
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools building a cross toolchain for 68k, avr and arm

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von alexander (Guest)

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some time ago i wanted to use a current gcc for my development.
I wasn't happy with the toolchains i could download - too old compilers.
Thus i decided to compile the toolchain myself.

For this purpose, i have created a script which does all the downloading 
and compiling.

The toolchain build script supports the target architectures
* m68k-elf
* avr
* arm-none-eabi.

The toolchain can be built in the following environments
* debian
* fedora
* windows (inside a msys2 shell)

For each environment there is a script to install the required packages 
to build the toolchain
The script is available at https://github.com/haarer/toolchain68k

I use the self built toolchain for all my embedded development.
Since i am quite happy using a recent compiler (gcc 7.2 :) i think it 
might be worth to share it with others.

Under windows and atmel studio it is also very simple to integrate the 
toolchain into atmel studio. It works also together with eclipse.

There are also some examples and makefiles in the repository for 68k and 
arduino development.

Have fun!

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