Forum: Offtopic MP3 Aktive Box mit NFC Leser und SD Karten Slot und 1200mAh Akku für 9,99

von Marc (gierig) Benutzerseite

Angehängte Dateien:


Ein paar rudimentäre Informationen ggf. interessant für andere.

Kurz Version:
Märchen Sammelfiguren mit eingebauten NFC Chip spielen das passende 
ab (gehen so 6-8 min) wenn sie auf den Würfel gestellt werden. Das alles 
100% Offline, die Daten kommen von einer SD Karte. Auch kein Download 
freischalten nötig. Link zum Anbieter für weitere Informationen:
(Jup Hachette sammeln Gedöns aber in diesen Fall ist das für die Familie 
eine Perle)

Das lädt doch dazu ein auch eigne Inhalte verfügbar zu machen….

NFC Tag:
Die NFC Tags sind einfache “Mifare classic 1k“ ohne Password.
Die letzten drei Bytes im Block 1 bestimmen welcher Titel abgespielt 
wird. Das drittletzte
Byte (rot umrandet) gibt dabei die Verzeichnis Nummer an und die letzten 
Bytes (in gelb) die Titelnummer. Kurioser Weise werden die Daten Dezimal 
Ein „99 02 00“ bedeutet also Verzeichnis 99 Titel 200 oder halt 
TMB99/T0200.smp auf der
SD Karte. Im Screenshot sind noch ein paar andere Bytes im Data Block 
gesetzt, diese
scheinen aber KEINE Auswirkung zu haben. Auch die Karten ID (UID) spielt 
keine Rolle.
So können auch eigne Karten Programmiert werden. Damit wären also 99*999 
Files möglich.

Der Würfel:
Mp3 Player, MicroSD Karten Slot (mit einer 512Mb Karte wo die Märchen 
drauf sind) laut
Gehäuse 1200mAh Akku, Micro USB Buchse zum Aufladen. Lautstärke Regler 
(Laut genug fürs
Kinderzimmer) mit dem Ausschalter.

Auf der SD Karte sind die Titel in einem Verzeichnis mit/als Nummern 
z.b.:  TMB01/T0001.smp. Der NFC tag bestimmt dann recht welcher Titel 
abgespielt werden soll.
Fat16 (die original 512MB) und FAT32 (eine 16GB mit dem Files drauf) 
laufen sang und klanglos.

Nackte MP3 Dateien spielt der Player nicht ab, sie müssen vorher ins 
richtige Format
Codiert werden. Dabei handelt sich um eine um eine einfache 4 Byte XOR 
mit „0x51 0x23 0x98 0x56“ als Operanden, über die ganze Datei.

von Thau E. (thau)


vielen Dank für die ganzen Infos.
Muss man für eigene MP3s etwas beachten? Entschlüsseln konnte ich die 
Dateien, aber eigene hinzufügen bzw. bestehende ersetzen wollte 
irgendwie nicht.

Kannst du eine Software empfehlen, wmit man eigene NFC Tags erstellen 

Vielen Dank

von Marc (gierig) Benutzerseite


Thau E. schrieb:
> Muss man für eigene MP3s etwas beachten?

Hab jetzt ein paar random files ausprobiert der Player scheint
da nicht auf eine bestimmtes Format zu bestehen. Mono, Stereo
verschiedene Bitraten scheint alles zu laufen.
Hab da aber auch nicht groß getestet. Ansonsten würde mich
am Format der original Files orientieren und fertig.

> aber eigene hinzufügen bzw. bestehende ersetzen wollte irgendwie nicht.
Backup der Files auf den Rechner und dann auf eine andere SD Karte, 
testen und dann anfangen. Alleine das umbenennen reicht
um dem "Schwein" eine andere Geschichte spielen zu lassen (z.b T0025 = 
Robbin Hood, T0002=Drei Kleinen Schweine).

> Kannst du eine Software empfehlen, wmit man eigene NFC Tags erstellen
> kann?

Nun du brauchst Hardware um einen Tag zu beschreiben.
Such dir was aus das "Mifare classic 1k" unterstützt und schau
das die Software die dabei ist das direkte schreiben der Daten
Blöcke beherrscht bzw. es dir ermöglichst dem Tag direkt Kommandos
zu schicken.

Da ich aber deine Hardware nicht kenne und auch nicht dein Betriebsystem 
kann ich da eher nichts zu sagen.

von Joachim S. (oyo)


Klasse Tipp, Marc!

Was ich noch nicht ganz verstanden habe: Wie funktioniert das mit dem 
Wenn ich das richtig verstehe, ist dieses "Märchenheld" eine Reihe - und 
für uns ist eigentlich nur "Ausgabe 2" interessant, weil die den Würfel 
enthält. Und diese besagte "Ausgabe 2" ist am gestrigen 09.09. 
erschienen, am 16.09. erscheint dann bereits Ausgabe 3.

Aber gibt es die besagte "Ausgabe 2" zusammen mit dem Würfel auch direkt 
am Kiosk zu kaufen? Oder muss man den Würfel zwingend über deren 
Webseite bestellen und in dieses komische Abo-Modell einsteigen?

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Thau E. (thau)


Joachim S. schrieb:
> Aber gibt es die besagte "Ausgabe 2" zusammen mit dem Würfel auch direkt
> am Kiosk zu kaufen? Oder muss man den Würfel zwingend über deren
> Webseite bestellen und in dieses komische Abo-Modell einsteigen?
Die Ausgabe 2 enthällt eine Figur und den Würfel mit SD-Karte und ist 
ganz regulär am Kiosk erhältlich.

Marc D. schrieb:
> Hab jetzt ein paar random files ausprobiert der Player scheint
> da nicht auf eine bestimmtes Format zu bestehen. Mono, Stereo
> verschiedene Bitraten scheint alles zu laufen.
> Hab da aber auch nicht groß getestet. Ansonsten würde mich
> am Format der original Files orientieren und fertig.
Okay, vielen Dank. Bei meiner Datei kam irgendwie nur rauschen. 
Vielleicht ist auch etwas mit meinem Kodier-Script. Würdest du 
vielleicht deins bereitstellen? Ich will nur sichergehen, dass ich an 
der Stelle nichts falsch gemacht habe.
> Nun du brauchst Hardware um einen Tag zu beschreiben.
> Such dir was aus das "Mifare classic 1k" unterstützt und schau
> das die Software die dabei ist das direkte schreiben der Daten
> Blöcke beherrscht bzw. es dir ermöglichst dem Tag direkt Kommandos
> zu schicken.
> Da ich aber deine Hardware nicht kenne und auch nicht dein Betriebsystem
> kann ich da eher nichts zu sagen.
Ich habe bisher nur mein Android Telefon benutzt. Mit der App NFC Tools 
konnte ich den Speicher auslesen, hab aber noch nicht rausgefunden, wie 
ich   eigene NFC-Tags mit den Daten beschreiben kann.

von Joachim S. (oyo)


Thau E. schrieb:
> Joachim S. schrieb:
>> Aber gibt es die besagte "Ausgabe 2" zusammen mit dem Würfel auch direkt
>> am Kiosk zu kaufen? Oder muss man den Würfel zwingend über deren
>> Webseite bestellen und in dieses komische Abo-Modell einsteigen?
> Die Ausgabe 2 enthällt eine Figur und den Würfel mit SD-Karte und ist
> ganz regulär am Kiosk erhältlich.

Perfekt, Danke für die Ingo, Thau. Werde heute gleich mal versuchen, so 
ein Teil zu ergattern.

> Ich habe bisher nur mein Android Telefon benutzt. Mit der App NFC Tools
> konnte ich den Speicher auslesen, hab aber noch nicht rausgefunden, wie
> ich   eigene NFC-Tags mit den Daten beschreiben kann.

Ich persönlich verwende dazu bspw. die Android-App "NFC TagWriter by 

@Threadstarter: Vielleicht solltest Du den Threadtitel noch um das Wort 
"Märchenheld" erweitern, damit man den Thread auch unter diesem Begriff 

von Marc (gierig) Benutzerseite


Joachim S. schrieb:
> @Threadstarter: Vielleicht solltest Du den Threadtitel noch um das Wort
> "Märchenheld" erweitern, damit man den Thread auch unter diesem Begriff
> findet.

Kann ich nicht mehr, ich meld aber mal diesen Beitrag evt. kann ein MOD
das noch hinzufügen.

von Marc (gierig) Benutzerseite



Joachim S. schrieb:
> Aber gibt es die besagte "Ausgabe 2" zusammen mit dem Würfel auch direkt
> am Kiosk zu kaufen?

Ja ganz regulär ggf. kann der Kiosk die Ausgabe auch nachbestellen,
üblicherweise haben die ja nicht 50 Exemplare vorrätig.

Thau E. schrieb:
> Vielleicht ist auch etwas mit meinem Kodier-Script. Würdest du
> vielleicht deins bereitstellen? Ich will nur sichergehen, dass ich an
> der Stelle nichts falsch gemacht habe.

mhh. Weiter oben hast du geschrieben
> Entschlüsseln konnte ich die Dateien

Codieren und Decodieren ist der gleiche Vorgang.
Das ist ja das schöne an XOR. Ich nutze dafür
xortool-xor das ist ein teil von tool.
xortool-xor -f INPUT.mp3 -h "51 23 98 56" > OUTPUT.smp

von Marc (gierig) Benutzerseite

Angehängte Dateien:



Sauber aufgebaut. Auf dem Akku ist auch 1200mAh vermerkt.
Auf der Unterseite ist nichts von Interesse.
Der einzige Chip mit Beschriftung ist der  NS8002 ein 1 Watt Audio
Verstärker oben in der Mitte.

Interessant ist der unbestückte platz. könnte für einen internen 
Speicher gewesen sein sein. Unten in der Mitte ist platz für ein drei 
poligen headder
Vielleicht eine Serielle Schnittelle. Werde mal am Wochenende genauer
messen und schauen gehe aber davon aus das das evt. nur für Updates / 
Bootlader Zugang ist für den unbekannten Controller.
(Beide andren IC's sind ohne Aufdruck)

von Joachim S. (oyo)


So, habe jetzt auch so einen Audio-Cube. Habe gleich zwei Exemplare 
gekauft (im ersten Laden gab es eh nur noch ein Exemplar), und das war 
auch gut so:
Die Speicherkarte des ersten Exemplars war nämlich defekt. Mein 
Speicherkartenleser wollte sie partout nicht lesen, ich habe mich schon 
gefragt, was ich wohl falsch mache - und als ich sie dann in einen 
anderen Kartenleser einlegen wollte merkte ich, dass die Karte richtig 
heiss war. Die zweite Speicherkarte funktionierte dann aber auf Anhieb 
und tadellos.

Dekodieren funktionierte auch auch auf Anhieb genau wie von Marc 
Ich habe übrigens einfach mal ein Github-Repository 
( erstellt mit einem kleinen 
Python-Skript zum Ver-/Entschlüsseln 
Da ich mich mittlerweile aber frage, ob das Wort "Märchenheld" mglw. 
geschützt ist und man Ärger bekommen könnte, wenn man das verwendet, 
habe ich das Wort erst einmal nicht verwendet. Hat jemand 'ne Ahnung ob 
das ein Problem sein könnte? Eigentlich kann ich mir ja nicht 
vorstellen, dass so ein Begriff geschützt werden kann, aber wer weiss...

von Joachim S. (oyo)


Habe mir zwischenzeitlich mal den dreipoligen Header mit dem Oszi 
angeschaut. Eine serielle Schnittstelle scheint es wie Du schon vermutet 
hast eher nicht zu sein, denn auf den beiden nicht-Masse-Leitungen liegt 
ein konstantes Low-Signal an. Auch beim Einschalten oder wenn man eine 
Figur auf den Leser stellt passiert nichts auf den Leitungen.

Ausserdem habe ich zwischenzeitlich mal versucht, den Inhalt des 
Schweinchen-NFC-Tags auf ein leeres NFC-Tag zu kopieren. Musste dann 
aber feststellen, dass die Android-App "NFC TagWriter by NXP" (die ich 
üblicherweise zum Beschreiben von NFC-Tags verwende) dafür offenbar doch 
nicht geeignet ist.

Mit der Android-App "MIFARE Classic Tool - MCT" hat es dann aber 

von Joachim S. (oyo)


Hier noch eine kurze Anleitung sowie für jedes Märchen eine passende 
.mct-Datei, um mit der "MIFARE Classic Tool"-Android-App ein passendes 
NFC-Tag zu erstellen:

von Mathias M. (matjes)


Wie ist denn so der Klang? Hat jemand nen Vergleich zum teuren Bruder?

von Thau E. (thau)


Marc D. schrieb:
> Thau E. schrieb:
>> Vielleicht ist auch etwas mit meinem Kodier-Script. Würdest du
>> vielleicht deins bereitstellen? Ich will nur sichergehen, dass ich an
>> der Stelle nichts falsch gemacht habe.
> mhh. Weiter oben hast du geschrieben
>> Entschlüsseln konnte ich die Dateien
> Codieren und Decodieren ist der gleiche Vorgang.
> Das ist ja das schöne an XOR. Ich nutze dafür
> xortool-xor das ist ein teil von tool.
> xortool-xor -f INPUT.mp3 -h "51 23 98 56" > OUTPUT.smp
Vielen Dank, wahrscheinlich mochte die Box meine MP3 einfach nicht, mit 
einer anderen hat es jedenfalls geklappt.
Ich hatte erst die Vermutung, dass irgendwas an meinem Script falsch war 
und die MP3s nur durch zufall funktioniert hatten.

Joachim S. schrieb:
> Hier noch eine kurze Anleitung sowie für jedes Märchen eine
> passende
> .mct-Datei, um mit der "MIFARE Classic Tool"-Android-App ein passendes
> NFC-Tag zu erstellen:
Vielen Dank dafür, funktioniert einwandfrei.

