# Hey Emacs, this is a -*- makefile -*- # # WinARM template makefile # by Martin Thomas, Kaiserslautern, Germany # # # Released to the Public Domain # Please read the make user manual! # # The user-configuration is based on the WinAVR makefile-template # written by Eric B. Weddington, Jörg Wunsch, et al. but the internal # handling used here is very different. # This makefile can also be used with the GNU tools included in # Yagarto, GNUARM or the Codesourcery packages. It should work # on Unix/Linux-Systems too. Just a rather up-to-date GNU make is # needed. # # # On command line: # # make all = Make software. # # make clean = Clean out built project files. # # make program = Upload load-image to the device # # make filename.s = Just compile filename.c into the assembler code only # # make filename.o = Create object filename.o from filename.c (using CFLAGS) # # To rebuild project do "make clean" then "make all". # # Changes: # - 17. Feb. 2005 - added thumb-interwork support (mth) # - 28. Apr. 2005 - added C++ support (mth) # - 29. Arp. 2005 - changed handling for lst-Filename (mth) # - 1. Nov. 2005 - exception-vector placement options (mth) # - 15. Nov. 2005 - added library-search-path (EXTRA_LIB...) (mth) # - 2. Dec. 2005 - fixed ihex and binary file extensions (mth) # - 22. Feb. 2006 - added AT91LIBNOWARN setting (mth) # - 19. Apr. 2006 - option FLASH_TOOL (mth) # - 23. Jun. 2006 - option USE_THUMB_MODE -> THUMB/THUMB_IW # - 3. Aug. 2006 - added -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections to CFLAGS # and --gc-sections to LDFLAGS. Only available for gcc >=4 (mth) # (needs appropriate linker-script, remove them when using a # "simple" linker-script) # - 4. Aug. 2006 - pass SUBMDL-define to frontend (mth) # - 11. Nov. 2006 - FLASH_TOOL-config, TCHAIN-config (mth) # - 28. Mar. 2007 - remove .dep-Directory with rm -r -f and force "no error" (mth) # - 24. Apr. 2007 - added "both" option for format (.bin and .hex) (mth) # - 20. Aug. 2007 - extraincdirs in asflags, passing a "board"-define (mth) # - 13. Sep. 2007 - create assembler from c-sources fixed (make foo.s for foo.c) (mth) # - IMGEXT no longer used and removed (mth) # - moved some entries (mth) # - 25. Oct. 2007 - reverted 20070328-change (b/o "race condition" with # make clean all or when called from Eclipse) (mth) # - removed "for flash" from objdump message-string (mth) # - added same remarks (mth) # - 30. Oct. 2007 - Support for an output-directory with all files # created during "make all". (mth) # - modified targets which creates assembler (lower-case s) # from C-source using make <.c-file w/o ext.>.s (mth) # - removed redundant/unused defines, overall cleanup (mth) # - 10. Nov. 2007 - renamed TCHAIN to TCHAIN_PREFIX, other minor cleanup (mth) # - 13. Mar. 2008 - renamed FORMAT to LOADFORMAT, edited some comments/messages (mth) # - 13. Apr. 2009 - OpenOCD options for batch-programming (make program) (mth) # - 1. May 2009 - replaced SUBMDL with CHIP (mth) # - 15. Jul. 2009 - ComSpec environment-variable to select host-OS, should # increase compatibility (mth) # - 1. Sep. 2009 - rename ROM_RUN->FLASH_RUN, VECT_TAB_ROM->VECT_TAB_FLASH (mth) # - 11. Sep. 2009 - new target to create output directories. attempt for better # "Win32 only" support (without "Unix"-shell and -tools) (mth) # This is much faster on Win32 then MSYS/MinGW or Cygwin. (mth) # - 5. Dec. 2009 - automatic selection of gcc or g++ for linking. g++ used when C++ # source-files are