
Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Verilog Help in vhdl project

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von Bozidar K. (teemo)

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I need some help in my VHDL project.

I need to write code for multiplexig 7 segment displays (4 of them) to 
write 4 different characters.

After, I need to turn off/turn on all 4 7 segment displays every second. 
(Blinking/flashing sign with always same letters).

I've done the multiplexing and on the Nexys3 board and got my text on 4 
7 segment displays, but can't figure out how to turn on/off all displays 
at same time with my text.

I got some kind of error: "Can't use Anode_Active same time in 2 

Did anyone have a similar problem?

I appreciate any kind of help! <3

x7seg.txt --main code is here
x7seg_top.txt --just a top module
freqDivGen --clock division

von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

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Bozidar K. wrote:
> I got some kind of error: "Can't use Anode_Active same time in 2
> processes".
> Did anyone have a similar problem?
Yes, everybody who tries to assign a value to one and the same signal 
from two processes.

Have a look for "multiple drivers vhdl" to find thousands of similar 

BTW: pls attach *.vhdl files, not *.txt files. You will find some magic 
named syntax highlighting... ?

: Edited by Moderator
von Lothar M. (Company: Titel) (lkmiller) (Moderator)

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Meanwhile I had the time to peek into your code and one thing in 
  if (temp>=nfCLK/2) then
    clk_o<=not clk_o;
This ist not the proper way to generate clocks in FPGAs. Have a look for 
a strategy named "Clock Enable"...

Bozidar K. wrote:
> I got some kind of error
When I synthesize those files with Xilinx ISE I get:
Process "Synthesize - XST" completed successfully

But the simulation shows: those two frequency dividers are working, but 
nothing else is going on.
A closer look turns up: the counter led_activating is XX throughout 
resulting in presenting the "when others" value at the "Anode_Active" 
and "LED".

Try it with initializing the counter:
signal led_activating: std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00";
Then the simulation runs like it should...

: Edited by Moderator
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