Mathias M. schrieb:
> Wie ist denn so der Klang? Hat jemand nen Vergleich zum teuren
> Bruder?
Ich kenne den verlgeich jetzt nicht, aber der Ton ist laut genug (je 
nachdem, wie laut man es naütlrich macht), aber auch klar und deutlich 
zu verstehen.

von Hans W. (hans_w838)



Ich habe auch eine Box ergattert. Vielen Dank für das Reverse 
Engineering !

@ Joachim S: Das Skript klappt einwandfrei, Danke !

Die Box unterstützt auch exFAT, ich habe eine 64GB Karte gegriffen und 
nicht damit gerechnet, dass es klappt -> Tut aber !

MP3 Formate habe ich erfolgreich getestet:

384 kBit/s - CBR - 48kHz - Stereo (> 1h Spielzeit = 180Mb)
320 kBit/s - CBR - 44,1kHz - Stereo

224 kBit/s - VBR - 44,1kHz - Stereo

Niedrigere Bitraten sollten vermutlich auch ohne Probleme gehen - 
raushören kann mans nicht :-)

Der Klang ist okay, was eben so eine kleine Box hergeben kann. Kein 
bisschen Bass, aber Sprache gut und mittelaute Musik völlig ausreichend.

von Joachim S. (oyo)


So, das gibt's nicht mehr, es heisst jetzt und vereint die zwei wichtigsten Funktionen, um eigene 
Speicherkarten und NFC-Tags herzustellen:
- Konvertierung MP3 -> .smp  bzw. .smp -> MP3
- .mct Dateien für beliebige Directory- und File-IDs erstellen, die dann 
mittels der kostenlosen Android-App "Mifare Classic Tool - MCT" auf 
passende "Mifare Classic 1k"-NFC-Tags geschrieben werden können

Ich habe übrigens festgestellt, dass die IDs in den Verzeichnis- und 
Dateinamen gar nicht dezimal sein müssen, wie das bei der 
Märchenheld-Sammlung der Fall ist. Hexadezimal geht ebenfalls (also z.B. 
Datei "T0E8F.smp" in Verzeichnis "TMB9C", womit es sogar mindestens 24 
Bit=16 Millionen mögliche IDs geben dürfte.

von Marko S. (marko_s390)


Kurze Frage:
Wie formatiert ihr die SD-Karten?
Ich habe versucht ein Backup von der 512MB Standard SD Karte zu machen.
Ich habe den kompletten TMB01 Ordner herunter kopiert und auf 2 
verschiedene Karten (16GB & 64GB Karte) ausprobiert. In verschiedenen 
Dateisystemen (FAT, FAT32, exFAT).

Egal was ich gemacht habe blieb die Box stumm. :-(
Liegt es vielleicht daran das meine genutzten Karten SDHC Karten sind?
Oder muss ich bei der Formatierung irgendetwas noch beachten?

von Joachim S. (oyo)


Marko S. schrieb:
> Kurze Frage:
> Wie formatiert ihr die SD-Karten?
> Ich habe versucht ein Backup von der 512MB Standard SD Karte zu machen.
> Ich habe den kompletten TMB01 Ordner herunter kopiert und auf 2
> verschiedene Karten (16GB & 64GB Karte) ausprobiert. In verschiedenen
> Dateisystemen (FAT, FAT32, exFAT).
> Egal was ich gemacht habe blieb die Box stumm. :-(
> Liegt es vielleicht daran das meine genutzten Karten SDHC Karten sind?
> Oder muss ich bei der Formatierung irgendetwas noch beachten?

FAT16 oder FAT32 geht glaube ich beides. Ich selbst habe glaube ich 
FAT32 genommen. Vielleicht liegt das Problem an der Partitionstabelle 
oder so, dass die Partition irgendwie zu gross war? Leg doch testweise 
mal eine einzige kleine Partition mit 512MB an.

von Marko S. (marko_s390)


Problem gefunden! :-)
Windows hat (Warum auch immer) eine unsichtbare EFI Partition erstellt 
gehabt mit 1 MB Speichergröße.
Mit dem Windows Boardmittel DISKPART konnte ich die SD Karte somit 
komplett bereinigen.
Nach der Formatierung und überspielen der Dateien hat die Box sofort 
angefangen zu dudeln. :-)

von Markus H. (raul_b)


Joachim S. schrieb:

Mega Vorlage! Schade dass ich deinen/eure Bemühungen nicht früher 
gefunden habe :(
Ich habe mir einen PHP Webservice gebaut an den ich meine musikdateien 
sende, und der mir mit der passenden mifare und verschlüsselten Audio 
Datei antwortet. Macht es für die mami einfacher.

Ich suche jetzt eine Möglichkeit den 15 Minuten Auto Off mit einem 
Schalter oder so zu umgehen? Jemand eine Idee? Hat jemand schon 
irgendwelche Hardware mods realisiert?
Leider wurde die mp3 Decoding Einheit ja unkenntlich gemacht, aber so 
viele gibt es in dem Format ja nicht. Hat jemand hier eine idee? Oder 
auch schon Mal geschaut?

von Dennys A. (dennys_a)


Hallo bei meiner war leider keine SD Karte bei.
Kann  mir jemand genau das original zu senden, wäre mega lieb
lg Dennys

von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)


Hallo, es tut mei leid, aber ich kann nur ein bischen Deutsch sprechen, 
ich will im englisisch schrieben wenn das OK ist.

Hello, sorry about not writing in german, but it is not my native 
language and I know only a little of it (and I don't like using 
automated translating tools). Using the information provided by Marc D, 
I've made a windows executable program that can convert files between 
the .smp and the .mp3 format. As I can not really read the rules on the 
forum I don't know if it's OK to post here the link to download it, So 
if anybody is interested in getting this program, I'll be happy to share 
it with you. If it is OK to post here the link for downloading (I can 
host it in please tell me and I can post it here for anyone to 
get it.

By the way, I have the first 30 audio files (from the first memory card) 
in spanish and I'd be really interested to get them in german as a way 
to practice it. Is there any way someone can provide me with those files 
(and I can also send the spanish files if someone is interested).

Have a nice day.

von Manfred P. (pruckelfred)


Erick Jaume O. schrieb:
> As I can not really read the rules on the
> forum I don't know if it's OK to post here the link to download

In this forum you can post your link without problems as long it is no 
advertising or commercial. Also it's possible, to attach it as .zip - 
but please leave if it's too big.

von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)

Angehängte Dateien:


Manfred P. schrieb:
> In this forum you can post your link without problems as long it is no
> advertising or commercial. Also it's possible, to attach it as .zip -
> but please leave if it's too big.

Great, I've attached the file converter here. I hope that it can be of 
good use to someone.

von Svenson M. (pix_artist)


Guten Abend Gemeinde.
Ich habe mich hier bei Euch registriert in der Hoffnung IHr helft mir.
Mein grosser Sohn hat die Speicherkarte dieses Würfels formatiert und 
für sein Handy genommen. wie komme ich an die Originalendaten von dieser 
Karte? vllt kamm mir jmd das schicken?
Grüsse Sven

Beitrag #6541220 wurde vom Autor gelöscht.
von Hardy F. (hardyf)


Du hast eine PN .

von Levent I. (wardriv3r)


Hi und ersteinmal vielen Dank für deine Anleitungen und Hilfestellung. 
Ich hätte mal eine frage bitt. Kann man es irgendwie hinbekommen mit 
einer figur den chip so einzustellen, dass er alle geschichten 
nacheinander abspielt?wenn ja könntest du hier behilflich sein wie es 
funktioniert. Vielen Dank jetzt schon eibmal

von Joachim S. (oyo)


Levent I. schrieb:
> Hi und ersteinmal vielen Dank für deine Anleitungen und Hilfestellung.
> Ich hätte mal eine frage bitt. Kann man es irgendwie hinbekommen mit
> einer figur den chip so einzustellen, dass er alle geschichten
> nacheinander abspielt?wenn ja könntest du hier behilflich sein wie es
> funktioniert. Vielen Dank jetzt schon eibmal

Du kannst aus den 30 einzelnen MP3-Dateien natürlich einfach eine 
einzige grosse MP3-Datei machen.

Ist halt die Frage, wie sinnvoll und benutzerfreundlich das ist, da man 
ja nicht seeken/springen kann.

von Levent I. (wardriv3r)


Hi Danke für die Info, da ich leider auf diesem gebiet komplett newby 
bin habe ich noch nicht herausgefunden wie das mit dem konvertieren 
funktionier. Welche software ich benötige oder wo ich diese ganzen 
befehle eingeben soll was in der anleitung steht. Würde mich sehr freuen 
wenn mir da eventuell einer zur hand gehen kann. Vielen vielen dank

von Joachim S. (oyo)


Levent I. schrieb:
> Hi Danke für die Info, da ich leider auf diesem gebiet komplett newby
> bin habe ich noch nicht herausgefunden wie das mit dem konvertieren
> funktionier. Welche software ich benötige oder wo ich diese ganzen
> befehle eingeben soll was in der anleitung steht. Würde mich sehr freuen
> wenn mir da eventuell einer zur hand gehen kann. Vielen vielen dank

Da Du sagst, dass Du nicht weisst, wo Du die Befehle eingeben solltest, 
vermute ich mal, dass Du Windows verwendest?

Wenn Du Windows verwendest, dann ist die einfachste Methode vermutlich 
das spezielle Windows-Tool, das ein spanischer User ein paar Postings 
weiter oben gepostet hat. Das habe ich allerdings nicht ausprobiert, 
genaueres kann ich dazu also nicht sagen, aber da es Windows ist, ist es 
vermutlich ein vglw. DAU-freundliches Tool mit grafischer 
Benutzeroberfläche, dass sich weitgehend selbst erklärt.

Die beiden anderen hier erwähnten Tools (xortool-xor und 
sind Python-Skripte, die auf jedem Desktop-Betriebssystem laufen, aber 
für die Kommandozeile sind. Oder "Eingabeaufforderung", wie es unter 
Windows glaube ich genannt wird. Die funktionieren zwar auch unter 
Windows, es ist aber umständlicher sie dort in Betrieb zu nehmen, weil 
man unter Windows vorab erst einmal einen Python-Interpreter 
installieren müsste.

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


eintrag.mp3 ?????????? Konvertierung abfahrt.smp

- Konvertierung MP3 -> .smp  bzw. .smp -> MP3

> xortool-xor -f eintrag.mp3 -h "??????????????" > abfahrt.smp

abfahrt.smp -> eintrag.mp3

Sie können es nicht herausfinden?

 Vielen Dank jetzt schon eibmal

von Joachim S. (oyo)


Cean D. schrieb:
> eintrag.mp3 ?????????? Konvertierung abfahrt.smp
> - Konvertierung MP3 -> .smp  bzw. .smp -> MP3
>> xortool-xor -f eintrag.mp3 -h "??????????????" > abfahrt.smp
> abfahrt.smp -> eintrag.mp3
> Sie können es nicht herausfinden?
>  Vielen Dank jetzt schon eibmal

First of all: Am I right assuming that german isn't your native language 
and that you are from Spain? If so: Even though this is a german forum, 
you may write in english if you feel more comfortable writing in 

As I get it, you are wondering how to decrypt the .smp file you 
attached, because the "xortool-xor" command from the first posting in 
this thread did not work?

I have successfully decrypted the .smp file and can tell you the XOR key 
you are looking for. All I'm asking for in return is some information 
where you got this file from: Is this file from the Micro SD card of the 
spanish version of the device from company "Hachettte", as seen in the 
"Cube.png" photo in the first posting of this thread?
If so, can you please post the URL of the official website of this 
spanish version? Because I am the author of a little software project 
for these devices ( and I'm 
collecting information etc. about the various devices that use such .smp 

von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)

Angehängte Dateien:


Cean D. schrieb:
> eintrag.mp3 ?????????? Konvertierung abfahrt.smp
> - Konvertierung MP3 -> .smp  bzw. .smp -> MP3
>> xortool-xor -f eintrag.mp3 -h "??????????????" > abfahrt.smp
> abfahrt.smp -> eintrag.mp3
> Sie können es nicht herausfinden?
>  Vielen Dank jetzt schon eibmal

Hi, you must use the following hex key to decrypt this file:


I do not know how to change the key in the tool you're using, but in the 
tool I attached in my previous message you can change the file 
"HexKey.key" to use this key. I've attached the decrypted file for your 


Hola! Debes usar la siguiente clave en hexadecimal para poder 
desencriptar el archivo:


No se como modificar la clave en la herramienta qué estas intentando 
usar, pero en la qué yo adjunte en mi mensaje anterior lo puedes hacer 
modificando el archivo "HexKey.key". Adjunte el archivo MP3 resultante 
por si te es útil. (ojo, si borras el archivo ini te va a aparecer el 
programa en español)


von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)


Joachim S. schrieb:
> Cean D. schrieb:
>> eintrag.mp3 ?????????? Konvertierung abfahrt.smp
>> - Konvertierung MP3 -> .smp  bzw. .smp -> MP3
>>> xortool-xor -f eintrag.mp3 -h "??????????????" > abfahrt.smp
>> abfahrt.smp -> eintrag.mp3
>> Sie können es nicht herausfinden?
>>  Vielen Dank jetzt schon eibmal
> First of all: Am I right assuming that german isn't your native language
> and that you are from Spain? If so: Even though this is a german forum,
> you may write in english if you feel more comfortable writing in
> english.
> As I get it, you are wondering how to decrypt the .smp file you
> attached, because the "xortool-xor" command from the first posting in
> this thread did not work?
> I have successfully decrypted the .smp file and can tell you the XOR key
> you are looking for. All I'm asking for in return is some information
> where you got this file from: Is this file from the Micro SD card of the
> spanish version of the device from company "Hachettte", as seen in the
> "Cube.png" photo in the first posting of this thread?
> If so, can you please post the URL of the official website of this
> spanish version? Because I am the author of a little software project
> for these devices ( and I'm
> collecting information etc. about the various devices that use such .smp
> files.

