code_896E:code_8AE9j code:8AEE mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:8AF1 mov R4, #5 code:8AF3 code:8AF3 code_8AF3: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+1B3j code:8AF3 mov A, R4 code:8AF4 add A, #0x52 ; 'R' code:8AF6 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8AF7 mov B, A ; B-Register code:8AF9 mov R6, RAM_3B code:8AFB mov R7, RAM_38 code:8AFD cjne R4, #4, code_8B02 code:8B00 mov R7, RAM_36 code:8B02 code:8B02 code_8B02: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+18Fj code:8B02 mov R2, #2 code:8B04 mov A, R4 code:8B05 mov R1, A code:8B06 mov A, RAM_2E code:8B08 code:8B08 code_8B08: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+19Bj code:8B08 rrc A code:8B09 djnz R1, code_8B08 code:8B0B jc code_8B1A code:8B0D mov R2, #1 code:8B0F mov A, R4 code:8B10 mov R1, A code:8B11 mov A, RAM_2F code:8B13 code:8B13 code_8B13: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+1A6j code:8B13 rrc A code:8B14 djnz R1, code_8B13 code:8B16 jc code_8B1A code:8B18 mov R2, #0 code:8B1A code:8B1A code_8B1A: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+19Dj code:8B1A ; code_896E+1A8j code:8B1A push RAM_4 code:8B1C lcall code_8241 code:8B1F pop RAM_4 code:8B21 djnz R4, code_8AF3 code:8B23 mov C, RAM_2F.0 code:8B25 orl C, RAM_2E.0 code:8B27 mov RAM_23.0, C code:8B29 jnc code_8B38 code:8B2B mov C, RAM_2F.0 code:8B2D mov T2, C ; Port 1 code:8B2F lcall code_1247 code:8B32 lcall code_6DA6 code:8B35 lcall code_3F6F code:8B38 code:8B38 code_8B38: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+17Dj code:8B38 ; code_896E+1BBj code:8B38 mov R0, #0xCA ; '' code:8B3A mov R1, #0x2E ; '.' code:8B3C mov R5, #4 code:8B3E lcall code_67C code:8B41 mov R0, #0xD4 ; '' code:8B43 mov R1, #0x2E ; '.' code:8B45 mov R5, #4 code:8B47 lcall code_686 code:8B4A mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:8B4C mov A, @R0 code:8B4D mov C, ACC5 ; Accumulator code:8B4F cpl C code:8B50 orl C, RAM_2F.3 code:8B52 jc code_8B56 code:8B54 setb RAM_2E.3 code:8B56 code:8B56 code_8B56: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+1E4j code:8B56 mov C, ACC4 ; Accumulator code:8B58 cpl C code:8B59 orl C, RAM_2F.2 code:8B5B jc code_8B5F code:8B5D setb RAM_2E.2 code:8B5F code:8B5F code_8B5F: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+1EDj code:8B5F jnb RAM_28.0, code_8B65 code:8B62 mov RAM_30, #8 code:8B65 code:8B65 code_8B65: ; CODE XREF: code_896E:code_8B5Fj code:8B65 mov A, RAM_30 code:8B67 cjne A, #8, code_8B73 code:8B6A mov C, IEX2 ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:8B6C orl C, /INT2 ; Port 1 code:8B6E jc code_8B73 code:8B70 lcall code_8F79 code:8B73 code:8B73 code_8B73: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+1F9j code:8B73 ; code_896E+200j code:8B73 mov R1, #0xC9 ; '' code:8B75 mov R0, #0xD8 ; '' code:8B77 movx A, @R1 code:8B78 jnb ACC1, code_8B84 ; Accumulator code:8B7B lcall code_1626 code:8B7E jnc code_8B8D code:8B80 movx A, @R1 code:8B81 clr ACC1 ; Accumulator code:8B83 movx @R1, A code:8B84 code:8B84 code_8B84: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+20Aj code:8B84 mov A, #0xA code:8B86 movx @R0, A code:8B87 inc R0 code:8B88 mov A, #0xA code:8B8A movx @R0, A code:8B8B inc R0 code:8B8C movx @R0, A code:8B8D code:8B8D code_8B8D: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+210j code:8B8D mov C, IEX2 ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:8B8F orl C, /INT2 ; Port 1 code:8B91 anl C, /RAM_23.2 code:8B93 jc code_8BA1 code:8B95 mov A, RAM_30 code:8B97 cjne A, #6, code_8B9A code:8B9A code:8B9A code_8B9A: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+229j code:8B9A jc code_8BA1 code:8B9C mov RAM_30, #8 code:8B9F sjmp code_8BCA code:8BA1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8BA1 code:8BA1 code_8BA1: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+225j code:8BA1 ; code_896E:code_8B9Aj code:8BA1 mov A, RAM_2E code:8BA3 orl A, RAM_2F code:8BA5 anl A, #3 code:8BA7 jnz code_8BCA code:8BA9 mov R0, #0x36 ; '6' code:8BAB cjne @R0, #0x85, code_8BAE ; '' code:8BAE code:8BAE code_8BAE: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+23Dj code:8BAE jc code_8BCA code:8BB0 mov R0, #0xC9 ; '' code:8BB2 movx A, @R0 code:8BB3 jb ACC1, code_8BCA ; Accumulator code:8BB6 djnz RAM_30, code_8BBB code:8BB9 sjmp code_8BCD code:8BBB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8BBB code:8BBB code_8BBB: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+248j code:8BBB mov A, RAM_30 code:8BBD cjne A, #5, code_8BCA code:8BC0 mov DPTR, #0xA005 code:8BC3 clr A code:8BC4 movx @DPTR, A code:8BC5 mov C, RAM_2E.2 code:8BC7 cpl C code:8BC8 mov RAM_2F.2, C code:8BCA code:8BCA code_8BCA: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+231j code:8BCA ; code_896E+239j ... code:8BCA ljmp code_8CC5 code:8BCD ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8BCD code:8BCD code_8BCD: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+24Bj code:8BCD mov RAM_30, #8 code:8BD0 clr RAM_2E.2 code:8BD2 clr RAM_2F.2 code:8BD4 mov R7, #5 code:8BD6 mov A, RAM_31 code:8BD8 jz code_8C06 code:8BDA mov R4, A code:8BDB cpl A code:8BDC anl RAM_2E, A code:8BDE anl RAM_2F, A code:8BE0 clr A code:8BE1 mov R5, A code:8BE2 mov R0, #0 code:8BE4 mov A, R4 code:8BE5 code:8BE5 code_8BE5: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+279j code:8BE5 rrc A code:8BE6 inc R0 code:8BE7 jnc code_8BE5 code:8BE9 lcall code_8EB6 code:8BEC lcall code_9014 code:8BEF mov C, INT2 ; Port 1 code:8BF1 cpl C code:8BF2 mov F0, C ; Program Status Word Register code:8BF4 setb C code:8BF5 lcall code_8EFB code:8BF8 lcall code_9014 code:8BFB mov C, INT2 ; Port 1 code:8BFD jb F0, code_8C04 ; Program Status Word Register code:8C00 jnc code_8C46 code:8C02 sjmp code_8C06 code:8C04 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8C04 code:8C04 code_8C04: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+28Fj code:8C04 jc code_8C46 code:8C06 code:8C06 code_8C06: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+26Aj code:8C06 ; code_896E+294j ... code:8C06 mov RAM_68, #0xFF code:8C09 clr A code:8C0A mov RAM_2E, A code:8C0C mov RAM_2F, A code:8C0E code:8C0E code_8C0E: ; CODE XREF: code_896E:code_8CA3j code:8C0E djnz R7, code_8C13 code:8C10 ljmp code_8CBF code:8C13 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8C13 code:8C13 code_8C13: ; CODE XREF: code_896E:code_8C0Ej code:8C13 clr A code:8C14 lcall code_8F40 code:8C17 mov R0, #0x1C code:8C19 code:8C19 code_8C19: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+2AEj code:8C19 lcall code_9014 code:8C1C djnz R0, code_8C19 code:8C1E code:8C1E code_8C1E: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+2BBj code:8C1E ; code_896E:code_8C8Aj code:8C1E clr A code:8C1F mov R4, A code:8C20 lcall code_8F40 code:8C23 lcall code_9014 code:8C26 lcall code_8F61 code:8C29 jnz code_8C1E code:8C2B cpl C code:8C2C mov F0, C ; Program Status Word Register code:8C2E lcall code_8FCA code:8C31 jc code_8C46 code:8C33 clr A code:8C34 lcall code_8F40 code:8C37 mov R0, #0x1C code:8C39 code:8C39 code_8C39: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+2CEj code:8C39 lcall code_9014 code:8C3C djnz R0, code_8C39 code:8C3E lcall code_8FED code:8C41 jc code_8C46 code:8C43 ljmp code_8CBF code:8C46 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8C46 code:8C46 code_8C46: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+292j code:8C46 ; code_896E:code_8C04j ... code:8C46 mov A, R5 code:8C47 xrl A, R4 code:8C48 mov RAM_31, A code:8C4A xrl A, R5 code:8C4B anl A, RAM_31 code:8C4D jz code_8C54 code:8C4F jb F0, code_8C57 ; Program Status Word Register code:8C52 sjmp code_8C5F code:8C54 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8C54 code:8C54 code_8C54: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+2DFj code:8C54 jb F0, code_8C5F ; Program Status Word Register code:8C57 code:8C57 code_8C57: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+2E1j code:8C57 mov A, RAM_31 code:8C59 orl A, RAM_2F code:8C5B mov RAM_2F, A code:8C5D sjmp code_8C65 code:8C5F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8C5F code:8C5F code_8C5F: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+2E4j code:8C5F ; code_896E:code_8C54j code:8C5F mov A, RAM_31 code:8C61 orl A, RAM_2E code:8C63 mov RAM_2E, A code:8C65 code:8C65 code_8C65: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+2EFj code:8C65 clr A code:8C66 lcall code_8F40 code:8C69 mov R0, #0x1C code:8C6B code:8C6B code_8C6B: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+300j code:8C6B lcall code_9014 code:8C6E djnz R0, code_8C6B code:8C70 code:8C70 code_8C70: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+30Dj code:8C70 clr A code:8C71 mov R4, A code:8C72 lcall code_8F40 code:8C75 lcall code_9014 code:8C78 lcall code_8F61 code:8C7B jnz code_8C70 code:8C7D jc code_8C8D code:8C7F cjne R7, #5, code_8C85 code:8C82 ljmp code_8C06 code:8C85 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8C85 code:8C85 code_8C85: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+311j code:8C85 djnz R7, code_8C8A code:8C87 ljmp code_8CBF code:8C8A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8C8A code:8C8A code_8C8A: ; CODE XREF: code_896E:code_8C85j code:8C8A ljmp code_8C1E code:8C8D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8C8D code:8C8D code_8C8D: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+30Fj code:8C8D ; code_896E+32Bj code:8C8D mov A, #0xFF code:8C8F mov R4, A code:8C90 lcall code_8F40 code:8C93 lcall code_9014 code:8C96 lcall code_8F61 code:8C99 jnz code_8C8D code:8C9B jc code_8CA6 code:8C9D cjne R7, #5, code_8CA3 code:8CA0 ljmp code_8C06 code:8CA3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8CA3 code:8CA3 code_8CA3: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+32Fj code:8CA3 ljmp code_8C0E code:8CA6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8CA6 code:8CA6 code_8CA6: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+32Dj code:8CA6 push RAM_2E code:8CA8 push RAM_2F code:8CAA mov R1, #1 code:8CAC code:8CAC code_8CAC: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+341j code:8CAC lcall code_8F79 code:8CAF djnz R1, code_8CAC code:8CB1 pop ACC ; Accumulator code:8CB3 cjne A, RAM_2F, code_8CBD code:8CB6 pop ACC ; Accumulator code:8CB8 cjne A, RAM_2E, code_8CBF code:8CBB sjmp code_8CC5 code:8CBD ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8CBD code:8CBD code_8CBD: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+345j code:8CBD pop ACC ; Accumulator code:8CBF code:8CBF code_8CBF: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+2A2j code:8CBF ; code_896E+2D5j ... code:8CBF mov R0, #0xC9 ; '' code:8CC1 movx A, @R0 code:8CC2 setb ACC1 ; Accumulator code:8CC4 movx @R0, A code:8CC5 code:8CC5 code_8CC5: ; CODE XREF: code_896E:code_8BCAj code:8CC5 ; code_896E+34Dj code:8CC5 clr IEX2 ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:8CC7 clr RAM_23.2 code:8CC9 mov A, RAM_30 code:8CCB cjne A, #6, code_8CCE code:8CCE code:8CCE code_8CCE: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+35Dj code:8CCE jnc code_8CD3 code:8CD0 ljmp code_8D3A code:8CD3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8CD3 code:8CD3 code_8CD3: ; CODE XREF: code_896E:code_8CCEj code:8CD3 mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:8CD6 mov R4, #4 code:8CD8 code:8CD8 code_8CD8: ; CODE XREF: code_896E:code_8D15j code:8CD8 cjne R4, #4, code_8CE3 code:8CDB mov R0, #0xBC ; '' code:8CDD mov A, @R0 code:8CDE jb ACC0, code_8D15 ; Accumulator code:8CE1 sjmp code_8CEC code:8CE3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8CE3 code:8CE3 code_8CE3: ; CODE XREF: code_896E:code_8CD8j code:8CE3 cjne R4, #3, code_8CEC code:8CE6 mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:8CE8 mov A, @R0 code:8CE9 jb ACC4, code_8D15 ; Accumulator code:8CEC code:8CEC code_8CEC: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+373j code:8CEC ; code_896E:code_8CE3j code:8CEC mov A, R4 code:8CED add A, #0x57 ; 'W' code:8CEF movc A, @A+DPTR code:8CF0 mov B, A ; B-Register code:8CF2 mov R6, RAM_3B code:8CF4 mov R7, RAM_38 code:8CF6 mov R2, #2 code:8CF8 mov A, R4 code:8CF9 mov R1, A code:8CFA mov A, RAM_2E code:8CFC code:8CFC code_8CFC: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+38Fj code:8CFC rrc A code:8CFD djnz R1, code_8CFC code:8CFF jc code_8D0E code:8D01 mov R2, #1 code:8D03 mov A, R4 code:8D04 mov R1, A code:8D05 mov A, RAM_2F code:8D07 code:8D07 code_8D07: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+39Aj code:8D07 rrc A code:8D08 djnz R1, code_8D07 code:8D0A jc code_8D0E code:8D0C mov R2, #0 code:8D0E code:8D0E code_8D0E: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+391j code:8D0E ; code_896E+39Cj code:8D0E push RAM_4 code:8D10 lcall code_8241 code:8D13 pop RAM_4 code:8D15 code:8D15 code_8D15: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+370j code:8D15 ; code_896E+37Bj code:8D15 djnz R4, code_8CD8 code:8D17 mov R0, #0xBA ; '' code:8D19 mov A, @R0 code:8D1A jb ACC4, code_8D29 ; Accumulator code:8D1D mov C, RAM_2E.2 code:8D1F orl C, RAM_2F.2 code:8D21 jnc code_8D29 code:8D23 lcall code_183A code:8D26 lcall code_3F6F code:8D29 code:8D29 code_8D29: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+3ACj code:8D29 ; code_896E+3B3j code:8D29 mov A, RAM_2E code:8D2B orl A, RAM_2F code:8D2D anl A, #3 code:8D2F jz code_8D3A code:8D31 lcall code_1247 code:8D34 lcall code_3F6F code:8D37 lcall code_6DA6 code:8D3A code:8D3A code_8D3A: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+362j code:8D3A ; code_896E+3C1j code:8D3A mov R0, #0xD4 ; '' code:8D3C mov R1, #0x2E ; '.' code:8D3E mov R5, #4 code:8D40 lcall code_67C code:8D43 mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:8D46 mov A, #0x5D ; ']' code:8D48 movc A, @A+DPTR code:8D49 mov B, A ; B-Register code:8D4B mov R0, #0xC9 ; '' code:8D4D movx A, @R0 code:8D4E clr C code:8D4F jz code_8D52 code:8D51 setb C code:8D52 code:8D52 code_8D52: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+3E1j code:8D52 mov R6, RAM_3B code:8D54 mov R7, RAM_40 code:8D56 clr A code:8D57 setb ACC3 ; Accumulator code:8D59 mov R2, A code:8D5A lcall code_8241 code:8D5D ret code:8D5D ; End of function code_896E code:8D5D code:8D5E code:8D5E ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:8D5E code:8D5E code:8D5E code_8D5E: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+8Dp code:8D5E ; code_8DEE+7p ... code:8D5E jc code_8D6B code:8D60 mov A, RAM_2F code:8D62 mov B, R0 ; B-Register code:8D64 code:8D64 code_8D64: ; CODE XREF: code_8D5E+7j code:8D64 rrc A code:8D65 djnz B, code_8D64 ; B-Register code:8D68 jnc code_8D6B code:8D6A ret code:8D6B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8D6B code:8D6B code_8D6B: ; CODE XREF: code_8D5Ej code:8D6B ; code_8D5E+Aj code:8D6B mov A, R0 code:8D6C dec A code:8D6D clr C code:8D6E rlc A code:8D6F clr C code:8D70 mov DPTR, #0x8D74 code:8D73 jmp @A+DPTR code:8D73 ; End of function code_8D5E code:8D73 code:8D74 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8D74 sjmp code_8DA3 code:8D76 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8D76 sjmp code_8D97 code:8D78 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8D78 sjmp code_8D94 code:8D7A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8D7A sjmp code_8D88 code:8D7C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8D7C clr RAM_22.0 code:8D7E mov DPTR, #0xA040 code:8D81 code:8D81 code_8D81: ; CODE XREF: code:8D84j code:8D81 mov A, RAM_22 code:8D83 movx @DPTR, A code:8D84 cjne A, RAM_22, code_8D81 code:8D87 ret code:8D88 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8D88 code:8D88 code_8D88: ; CODE XREF: code:8D7Aj code:8D88 clr RAM_22.1 code:8D8A mov DPTR, #0xA040 code:8D8D code:8D8D code_8D8D: ; CODE XREF: code:8D90j code:8D8D mov A, RAM_22 code:8D8F movx @DPTR, A code:8D90 cjne A, RAM_22, code_8D8D code:8D93 ret code:8D94 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8D94 code:8D94 code_8D94: ; CODE XREF: code:8D78j code:8D94 clr P52 ; Port 5 code:8D96 ret code:8D97 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8D97 code:8D97 code_8D97: ; CODE XREF: code:8D76j code:8D97 clr RAM_22.5 code:8D99 mov DPTR, #0xA040 code:8D9C code:8D9C code_8D9C: ; CODE XREF: code:8D9Fj code:8D9C mov A, RAM_22 code:8D9E movx @DPTR, A code:8D9F cjne A, RAM_22, code_8D9C code:8DA2 ret code:8DA3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8DA3 code:8DA3 code_8DA3: ; CODE XREF: code:8D74j code:8DA3 clr T2 ; Port 1 code:8DA5 ret code:8DA6 code:8DA6 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:8DA6 code:8DA6 code:8DA6 code_8DA6: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+9Ep code:8DA6 ; code_8DEE+Cp ... code:8DA6 jc code_8DB3 code:8DA8 mov A, RAM_2E code:8DAA mov B, R0 ; B-Register code:8DAC code:8DAC code_8DAC: ; CODE XREF: code_8DA6+7j code:8DAC rrc A code:8DAD djnz B, code_8DAC ; B-Register code:8DB0 jnc code_8DB3 code:8DB2 ret code:8DB3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8DB3 code:8DB3 code_8DB3: ; CODE XREF: code_8DA6j code:8DB3 ; code_8DA6+Aj code:8DB3 mov A, R0 code:8DB4 dec A code:8DB5 clr C code:8DB6 rlc A code:8DB7 clr C code:8DB8 mov DPTR, #0x8DBC code:8DBB jmp @A+DPTR code:8DBB ; End of function code_8DA6 code:8DBB code:8DBC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8DBC sjmp code_8DEB code:8DBE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8DBE sjmp code_8DDF code:8DC0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8DC0 sjmp code_8DDC code:8DC2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8DC2 sjmp code_8DD0 code:8DC4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8DC4 setb RAM_22.0 code:8DC6 mov DPTR, #0xA040 code:8DC9 code:8DC9 code_8DC9: ; CODE XREF: code:8DCCj code:8DC9 mov A, RAM_22 code:8DCB movx @DPTR, A code:8DCC cjne A, RAM_22, code_8DC9 code:8DCF ret code:8DD0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8DD0 code:8DD0 code_8DD0: ; CODE XREF: code:8DC2j code:8DD0 setb RAM_22.1 code:8DD2 mov DPTR, #0xA040 code:8DD5 code:8DD5 code_8DD5: ; CODE XREF: code:8DD8j code:8DD5 mov A, RAM_22 code:8DD7 movx @DPTR, A code:8DD8 cjne A, RAM_22, code_8DD5 code:8DDB ret code:8DDC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8DDC code:8DDC code_8DDC: ; CODE XREF: code:8DC0j code:8DDC setb P52 ; Port 5 code:8DDE ret code:8DDF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8DDF code:8DDF code_8DDF: ; CODE XREF: code:8DBEj code:8DDF setb RAM_22.5 code:8DE1 mov DPTR, #0xA040 code:8DE4 code:8DE4 code_8DE4: ; CODE XREF: code:8DE7j code:8DE4 mov A, RAM_22 code:8DE6 movx @DPTR, A code:8DE7 