Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik PIC32 -> SPI-> MAX7301 Beispiel Code

von skyloop (Gast)



ich bin Besitzer eines Pic32 Starter Kits. Ich soll mit diesem eine 
Kommunikation über SPI mit einem MAX7301 (I/O Expander)aufbauen. Leider 
haut das nicht ganz hin:-(

Bitte gibt mir Ratschläge oder Tipps.. Ich freue mich über jede Anregung

Falls Jemand helfen will, poste ich meinen Code. Danke schon mal im 

!!!!!HEADER FILE!!!!!!

#ifndef _CSPI_H
#define _CSPI_H

//---------- TYPDEF ----

typedef unsigned char        byte;
typedef unsigned short int   word;
typedef unsigned long        dword;
typedef signed char          int8;
typedef signed int           int16;
typedef long                 int32;
typedef unsigned char        uint8;
typedef unsigned  int        uint16;
typedef unsigned long        uint32;

extern int rData;
extern void Init_MAX7301();

extern uint16 MAX7301_Read (unsigned char ucCommand);

extern uint16 MAX7301_Write (unsigned char ucCommand, unsigned int 

/* EOF */


#include "plib.h"
#include "proc/p32mx795f512l.h"
#include "CSPI.H"

//With these settings PIC32 will run at 80MHz and peripherial bus at Fpb 
= 10MHz

#pragma config FNOSC    = PRIPLL
#pragma config FPLLIDIV = DIV_2
#pragma config FPLLMUL  = MUL_20
#pragma config FPLLODIV = DIV_1
#pragma config FPBDIV   = DIV_8
#pragma config FWDTEN   = OFF
#pragma config WDTPS    = PS1
#pragma config FCKSM    = CSDCMD
#pragma config OSCIOFNC = OFF
#pragma config POSCMOD  = XT
#pragma config IESO     = OFF
#pragma config FSOSCEN  = OFF
#pragma config CP       = OFF
#pragma config BWP      = OFF
#pragma config PWP      = OFF
#pragma config ICESEL   = ICS_PGx2
#pragma config DEBUG    = OFF

//   * Hardware   *

//   * I/O definitions  
#define SPI_OUT     PORTDbits.RD0     /*
#define SPI_IN      PORTCbits.RC4     /*
#define SPI_CLK     PORTDbits.RD10    /*
#define SPI_CS      PORTDbits.RD9     /*

void SPI(int t, int p)
TRISDbits.TRISD9 = t;

// SPI peripheral configurations
#define SPI_CONF      0x8420
//SPI on, 16-bit master,CKE=0,CKP=0  //is this OK??????????

#define SPI_BAUD    63 // clock divider Fpb/(2 * (63+1)) , so 10MHz/ (2*

void Init_MAX7301()
/* Config Register */
MAX7301_Write (0x04,0x01);

// Mask the Transition Register
// MAX7301_Write (0x06,0xFF);

/*set P12-P21 output*/
MAX7301_Write(0x0B, 0x55);  // P12..P15 Outp
//MAX7301_Write(0x0C, 0x55);// P16..P19 Outp
//MAX7301_Write(0x0D, 0xA5);// P20..P21 Outp

/*set P12-P21 logic high
MAX7301_Write(0x4C, 0xFF);   Do I need to DO?
MAX7301_Write(0x54, 0x03);

/*Set the shutdown/run bit,normal operation*/
MAX7301_Write(0x04, 0x01);

/* Config Register*/
MAX7301_Write (0x04,0x81);

uint16 MAX7301_Write (unsigned char ucCommand, unsigned int uiValue)
SPI(1,0 );                          // Set CS low
//SPI_CS = 0;
 SPI1BUF = ((unsigned int) (ucCommand << 8)) + uiValue & ~0x8000;
// write to buffer for TX; First D15,D0 last; D15 low-> write command

//while( !SPI1STATbits.SPITBE);  IS this OK??// wait for transfer 
// SPI_CS = 1;   // Set CS High
   rData = SPI1BUF;
   return rData;           // read the received value


uint16 MAX7301_Read (unsigned char ucCommand)

   SPI_CS = 0;                      // Set CS low controlled by hardware
   SPI1BUF  =  ((unsigned  int)(ucCommand << 8)) | 0x8000;
// D15 high->   read command; MSB must be high for Read

   while( !SPI1STATbits.SPIRBF);    // wait until single-word transfer 
                                       is set
   SPI_CS = 1;                      // Set CS  High
rData = MAX7301_Write(0x00,0x00);   // Dummy No - OP Write Access to 
shift Data
return rData;

int main()


} // main

Freue mich über jedes Feedback

von M. Н. (Gast)


Sorry das ich den Thread wieder rauskrame aber was für einen externen 
Oszillator benutzt du? Quarz oder quarzoszillator?

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