Hi, I'm not the one that is asking for help, but I can help you with the 
information you're asking.

This particular file is from a new collection named "Mi primer 
abecedario" (MI first alphabet) by Editorial Salvat. The collection we 
page is:

If you are looking for the Spanish version of maerchenheld-sammlung, 
it's also published by Salvat under the name "Audiocuentos" (Audio 
stories) and you can find it here: for the Spain version 
and here for the Mexican version (might be the same version for all 
Latin America) :


von Joachim S. (oyo)


Erick Jaume O. schrieb:
> This particular file is from a new collection named "Mi primer
> abecedario" (MI first alphabet) by Editorial Salvat. The collection we
> page is:
> If you are looking for the Spanish version of maerchenheld-sammlung,
> it's also published by Salvat under the name "Audiocuentos" (Audio
> stories) and you can find it here:
> for the Spain version
> and here for the Mexican version (might be the same version for all
> Latin America) :

Very helpful, thanks a lot! Could you please answer a few more questions 
for me?

1. Do I understand correctly that there are two variants of that device?
- A blue one, as seen in the first posting, which uses the key [0x51, 
0x23, 0x98, 0x56] for the XOR encryption, with an associated set of 
figures from popular fairytales with a blue stand
- A green one, which uses the key [0x18, 0x08, 0x20, 0x20] for the XOR 
encryption, with a different associated set of animal figures with a 
green stand

2. Do you know more technical details about that green version? 
Specifically, I'm wondering if it is any different from the blue version 
apart from the different XOR key (for example different filename 
pattern, different NFC tag type or content etc.)

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)


Hola, muchas gracias por las respuestas que han sido rapidisimas.
Hello, thank you very much for the responses that have been very fast.

Las figuras de Audiocuentos pueden modificarse y funcionar en Mi primer 
abecedario. Las figuras de Mi primer abecedario se pueden modificar y 
funcionar en los Audiocuentos.

The Audio Story figures can be modified and work in My First Alphabet.
The figures in My First Alphabet can be modified and used in the audio 

Una vez que tengas los audios mp3 los puedes pasar a formato smp 
Audiocuentos y funcionarán en el altavoz de Audiocuentos.
Once you have the mp3 audios you can convert them to smp Audio Tales 
format and they will work in the Audio Tales speaker.

Repito, muchisimas gracias a todos por vuestras respuestas y ayuda.
I repeat, thank you all very much for your answers and help.

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)


Hola para estudios de XOR.
Hello to XOR studios.

El programa DataConverter es muy interesante.
The DataConverter program is very interesting.

Lo adjunto y me dirás si te resultó util.
I attach it and you will tell me if it was useful to you.

Repito, muchisimas gracias a todos por vuestras respuestas y ayuda.
I repeat, thank you all very much for your answers and help.

[Edit by Admin: removed dubious attachment (wrong file extension, 
UPX-compressed). Please link to the original source of the software.]

: Bearbeitet durch Admin
von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Erick Jaume O. schrieb:
> Cean D. schrieb:
>> eintrag.mp3 ?????????? Konvertierung abfahrt.smp
>> - Konvertierung MP3 -> .smp  bzw. .smp -> MP3
>>> xortool-xor -f eintrag.mp3 -h "??????????????" > abfahrt.smp
>> abfahrt.smp -> eintrag.mp3
>> Sie können es nicht herausfinden?
>>  Vielen Dank jetzt schon eibmal
> Hi, you must use the following hex key to decrypt this file:
> 0x18
> 0x08
> 0x20
> 0x20
> I do not know how to change the key in the tool you're using, but in the
> tool I attached in my previous message you can change the file
> "HexKey.key" to use this key. I've attached the decrypted file for your
> convenience.
> -----
> Hola! Debes usar la siguiente clave en hexadecimal para poder
> desencriptar el archivo:
> 0x18
> 0x08
> 0x20
> 0x20
> No se como modificar la clave en la herramienta qué estas intentando
> usar, pero en la qué yo adjunte en mi mensaje anterior lo puedes hacer
> modificando el archivo "HexKey.key". Adjunte el archivo MP3 resultante
> por si te es útil. (ojo, si borras el archivo ini te va a aparecer el
> programa en español)
> Saludos.

Muchas gracias.
Lo puse en español en el pasado mes de diciembre, modificando el ini:


Thank you very much!
I put it in Spanish last December, modifying the ini.

Post Data:

Modificando eng.lan podeis ponerlo en Aleman.
By modifying eng.lan you can put it in German.

eng.lan.txt -> ger.lan


von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)


Cean D. schrieb:
> Hola para estudios de XOR.
> Hello to XOR studios.
> El programa DataConverter es muy interesante.
> The DataConverter program is very interesting.
> Lo adjunto y me dirás si te resultó util.
> I attach it and you will tell me if it was useful to you.
> Repito, muchisimas gracias a todos por vuestras respuestas y ayuda.
> I repeat, thank you all very much for your answers and help.

Cean, my antivirus says this file has troyan, be careful with it and 
scan your computer if you can.

Cean, mi antivirus detectó un troyan en este archivo, ten cuidado con el 
y te recomiendo que revises tu computadora para ver si no estas 


von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)


Joachim S. schrieb:
> Erick Jaume O. schrieb:
>> This particular file is from a new collection named "Mi primer
>> abecedario" (MI first alphabet) by Editorial Salvat. The collection we
>> page is:
>> If you are looking for the Spanish version of maerchenheld-sammlung,
>> it's also published by Salvat under the name "Audiocuentos" (Audio
>> stories) and you can find it here:
>> for the Spain version
>> and here for the Mexican version (might be the same version for all
>> Latin America) :
> Very helpful, thanks a lot! Could you please answer a few more questions
> for me?
> 1. Do I understand correctly that there are two variants of that device?
> - A blue one, as seen in the first posting, which uses the key [0x51,
> 0x23, 0x98, 0x56] for the XOR encryption, with an associated set of
> figures from popular fairytales with a blue stand
> - A green one, which uses the key [0x18, 0x08, 0x20, 0x20] for the XOR
> encryption, with a different associated set of animal figures with a
> green stand
> 2. Do you know more technical details about that green version?
> Specifically, I'm wondering if it is any different from the blue version
> apart from the different XOR key (for example different filename
> pattern, different NFC tag type or content etc.)

Hi, I can not fully answer your questions because the green version is 
not being sold in my country yet and I do not have one to test it.

As far as I know:

1.- You are correct in assuming that these are two different versions 
with different encryption keys.

2.- About technical details, I suppose that as they are from the same 
publisher, that's all the difference they have. According to Cean D It 
seems that they both use Mifare Classic 1k RFID tags. . Maybe Cean D can 
shed a little more light in this subject, as well as the 
directory/filename structure of the files in the green cube.


: Bearbeitet durch User
von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Erick Jaume O. schrieb:
> Cean D. schrieb:
>> Hola para estudios de XOR.
>> Hello to XOR studios.
>> El programa DataConverter es muy interesante.
>> The DataConverter program is very interesting.
>> Lo adjunto y me dirás si te resultó util.
>> I attach it and you will tell me if it was useful to you.
>> Repito, muchisimas gracias a todos por vuestras respuestas y ayuda.
>> I repeat, thank you all very much for your answers and help.
> Cean, my antivirus says this file has troyan, be careful with it and
> scan your computer if you can.
> Cean, mi antivirus detectó un troyan en este archivo, ten cuidado con el
> y te recomiendo que revises tu computadora para ver si no estas
> infectado.
> Saludos.

Gracias, yo lo abro y no me aoarece nada.

Miraré en el historico del antivirus a ver si registró algo de virus 

El enlace a esta herramienta es la siguiente:

Investigaré ... Gracias.

En el historico de mi antivirus he encontrado esto que adjunto y pone 

Buscando informacion de Ramnit.A pone lo que adjunto.

^Pongo en Ingles para que todos estén avisados.

I put in English so that everyone is advised.

Cean, my antivirus says this file has troyan, be careful with it and
> scan your computer if you can.
> Cean, my antivirus detected a trojan in this file, be careful with it
> and I recommend that you check your computer to see if you are not
> infected.
> Greetings.

Thanks, I open it and it doesn't show me anything.

I will look in the history of the antivirus to see if it registered any 
Trojan virus.

The link to this tool is as follows:

I'll investigate ... Thank you.

^ I put in English so that everyone is advised.

In the history of my antivirus I have found this that I attach and it 
says disinfected,

Looking for information from Ramnit.A puts what I attach.

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Thanks for the warning.

In the history of my antivirus I have found this that I attach and it
says disinfected.


von Joachim S. (oyo)


I just checked that file via the virus scanner webservice at
According to their analysis, 29/69 virus scanners claim that it contains 

What's more, according to the data posted there, that file seems to 
exist since at least 2014. Back then, those fairy tale mp3 player 
devices did not even exist.

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)


The files of the cards.
On the Blue, Card they are in a folder called TMB01 that contains the 
encoded audios.
On the Green, Card they are in a folder called TMB that contains the 
encoded audios.

The folders have different names and so do the files.
The coding system is different.

Only that is different.


von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)


Better delete that program.
And my apologies.

Ramnit is a Computer worm affecting Windows users. It was estimated that 
it infected 800 000 Windows PCs between September and December 2011. The 
Ramnit botnet was dismantled by Europol and Symantec in 2015. At its 
peak in 2015, Ramnit was estimated to have infected 3,200,000 PCs. 

With my best regards.

von Joachim S. (oyo)


Cean D. schrieb:
> On the Blue, Card they are in a folder called TMB01 that contains the
> encoded audios.
> On the Green, Card they are in a folder called TMB that contains the
> encoded audios.
> The folders have different names and so do the files.

Thanks. What is the pattern of the filenames on the green version?

And do you know what's stored in the NFC tags of the green version?
Is it the same as seen in the NFC.png image in the first posting of this 

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Acabo de realizar el análisis de DataConverter.exe
Mi antivirus no detecta nada de virus, malware o troyano.

I just ran the DataConverter.exe scan
My antivirus does not detect any virus, malware or Trojan horse.
There is a picture.
Best regards

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)


Azul  es   0001   TMB01/T0001.smp Caperucita
Verde es   0001         TBB/T1001.smp   Ardilla

Hasta                   TMB/T1060.smp

NFC TAGS Pendiente de estudio.


Blue is 0001 TMB01 / T0001.smp Little Red Riding Hood
Green is 0001 TBB / T1001.smp Squirrel

Up to         TMB / T1060.smp

NFC TAGS Pending study.


von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)


Los mct de los audiocuentos en la edicion hachette DE estan en

Puedes competarla hasta la entrega 90

Son los mismos que la versión ES

Para los Mi promer ABCDARIO varian muy poco


En los Audiocuentos tenemos 2190101010001 Caperucita

La carpeta de los audios es TMB01 en la MICROSD

En Mi primer ABCEDARIO tenemos 2200101011001 Adela

La carpeta de los audios es TMB-ABC en la MICROSD


The mct of the audio stories in the hachette DE edition are in

You can complete it until delivery 90

They are the same as the ES version

For the Mi promer ABCDARIO they vary very little

Let's see:

In the Audio Tales we have 2190101010001 Little Red Riding Hood

The audio folder is TMB01 on the MICROSD

In My first ABCEDARIO we have 2200101011001 Adela

The audio folder is TMB-ABC on the MICROSD


von Joachim S. (oyo)


Hello Cean,

thanks for reporting!

Cean D. schrieb:
> The mct of the audio stories in the hachette DE edition are in
> You can complete it until delivery 90

Ok, I added the .mct files up to number 90:

> In My first ABCEDARIO we have 2200101011001 Adela
> The audio folder is TMB-ABC on the MICROSD

I want to make sure that I'm really getting this right:
Is the folder on the "My first ABCEDARIO" called "TMB" or "TMB-ABC"?
Because in the previous posting, you mentioned two other names for that 
folder: "TMB" and "TBB", so I'm not 100% sure which one is correct.

I currently assume it's "TMB-ABC", and that the paths of the audio files 
are therefor

Please confirm if that is correct.

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)


In previous post I could put errors when writing, my apologies,
but now corrected I put the correct directories and names
You ask:
I currently assume it's "TMB-ABC", and that the paths of the audio files
are therefor

Please confirm if that is correct.
My answer is that if it is correct.OK :)

von Audio C. (noasgr)


Hello and thanks everyone for the great work.

I just got the green speaker as well. I can confirm the following:

Blue speaker example:

Green speaker example:

As you can see, both the folder and and smp name are different.

Another thing that called my attention is that on the blue speaker I can 
create folders (TMB02, TMB03, etc) and call them with the corresponding 
00000000000000000002190101030020 (folder 03, file 20), while with 
"TMC-ABC" I am not sure if that will be possible.

A dumb file from the green speaker can be found here:
+Sector: 0
+Sector: 1

If you need any further information, please let me know.

von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)


Nikolas M. schrieb:
> Hello and thanks everyone for the great work.
> I just got the green speaker as well. I can confirm the following:
> Blue speaker example:
> TMB01/T0001.smp
> Green speaker example:
> TMC-ABC/T1001.smp
> As you can see, both the folder and and smp name are different.
> Another thing that called my attention is that on the blue speaker I can
> create folders (TMB02, TMB03, etc) and call them with the corresponding
> mct:
> 00000000000000000002190101030020 (folder 03, file 20), while with
> "TMC-ABC" I am not sure if that will be possible.
> A dumb file from the green speaker can be found here:
> +Sector: 0
> 6C377854770804006263646566676869
> 00000000000000000002200101011002
> 00000000000000000000000000000000
> +Sector: 1
> 00000000000000000000000000000000
> 00000000000000000002200101011002
> 00000000000000000000000000000000
> If you need any further information, please let me know.

