Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik ir-code erzeugen

von castle (Gast)


"And IR modulation by wiring directly into the main PCBoard. This can
be encoded easily by
almost any small microprocessor. For modulating the signals yourself,
the signal looks something like this:

Timing based On 1/1200 second Clock (~.833ms)
Signal is normally high (Idle, no IR).
Start: signal goes Low For 8/1200 sec.
Data bits: For each of 8 Data bits, space encoded signal depending On
Bit value
Sends the most significant Data Bit first
If the Data Bit is 0: signal goes high For 1/1200 sec, And Low For
1/1200 sec.
If the Data Bit is 1: signal goes high For 4/1200 sec, And Low For
1/1200 sec.
BTW: The first Bit (Msb) is always 1 (valid codThe IR Carrier is
39.2kHz. Data is modulated using a space coded signal with 8 Data bits
(Data Clock is 1200Hz,
but actual Data rate varies depending On the Data).

You can skip the IR es are from $80 To $FF)
When completed, signal goes high again.
No explicit Stop Bit. Minimal between signals is Not known."

Ich brauche ein Ir-code für oben. Die Ir-Frequenz ist 39,2khz.

Wer kann mir helfen den obengenannten Ir-code zu erzeugen ohne
Interrupt usw. , einfach in einer ablaufenden Schleife. Wie ich gelesen
habe sind es 8 Bit. Die Startlänge usw. sind angegeben. Es ist für einen

mfg castle

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