Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik Motorola HC12 und Eeprom 93C66

von Rainer (Gast)

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Versuche gerade mit einem HC912B32 ein 93C66 auszulesen, Code 
funktioniert soweit, aber: Im Eeprom stehen AA 55 (Hex), das Programm 
gibt 2A D5 aus.
Also 1Bit nach rechts verschoben. Hab leider keine Ahnung woran es 
liegen könnte. Vielleicht gibts ja hier einen HC12 Spezialisten.

von EF (Gast)


vielleicht wirst du dort fündig:

Das folgende Assembler prg stammt von dort
Hier werden zwei Schieberegister beschrieben bzw auch gelesen.
Sollte eigentlich helfen

// siehe
* SpiDemo - Demonstrates the use of the 68HC12 SPI by
*           interfacing with a 74HC595 and 74HC165.
* Controller: 68HC912B32
* Monitor: D-Bug12
* 3/5/98 Todd Morton
* Equates
PORTS       equ $d6
DDRS        equ $d7
DDRP        equ $57
PORTP       equ $56
PP0      equ $01
SS          equ %10000000
MOSI        equ %00100000
SCK      equ %01000000
SP0CR1      equ $d0
SP0CR2      equ $d1
SP0BR       equ $d2
SP0SR       equ $d3
SP0DR       equ $d5
SPIF        equ $80
INPUT       equ $0fe0
OUTBYTE     equ $0fe6

* Program
* Initialize SPI
*   Set SPI outputs as outputs in DDRS
*  SS pin is the latch clock for 74HC595.
*   Set for 1Mbps
*   Set PORTP bit0 for 74HC165 latch clock
*   Clear SPIF
      org $0800
      bset DDRS,SS|MOSI|SCK
      bset PORTS,SS
      bset DDRP,PP0
      bset PORTP,PP0
      movb #$5c,SP0CR1
      movb #$02,SP0BR
      ldaa SP0SR      ;clear flag
      ldaa SP0DR

* Main interface loop
*   A simple test loop that sends the ascii character
*   entered out to the 74HC595. It then reads a value
*   from the 74HC165 and displays it.
*   For testing connect the 74HC595 Qn's to the 74HC165 n's
*   This will cause the ascii character of the key pressed
*   be echoed.

next_in      jsr INPUT
      beq next_in
      jsr SpiOut
      jsr SpiIn
      tfr sp,d
      jsr OUTBYTE
      bra next_in

* SpiOut - Output routine for a 74HC595. It uses SS as the
*   latch clock.(SS is a GP output)
*   Spi Initialization: (could be done in main init if it
*  was the only setup needed)
*  SPCR = $5c ->SPI Enable,Master,CPOL:CPHA = 11
*   The data to be sent out is passed in ACCB. Result of
*   dummy read is returned in ACCB.
*   All other registers are preserved except CCR
      movb #$5c,SP0CR1
      stab SP0DR      ;Output data
wait_spiout brclr SP0SR,SPIF,wait_spiout ;Wait for shift complete
      bclr PORTS,SS    ;Transfer SR->Latch
      bset PORTS,SS
      ldab SP0DR      ;dummy read to clear SPIF

* SpiIn - Input routine for a 74HC165. It uses PP0 as the
*   latch clock.
*   Spi Initialization: (could be done in main init if it
*  was the only setup needed)
*  SPCR = $58 ->SPI Enable,Master,CPOL:CPHA = 10
*   The dummy data to be sent out is passed in ACCB. Input
*   value is returned in ACCB.
*   All other registers are preserved except CCR
      bclr PORTP,PP0    ;Transfer SR<-Latch
      bset PORTP,PP0
      movb #$58,SP0CR1
      stab SP0DR      ;Dummy data
wait_spiin  brclr SP0SR,SPIF,wait_spiin  ;Wait for shift complete
      ldab SP0DR

von Rainer (Gast)


Danke für die schnelle Antwort. Hab noch Microchip Application Note 
AN993(PIC16F54 und 93Cx6) gefunden, war ganz hilfreich. Dann das CPOL 
Bit in SP0CR1 für das Einlesen gesetzt und funzt.

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