Thanks for your info. Could you try the following?

-Encode an mp3 file for the green cube
-Name it T0002.smp
-Copy it into the same directory as the other green cube files (TMC-ABC)
-Try to play it placing the corresponding figure (the little pig) on the 
green cube.

The intention would be to use the same cube with all the figures, from 
the green and blue cube. Obviously that would require to change the 
encryption from one set to the other.

That way one can use one cube to ply the original stories and the other 
for something else (In my kids case, play classic rock, one song 
associated to each figure). I'm already doing this, but I have to 
exchange the memory card to alternate between the stories and the music.


P. S. I have an update to my original program that can change easily the 
encription keys to use for the conversion for this and other cubes in 
the market. I will upload it here as soon as I get to my computer.

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


  I give you a T0099.mp3 and its corresponding T0099.smp

I have a micro SD with more than 300 audios.
The audios can be activated in Blue or Green indistinctly.

The audio stories can be converted to 128kb or 64kb, they do not lose 
quality given the simple speaker audio that the cubes carry. This way 
they will occupy you less on the card.

I did that test a long time ago with the Blue cube. Working.
Now also in the Green it works.

You can have up to 999 audios on the card, or 1000?

For example:

The Audio Tales
My first ABCDARY
Disney audio stories
Varied music
And what you prefer.

Give instructions for tomorrow or remember something important.

What your imagination invents or comes to mind.


von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


  I give you a T0099.mp3 corresponding to T0099.smp


von Joachim S. (oyo)


Could one of you guys who owns the green version take a photo of it 
(ideally, in front of a white background) and post it here?

I'd like to have a photo similar to this:
but from the green version for my GitHub page.

von Audio C. (noasgr)


Joachim S. schrieb:
> Could one of you guys who owns the green version take a photo of it
> (ideally, in front of a white background) and post it here?
> I'd like to have a photo similar to this:
> but from the green version for my GitHub page.

Please find a photo of the green speaker here:

von Joachim S. (oyo)


Nikolas M. schrieb:
> Hello,
> Please find a photo of the green speaker here:

That's perfect, thanks!

von Audio C. (noasgr)


Erick Jaume O. schrieb:
> Thanks for your info. Could you try the following?
> -Encode an mp3 file for the green cube
> -Name it T0002.smp
> -Copy it into the same directory as the other green cube files (TMC-ABC)
> -Try to play it placing the corresponding figure (the little pig) on the
> green cube.
> The intention would be to use the same cube with all the figures, from
> the green and blue cube. Obviously that would require to change the
> encryption from one set to the other.
> That way one can use one cube to ply the original stories and the other
> for something else (In my kids case, play classic rock, one song
> associated to each figure). I'm already doing this, but I have to
> exchange the memory card to alternate between the stories and the music.
> Thanks.
> P. S. I have an update to my original program that can change easily the
> encription keys to use for the conversion for this and other cubes in
> the market. I will upload it here as soon as I get to my computer.

Hello, I did a couple of tests, unfortunately I got no results. Here are 
some thoughts:

As mentioned before, the folder/file patern followed by the BLUE speaker 
is the following:

while the GREEN speaker:

So we have different folder names:

And different file names:
T0001.smp vs T1001.smp

A figure from the blue speaker, has the following info:
+Sector: 0
+Sector: 1
Where "010027" corresponds to TMB01 (folder) and T0027.smp (file)

And a figure of the green speaker:
+Sector: 0
+Sector: 1
Where "011002" corresponds to -ABC (folder)??? and T1002.smp (file)

in addition there is one more difference
The number on the blue figure begins with 219 while on the green with 

Having said all that, I wonder if:
- There is a way to create folders on the green speaker like we can in 
the blue
- As @disasster is suggesting, if there is a way to make a single figure 
to work for both speakers. FOr example Figure A on the blue speaker 
plays a song in spanish and the same figure on the green speaker plays 
the same song in english...

Many thanks!

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Joachim S. (oyo)


Nikolas M. schrieb:
> A figure from the blue speaker, has the following info:
> +Sector: 1
> 00000000000000000002190101010027
> 00000000000000000000000000000000
> 00000000000000000000000000000000
> And a figure of the green speaker:
> +Sector: 1
> 00000000000000000000000000000000
> 00000000000000000002200101011002
> 00000000000000000000000000000000

Is this really correct? I'm a bit confused that in Sector 1 the code is 
- the first line in the blue version
- the second line in the green version

> The number on the blue figure begins with 219 while on the green with
> 220.

Since those are bytes, I think you need to interpret that as "02 19" / 
"02 20".
And I currently assume that the 19 / 20 only refers to the year (of 
production?), encoded as BCD = 2019 / 2020 and is probably simply 
ignored by the device.

> Having said all that, I wonder if:
> - There is a way to create folders on the green speaker like we can in
> the blue
> - As @disasster is suggesting, if there is a way to make a single figure
> to work for both speakers. FOr example Figure A on the blue speaker
> plays a song in spanish and the same figure on the green speaker plays
> the same song in english...

Someone who owns the green version should try to change the value of the 
third last byte (which in the blue version determines the directory) 
from "01" to, say, "02" and see if it will still play the audio track. 
If it does, that suggests that that byte is simply ignored in the green 

I would expect that it is indeed possible that one figure can trigger 
playback on both the green and the blue version, but probably only files 
from the TMB01 folder.
If someone owns both the green and the blue version, what I would try is 
to copy any of the files in the TMB01 folder on the blue version, for 
example T0001.smp if that exists, to the same TMB01 folder, but renamed 
to T1001.smp - and see if it will start playing if the "Adela" figure 
from the green version is placed on top.

von Audio C. (noasgr)

Angehängte Dateien:


Joachim S. schrieb:
> Nikolas M. schrieb:
>> A figure from the blue speaker, has the following info:
>> +Sector: 1
>> 00000000000000000002190101010027
>> 00000000000000000000000000000000
>> 00000000000000000000000000000000
>> And a figure of the green speaker:
>> +Sector: 1
>> 00000000000000000000000000000000
>> 00000000000000000002200101011002
>> 00000000000000000000000000000000
> Is this really correct? I'm a bit confused that in Sector 1 the code is
> in...
> - the first line in the blue version
> - the second line in the green version
>> The number on the blue figure begins with 219 while on the green with
>> 220.
> Since those are bytes, I think you need to interpret that as "02 19" /
> "02 20".
> And I currently assume that the 19 / 20 only refers to the year (of
> production?), encoded as BCD = 2019 / 2020 and is probably simply
> ignored by the device.
>> Having said all that, I wonder if:
>> - There is a way to create folders on the green speaker like we can in
>> the blue
>> - As @disasster is suggesting, if there is a way to make a single figure
>> to work for both speakers. FOr example Figure A on the blue speaker
>> plays a song in spanish and the same figure on the green speaker plays
>> the same song in english...
> Someone who owns the green version should try to change the value of the
> third last byte (which in the blue version determines the directory)
> from "01" to, say, "02" and see if it will still play the audio track.
> If it does, that suggests that that byte is simply ignored in the green
> version.
> I would expect that it is indeed possible that one figure can trigger
> playback on both the green and the blue version, but probably only files
> from the TMB01 folder.
> If someone owns both the green and the blue version, what I would try is
> to copy any of the files in the TMB01 folder on the blue version, for
> example T0001.smp if that exists, to the same TMB01 folder, but renamed
> to T1001.smp - and see if it will start playing if the "Adela" figure
> from the green version is placed on top.

Apologies, I messed up with copy paste :(
The forum does not allow me to edit my previous post, so here is the 
correct (I hope) info:

Blue speaker:
+Sector: 0
+Sector: 1

Green speaker:
+Sector: 0
+Sector: 1

I double checked and one more difference that I noticed is that
Sector 1 green speaker has the info on the second line

For your reference, I am attaching here both mct files.

I own both blue and green speakers, so I can do any tests are needed.

Thanks once again.

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


First installment of My first ABECEDARIO

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Second installment of My first ABECEDARIO

von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)

Angehängte Dateien:


Joachim S. schrieb:
>If someone owns both the green and the blue version, what I would try is
> to copy any of the files in the TMB01 folder on the blue version, for
> example T0001.smp if that exists, to the same TMB01 folder, but renamed
> to T1001.smp - and see if it will start playing if the "Adela" figure
> from the green version is placed on top.

I doubt this will work, because (as far as I know) the files in each 
cube uses different encryption keys (0x51,0x23,0x98,0x56 for the blue 
one and 0x18,0x08,0x20,0x20 for the green one).

I'm supposing that for a figure to work with both cubes, the original 
file must be re-encoded with the appropriate key.

The thing now is the RFID tag. I'm a total neophyte when it comes to 
RFID technology, but looking at the info posted before, it seems that 
the key difference is that for the blue speaker the info is on the first 
line of sector 1 and for the green speaker the info is on the second 
line of sector 1.

Could it be possible that having a tag that repeats the info in both 
line 1 and 2 of sector 1 can work of both speakers?

Something like this:

+Sector: 0

+Sector: 1

In this case the file T0002.smp from the blue speaker should have been 
decoded (with the blue key), re-encoded (with the green key) an copied 
to the green speaker memory card, in the same directory as the rest of 
the files (TMC-ABC).

Hope someone can make this test.

P.S. I uploaded here an update to my program that can change the 
encryption key easily and language easily.

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:



It works perfectly, Ok.

Check that it also works in folders:
TMB03, TMB04, TMB05, TMB06, TMB07, TMB08, TMB09

I have not tried TMB10 ... TMB99
If anyone can try TMB10 ... write down if it worked. Thank you.

Have a good day!

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:



I send the audio in mp3


Have a good day!

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)


This site had

504 Gateway Time-out

In a few minutes it responded again and worked Ok

von Joachim S. (oyo)


Erick Jaume O. schrieb:
> Joachim S. schrieb:
>>If someone owns both the green and the blue version, what I would try is
>> to copy any of the files in the TMB01 folder on the blue version, for
>> example T0001.smp if that exists, to the same TMB01 folder, but renamed
>> to T1001.smp - and see if it will start playing if the "Adela" figure
>> from the green version is placed on top.
> I doubt this will work, because (as far as I know) the files in each
> cube uses different encryption keys (0x51,0x23,0x98,0x56 for the blue
> one and 0x18,0x08,0x20,0x20 for the green one).
> I'm supposing that for a figure to work with both cubes, the original
> file must be re-encoded with the appropriate key.

I think you misunderstood me. I wasn't suggesting copying one of the 
files from the green version onto the memory card of the blue version - 
that indeed would not work without re-encoding, because of the different 
encryption key.

Instead, I was suggesting to copy one of the .smp files from the TMB01 
folder on the memory card of the blue version to a different filename in 
the same TMB01 directory on the same memory card of the blue version. 
(Simply renaming the file would of course have the same effect).

But I just realized: since you already uplodaded a .mct file of the 
green version, I can actually simply test that myself. Probably not 
today, though.

> The thing now is the RFID tag. I'm a total neophyte when it comes to
> RFID technology, but looking at the info posted before, it seems that
> the key difference is that for the blue speaker the info is on the first
> line of sector 1 and for the green speaker the info is on the second
> line of sector 1.

I second that, I too believe that this is the real key difference.

> Could it be possible that having a tag that repeats the info in both
> line 1 and 2 of sector 1 can work of both speakers?
> Something like this:
> +Sector: 0
> FA4BAF46580804006263646566676869
> 00000000000000000002190101010002
> 00000000000000000000000000000000
> +Sector: 1
> 00000000000000000002190101010002
> 00000000000000000002190101010002
> 00000000000000000000000000000000

I assume this should work, yes.

> In this case the file T0002.smp from the blue speaker should have been
> decoded (with the blue key), re-encoded (with the green key) an copied
> to the green speaker memory card, in the same directory as the rest of
> the files (TMC-ABC).

What you're suggesting is ultimately pretty much the same than what I 
was suggesting. Simply copying/renaming one of the files and seeing if 
that file is being played when a figure from the other version is 
sufficient for testing, and requires a little less work. If that works, 
then your idea (decrypt a file from one version, encrypt it for the 
other version and place it on that memory card) should also work.

> P.S. I uploaded here an update to my program that can change the
> encryption key easily and language easily.

I'm wondering: Do you have an account on GitHub or something, where you 
could publish the source code of this? Because I'm considering linking 
to your tool, because most Windows users will probably prefer a proper 
Windows executable with a GUI over my command-line Python script. But 
I'm not feeling secure about linking to a closed-source Windows .exe 
file... :-/

von Joachim S. (oyo)


Cean D. schrieb:
> =====================================
> ______
> TMB02
> ------
> TMB02/T0098.smp
> It works perfectly, Ok.
> Check that it also works in folders:
> TMB03, TMB04, TMB05, TMB06, TMB07, TMB08, TMB09
> I have not tried TMB10 ... TMB99
> If anyone can try TMB10 ... write down if it worked. Thank you.

According to my personal findings, those should all work. In fact, both 
the directory name and the filename seem to allow for hexadecimal digits 
(in upper-case), not just decimal digits.
So the blue version should actually allow for 256 folders (TMB00-TMBFF) 
and 65536 files per folder T0000.smp-TFFFF.smp, so a total of 16777216 
different/distinguishable files/figures.

