Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik Saleae Clone selbst bauen

von Sergey (Gast)


> Hack a Saleae Logic Analyzer
> Copied, by ITead.

Gefunden, hier:

Da werden sich die Macher von Saleae nicht freuen. Ebay ist voll mit den 
x-in-1 Clones ;)

> To debug the communication between two chips, you need a Logic Analyzer.
> But most Analyzer is so expensive that out of our budget.

> The Logic is a cheaper USB logic analyzer with eight channels and
> sampling rates up to 24MHz. Among hobby-level logic analyzers, the Logic
> has a good mix of features and decent sampling rates. And its price is
> acceptable for hobby player.

> SaleaeLogic1

> Luckily , the Logic use the IC CY7C68013 , and nearly the same circuit
> as my USB2.0 Development board , so I try to hack it , making a Logic
> clone for myself.

> It appear that the Logic software just check the Vendor ID and Produce
> ID, and will update the driver and download the firmware via USB. The
> VID and PID are written in the EPPROM and it’s easy to counterfeit.

> Read the inf file and you can find the VID PID information, just write
> them into the EPPROM using Cypress USB. Launch the Saleae Logic 1.0.32
> and you will pleasantly surprised to see that the software can recognize
> the board as Logic! No more “Start Simulation” but “Start” and we can
> use it as a salable Logic now!!

von P. S. (Gast)


Ich frage mich schon lange, was so toll daran ist, anderer Leute Ideen 
kaputt zu machen? Bringt das mehr persoenliche Befriedigung, als was 
Eigenes zu schaffen?

von Stephan H. (stephan-)


das wurde hier schon vor langer Zeit diskutiert. Hatte nur nen anderen 

von Sebastian R. (sebr)


Ja, ist ein alter Hut. siehe hier (ab den Posts anfang diesen Jahres): 
Beitrag "Logikanalzyer mit FT232BL"

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