cjne A, RAM_22, code_8DE4 code:8DEA ret code:8DEB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8DEB code:8DEB code_8DEB: ; CODE XREF: code:8DBCj code:8DEB setb T2 ; Port 1 code:8DED ret code:8DEE code:8DEE ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:8DEE code:8DEE code:8DEE code_8DEE: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+C0p code:8DEE ; code_896E+CDp ... code:8DEE mov R0, #1 code:8DF0 code:8DF0 code_8DF0: ; CODE XREF: code_8DEE+1Dj code:8DF0 rrc A code:8DF1 push ACC ; Accumulator code:8DF3 jc code_8DFF code:8DF5 lcall code_8D5E code:8DF8 jnc code_8E08 code:8DFA lcall code_8DA6 code:8DFD sjmp code_8E08 code:8DFF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8DFF code:8DFF code_8DFF: ; CODE XREF: code_8DEE+5j code:8DFF clr C code:8E00 lcall code_8DA6 code:8E03 jnc code_8E08 code:8E05 lcall code_8D5E code:8E08 code:8E08 code_8E08: ; CODE XREF: code_8DEE+Aj code:8E08 ; code_8DEE+Fj ... code:8E08 pop ACC ; Accumulator code:8E0A inc R0 code:8E0B cjne R0, #6, code_8DF0 code:8E0E ret code:8E0E ; End of function code_8DEE code:8E0E code:8E0F code:8E0F ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:8E0F code:8E0F code:8E0F code_8E0F: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+17p code:8E0F ; code_896E:code_8AC9p code:8E0F mov A, RAM_2E code:8E11 orl A, RAM_2F code:8E13 jz code_8E67 code:8E15 setb P42 ; Port 4 code:8E17 setb F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:8E19 code:8E19 code_8E19: ; CODE XREF: code_8E0F+55j code:8E19 mov R6, #5 code:8E1B mov R0, #0 code:8E1D jnb F0, code_8E24 ; Program Status Word Register code:8E20 mov A, RAM_2E code:8E22 sjmp code_8E26 code:8E24 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8E24 code:8E24 code_8E24: ; CODE XREF: code_8E0F+Ej code:8E24 mov A, RAM_2F code:8E26 code:8E26 code_8E26: ; CODE XREF: code_8E0F+13j code:8E26 ; code_8E0F+53j code:8E26 inc R0 code:8E27 rrc A code:8E28 mov R5, A code:8E29 jnc code_8E61 code:8E2B code:8E2B code_8E2B: ; CODE XREF: code_8E0F+2Dj code:8E2B setb RAM_25.2 code:8E2D setb C code:8E2E jnb F0, code_8E36 ; Program Status Word Register code:8E31 lcall code_8DA6 code:8E34 sjmp code_8E39 code:8E36 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8E36 code:8E36 code_8E36: ; CODE XREF: code_8E0F+1Fj code:8E36 lcall code_8D5E code:8E39 code:8E39 code_8E39: ; CODE XREF: code_8E0F+25j code:8E39 lcall code_9014 code:8E3C jnb RAM_25.2, code_8E2B code:8E3F jnb P50, code_8E55 ; Port 5 code:8E42 mov A, R0 code:8E43 mov R3, A code:8E44 mov A, #0xFF code:8E46 clr C code:8E47 code:8E47 code_8E47: ; CODE XREF: code_8E0F+39j code:8E47 rlc A code:8E48 djnz R3, code_8E47 code:8E4A jnb F0, code_8E51 ; Program Status Word Register code:8E4D anl RAM_2E, A code:8E4F sjmp code_8E61 code:8E51 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8E51 code:8E51 code_8E51: ; CODE XREF: code_8E0F+3Bj code:8E51 anl RAM_2F, A code:8E53 sjmp code_8E61 code:8E55 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8E55 code:8E55 code_8E55: ; CODE XREF: code_8E0F+30j code:8E55 setb C code:8E56 jnb F0, code_8E5E ; Program Status Word Register code:8E59 lcall code_8D5E code:8E5C sjmp code_8E61 code:8E5E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8E5E code:8E5E code_8E5E: ; CODE XREF: code_8E0F+47j code:8E5E lcall code_8DA6 code:8E61 code:8E61 code_8E61: ; CODE XREF: code_8E0F+1Aj code:8E61 ; code_8E0F+40j ... code:8E61 mov A, R5 code:8E62 djnz R6, code_8E26 code:8E64 jbc F0, code_8E19 ; Program Status Word Register code:8E67 code:8E67 code_8E67: ; CODE XREF: code_8E0F+4j code:8E67 ret code:8E67 ; End of function code_8E0F code:8E67 code:8E68 code:8E68 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:8E68 code:8E68 code:8E68 code_8E68: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+DBp code:8E68 mov R2, #0 code:8E6A code:8E6A code_8E6A: ; CODE XREF: code_8E68+10j code:8E6A ; code_8E68+1Ej code:8E6A mov A, R2 code:8E6B setb C code:8E6C rlc A code:8E6D mov R1, A code:8E6E setb RAM_25.2 code:8E70 lcall code_8DEE code:8E73 lcall code_9014 code:8E76 mov C, P50 ; Port 5 code:8E78 jnb RAM_25.2, code_8E6A code:8E7B jb F0, code_8E82 ; Program Status Word Register code:8E7E jnc code_8E8B code:8E80 sjmp code_8E84 code:8E82 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8E82 code:8E82 code_8E82: ; CODE XREF: code_8E68+13j code:8E82 jc code_8E8B code:8E84 code:8E84 code_8E84: ; CODE XREF: code_8E68+18j code:8E84 mov A, R1 code:8E85 mov R2, A code:8E86 cjne A, #0x1F, code_8E6A code:8E89 sjmp code_8E8C code:8E8B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8E8B code:8E8B code_8E8B: ; CODE XREF: code_8E68+16j code:8E8B ; code_8E68:code_8E82j code:8E8B setb C code:8E8C code:8E8C code_8E8C: ; CODE XREF: code_8E68+21j code:8E8C ret code:8E8C ; End of function code_8E68 code:8E8C code:8E8D code:8E8D ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:8E8D code:8E8D code:8E8D code_8E8D: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+EBp code:8E8D mov R2, #0 code:8E8F mov R6, #1 code:8E91 code:8E91 code_8E91: ; CODE XREF: code_8E8D+13j code:8E91 ; code_8E8D+22j code:8E91 mov A, R6 code:8E92 clr C code:8E93 rrc A code:8E94 xrl A, R6 code:8E95 mov R1, A code:8E96 setb RAM_25.2 code:8E98 lcall code_8DEE code:8E9B lcall code_9014 code:8E9E mov C, P50 ; Port 5 code:8EA0 jnb RAM_25.2, code_8E91 code:8EA3 jb F0, code_8EAA ; Program Status Word Register code:8EA6 jnc code_8EB4 code:8EA8 sjmp code_8EAC code:8EAA ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8EAA code:8EAA code_8EAA: ; CODE XREF: code_8E8D+16j code:8EAA jc code_8EB4 code:8EAC code:8EAC code_8EAC: ; CODE XREF: code_8E8D+1Bj code:8EAC mov A, R1 code:8EAD mov R2, A code:8EAE inc R6 code:8EAF cjne R6, #0x20, code_8E91 ; ' ' code:8EB2 sjmp code_8EB5 code:8EB4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8EB4 code:8EB4 code_8EB4: ; CODE XREF: code_8E8D+19j code:8EB4 ; code_8E8D:code_8EAAj code:8EB4 setb C code:8EB5 code:8EB5 code_8EB5: ; CODE XREF: code_8E8D+25j code:8EB5 ret code:8EB5 ; End of function code_8E8D code:8EB5 code:8EB6 code:8EB6 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:8EB6 code:8EB6 code:8EB6 code_8EB6: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+27Bp code:8EB6 ; code_8F40+7p ... code:8EB6 jc code_8EC3 code:8EB8 mov A, RAM_2F code:8EBA mov B, R0 ; B-Register code:8EBC code:8EBC code_8EBC: ; CODE XREF: code_8EB6+7j code:8EBC rrc A code:8EBD djnz B, code_8EBC ; B-Register code:8EC0 jnc code_8EC3 code:8EC2 ret code:8EC3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8EC3 code:8EC3 code_8EC3: ; CODE XREF: code_8EB6j code:8EC3 ; code_8EB6+Aj code:8EC3 mov A, R0 code:8EC4 dec A code:8EC5 clr C code:8EC6 rlc A code:8EC7 clr C code:8EC8 mov DPTR, #0x8ECC code:8ECB jmp @A+DPTR code:8ECB ; End of function code_8EB6 code:8ECB code:8ECC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8ECC sjmp code_8EF5 code:8ECE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8ECE sjmp code_8EEF code:8ED0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8ED0 sjmp code_8EDE code:8ED2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8ED2 clr RAM_22.2 code:8ED4 mov DPTR, #0xA040 code:8ED7 code:8ED7 code_8ED7: ; CODE XREF: code:8EDAj code:8ED7 mov A, RAM_22 code:8ED9 movx @DPTR, A code:8EDA cjne A, RAM_22, code_8ED7 code:8EDD ret code:8EDE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8EDE code:8EDE code_8EDE: ; CODE XREF: code:8ED0j code:8EDE mov DPTR, #0x162 code:8EE1 movx A, @DPTR code:8EE2 clr ACC3 ; Accumulator code:8EE4 movx @DPTR, A code:8EE5 mov DPTR, #0xA021 code:8EE8 movx @DPTR, A code:8EE9 mov DPL, #5 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:8EEC clr A code:8EED movx @DPTR, A code:8EEE ret code:8EEF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8EEF code:8EEF code_8EEF: ; CODE XREF: code:8ECEj code:8EEF orl CCEN, #0xF0 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:8EF2 clr INT5 ; Port 1 code:8EF4 ret code:8EF5 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8EF5 code:8EF5 code_8EF5: ; CODE XREF: code:8ECCj code:8EF5 orl CCEN, #0xF0 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:8EF8 clr INT6 ; Port 1 code:8EFA ret code:8EFB code:8EFB ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:8EFB code:8EFB code:8EFB code_8EFB: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+287p code:8EFB ; code_8F40+Cp ... code:8EFB jc code_8F08 code:8EFD mov A, RAM_2E code:8EFF mov B, R0 ; B-Register code:8F01 code:8F01 code_8F01: ; CODE XREF: code_8EFB+7j code:8F01 rrc A code:8F02 djnz B, code_8F01 ; B-Register code:8F05 jnc code_8F08 code:8F07 ret code:8F08 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8F08 code:8F08 code_8F08: ; CODE XREF: code_8EFBj code:8F08 ; code_8EFB+Aj code:8F08 mov A, R0 code:8F09 dec A code:8F0A clr C code:8F0B rlc A code:8F0C clr C code:8F0D mov DPTR, #0x8F11 code:8F10 jmp @A+DPTR code:8F10 ; End of function code_8EFB code:8F10 code:8F11 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8F11 sjmp code_8F3A code:8F13 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8F13 sjmp code_8F34 code:8F15 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8F15 sjmp code_8F23 code:8F17 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8F17 setb RAM_22.2 code:8F19 mov DPTR, #0xA040 code:8F1C code:8F1C code_8F1C: ; CODE XREF: code:8F1Fj code:8F1C mov A, RAM_22 code:8F1E movx @DPTR, A code:8F1F cjne A, RAM_22, code_8F1C code:8F22 ret code:8F23 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8F23 code:8F23 code_8F23: ; CODE XREF: code:8F15j code:8F23 mov DPTR, #0x162 code:8F26 movx A, @DPTR code:8F27 setb ACC3 ; Accumulator code:8F29 movx @DPTR, A code:8F2A mov DPTR, #0xA021 code:8F2D movx @DPTR, A code:8F2E mov DPL, #5 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:8F31 clr A code:8F32 movx @DPTR, A code:8F33 ret code:8F34 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8F34 code:8F34 code_8F34: ; CODE XREF: code:8F13j code:8F34 orl CCEN, #0xF0 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:8F37 setb INT5 ; Port 1 code:8F39 ret code:8F3A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8F3A code:8F3A code_8F3A: ; CODE XREF: code:8F11j code:8F3A orl CCEN, #0xF0 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. code:8F3D setb INT6 ; Port 1 code:8F3F ret code:8F40 code:8F40 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:8F40 code:8F40 code:8F40 code_8F40: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+2A6p code:8F40 ; code_896E+2B2p ... code:8F40 mov R0, #1 code:8F42 code:8F42 code_8F42: ; CODE XREF: code_8F40+1Dj code:8F42 rrc A code:8F43 push ACC ; Accumulator code:8F45 jc code_8F51 code:8F47 lcall code_8EB6 code:8F4A jnc code_8F5A code:8F4C lcall code_8EFB code:8F4F sjmp code_8F5A code:8F51 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8F51 code:8F51 code_8F51: ; CODE XREF: code_8F40+5j code:8F51 clr C code:8F52 lcall code_8EFB code:8F55 jnc code_8F5A code:8F57 lcall code_8EB6 code:8F5A code:8F5A code_8F5A: ; CODE XREF: code_8F40+Aj code:8F5A ; code_8F40+Fj ... code:8F5A pop ACC ; Accumulator code:8F5C inc R0 code:8F5D cjne R0, #5, code_8F42 code:8F60 ret code:8F60 ; End of function code_8F40 code:8F60 code:8F61 code:8F61 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:8F61 code:8F61 code:8F61 code_8F61: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+2B8p code:8F61 ; code_896E+30Ap ... code:8F61 mov C, INT2 ; Port 1 code:8F63 clr A code:8F64 jnb INT6, code_8F69 ; Port 1 code:8F67 setb ACC0 ; Accumulator code:8F69 code:8F69 code_8F69: ; CODE XREF: code_8F61+3j code:8F69 jnb INT5, code_8F6E ; Port 1 code:8F6C setb ACC1 ; Accumulator code:8F6E code:8F6E code_8F6E: ; CODE XREF: code_8F61:code_8F69j code:8F6E xrl A, R4 code:8F6F anl A, #3 code:8F71 mov R0, A code:8F72 mov A, RAM_2E code:8F74 orl A, RAM_2F code:8F76 cpl A code:8F77 anl A, R0 code:8F78 ret code:8F78 ; End of function code_8F61 code:8F78 code:8F79 code:8F79 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:8F79 code:8F79 code:8F79 code_8F79: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+202p code:8F79 ; code_896E:code_8CACp code:8F79 mov A, RAM_2E code:8F7B orl A, RAM_2F code:8F7D jz code_8FC9 code:8F7F setb F0 ; Program Status Word Register code:8F81 code:8F81 code_8F81: ; CODE XREF: code_8F79+4Dj code:8F81 mov R6, #4 code:8F83 mov R0, #0 code:8F85 jnb F0, code_8F8C ; Program Status Word Register code:8F88 mov A, RAM_2E code:8F8A sjmp code_8F8E code:8F8C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8F8C code:8F8C code_8F8C: ; CODE XREF: code_8F79+Cj code:8F8C mov A, RAM_2F code:8F8E code:8F8E code_8F8E: ; CODE XREF: code_8F79+11j code:8F8E ; code_8F79+4Bj code:8F8E inc R0 code:8F8F rrc A code:8F90 mov R5, A code:8F91 jnc code_8FC3 code:8F93 jnb F0, code_8F9B ; Program Status Word Register code:8F96 lcall code_8EFB code:8F99 sjmp code_8F9E code:8F9B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8F9B code:8F9B code_8F9B: ; CODE XREF: code_8F79+1Aj code:8F9B lcall code_8EB6 code:8F9E code:8F9E code_8F9E: ; CODE XREF: code_8F79+20j code:8F9E lcall code_9014 code:8FA1 jnb INT2, code_8FB7 ; Port 1 code:8FA4 mov A, R0 code:8FA5 mov R3, A code:8FA6 mov A, #0xFF code:8FA8 clr C code:8FA9 code:8FA9 code_8FA9: ; CODE XREF: code_8F79+31j code:8FA9 rlc A code:8FAA djnz R3, code_8FA9 code:8FAC jnb F0, code_8FB3 ; Program Status Word Register code:8FAF anl RAM_2E, A code:8FB1 sjmp code_8FC3 code:8FB3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8FB3 code:8FB3 code_8FB3: ; CODE XREF: code_8F79+33j code:8FB3 anl RAM_2F, A code:8FB5 sjmp code_8FC3 code:8FB7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8FB7 code:8FB7 code_8FB7: ; CODE XREF: code_8F79+28j code:8FB7 setb C code:8FB8 jnb F0, code_8FC0 ; Program Status Word Register code:8FBB lcall code_8EB6 code:8FBE sjmp code_8FC3 code:8FC0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8FC0 code:8FC0 code_8FC0: ; CODE XREF: code_8F79+3Fj code:8FC0 lcall code_8EFB code:8FC3 code:8FC3 code_8FC3: ; CODE XREF: code_8F79+18j code:8FC3 ; code_8F79+38j ... code:8FC3 mov A, R5 code:8FC4 djnz R6, code_8F8E code:8FC6 jbc F0, code_8F81 ; Program Status Word Register code:8FC9 code:8FC9 code_8FC9: ; CODE XREF: code_8F79+4j code:8FC9 ret code:8FC9 ; End of function code_8F79 code:8FC9 code:8FCA code:8FCA ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:8FCA code:8FCA code:8FCA code_8FCA: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+2C0p code:8FCA mov R5, #0 code:8FCC code:8FCC code_8FCC: ; CODE XREF: code_8FCA+Fj code:8FCC ; code_8FCA+1Cj code:8FCC mov A, R5 code:8FCD setb C code:8FCE rlc A code:8FCF mov R4, A code:8FD0 lcall code_8F40 code:8FD3 lcall code_9014 code:8FD6 lcall code_8F61 code:8FD9 jnz code_8FCC code:8FDB jb F0, code_8FE2 ; Program Status Word Register code:8FDE jnc code_8FEB code:8FE0 sjmp code_8FE4 code:8FE2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8FE2 code:8FE2 code_8FE2: ; CODE XREF: code_8FCA+11j code:8FE2 jc code_8FEB code:8FE4 code:8FE4 code_8FE4: ; CODE XREF: code_8FCA+16j code:8FE4 mov A, R4 code:8FE5 mov R5, A code:8FE6 cjne A, #0xF, code_8FCC code:8FE9 sjmp code_8FEC code:8FEB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:8FEB code:8FEB code_8FEB: ; CODE XREF: code_8FCA+14j code:8FEB ; code_8FCA:code_8FE2j code:8FEB setb C code:8FEC code:8FEC code_8FEC: ; CODE XREF: code_8FCA+1Fj code:8FEC ret code:8FEC ; End of function code_8FCA code:8FEC code:8FED code:8FED ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:8FED code:8FED code:8FED code_8FED: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+2D0p code:8FED mov R5, #0 code:8FEF mov R6, #1 code:8FF1 code:8FF1 code_8FF1: ; CODE XREF: code_8FED+12j code:8FF1 ; code_8FED+20j code:8FF1 mov A, R6 code:8FF2 clr C code:8FF3 rrc A code:8FF4 xrl A, R6 code:8FF5 mov R4, A code:8FF6 lcall code_8F40 code:8FF9 lcall code_9014 code:8FFC lcall code_8F61 code:8FFF jnz code_8FF1 code:9001 jb F0, code_9008 ; Program Status Word Register code:9004 jnc code_9012 code:9006 sjmp code_900A code:9008 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9008 code:9008 code_9008: ; CODE XREF: code_8FED+14j code:9008 jc code_9012 code:900A code:900A code_900A: ; CODE XREF: code_8FED+19j code:900A mov A, R4 code:900B mov R5, A code:900C inc R6 code:900D cjne R6, #0x10, code_8FF1 code:9010 sjmp code_9013 code:9012 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9012 code:9012 code_9012: ; CODE XREF: code_8FED+17j code:9012 ; code_8FED:code_9008j code:9012 setb C code:9013 code:9013 code_9013: ; CODE XREF: code_8FED+23j code:9013 ret code:9013 ; End of function code_8FED code:9013 code:9014 code:9014 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:9014 code:9014 code:9014 code_9014: ; CODE XREF: code_896E+90p code:9014 ; code_896E+A1p ... code:9014 mov A, #0x3C ; '<' code:9016 code:9016 code_9016: ; CODE XREF: code_9014+3j code:9016 dec A code:9017 jnz code_9016 code:9019 ret code:9019 ; End of function code_9014 code:9019 code:901A code:901A ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:901A code:901A code:901A code_901A: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+54E9p code:901A jnb RAM_28.0, code_903C code:901D clr A code:901E mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:9021 mov R0, #0xFC ; '' code:9023 movx @R0, A code:9024 mov A, #0x1D code:9026 movc A, @A+DPTR code:9027 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:902A mov R0, #0xFD ; '' code:902C movx @R0, A code:902D mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:9030 mov R0, #0x5B ; '[' code:9032 movx A, @R0 code:9033 jnz code_903C code:9035 clr A code:9036 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:9039 mov R0, #0xFE ; '' code:903B movx @R0, A code:903C code:903C code_903C: ; CODE XREF: code_901Aj code:903C ; code_901A+19j code:903C mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:903F mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:9042 mov R0, #0xFE ; '' code:9044 movx A, @R0 code:9045 mov RAM_2E, A code:9047 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:904A mov R0, #0xFC ; '' code:904C movx A, @R0 code:904D cjne A, #0xC8, code_9050 ; '' code:9050 code:9050 code_9050: ; CODE XREF: code_901A+33j code:9050 jnc code_905A code:9052 jnb RAM_2E.2, code_908F code:9055 jnb RAM_2E.0, code_9075 code:9058 sjmp code_908F code:905A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:905A code:905A code_905A: ; CODE XREF: code_901A:code_9050j code:905A jb RAM_2E.2, code_9063 code:905D jb RAM_2E.3, code_9063 code:9060 jb RAM_2E.0, code_906E code:9063 code:9063 code_9063: ; CODE XREF: code_901A:code_905Aj