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)


Joachim S. schrieb:
> I think you misunderstood me. I wasn't suggesting copying one of the
> files from the green version onto the memory card of the blue version -
> that indeed would not work without re-encoding, because of the different
> encryption key.
> Instead, I was suggesting to copy one of the .smp files from the TMB01
> folder on the memory card of the blue version to a different filename in
> the same TMB01 directory on the same memory card of the blue version.
> (Simply renaming the file would of course have the same effect).

Yes, I completely misunderstood you, you're right, that would be a much 
simpler test than what I was suggesting.

> I'm wondering: Do you have an account on GitHub or something, where you
> could publish the source code of this? Because I'm considering linking
> to your tool, because most Windows users will probably prefer a proper
> Windows executable with a GUI over my command-line Python script. But
> I'm not feeling secure about linking to a closed-source Windows .exe
> file... :-/

I do not have a Github account, and right now I could not share the 
project source code because I'm using some proprietary libraries (from 
my work) that I can't share and some 3rd party components. However, If I 
have a little spare time, I can strip all the proprietary and 3rd party 
code and create a version that can be shared. I might be able to do this 
over the weekend, I'll keep you posted.

von Audio C. (noasgr)


Erick Jaume O. schrieb:
> Joachim S. schrieb:
>> I think you misunderstood me. I wasn't suggesting copying one of the
>> files from the green version onto the memory card of the blue version -
>> that indeed would not work without re-encoding, because of the different
>> encryption key.
>> Instead, I was suggesting to copy one of the .smp files from the TMB01
>> folder on the memory card of the blue version to a different filename in
>> the same TMB01 directory on the same memory card of the blue version.
>> (Simply renaming the file would of course have the same effect).
> Yes, I completely misunderstood you, you're right, that would be a much
> simpler test than what I was suggesting.

I will try to test that tonight. I will keep you posted.

I have just tried it, it did not work.
Let me confirm the steps I followed to make sure I did it right:

- I duplicated a file from the blue speaker, and renamed it to T1002.smp 
(I have the second figure from the green).
- I put the figure from the green speaker on the top of the blue 

Am I missing something? Is there anything else I could test?

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


>I have just tried it, it did not work.
>Let me confirm the steps I followed to make sure I did it right:

>- I duplicated a file from the blue speaker, and renamed it to T1002.smp
(I have the second figure from the green).
>- I put the figure from the green speaker on the top of the blue

>Am I missing something? Is there anything else I could test?
I didn't understand anything you did, I think that's not the way to make 
it work.
Let's see:
Audio from BLUE to GREEN should work with green figure.
GREEN on BLUE audio should work with BLUE figure

As you have figure 2 GREEN, I'll give you the audio 2 BLUE adapted to 
figure 2 of GREEN.

Save the original T1002.smp

Copy the one sent by T1002.smp replacing the original.

Turn on the speaker, turn up the volume,

Put figure 2 GREEN and you should hear Audio Story 2 in GREEN.

Have a nice day,

von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)


That's not what he's trying to do. What he was testing was if one cube 
can "read" the figures from the other cube and play the files without 
modifying the tag on the figure.

von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)


Nikolas M. schrieb:
> - I duplicated a file from the blue speaker, and renamed it to T1002.smp
> (I have the second figure from the green).
> - I put the figure from the green speaker on the top of the blue
> speaker.

That's exactly the test we wanted to perform, the next test would be to 
modify the TAG so the first and second line of sector 1 are the same, 
and try again.

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)


Well luck to keep working.
I encourage the one who follows her gets it.

You can explain it to me in Spanish, I have not understood anything 
about what you want to do.

Me lo puedes explicar en español, no he entendido nada de lo que quereis 

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)


Cean D. schrieb:
> You can explain it to me in Spanish, I have not understood anything
> about what you want to do.
> Me lo puedes explicar en español, no he entendido nada de lo que quereis
> hacer.

I'll send you private message to avoid clutter in the thread.

Te mando un mensaje privado para mantener el foro limpio.

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


¿Y como se leen los mensajes privados?.

And how are private messages read?

Und wie werden private Nachrichten gelesen?

von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)


Cean D. schrieb:
> ¿Y como se leen los mensajes privados?.
> And how are private messages read?
> Und wie werden private Nachrichten gelesen?

Check you registered email address, if you don't see any mail from the 
forum, check your spam folder.

Te llegan a tu correo electrónico. Ya te envié el mensaje, revisa la 
dirección de correo que registraste aquí, si no lo ves, revisa la 
carpeta de correo no deseado.

von Audio C. (noasgr)


Erick Jaume O. schrieb:
> Nikolas M. schrieb:
>> - I duplicated a file from the blue speaker, and renamed it to T1002.smp
>> (I have the second figure from the green).
>> - I put the figure from the green speaker on the top of the blue
>> speaker.
> That's exactly the test we wanted to perform, the next test would be to
> modify the TAG so the first and second line of sector 1 are the same,
> and try again.

I think I tried that as well.. No results..

May I ask you to try something as well? Could you download the mct file 
I uploaded earlier today and do any modifications that will make it work 
on the blue speaker?

If we manage to do that, we might get to a "hybrid" mct. And if that 
works, the last step would be to test that "hybrid" mct to the green 

Thanks in advance!

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Hola, ¿como te envío respuesta a tu mensaje privado?.

Te responderé con mensaje privado para mantener el foro limpio.

Hello, how do I send you a reply to your private message?

I will reply to you with a private message to keep the forum clean.

von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)

Angehängte Dateien:


Nikolas M. schrieb:
> May I ask you to try something as well? Could you download the mct file
> I uploaded earlier today and do any modifications that will make it work
> on the blue speaker?
> If we manage to do that, we might get to a "hybrid" mct. And if that
> works, the last step would be to test that "hybrid" mct to the green
> speaker.
> Thanks in advance!

Of course! That's exactly what I wanted to test!

I've uploaded 4 files in the attached zip file, all of them are 
modifications of the two files you uploaded earlier (little pig from 
blue speaker and donkey from green speaker) and are contained in two 

Test 1:
Lines 1 and 2 of sector 1 are exactly the same.

Test 2:
Line 1 use the same format as in the blue speaker tags
Line 2 use the same format as in the green speaker tags.

The ideal case would be for the files in test 1 to work, so there would 
be no need for extra modification and simply copying the line would 
work. if files in test 1 does not work, please try the files in test 2, 
they require a little bit more of work to create, but would be nice to 
know that it works.

Please note that I have no experience in writing any kind of RFID tags 
and the modification I made were made on a simple text editor, based on 
assumptions made by me and other forum users.

Please keep us posted to know if this worked.

von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)


Cean D. schrieb:
> Hola, ¿como te envío respuesta a tu mensaje privado?.

Usa este enlace y al terminar presiona el botón que dice "Abschicken". 
De esa manera el foro me mandará un correo con tu mensaje.

von Markus H. (raul_b)

Angehängte Dateien:


as mentioned earlier&above i wanted my wife and friends to be able to 
create new nfctags and songs for the box from their tablet or mobile. so 
i took 20 minutes to hacky-script down a small web application (see 
attachment) in dirty-php to transform mp3 to the target format of the 
blue box (you can change the key for the green box in the code)

- you can just copy the php files in a directory on your webspace
- navigate to the directory with your browser
- (1) upload any mp3, it will be stripped of any ID3tags (sometimes the 
box does not play mp3 with id3-tags) and immediately be sent back to you 
as T0XXXX.smp download.

- (2) below can create the fitting mct file for the mifare classic app. 
it will be sent to you as XXXX.mct download.

its super simple , requires no install, and you can use it from 
anywhere. it all happens inside memory, so no files are safed anywhere 
on the server.

have fun with it.

ps: i used the getId3 lib to strip the tags 
- - a big cheers to him.

ps2: thanks to all in this thread

tipp: a good basis for making nfc figurines can be achieved by buying 
bübchen creme for your kids in tester  size at dm/rossmann and glueing 
the figurine on top and the nfc sticker on the bottom

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)


Erick Jaume O. schrieb:
> Cean D. schrieb:
>> Hola, ¿como te envío respuesta a tu mensaje privado?.
> Usa este enlace y al terminar presiona el botón que dice "Abschicken".
> De esa manera el foro me mandará un correo con tu mensaje.

Gracias, ya te envié un privado en respuesta a tu prívado.

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)


Raul B. schrieb:
Leelo, esta bien explicado.
¿Dissaster lo has entendido?

Es lo explicaba yo, pero si no estás familiarizado en los tags y en mp3 
te costará un poco mas llegar a la solución.

Espero que lo entiendan todos los interesados.


von Audio C. (noasgr)


Hello @Disasster,
I am not sure if I understand... Did you try any of the modified 
"donkey" MCTs on the blue speaker and it worked? If so which one? What 
was the folder/filename you used?

Thanks once again!

von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)


Nikolas M. schrieb:
> Hello @Disasster,
> I am not sure if I understand... Did you try any of the modified
> "donkey" MCTs on the blue speaker and it worked? If so which one? What
> was the folder/filename you used?
> Thanks once again!

I can't test it because at the moment I have no device capable of 
reading/writing mifare classic 1k Tags. All I'm telling you is merely 
based in my own assumptions based on tbe information posted here.

von Audio C. (noasgr)


Guys I have an update that might change the status.
I just realized that the blue speaker (at least the one that I have) 
does not read the Donkey figure, regardless of mct that is loaded on it. 
This is very wierd because using any figure from the "blue" collection 
works for both blue and green speakers but when I load exactly the same 
MCTs to the donkey, it only works on the green speaker...

That means that a lot of my testing results that I have shared before 
are not valid and I need to redo the tests using a different tag...

On the other hand, my question is could this be anyhow hardware related? 
My phone that I use to load mct and the green speaker do read the 
figure, but the blue speaker doesn´t... :/

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)


Nikolas M. schrieb:
> Guys I have an update that might change the status.
> I just realized that the blue speaker (at least the one that I have)
> does not read the Donkey figure, regardless of mct that is loaded on it.
> This is very wierd because using any figure from the "blue" collection
> works for both blue and green speakers but when I load exactly the same
> MCTs to the donkey, it only works on the green speaker...
> That means that a lot of my testing results that I have shared before
> are not valid and I need to redo the tests using a different tag...
> On the other hand, my question is could this be anyhow hardware related?
> My phone that I use to load mct and the green speaker do read the
> figure, but the blue speaker doesn´t... :/


Ese problema lo tuve en el 2019 pero descubri por qué sucedia.

Es un pequeño defecto de disseño del cubo Altavoz.

Si no es el mismo y como dices fueran los TAGS estás en el camino 

Yo contemplé esas dos posibilidades.

Una es causa de la otra y puede solucionarse.
Diseño influyen en los TAGS y algunos TAGS no funcionan a causa del 

Ánimo. El que la sigue la consigue.
I had that problem in 2019 but I found out why it happened.

This is a small design flaw in the Speaker cube.

If it is not the same and as you say the TAGS were, you are on the right 

I contemplated those two possibilities.

One is the cause of the other and can be solved.
Design influence TAGS and some TAGS do not work because of design.

Cheer up. The one to follows her, get her.

von Audio C. (noasgr)


What design flaw did you find out? Is there a way for me to check/fix 

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)


Nikolas M. schrieb:
> What design flaw did you find out? Is there a way for me to check/fix
> it?

Tengo dos cubos azules, el primero da problemas con los Tags, el segundo 
mas nuevo no. Ahí esta ese defecto. Necesita TAGS de calidad.

En otro foro alguien escribio que no le funcionaba nigun TAG de los que 
habia comprado. Es como si haces una copia de tu llave y no encajara 

En terminos para que se entienda no encajan bien y no funcionan.

Espero haberte aclarado tu pregunta.

Si pudieras probarlo con un cubo azul más nuevo de un amigo tuyo.

Buenasn noches a todos. Mañana mas.

I have two blue cubes, the first gives problems with the Tags, the 
second newer does not. There is that defect. You need quality TAGS.

In another forum someone wrote that none of the TAGs he had bought did 
not work for him. It's like you make a copy of your key and it doesn't 
fit right.

In terms of understanding, they do not fit well and do not work.

I hope I have clarified your question.

If you could try it with a newer blue cube from a friend of yours.

Good night everyone.
More tomorrow.

von Joachim S. (oyo)


Nikolas M. schrieb:
> Guys I have an update that might change the status.
> I just realized that the blue speaker (at least the one that I have)
> does not read the Donkey figure, regardless of mct that is loaded on it.
> This is very wierd because using any figure from the "blue" collection
> works for both blue and green speakers but when I load exactly the same
> MCTs to the donkey, it only works on the green speaker...
> That means that a lot of my testing results that I have shared before
> are not valid and I need to redo the tests using a different tag...
> On the other hand, my question is could this be anyhow hardware related?
> My phone that I use to load mct and the green speaker do read the
> figure, but the blue speaker doesn´t... :/

That is really strange. A few possible explanations that come to my 
- I've repeatedly had situations where my blue cube simply wouldn't play 
anything. No matter if I placed a NFC sticker or the original "piggy" 
figure on top (whose NFC sticker has never even been rewritten, and so 
is still in it's original state), it just wouldn't play anything. After 
I turned the device off and on again, everything worked fine again
- Do the two versions perhaps use a slightly different kind of NFC tag? 
What does Mifare Classic Tool -> Tools -> Display Tag Info say?
- Maybe it is somehow related to the placement of the NFC tag inside the 
figure? In my tests, where I used simple Mifare Class 1k stickers 
instead of the actual figures, I experienced that my (blue) cube was 
quite picky where I placed the nfc stickers.

Anyway, I just did a test to figure out which of the bytes on the NFC 
stickers of the blue version are actually being used.

