
Forum: µC & Digital Electronics I2C/TWI and FreeRTOS on Arduino Mega2560 / AVR

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von Oliver G. (oger)

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I try to wrap my head around a small project that involves reading / 
writing multiple I2C devices (display, sensors) on an Arduino Mega 
AT2560 with FreeRTOS.

While I easily can set up my tasks and talk to the console / serial 
interface I don't seem to find an easy way to get the I2C comms up and 

I know that there may be some timing and interrupt issues around - but 2 
days of extensive search on Google did not come up with a valid solution 
or application template. I certainly could get my scope out to check for 
any issues or rewrite IO libraries, but this would not be worth it at 
this point in time.

Have you experienced the same problem? Can you point me to something 
that worked for you - like a 'hello world' for I2C on FreeRTOS for 
AVR/Arduino? BTW SPI seems to be covered a bit broader...

PS: I use both the Arduino IDE and Deviot


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