code:9063 ; code_901A+43j code:9063 mov A, #0x1D code:9065 movc A, @A+DPTR code:9066 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:9069 mov R0, #0xFD ; '' code:906B movx @R0, A code:906C sjmp code_9075 code:906E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:906E code:906E code_906E: ; CODE XREF: code_901A+46j code:906E mov R0, #0xFD ; '' code:9070 movx A, @R0 code:9071 djnz ACC, code_908E ; Accumulator code:9074 movx @R0, A code:9075 code:9075 code_9075: ; CODE XREF: code_901A+3Bj code:9075 ; code_901A+52j code:9075 mov A, #0x4B ; 'K' code:9077 movc A, @A+DPTR code:9078 mov B, A ; B-Register code:907A mov R6, RAM_3B code:907C mov R7, RAM_40 code:907E mov C, RAM_2E.0 code:9080 lcall code_8241 code:9083 jnb RAM_2E.0, code_908A code:9086 setb RAM_2E.3 code:9088 sjmp code_908F code:908A ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:908A code:908A code_908A: ; CODE XREF: code_901A+69j code:908A clr RAM_2E.3 code:908C sjmp code_908F code:908E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:908E code:908E code_908E: ; CODE XREF: code_901A+57j code:908E movx @R0, A code:908F code:908F code_908F: ; CODE XREF: code_901A+38j code:908F ; code_901A+3Ej ... code:908F ret code:908F ; End of function code_901A code:908F code:9090 code:9090 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:9090 code:9090 code:9090 code_9090: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+54ECp code:9090 mov P2, #4 ; Port 2 code:9093 mov R1, #6 code:9095 movx A, @R1 code:9096 mov RAM_2E, A code:9098 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:909A push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:909C mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:909F mov A, #0x5E ; '^' code:90A1 movc A, @A+DPTR code:90A2 mov B, A ; B-Register code:90A4 mov R6, RAM_3B code:90A6 mov R7, RAM_38 code:90A8 clr A code:90A9 setb ACC3 ; Accumulator code:90AB mov R2, A code:90AC mov C, RAM_2E.3 code:90AE lcall code_8241 code:90B1 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:90B3 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:90B5 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:90B7 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:90B9 mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:90BC mov A, #0x5F ; '_' code:90BE movc A, @A+DPTR code:90BF mov B, A ; B-Register code:90C1 mov R6, RAM_3B code:90C3 mov R7, RAM_38 code:90C5 clr A code:90C6 setb ACC3 ; Accumulator code:90C8 mov R2, A code:90C9 mov C, RAM_2E.4 code:90CB lcall code_8241 code:90CE pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:90D0 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:90D2 mov C, RAM_2E.1 code:90D4 orl C, RAM_2E.2 code:90D6 mov RAM_2E.2, C code:90D8 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:90DA push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:90DC mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:90DF mov A, #0x60 ; '`' code:90E1 movc A, @A+DPTR code:90E2 mov B, A ; B-Register code:90E4 mov R6, RAM_3B code:90E6 mov R7, RAM_40 code:90E8 clr A code:90E9 setb ACC3 ; Accumulator code:90EB mov R2, A code:90EC mov C, RAM_2E.2 code:90EE lcall code_8241 code:90F1 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:90F3 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:90F5 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:90F7 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:90F9 mov DPTR, #0x4311 code:90FC mov A, #0x61 ; 'a' code:90FE movc A, @A+DPTR code:90FF mov B, A ; B-Register code:9101 mov R6, RAM_3B code:9103 mov R7, RAM_38 code:9105 clr A code:9106 setb ACC3 ; Accumulator code:9108 mov R2, A code:9109 mov C, RAM_2E.0 code:910B lcall code_8241 code:910E pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9110 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9112 ret code:9112 ; End of function code_9090 code:9112 code:9113 code:9113 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:9113 code:9113 code:9113 code_9113: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+54B9p code:9113 code:9113 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:219C SIZE 00000006 BYTES code:9113 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:9216 SIZE 00000009 BYTES code:9113 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:9235 SIZE 000000F8 BYTES code:9113 code:9113 jnb RAM_28.0, code_9119 code:9116 jnb EX3, code_911C ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:9119 code:9119 code_9119: ; CODE XREF: code_9113j code:9119 ljmp code_91DB code:911C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:911C code:911C code_911C: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+3j code:911C setb P40 ; Port 4 code:911E clr P41 ; Port 4 code:9120 clr P57 ; Port 5 code:9122 clr P51 ; Port 5 code:9124 mov R2, #8 code:9126 lcall code_400 code:9129 mov R1, #0x8C ; '' code:912B code:912B code_912B: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+1Aj code:912B mov @R1, A code:912C dec R1 code:912D cjne R1, #0x86, code_912B ; '' code:9130 mov R1, #0x86 ; '' code:9132 mov @R1, #0x14 code:9134 mov R1, #0x8D ; '' code:9136 mov @R1, #0xFF code:9138 mov R1, #0x90 ; '' code:913A mov @R1, #0xA3 ; '' code:913C mov R1, #0x91 ; '' code:913E mov @R1, #0xB0 ; '' code:9140 mov R1, #0x93 ; '' code:9142 mov @R1, #0xA9 ; '' code:9144 mov R1, #0x94 ; '' code:9146 mov @R1, #0x30 ; '0' code:9148 mov R1, #0x95 ; '' code:914A mov @R1, #0xD code:914C mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:914F mov R1, #0x55 ; 'U' code:9151 mov A, #0xFE ; '' code:9153 movx @R1, A code:9154 mov R1, #0x97 ; '' code:9156 mov @R1, #4 code:9158 clr A code:9159 mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:915C mov R1, #0x1B code:915E movx @R1, A code:915F mov R1, #0x1C code:9161 movx @R1, A code:9162 mov R1, #0x1D code:9164 movx @R1, A code:9165 mov P2, #4 ; Port 2 code:9168 mov A, #0xA code:916A mov R1, #1 code:916C movx @R1, A code:916D mov A, #0xFF code:916F mov R1, #0x13 code:9171 movx @R1, A code:9172 mov A, #0x10 code:9174 mov R1, #0x14 code:9176 movx @R1, A code:9177 mov R1, #0 code:9179 movx @R1, A code:917A mov A, #4 code:917C mov R1, #3 code:917E movx @R1, A code:917F mov R1, #4 code:9181 movx @R1, A code:9182 mov R1, #0x27 ; ''' code:9184 movx @R1, A code:9185 mov R1, #0x28 ; '(' code:9187 movx @R1, A code:9188 mov R1, #0x2B ; '+' code:918A movx @R1, A code:918B mov R1, #0x2C ; ',' code:918D movx @R1, A code:918E mov A, #0 code:9190 mov R1, #0xB code:9192 movx @R1, A code:9193 mov R1, #0xA code:9195 movx @R1, A code:9196 mov R1, #0x10 code:9198 movx @R1, A code:9199 mov R1, #0xE code:919B movx @R1, A code:919C mov R1, #0xF code:919E movx @R1, A code:919F mov R1, #0x29 ; ')' code:91A1 movx @R1, A code:91A2 mov R1, #0x2A ; '*' code:91A4 movx @R1, A code:91A5 mov R1, #0x2D ; '-' code:91A7 movx @R1, A code:91A8 mov R0, #0x11 code:91AA movx A, @R0 code:91AB inc R0 code:91AC mov R1, #0x11 code:91AE cjne A, #0x55, code_91B8 ; 'U' code:91B1 movx A, @R0 code:91B2 cjne A, #0xAA, code_91B8 ; '' code:91B5 ljmp code_91CE code:91B8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:91B8 code:91B8 code_91B8: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+9Bj code:91B8 ; code_9113+9Fj code:91B8 mov A, #0x55 ; 'U' code:91BA movx @R1, A code:91BB cpl A code:91BC inc R1 code:91BD movx @R1, A code:91BE mov A, #0 code:91C0 mov R1, #0x9F ; '' code:91C2 mov R2, #0x5A ; 'Z' code:91C4 code:91C4 code_91C4: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+B3j code:91C4 inc R1 code:91C5 movx @R1, A code:91C6 djnz R2, code_91C4 code:91C8 mov R1, #6 code:91CA movx @R1, A code:91CB mov R1, #7 code:91CD movx @R1, A code:91CE code:91CE code_91CE: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+A2j code:91CE mov R1, #6 code:91D0 movx A, @R1 code:91D1 jnb ACC1, code_91D6 ; Accumulator code:91D4 setb RAM_2D.1 code:91D6 code:91D6 code_91D6: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+BEj code:91D6 jnb ACC2, code_91DB ; Accumulator code:91D9 setb RAM_2D.2 code:91DB code:91DB code_91DB: ; CODE XREF: code_9113:code_9119j code:91DB ; code_9113:code_91D6j code:91DB mov C, RAM_28.0 code:91DD orl C, /RAM_2C.0 code:91DF jnc code_91ED code:91E1 mov P2, #4 ; Port 2 code:91E4 mov R1, #0xF9 ; '' code:91E6 mov R2, RAM_6E code:91E8 clr A code:91E9 code:91E9 code_91E9: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+D8j code:91E9 inc R1 code:91EA movx @R1, A code:91EB djnz R2, code_91E9 code:91ED code:91ED code_91ED: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+CCj code:91ED mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:91F0 ljmp code_219C code:91F3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:91F3 code:91F3 code_91F3: ; CODE XREF: code_9113-6F74j code:91F3 mov R0, #0x8E ; '' code:91F5 mov R2, #0 code:91F7 lcall code_400 code:91FA nop code:91FB sjmp code_9216 code:91FB ; End of function code_9113 code:91FB code:91FD ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:91FD xch A, B ; B-Register code:91FF mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:9202 mov R1, #0x1B code:9204 movx A, @R1 code:9205 xch A, B ; B-Register code:9207 add A, B ; B-Register code:9209 jb B7, code_9212 ; B-Register code:920C jnc code_9216 code:920E mov A, #0xFF code:9210 sjmp code_9216 code:9212 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9212 code:9212 code_9212: ; CODE XREF: code:9209j code:9212 jc code_9216 code:9214 mov A, #0 code:9216 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_9113 code:9216 code:9216 code_9216: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+E8j code:9216 ; code:920Cj ... code:9216 mov @R0, A code:9217 mov R0, #0x8F ; '' code:9219 lcall code_400 code:921C nop code:921D sjmp code_9235 code:921D ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_9113 code:921F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:921F xch A, B ; B-Register code:9221 mov R1, #0x1C code:9223 movx A, @R1 code:9224 xch A, B ; B-Register code:9226 add A, B ; B-Register code:9228 jb B7, code_9231 ; B-Register code:922B jnc code_9235 code:922D mov A, #0xFF code:922F sjmp code_9235 code:9231 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9231 code:9231 code_9231: ; CODE XREF: code:9228j code:9231 jc code_9235 code:9233 mov A, #0 code:9235 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_9113 code:9235 code:9235 code_9235: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+10Aj code:9235 ; code:922Bj ... code:9235 mov @R0, A code:9236 mov R0, #0x95 ; '' code:9238 lcall code_400 code:923B mov @R0, A code:923C mov R0, #0x93 ; '' code:923E lcall code_400 code:9241 mov @R0, A code:9242 mov R0, #0x91 ; '' code:9244 lcall code_400 code:9247 mov @R0, A code:9248 jnb RAM_28.0, code_9256 code:924B mov P2, #4 ; Port 2 code:924E mov R0, #0x18 code:9250 mov R1, RAM_6E code:9252 code:9252 code_9252: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+141j code:9252 inc R0 code:9253 movx @R0, A code:9254 djnz R1, code_9252 code:9256 code:9256 code_9256: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+135j code:9256 mov R0, #0x86 ; '' code:9258 lcall code_400 code:925B mov @R0, A code:925C mov P2, #1 ; Port 2 code:925F mov R0, #0x55 ; 'U' code:9261 lcall code_400 code:9264 movx @R0, A code:9265 mov R0, #0x97 ; '' code:9267 lcall code_400 code:926A mov @R0, A code:926B mov P2, #4 ; Port 2 code:926E mov R0, #8 code:9270 mov R1, #0x85 ; '' code:9272 mov A, @R1 code:9273 mov R1, #0x38 ; '8' code:9275 clr C code:9276 subb A, @R1 code:9277 jc code_927F code:9279 movx A, @R0 code:927A anl A, #0xFD code:927C movx @R0, A code:927D sjmp code_9283 code:927F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:927F code:927F code_927F: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+164j code:927F movx A, @R0 code:9280 orl A, #2 code:9282 movx @R0, A code:9283 code:9283 code_9283: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+16Aj code:9283 setb RAM_2C.6 code:9285 mov A, #9 code:9287 movc A, @A+DPTR code:9288 clr C code:9289 subb A, RAM_38 code:928B jc code_9293 code:928D clr RAM_2C.6 code:928F mov R0, #0x82 ; '' code:9291 mov @R0, #0x5A ; 'Z' code:9293 code:9293 code_9293: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+178j code:9293 mov R0, #0x2E ; '.' code:9295 mov C, RAM_28.0 code:9297 orl C, RAM_28.1 code:9299 jnc code_92A1 code:929B mov A, #0xB code:929D movc A, @A+DPTR code:929E movx @R0, A code:929F sjmp code_92E1 code:92A1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:92A1 code:92A1 code_92A1: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+186j code:92A1 movx A, @R0 code:92A2 jz code_92A8 code:92A4 dec A code:92A5 movx @R0, A code:92A6 sjmp code_92E1 code:92A8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:92A8 code:92A8 code_92A8: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+18Fj code:92A8 clr C code:92A9 mov A, #0xC code:92AB movc A, @A+DPTR code:92AC subb A, RAM_38 code:92AE jnc code_92E7 code:92B0 mov R1, #0x98 ; '' code:92B2 mov R2, #0xF code:92B4 lcall code_400 code:92B7 subb A, @R1 code:92B8 mov R0, #7 code:92BA jc code_92C8 code:92BC lcall code_400 code:92BF subb A, @R1 code:92C0 jnc code_92C8 code:92C2 movx A, @R0 code:92C3 jb ACC0, code_92CC ; Accumulator code:92C6 sjmp code_92E1 code:92C8 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:92C8 code:92C8 code_92C8: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+1A7j code:92C8 ; code_9113+1ADj code:92C8 movx A, @R0 code:92C9 jb ACC0, code_92E1 ; Accumulator code:92CC code:92CC code_92CC: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+1B0j code:92CC mov R0, #2 code:92CE movx A, @R0 code:92CF dec A code:92D0 movx @R0, A code:92D1 jnz code_92E7 code:92D3 mov R0, #7 code:92D5 movx A, @R0 code:92D6 jnb ACC0, code_92DE ; Accumulator code:92D9 anl A, #0xFE code:92DB movx @R0, A code:92DC sjmp code_92E1 code:92DE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:92DE code:92DE code_92DE: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+1C3j code:92DE orl A, #1 code:92E0 movx @R0, A code:92E1 code:92E1 code_92E1: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+18Cj code:92E1 ; code_9113+193j ... code:92E1 mov R0, #2 code:92E3 mov A, #0xD code:92E5 movc A, @A+DPTR code:92E6 movx @R0, A code:92E7 code:92E7 code_92E7: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+19Bj code:92E7 ; code_9113+1BEj code:92E7 mov R1, #0x93 ; '' code:92E9 mov A, @R1 code:92EA cpl A code:92EB mov R0, #6 code:92ED jz code_930B code:92EF mov R0, #7 code:92F1 movx A, @R0 code:92F2 anl A, #0x7F code:92F4 movx @R0, A code:92F5 mov R0, #6 code:92F7 mov R3, A code:92F8 jz code_930B code:92FA anl A, #0xDF code:92FC jz code_9305 code:92FE mov A, R3 code:92FF add A, #0x80 ; '' code:9301 setb RAM_2D.0 code:9303 sjmp code_9308 code:9305 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9305 code:9305 code_9305: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+1E9j code:9305 mov A, R3 code:9306 clr RAM_2D.0 code:9308 code:9308 code_9308: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+1F0j code:9308 movx @R0, A code:9309 sjmp code_9310 code:930B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:930B code:930B code_930B: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+1DAj code:930B ; code_9113+1E5j code:930B mov A, #0 code:930D movx @R0, A code:930E clr RAM_2D.0 code:9310 code:9310 code_9310: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+1F6j code:9310 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:9313 mov R1, #0xFE ; '' code:9315 movx A, @R1 code:9316 mov RAM_2E, A code:9318 mov P2, #4 ; Port 2 code:931B jb RAM_2E.0, code_9323 code:931E jb RAM_2E.1, code_9323 code:9321 sjmp code_9329 code:9323 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9323 code:9323 code_9323: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+208j code:9323 ; code_9113+20Bj code:9323 setb RAM_2D.0 code:9325 movx A, @R0 code:9326 setb ACC7 ; Accumulator code:9328 movx @R0, A code:9329 code:9329 code_9329: ; CODE XREF: code_9113+20Ej code:9329 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:932C ret code:932C ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_9113 code:932D code:932D ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:932D code:932D code:932D code_932D: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+54BFp code:932D lcall code_7639 code:9330 mov R0, #0x94 ; '' code:9332 mov R2, #8 code:9334 lcall code_400 code:9337 mov @R0, A code:9338 mov R0, #0x85 ; '' code:933A lcall code_400 code:933D mov @R0, A code:933E mov R2, #0xA code:9340 mov P2, #4 ; Port 2 code:9343 mov R0, #0x13 code:9345 lcall code_400 code:9348 movx @R0, A code:9349 mov R0, #0x14 code:934B lcall code_400 code:934E movx @R0, A code:934F mov R0, #0x15 code:9351 lcall code_400 code:9354 movx @R0, A code:9355 inc R0 code:9356 lcall code_400 code:9359 movx @R0, A code:935A inc R0 code:935B lcall code_400 code:935E movx @R0, A code:935F mov A, #1 code:9361 movc A, @A+DPTR code:9362 cjne A, RAM_37, code_9365 code:9365 code:9365 code_9365: ; CODE XREF: code_932D+35j code:9365 jc code_936B code:9367 mov A, #3 code:9369 sjmp code_9379 code:936B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:936B code:936B code_936B: ; CODE XREF: code_932D:code_9365j code:936B mov A, #2 code:936D movc A, @A+DPTR code:936E cjne A, RAM_37, code_9371 code:9371 code:9371 code_9371: ; CODE XREF: code_932D+41j code:9371 jc code_9377 code:9373 mov A, #4 code:9375 sjmp code_9379 code:9377 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9377 code:9377 code_9377: ; CODE XREF: code_932D:code_9371j code:9377 mov A, #5 code:9379 code:9379 code_9379: ; CODE XREF: code_932D+3Cj code:9379 ; code_932D+48j code:9379 movc A, @A+DPTR code:937A mov R0, #0xA3 ; '' code:937C mov @R0, A code:937D ret code:937D ; End of function code_932D code:937D code:937E code:937E ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:937E code:937E ; Attributes: thunk code:937E code:937E code_937E: ; CODE XREF: code_215A+4133p code:937E ljmp code_21B4 code:937E ; End of function code_937E code:937E code:9381 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9381 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_21B4 code:9381 code:9381 code_9381: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+3j code:9381 mov A, #0x17 code:9383 movc A, @A+DPTR code:9384 clr C code:9385 subb A, RAM_3B code:9387 jnc code_938D code:9389 mov R3, #0x38 ; '8' code:938B sjmp code_93D7 code:938D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:938D code:938D code_938D: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+71D3j code:938D mov A, #0x18 code:938F movc A, @A+DPTR