Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Co. Was bedeuteten diese PACKER Warnings ?

von Hans-Werner (Gast)


Was läuft hier schief ? Erhalte ausser den Packer Warnings ansonsten nur 
zwei "normale" Warnings. Würde mich jetzt gerne an das Testbed wagen.

    Related source file is "E:/Programmieren/VHDL/EDA Design/Xilinx ISE 
WARNING:Xst:653 - Signal <write_enable_heap_internal> is used but never 
assigned. This sourceless signal will be automatically connected to 
value 1.
WARNING:Xst:653 - Signal <read_enable_heap_internal> is used but never 
assigned. This sourceless signal will be automatically connected to 
value 1.

PACKER Warning: Lut Mcompar_holedownheap_state_cmp_lt0000_lut<1> driving 
carry Mcompar_holedownheap_state_cmp_lt0000_cy<1> can not be packed with 
the carry due to conflict with the common signal requirement between the 
LUT inputs and the Carry DI/MAND pins. This would result in an extra LUT 
for a feedthrough.
PACKER Warning: Lut Mcompar_holedownheap_state_cmp_lt0000_lut<4> driving 
carry Mcompar_holedownheap_state_cmp_lt0000_cy<4> can not be packed with 
the carry due to conflict with the common signal requirement between the 
LUT inputs and the Carry DI/MAND pins. This would result in an extra LUT 
for a feedthrough.
PACKER Warning: Lut Mcompar_downheap_state_cmp_lt0001_lut<1> driving 
carry Mcompar_downheap_state_cmp_lt0001_cy<1> can not be packed with the 
carry due to conflict with the common signal requirement between the LUT 
inputs and the Carry DI/MAND pins. This would result in an extra LUT for 
a feedthrough.
PACKER Warning: Lut Mcompar_downheap_state_cmp_lt0001_lut<4> driving 
carry Mcompar_downheap_state_cmp_lt0001_cy<4> can not be packed with the 
carry due to conflict with the common signal requirement between the LUT 
inputs and the Carry DI/MAND pins. This would result in an extra LUT for 
a feedthrough.

von Falk B. (falk)


@ Hans-Werner (Gast)

>Was läuft hier schief ? Erhalte ausser den Packer Warnings ansonsten nur

Nicht viel, der PAcker kann halt nicht die optimale Platzierung 
erreichen, dadurch wird deine Schaltung einen Tick langsamer.


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