
Forum: Analog Circuits Applications where a transimpedance amplifier is used for measuring small sine AC currents.

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von Ron (Guest)

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Dear all,

for a thesis I'm looking for applications where a transimpedance 
amplifier is used for measuring a small sine wave current (AC current).
Means on the non inverting input of the transimpedance amplifier (TIA) a 
reference sine signal is conneted. On the inverting input a sensor is 
connected. As soon as the sensor draws a current this current leads to a 
change in voltage of the TIA output.

I would be very glad when you could send me examples where a wiring like 
this is realized.

Kind Regards


: Moved by Moderator
von diffout (Guest)

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You noticed that applying a voltage to the noninverting input will 
either change the voltage across the sensor accordingly or (if that’s 
not possible) force the output of the TIA into one of its rails? I 
couldn’t imagine why you would use such a measurement setup on a DUT.

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