code:9390 clr C code:9391 subb A, RAM_3B code:9393 jnc code_9399 code:9395 mov R3, #0x30 ; '0' code:9397 sjmp code_93D7 code:9399 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9399 code:9399 code_9399: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+71DFj code:9399 mov A, #0x19 code:939B movc A, @A+DPTR code:939C clr C code:939D subb A, RAM_3B code:939F jnc code_93A5 code:93A1 mov R3, #0x28 ; '(' code:93A3 sjmp code_93D7 code:93A5 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:93A5 code:93A5 code_93A5: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+71EBj code:93A5 mov A, #0x1A code:93A7 movc A, @A+DPTR code:93A8 clr C code:93A9 subb A, RAM_3B code:93AB jnc code_93B1 code:93AD mov R3, #0x20 ; ' ' code:93AF sjmp code_93D7 code:93B1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:93B1 code:93B1 code_93B1: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+71F7j code:93B1 mov A, #0x1B code:93B3 movc A, @A+DPTR code:93B4 clr C code:93B5 subb A, RAM_3B code:93B7 jnc code_93BD code:93B9 mov R3, #0x18 code:93BB sjmp code_93D7 code:93BD ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:93BD code:93BD code_93BD: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+7203j code:93BD mov A, #0x1C code:93BF movc A, @A+DPTR code:93C0 clr C code:93C1 subb A, RAM_3B code:93C3 jnc code_93C9 code:93C5 mov R3, #0x10 code:93C7 sjmp code_93D7 code:93C9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:93C9 code:93C9 code_93C9: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+720Fj code:93C9 mov A, #0x1D code:93CB movc A, @A+DPTR code:93CC clr C code:93CD subb A, RAM_3B code:93CF jnc code_93D5 code:93D1 mov R3, #8 code:93D3 sjmp code_93D7 code:93D5 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:93D5 code:93D5 code_93D5: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+721Bj code:93D5 mov R3, #0 code:93D7 code:93D7 code_93D7: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+71D7j code:93D7 ; code_21B4+71E3j ... code:93D7 mov P2, #4 ; Port 2 code:93DA mov R1, #0x20 ; ' ' code:93DC mov A, R3 code:93DD movx @R1, A code:93DE mov R0, #0x81 ; '' code:93E0 mov A, @R0 code:93E1 anl A, #0xF code:93E3 mov R1, A code:93E4 mov A, #0xE code:93E6 movc A, @A+DPTR code:93E7 mov R5, A code:93E8 mov A, #0xF code:93EA movc A, @A+DPTR code:93EB clr C code:93EC subb A, RAM_3B code:93EE jc code_93F9 code:93F0 cjne R1, #0, code_93FD code:93F3 clr C code:93F4 subb A, R5 code:93F5 jc code_93F9 code:93F7 sjmp code_93FD code:93F9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:93F9 code:93F9 code_93F9: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+723Aj code:93F9 ; code_21B4+7241j code:93F9 mov R3, #0 code:93FB sjmp code_943E code:93FD ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:93FD code:93FD code_93FD: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+723Cj code:93FD ; code_21B4+7243j code:93FD mov A, #0x10 code:93FF movc A, @A+DPTR code:9400 clr C code:9401 subb A, RAM_3B code:9403 jc code_940E code:9405 cjne R1, #1, code_9412 code:9408 clr C code:9409 subb A, R5 code:940A jc code_940E code:940C sjmp code_9412 code:940E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:940E code:940E code_940E: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+724Fj code:940E ; code_21B4+7256j code:940E mov R3, #1 code:9410 sjmp code_943E code:9412 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9412 code:9412 code_9412: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+7251j code:9412 ; code_21B4+7258j code:9412 mov A, #0x11 code:9414 movc A, @A+DPTR code:9415 clr C code:9416 subb A, RAM_3B code:9418 jc code_9423 code:941A cjne R1, #2, code_9427 code:941D clr C code:941E subb A, R5 code:941F jc code_9423 code:9421 sjmp code_9427 code:9423 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9423 code:9423 code_9423: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+7264j code:9423 ; code_21B4+726Bj code:9423 mov R3, #2 code:9425 sjmp code_943E code:9427 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9427 code:9427 code_9427: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+7266j code:9427 ; code_21B4+726Dj code:9427 mov A, #0x12 code:9429 movc A, @A+DPTR code:942A clr C code:942B subb A, RAM_3B code:942D jc code_9438 code:942F cjne R1, #3, code_943C code:9432 clr C code:9433 subb A, R5 code:9434 jc code_9438 code:9436 sjmp code_943C code:9438 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9438 code:9438 code_9438: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+7279j code:9438 ; code_21B4+7280j code:9438 mov R3, #3 code:943A sjmp code_943E code:943C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:943C code:943C code_943C: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+727Bj code:943C ; code_21B4+7282j code:943C mov R3, #4 code:943E code:943E code_943E: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+7247j code:943E ; code_21B4+725Cj ... code:943E mov P2, #4 ; Port 2 code:9441 mov R1, #0x1F code:9443 mov A, R3 code:9444 movx @R1, A code:9445 mov A, #0x1E code:9447 movc A, @A+DPTR code:9448 clr C code:9449 subb A, RAM_3B code:944B jc code_9498 code:944D mov A, #0x1F code:944F movc A, @A+DPTR code:9450 subb A, RAM_3B code:9452 jnc code_9498 code:9454 mov R1, #8 code:9456 movx A, @R1 code:9457 jnb ACC3, code_9498 ; Accumulator code:945A mov A, #0xA code:945C movc A, @A+DPTR code:945D cpl A code:945E code:945E code_945E: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+732Fj code:945E rl A code:945F mov R1, #0 code:9461 mov R0, RAM_6E code:9463 cjne R0, #4, code_9471 code:9466 jnb ACC4, code_946B ; Accumulator code:9469 setb ACC0 ; Accumulator code:946B code:946B code_946B: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+72B2j code:946B anl A, #0xF code:946D jz code_94D7 code:946F sjmp code_947A code:9471 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9471 code:9471 code_9471: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+72AFj code:9471 jnb ACC6, code_9476 ; Accumulator code:9474 setb ACC0 ; Accumulator code:9476 code:9476 code_9476: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4:code_9471j code:9476 anl A, #0x3F code:9478 jz code_94D7 code:947A code:947A code_947A: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+72BBj code:947A clr C code:947B code:947B code_947B: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+72C9j code:947B rrc A code:947C inc R1 code:947D jnc code_947B code:947F mov R3, A code:9480 mov A, R1 code:9481 mov R2, A code:9482 mov R1, #0x20 ; ' ' code:9484 mov A, R2 code:9485 add A, R1 code:9486 mov R1, A code:9487 movx A, @R1 code:9488 mov R7, A code:9489 lcall code_9568 code:948C code:948C code_948C: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+7320j code:948C mov A, R2 code:948D mov R1, A code:948E mov A, R3 code:948F clr C code:9490 code:9490 code_9490: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+72E2j code:9490 rrc A code:9491 inc R1 code:9492 jc code_949B code:9494 jz code_94D7 code:9496 sjmp code_9490 code:9498 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9498 code:9498 code_9498: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+7297j code:9498 ; code_21B4+729Ej ... code:9498 ljmp code_95E3 code:949B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:949B code:949B code_949B: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+72DEj code:949B mov R3, A code:949C mov A, R1 code:949D mov R2, A code:949E mov R1, #0x20 ; ' ' code:94A0 mov A, R2 code:94A1 add A, R1 code:94A2 mov R1, A code:94A3 movx A, @R1 code:94A4 clr C code:94A5 subb A, R7 code:94A6 jnc code_94AA code:94A8 cpl A code:94A9 inc A code:94AA code:94AA code_94AA: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+72F2j code:94AA clr C code:94AB mov B, A ; B-Register code:94AD movx A, @R1 code:94AE mov R7, A code:94AF lcall code_9568 code:94B2 mov R1, #8 code:94B4 movx A, @R1 code:94B5 jb ACC4, code_94BE ; Accumulator code:94B8 mov R0, #0x27 ; ''' code:94BA mov R1, #0xE code:94BC sjmp code_94C2 code:94BE ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:94BE code:94BE code_94BE: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+7301j code:94BE mov R0, #0x28 ; '(' code:94C0 mov R1, #0xF code:94C2 code:94C2 code_94C2: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+7308j code:94C2 mov A, #0x20 ; ' ' code:94C4 movc A, @A+DPTR code:94C5 xch A, B ; B-Register code:94C7 subb A, B ; B-Register code:94C9 jnc code_94CE code:94CB movx A, @R1 code:94CC inc A code:94CD movx @R1, A code:94CE code:94CE code_94CE: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+7315j code:94CE movx A, @R0 code:94CF inc A code:94D0 movx @R0, A code:94D1 jz code_94EC code:94D3 code:94D3 code_94D3: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+736Dj code:94D3 ; code_21B4:code_952Bj ... code:94D3 mov A, R2 code:94D4 cjne A, RAM_6E, code_948C code:94D7 code:94D7 code_94D7: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+72B9j code:94D7 ; code_21B4+72C4j ... code:94D7 mov R1, #8 code:94D9 movx A, @R1 code:94DA jb ACC4, code_94E6 ; Accumulator code:94DD orl A, #0x10 code:94DF movx @R1, A code:94E0 mov A, #0xA code:94E2 movc A, @A+DPTR code:94E3 ljmp code_945E code:94E6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:94E6 code:94E6 code_94E6: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+7326j code:94E6 anl A, #0xE7 code:94E8 movx @R1, A code:94E9 ljmp code_95E3 code:94EC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:94EC code:94EC code_94EC: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+731Dj code:94EC inc A code:94ED movx @R0, A code:94EE mov R1, #8 code:94F0 movx A, @R1 code:94F1 jnb ACC4, code_952E ; Accumulator code:94F4 mov R1, #0xF code:94F6 movx A, @R1 code:94F7 clr C code:94F8 mov B, A ; B-Register code:94FA mov R0, #0x2D ; '-' code:94FC movx A, @R0 code:94FD jb ACC1, code_9505 ; Accumulator code:9500 mov A, #0x22 ; '"' code:9502 movc A, @A+DPTR code:9503 sjmp code_9508 code:9505 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9505 code:9505 code_9505: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+7349j code:9505 mov A, #0x24 ; '$' code:9507 movc A, @A+DPTR code:9508 code:9508 code_9508: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+734Fj code:9508 xch A, B ; B-Register code:950A subb A, B ; B-Register code:950C mov A, #0 code:950E mov R1, #0xF code:9510 movx @R1, A code:9511 movx A, @R0 code:9512 jb ACC3, code_952B ; Accumulator code:9515 mov R1, #7 code:9517 movx A, @R1 code:9518 jnc code_9524 code:951A anl A, #0xEF code:951C movx @R1, A code:951D movx A, @R0 code:951E anl A, #0xFD code:9520 movx @R0, A code:9521 ljmp code_94D3 code:9524 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9524 code:9524 code_9524: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+7364j code:9524 orl A, #0x10 code:9526 movx @R1, A code:9527 movx A, @R0 code:9528 orl A, #2 code:952A movx @R0, A code:952B code:952B code_952B: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+735Ej code:952B ljmp code_94D3 code:952E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:952E code:952E code_952E: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+733Dj code:952E mov R1, #0xE code:9530 movx A, @R1 code:9531 clr C code:9532 mov B, A ; B-Register code:9534 mov R0, #0x2D ; '-' code:9536 movx A, @R0 code:9537 jb ACC0, code_953F ; Accumulator code:953A mov A, #0x21 ; '!' code:953C movc A, @A+DPTR code:953D sjmp code_9542 code:953F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:953F code:953F code_953F: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+7383j code:953F mov A, #0x23 ; '#' code:9541 movc A, @A+DPTR code:9542 code:9542 code_9542: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+7389j code:9542 xch A, B ; B-Register code:9544 subb A, B ; B-Register code:9546 mov A, #0 code:9548 mov R1, #0xE code:954A movx @R1, A code:954B movx A, @R0 code:954C jb ACC2, code_9565 ; Accumulator code:954F mov R1, #7 code:9551 movx A, @R1 code:9552 jnc code_955E code:9554 anl A, #0xF7 code:9556 movx @R1, A code:9557 movx A, @R0 code:9558 anl A, #0xFE code:955A movx @R0, A code:955B ljmp code_94D3 code:955E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:955E code:955E code_955E: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+739Ej code:955E orl A, #8 code:9560 movx @R1, A code:9561 movx A, @R0 code:9562 orl A, #1 code:9564 movx @R0, A code:9565 code:9565 code_9565: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+7398j code:9565 ljmp code_94D3 code:9565 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_21B4 code:9568 code:9568 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:9568 code:9568 code:9568 code_9568: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4+72D5p code:9568 ; code_21B4+72FBp code:9568 mov R1, #8 code:956A movx A, @R1 code:956B jnb ACC4, code_9574 ; Accumulator code:956E mov R0, #0x2C ; ',' code:9570 mov R1, #0x2A ; '*' code:9572 sjmp code_9578 code:9574 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9574 code:9574 code_9574: ; CODE XREF: code_9568+3j code:9574 mov R0, #0x2B ; '+' code:9576 mov R1, #0x29 ; ')' code:9578 code:9578 code_9578: ; CODE XREF: code_9568+Aj code:9578 mov A, #0x25 ; '%' code:957A movc A, @A+DPTR code:957B add A, R7 code:957C jnc code_9581 code:957E movx A, @R1 code:957F inc A code:9580 movx @R1, A code:9581 code:9581 code_9581: ; CODE XREF: code_9568+14j code:9581 movx A, @R0 code:9582 inc A code:9583 movx @R0, A code:9584 cpl A code:9585 jnz code_958B code:9587 movx @R0, A code:9588 ljmp code_958C code:958B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:958B code:958B code_958B: ; CODE XREF: code_9568+1Dj code:958B ret code:958C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:958C code:958C code_958C: ; CODE XREF: code_9568+20j code:958C mov A, #0x26 ; '&' code:958E movc A, @A+DPTR code:958F mov B, A ; B-Register code:9591 mov R0, #8 code:9593 movx A, @R0 code:9594 jnb ACC4, code_959B ; Accumulator code:9597 mov R1, #0x2A ; '*' code:9599 sjmp code_95C1 code:959B ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:959B code:959B code_959B: ; CODE XREF: code_9568+2Cj code:959B mov R1, #0x29 ; ')' code:959D movx A, @R1 code:959E subb A, B ; B-Register code:95A0 clr A code:95A1 movx @R1, A code:95A2 mov R0, #0x2D ; '-' code:95A4 movx A, @R0 code:95A5 jb ACC0, code_95B1 ; Accumulator code:95A8 mov R1, #7 code:95AA movx A, @R1 code:95AB jnc code_95B7 code:95AD anl A, #0xF7 code:95AF movx @R1, A code:95B0 movx A, @R0 code:95B1 code:95B1 code_95B1: ; CODE XREF: code_9568+3Dj code:95B1 anl A, #0xFB code:95B3 movx @R0, A code:95B4 ljmp code_95E2 code:95B7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:95B7 code:95B7 code_95B7: ; CODE XREF: code_9568+43j code:95B7 orl A, #8 code:95B9 movx @R1, A code:95BA movx A, @R0 code:95BB orl A, #4 code:95BD movx @R0, A code:95BE ljmp code_95E2 code:95C1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:95C1 code:95C1 code_95C1: ; CODE XREF: code_9568+31j code:95C1 movx A, @R1 code:95C2 subb A, B ; B-Register code:95C4 clr A code:95C5 movx @R1, A code:95C6 mov R0, #0x2D ; '-' code:95C8 movx A, @R0 code:95C9 jb ACC1, code_95D5 ; Accumulator code:95CC mov R1, #7 code:95CE movx A, @R1 code:95CF jnc code_95DB code:95D1 anl A, #0xEF code:95D3 movx @R1, A code:95D4 movx A, @R0 code:95D5 code:95D5 code_95D5: ; CODE XREF: code_9568+61j code:95D5 anl A, #0xF7 code:95D7 movx @R0, A code:95D8 ljmp code_95E2 code:95DB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:95DB code:95DB code_95DB: ; CODE XREF: code_9568+67j code:95DB orl A, #0x10 code:95DD movx @R1, A code:95DE movx A, @R0 code:95DF orl A, #8 code:95E1 movx @R0, A code:95E2 code:95E2 code_95E2: ; CODE XREF: code_9568+4Cj code:95E2 ; code_9568+56j ... code:95E2 ret code:95E2 ; End of function code_9568 code:95E2 code:95E3 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:95E3 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_21B4 code:95E3 code:95E3 code_95E3: ; CODE XREF: code_21B4:code_9498j code:95E3 ; code_21B4+7335j code:95E3 ret code:95E3 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_21B4 code:95E4 code:95E4 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:95E4 code:95E4 code:95E4 code_95E4: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+D2Ap code:95E4 code:95E4 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:21A8 SIZE 00000006 BYTES code:95E4 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:21BA SIZE 00000006 BYTES code:95E4 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:971B SIZE 00000009 BYTES code:95E4 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:9738 SIZE 0000019B BYTES code:95E4 code:95E4 clr P46 ; Port 4 code:95E6 orl PSW, #0x18 ; Program Status Word Register code:95E9 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:95EB push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:95ED mov DPTR, #0x409 code:95F0 movx A, @DPTR code:95F1 inc A code:95F2 movx @DPTR, A code:95F3 mov A, RAM_11 code:95F5 mov B, A ; B-Register code:95F7 mov DPTR, #0x418 code:95FA mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:95FC add A, B ; B-Register code:95FE mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9600 movx A, @DPTR code:9601 mov R0, #0x92 ; '' code:9603 mov @R0, A code:9604 mov A, #0x86 ; '' code:9606 add A, RAM_6E code:9608 mov R7, A code:9609 mov DPTR, #0x41F code:960C movx A, @DPTR code:960D mov R3, A code:960E ljmp code_21A8 code:9611 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9611 code:9611 code_9611: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4-7439j code:9611 mov R0, #0x81 ; '' code:9613 mov A, @R0 code:9614 anl A, #0xF0 code:9616 mov R1, A code:9617 mov A, #0x15 code:9619 movc A, @A+DPTR code:961A mov R5, A code:961B mov A, #0x13 code:961D movc A, @A+DPTR code:961E clr C code:961F subb A, RAM_40 code:9621 jc code_962C code:9623 cjne R1, #0x20, code_9632 ; ' ' code:9626 clr C code:9627 subb A, R5 code:9628 jc code_962C code:962A sjmp code_9632 code:962C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:962C code:962C code_962C: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+3Dj code:962C ; code_95E4+44j code:962C mov R2, #0x20 ; ' ' code:962E mov R4, #0xA code:9630 sjmp code_964D code:9632 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9632 code:9632 code_9632: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+3Fj code:9632 ; code_95E4+46j code:9632 mov A, #0x14 code:9634 movc A, @A+DPTR code:9635 clr C code:9636 subb A, RAM_40 code:9638 jc code_9643 code:963A cjne R1, #0x10, code_9649 code:963D clr C code:963E subb A, R5 code:963F jc code_9643 code:9641 sjmp