listed. -nostartfiles not used for C++ (mth) # - 16. May. 2010 - on Win32 use set instead of env to get environment, removed # flashing with uVision, added BOARD to CDEFS and ADEFS, phony # targets listed in one line, removed setting for output-format # and always create both (.hex and .bin), added debug-format gdb, # rename AT91LIBNOWARN to DISABLESPECIALWARNINGS, removed target # finished, remark on rm/cs-rm, other minor clean-ups, tested # with GNU make version 3.81 from CS and Cygwin (mth) # - 13. Jun. 2010 - Trigger build when non-source files have changed # (see BUILDONCHANGE). (mth) # Toolchain prefix (arm-elf- -> arm-elf-gcc.exe) TCHAIN_PREFIX = arm-none-eabi- #TCHAIN_PREFIX = arm-eabi- #TCHAIN_PREFIX = arm-elf- # cs-rm is a standard GNU rm which gets installed with CS G++ lite. # Just the filename is different. Use REMOVE_CMD=rm in environments # with rm (Linux, BSD, msys, Cygwin etc.) #REMOVE_CMD=rm REMOVE_CMD=cs-rm # YES enables -mthumb option to flags for source-files listed # in SRC and CPPSRC and -mthumb-interwork option for all source USE_THUMB_MODE = YES #USE_THUMB_MODE = NO # MCU name, submodel and board # - MCU used for compiler-option (-mcpu) # - SUBMDL used for linker-script name (-T) and passed as define # - BOARD just passed as define (don't used '-' characters) MCU = cortex-m3 CHIP = STM32F10x_128k_20k BOARD = EK_STM32F #BOARD = MINI_STM32 F_XTAL = 8000000 SYSCLOCK_CL = SYSCLK_FREQ_72MHz=72000000 # *** This example only supports "FLASH_RUN" *** # RUN_MODE is passed as define and used for the linker-script filename, # the user has to implement the necessary operations for # the used mode (i.e. no copy of .data, remapping...) # Create FLASH-Image RUN_MODE=FLASH_RUN # Create RAM-Image #RUN_MODE=RAM_RUN # Exception-vectors placement option is just passed as define, # the user has to implement the necessary operations (i.e. remapping) # Exception vectors in FLASH: VECTOR_TABLE_LOCATION=VECT_TAB_FLASH # Exception vectors in RAM: #VECTOR_TABLE_LOCATION=VECT_TAB_RAM # Directory for output files (lst, obj, dep, elf, sym, map, hex, bin etc.) OUTDIR = $(RUN_MODE) # Target file name (without extension). TARGET = project # Utility variables APPLIBDIR = ./Libraries STMLIBDIR = $(APPLIBDIR) STMSPDDIR = $(STMLIBDIR)/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver STMSPDSRCDIR = $(STMSPDDIR)/src STMSPDINCDIR = $(STMSPDDIR)/inc CMSISCOREDIR = $(STMLIBDIR)/CMSIS/CM3/CoreSupport CMSISDEVDIR = $(STMLIBDIR)/CMSIS/CM3/DeviceSupport/ST/STM32F10x FATFSDIR = $(APPLIBDIR)/fat_sd FATFSDIR_DEV = $(APPLIBDIR)/fat_sd_dev MININIDIR = $(APPLIBDIR)/minIni STMEEEMULDIR = $(APPLIBDIR)/EEPROMEmulation_AN STMEEEMULSRCDIR = $(STMEEEMULDIR)/source STMEEEMULINCDIR = $(STMEEEMULDIR)/include # List C source files here. (C dependencies are automatically generated.) # use file-extension c for "c-only"-files ## Demo-Application: SRC = main.c rtc.c comm.c term_io.c ff_test_term.c misc_test_term.c ## Chan's fat and my low-level drivers SRC += $(FATFSDIR)/ff.c $(FATFSDIR)/option/ccsbcs.c #SRC += $(FATFSDIR_DEV)/ff.c $(FATFSDIR_DEV)/option/ccsbcs.c SRC += $(FATFSDIR)/fattime.c $(FATFSDIR)/sd_spi_stm32.c ## compiler- and libc-specific sources SRC += startup_stm32f10x_md_mthomas.c SRC += syscalls.c SRC += dcc_stdio.c ## ITB CompuPhase's minIni SRC += $(MININIDIR)/minIni.c ## CMSIS for STM32 SRC += $(CMSISCOREDIR)/core_cm3.c SRC += $(CMSISDEVDIR)/system_stm32f10x.c ## used parts of the STM-Library SRC += $(STMSPDSRCDIR)/stm32f10x_usart.c SRC += $(STMSPDSRCDIR)/stm32f10x_flash.c SRC += $(STMSPDSRCDIR)/stm32f10x_gpio.c SRC += $(STMSPDSRCDIR)/stm32f10x_rcc.c SRC += $(STMSPDSRCDIR)/stm32f10x_spi.c SRC += $(STMSPDSRCDIR)/stm32f10x_rtc.c SRC += $(STMSPDSRCDIR)/stm32f10x_bkp.c SRC += $(STMSPDSRCDIR)/stm32f10x_pwr.c SRC += $(STMSPDSRCDIR)/stm32f10x_dma.c SRC += $(STMSPDSRCDIR)/stm32f10x_tim.c SRC += $(STMSPDSRCDIR)/misc.c ## EEprom Emulation AppNote Code SRC += $(STMEEEMULSRCDIR)/eeprom.c # List C source files here which must be compiled in ARM-Mode (no -mthumb). # use file-extension c for "c-only"-files ## just for testing, timer.c could be compiled in thumb-mode too SRCARM = # List C++ source files here. # use file-extension .cpp for C++-files (not .C) CPPSRC = # List C++ source files here which must be compiled in ARM-Mode. # use file-extension .cpp for C++-files (not .C) #CPPSRCARM = $(TARGET).cpp CPPSRCARM = # List Assembler source files here. # Make them always end in a capital .S. Files ending in a lowercase .s # will not be considered source files but generated files (assembler # output from the compiler), and will be deleted upon "make clean"! # Even though the DOS/Win* filesystem matches both .s and .S the same, # it will preserve the spelling of the filenames, and gcc itself does # care about how the name is spelled on its command-line. ASRC = # List Assembler source files here which must be assembled in ARM-Mode. ASRCARM = # Place project-specific -D (define) and/or -U options for C here. CDEFS = -DSTM32F10X_MD CDEFS += -DHSE_VALUE=$(F_XTAL)UL CDEFS += -D$(SYSCLOCK_CL) CDEFS += -DUSE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER CDEFS += -DUSE_$(BOARD) CDEFS += -DSTM32_SD_USE_DMA CDEFS += -DSTARTUP_DELAY # enable modifications in STM's libraries CDEFS += -DMOD_MTHOMAS_STMLIB # enables parameter-checking in STM's library CDEFS += -DUSE_FULL_ASSERT # Place project-specific -D and/or -U options for # Assembler with preprocessor here. ADEFS = # List any extra directories to look for include files here. # Each directory must be seperated by a space. EXTRAINCDIRS = $(STMSPDINCDIR) $(CMSISDEVDIR) $(CMSISCOREDIR) #EXTRAINCDIRS += $(FATFSDIR_DEV) EXTRAINCDIRS += $(FATFSDIR) EXTRAINCDIRS += $(MININIDIR) $(STMEEEMULINCDIR) # Extra libraries # Each library-name must be seperated by a space. # i.e. to link with libxyz.a, libabc.a and libefsl.a: # EXTRA_LIBS = xyz abc efsl # for newlib-lpc (file: libnewlibc-lpc.a): # EXTRA_LIBS = newlib-lpc EXTRA_LIBS = # List non-source files which should trigger build here # Typically the Makefile and selected header-files # Entries must be seperated by a space. BUILDONCHANGE = Makefile platform_config.h # Path to linker-scripts (see -T option) LINKERSCRIPTPATH = . # List any directories with files included from linker-scripts. # Each directory must be seperated by a space. LINKERSCRIPTINC = . # List any extra directories to look for library files here. # Each directory must be seperated by a space. EXTRA_LIBDIRS = # Optimization level, can be [0, 1, 2, 3, s]. # 0 = Turn off optimization. Reduce compilation time and make debugging # produce the expected results. # 1 = The compiler tries to reduce code size and execution time, without # performing any optimizations that take a great deal of compilation time. # 2 = GCC performs nearly all supported optimizations that do not involve a # space-speed tradeoff. As compared to -O1, this option increases # both compilation time and the performance of the generated code. # 3 = Optimize yet more. Turns