The following .mct is working fine, playing back file TMB01/T0002.smp
+Sector: 0
+Sector: 1

...and the same applies for this .mct:
+Sector: 0
+Sector: 1

So it seems that the blue version ultimately only uses three bytes of 
the NFC data after all, and completely ignores the rest:
+Sector: 0
+Sector: 1

- = Don't care, can be anything
xx = Hexadecimal directory ID, e.g. 4E = TMB4E
yyyy = Hexadecimal File ID, e.g. 9D05 = L9D05.smp

That should also mean that the fact that the NFC data in sector 1 is in 
two different rows in the blue vs. the green version should be 
irrelevant, at least for the blue version.

EDIT: I just wrote the .mct file of the green donkey that Nikolas posted 
to a NFC sticker. When I placed the sticker on my blue cube, it indeed 
started playing file TMB01/T1002.smp, as expected.

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)


Great, that's one solved místery! Thank you!

von Audio C. (noasgr)



- I tried to turn the device off and on again, nothing...
According to the Mifare Classic Tool the tags are the same (I am 
attaching screenshots with the info)
- I moved it to see if it could be related to the placement, no 
EDIT: I just wrote the .mct file of the green donkey that Nikolas posted 
to a NFC sticker. When I placed the sticker on my blue cube, it indeed 
started playing file TMB01/T1002.smp, as expected.

Here is what mostly calls my attention
I get a BLUE figure, that it WORKS with the blue speaker and I add the 
green mct that I posted here and it is not playing TMB01/T1002.smp. The 
same figure with the blue mct on it, it does play TMB01/T0002.smp (!!!)

A couple of thoughts:
- Maybe there is a hardware issue/dependency
- Maybe we have different versions of the blue speaker
-- Could my version have any ID3 dependencies? I am saying that because 
I dublicate an existing file (for example T0002.smp and rename it to 
T1002.smp) but I assume that the ID3 meta stay as is T0002)..

The problem is that I cannot find any other blue speaker to test as they 
are not sold any more :/

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Joachim S. (oyo)


Nikolas M. schrieb:
> _Here is what mostly calls my attention_
> I get a BLUE figure, that it WORKS with the blue speaker and I add the
> green mct that I posted here and it is not playing TMB01/T1002.smp. The
> same figure with the blue mct on it, it does play TMB01/T0002.smp (!!!)

Strange. If I understand that correctly, you were trying almost exactly 
the same than what I did, the only difference being that you wrote the 
green donkey .mct to a blue figure while I wrote it to an NFC sticker.

Just to make sure that this doesn't make any difference, I just copied 
the green donkey .mct to my blue piggy figure. It worked just as well 
and played TMB01/T1002.smp.

> - Maybe we have different versions of the blue speaker

You could open the cube (screws are under the black circles on the 
bottom) and take some photos of the PCB. Ideally from both sides of the 
PCB. Then one could compare if there are any differences.

Personally, I would love to get some good shots of the green version PCB 
as well, for including them in my GitHub project, and because I'm 
wondering if there are any hardware differences between the blue and the 
green version.

> -- Could my version have any ID3 dependencies? I am saying that because
> I dublicate an existing file (for example T0002.smp and rename it to
> T1002.smp) but I assume that the ID3 meta stay as is T0002)..

I doubt that, but if you want to make sure, you could rename some files 
and check it.

To be honest, right now I'm assuming that you accidentally did something 
wrong, maybe because of a misunderstanding, some tiny mistake during the 
whole process or whatever. From my own experience I know very well how 
easily this happens...
Or it could somehow have to do with upper-case vs. lower-case - Windows 
doesn't distinguish between upper-case and lower-case when accessing 
FAT-formatted media, but these devices often do, and that can lead to 
confusing behaviour.

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


The new Blue Audio Cuentos speaker can be purchased at

It is clear that they work differently.

Have a good day.

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Raul B. schrieb:
> hi,
> as mentioned earlier&above i wanted my wife and friends to be able to
> create new nfctags and songs for the box from their tablet or mobile. so
> i took 20 minutes to hacky-script down a small web application (see
> attachment) in dirty-php to transform mp3 to the target format of the
> blue box (you can change the key for the green box in the code)
> instuctions:
> - you can just copy the php files in a directory on your webspace
> - navigate to the directory with your browser
> - (1) upload any mp3, it will be stripped of any ID3tags (sometimes the
> box does not play mp3 with id3-tags) and immediately be sent back to you
> as T0XXXX.smp download.
> - (2) below can create the fitting mct file for the mifare classic app.
> it will be sent to you as XXXX.mct download.
> its super simple , requires no install, and you can use it from
> anywhere. it all happens inside memory, so no files are safed anywhere
> on the server.
> have fun with it.
> ps: i used the getId3 lib to strip the tags
> - - a big cheers to him.
> ps2: thanks to all in this thread
> tipp: a good basis for making nfc figurines can be achieved by buying
> bübchen creme for your kids in tester  size at dm/rossmann and glueing
> the figurine on top and the nfc sticker on the bottom


Hello, can you explain to me what getID3-master is for?

The attached screen comes out.
In a folder is rfid.mct

That analyzed indicates that it contains Incorrect Data.

Can you tell me what kind of RFID is rfid.mct made for

Waiting for your response, I send you my thanks in advance.

Have a good day.

von Markus H. (raul_b)


Cean D. schrieb:
> Hello, can you explain to me what getID3-master is for?
> The attached screen comes out.
> In a folder is rfid.mct
> That analyzed indicates that it contains Incorrect Data.
> Can you tell me what kind of RFID is rfid.mct made for
> Waiting for your response, I send you my thanks in advance.
> Have a good day.

As written in my description - you need a webserver local or on the 
internet with PHP to run this "website" you see on your screenshot 
correctly. It won't run in a simple folder on your computer ..

You could install xampp to have a local webserver or use any free 
Webspace provider

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)


Raul B. schrieb:
> As written in my description - you need a webserver local or on the
> internet with PHP to run this "website" you see on your screenshot
> correctly. It won't run in a simple folder on your computer ..
> You could install xampp to have a local webserver or use any free
> Webspace provider


Very interesting. It is understood!

Thanks a lot

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


My first ABCEDARY and My first NUMBER
This is not told by Salvat
But the collection contains letters and numbers :)

The idea that I present now is in another forum.
In the attached image you can see the TAGS with their letter or adhesive 

You can make images of the letters or numbers or buy them, for example, 
on Amazon.

Have a good day.
We are studying a system that will revolutionize the activation of 
When it is more advanced we will let everyone know.

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


My first ABCEDARY and My first NUMERARY
This is not told by Salvat
But the collection contains letters and numbers
Image of a bag of ahdesive letters.

Have a good day.

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


My first ABCEDARY, My first NUMERARY
and My first GEOMETRIC figures
This is not told by Salvat

But the collection contains letters, numbers and geometric figures.

Image Geometric figures.

What will there be more?

Have a good day.

von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)


For anyone interested, I've uploaded my project to Github, as suggested 
by Joachim S. It can be found (with complete source code) in:

And the latest release can be downloaded here:


von Audio C. (noasgr)


Joachim S. schrieb:

> You could open the cube (screws are under the black circles on the
> bottom) and take some photos of the PCB. Ideally from both sides of the
> PCB. Then one could compare if there are any differences.
> Personally, I would love to get some good shots of the green version PCB
> as well, for including them in my GitHub project, and because I'm
> wondering if there are any hardware differences between the blue and the
> green version.
> To be honest, right now I'm assuming that you accidentally did something
> wrong, maybe because of a misunderstanding, some tiny mistake during the
> whole process or whatever. From my own experience I know very well how
> easily this happens...
> Or it could somehow have to do with upper-case vs. lower-case - Windows
> doesn't distinguish between upper-case and lower-case when accessing
> FAT-formatted media, but these devices often do, and that can lead to
> confusing behaviour.

Hello and sorry for my late response but I have been very busy these 
days. I will try to find some time to try again beginning from scratch, 
just in case I did something wrong. I will also try to open the boxes 
and send you the pictures. If it is during the weekend, it's going to be 
early next week.

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Caperucita Azul

Little Blue Riding Hood

Everything that goes well in green
in blue it will also go well with the little blue riding hood.


von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Erick Jaume O. schrieb:
> For anyone interested, I've uploaded my project to Github, as
> suggested
> by Joachim S. It can be found (with complete source code) in:
> And the latest release can be downloaded here:
> Greetings.

I start the project to encrypt and decrypt audio with the mobile phone, 
studying its implementation in Android, for the creation of the APP 
All suggestions and help are welcome.


von Audio C. (noasgr)


Joachim S. schrieb:

> Strange. If I understand that correctly, you were trying almost exactly
> the same than what I did, the only difference being that you wrote the
> green donkey .mct to a blue figure while I wrote it to an NFC sticker.

Hello again, here is a very quick update.
So apparently there MUST be a hardware issue here (or maybe several).

To begin with I can confirm that the GREEN figures do NOT work on the 
BLUE speaker, while the BLUE figures DO work on the GREEN speaker.

I repeated the steps we discussed earlier and I tried to play 
TMB01/T1002.smp on the BLUE speaker using:
- a sticker and it worked*
- a BLUE figure and it worked
- a GREEN figure and it did NOT work
(all of them had exactly the same .mct which ironically came from the 
GREEN figure!!)

*as for the sticker, I realized that if I just put it on the top of the 
speaker it does not work, but if I "float" it some millimeters it works 
fine. In fact, a user from a different forum that was facing the same 
problem suggested to put a tiny folded piece of aluminum foil between 
the tag and the speaker and that did the trick! The same sticker works 
flawlessly on the green speaker without any additional artifacts, but on 
the blue speaker it needs "help".

- It seems that the BLUE speaker (or at least some old? version of it) 
has a worse NFC reader. As a result, the BLUE figures have very good** 
quality tags and therefore both speakers read them without any problem.

- On the other hand the GREEN speaker, has a better NFC reader. As a 
result, the GREEN figures do not need to "host" good quality tags and 
therefore they do not work on the BLUE speaker (bad tags + bad NFC 
reader = fail).

The same user on that forum with regards to this last point, suggested 
that the problem can also be solved with "anti-metal NFC tags", but 
since I don't have one I can only confirm the aluminum foil solution.

Opening the speakers (or maybe a figure as well) could also shed some 
light on this matter, in order to see differences on NFC readers and 
tags. As I said earlier, I will try to find some time next week for 

Hope this helps :)

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Nikolas M. schrieb:
> Joachim S. schrieb:
>> Strange. If I understand that correctly, you were trying almost exactly
>> the same than what I did, the only difference being that you wrote the
>> green donkey .mct to a blue figure while I wrote it to an NFC sticker.
> Hello again, here is a very quick update.
> So apparently there MUST be a hardware issue here (or maybe several).
> To begin with I can confirm that the GREEN figures do NOT work on the
> BLUE speaker, while the BLUE figures DO work on the GREEN speaker.
> I repeated the steps we discussed earlier and I tried to play
> TMB01/T1002.smp on the BLUE speaker using:
> - a sticker and it worked*
> - a BLUE figure and it worked
> - a GREEN figure and it did NOT work
> (all of them had exactly the same .mct which ironically came from the
> GREEN figure!!)
> *as for the sticker, I realized that if I just put it on the top of the
> speaker it does not work, but if I "float" it some millimeters it works
> fine. In fact, a user from a different forum that was facing the same
> problem suggested to put a tiny folded piece of aluminum foil between
> the tag and the speaker and that did the trick! The same sticker works
> flawlessly on the green speaker without any additional artifacts, but on
> the blue speaker it needs "help".
> Conclusions:
> - It seems that the BLUE speaker (or at least some old? version of it)
> has a worse NFC reader. As a result, the BLUE figures have very good**
> quality tags and therefore both speakers read them without any problem.
> - On the other hand the GREEN speaker, has a better NFC reader. As a
> result, the GREEN figures do not need to "host" good quality tags and
> therefore they do not work on the BLUE speaker (bad tags + bad NFC
> reader = fail).
> The same user on that forum with regards to this last point, suggested
> that the problem can also be solved with "anti-metal NFC tags", but
> since I don't have one I can only confirm the aluminum foil solution.
> Opening the speakers (or maybe a figure as well) could also shed some
> light on this matter, in order to see differences on NFC readers and
> tags. As I said earlier, I will try to find some time next week for
> that.
> Hope this helps :)

Hello, I don't agree.

Each designer looks for the way to make it difficult for his work to be 

The original figures work perfectly for me in green and blue.

The green ones work for me in blue.

Those in blue work in green.

You have to first study how an NFC circuit works.

Then check if a Tag receives the signal from the transmitter and is 
activated by giving the order to execute the corresponding audio.

Now we have another challenge with the Disney Audio Magic Tales.

The designer has used tiny 1.5x1.5 cm tags
And there is no way to read it with the mobile's NFC or with an external 
NFC. That is already proven.

Another path of investigation will be followed.

And remember that this is for research, you can only make a backup of 
the figure you have purchased.

I leave an image of the Disney Audio Magical Tales Tag to see if there 
is luck and you can read that Tag.

The fact that if one cube is more sensitive and the other less or that 
the Tags should be of higher quality or without metallic effect is not 
the solution.

Neither that the original Tag dump is wrong and has to change the X line 
or the other of the dump.

It is wasting time or not since it entertains you even if you don't get 

Put a metal hat on your copy of the original Tag and it will work 

The Potitos stopper works and the base of a soda can too.

Calculate how high your tag works, you cannot put it glued to the tag 
since it saturates it and stops emitting.


von Audio C. (noasgr)


Cean D. schrieb:

> Hello, I don't agree.
> Each designer looks for the way to make it difficult for his work to be
> copied.

I agree with that, however, I believe that they changed their model 
because anti-metal tags are much more expensive than "normal" tags, so 
they tried to reduce costs. But that is just an assumption.