code_9649 code:9643 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9643 code:9643 code_9643: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+54j code:9643 ; code_95E4+5Bj code:9643 mov R2, #0x10 code:9645 mov R4, #5 code:9647 sjmp code_964D code:9649 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9649 code:9649 code_9649: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+56j code:9649 ; code_95E4+5Dj code:9649 mov R2, #0 code:964B mov R4, #0 code:964D code:964D code_964D: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+4Cj code:964D ; code_95E4+63j code:964D mov A, R2 code:964E add A, R3 code:964F mov @R0, A code:9650 jnb RAM_2C.6, code_965C code:9653 inc R0 code:9654 mov A, R4 code:9655 add A, R3 code:9656 xch A, B ; B-Register code:9658 mov A, RAM_6E code:965A mul AB code:965B mov @R0, A code:965C code:965C code_965C: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+6Cj code:965C push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:965E push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9660 mov DPTR, #0x4A0 code:9663 clr A code:9664 mov R1, #0x82 ; '' code:9666 add A, @R1 code:9667 add A, RAM_11 code:9669 dec A code:966A add A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:966C mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:966E mov R1, #0x83 ; '' code:9670 mov @R1, A code:9671 mov R1, #0x84 ; '' code:9673 mov A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9675 mov @R1, A code:9676 jnc code_967D code:9678 inc DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:967A mov A, DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:967C mov @R1, A code:967D code:967D code_967D: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+92j code:967D movx A, @DPTR code:967E mov R1, #0x80 ; '' code:9680 mov @R1, A code:9681 mov R1, #0x93 ; '' code:9683 mov A, @R1 code:9684 mov R1, #0x40 ; '@' code:9686 clr C code:9687 subb A, @R1 code:9688 mov DPTR, #0x408 code:968B jnc code_9691 code:968D movx A, @DPTR code:968E jb ACC1, code_9695 ; Accumulator code:9691 code:9691 code_9691: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+A7j code:9691 clr RAM_2C.0 code:9693 sjmp code_9697 code:9695 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9695 code:9695 code_9695: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+AAj code:9695 setb RAM_2C.0 code:9697 code:9697 code_9697: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+AFj code:9697 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9699 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:969B mov A, #0x16 code:969D movc A, @A+DPTR code:969E add A, RAM_78 code:96A0 jnc code_96A4 code:96A2 mov A, #0xFF code:96A4 code:96A4 code_96A4: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+BCj code:96A4 cpl A code:96A5 mov RAM_78, A code:96A7 mov A, RAM_11 code:96A9 dec A code:96AA jnz code_96BB code:96AC push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:96AE push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:96B0 mov DPTR, #0x408 code:96B3 movx A, @DPTR code:96B4 orl A, #8 code:96B6 movx @DPTR, A code:96B7 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:96B9 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:96BB code:96BB code_96BB: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+C6j code:96BB jb RAM_2C.3, code_96D6 code:96BE jb RAM_2C.5, code_96D9 code:96C1 jnb RAM_2C.0, code_96DC code:96C4 mov A, R7 code:96C5 mov R0, A code:96C6 mov R1, #0x95 ; '' code:96C8 mov A, @R1 code:96C9 clr C code:96CA subb A, @R0 code:96CB jc code_96DF code:96CD mov A, @R1 code:96CE mov @R0, A code:96CF clr A code:96D0 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:96D2 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:96D4 sjmp code_96FE code:96D6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:96D6 code:96D6 code_96D6: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4:code_96BBj code:96D6 ljmp code_9845 code:96D9 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:96D9 code:96D9 code_96D9: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+DAj code:96D9 ljmp code_9888 code:96DC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:96DC code:96DC code_96DC: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+DDj code:96DC ljmp code_9758 code:96DF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:96DF code:96DF code_96DF: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+E7j code:96DF push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:96E1 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:96E3 clr C code:96E4 mov DPTR, #0x417 code:96E7 movx A, @DPTR code:96E8 subb A, @R0 code:96E9 mov A, #0xC0 ; '' code:96EB jc code_96FE code:96ED dec DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:96EF movx A, @DPTR code:96F0 subb A, @R0 code:96F1 mov A, #0x80 ; '' code:96F3 jc code_96FE code:96F5 dec DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:96F7 movx A, @DPTR code:96F8 subb A, @R0 code:96F9 mov A, #0x40 ; '@' code:96FB jc code_96FE code:96FD clr A code:96FE code:96FE code_96FE: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+F0j code:96FE ; code_95E4+107j ... code:96FE mov R2, A code:96FF mov DPTR, #0x420 code:9702 movx A, @DPTR code:9703 mov R3, A code:9704 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9706 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9708 mov A, RAM_11 code:970A dec A code:970B add A, R3 code:970C add A, R2 code:970D mov B, A ; B-Register code:970F push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9711 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9713 nop code:9714 sjmp code_971B code:9714 ; End of function code_95E4 code:9714 code:9716 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9716 mov DPTR, #0x11D code:9719 movx A, @DPTR code:971A mov R4, A code:971B ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_95E4 code:971B code:971B code_971B: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+130j code:971B ljmp code_21BA code:971E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:971E code:971E code_971E: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4-7427j code:971E mov A, B ; B-Register code:9720 movc A, @A+DPTR code:9721 nop code:9722 sjmp code_9738 code:9722 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_95E4 code:9724 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9724 xch A, B ; B-Register code:9726 mov A, R4 code:9727 xch A, B ; B-Register code:9729 add A, B ; B-Register code:972B jb B7, code_9734 ; B-Register code:972E jnc code_9738 code:9730 mov A, #0xFF code:9732 sjmp code_9738 code:9734 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9734 code:9734 code_9734: ; CODE XREF: code:972Bj code:9734 jc code_9738 code:9736 mov A, #0 code:9738 ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_95E4 code:9738 code:9738 code_9738: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+13Ej code:9738 ; code:972Ej ... code:9738 mov R1, #0x90 ; '' code:973A mov @R1, A code:973B pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:973D pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:973F mov B, A ; B-Register code:9741 mov A, R7 code:9742 mov R0, A code:9743 mov A, RAM_78 code:9745 mul AB code:9746 mov A, RAM_78 code:9748 subb A, B ; B-Register code:974A mov B, A ; B-Register code:974C subb A, @R0 code:974D jnc code_9753 code:974F mov A, @R0 code:9750 add A, @R1 code:9751 jnc code_9758 code:9753 code:9753 code_9753: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+169j code:9753 setb P46 ; Port 4 code:9755 ljmp code_975F code:9758 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9758 code:9758 code_9758: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4:code_96DCj code:9758 ; code_95E4+16Dj code:9758 mov B, RAM_78 ; B-Register code:975B clr A code:975C ljmp code_9768 code:975F ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:975F code:975F code_975F: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+171j code:975F mov R1, #0x91 ; '' code:9761 mov A, @R1 code:9762 mov R1, #0x92 ; '' code:9764 mov @R1, A code:9765 mov R1, #0x97 ; '' code:9767 mov A, @R1 code:9768 code:9768 code_9768: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+178j code:9768 mov R1, #0x80 ; '' code:976A add A, @R1 code:976B mov @R1, A code:976C mov R4, A code:976D mov R0, #0x86 ; '' code:976F mov A, @R0 code:9770 subb A, R4 code:9771 jnc code_9783 code:9773 mov A, @R0 code:9774 mov @R1, A code:9775 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9777 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9779 mov DPTR, #0x40A code:977C movx A, @DPTR code:977D inc A code:977E movx @DPTR, A code:977F pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9781 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9783 code:9783 code_9783: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+18Dj code:9783 mov R1, #0x92 ; '' code:9785 mov A, @R1 code:9786 dec A code:9787 mov @R1, A code:9788 jnz code_9799 code:978A mov R0, #0x91 ; '' code:978C mov A, @R0 code:978D mov @R1, A code:978E jnb RAM_2C.0, code_9799 code:9791 mov R1, #0x80 ; '' code:9793 mov A, @R1 code:9794 jz code_9799 code:9796 mov A, @R1 code:9797 dec A code:9798 mov @R1, A code:9799 code:9799 code_9799: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+1A4j code:9799 ; code_95E4+1AAj ... code:9799 mov A, R7 code:979A mov R0, A code:979B mov A, B ; B-Register code:979D mov B, #0x10 ; B-Register code:97A0 jnb RAM_2C.1, code_97A6 code:97A3 mov B, #4 ; B-Register code:97A6 code:97A6 code_97A6: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+1BCj code:97A6 clr C code:97A7 subb A, @R0 code:97A8 jnc code_97AF code:97AA cpl A code:97AB div AB code:97AC cpl A code:97AD sjmp code_97B3 code:97AF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:97AF code:97AF code_97AF: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+1C4j code:97AF jz code_97B3 code:97B1 div AB code:97B2 inc A code:97B3 code:97B3 code_97B3: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+1C9j code:97B3 ; code_95E4:code_97AFj code:97B3 add A, @R0 code:97B4 mov R3, A code:97B5 jb RAM_2C.0, code_97C0 code:97B8 mov R1, #0x94 ; '' code:97BA clr C code:97BB subb A, @R1 code:97BC jnc code_97C0 code:97BE mov A, @R1 code:97BF mov R3, A code:97C0 code:97C0 code_97C0: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+1D1j code:97C0 ; code_95E4+1D8j code:97C0 mov A, R3 code:97C1 code:97C1 code_97C1: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+2ECj code:97C1 mov R0, #0x87 ; '' code:97C3 mov R1, RAM_6E code:97C5 code:97C5 code_97C5: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+1E3j code:97C5 xch A, @R0 code:97C6 inc R0 code:97C7 djnz R1, code_97C5 code:97C9 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:97CB push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:97CD mov DPTR, #0x408 code:97D0 movx A, @DPTR code:97D1 clr C code:97D2 jb ACC2, code_97E1 ; Accumulator code:97D5 mov A, #0x84 ; '' code:97D7 subb A, RAM_36 code:97D9 movx A, @DPTR code:97DA jc code_97EB code:97DC setb ACC2 ; Accumulator code:97DE movx @DPTR, A code:97DF sjmp code_97EB code:97E1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:97E1 code:97E1 code_97E1: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+1EEj code:97E1 mov A, #0x8C ; '' code:97E3 subb A, RAM_36 code:97E5 movx A, @DPTR code:97E6 jnc code_97EB code:97E8 clr ACC2 ; Accumulator code:97EA movx @DPTR, A code:97EB code:97EB code_97EB: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+1F6j code:97EB ; code_95E4+1FBj ... code:97EB mov B, A ; B-Register code:97ED mov R1, #0x83 ; '' code:97EF mov A, @R1 code:97F0 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:97F2 mov R1, #0x84 ; '' code:97F4 mov A, @R1 code:97F5 mov DPH, A ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:97F7 mov A, #0 code:97F9 jnb RAM_2C.0, code_9829 code:97FC jb RAM_28.1, code_9829 code:97FF jb RAM_2D.0, code_9807 code:9802 mov A, B ; B-Register code:9804 jnb ACC2, code_980C ; Accumulator code:9807 code:9807 code_9807: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+21Bj code:9807 mov R0, #0xB1 ; '' code:9809 mov A, @R0 code:980A sjmp code_9829 code:980C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:980C code:980C code_980C: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+220j code:980C mov R1, #0x80 ; '' code:980E mov A, @R1 code:980F movx @DPTR, A code:9810 mov R1, RAM_6E code:9812 cjne R1, #4, code_9817 code:9815 sjmp code_9829 code:9817 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9817 code:9817 code_9817: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+22Ej code:9817 mov A, #2 code:9819 clr C code:981A subb A, RAM_11 code:981C jnc code_9822 code:981E mov A, #0xFE ; '' code:9820 sjmp code_9824 code:9822 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9822 code:9822 code_9822: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+238j code:9822 mov A, #4 code:9824 code:9824 code_9824: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+23Cj code:9824 add A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9826 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9828 movx A, @DPTR code:9829 code:9829 code_9829: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+215j code:9829 ; code_95E4+218j ... code:9829 mov RAM_10, A code:982B mov A, RAM_11 code:982D mov B, A ; B-Register code:982F mov DPTR, #0x418 code:9832 mov A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9834 add A, B ; B-Register code:9836 mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9838 mov R0, #0x92 ; '' code:983A mov A, @R0 code:983B movx @DPTR, A code:983C pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:983E pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9840 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9842 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9844 ret code:9845 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9845 code:9845 code_9845: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4:code_96D6j code:9845 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9847 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9849 mov DPTR, #0x413 code:984C movx A, @DPTR code:984D add A, RAM_78 code:984F mov DPTR, #0x403 code:9852 jb RAM_2D.1, code_9859 code:9855 jc code_9877 code:9857 sjmp code_985B code:9859 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9859 code:9859 code_9859: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+26Ej code:9859 jnc code_9877 code:985B code:985B code_985B: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+273j code:985B movx A, @DPTR code:985C dec A code:985D movx @DPTR, A code:985E jnz code_98C9 code:9860 jb RAM_2D.1, code_986E code:9863 setb RAM_2D.1 code:9865 mov DPTR, #0x407 code:9868 movx A, @DPTR code:9869 orl A, #2 code:986B movx @DPTR, A code:986C sjmp code_9877 code:986E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:986E code:986E code_986E: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+27Cj code:986E clr RAM_2D.1 code:9870 mov DPTR, #0x407 code:9873 movx A, @DPTR code:9874 anl A, #0xFD code:9876 movx @DPTR, A code:9877 code:9877 code_9877: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+271j code:9877 ; code_95E4:code_9859j ... code:9877 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9879 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:987B mov A, #0x27 ; ''' code:987D movc A, @A+DPTR code:987E push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9880 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9882 mov DPTR, #0x403 code:9885 movx @DPTR, A code:9886 sjmp code_98C9 code:9888 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9888 code:9888 code_9888: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4:code_96D9j code:9888 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:988A push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:988C mov DPTR, #0x414 code:988F movx A, @DPTR code:9890 add A, RAM_78 code:9892 mov DPTR, #0x404 code:9895 jb RAM_2D.2, code_989C code:9898 jnc code_98BA code:989A sjmp code_989E code:989C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:989C code:989C code_989C: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+2B1j code:989C jc code_98BA code:989E code:989E code_989E: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+2B6j code:989E movx A, @DPTR code:989F dec A code:98A0 movx @DPTR, A code:98A1 jnz code_98C9 code:98A3 jb RAM_2D.2, code_98B1 code:98A6 setb RAM_2D.2 code:98A8 mov DPTR, #0x407 code:98AB movx A, @DPTR code:98AC orl A, #4 code:98AE movx @DPTR, A code:98AF sjmp code_98BA code:98B1 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:98B1 code:98B1 code_98B1: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+2BFj code:98B1 clr RAM_2D.2 code:98B3 mov DPTR, #0x407 code:98B6 movx A, @DPTR code:98B7 anl A, #0xFB code:98B9 movx @DPTR, A code:98BA code:98BA code_98BA: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+2B4j code:98BA ; code_95E4:code_989Cj ... code:98BA pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:98BC pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:98BE mov A, #0x27 ; ''' code:98C0 movc A, @A+DPTR code:98C1 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:98C3 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:98C5 mov DPTR, #0x404 code:98C8 movx @DPTR, A code:98C9 code:98C9 code_98C9: ; CODE XREF: code_95E4+27Aj code:98C9 ; code_95E4+2A2j ... code:98C9 mov A, R7 code:98CA mov R0, A code:98CB mov A, @R0 code:98CC pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:98CE pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:98D0 ljmp code_97C1 code:98D0 ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_95E4 code:98D3 code:98D3 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:98D3 code:98D3 code:98D3 IEX4_0_0: ; CODE XREF: IEX4_0j code:98D3 code:98D3 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:21AE SIZE 00000006 BYTES code:98D3 code:98D3 jb INT4, code_9925 ; Port 1 code:98D6 push PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:98D8 push ACC ; Accumulator code:98DA mov A, R1 code:98DB push ACC ; Accumulator code:98DD mov A, RAM_14 code:98DF add A, CCL1 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 1, Low Byte code:98E1 mov CCL1, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 1, Low Byte code:98E3 mov A, RAM_15 code:98E5 addc A, CCH1 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 1, High Byte code:98E7 mov CCH1, A ; Comp./Capture Reg. 1, High Byte code:98E9 nop code:98EA clr IEX4 ; Interrupt Request Control Register code:98EC clr RAM_2C.2 code:98EE mov A, RAM_11 code:98F0 