Forum: Projekte & Code NRF24L01+ test program for Arduino Mega

von NRFTestGuy (Gast)


Arduino Mega NRF24L01+ Test Code
(c) NRFTestGuy

Free for private non-commercial usage.

This is the Mega2560 version of the test program
published here:

Beitrag "NRF24L01+ test program for Arduino Uno"

It uses exactly the same wiring so you can use one
test circuit for both Arduinos (Uno and Mega2560).

You can use these programs as a test partner for
devloping your own application for the NRF24L01+
or just check the correct functions of your modules.

Also works with the Windows App   NRF24_Tester
available here:

Beitrag "NRF24L01 - Testprogramm für Windows PC"


- Arduino Mega 2560
  must be set up to run at 16 MHz

  The Arduino is not absolutely required. You can use a naked
  ATMega2560 running at 16 MHz with RS232 connection to your
  computer. Just use the port pins (as documented in
  the Fritzing schematic) and the RX/TX lines that usually
  connect to the Arduino USB port.

- USB Connection to Arduino's USB Port

- NRF24L01+  wired to the Arduino
  (see Fritzing schematic)

- a terminal Application on your PC

- a programmer (such as AVRDude) to put the HEX file via USB
connection on your Arduino

- program the hex file in your ATMega2560

To run the program:

- start your terminal application
- connect it to the port where your Arduino is located
- set the baud rate to 57600 baud, 8 bit, no parity
- the terminal should cause a reset on your Arduino
board which would result in a program startup.

The following menu should appear in your terminal

  Arduino Mega - NRF24L01+ Test
   Version 0.xx (c) NRFTestGuy
  (Build Xxx xx xxxx  xx:xx:xx)
 T: Transmit Data
 R: Receive Data
 F: Fast Transmit
 G: Fast Receive
 D: Display Registers
 L: Loopback Test (SPI)
 O: Continuous Loopback Test
 S: Show Parameters
 A: Required Pin Assignments
 config:0x2D  status:0x0E  mem:6962

von Rufus Τ. F. (rufus) Benutzerseite


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