> The original figures work perfectly for me in green and blue.
> The green ones work for me in blue.
> Those in blue work in green.

Please note that I mentioned that maybe not all BLUE speakers do not 
work with the green figures, but at least the version of the one that I 
have. As you mentioned earlier on this thread, there might be a design 
flaw on the models of 2019.

>It is wasting time or not since it entertains you even if you don't get

Maybe you misunderstood me, I just described how I figured out and now 
everything is working fine :)

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Joachim S. (oyo)


Cean D. schrieb:
> Now we have another challenge with the Disney Audio Magic Tales.
> The designer has used tiny 1.5x1.5 cm tags
> And there is no way to read it with the mobile's NFC or with an external
> NFC. That is already proven.

I don't quite understand. Why *can't* the disney figure's NFC tags be 
read with a normal NFC reader? What happens when trying to read such a 
tag with an app like "NFC TagReader by NXP"?

The explanation that in case of the green vs the blue version, there 
were certain changes in the NFC tags and the NFC reader hardware kind of 
makes sense to me. I've experienced it myself that some tags work much 
better than others.
For example, I also own some rather small square-sized ones that look 
just like the one in your picture from the Disney figure. They work very 
bad, probably because of their antenna design and/or little size. (Yet 
they were relatively expensive.)

But what's up with all that talk about anti-metal tags, adding some 
additional tinfoil/metal layer to make it work etc.? I always thought 
that metal near NFC stickers is always a problem, and that those special 
(and more expensive) anti-metal NFC tags you talk about are for those 
cases when it simply cannot be avoided that there is metal near the NFC 
Why would adding metal near the NFC tag on purpose actually help?

Can someone explain?

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Joachim S. schrieb:
> Why would adding metal near the NFC tag on purpose actually help?
> Can someone explain?

The passive Tag operating process is that the Speaker Cube transmitter 
sends a signal to the Tag in the figure and this is activated by 
returning the data it contains. Then the receiver circuit analyzes them 
and if they are included in its memory, it activates the corresponding 
story and it is heard through the loudspeaker.
But in certain circumstances the Speaker signal is not enough to 
activate the Tag. The tag cannot be activated if it is too far away or 
as in these cases it does not receive enough signal from the 

Imagine a satellite receiver LNB, you will see that there is a parabola 
that concentrates the low level of signal that reaches the LNB and then 
receives the amplified signal.

This same effect is produced by placing a hat or hood on the receiving 

You can do the test with a kind of parabola cut from a metal container 
of soft drinks. Zoom out and bring that metal closer and you will see 
that at a certain distance from the Tag it is activated. Solved !!!.

Neither can the hat or hood be attached to the Tag, according to my 
calculations it must be more than 3 or 4 mm.
I hope I have clarified your doubts.

I use this occasion to:
================================================= ===
We need help to find out how the figure works in the Disney Magic Audio 
Tales of Planet
================================================= ===
Have a good day.

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


We need help to find out how the figure works in the Disney Magical 
Audio Tales of Planet
The TAG is from the XCC RFID V.20 brand.
It is very small, it measures 1.5x1.5 cm
It has not been possible to read with the NFC reader or with the NFC of 
a mobile phone.

Probably the same Tag as the Nintendo Amiibo.

If you can try reading with TagMo Android app we will leave doubts.

He does not read me anything, the Tag is very small.

Nintendo Tags are NTAG215

Have a good day.

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Actual size of the Disney Audio Tales Tag, Planeta DeAgostini.

Disney Magical Audio Tales - Planeta DeAgostini

Have a good day.

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)


More information in

We need help to find out how the figure works in the Disney Magical
Audio Tales of Planet

We went out to enjoy Sunday.

Goodbye and thanks

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:



von Markus H. (raul_b)


i have 4 blue boxes and all have a different NFC radius, some even do 
not work with nfc stickers, and some work with stickers at 0.5 cm 
its very cheap s*** hardware, so expect differences inbetween the same 
series of devices. without the disney audiocuentos hardware being sold 
in germany, we can't help very much, sorry.

von Audio C. (noasgr)

Angehängte Dateien:


Joachim S. schrieb:
> But what's up with all that talk about anti-metal tags, adding some
> additional tinfoil/metal layer to make it work etc.? I always thought
> that metal near NFC stickers is always a problem, and that those special
> (and more expensive) anti-metal NFC tags you talk about are for those
> cases when it simply cannot be avoided that there is metal near the NFC
> tags.
> Why would adding metal near the NFC tag on purpose actually help?
> Can someone explain?

I followed a suggestion that I read on a different forum and it worked.
As I said earlier, I had problems making my blue speaker read NFC 
Apparently, adding a small piece of folded aluminium foil, solves the 
I am attaching a picture here. Without the small piece of aluminium 
foil, that sticker does not work on my blue speaker. When I put that 
foil on the top of it, everything works fine!

I also realized that the quantity of the foil is important. If the piece 
is big, it doesn´t work.

The same user that provided this solution claims that another workaround 
is to use "anti-metal" tags that apparently have a more powerful range 
(and that´s why they are more expensive). I don´t have one to try and 
confirm, but the aluminium foil solution did the trick :)

Hope this helps!

von Joachim S. (oyo)


Audio C. schrieb:
> I followed a suggestion that I read on a different forum and it worked.
> As I said earlier, I had problems making my blue speaker read NFC
> stickers.
> Apparently, adding a small piece of folded aluminium foil, solves the
> problem!
> I am attaching a picture here. Without the small piece of aluminium
> foil, that sticker does not work on my blue speaker. When I put that
> foil on the top of it, everything works fine!

Thanks for posting that picture, that makes it easier to get an idea 
what it's supposed to look like.

After seeing your picture I just tried the same on my (blue) audiocube.
But in my case, the effect is the exact opposite:
Everything works perfectly fine if I place the NFC sticker directly on 
the device, or place it on some small stand to increase the height by a 
few millimeters, like in your picture.

But as soon as I place a small piece of tinfoil on the sticker like in 
your picture, the audio stops. And as soon as I remove the tinfoil 
again, the audio continues.

von Audio C. (noasgr)


Joachim S. schrieb:

> Thanks for posting that picture, that makes it easier to get an idea
> what it's supposed to look like.
> After seeing your picture I just tried the same on my (blue) audiocube.
> But in my case, the effect is the exact opposite:
> Everything works perfectly fine if I place the NFC sticker directly on
> the device, or place it on some small stand to increase the height by a
> few millimeters, like in your picture.
> But as soon as I place a small piece of tinfoil on the sticker like in
> your picture, the audio stops. And as soon as I remove the tinfoil
> again, the audio continues.

Interesting... In my case the foil does not affect functionality on the 
green speaker (that works without foil as well)..

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Thank you all for the suggestions.
In 2019 the problematic blue cube came out, the other blue and green 
cubes do not need a cap to work the Tag.
This is the best solution I have found for the 2019 blue cube. Put a 1 
cent € coin. View photo.
Calculate a distance between the Tag and the coin, between 2 to 4 mm.
Too close doesn't work for saturation and too far doesn't work either.

Have a nice day.

von Joachim S. (oyo)


Cean D. schrieb:
> Thank you all for the suggestions.
> In 2019 the problematic blue cube came out, the other blue and green
> cubes do not need a cap to work the Tag.

That suggests that there is a different hardware revision. In which case 
it would really make sense to take some high-resolution photos of the 
PCBs of the different revisions, for comparison.

> This is the best solution I have found for the 2019 blue cube. Put a 1
> cent € coin. View photo.
> Calculate a distance between the Tag and the coin, between 2 to 4 mm.
> Too close doesn't work for saturation and too far doesn't work either.

There's no NFC tag on that picture, right? Where should it be placed - 
on the coin, under the coin, somewhere else?

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Alternative to purses.
A 6-liter water bottle cap measures 5 centimeters exactly like the base 
of the figures.
In it you can place a Tag and put a figure or a figure sticker on it.

Good day!

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


The cap once painted blue or green.
With a figure or a sticker of the figure.
View image.

Good day!

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


The plug once finished will look like this.
See attached image.

Good day.

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Joachim S. schrieb:
There's no NFC tag on that picture, right? Where should it be placed -
on the coin, under the coin, somewhere else?

Of course it has a tag!
That design is to put it in the water bottle cap.
Now you can see in another photo the Tag, the separator with 
double-sided adhesive and the coin.

Good day.

von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)


Hi, I'll leave here the last version of my program that, in addition to 
encrypt/decrypt/play smp files, can now generate the .mct files used to 
write the tags.


von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)

Angehängte Dateien:


By the way, could someone translate this file to german? My german is 
really poor and I don not trust antomated traslation tools.

Thanks in advance.

von Audio C. (noasgr)


Erick Jaume O. schrieb:
> Hi, I'll leave here the last version of my program that, in addition to
> encrypt/decrypt/play smp files, can now generate the .mct files used to
> write the tags.
> Greetings.

Hello and thanks once again for your great work!
Just FYI, both Chrome and Windows defender find the progam malicious... 

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)


Audio C. schrieb:
> Erick Jaume O. schrieb:
>> Hi, I'll leave here the last version of my program that, in addition to
>> encrypt/decrypt/play smp files, can now generate the .mct files used to
>> write the tags.
>> Greetings.
> Hello and thanks once again for your great work!
> Just FYI, both Chrome and Windows defender find the progam malicious...
> :/

That's strange, I've checked it with Kaspersky online (in case my pc is 
infected) and it doesn't report anything:

For my local file:

For the url:

Maybe it's something on your end?

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)


Erick Jaume O. schrieb:
> Audio C. schrieb:
>> Erick Jaume O. schrieb:
>>> Hi, I'll leave here the last version of my program that, in addition to
>>> encrypt/decrypt/play smp files, can now generate the .mct files used to
>>> write the tags.
>>> Greetings.
>> Hello and thanks once again for your great work!
>> Just FYI, both Chrome and Windows defender find the progam malicious...
>> :/
> That's strange, I've checked it with Kaspersky online (in case my pc is
> infected) and it doesn't report anything:
> For my local file:
> For the url:
> Maybe it's something on your end?
Do not tell me!
Oh my God! :(
I'll check with my antivirus, thank goodness I hadn't used it yet.

A query, in some of my messages I repeated the image added to the 

How can I delete the repeated image or delete an image sent by mistake 
?. Thank you.

Best greetings.

von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)


Audio C. schrieb:
> Erick Jaume O. schrieb:
>> Hi, I'll leave here the last version of my program that, in addition to
>> encrypt/decrypt/play smp files, can now generate the .mct files used to
>> write the tags.
>> Greetings.
> Hello and thanks once again for your great work!
> Just FYI, both Chrome and Windows defender find the progam malicious...
> :/

I've run two full scans on my computer (local and online) and have found 
no threats. I've also scanned the file invidually in a virtual machine 
and it appears to be clean. I'm fairly certain that the file is not 
infected. Can someone else corroborate if the following file cantains 
any threat recognizable by an antivirus?


von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Hello, pass me that smp that I attach.
He needs to find out the encryption key.
Maybe with py you can find out.

xortool-xor -f MIO.mp3 -h "??" > MIO.smp

Thank you very much and have a good day.

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)


What are they, what are they for and how does DRM work?

Despite Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a widely used technology in 
the electronic book industry, many authors and users are unaware of how 
a copyright management system works. In this post, some terms are 
explained about what a DRM is, what technologies are currently being 
used, the implications for users, authors and the publishing industry 
and what are the alternative solutions
It's in Spanish, sorry.

Best greetings

von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)


Cean D. schrieb:
> Hello, pass me that smp that I attach.
> He needs to find out the encryption key.
> Maybe with py you can find out.
> xortool-xor -f MIO.mp3 -h "??" > MIO.smp
> Thank you very much and have a good day.

That appears to be a Migros smp, the encryption key is 0x66.


Beitrag #6575259 wurde vom Autor gelöscht.
von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Erick Jaume O. schrieb:
> Cean D. schrieb:
>> Hello, pass me that smp that I attach.
>> He needs to find out the encryption key.
>> Maybe with py you can find out.
>> xortool-xor -f MIO.mp3 -h "??" > MIO.smp
>> Thank you very much and have a good day.
> That appears to be a Migros smp, the encryption key is 0x66.
> Greetings

Thank you very much, what a coincidence!
Your program gave me errors and I could no longer find the password that
I had entered.
The errors were for not having any idea of encryption, since it asked me
for parameters unknown to me, which right, left, forward or backward a
two three. It looked like a dance. Hehe
Look for something in German for this forum and it turns out that it has
the same password as Migros Cubos Mágico.
What happens to me!
There is a fragment of the story Pumbaa in German.
Best greetings.

von Joachim S. (oyo)


Cean D. schrieb:
> Look for something in German for this forum and it turns out that it has
> the same password as Migros Cubos Mágico.
> What happens to me!
> There is a fragment of the story Pumbaa in German.

If you're saying that it's encrypted with the same key like the Migros 
cube, that suggests that this fragment is not originally from a Migros 

So I'm wondering: Where is this fragment from (from which device, I 
mean)? From the Disney cube?

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Joachim S. schrieb:
> Cean D. schrieb:
>> Look for something in German for this forum and it turns out that it has
>> the same password as Migros Cubos Mágico.
>> What happens to me!
>> There is a fragment of the story Pumbaa in German.
> If you're saying that it's encrypted with the same key like the Migros
> cube, that suggests that this fragment is not originally from a Migros
> cube.
> So I'm wondering: Where is this fragment from (from which device, I
> mean)? From the Disney cube?

