Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik M16C, IAR and KD30: C++ output format

von Lars Denker Joergensen (Gast)



I use the evaluation version of the IAR workbench and the Renesas KD30
debugger to debug the M16C/6N4. I have tried to create a demo C++
application, but I can't link the application, since I get the "Fatal
Error[e119]: Cannot handle C++ identifiers in this output format"
error. This is because the output format doesn't support C++ (IAR has
been setup to support C++). How do I then create an C++ application in
IAR running with the KD30 debugger? Which output format must be used?
Currently I use the IEEE-695 output format, which works with C, but not

I have created an release version, which runs C++ with the Motorola
output format. This works fine.


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