Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Co. Yves

von Le Calvez (Gast)


I'm french (that why i'm writing in english, I hope it's possible to
understand me...) and I've a problem. I'm trying to connect to
component which common signals are "signed" type.

Here is my code :

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

--  you put an angle (integer) and the result is the sinus and
--      cosinus of this angle

entity Driver_Sram_Vga_conv_cordic is
    Port (
    clk : in  std_logic;                 -- clk card

    A_integer  : in integer range 0 to 65535 ;

    cos_integer  : out integer range 0 to 65535 ;
    sin_integer  : out integer range 0 to 65535     );

end Driver_Sram_Vga_conv_cordic;

architecture TransmicionandRecepcion of Driver_Sram_Vga_conv_cordic is

--  first component

  component Conv_integer_signed
    clk    : in std_logic;

    A_integer  : in integer range 0 to 65535 ;
    A_signed  : out signed (15 downto 0);

    cos_signed  : in signed (15 downto 0) ;
    cos_integer  : out integer range 0 to 65535 ;

      sin_signed  : in signed (15 downto 0) ;
    sin_integer  : out integer range 0 to 65535  );
  end component;

--  second component

  component sc_corproc
    clk  : in std_logic;

    Ain  : in signed(15 downto 0);

    sin  : out signed(15 downto 0);
    cos  : out signed(15 downto 0));
  end component;

--  declaration of the signals to link the 2 blocs

  signal cos_signed : SIGNED(15 downto 0);
  signal sin_signed : SIGNED(15 downto 0);
  -- Observed signals - signals mapped to the output ports of tested
  signal A_signed : SIGNED(15 downto 0);


--  declaration of the link between the 2 blocs

  adaptation : Conv_integer_signed
    port map(
    clk => clk,

    A_integer => A_integer,
    A_signed => A_signed,

    cos_signed => cos_signed,
    cos_integer => cos_integer,

      sin_signed =>  sin_signed,
    sin_integer => sin_integer      );

  Cordic : sc_corproc
    port map(
    clk => clk,
    Ain => A_signed,

    sin => sin_signed,
    cos => cos_signed  );

end TransmicionandRecepcion;

Here is the error message with active HDL :

# Error: ELAB1_0021: Driver_Sram_Vga_conv.vhd : (88, 0): Types do not
match for port "A_signed".
# Error: ELAB1_0021: Driver_Sram_Vga_conv.vhd : (88, 0): Types do not
match for port "cos_signed".
# Error: ELAB1_0021: Driver_Sram_Vga_conv.vhd : (88, 0): Types do not
match for port "sin_signed".

Here is the error message withLeonardoSpectrum :

line 99: Error, cannot associate type SIGNED for A_signed with type
SIGNED for A_signed.
line 99: Error, cannot associate type SIGNED for cos_signed with type
SIGNED for cos_signed.
line 99: Error, cannot associate type SIGNED for sin_signed with type
SIGNED for sin_signed.

I really don't understand, that doesn't work, if anybody knows
Thanks a lot,

von FPGA-User (Gast)


Hello Yves,

please try to use the IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL,
otherwise the type SIGNED may be unknown.
Don't know why you commented out that line :


von Le Calvez (Gast)


Sorry, that's a copy and paste error!!!!
here is my librarys' declaration :

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

thanks, if you have an other idea...

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