
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics communication between two ATmega32 via TWI/I2C interface

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von Va Ma (Guest)

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Guys please help me!

My bachelor thesis is to implement the communication between two 
ATmega32 via TWI/I2C interface and print out a ECG Signal on a display 
connected to the Slave.

I am unfortunately pretty lost, and it's due Feb 28th Sad

So maybe could anyone have a look at my code and tell me what I did 

von N2 (Guest)

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Whats wrong? What's not working?
Do you have scope plots of the communication?

Try to reduce frequency for testing purposes to 10kHz.


von Va Ma (Guest)

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well I am trying to release a interrup tat the slave which would effect 
a print out on the display (for test uses 5 4 3 2 1 ) but this isn't 

I thought freq is either 100 or 400kHz?

von D'oh!!! (Guest)

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Va Ma wrote:
> I am unfortunately pretty lost, and it's due Feb 28th Sad

Well, Good Morning and Good Bye Master.

Let me guess somebody's been in winter sleep and it wasn't the bear.

von N2 (Guest)

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Va Ma wrote:
> well I am trying to release a interrup tat the slave which would
> effect
> a print out on the display (for test uses 5 4 3 2 1 ) but this isn't
> working.
> I thought freq is either 100 or 400kHz?

These are maximum frequencies for standard and fast mode. There is also 
a high speed mode. Clock can be zero, which will be useless of course. 
Please refer to philips I2C spec.

von du, nicht ich (Guest)

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Va Ma wrote:
> Guys please help me!
> My bachelor thesis [...] and it's due Feb 28th [...]

oh how i love to read that ...
hooray for the bachelor/master!

if implementing that communication was the only task in your thesis than 
i hope you'll never make it. sorry to be so rude but choosing a 
profession, studying it and failing at such a simple task ... you should 
reconsider your choice of profession.

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