
Forum: ARM programming with GCC/GNU tools accessing crosscompiler

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von July J. (julyjim)

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This is very basic question
Optioning cross compiler / cross - linker  etc.
calls for "prefix" and I use arm-linux-gnueabihf-
OK - cross compiling between arm and linux.
The arm architecture is armhf etc.
In verbose output the "prefix" shows before gcc etc.

Now it ask for "PATH" apparently for the arm-linux-gnueabihf-.
I used /usr/bin/ and it works.

BUT it also works when I DO NOT SPECIFY the PATH.

Magic ? Or is there another parameter specifying the "PATH"?


von N. G. (newgeneration)

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I'm not sure if I understood you correctly.

You ask why you can execute the cross-compiler from the command line 
without the full path to the compiler? This is because the shell 
searches for executable binaries in the directories that are listed in 
the environment variable PATH. You can view those directories using the 
echo $PATH

If I misunderstood your question, then I'm sorry. Please speciefy your 
question in this case.

Best regards,

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