on -finline-functions and more. # s = -Os enables all -O2 optimizations that do not typically increase code # size. # (See gcc manual for further information) OPT = s #OPT = 2 #OPT = 3 #OPT = 0 # Debugging format. #DEBUG = stabs #DEBUG = dwarf-2 DEBUG = gdb # Compiler flag to set the C Standard level. # c89 - "ANSI" C # gnu89 - c89 plus GCC extensions # c99 - ISO C99 standard (not yet fully implemented) # gnu99 - c99 plus GCC extensions CSTANDARD = -std=gnu99 # Flash programming tool FLASH_TOOL = OPENOCD #FLASH_TOOL = LPC21ISP # Some warnings can be disabled by this setting # (useful for the old single-file AT91-lib) # yes - disable some warnings # no - keep default settings #DISABLESPECIALWARNINGS = yes DISABLESPECIALWARNINGS = no # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Options for lpc21isp by Martin Maurer # lpc21isp only supports NXP LPC and Analog ADuC ARMs though the # integrated uart-bootloader (ISP) # # Settings and variables: LPC21ISP = lpc21isp LPC21ISP_FLASHFILE = $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET).hex LPC21ISP_PORT = com1 LPC21ISP_BAUD = 57600 LPC21ISP_XTAL = 12000 # other options: # -debug: verbose output # -control: enter bootloader via RS232 DTR/RTS (only if hardware # supports this feature - see NXP AppNote) LPC21ISP_OPTIONS = -control #LPC21ISP_OPTIONS += -debug # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Options for OpenOCD flash-programming # see openocd.pdf/openocd.texi for further information # OOCD_LOADFILE+=$(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET).elf # if OpenOCD is in the $PATH just set OPENOCDEXE=openocd OOCD_EXE=./OpenOCD/bin/openocd # debug level OOCD_CL=-d0 #OOCD_CL=-d3 # interface and board/target settings (using the OOCD target-library here) ##OOCD_CL+=-f interface/jtagkey.cfg OOCD_CL+=-f interface/jtagkey2.cfg OOCD_CL+=-f target/stm32.cfg # initialize OOCD_CL+=-c init # enable "fast mode" - can be disabled for tests OOCD_CL+=-c "fast enable" # show the targets OOCD_CL+=-c targets # commands to prepare flash-write OOCD_CL+= -c "reset halt" # increase JTAG frequency a little bit - can be disabled for tests OOCD_CL+= -c "jtag_khz 1200" # disable polling (optional) OOCD_CL+= -c "poll off" # flash-write and -verify OOCD_CL+=-c "flash write_image erase $(OOCD_LOADFILE)" -c "verify_image $(OOCD_LOADFILE)" # reset target OOCD_CL+=-c "reset run" # terminate OOCD after programming OOCD_CL+=-c shutdown # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ifdef VECTOR_TABLE_LOCATION CDEFS += -D$(VECTOR_TABLE_LOCATION) ADEFS += -D$(VECTOR_TABLE_LOCATION) endif CDEFS += -D$(RUN_MODE) -D$(CHIP) -D$(BOARD) ADEFS += -D$(RUN_MODE) -D$(CHIP) -D$(BOARD) # Compiler flags. ifeq ($(USE_THUMB_MODE),YES) THUMB = -mthumb THUMB_IW = -mthumb-interwork else THUMB = THUMB_IW = endif # -g*: generate debugging information # -O*: optimization level # -f...: tuning, see GCC manual # -Wall...: warning level # -Wa,...: tell GCC to pass this to the assembler. # -adhlns...: create assembler listing # # Flags for C and C++ (arm-elf-gcc/arm-elf-g++) CFLAGS = -g$(DEBUG) CFLAGS += -O$(OPT) CFLAGS += -mcpu=$(MCU) $(THUMB_IW) CFLAGS += $(CDEFS) CFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-I%,$(EXTRAINCDIRS)) -I. # when using ".ramfunc"s without attribute longcall: #CFLAGS += -mlong-calls # -mapcs-frame is important if gcc's interrupt attributes are used # (at least from my eabi tests), not needed if assembler-wrappers are used #CFLAGS += -mapcs-frame #CFLAGS += -fomit-frame-pointer CFLAGS += -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections CFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra CFLAGS += -pedantic CFLAGS += -Wimplicit -Wcast-align -Wpointer-arith CFLAGS += -Wredundant-decls -Wshadow -Wcast-qual -Wcast-align CFLAGS += -Wa,-adhlns=$(addprefix $(OUTDIR)/, $(notdir $(addsuffix .lst, $(basename $<)))) # Compiler flags to generate dependency files: #CFLAGS += -MD -MP -MF $(OUTDIR)/dep/$(@F).d CFLAGS += -MMD -MP -MF $(OUTDIR)/dep/$(@F).d ##testing##CFLAGS += -MF"$@" -MG -MM -MP -MT"$@" -MT"$(<:.c=.o)" #CFLAGS += -fno-dwarf2-cfi-asm #CFLAGS += -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-nested-externs # flags only for C CONLYFLAGS += -Wnested-externs CONLYFLAGS += $(CSTANDARD) ifeq ($(DISABLESPECIALWARNINGS),yes) CFLAGS += -Wno-cast-qual CONLYFLAGS += -Wno-missing-prototypes CONLYFLAGS += -Wno-strict-prototypes CONLYFLAGS += -Wno-missing-declarations endif # flags only for C++ (arm-*-g++) CPPFLAGS = -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions # Assembler flags. # -Wa,...: tell GCC to pass this to the assembler. # -ahlns: create listing # -g$(DEBUG): have the assembler create line number information ASFLAGS = -mcpu=$(MCU) $(THUMB_IW) -I. -x assembler-with-cpp ASFLAGS += -D__ASSEMBLY__ $(ADEFS) ASFLAGS += -Wa,-adhlns=$(addprefix $(OUTDIR)/, $(notdir $(addsuffix .lst, $(basename $<)))) ASFLAGS += -Wa,-g$(DEBUG) ASFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-I%,$(EXTRAINCDIRS)) # Link with the GNU C++ stdlib. CPLUSPLUS_LIB = -lstdc++ #CPLUSPLUS_LIB += -lsupc++ # Linker flags. # -Wl,...: tell GCC to pass this to linker. # -Map: create map file # --cref: add cross reference to map file LDFLAGS = -Wl,-Map=$(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET).map,--cref,--gc-sections LDFLAGS += -lc -lm -lc -lgcc LDFLAGS += $(CPLUSPLUS_LIB) LDFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-L%,$(EXTRA_LIBDIRS)) LDFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-L%,$(LINKERSCRIPTINC)) LDFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-l%,$(EXTRA_LIBS)) # Set linker-script name depending on selected run-mode and chip ifeq ($(RUN_MODE),RAM_RUN) LDFLAGS +=-T$(LINKERSCRIPTPATH)/$(CHIP)_ram.ld else LDFLAGS +=-T$(LINKERSCRIPTPATH)/$(CHIP)_flash.ld endif # Autodetect environment SHELL = sh ifneq ($(or $(COMSPEC), $(ComSpec)),) $(info COMSPEC detected $(COMSPEC) $(ComSpec)) ifeq ($(findstring cygdrive,$(shell set)),) SHELL:=$(or $(COMSPEC),$(ComSpec)) SHELL_IS_WIN32=1 else $(info cygwin detected) #override user-setting since cygwin has rm REMOVE_CMD:=rm endif else #most probaly a Unix/Linux/BSD system which should have rm REMOVE_CMD:=rm endif $(info SHELL is $(SHELL), REMOVE_CMD is $(REMOVE_CMD)) # Define programs and commands. CC = $(TCHAIN_PREFIX)gcc CPP = $(TCHAIN_PREFIX)g++ AR = $(TCHAIN_PREFIX)ar OBJCOPY = $(TCHAIN_PREFIX)objcopy OBJDUMP = $(TCHAIN_PREFIX)objdump SIZE = $(TCHAIN_PREFIX)size NM = $(TCHAIN_PREFIX)nm REMOVE = $(REMOVE_CMD) -f # Define Messages # English MSG_BEGIN = -------- begin, mode: $(RUN_MODE) -------- MSG_END = -------- end -------- MSG_SIZE_BEFORE = Size before: MSG_SIZE_AFTER = Size after build: MSG_LOAD_FILE = Creating load file: MSG_EXTENDED_LISTING = Creating Extended Listing/Disassembly: MSG_SYMBOL_TABLE = Creating Symbol Table: MSG_LINKING = ---- Linking: MSG_COMPILING = ---- Compiling C: MSG_COMPILING_ARM = ---- Compiling C ARM-only: MSG_COMPILINGCPP = ---- Compiling C++: MSG_COMPILINGCPP_ARM = ---- Compiling C++ ARM-only: MSG_ASSEMBLING = ---- Assembling: MSG_ASSEMBLING_ARM = ---- Assembling ARM-only: MSG_CLEANING = Cleaning project: MSG_LPC21_RESETREMINDER = You may have to bring the target in bootloader-mode now. MSG_ASMFROMC = "Creating asm-File from C-Source:" MSG_ASMFROMC_ARM = "Creating asm-File from C-Source (ARM-only):" # List of all source files. ALLSRC = $(ASRCARM) $(ASRC) $(SRCARM) $(SRC) $(CPPSRCARM) $(CPPSRC) # List of all source files without directory and file-extension. ALLSRCBASE = $(notdir $(basename $(ALLSRC))) # Define all object files. ALLOBJ = $(addprefix $(OUTDIR)/, $(addsuffix .o, $(ALLSRCBASE))) # Define all listing files (used for make clean). LSTFILES = $(addprefix $(OUTDIR)/, $(addsuffix .lst, $(ALLSRCBASE))) # Define all depedency-files (used for make clean). DEPFILES = $(addprefix $(OUTDIR)/dep/, $(addsuffix .o.d, $(ALLSRCBASE))) elf: $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET).elf lss: $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET).lss sym: $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET).sym hex: $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET).hex bin: $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET).bin # Default target. all: begin createdirs gccversion build sizeafter end # Target for the build-sequence. build: elf lss sym hex bin # Create output directories. ifdef SHELL_IS_WIN32 createdirs: -@md $(OUTDIR) >NUL 2>&1 || echo "" >NUL -@md $(OUTDIR)\dep >NUL 2>&1 || echo "" >NUL else createdirs: -@mkdir $(OUTDIR) 2>/dev/null || echo "" >/dev/null -@mkdir $(OUTDIR)/dep 2>/dev/null || echo "" >/dev/null endif # Eye candy. begin: @echo $(MSG_BEGIN) end: @echo $(MSG_END) # Display sizes of sections. ELFSIZE = $(SIZE) -A $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET).elf sizebefore: # @if [ -f $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET).elf ]; then echo; echo $(MSG_SIZE_BEFORE); $(ELFSIZE); echo; fi sizeafter: # @if [ -f $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET).elf ]; then echo; echo $(MSG_SIZE_AFTER); $(ELFSIZE); echo; fi @echo $(MSG_SIZE_AFTER) $(ELFSIZE) # Display compiler version information. gccversion : @$(CC) --version # Program the device. ifeq ($(FLASH_TOOL),OPENOCD) # Program the device with Dominic Rath's OPENOCD in "batch-mode" program: $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET).elf @echo "Programming with OPENOCD" ifdef SHELL_IS_WIN32 $(subst /,\,$(OOCD_EXE)) $(OOCD_CL) else $(OOCD_EXE) $(OOCD_CL) endif else # Program the device using lpc21isp (for NXP2k and ADuC UART bootloader) program: $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET).hex @echo $(MSG_LPC21_RESETREMINDER) -$(LPC21ISP) $(LPC21ISP_OPTIONS) $(LPC21ISP_FLASHFILE) $(LPC21ISP_PORT) $(LPC21ISP_BAUD) $(LPC21ISP_XTAL) endif # Create final output file in ihex format from ELF output file (.hex). %.hex: %.elf @echo $(MSG_LOAD_FILE) $@ $(OBJCOPY) -O ihex $< $@ # Create final output file in raw binary format from ELF output file (.bin) %.bin: %.elf @echo $(MSG_LOAD_FILE) $@ $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ # Create extended listing file/disassambly from ELF output file. # using objdump (testing: option -C) %.lss: %.elf @echo $(MSG_EXTENDED_LISTING) $@ $(OBJDUMP) -h -S -C -r $< > $@ # Create a symbol table from ELF output file. %.sym: %.elf @echo $(MSG_SYMBOL_TABLE) $@ $(NM) -n $< > $@ # Link: create ELF output file from object files. .SECONDARY : $(TARGET).elf .PRECIOUS : $(ALLOBJ) %.elf: $(ALLOBJ) $(BUILDONCHANGE) @echo $(MSG_LINKING) $@ # use $(CC) for C-only projects or $(CPP) for C++-projects: ifeq "$(strip $(CPPSRC)$(CPPARM))" "" $(CC) $(THUMB) $(CFLAGS) $(ALLOBJ) --output $@ -nostartfiles $(LDFLAGS) else $(CPP) $(THUMB) $(CFLAGS) $(ALLOBJ) --output $@ $(LDFLAGS) endif # Assemble: create object files from assembler source files. define ASSEMBLE_TEMPLATE $(OUTDIR)/$(notdir $(basename $(1))).o : $(1) $(BUILDONCHANGE) @echo "hallo" @echo $(MSG_ASSEMBLING) $$< to $$@ $(CC) -c $(THUMB) $$(ASFLAGS) $$< -o $$@ endef $(foreach src, $(ASRC), $(eval $(call ASSEMBLE_TEMPLATE, $(src)))) # Assemble: create object files from assembler source files. ARM-only define ASSEMBLE_ARM_TEMPLATE $(OUTDIR)/$(notdir $(basename $(1))).o : $(1) $(BUILDONCHANGE) @echo $(MSG_ASSEMBLING_ARM) $$< to $$@ $(CC) -c $$(ASFLAGS) $$< -o $$@ endef $(foreach src, $(ASRCARM), $(eval $(call ASSEMBLE_ARM_TEMPLATE, $(src)))) # Compile: create object files from C source files. define COMPILE_C_TEMPLATE $(OUTDIR)/$(notdir $(basename $(1))).o : $(1) $(BUILDONCHANGE) @echo $(MSG_COMPILING) $$< to $$@ $(CC) -c $(THUMB) $$(CFLAGS) $$(CONLYFLAGS) $$< -o $$@ endef $(foreach src, $(SRC), $(eval $(call COMPILE_C_TEMPLATE, $(src)))) # Compile: create object files from C source files. ARM-only define COMPILE_C_ARM_TEMPLATE $(OUTDIR)/$(notdir $(basename $(1))).o : $(1) $(BUILDONCHANGE) @echo $(MSG_COMPILING_ARM) $$< to $$@ $(CC) -c $$(CFLAGS) $$(CONLYFLAGS) $$< -o $$@ endef $(foreach src, $(SRCARM), $(eval $(call COMPILE_C_ARM_TEMPLATE, $(src)))) # Compile: create object files from C++ source files. define COMPILE_CPP_TEMPLATE $(OUTDIR)/$(notdir $(basename $(1))).o : $(1) $(BUILDONCHANGE) @echo $(MSG_COMPILINGCPP) $$< to $$@ $(CC) -c $(THUMB) $$(CFLAGS) $$(CPPFLAGS) $$< -o $$@ endef $(foreach src, $(CPPSRC), $(eval $(call COMPILE_CPP_TEMPLATE, $(src)))) # Compile: create object files from C++ source files. ARM-only define COMPILE_CPP_ARM_TEMPLATE $(OUTDIR)/$(notdir $(basename $(1))).o : $(1) $(BUILDONCHANGE) @echo $(MSG_COMPILINGCPP_ARM) $$< to $$@ $(CC) -c $$(CFLAGS) $$(CPPFLAGS) $$< -o $$@ endef $(foreach src, $(CPPSRCARM), $(eval $(call COMPILE_CPP_ARM_TEMPLATE, $(src)))) # Compile: create assembler files from C source files. ARM/Thumb $(SRC:.c=.s) : %.s : %.c $(BUILDONCHANGE) @echo $(MSG_ASMFROMC) $< to $@ $(CC) $(THUMB) -S $(CFLAGS) $(CONLYFLAGS) $< -o $@ # Compile: create assembler files from C source files. ARM only $(SRCARM:.c=.s) : %.s : %.c $(BUILDONCHANGE) @echo $(MSG_ASMFROMC_ARM) $< to $@ $(CC) -S $(CFLAGS) $(CONLYFLAGS) $< -o $@ # Target: clean project. clean: begin clean_list end clean_list : @echo $(MSG_CLEANING) $(REMOVE) $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET).map $(REMOVE) $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET).elf $(REMOVE) $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET).hex $(REMOVE) $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET).bin $(REMOVE) $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET).sym $(REMOVE) $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET).lss $(REMOVE) $(ALLOBJ) $(REMOVE) $(LSTFILES) $(REMOVE) $(DEPFILES) $(REMOVE) $(SRC:.c=.s) $(REMOVE) $(SRCARM:.c=.s) $(REMOVE) $(CPPSRC:.cpp=.s) $(REMOVE) $(CPPSRCARM:.cpp=.s) # Include the dependency files. ##-include $(wildcard dep/*) -include $(wildcard *.d) # Listing of phony targets. .PHONY : all begin end sizebefore sizeafter gccversion build elf hex bin lss sym clean clean_list program createdirs