Forum: Projekte & Code Releasing Bootloader with FAT16, 1-wire-bus driver, etc. for MSP430

von Tomasz N. (tomekn)



wir haben unsere Firmware für ein auf MSP430 basierendes System 
veröffentlicht. Mehr Details zur Plattform und der Software sind hier zu 


There are few interesting features you can easily reuse in your
projects. Everything is licensed as BSD.

- Built in bootloader with FAT16 support
- Built in 1-wire bus support (provides precise timers in µs range)
-- Driver for 1-wire DS1904 Real Time Clock
-- Driver for 1-wire DS1923 Temperature and Humidity Data Logger
- Driver for SD Card with FAT16 support
- Driver for a RFID Reader realized as software UART which leverages
hardware TimerB
- Hardware UART configured to receive data in LPM3
- Support for local and remote commands. New commands can be easily
defined with predefined macros.
- Tickles software timers and real time clock implementation

Direct link to more information about the firmware:


Viel Spass damit,

Tomasz Naumowicz

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