Forum: HF, Funk und Felder Si4732 evaluation module

von Rahul S. (rf_geek)

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I have created a evaluation board for the Si4732 + ATMEGA328P so that
the Si4732 can be used as a general purpose IF processor (typically 10.7
MHz or 21.4 MHz) for decoding AM/SSB. See excellent library by PU2CLR on
the internet for controlling the Si4732/Si4735. I have achieved
excellent results with AM demodulation.

Attaching gerber files.

Upload gerbers to to order PCBs.

provided AS-IS. No guarantees of any kind !

von A. S. (Gast)


Thank you for providing Gerber files.

But without schematics or at least a minimum documentation the benefit 
of a PCB alone is limited.

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