mov RAM_7A, A code:98F2 cjne A, #1, code_9905 code:98F5 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:98F7 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:98F9 ljmp code_21AE code:98FC ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:98FC code:98FC code_98FC: ; CODE XREF: IEX4_0_0-7722j code:98FC mov A, #0xA code:98FE movc A, @A+DPTR code:98FF pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9901 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9903 mov RAM_7C, A code:9905 code:9905 code_9905: ; CODE XREF: IEX4_0_0+1Fj code:9905 jb RAM_2C.0, code_9912 code:9908 mov R1, #0x8D ; '' code:990A dec @R1 code:990B mov A, @R1 code:990C jnz code_9912 code:990E setb P57 ; Port 5 code:9910 mov @R1, #0xFD ; '' code:9912 code:9912 code_9912: ; CODE XREF: IEX4_0_0:code_9905j code:9912 ; IEX4_0_0+39j code:9912 jnb RAM_2D.5, code_9919 code:9915 clr P40 ; Port 4 code:9917 clr P41 ; Port 4 code:9919 code:9919 code_9919: ; CODE XREF: IEX4_0_0:code_9912j code:9919 setb P51 ; Port 5 code:991B setb INT4 ; Port 1 code:991D pop ACC ; Accumulator code:991F mov R1, A code:9920 pop ACC ; Accumulator code:9922 pop PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:9924 reti code:9925 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9925 code:9925 code_9925: ; CODE XREF: IEX4_0_0j code:9925 push PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:9927 push ACC ; Accumulator code:9929 clr EX4 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:992B clr RAM_25.2 code:992D anl ADCON0, #0xF8 ; A/D Converter Control Register code:9930 orl ADCON0, #7 ; A/D Converter Control Register code:9933 mov ADDATL, #0 ; A/D Converter Data Register, low Byte code:9936 code:9936 code_9936: ; CODE XREF: IEX4_0_0:code_9936j code:9936 jb BSY, code_9936 ; A/D Converter Control Register code:9939 mov RAM_77, ADDATH ; A/D Converter Data Register, High Byte code:993C jnb RAM_2D.4, code_994D code:993F clr RAM_25.2 code:9941 anl ADCON0, #0xF8 ; A/D Converter Control Register code:9944 orl ADCON0, #0 ; A/D Converter Control Register code:9947 mov ADDATL, #0 ; A/D Converter Data Register, low Byte code:994A code:994A code_994A: ; CODE XREF: IEX4_0_0:code_994Aj code:994A jb BSY, code_994A ; A/D Converter Control Register code:994D code:994D code_994D: ; CODE XREF: IEX4_0_0+69j code:994D clr P51 ; Port 5 code:994F clr RAM_2D.6 code:9951 jnb RAM_2D.5, code_9958 code:9954 setb RAM_2D.6 code:9956 clr RAM_2D.5 code:9958 code:9958 code_9958: ; CODE XREF: IEX4_0_0+7Ej code:9958 jnb P57, code_995F ; Port 5 code:995B setb RAM_2C.2 code:995D setb RAM_2D.5 code:995F code:995F code_995F: ; CODE XREF: IEX4_0_0:code_9958j code:995F clr P57 ; Port 5 code:9961 mov A, RAM_7C code:9963 jb ACC0, code_996D ; Accumulator code:9966 setb P40 ; Port 4 code:9968 clr P41 ; Port 4 code:996A rr A code:996B sjmp code_9972 code:996D ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:996D code:996D code_996D: ; CODE XREF: IEX4_0_0+90j code:996D clr P40 ; Port 4 code:996F setb P41 ; Port 4 code:9971 rr A code:9972 code:9972 code_9972: ; CODE XREF: IEX4_0_0+98j code:9972 mov RAM_7C, A code:9974 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9976 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9978 mov DPTR, #0x420 code:997B mov A, RAM_7A code:997D add A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:997F mov DPL, A ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9981 mov A, RAM_77 code:9983 movx @DPTR, A code:9984 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9986 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9988 pop ACC ; Accumulator code:998A pop PSW ; Program Status Word Register code:998C reti code:998C ; End of function IEX4_0_0 code:998C code:998D ; [00000001 BYTES: COLLAPSED FUNCTION nullsub_2. PRESS CTRL-NUMPAD+ TO EXPAND] code:998E code:998E ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:998E code:998E code:998E code_998E: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0+920p code:998E code:998E ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT code:21A2 SIZE 00000006 BYTES code:998E code:998E mov R0, #0xB2 ; '' code:9990 jnb RAM_28.1, code_9997 code:9993 mov @R0, #0 code:9995 sjmp code_99FD code:9997 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9997 code:9997 code_9997: ; CODE XREF: code_998E+2j code:9997 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9999 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:999B ljmp code_21A2 code:999E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:999E code:999E code_999E: ; CODE XREF: code_998E-77E9j code:999E mov A, @R0 code:999F jz code_99A4 code:99A1 dec @R0 code:99A2 sjmp code_99B4 code:99A4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:99A4 code:99A4 code_99A4: ; CODE XREF: code_998E+11j code:99A4 jb RAM_25.6, code_99CF code:99A7 mov A, RAM_7B code:99A9 jnz code_99CF code:99AB mov R1, #0x96 ; '' code:99AD cjne @R1, #0xAA, code_99CF ; '' code:99B0 mov A, #6 code:99B2 movc A, @A+DPTR code:99B3 mov @R0, A code:99B4 code:99B4 code_99B4: ; CODE XREF: code_998E+14j code:99B4 mov A, #8 code:99B6 movc A, @A+DPTR code:99B7 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:99B9 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:99BB mov DPTR, #0x40B code:99BE movx @DPTR, A code:99BF pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:99C1 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:99C3 mov R1, #0xA3 ; '' code:99C5 mov RAM_7B, @R1 code:99C7 mov R1, #0x92 ; '' code:99C9 mov @R1, #1 code:99CB setb RAM_2C.1 code:99CD sjmp code_99DB code:99CF ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:99CF code:99CF code_99CF: ; CODE XREF: code_998E:code_99A4j code:99CF ; code_998E+1Bj ... code:99CF clr C code:99D0 mov R1, #0x7B ; '{' code:99D2 mov A, #0 code:99D4 movc A, @A+DPTR code:99D5 xch A, @R1 code:99D6 subb A, @R1 code:99D7 jnc code_99DA code:99D9 clr A code:99DA code:99DA code_99DA: ; CODE XREF: code_998E+49j code:99DA mov @R1, A code:99DB code:99DB code_99DB: ; CODE XREF: code_998E+3Fj code:99DB push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:99DD push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:99DF mov DPTR, #0x40B code:99E2 movx A, @DPTR code:99E3 jnz code_99ED code:99E5 clr RAM_2C.1 code:99E7 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:99E9 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:99EB sjmp code_99F9 code:99ED ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:99ED code:99ED code_99ED: ; CODE XREF: code_998E+55j code:99ED dec A code:99EE movx @DPTR, A code:99EF pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:99F1 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:99F3 mov A, #7 code:99F5 movc A, @A+DPTR code:99F6 mov R1, #0x91 ; '' code:99F8 mov @R1, A code:99F9 code:99F9 code_99F9: ; CODE XREF: code_998E+5Dj code:99F9 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:99FB pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:99FD code:99FD code_99FD: ; CODE XREF: code_998E+7j code:99FD mov R0, #0x96 ; '' code:99FF mov @R0, #0 code:9A01 ret code:9A01 ; End of function code_998E code:9A01 code:9A02 code:9A02 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:9A02 code:9A02 code:9A02 code_9A02: ; CODE XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2EEDp code:9A02 mov R0, #0x8E ; '' code:9A04 mov A, @R0 code:9A05 lcall code_35FF code:9A08 mov RAM_12, A code:9A0A mov RAM_13, B ; B-Register code:9A0D mov R0, #0x8F ; '' code:9A0F mov A, @R0 code:9A10 lcall code_35FF code:9A13 mov RAM_14, A code:9A15 mov RAM_15, B ; B-Register code:9A18 ret code:9A18 ; End of function code_9A02 code:9A18 code:9A19 code:9A19 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:9A19 code:9A19 ; Attributes: thunk code:9A19 code:9A19 code_9A19: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+5495p code:9A19 ljmp code_2118 code:9A19 ; End of function code_9A19 code:9A19 code:9A1C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9A1C ; START OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_2118 code:9A1C code:9A1C code_9A1C: ; CODE XREF: code_2118+3j code:9A1C mov RAM_30, RAM_38 code:9A1F mov RAM_31, RAM_37 code:9A22 mov DPTR, #0xBE01 code:9A25 mov R0, #0x36 ; '6' code:9A27 mov R3, #4 code:9A29 code:9A29 code_9A29: ; CODE XREF: code_2118+7918j code:9A29 lcall code_9A5F code:9A2C mov @R0, A code:9A2D inc R0 code:9A2E inc DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9A30 djnz R3, code_9A29 code:9A32 mov DPTR, #0xBE05 code:9A35 mov R0, #0x3A ; ':' code:9A37 lcall code_9A5F code:9A3A mov @R0, A code:9A3B lcall code_21CC code:9A3E lcall code_21D5 code:9A41 mov DPTR, #0xBE06 code:9A44 mov R0, #0x98 ; '' code:9A46 lcall code_9A5F code:9A49 mov @R0, A code:9A4A mov A, RAM_37 code:9A4C cpl A code:9A4D mov R4, A code:9A4E mov R2, #0 code:9A50 lcall code_400 code:9A53 mov RAM_37, A code:9A55 mov A, RAM_38 code:9A57 cpl A code:9A58 mov R4, A code:9A59 lcall code_400 code:9A5C mov RAM_38, A code:9A5E ret code:9A5E ; END OF FUNCTION CHUNK FOR code_2118 code:9A5F code:9A5F ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:9A5F code:9A5F code:9A5F code_9A5F: ; CODE XREF: code_21EAj code:9A5F ; code_83FD+106p ... code:9A5F setb RAM_25.2 code:9A61 mov A, #0xF8 ; '' code:9A63 anl A, ADCON0 ; A/D Converter Control Register code:9A65 orl A, DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9A67 mov ADCON0, A ; A/D Converter Control Register code:9A69 mov ADDATL, #0 ; A/D Converter Data Register, low Byte code:9A6C code:9A6C code_9A6C: ; CODE XREF: code_9A5F:code_9A6Cj code:9A6C jb BSY, code_9A6C ; A/D Converter Control Register code:9A6F mov A, ADDATH ; A/D Converter Data Register, High Byte code:9A71 jnb RAM_25.2, code_9A5F code:9A74 ret code:9A74 ; End of function code_9A5F code:9A74 code:9A75 code:9A75 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:9A75 code:9A75 code:9A75 code_9A75: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B+51BFp code:9A75 ; code_B4B+51EEp ... code:9A75 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9A77 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9A79 mov P2, #2 ; Port 2 code:9A7C jb RAM_24.4, code_9A8D code:9A7F mov DPTR, #0x253 code:9A82 movx A, @DPTR code:9A83 cjne A, #0x97, code_9A93 ; '' code:9A86 mov DPTR, #0x254 code:9A89 movx A, @DPTR code:9A8A cjne A, #0xBA, code_9A93 ; '' code:9A8D code:9A8D code_9A8D: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+7j code:9A8D ljmp code_9D45 code:9A90 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9A90 code:9A90 code_9A90: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75:code_9A93j code:9A90 ljmp code_9CCB code:9A93 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9A93 code:9A93 code_9A93: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+Ej code:9A93 ; code_9A75+15j code:9A93 jnb RAM_24.3, code_9A90 code:9A96 mov R1, #0x22 ; '"' code:9A98 mov DPTR, #0x262 code:9A9B movx A, @DPTR code:9A9C code:9A9C code_9A9C: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+50j code:9A9C ; code_9A75+7Bj code:9A9C mov B, #3 ; B-Register code:9A9F mov R3, A code:9AA0 mov A, RAM_1E code:9AA2 cjne A, DPL, code_9AA5 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9AA5 code:9AA5 code_9AA5: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+2Dj code:9AA5 jc code_9AF2 code:9AA7 inc DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9AA9 clr RAM_24.5 code:9AAB movx A, @DPTR code:9AAC jnb ACC7, code_9AB3 ; Accumulator code:9AAF anl A, #0x7F code:9AB1 setb RAM_24.5 code:9AB3 code:9AB3 code_9AB3: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+37j code:9AB3 div AB code:9AB4 mov R2, A code:9AB5 mov A, B ; B-Register code:9AB7 cjne A, #2, code_9ABA code:9ABA code:9ABA code_9ABA: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+42j code:9ABA jc code_9ABD code:9ABC inc R2 code:9ABD code:9ABD code_9ABD: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75:code_9ABAj code:9ABD mov A, R3 code:9ABE code:9ABE code_9ABE: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75:code_9AEEj code:9ABE clr C code:9ABF jb RAM_24.5, code_9AC3 code:9AC2 setb C code:9AC3 code:9AC3 code_9AC3: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+4Aj code:9AC3 djnz R1, code_9AC7 code:9AC5 sjmp code_9A9C code:9AC7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9AC7 code:9AC7 code_9AC7: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75:code_9AC3j code:9AC7 rlc A code:9AC8 xch A, R1 code:9AC9 cjne A, #0x19, code_9AD2 code:9ACC xch A, R1 code:9ACD mov R0, #0x5A ; 'Z' code:9ACF movx @R0, A code:9AD0 sjmp code_9AEE code:9AD2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9AD2 code:9AD2 code_9AD2: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+54j code:9AD2 cjne A, #0x11, code_9ADB code:9AD5 xch A, R1 code:9AD6 mov R0, #0x5B ; '[' code:9AD8 movx @R0, A code:9AD9 sjmp code_9AEE code:9ADB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9ADB code:9ADB code_9ADB: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75:code_9AD2j code:9ADB cjne A, #9, code_9AE4 code:9ADE xch A, R1 code:9ADF mov R0, #0x5C ; '\' code:9AE1 movx @R0, A code:9AE2 sjmp code_9AEE code:9AE4 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9AE4 code:9AE4 code_9AE4: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75:code_9ADBj code:9AE4 cjne A, #1, code_9AED code:9AE7 xch A, R1 code:9AE8 mov R0, #0x5D ; ']' code:9AEA movx @R0, A code:9AEB sjmp code_9AF2 code:9AED ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9AED code:9AED code_9AED: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75:code_9AE4j code:9AED xch A, R1 code:9AEE code:9AEE code_9AEE: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+5Bj code:9AEE ; code_9A75+64j ... code:9AEE djnz R2, code_9ABE code:9AF0 sjmp code_9A9C code:9AF2 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9AF2 code:9AF2 code_9AF2: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75:code_9AA5j code:9AF2 ; code_9A75+76j code:9AF2 mov DPTR, #0x25E code:9AF5 mov R0, #0x5A ; 'Z' code:9AF7 movx A, @R0 code:9AF8 movx @DPTR, A code:9AF9 inc DPTR code:9AFA mov A, #0x90 ; '' code:9AFC mov R3, A code:9AFD clr C code:9AFE mov R0, #0x5B ; '[' code:9B00 movx A, @R0 code:9B01 mov R5, A code:9B02 rlc A code:9B03 xch A, R5 code:9B04 mov A, R3 code:9B05 rrc A code:9B06 mov R3, A code:9B07 mov A, R5 code:9B08 clr C code:9B09 rlc A code:9B0A clr C code:9B0B rlc A code:9B0C mov B, A ; B-Register code:9B0E mov R0, #0x5C ; '\' code:9B10 movx A, @R0 code:9B11 mov R6, A code:9B12 mov C, ACC7 ; Accumulator code:9B14 mov B2, C ; B-Register code:9B16 mov C, ACC6 ; Accumulator code:9B18 mov B1, C ; B-Register code:9B1A mov C, ACC5 ; Accumulator code:9B1C mov B0, C ; B-Register code:9B1E mov C, ACC4 ; Accumulator code:9B20 mov A, R3 code:9B21 rrc A code:9B22 mov R3, A code:9B23 mov A, B ; B-Register code:9B25 movx @DPTR, A code:9B26 mov R0, #0x5D ; ']' code:9B28 movx A, @R0 code:9B29 inc DPTR code:9B2A clr C code:9B2B rrc A code:9B2C clr C code:9B2D rrc A code:9B2E mov B, A ; B-Register code:9B30 mov A, R3 code:9B31 rrc A code:9B32 mov R3, A code:9B33 mov A, R6 code:9B34 mov C, ACC0 ; Accumulator code:9B36 mov B6, C ; B-Register code:9B38 mov C, ACC1 ; Accumulator code:9B3A mov B7, C ; B-Register code:9B3C mov A, B ; B-Register code:9B3E movx @DPTR, A code:9B3F mov DPTR, #0x259 code:9B42 setb C code:9B43 mov A, R3 code:9B44 rrc A code:9B45 movx @DPTR, A code:9B46 mov DPTR, #0x259 code:9B49 movx A, @DPTR code:9B4A anl A, #0x70 code:9B4C swap A code:9B4D mov B, A ; B-Register code:9B4F mov DPTR, #0x25E code:9B52 movx A, @DPTR code:9B53 mov C, B0 ; B-Register code:9B55 rlc A code:9B56 mov B0, C ; B-Register code:9B58 jnb P, code_9B5C ; Program Status Word Register code:9B5B cpl C code:9B5C code:9B5C code_9B5C: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+E3j code:9B5C mov B4, C ; B-Register code:9B5E movx @DPTR, A code:9B5F mov R2, A code:9B60 anl A, #0xF0 code:9B62 swap A code:9B63 mov R1, A code:9B64 mov DPTR, #0x25F code:9B67 movx A, @DPTR code:9B68 mov C, B1 ; B-Register code:9B6A rlc A code:9B6B mov B1, C ; B-Register code:9B6D jnb P, code_9B71 ; Program Status Word Register code:9B70 cpl C code:9B71 code:9B71 code_9B71: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+F8j code:9B71 mov B5, C ; B-Register code:9B73 movx @DPTR, A code:9B74 mov R3, A code:9B75 anl A, #0xF0 code:9B77 xch A, R2 code:9B78 anl A, #0xF code:9B7A orl A, R2 code:9B7B swap A code:9B7C mov R2, A code:9B7D mov DPTR, #0x260 code:9B80 movx A, @DPTR code:9B81 mov C, B2 ; B-Register code:9B83 rlc A code:9B84 mov B2, C ; B-Register code:9B86 jnb P, code_9B8A ; Program Status Word Register code:9B89 cpl C code:9B8A code:9B8A code_9B8A: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+111j code:9B8A mov B6, C ; B-Register code:9B8C movx @DPTR, A code:9B8D mov R4, A code:9B8E mov A, R3 code:9B8F anl A, #0xF code:9B91 mov R3, A code:9B92 mov A, B ; B-Register code:9B94 mov DPTR, #0x259 code:9B97 movx @DPTR, A code:9B98 anl A, #0x70 code:9B9A jz code_9BA7 code:9B9C mov DPTR, #0x257 code:9B9F movx A, @DPTR code:9BA0 inc A code:9BA1 jnz code_9BAB code:9BA3 mov A, #0xFF code:9BA5 sjmp code_9BAB code:9BA7 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9BA7 code:9BA7 code_9BA7: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+125j code:9BA7 clr A code:9BA8 mov DPTR, #0x257 code:9BAB code:9BAB code_9BAB: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+12Cj code:9BAB ; code_9A75+130j code:9BAB movx @DPTR, A code:9BAC mov R7, A code:9BAD mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9BB0 mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9BB3 mov A, #0x1C code:9BB5 movc A, @A+DPTR code:9BB6 xch A, R7 code:9BB7 cjne A, RAM_7, code_9BBA code:9BBA code:9BBA code_9BBA: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+142j code:9BBA cpl C code:9BBB push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9BBD push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9BBF push RAM_1 code:9BC1 push RAM_2 code:9BC3 push RAM_6 code:9BC5 push RAM_7 code:9BC7 mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9BCA mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9BCD mov R6, RAM_36 code:9BCF mov R7, A code:9BD0 clr A code:9BD1 setb ACC3 ; Accumulator code:9BD3 mov R2, A code:9BD4 mov A, #0x62 ; 'b' code:9BD6 movc A, @A+DPTR code:9BD7 mov B, A ; B-Register code:9BD9 mov RAM_3B, A code:9BDB lcall code_8241 code:9BDE mov RAM_3B, #0 code:9BE1 lcall code_822A code:9BE4 jnc code_9BEB code:9BE6 inc R0 code:9BE7 movx A, @R0 code:9BE8 setb ACC5 ; Accumulator code:9BEA movx @R0, A code:9BEB code:9BEB code_9BEB: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+16Fj