Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik MPLAB ICD2 ICDWarn0052 cannot validate a target device

von Martin Horst (Gast)


Hallo zusammen,

Habe diese Beitrag auch in Microchip Forum abgesendet, und wollte auch 
ihre Meinung, da die Diskussionen hier bei diesem Forum sind immer sehr 
produktiv. Sorry für den Englischen Text, aber iht könntet natürlich auf 
Deutsch antworten!

"I am trying to load a very simple program in order to test the first 
programmation of a PIC24FJ128GA108, but have had no success. All 
connections are perfectly OK. PGC and PGD where checked with an 
oscilloscope and were correct. Self test is OK, but ICD2 can not even 
read the target device.

I tested the ICD2 with an older target board (with a PIC16F mounted) and 
read was sucessful. Also checked with a 'scope the 32-bit code sent by 
ICD2 for ICSP initialization, it was also OK. I made a trial with an 
older version of MPLAB, but also didn´t work.

That means MPLAB and ICD2 are working properly and the problem is with 
my target board/PIC24F.

Checking the clock signal at the 8 MHz crystal, one can observe that 
clock signal is not stable, looks like the PIC is resetting itself 
constantly and that reflects the into the clock signal.

I am using PGCE3 and PGCD3 pins for programming. Could this affect the 
programming, or does PIC24F "listen" ICSP commands in all 3 ports?
Is there any specific combination of Configuration Bits in order to the 
first programmation work?
Is there another way to test if the PIC is "burned"?
Anyone here had a similar problem or have any hints to troubleshoot 

I thank you really much for your helpfulness!"

Martin Horst

von Lehrmann M. (ubimbo)



also solche Probleme rühren hier zumeist von der ICSP Beschaltung.

von Zwirbeljupp (Gast)


Man sollte sich angewöhnen, nicht nur die Datasheets der Chips zu lesen, 
sondern auch einen Blick in die Erratas zu werfen. Das Spart auf jeden 
Fall viel Zeit, Frust und unnötige Supportanfragen :-D
Dort steht nämlich ziemlich klipp und klar, dass das PGD/PGC-Paar Nummer 
3 nicht verwendet werden kann!

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