Forum: FPGA, VHDL & Co. Xilinx USB schematic jetzt verfügbar

von Thomas R. (tinman) Benutzerseite



this thread and the resulting project

are nearly identical with org. DLC9G/DLC9LP, afair the only difference 
was in the power rail part. The orange red error can be therefore the 
detection circuit or CPLD itself (or its programming which can be forced 

von Robert Brown (Gast)


Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your e-mail reply (18/07/2013) above.

I have looked at the Faulty Xilinx DLC9G in more detail and have found 
the initial problem is due to a Faulty Comparator (U2 - LT1719S6) which 
is connected to the 3.3VSW (Switched) supply. The problem was that the 
supply was being loaded down by this IC, I had measured approximately 
1.5 Ohms across the supply, which after removing the IC returns to a 
more acceptable ~460 Ohms. Previously the 3.3VSW supply was only 
reaching ~0.65V, however with the IC removed it now reaches 3.3V OK. I 
am now awaiting a replacement IC which will hopefully restore correct 
operation of the DLC9G. Your previous post - Datum: 08.08.2009 09:24 
shows part of what appears to be the correct Xilinx DLC9G schematic 
along with a photo of the PCB and also a partial parts list. This was 
very usefull in identifying the problem area and also the actual 
components, as it did show the area of the circuit where the faulty 
component was. The difference in the circuit diagrams in this case was 
quite important as the DLC9G has switched 1.8V and 3.3V supplies.

Thanks again for your help, I am still trying to find the 'original' 
complete DLC9G schematics, however I suspect it may now be almost 
impossible to find copies.

Best Regards


von armin (Gast)


Thanks for your work, is it possible to replace the cpld with 
XC2C64A-7VQ100C or other ones?

von Marcel K. (mk79)


Ich weiß der Thread is uralt, aber falls jemand Probleme mit dem DLC9 
unter Windows 10 hat kann hier gerne meine Lösung nachlesen:

Vielleicht hilft's ja dem einen oder anderen.

LG, Marcel

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