Forum: HF, Funk und Felder R&S FSP-30 step attenuator repair

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von Melvin G. (mgleep2)


I purchased an R&S FSP-30 on Ebay which had a defective system disk. 
After replacing the disk and rebuilding the system firmware, I saw that 
the step attenuator is also defective. After determining that all 3 
attenuator pads were burned out (measuring ca.400k, 8.2M and 530k for 
the 10, 20 and 40 dB pads respectively) I decided to take the step 
attenuator apart and attempt repairing it. The pads are soldered into 
removable brass fixtures. I am trying to source the individual pads to 
be able to attempt replacing them.
The fixtures measure ca 10.7mm x 5.1mm x 4.9mm and the pads measure ca. 
5mm x  2.5mm.  Has anyone already attempted repair of this step 
attenuator and/or have any references for sourcing either the pads alone 
or fixtures with pre-mounted pads?

Thanks for any help.

von Gerhard P. (1123gp)

Angehängte Dateien:


Hallo, ich habe zwar keinen R&S FSP30, wohl aber den zugehörigen Step 
ATTENUATOR (Bild als ANLAGE); für ein vernüftiges Angebot bin ich bereit 
den abzugeben.  Gruß Gerd

von Mobile (mobileteser)


If the attenuator is fully burned, mostly the first mixer is also dead. 
Before you change the attenuator, check the LO Level at 0 Hz. This will 
give you an indication if the first mixer is working. Maybe a internal 
test is partly working.
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