Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik Trying to understand .hex files obtained after compiling a XC8 MPLAB X project.

von Enrique Perez (Gast)

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Hello guys,

I am wondering about the .hex files generated by this compiler. Normally 
the .hex files present the aspect attachedi in the "File1.hex". It is 
posible to appreciate that the programm is located in the first memory 
positions. However usgin the file1 mplab project, i have added a new 
routing (void estimate_temperature()) which is not calling any 
interruption and anything. It is a mathematical equation: temp = 
tem1*200/100.  I compiled this new project and i generated "file2.hex". 
The it is possible to appreciate that in file2.hex the program starts in 
0x0000 like file1.hex but then it jump to other memory position. My 
question is why this issue is happening, if both project has the same 
linker configuration  and the only difference is the 
estimate_temperature routine? Is there anyway to generate a file2.hex 
like file1.hex?


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