ich habe nVim auf Windows am laufen und habe probleme beim ausführen von
ich habe die Plugins
1 | Plug 'giusgad/pets.nvim' | Plug 'MunifTanjim/nui.nvim' | Plug 'edluffy/hologram.nvim'
in meiner init.vim habe ich ganz am ende
in dieser Datei steht
1 | require'pets'.setup({
2 | row = 1, -- the row (height) to display the pet at (higher row means the pet is lower on the screen), must be 1<=row<=10
3 | col = 0, -- the column to display the pet at (set to high number to have it stay still on the right side)
4 | speed_multiplier = 1, -- you can make your pet move faster/slower. If slower the animation will have lower fps.
5 | default_pet = "dog", -- the pet to use for the PetNew command
6 | default_style = "brown", -- the style of the pet to use for the PetNew command
7 | random = true, -- whether to use a random pet for the PetNew command, overrides default_pet and default_style
8 | death_animation = true, -- animate the pet's death, set to false to feel less guilt -- currently no animations are available
9 | popup = { -- popup options, try changing these if you see a rectangle around the pets
10 | width = "30%", -- can be a string with percentage like "45%" or a number of columns like 45
11 | winblend = 100, -- winblend value - see :h 'winblend' - only used if avoid_statusline is false
12 | hl = { Normal = "Normal" }, -- hl is only set if avoid_statusline is true, you can put any hl group instead of "Normal"
13 | avoid_statusline = false, -- if winblend is 100 then the popup is invisible and covers the statusline, if that
14 | -- doesn't work for you then set this to true and the popup will use hl and will be spawned above the statusline (hopefully)
15 | }
16 | })
Wenn ich jetzt jedoch meine init.vim neu lade, bekomme ich den Fehler
1 | E5108: Error executing lua [string ":lua":1: loop or previous error loading module 'init'
2 | stack traceback:
3 | [C]: in function 'require'
4 | [string] ":lua"}:1: in main chunk
Bzw. eigentlich ist das lua nicht wirklich das Problem.
Das Problem ist mehr, dass obwohl die Plugins installiert sind, die
Befehle nicht bekannt sind.
Da stand auf https://github.com/giusgad/pets.nvim nur, dass anschließen
1 | require("pets").setup({
2 | -- your options here
3 | })
} aufgerufen werden muss.