code:9BEB pop RAM_7 code:9BED pop RAM_6 code:9BEF pop RAM_2 code:9BF1 pop RAM_1 code:9BF3 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9BF5 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9BF7 mov DPTR, #0x259 code:9BFA movx A, @DPTR code:9BFB anl A, #0x70 code:9BFD jz code_9C02 code:9BFF ljmp code_9CB8 code:9C02 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9C02 code:9C02 code_9C02: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+188j code:9C02 mov A, R2 code:9C03 xrl A, R4 code:9C04 mov R6, A code:9C05 mov A, R1 code:9C06 xrl A, R3 code:9C07 mov R5, A code:9C08 mov A, R1 code:9C09 jz code_9C1A code:9C0B mov B, A ; B-Register code:9C0D mov A, R5 code:9C0E code:9C0E code_9C0E: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+19Fj code:9C0E mov C, ACC3 ; Accumulator code:9C10 xch A, R6 code:9C11 rlc A code:9C12 xch A, R6 code:9C13 rlc A code:9C14 djnz B, code_9C0E ; B-Register code:9C17 anl A, #0xF code:9C19 mov R5, A code:9C1A code:9C1A code_9C1A: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+194j code:9C1A mov DPTR, #0x256 code:9C1D movx A, @DPTR code:9C1E xrl A, R6 code:9C1F jnz code_9C46 code:9C21 mov DPTR, #0x255 code:9C24 movx A, @DPTR code:9C25 xrl A, R5 code:9C26 jnz code_9C46 code:9C28 mov DPTR, #0x258 code:9C2B movx A, @DPTR code:9C2C jz code_9C31 code:9C2E djnz ACC, code_9C42 ; Accumulator code:9C31 code:9C31 code_9C31: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+1B7j code:9C31 movx @DPTR, A code:9C32 mov DPTR, #0x253 code:9C35 mov A, #0x97 ; '' code:9C37 movx @DPTR, A code:9C38 mov DPTR, #0x254 code:9C3B mov A, #0xBA ; '' code:9C3D movx @DPTR, A code:9C3E clr C code:9C3F ljmp code_9C5A code:9C42 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9C42 code:9C42 code_9C42: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+1B9j code:9C42 movx @DPTR, A code:9C43 ljmp code_9CB8 code:9C46 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9C46 code:9C46 code_9C46: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+1AAj code:9C46 ; code_9A75+1B1j code:9C46 mov DPTR, #0x258 code:9C49 movx A, @DPTR code:9C4A inc A code:9C4B inc A code:9C4C cjne A, #0xFE, code_9C4F ; '' code:9C4F code:9C4F code_9C4F: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+1D7j code:9C4F jc code_9C53 code:9C51 mov A, #0xFD ; '' code:9C53 code:9C53 code_9C53: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75:code_9C4Fj code:9C53 movx @DPTR, A code:9C54 cjne A, #6, code_9C57 code:9C57 code:9C57 code_9C57: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+1DFj code:9C57 jc code_9CB8 code:9C59 cpl C code:9C5A code:9C5A code_9C5A: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+1CAj code:9C5A push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9C5C push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9C5E push RAM_1 code:9C60 push RAM_2 code:9C62 push RAM_6 code:9C64 push RAM_7 code:9C66 mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9C69 mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9C6C mov R6, RAM_36 code:9C6E mov R7, A code:9C6F clr A code:9C70 setb ACC3 ; Accumulator code:9C72 mov R2, A code:9C73 mov A, #0x63 ; 'c' code:9C75 movc A, @A+DPTR code:9C76 mov B, A ; B-Register code:9C78 clr A code:9C79 mov RAM_3B, A code:9C7B lcall code_8241 code:9C7E mov RAM_3B, #0 code:9C81 lcall code_822A code:9C84 mov DPTR, #0x258 code:9C87 movx A, @DPTR code:9C88 jnc code_9CA6 code:9C8A jz code_9CA6 code:9C8C inc R0 code:9C8D movx A, @R0 code:9C8E setb ACC5 ; Accumulator code:9C90 movx @R0, A code:9C91 setb RAM_24.6 code:9C93 clr RAM_24.3 code:9C95 clr RAM_2A.4 code:9C97 pop RAM_7 code:9C99 pop RAM_6 code:9C9B pop RAM_2 code:9C9D pop RAM_1 code:9C9F pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9CA1 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9CA3 ljmp code_9D45 code:9CA6 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9CA6 code:9CA6 code_9CA6: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+213j code:9CA6 ; code_9A75+215j code:9CA6 pop RAM_7 code:9CA8 pop RAM_6 code:9CAA pop RAM_2 code:9CAC pop RAM_1 code:9CAE pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9CB0 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9CB2 mov DPTR, #0x258 code:9CB5 movx A, @DPTR code:9CB6 jz code_9CC0 code:9CB8 code:9CB8 code_9CB8: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+18Aj code:9CB8 ; code_9A75+1CEj ... code:9CB8 clr RAM_24.3 code:9CBA lcall code_9D6B code:9CBD ljmp code_9D45 code:9CC0 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9CC0 code:9CC0 code_9CC0: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+241j code:9CC0 mov R7, #0x40 ; '@' code:9CC2 lcall code_695E code:9CC5 clr RAM_2A.4 code:9CC7 clr RAM_24.6 code:9CC9 sjmp code_9CD5 code:9CCB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9CCB code:9CCB code_9CCB: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75:code_9A90j code:9CCB mov A, RAM_19 code:9CCD cjne A, #0, code_9D45 code:9CD0 mov A, RAM_1A code:9CD2 cjne A, #0, code_9D45 code:9CD5 code:9CD5 code_9CD5: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+254j code:9CD5 mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9CD8 mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9CDB mov A, #0x62 ; 'b' code:9CDD movc A, @A+DPTR code:9CDE mov B, A ; B-Register code:9CE0 lcall code_822A code:9CE3 jnc code_9D11 code:9CE5 inc R0 code:9CE6 movx A, @R0 code:9CE7 anl A, #0xB code:9CE9 jz code_9D11 code:9CEB jnb ACC5, code_9D11 ; Accumulator code:9CEE mov B, A ; B-Register code:9CF0 jnb ACC1, code_9D02 ; Accumulator code:9CF3 mov DPTR, #0x261 code:9CF6 movx A, @DPTR code:9CF7 clr C code:9CF8 jnb ACC1, code_9CFC ; Accumulator code:9CFB setb C code:9CFC code:9CFC code_9CFC: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+283j code:9CFC clr A code:9CFD setb ACC1 ; Accumulator code:9CFF mov R2, A code:9D00 sjmp code_9D1A code:9D02 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9D02 code:9D02 code_9D02: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+27Bj code:9D02 mov DPTR, #0x261 code:9D05 movx A, @DPTR code:9D06 clr C code:9D07 jnb ACC0, code_9D0B ; Accumulator code:9D0A setb C code:9D0B code:9D0B code_9D0B: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+292j code:9D0B clr A code:9D0C setb ACC0 ; Accumulator code:9D0E mov R2, A code:9D0F sjmp code_9D1A code:9D11 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9D11 code:9D11 code_9D11: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+26Ej code:9D11 ; code_9A75+274j ... code:9D11 mov DPTR, #0x261 code:9D14 movx A, @DPTR code:9D15 mov R2, A code:9D16 clr C code:9D17 jz code_9D1A code:9D19 setb C code:9D1A code:9D1A code_9D1A: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75+28Bj code:9D1A ; code_9A75+29Aj ... code:9D1A mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9D1D mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9D20 mov R6, RAM_36 code:9D22 mov R7, A code:9D23 mov A, #0x62 ; 'b' code:9D25 movc A, @A+DPTR code:9D26 mov B, A ; B-Register code:9D28 mov RAM_3B, A code:9D2A lcall code_8241 code:9D2D mov RAM_3B, #0 code:9D30 lcall code_822A code:9D33 mov DPTR, #0x261 code:9D36 movx A, @DPTR code:9D37 jnc code_9D45 code:9D39 jz code_9D45 code:9D3B inc R0 code:9D3C movx A, @R0 code:9D3D setb ACC5 ; Accumulator code:9D3F movx @R0, A code:9D40 setb RAM_24.7 code:9D42 lcall code_9D6B code:9D45 code:9D45 code_9D45: ; CODE XREF: code_9A75:code_9A8Dj code:9D45 ; code_9A75+22Ej ... code:9D45 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:9D48 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9D4A pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9D4C ret code:9D4C ; End of function code_9A75 code:9D4C code:9D4D code:9D4D ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:9D4D code:9D4D code:9D4D code_9D4D: ; CODE XREF: code_9D4D:code_9D65j code:9D4D ; code_9D6B+77p code:9D4D mov P2, #0xA0 ; '' ; Port 2 code:9D50 mov R0, #0x40 ; '@' code:9D52 movx A, @R0 code:9D53 xrl A, #0x9E code:9D55 mov C, ACC0 ; Accumulator code:9D57 jnc code_9D67 code:9D59 setb WDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 code:9D5B setb SWDT ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 code:9D5D setb P52 ; Port 5 code:9D5F jb P53, code_9D65 ; Port 5 code:9D62 ljmp code_604C code:9D65 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9D65 code:9D65 code_9D65: ; CODE XREF: code_9D4D+12j code:9D65 sjmp code_9D4D code:9D67 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9D67 code:9D67 code_9D67: ; CODE XREF: code_9D4D+Aj code:9D67 mov P2, #0 ; Port 2 code:9D6A ret code:9D6A ; End of function code_9D4D code:9D6A code:9D6B code:9D6B ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= code:9D6B code:9D6B code:9D6B code_9D6B: ; CODE XREF: code_B4B:code_5C35p code:9D6B ; code_9A75+245p ... code:9D6B mov R0, #0xBB ; '' code:9D6D mov A, @R0 code:9D6E jb ACC1, code_9DDB ; Accumulator code:9D71 push DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9D73 push DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9D75 mov DPTR, #0x253 code:9D78 movx A, @DPTR code:9D79 cjne A, #0x97, code_9D8E ; '' code:9D7C mov DPTR, #0x254 code:9D7F movx A, @DPTR code:9D80 cjne A, #0xBA, code_9D8E ; '' code:9D83 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9D85 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9D87 clr RAM_2A.4 code:9D89 lcall code_5EBD code:9D8C sjmp code_9DE5 code:9D8E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9D8E code:9D8E code_9D8E: ; CODE XREF: code_9D6B+Ej code:9D8E ; code_9D6B+15j code:9D8E clr A code:9D8F mov R0, #0x28 ; '(' code:9D91 mov DPTR, #0x259 code:9D94 code:9D94 code_9D94: ; CODE XREF: code_9D6B+2Bj code:9D94 movx @DPTR, A code:9D95 inc DPTR code:9D96 djnz R0, code_9D94 code:9D98 jb RAM_24.7, code_9D9E code:9D9B clr A code:9D9C sjmp code_9DA0 code:9D9E ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9D9E code:9D9E code_9D9E: ; CODE XREF: code_9D6B+2Dj code:9D9E mov A, #0x98 ; '' code:9DA0 code:9DA0 code_9DA0: ; CODE XREF: code_9D6B+31j code:9DA0 mov RAM_1A, A code:9DA2 mov DPH, RAM_7D ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9DA5 mov DPL, RAM_6D ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9DA8 mov A, #0x1B code:9DAA movc A, @A+DPTR code:9DAB mov RAM_19, A code:9DAD mov RAM_1F, A code:9DAF mov DPTR, #0x262 code:9DB2 mov A, #0x63 ; 'c' code:9DB4 movx @DPTR, A code:9DB5 setb RAM_24.2 code:9DB7 setb RAM_2A.4 code:9DB9 setb RAM_24.1 code:9DBB setb RAM_24.6 code:9DBD clr RAM_24.0 code:9DBF mov DPTR, #0xBE01 code:9DC2 lcall code_9A5F code:9DC5 mov RAM_36, A code:9DC7 mov RAM_68, #0x46 ; 'F' code:9DCA mov R7, #0x40 ; '@' code:9DCC lcall code_695E code:9DCF mov RAM_69, RAM_64 code:9DD2 mov RAM_6A, RAM_65 code:9DD5 pop DPL ; Data Pointer, Low Byte code:9DD7 pop DPH ; Data Pointer, High Byte code:9DD9 sjmp code_9DE5 code:9DDB ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9DDB code:9DDB code_9DDB: ; CODE XREF: code_9D6B+3j code:9DDB clr RAM_2A.4 code:9DDD setb RAM_24.4 code:9DDF lcall code_5EBD code:9DE2 lcall code_9D4D code:9DE5 code:9DE5 code_9DE5: ; CODE XREF: code_9D6B+21j code:9DE5 ; code_9D6B+6Ej code:9DE5 ret code:9DE5 ; End of function code_9D6B code:9DE5 code:9DE5 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- code:9DE6 .byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF code:9DE6 .byte 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XRAM:FE3E XRAM:FE3F XRAM:FE40 XRAM:FE41 XRAM:FE42 XRAM:FE43 XRAM:FE44 XRAM:FE45 XRAM:FE46 XRAM:FE47 XRAM:FE48 XRAM:FE49 XRAM:FE4A XRAM:FE4B XRAM:FE4C XRAM:FE4D XRAM:FE4E XRAM:FE4F XRAM:FE50 XRAM:FE51 XRAM:FE52 XRAM:FE53 XRAM:FE54 XRAM:FE55 XRAM:FE56 XRAM:FE57 XRAM:FE58 XRAM:FE59 XRAM:FE5A XRAM:FE5B XRAM:FE5C XRAM:FE5D XRAM:FE5E XRAM:FE5F XRAM:FE60 XRAM:FE61 XRAM:FE62 XRAM:FE63 XRAM:FE64 XRAM:FE65 XRAM:FE66 XRAM:FE67 XRAM:FE68 XRAM:FE69 XRAM:FE6A XRAM:FE6B XRAM:FE6C XRAM:FE6D XRAM:FE6E XRAM:FE6F XRAM:FE70 XRAM:FE71 XRAM:FE72 XRAM:FE73 XRAM:FE74 XRAM:FE75 XRAM:FE76 XRAM:FE77 XRAM:FE78 XRAM:FE79 XRAM:FE7A XRAM:FE7B XRAM:FE7C XRAM:FE7D XRAM:FE7E XRAM:FE7F XRAM:FE80 XRAM:FE81 XRAM:FE82 XRAM:FE83 XRAM:FE84 XRAM:FE85 XRAM:FE86 XRAM:FE87 XRAM:FE88 XRAM:FE89 XRAM:FE8A XRAM:FE8B XRAM:FE8C XRAM:FE8D XRAM:FE8E XRAM:FE8F XRAM:FE90 XRAM:FE91 XRAM:FE92 XRAM:FE93 XRAM:FE94 XRAM:FE95 XRAM:FE96 XRAM:FE97 XRAM:FE98 XRAM:FE99 XRAM:FE9A XRAM:FE9B XRAM:FE9C XRAM:FE9D XRAM:FE9E XRAM:FE9F XRAM:FEA0 XRAM:FEA1 XRAM:FEA2 XRAM:FEA3 XRAM:FEA4 XRAM:FEA5 XRAM:FEA6 XRAM:FEA7 XRAM:FEA8 XRAM:FEA9 XRAM:FEAA XRAM:FEAB XRAM:FEAC XRAM:FEAD XRAM:FEAE XRAM:FEAF XRAM:FEB0 XRAM:FEB1 XRAM:FEB2 XRAM:FEB3 XRAM:FEB4 XRAM:FEB5 XRAM:FEB6 XRAM:FEB7 XRAM:FEB8 XRAM:FEB9 XRAM:FEBA XRAM:FEBB XRAM:FEBC XRAM:FEBD XRAM:FEBE XRAM:FEBF XRAM:FEC0 XRAM:FEC1 XRAM:FEC2 XRAM:FEC3 XRAM:FEC4 XRAM:FEC5 XRAM:FEC6 XRAM:FEC7 XRAM:FEC8 XRAM:FEC9 XRAM:FECA XRAM:FECB XRAM:FECC XRAM:FECD XRAM:FECE XRAM:FECF XRAM:FED0 XRAM:FED1 XRAM:FED2 XRAM:FED3 XRAM:FED4 XRAM:FED5 XRAM:FED6 XRAM:FED7 XRAM:FED8 XRAM:FED9 XRAM:FEDA XRAM:FEDB XRAM:FEDC XRAM:FEDD XRAM:FEDE XRAM:FEDF XRAM:FEE0 XRAM:FEE1 XRAM:FEE2 XRAM:FEE3 XRAM:FEE4 XRAM:FEE5 XRAM:FEE6 XRAM:FEE7 XRAM:FEE8 XRAM:FEE9 XRAM:FEEA XRAM:FEEB XRAM:FEEC XRAM:FEED XRAM:FEEE XRAM:FEEF XRAM:FEF0 XRAM:FEF1 XRAM:FEF2 XRAM:FEF3 XRAM:FEF4 XRAM:FEF5 XRAM:FEF6 XRAM:FEF7 XRAM:FEF8 XRAM:FEF9 XRAM:FEFA XRAM:FEFB XRAM:FEFC XRAM:FEFD XRAM:FEFE XRAM:FEFF XRAM:FF00 XRAM:FF01 XRAM:FF02 XRAM:FF03 XRAM:FF04 XRAM:FF05 XRAM:FF06 XRAM:FF07 XRAM:FF08 XRAM:FF09 XRAM:FF0A XRAM:FF0B XRAM:FF0C XRAM:FF0D XRAM:FF0E XRAM:FF0F XRAM:FF10 XRAM:FF11 XRAM:FF12 XRAM:FF13 XRAM:FF14 XRAM:FF15 XRAM:FF16 XRAM:FF17 XRAM:FF18 XRAM:FF19 XRAM:FF1A XRAM:FF1B XRAM:FF1C XRAM:FF1D XRAM:FF1E XRAM:FF1F XRAM:FF20 XRAM:FF21 XRAM:FF22 XRAM:FF23 XRAM:FF24 XRAM:FF25 XRAM:FF26 XRAM:FF27 XRAM:FF28 XRAM:FF29 XRAM:FF2A XRAM:FF2B XRAM:FF2C XRAM:FF2D XRAM:FF2E XRAM:FF2F XRAM:FF30 XRAM:FF31 XRAM:FF32 XRAM:FF33 XRAM:FF34 XRAM:FF35 XRAM:FF36 XRAM:FF37 XRAM:FF38 XRAM:FF39 XRAM:FF3A XRAM:FF3B XRAM:FF3C XRAM:FF3D XRAM:FF3E XRAM:FF3F XRAM:FF40 XRAM:FF41 XRAM:FF42 XRAM:FF43 XRAM:FF44 XRAM:FF45 XRAM:FF46 XRAM:FF47 XRAM:FF48 XRAM:FF49 XRAM:FF4A XRAM:FF4B XRAM:FF4C XRAM:FF4D XRAM:FF4E XRAM:FF4F XRAM:FF50 XRAM:FF51 XRAM:FF52 XRAM:FF53 XRAM:FF54 XRAM:FF55 XRAM:FF56 XRAM:FF57 XRAM:FF58 XRAM:FF59 XRAM:FF5A XRAM:FF5B XRAM:FF5C XRAM:FF5D XRAM:FF5E XRAM:FF5F XRAM:FF60 XRAM:FF61 XRAM:FF62 XRAM:FF63 XRAM:FF64 XRAM:FF65 XRAM:FF66 XRAM:FF67 XRAM:FF68 XRAM:FF69 XRAM:FF6A XRAM:FF6B XRAM:FF6C XRAM:FF6D XRAM:FF6E XRAM:FF6F XRAM:FF70 XRAM:FF71 XRAM:FF72 XRAM:FF73 XRAM:FF74 XRAM:FF75 XRAM:FF76 XRAM:FF77 XRAM:FF78 XRAM:FF79 XRAM:FF7A XRAM:FF7B XRAM:FF7C XRAM:FF7D XRAM:FF7E XRAM:FF7F XRAM:FF80 XRAM:FF81 XRAM:FF82 XRAM:FF83 XRAM:FF84 XRAM:FF85 XRAM:FF86 XRAM:FF87 XRAM:FF88 XRAM:FF89 XRAM:FF8A XRAM:FF8B XRAM:FF8C XRAM:FF8D XRAM:FF8E XRAM:FF8F XRAM:FF90 XRAM:FF91 XRAM:FF92 XRAM:FF93 XRAM:FF94 XRAM:FF95 XRAM:FF96 XRAM:FF97 XRAM:FF98 XRAM:FF99 XRAM:FF9A XRAM:FF9B XRAM:FF9C XRAM:FF9D XRAM:FF9E XRAM:FF9F XRAM:FFA0 XRAM:FFA1 XRAM:FFA2 XRAM:FFA3 XRAM:FFA4 XRAM:FFA5 XRAM:FFA6 XRAM:FFA7 XRAM:FFA8 XRAM:FFA9 XRAM:FFAA XRAM:FFAB XRAM:FFAC XRAM:FFAD XRAM:FFAE XRAM:FFAF XRAM:FFB0 XRAM:FFB1 XRAM:FFB2 XRAM:FFB3 XRAM:FFB4 XRAM:FFB5 XRAM:FFB6 XRAM:FFB7 XRAM:FFB8 XRAM:FFB9 XRAM:FFBA XRAM:FFBB XRAM:FFBC XRAM:FFBD XRAM:FFBE XRAM:FFBF XRAM:FFC0 XRAM:FFC1 XRAM:FFC2 XRAM:FFC3 XRAM:FFC4 XRAM:FFC5 XRAM:FFC6 XRAM:FFC7 XRAM:FFC8 XRAM:FFC9 XRAM:FFCA XRAM:FFCB XRAM:FFCC XRAM:FFCD XRAM:FFCE XRAM:FFCF XRAM:FFD0 XRAM:FFD1 XRAM:FFD2 XRAM:FFD3 XRAM:FFD4 XRAM:FFD5 XRAM:FFD6 XRAM:FFD7 XRAM:FFD8 XRAM:FFD9 XRAM:FFDA XRAM:FFDB XRAM:FFDC XRAM:FFDD XRAM:FFDE XRAM:FFDF XRAM:FFE0 XRAM:FFE1 XRAM:FFE2 XRAM:FFE3 XRAM:FFE4 XRAM:FFE5 XRAM:FFE6 XRAM:FFE7 XRAM:FFE8 XRAM:FFE9 XRAM:FFEA XRAM:FFEB XRAM:FFEC XRAM:FFED XRAM:FFEE XRAM:FFEF XRAM:FFF0 XRAM:FFF1 XRAM:FFF2 XRAM:FFF3 XRAM:FFF4 XRAM:FFF5 XRAM:FFF6 XRAM:FFF7 XRAM:FFF8 XRAM:FFF9 XRAM:FFFA XRAM:FFFB XRAM:FFFC XRAM:FFFD XRAM:FFFE XRAM:FFFF XRAM:FFFF ; end of 'XRAM' XRAM:FFFF RAM:0000 ; =========================================================================== RAM:0000 RAM:0000 ; Segment type: Internal processor memory & SFR RAM:0000 ;.segment RAM RAM:0000 .equ RAM_0,0 ; DATA XREF: code_7D40-71F8w RAM:0000 ; TF1_0+603r ... RAM:0001 .equ RAM_1,1 ; DATA XREF: code_EFF+71w RAM:0001 ; code_EFF+76r ... RAM:0002 .equ RAM_2,2 ; DATA XREF: code_1385+1Ar RAM:0002 ; code_13BD+9r ... RAM:0003 .equ RAM_3,3 ; DATA XREF: code_AF2+29r RAM:0003 ; code:0D9Ar ... RAM:0004 .equ RAM_4,4 ; DATA XREF: code:0139r RAM:0004 ; IE0_0_0+A8Fr ... RAM:0005 .equ RAM_5,5 ; DATA XREF: code_7D40-71FAw RAM:0005 ; code_104C+51r ... RAM:0006 .equ RAM_6,6 ; DATA XREF: code_7D40-745Dw RAM:0006 ; code_7D40-744Fr ... RAM:0007 .equ RAM_7,7 ; DATA XREF: code_104C+1D7r RAM:0007 ; TF1_0+5FDr ... RAM:0008 .equ RAM_8,8 ; DATA XREF: code:011Fr RAM:0008 ; code_1250+59w ... RAM:0009 .equ RAM_9,9 ; DATA XREF: code:0121r RAM:0009 ; code_1250+5Bw ... RAM:000A .equ RAM_A,0xA ; DATA XREF: code:016Ar RAM:000A ; code_1250+B4r ... RAM:000B .equ RAM_B,0xB ; DATA XREF: code_1250+D5r RAM:000B ; code_14BF+2Cr ... RAM:000C .equ RAM_C,0xC ; DATA XREF: code:01BDr RAM:000C ; code_1250+D7r ... RAM:000D .equ RAM_D,0xD ; DATA XREF: code:012Er RAM:000D ; code_1250+DCr ... RAM:000E .equ RAM_E,0xE ; DATA XREF: code:code_155r RAM:000F .equ RAM_F,0xF ; DATA XREF: code:014Er RAM:0010 .equ RAM_10,0x10 ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2D6Er RAM:0010 ; IE0_0_0+59Fr ... RAM:0011 .equ RAM_11,0x11 ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0+DCw RAM:0011 ; IE0_0_0+E0r ... RAM:0012 .equ RAM_12,0x12 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+2E6r RAM:0012 ; code_9A02+6w RAM:0013 .equ RAM_13,0x13 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+2ECr RAM:0013 ; code_9A02+8w RAM:0014 .equ RAM_14,0x14 ; DATA XREF: IEX4_0_0+Ar RAM:0014 ; code_9A02+11w RAM:0015 .equ RAM_15,0x15 ; DATA XREF: IEX4_0_0+10r RAM:0015 ; code_9A02+13w RAM:0016 .equ RAM_16,0x16 ; DATA XREF: code_216C-780r RAM:0016 ; code_216C-713w ... RAM:0017 .equ RAM_17,0x17 ; DATA XREF: code_216C-756w RAM:0017 ; IE1_0+8w ... RAM:0018 .equ RAM_18,0x18 ; DATA XREF: code:0148r RAM:0018 ; code:code_1AEr ... RAM:0019 .equ RAM_19,0x19 ; DATA XREF: TF1_0+6BCw RAM:0019 ; TF1_0+6CFw ... RAM:001A .equ RAM_1A,0x1A ; DATA XREF: TF1_0:code_2709w RAM:001A ; TF1_0+6CCw ... RAM:001B .equ RAM_1B,0x1B ; DATA XREF: TF1_0:code_26B8w RAM:001B ; TF1_0+66Fw ... RAM:001C RAM:001D .equ RAM_1D,0x1D ; DATA XREF: TF1_0+6AAr RAM:001D ; TF1_0+6ADw ... RAM:001E .equ RAM_1E,0x1E ; DATA XREF: TF1_0+728w RAM:001E ; code_9A75+2Br RAM:001F .equ RAM_1F,0x1F ; DATA XREF: TF1_0+6E1r RAM:001F ; code_9D6B+42w RAM:0020 .equ RAM_20,0x20 ; DATA XREF: code:008Dw RAM:0020 ; code:021Dw ... RAM:0021 .equ RAM_21,0x21 ; DATA XREF: code:0094w RAM:0021 ; code_2184-82Er ... RAM:0022 .equ RAM_22,0x22 ; DATA XREF: code:00C1r RAM:0022 ; code_1B32+53w ... RAM:0023 .equ RAM_23,0x23 ; DATA XREF: code_2136:code_1EB8r RAM:0023 ; IEX3_0+1B9r ... RAM:0024 .equ RAM_24,0x24 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0r RAM:0024 ; IEX3_0:code_22C2r ... RAM:0025 .equ RAM_25,0x25 ; DATA XREF: code:code_80r RAM:0025 ; code:0083w ... RAM:0026 .equ RAM_26,0x26 ; DATA XREF: code_1F1C+6Br RAM:0026 ; code_1F1C+6Ew ... RAM:0027 .equ RAM_27,0x27 ; DATA XREF: code_104C+EBr RAM:0027 ; code_1341+22r ... RAM:0028 .equ RAM_28,0x28 ; DATA XREF: code:00A5w RAM:0028 ; code:code_A9w ... RAM:0029 .equ RAM_29,0x29 ; DATA XREF: code_400+16w RAM:0029 ; code_400:code_41Aw ... RAM:002A .equ RAM_2A,0x2A ; DATA XREF: code:00E3w RAM:002A ; code_EFF+5r ... RAM:002B .equ RAM_2B,0x2B ; DATA XREF: code_1250+41r RAM:002B ; code_1250+43r ... RAM:002C .equ RAM_2C,0x2C ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+27Cr RAM:002C ; IEX3_0+27Ew ... RAM:002D .equ RAM_2D,0x2D ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+280r RAM:002D ; IEX3_0+300r ... RAM:002E .equ RAM_2E,0x2E ; DATA XREF: code_7D40-75EBw RAM:002E ; code_7D40-75ADw ... RAM:002F .equ RAM_2F,0x2F ; DATA XREF: code_920-114w RAM:002F ; code_21DE-1576w ... RAM:0030 .equ RAM_30,0x30 ; DATA XREF: code:code_19Dr RAM:0030 ; code_21DE:code_D10w ... RAM:0031 .equ RAM_31,0x31 ; DATA XREF: code_7D40:code_7A4w RAM:0031 ; code_7D40-7590w ... RAM:0032 .equ RAM_32,0x32 ; DATA XREF: code_7D40-761Bw RAM:0032 ; code_7D40:code_738w ... RAM:0033 .equ RAM_33,0x33 ; DATA XREF: code_7D40-7676w RAM:0033 ; code_7D40-7617w ... RAM:0034 .equ RAM_34,0x34 ; DATA XREF: code_920:code_80Aw RAM:0034 ; code:0AE3w ... RAM:0035 .equ RAM_35,0x35 ; DATA XREF: code_7D40-7647w RAM:0035 ; code_7D40-7625r ... RAM:0036 .equ RAM_36,0x36 ; DATA XREF: code:0D9Fr RAM:0036 ; code_104C+5Ar ... RAM:0037 .equ RAM_37,0x37 ; DATA XREF: code_216C-6E2r RAM:0037 ; code_1F1C+25r ... RAM:0038 .equ RAM_38,0x38 ; DATA XREF: code_21DE-153Cr RAM:0038 ; code_21DE-14F5r ... RAM:0039 RAM:003A .equ RAM_3A,0x3A ; DATA XREF: code_83FD+D3w RAM:003B .equ RAM_3B,0x3B ; DATA XREF: code_B4B+3r RAM:003B ; code_21DE-153Er ... RAM:003C .equ RAM_3C,0x3C ; DATA XREF: code_104C+83r RAM:003C ; code_104C+C7r ... RAM:003D .equ RAM_3D,0x3D ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2ADDw RAM:003D ; IE0_0_0+32Ar ... RAM:003E .equ RAM_3E,0x3E ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0+30Fw RAM:003E ; IE0_0_0+324r ... RAM:003F .equ T2count,0x3F ; DATA XREF: TF2_EXF2_0w RAM:003F ; IEX3_0+246r ... RAM:0040 .equ RAM_40,0x40 ; DATA XREF: code_104C+192r RAM:0040 ; code_1490+3r ... RAM:0041 .equ RAM_41,0x41 ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0+864w RAM:0041 ; IE0_0_0+86Fw ... RAM:0042 .equ RAM_42,0x42 ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0+866w RAM:0042 ; IE0_0_0+871w ... RAM:0043 .equ RAM_43,0x43 ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0+748r RAM:0043 ; IE0_0_0+79Cr ... RAM:0044 .equ RAM_44,0x44 ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0+799r RAM:0044 ; IE0_0_0+79Cw ... RAM:0045 .equ RAM_45,0x45 ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0+799w RAM:0045 ; code_B4B+6D90w ... RAM:0046 .equ RAM_46,0x46 ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0+73Cw RAM:0046 ; IE0_0_0+74Cw ... RAM:0047 .equ RAM_47,0x47 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0:code_22D2w RAM:0047 ; IEX3_0:code_27C0w ... RAM:0048 .equ RAM_48,0x48 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+225w RAM:0048 ; IEX3_0+22Aw ... RAM:0049 .equ RAM_49,0x49 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+230w RAM:0049 ; IEX3_0+551w ... RAM:004A .equ RAM_4A,0x4A ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0:IEX3_0_1w RAM:004A ; IEX3_0:code_22B7w ... RAM:004B .equ RAM_4B,0x4B ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+2B0r RAM:004B ; IE0_0_0+3C5w ... RAM:004C .equ RAM_4C,0x4C ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+2B3r RAM:004C ; IE0_0_0+3C7w ... RAM:004D .equ RAM_4D,0x4D ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+2C9r RAM:004D ; IE0_0_0+38Aw ... RAM:004E .equ RAM_4E,0x4E ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+2CCr RAM:004E ; IE0_0_0+38Cw ... RAM:004F .equ RAM_4F,0x4F ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+22Dw RAM:004F ; IEX3_0+23Dw ... RAM:0050 .equ RAM_50,0x50 ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0+7Fr RAM:0050 ; IE0_0_0+376r ... RAM:0051 .equ RAM_51,0x51 ; DATA XREF: code_1846+80r RAM:0051 ; code_2184-7BEr ... RAM:0052 .equ RAM_52,0x52 ; DATA XREF: code_1F1C+70w RAM:0052 ; IE0_0_0:code_2C55w ... RAM:0053 .equ RAM_53,0x53 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0:code_2366r RAM:0053 ; IE0_0_0+7Cw ... RAM:0054 .equ RAM_54,0x54 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+1C2w RAM:0054 ; IEX3_0+2ADr ... RAM:0055 .equ RAM_55,0x55 ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2B45r RAM:0055 ; IE0_0_0+611r ... RAM:0056 .equ RAM_56,0x56 ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0+499r RAM:0056 ; IE0_0_0+4B2r ... RAM:0057 .equ RAM_57,0x57 ; DATA XREF: code_1250+E7w RAM:0057 ; IE0_0_0:code_3271r RAM:0058 .equ RAM_58,0x58 ; DATA XREF: code_1250+E9w RAM:0058 ; IE0_0_0+AA2r RAM:0059 .equ RAM_59,0x59 ; DATA XREF: code_1250+EBw RAM:0059 ; IE0_0_0+A8Fw ... RAM:005A .equ RAM_5A,0x5A ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0+48Dw RAM:005A ; IE0_0_0:code_32B2r ... RAM:005B .equ RAM_5B,0x5B ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+3B5r RAM:005B ; IEX3_0+3F0r ... RAM:005C .equ RAM_5C,0x5C ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+3AEr RAM:005C ; IEX3_0+3E9r ... RAM:005D .equ RAM_5D,0x5D ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0+768r RAM:005D ; code_6BC3:code_6C48w RAM:005E .equ RAM_5E,0x5E ; DATA XREF: code_66DA+11Fw RAM:005E ; IE0_0_0:code_684Cr RAM:005F .equ RAM_5F,0x5F ; DATA XREF: code_2184-825r RAM:005F ; code_2184-7F3w ... RAM:0060 .equ RAM_60,0x60 ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0+B4Dr RAM:0060 ; code_6BC3+30w RAM:0061 .equ RAM_61,0x61 ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0+896r RAM:0061 ; IE0_0_0+899w ... RAM:0062 .equ RAM_62,0x62 ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0:code_3062r RAM:0062 ; IE0_0_0+8B3r ... RAM:0063 .equ RAM_63,0x63 ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2F4Er RAM:0063 ; IE0_0_0+782w ... RAM:0064 .equ RAM_64,0x64 ; DATA XREF: TF1_0+5EFr RAM:0064 ; code_695E+1Ew ... RAM:0065 .equ RAM_65,0x65 ; DATA XREF: TF1_0+5F2r RAM:0065 ; code_695E+1Cw ... RAM:0066 .equ RAM_66,0x66 ; DATA XREF: TF1_0+5E9r RAM:0066 ; code_695E+1Aw RAM:0067 .equ RAM_67,0x67 ; DATA XREF: TF1_0+5ECr RAM:0067 ; code_695E+18w RAM:0068 .equ RAM_68,0x68 ; DATA XREF: code:code_CEw RAM:0068 ; code:0102w ... RAM:0069 .equ RAM_69,0x69 ; DATA XREF: TF1_0+5EFw RAM:0069 ; TF1_0+600w ... RAM:006A .equ RAM_6A,0x6A ; DATA XREF: TF1_0+5F2w RAM:006A ; TF1_0+603w ... RAM:006B .equ RAM_6B,0x6B ; DATA XREF: TF1_0+627r RAM:006B ; TF1_0+643w ... RAM:006C .equ RAM_6C,0x6C ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0+B9Dr RAM:006C ; IE0_0_0+C25r ... RAM:006D .equ RAM_6D,0x6D ; DATA XREF: code_7D40-7581r RAM:006D ; code_7D40-7556r ... RAM:006E .equ RAM_6E,0x6E ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0+DEr RAM:006E ; code_213C:code_3978r ... RAM:006F .equ RAM_6F,0x6F ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+461w RAM:006F ; IE0_0_0+B31w ... RAM:0070 .equ RAM_70,0x70 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0:code_24FEw RAM:0070 ; IE0_0_0:code_32FFw ... RAM:0071 .equ RAM_71,0x71 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+1C4w RAM:0071 ; IEX3_0+1C7w ... RAM:0072 .equ RAM_72,0x72 ; DATA XREF: code_218A-68Dr RAM:0072 ; code_218A:code_1B06w ... RAM:0073 .equ RAM_73,0x73 ; DATA XREF: code_400+20r RAM:0073 ; code_7387w ... RAM:0074 .equ RAM_74,0x74 ; DATA XREF: code_400+23r RAM:0074 ; code_7387+3w ... RAM:0075 .equ RAM_75,0x75 ; DATA XREF: code_400+8r RAM:0075 ; code_7D40:code_A1Br ... RAM:0076 .equ RAM_76,0x76 ; DATA XREF: code_400+Br RAM:0076 ; code_7387+9w ... RAM:0077 .equ RAM_77,0x77 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+2F9r RAM:0077 ; IEX4_0_0+66w ... RAM:0078 .equ RAM_78,0x78 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0:code_2319w RAM:0078 ; code_95E4+BAr ... RAM:0079 .equ RAM_79,0x79 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0:code_2319r RAM:0079 ; IEX3_0+2F9w RAM:007A .equ RAM_7A,0x7A ; DATA XREF: IEX4_0_0+1Dw RAM:007A ; IEX4_0_0+A8r RAM:007B .equ RAM_7B,0x7B ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0:code_2D80r RAM:007B ; IE0_0_0+5B1r ... RAM:007C .equ RAM_7C,0x7C ; DATA XREF: IEX4_0_0+30w RAM:007C ; IEX4_0_0+8Er ... RAM:007D .equ RAM_7D,0x7D ; DATA XREF: code_7D40-7584r RAM:007D ; code_7D40-7559r ... RAM:007E RAM:007F .equ RAM_7F,0x7F ; DATA XREF: code_1DA2:code_1E02r RAM:007F ; end of 'RAM' RAM:007F FSR:0080 ; =========================================================================== FSR:0080 FSR:0080 ; Segment type: Internal processor memory & SFR FSR:0080 ;.segment FSR FSR:0080 ; .equ $, 0x80 FSR:0080 .equ P0,0x80 ; DATA XREF: code:00D7r FSR:0080 ; code:010Fw ... FSR:0080 ; Port 0 FSR:0081 .equ SP,0x81 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+28Bw FSR:0081 ; code_B4B+509Dw ... FSR:0081 ; Stack Pointer FSR:0082 .equ DPL,0x82 ; DATA XREF: code:0098r FSR:0082 ; code:code_ABw ... FSR:0082 ; Data Pointer, Low Byte FSR:0083 .equ DPH,0x83 ; DATA XREF: code:0096r FSR:0083 ; code:00ADw ... FSR:0083 ; Data Pointer, High Byte FSR:0084 .equ RESERVED0084,0x84 ; RESERVED FSR:0085 .equ RESERVED0085,0x85 ; RESERVED FSR:0086 .equ WDTREL,0x86 ; Watchdog Timer Reload Register FSR:0087 .equ PCON,0x87 ; DATA XREF: code_7D40-7689w FSR:0087 ; code_B4B:code_B5Bw ... FSR:0087 ; Power Control Register FSR:0088 .equ TCON,0x88 ; DATA XREF: TF0_0+2w FSR:0088 ; IEX3_0+2A1r ... FSR:0088 ; Timer Control Register FSR:0089 .equ TMOD,0x89 ; DATA XREF: code_B4B+508Ew FSR:0089 ; code_B4B+5421w FSR:0089 ; Timer Mode Register FSR:008A .equ TL0,0x8A ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+2B0w FSR:008A ; IEX3_0+2C9w ... FSR:008A ; Timer 0, Low Byte FSR:008B .equ TL1,0x8B ; DATA XREF: TF1_0+5ECw FSR:008B ; TF1_0+5FDw ... FSR:008B ; Timer 1, Low Byte FSR:008C .equ TH0,0x8C ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+2B3w FSR:008C ; IEX3_0+2CCw ... FSR:008C ; Timer 0, High Byte FSR:008D .equ TH1,0x8D ; DATA XREF: TF1_0+5E9w FSR:008D ; TF1_0:code_264Aw ... FSR:008D ; Timer 1, High Byte FSR:008E .equ RESERVED008E,0x8E ; RESERVED FSR:008F .equ RESERVED008F,0x8F ; RESERVED FSR:0090 .equ P1,0x90 ; DATA XREF: code_EFF-696w FSR:0090 ; code_EFF-693r ... FSR:0090 ; Port 1 FSR:0091 .equ XPAGE,0x91 ; Page Address Register for Extended On-Chip RAM FSR:0092 .equ RESERVED0092,0x92 ; RESERVED FSR:0093 .equ RESERVED0093,0x93 ; RESERVED FSR:0094 .equ RESERVED0094,0x94 ; RESERVED FSR:0095 .equ RESERVED0095,0x95 ; RESERVED FSR:0096 .equ RESERVED0096,0x96 ; RESERVED FSR:0097 .equ RESERVED0097,0x97 ; RESERVED FSR:0098 .equ SCON,0x98 ; DATA XREF: code_7D40-7686w FSR:0098 ; code_7D40:code_6CFw ... FSR:0098 ; Serial Channel Control Register FSR:0099 .equ SBUF,0x99 ; DATA XREF: code_7D40-7674w FSR:0099 ; code_7D40-7656w ... FSR:0099 ; Serial Channel Buffer Register FSR:009A .equ RESERVED009A,0x9A ; RESERVED FSR:009B .equ RESERVED009B,0x9B ; RESERVED FSR:009C .equ RESERVED009C,0x9C ; RESERVED FSR:009D .equ RESERVED009D,0x9D ; RESERVED FSR:009E .equ RESERVED009E,0x9E ; RESERVED FSR:009F .equ RESERVED009F,0x9F ; RESERVED FSR:00A0 .equ P2,0xA0 ; DATA XREF: code:0085w FSR:00A0 ; code:00BEw ... FSR:00A0 ; Port 2 FSR:00A1 .equ RESERVED00A1,0xA1 ; RESERVED FSR:00A2 .equ RESERVED00A2,0xA2 ; RESERVED FSR:00A3 .equ RESERVED00A3,0xA3 ; RESERVED FSR:00A4 .equ RESERVED00A4,0xA4 ; RESERVED FSR:00A5 .equ RESERVED00A5,0xA5 ; RESERVED FSR:00A6 .equ RESERVED00A6,0xA6 ; RESERVED FSR:00A7 .equ RESERVED00A7,0xA7 ; RESERVED FSR:00A8 .equ IEN0,0xA8 ; DATA XREF: code:code_109w FSR:00A8 ; code:010Bw ... FSR:00A8 ; Interrupt Enable Register 0 FSR:00A9 .equ IP0,0xA9 ; DATA XREF: RESET_0r FSR:00A9 ; code_B4B:code_5BD0w ... FSR:00A9 ; Interrupt Priority Register 0 FSR:00AA .equ SRELL,0xAA ; Serial Channel Reload Register, Low Byte FSR:00AB .equ RESERVED00AB,0xAB ; RESERVED FSR:00AC .equ RESERVED00AC,0xAC ; RESERVED FSR:00AD .equ RESERVED00AD,0xAD ; RESERVED FSR:00AE .equ RESERVED00AE,0xAE ; RESERVED FSR:00AF .equ RESERVED00AF,0xAF ; DATA XREF: code:code_1BAw FSR:00AF ; RESERVED FSR:00B0 .equ P3,0xB0 ; DATA XREF: code_EFF-68Aw FSR:00B0 ; code_EFF-687r ... FSR:00B0 ; Port 3 FSR:00B1 .equ SYSCON,0xB1 ; System/XRAM Control Register FSR:00B2 .equ RESERVED00B2,0xB2 ; RESERVED FSR:00B3 .equ RESERVED00B3,0xB3 ; RESERVED FSR:00B4 .equ RESERVED00B4,0xB4 ; RESERVED FSR:00B5 .equ RESERVED00B5,0xB5 ; RESERVED FSR:00B6 .equ RESERVED00B6,0xB6 ; RESERVED FSR:00B7 .equ RESERVED00B7,0xB7 ; RESERVED FSR:00B8 .equ IEN1,0xB8 ; DATA XREF: RESET_0+6w FSR:00B8 ; code:010Dw ... FSR:00B8 ; Interrupt Enable Register 1 FSR:00B9 .equ IP1,0xB9 ; DATA XREF: code_B4B+5088w FSR:00B9 ; code_B4B+5439w FSR:00B9 ; Interrupt Priority Register 1 FSR:00BA .equ SRELH,0xBA ; Serial Channel Reload Register, High Byte FSR:00BB .equ RESERVED00BB,0xBB ; RESERVED FSR:00BC .equ RESERVED00BC,0xBC ; RESERVED FSR:00BD .equ RESERVED00BD,0xBD ; RESERVED FSR:00BE .equ RESERVED00BE,0xBE ; RESERVED FSR:00BF .equ RESERVED00BF,0xBF ; RESERVED FSR:00C0 .equ IRCON,0xC0 ; DATA XREF: code:007Ew FSR:00C0 ; code:00D1r ... FSR:00C0 ; Interrupt Request Control Register FSR:00C1 .equ CCEN,0xC1 ; DATA XREF: code:00C6w FSR:00C1 ; code:00CBw ... FSR:00C1 ; Comp./Capture Enable Reg. FSR:00C2 .equ CCL1,0xC2 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+2EAw FSR:00C2 ; IEX4_0_0+Cr ... FSR:00C2 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 1, Low Byte FSR:00C3 .equ CCH1,0xC3 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+2F0w FSR:00C3 ; IEX4_0_0+12r ... FSR:00C3 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 1, High Byte FSR:00C4 .equ CCL2,0xC4 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+3D6w FSR:00C4 ; IEX3_0+3ECr ... FSR:00C4 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, Low Byte FSR:00C5 .equ CCH2,0xC5 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0:code_246Dr FSR:00C5 ; IEX3_0+3DBr ... FSR:00C5 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 2, High Byte FSR:00C6 .equ CCL3,0xC6 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+39Bw FSR:00C6 ; IEX3_0+3B1r ... FSR:00C6 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, Low Byte FSR:00C7 .equ CCH3,0xC7 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0:code_2432r FSR:00C7 ; IEX3_0+3A0r ... FSR:00C7 ; Comp./Capture Reg. 3, High Byte FSR:00C8 .equ T2CON,0xC8 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0:code_225Fr FSR:00C8 ; IEX3_0+21Dw ... FSR:00C8 ; Timer 2 Control Register FSR:00C9 .equ RESERVED00C9,0xC9 ; RESERVED FSR:00CA .equ CRCL,0xCA ; DATA XREF: code:00C9w FSR:00CA ; IEX3_0+240r ... FSR:00CA ; Com./Rel./Capt. Reg. Low Byte FSR:00CB .equ CRCH,0xCB ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+243r FSR:00CB ; IEX3_0+248r ... FSR:00CB ; Com./Rel./Capt. Reg. High Byte FSR:00CC .equ TL2,0xCC ; DATA XREF: code_B4B+6D80w FSR:00CC ; Timer 2, Low Byte FSR:00CD .equ TH2,0xCD ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+24Ar FSR:00CD ; IEX3_0+24Er ... FSR:00CD ; Timer 2, High Byte FSR:00CE .equ RESERVED00CE,0xCE ; RESERVED FSR:00CF .equ RESERVED00CF,0xCF ; RESERVED FSR:00D0 .equ PSW,0xD0 ; DATA XREF: RESET_0+4w FSR:00D0 ; code_400r ... FSR:00D0 ; Program Status Word Register FSR:00D1 .equ RESERVED00D1,0xD1 ; RESERVED FSR:00D2 .equ RESERVED00D2,0xD2 ; RESERVED FSR:00D3 .equ RESERVED00D3,0xD3 ; RESERVED FSR:00D4 .equ RESERVED00D4,0xD4 ; RESERVED FSR:00D5 .equ RESERVED00D5,0xD5 ; DATA XREF: IEX3_0+28Bo FSR:00D5 ; code_B4B+509Do ... FSR:00D5 ; RESERVED FSR:00D6 .equ RESERVED00D6,0xD6 ; RESERVED FSR:00D7 .equ RESERVED00D7,0xD7 ; RESERVED FSR:00D8 .equ ADCON0,0xD8 ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0+97w FSR:00D8 ; IE0_0_0+9Aw ... FSR:00D8 ; A/D Converter Control Register FSR:00D9 .equ ADDATH,0xD9 ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0+737r FSR:00D9 ; code_B4B+6D24r ... FSR:00D9 ; A/D Converter Data Register, High Byte FSR:00DA .equ ADDATL,0xDA ; DATA XREF: IE0_0_0+9Dw FSR:00DA ; code_79B3+8w ... FSR:00DA ; A/D Converter Data Register, low Byte FSR:00DB .equ P6,0xDB ; Port 6, Analog/Digital Input FSR:00DC .equ ADCON1,0xDC ; A/D Converter Control Register 1 FSR:00DD .equ RESERVED00DD,0xDD ; RESERVED FSR:00DE .equ RESERVED00DE,0xDE ; RESERVED FSR:00DF .equ RESERVED00DF,0xDF ; RESERVED FSR:00E0 .equ ACC,0xE0 ; DATA XREF: RESET_0+2r FSR:00E0 ; code:00DDr ... FSR:00E0 ; Accumulator FSR:00E1 .equ RESERVED00E1,0xE1 ; RESERVED FSR:00E2 .equ RESERVED00E2,0xE2 ; RESERVED FSR:00E3 .equ RESERVED00E3,0xE3 ; RESERVED FSR:00E4 .equ RESERVED00E4,0xE4 ; RESERVED FSR:00E5 .equ RESERVED00E5,0xE5 ; RESERVED FSR:00E6 .equ RESERVED00E6,0xE6 ; RESERVED FSR:00E7 .equ RESERVED00E7,0xE7 ; RESERVED FSR:00E8 .equ P4,0xE8 ; DATA XREF: code:0111w FSR:00E8 ; code:0131w ... FSR:00E8 ; Port 4 FSR:00E9 .equ RESERVED00E9,0xE9 ; RESERVED FSR:00EA .equ RESERVED00EA,0xEA ; RESERVED FSR:00EB .equ RESERVED00EB,0xEB ; RESERVED FSR:00EC .equ RESERVED00EC,0xEC ; RESERVED FSR:00ED .equ RESERVED00ED,0xED ; RESERVED FSR:00EE .equ RESERVED00EE,0xEE ; RESERVED FSR:00EF .equ RESERVED00EF,0xEF ; RESERVED FSR:00F0 .equ B,0xF0 ; DATA XREF: code:0148w FSR:00F0 ; code:014Br ... FSR:00F0 ; B-Register FSR:00F1 .equ RESERVED00F1,0xF1 ; RESERVED FSR:00F2 .equ RESERVED00F2,0xF2 ; RESERVED FSR:00F3 .equ RESERVED00F3,0xF3 ; RESERVED FSR:00F4 .equ RESERVED00F4,0xF4 ; RESERVED FSR:00F5 .equ RESERVED00F5,0xF5 ; RESERVED FSR:00F6 .equ RESERVED00F6,0xF6 ; RESERVED FSR:00F7 .equ RESERVED00F7,0xF7 ; RESERVED FSR:00F8 .equ P5,0xF8 ; DATA XREF: code:0124w FSR:00F8 ; code:012Aw ... FSR:00F8 ; Port 5 FSR:00F9 .equ RESERVED00F9,0xF9 ; RESERVED FSR:00FA .equ RESERVED00FA,0xFA ; RESERVED FSR:00FB .equ RESERVED00FB,0xFB ; RESERVED FSR:00FC .equ RESERVED00FC,0xFC ; RESERVED FSR:00FD .equ RESERVED00FD,0xFD ; DATA XREF: code:0173w FSR:00FD ; RESERVED FSR:00FE .equ RESERVED00FE,0xFE ; RESERVED FSR:00FF .equ RESERVED00FF,0xFF ; RESERVED FSR:00FF ; end of 'FSR' FSR:00FF FSR:00FF FSR:00FF .end ;RESET