Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Co. Component instance " uut:....."is not bound

von gast (Gast)


Hi guys,
although I´ve mapped and verified all my components used to build a 
module, this doesn´t work. The following Warning appears : # ** Warning: 
(vsim-3473) Component instance "uut : errgenpngen7" is not bound.
#    Time: 0 ns  Iteration: 0  Region: /errgen_pngen7_tb  File: 

Here the files sources:

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use IEEE.Numeric_STD.all;

entity PNGEN7 is
     Clock  : in STD_LOGIC;
     Reset  : in STD_LOGIC;
     pntrig : out STD_LOGIC;
     pnser  : out STD_LOGIC );
end PNGEN7;

architecture PNGEN7_arch of PNGEN7 is
signal sreg : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 downto 0) := "0000000";
  process (Clock,Reset)
    if Reset = '1' then
      sreg <= (others => '0');
      pnser <= '0';
      pntrig <= '0';
      if rising_edge(Clock) and sreg = "0000000" then
        sreg <= "1000000";
        pnser <= '0';
      end if;
      if rising_edge(Clock) and sreg /= "0000000" then
        sreg(5) <= sreg(6);
        sreg(6) <= sreg(0) xor sreg(4);
        sreg(4) <= sreg(5);
        sreg(3) <= sreg(4);
        sreg(2) <= sreg(3);
        sreg(1) <= sreg(2);
        sreg(0) <= sreg(1);
        pnser <= sreg(0);
        if sreg = "1111111" then
          pntrig <= '1';
          pntrig <= '0';
        end if;
      end if;
    end if;
  end process;

end PNGEN7_arch;

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity ErrGen is
   generic( Width : natural := 7);
      port( clock : in std_logic;
            reset : in std_logic;
            TxDIn : in std_logic;  -- Data from TxPNGEN7
         ErrEnKey : in std_logic;  -- Error Enable
        ErrSerOut : out std_logic ); -- Errouneous bit sequence
end entity;

architecture ErrGen_arch of ErrGen is

    signal ErrReg : std_logic_vector(Width-1 downto 0) :="0000000";

    constant tdelay : time := 50 ns;


    Err_proc: process(clock,reset,ErrEnKey)
    if reset = '1' then
       ErrReg <= (others => '0');
       ErrSerOut <= '0';
       if ErrEnKey = '1' then
          ErrReg(2) <= not ErrReg(2);
    end  if;
    if clock'event then
       ErrReg(0) <= TxDIn;
       for i in 1 to Width-1 loop
          ErrReg(Width-1 downto 1) <= ErrReg(Width-2 downto 0);
       end loop;
       ErrSerOut <= ErrReg(Width-1);
     end if;
   end if;
   end process;
end architecture;

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity ErrGen_PNGEN7 is
      port( clock :  in std_logic;
            reset :  in std_logic;
            ErrEn :  in std_logic;   -- Error Enable
        PNTrigOut : out std_logic;   -- pn-gen trigger signal
            PNOut : out std_logic;   -- pn output
        ErrSeqOut : out std_logic ); -- Errouneous pn-sequence
end entity ErrGen_PNGEN7;

architecture ErrGen_PNGEN7_arch of ErrGen_PNGEN7 is
    component PNGEN7
        port( clock  :  in std_logic;
            reset  :  in std_logic;
            pntrig : out std_logic;
            pnser  : out std_logic );
   end component;

   component ErrGen
      generic(Width : natural := 7);
       port( clock  :  in std_logic;
              reset  :  in std_logic;
           ErrEnKey  :  in std_logic;
              TxDIn  :  in std_logic;
          ErrSerOut  : out std_logic );
   end component;

    signal s_pntrig  : std_logic;
    signal s_pnser   : std_logic;
    signal s_ErrenKey  : std_logic;
    signal s_TxDIn   : std_logic;
    signal s_ErrSerOut : std_logic;

    seq_gen: PNGEN7 port map( clock => clock,
                              reset => reset,
                             pntrig => s_pntrig,
                              pnser => s_pnser );

    ErrFade: ErrGen port map( clock => clock,
                              reset => reset,
                           ErrEnKey => s_ErrEnKey,
                              TxDIn => s_pnser,
                          ErrSerOut => s_ErrSerOut );

              PNOut <= s_pnser;

              PNTrigOut <= s_pntrig;

              ErrSeqOut <= s_ErrSerOut;

end architecture ;

von Stefan H. (stefanhanke)


Unfortunately, the mistake is in the testbench, not your sources.
The testbench tries to instantiate the "uut", but ModelSim fails to find 
a correct entity for it. Maybe you changed your entity while not 
changing the testbench component and instantiation statements 

Please provide the testbench.

 -- stefan

von Ranjeet Kuruvilla (Gast)


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