Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik Fehlermeldung bei Attiny13 Programmierung

von Björn W. (bjoern3634)


Ich habe den mysmartusb mk3 mit dem mymultiprog. Jetzt habe ich ein 
Programm gemacht aber leider kommt immer die gleiche Fehlermeldung!
Ich benutze das Crosspack auf dem Mac und will einen Tiny13 
Mit dem Mega8 funktioniert es!!


make flash
avrdude -c avr910 -P /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART -p attiny13 -U 

Found programmer: Id = "AVR ISP"; type = S
    Software Version = 3.0; Hardware Version = 3.0
Programmer supports auto addr increment.
Programmer supports buffered memory access with buffersize = 512 bytes.

Programmer supports the following devices:
    Device code: 0x01 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x02 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x03 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x04 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x05 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x06 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x07 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x08 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x09 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x0a = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x0b = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x0c = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x0d = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x0e = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x0f = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x10 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x11 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x12 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x13 = AT90S1200
    Device code: 0x14 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x15 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x16 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x17 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x18 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x19 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x1a = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x1b = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x1c = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x1d = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x1e = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x1f = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x20 = ATtiny84
    Device code: 0x21 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x22 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x23 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x24 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x25 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x26 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x27 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x28 = AT90S4414
    Device code: 0x29 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x2a = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x2b = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x2c = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x2d = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x2e = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x2f = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x30 = AT90S4433
    Device code: 0x31 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x32 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x33 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x34 = AT90S2333
    Device code: 0x35 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x36 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x37 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x38 = AT90S8515
    Device code: 0x39 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x3a = ATMEGA8515
    Device code: 0x3b = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x3c = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x3d = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x3e = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x3f = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x40 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x41 = ATMEGA103
    Device code: 0x42 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x43 = ATMEGA128
    Device code: 0x44 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x45 = ATMEGA64
    Device code: 0x46 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x47 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x48 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x49 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x4a = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x4b = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x4c = AT90S2343
    Device code: 0x4d = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x4e = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x4f = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x50 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x51 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x52 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x53 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x54 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x55 = ATtiny12
    Device code: 0x56 = ATtiny15
    Device code: 0x57 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x58 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x59 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x5a = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x5b = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x5c = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x5d = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x5e = ATtiny2313
    Device code: 0x5f = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x60 = ATMEGA161
    Device code: 0x61 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x62 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x63 = ATMEGA162
    Device code: 0x64 = ATMEGA163
    Device code: 0x65 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x66 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x67 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x68 = AT90S8535
    Device code: 0x69 = ATMEGA8535
    Device code: 0x6a = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x6b = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x6c = AT90S4434
    Device code: 0x6d = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x6e = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x6f = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x70 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x71 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x72 = ATMEGA32
    Device code: 0x73 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x74 = ATMEGA6450
    Device code: 0x75 = ATMEGA6490
    Device code: 0x76 = ATMEGA8
    Device code: 0x77 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x78 = ATMEGA169
    Device code: 0x79 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x7a = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x7b = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x7c = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x7d = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x7e = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x7f = (unknown)

avrdude: error: selected device is not supported by programmer: t13
make: *** [flash] Error 1

Mein Makefile:

# Name: Makefile
# Author: <insert your name here>
# Copyright: <insert your copyright message here>
# License: <insert your license reference here>

# This is a prototype Makefile. Modify it according to your needs.
# You should at least check the settings for
# DEVICE ....... The AVR device you compile for
# CLOCK ........ Target AVR clock rate in Hertz
# OBJECTS ...... The object files created from your source files. This 
list is
#                usually the same as the list of source files with 
suffix ".o".
# PROGRAMMER ... Options to avrdude which define the hardware you use 
#                uploading to the AVR and the interface where this 
#                is connected.
# FUSES ........ Parameters for avrdude to flash the fuses 

DEVICE     = attiny13
CLOCK      = 1200000
PROGRAMMER = -c avr910 -P /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART
OBJECTS    = main.o
FUSES      =

Was mache ich falsch?

Danke für eure Hilfe!!

von Heinz (Gast)


> avrdude: error: selected device is not supported by programmer: t13

Dein Programmer unterstützt den ATTiny13 nicht. Du brauchst einen 
anderen Programmer.

von Björn W. (bjoern3634)


Das kann nicht sein denn es steht ja sogar auf der Platine des 

Sieh mal hier!!,%20bestückt.htm?sp=article.sp.php&artID=61

von Björn W. (bjoern3634)


Oder muss ich in einen anderen Programmiermodus mit dem mk3?

von Kevin (Gast)


Dumme Frage, hast den 13ner richtig reingesteckt?

von holger (Gast)


-p t13

von holger (Gast)


>-p t13

Vergiss den Quatsch.

Oben steht doch:

Programmer supports the following devices:

Da sind ja nur uralte Chips drin. ATTiny13 fehlt einfach.

Da musst du wohl mal
dein Crosspack (was auch immer das ist) updaten.
Oder einen PC mit Windows oder Linux nehmen.

von Oliver J. (skriptkiddy)


Du kannst den Programmer mit dem MODE-Taster auch in einen STK500-Modus 
schalten. Flashen sollte dann so funktioneren:

avrdude -c stk500   -b 115200 -P /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART -p attiny13 ...


avrdude -c stk500v2 -b 115200 -P /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART -p attiny13 ...

Gruß Oliver

von Björn W. (bjoern3634)


Funktioniert jetzt einwandfrei!

Habe jetzt stk500 genommen

Danke nochmals!!!

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