I tell you the endless story without end.
A friend tried to put a password in an audio in German with the 
Dissaster program, he likes the devil's number 666 and since he was 
wrong he decided to put only 66. So he was doing tests with different 
versions of the Dissaster program and he forgot the key that he put to 
the resulting smp, total that re-encrypting him would get a churro or 
the program gave errors.
I'm sending you the churro created by mistake.
The first smp is correct since when decrypting the audio is heard 
Not so with the following tests that as you will hear nothing is heard, 
although it is an mp3.
Hope you understand now. Is that so?
By the way can you tell me where you are from (country) and what is your 
language of origin (German?).

Best greetings

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:



Churro is an exquisite companion to a hot chocolate
It does not have translation into other languages.

Best greetings.

von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)


Hi,Someone published all the smp files of the migros cube.

In case someone is interested, the files cna be found here:

The encription key is different (0x66) but it can be converted to be 
used with the blue cube. In case someone want to convert the files 
directly (without first converting them to mp3 and then to the migros 
smp) the following XOR key should do the trick: "0x37 0x45 0xFE 0x30".

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Erick Jaume O. schrieb:
> Hi,Someone published all the smp files of the migros cube.
> In case someone is interested, the files cna be found here:
> The encription key is different (0x66) but it can be converted to be
> used with the blue cube. In case someone want to convert the files
> directly (without first converting them to mp3 and then to the migros
> smp) the following XOR key should do the trick: "0x37 0x45 0xFE 0x30".

Hallo! – Hola

Achten Sie darauf, welche Links Sie setzen.
Pay attention to the links you put.
Aufmerksamkeit potenziell gefährliche Stelle
Attention potentially dangerous place!!!!!

Grüß Dich!

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Hallo! – Hola


Mick macht auf dem Estrich bei sich zuhause eine Entdeckung.

Altersgruppe: 3 – 12 Jahre

Grüß Dich!

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Hallo! – Hola

[Mick] mp3

Grüß Dich!

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Hörspiele mit der Migros StoryBox erleben!

Jede Hörspiel-Figur von Migros ist der Schlüssel zu einer spannenden 
Geschichte. Die Hörspiele lassen sich bequem über die Migros StoryBox 
oder die Migros Play App abspielen. Entdecken Sie jetzt die aufregenden 
Abenteuer der Disney-Stars, Superhelden und Migroswichtel!

Abspielen mit der Migros StoryBox.

Guten Abend!

von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)

Angehängte Dateien:


Cean D. schrieb:
> Erick Jaume O. schrieb:
>> Hi,Someone published all the smp files of the migros cube.
>> In case someone is interested, the files cna be found here:
>> The encription key is different (0x66) but it can be converted to be
>> used with the blue cube. In case someone want to convert the files
>> directly (without first converting them to mp3 and then to the migros
>> smp) the following XOR key should do the trick: "0x37 0x45 0xFE 0x30".
> Hallo! – Hola
> ===========================================
> Achten Sie darauf, welche Links Sie setzen.
> ===========================================
> Pay attention to the links you put.
> =============================================
> Aufmerksamkeit potenziell gefährliche Stelle
> =============================================
> Attention potentially dangerous place!!!!!
> Grüß Dich!

I'd rather trust in Google than esset (it gives a lot of false 

The site appears to be safe. However, as an user reported that esset 
classifies the site as dangerous (probably because of the content is 
related to hacking the boxes), Proceed with caution.

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


How to say pirate in German
What's the German word for pirate? Here's a list of translations.
German Translation Pirat

Guten Abend!

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


More German words for pirate
Pirat noun
[92% of use]
der Seeräuber noun
[4% of use]
Piratenschiff noun
[3% of use]
corsair, buccaneer
das Seeräuberschiff noun
der Patenträuber noun

Guten Abend!

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:



Micky und seine Freunde machen sich auf dem Weg zum Mars. Plötzlich 
taucht Weltraum-Pirat Karlo auf…

Altersgruppe: 3+

Guten Abend!

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:



Guten Abend!

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:



Pumbaa ist ein richtiger Tollpatsch. Auch wenn er Timon und Simba 
ärgert, ohne ihn ist es langweilig…

Altersgruppe: 3+

guten Nachmittag

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

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guten Nachmittag

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Eines Tages steht plötzlich Flynn vor Rapunzel – gemeinsam erleben sie 
einen wunderschönen und tollen Tag…
Altersgruppe: 3+

guten Nachmittag

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

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guten Nachmittag

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

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guten Nachmittag

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

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guten Nachmittag

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

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Disney Planet AudioCuentos

It seeks to identify this RFID NFC and it is the V2.0 of RFID

From the company XCRFID and is the V2.0 of RFID

The store is at this address:

Best greetings

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:




Schöne Grüße.

In Spanisch, Englisch und Deutsch

Se trata del diseño de un sistema que funcione con los audios de 
cuentos, musica y mensajes.
Todos en uno parecido a lo que ya hubo como MIGROS.
Pero totalmente original, en la que esperamos la ayuda de todos.

It is about the design of a system that works with the audios of 
stories, music and messages.
All in one similar to what already existed as MIGROS.
But totally original, in which we expect everyone's help.

Es geht um den Entwurf eines Systems, das mit den Audios von 
Geschichten, Musik und Nachrichten arbeitet.
Alles in einem ähnlich wie das, was es bereits als MIGROS gab.
Aber völlig originell, bei dem wir die Hilfe aller erwarten.

Best greetings.
Beste Grüße

von Joachim S. (oyo)


Cean D. schrieb:

Your link doesn't work, you posted a shortened version with dots. You 
probably meant to post this:

Since you're linking to a forum in spanish, I think few people from here 
will post in that forum because they won't understand the language.

From first sight, it looks like you're trying to build a kind of open 
source-copy of these audio cubes with an Arduino Nano and other standard 
components wired together. Is that correct?

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)


von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)


Open-source electronic prototyping platform enabling users to create 
interactive electronic objects.
Download the latest version.
(For MAC ->

An Arduino Nano Nano V3.0 with ATmega328 Chip CH340 and 5V 16MHz
One Mini MP3 Player DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player MP3 Voice Decoding Module 
TF Card U-Disk IO  Serial Port  AD for Arduino
An RFID RC522 kit reader-writer NFC cards and tags
Micro SD card up to 32 GB
A speaker or two if you do it in stereo.
Buttons to activate the MAGIC STORAGE functions.
One of them will turn on and off the MAGIC STORYTELLER.
Initially all the set will work at 5V through USB connection.

Finally it will be powered by a lithium battery with its charging 

Eager to learn and have fun.

Software development with ARDUINO is essential

When everything is working we will go on to mount it in a cube and give 
it the appearance that each one prefers.

The project is huge and I will divide it into parts.

The pieces of the puzzle will be joined until the project is finished.

Result: A cube where the tags will activate music, messages, stories and 

Enjoy  it

von Joachim S. (oyo)


@Cean: You probably don't want to hear this, but: I doubt many people 
will be interested in it. :-/

First of all, I assume that to the average user, the project will have 
few advantages over simply buying a cheap and ready-to-use device like 
those cubes from Hachette. Building one yourself will ultimately be more 
expensive, take more time, and as long as the project is not finished, 
it'll be uncertain if it even comes to an end.

Second, similar projects that are already finished and working already 
exist, so once it's finished, it'll pretty much only be "yet another 
such device".

I currently only see this attracting maybe a few people who are no so 
much interested in the end result, but in the path towards it. I mean: 
people who just like the idea of developing and creating such a device 
from scratch. But that won't be too many. :-/

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Dont worry be happy!. :)
Good weekend!.

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


From Storyteller
In the next installment you will program the ARDUINO NANO with a program 
to verify that it works correctly.
Install the latest version of ARDUINO.
If you have Windows ->
If you have MAC ->

Until next time.


von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:



How you say magic storyteller in german?.

Guten Abend!

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


From another forum
I can not believe it.
I have been thinking for a month about a Magic Cub that cannot be called 
that since the Rubik's cube and other similar ones are known as a magic 
So as a fan of the Salvat Storytelling collection based on Story Teller 
(Marshall Cavendish) 1983, I thought I would name it after


The collections of Audio Tales Salvat (2019), Audio Tales of Planeta 
(2020) and that of My First ABECEDARY (2021) have put the project on 

Now with all of them underway, "a brigantine sailboat does not cut 
across the sea but flies".

With the starting gun I put this new topic to share the development of a 
Speaker Cube programmed the firmware with Arduino.

The main components are three already assembled modules that together 

I said "do", yeah, I was not wrong. it is ready, tested and worked on my 
work table.

You will ask, how is that?

Well, patience all in good time.

I insist that you need the three modules that I put at the beginning.

Am I going to do everything? Not at all, I want you to participate in 
the design of the motherboard, then you can have a number of units 
and whoever wants to make his MAGICAL STORYTELLING to get in touch with 


For this, friends have been working, for Spanish, English and German.

Have a happy Sunday!

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:



von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:



von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Just to inform you, I will tell you that we finished the Audio-Magical 
Amiibo at the request of a forum participant.
Now when you put an Amiibo figure you can hear the music associated with 
the amiibo.
But it also accepts audio-books, music, stories and everything you want 
to put on the card.
It has been an ambitious project, happily finished.
It has Bluetooth which allows you to send the audio to a Bluetooth 
As I said  Joachim S. (oyo) 12.02.2021 15:09 there will not be many 
followers who prefer the ear that is sold in
We will be very busy assembling AudioMágicos Amiibo.

Greetings and have a good day.

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)


Demo Amiibo Audio-Magic Cean-2021.

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)

Angehängte Dateien:


Just came out
Audio tales from the farm
Listen to the first story of the collection La Vaca Pecas:

von Cean D. (Firma: 12345678) (geschichten)



Demonstration video of the operation:

1. The burrito is read on the blue speaker and activates the burrito 
story on the blue speaker.

2. The burrito returns to his speaker and activates his story.

3. The pig is read on the green loudspeaker and activates the story on 
the green loudspeaker.

4. The little pig returns to his speaker and activates his story.

In the end the pig in the green and the donkey in the blue.

Test passed!.

The video compressed in zip, key dissaster

This bin contains 1 file.
Last updated now.
Expires 1 week from now

Everything is possible, nothing is impossible.


von Tobas P. (onkel_tp)


Hallo Leute, ich bin auf dieses Forum gestoßen, weil ich mit der 2. 
SD-Karte einen interessanten bzw. nervigen Fehler habe.

Während die Stories der 1. SD-Karte problemlos gelesen und abgespielt 
werden, geschieht mit der 2. Karte gar nichts - die Box bleibt stumm.

Ein Anruf beim Kundenservice brachte mir eine zweite Kopie der SD-Karte, 
aber auch mit dieser funktionieren weder die alten noch die neuen 

Mir bleiben jetzt 2 Möglichkeiten: 1. Ich bettle beim Kundenservice um 
eine 2. Box oder ich frage hier im Forum jemanden, ob er mir ein Dump 
seiner SD-Karte zur Verfügung stellen kann.

Da Möglichkeit 2 mir wahrscheinlicher erschien, habe ich mich nun hier 
angemeldet. Gibt es jemanden, der mir freundlicherweise die SD-Karte 
Dumpen kann (Win32DiskImager kann sowas), sodass ich dieses Image auf 
meine SD-Karte zurückspielen kann?

Ich danke im Voraus.


EDIT: Ich sollte vielleicht erwähnen / ergänzen, dass die Märchen auf 
meinen 2 2. SD-Karten problemlos nach der Umwandlung in MP3 abspielbar 
sind. Daher bin ich auf die 2 Möglichkeiten gekommen, die mir jetzt noch 
übrig bleiben.
Hi guys, I came across this forum because I have an interesting or 
annoying error with the 2nd SD card.

While the stories of the 1st SD card are read and played without 
problems, nothing happens with the 2nd card - the box remains mute.

A call to customer service brought me a second copy of the SD card, but 
even with this neither the old nor the new characters work.

I now have 2 options: 1. beg customer service for a 2nd box or ask 
someone here in the forum if they can provide me with a dump of their SD 

Since option 2 seemed more likely to me, I have now registered here. Is 
there anyone who can kindly dump my SD card (Win32DiskImager can do 
this) so I can restore this image to my SD card?

Thank you in advance.


EDIT: I should mention / add that the tales on my 2 2nd SD cards are 
playable without problems after conversion to MP3. That's why I came up 
with the 2 options I have left now.

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Joachim S. (oyo)


Tobas P. schrieb:
> Während die Stories der 1. SD-Karte problemlos gelesen und abgespielt
> werden, geschieht mit der 2. Karte gar nichts - die Box bleibt stumm.
> Ein Anruf beim Kundenservice brachte mir eine zweite Kopie der SD-Karte,
> aber auch mit dieser funktionieren weder die alten noch die neuen
> Figuren.
> Mir bleiben jetzt 2 Möglichkeiten: 1. Ich bettle beim Kundenservice um
> eine 2. Box oder ich frage hier im Forum jemanden, ob er mir ein Dump
> seiner SD-Karte zur Verfügung stellen kann.

Irgendwie verstehe ich Dein Anliegen nicht. Du hast doch eine SD-Karte, 
die definitiv funktioniert - warum macht Du Dir von dieser nicht einfach 
selbst einen Dump?

von Tobas P. (onkel_tp)


Joachim S. schrieb:
> Irgendwie verstehe ich Dein Anliegen nicht. Du hast doch eine SD-Karte,
> die definitiv funktioniert - warum macht Du Dir von dieser nicht einfach
> selbst einen Dump?

Weil mir nur die funktionierende 512 MB Karte (1. Karte) mit den ersten 
30 Märchen zusätzlich vorliegt. Die 2 GB Karte (2. Karte mit allen 
Märchen) funktioniert aber eben nicht - warum auch immer... Daher war 
eben die Frage, ob jemand seine funktionierende 2 GB Karte dumpen 
könnte, damit ich das Image dann 1:1 auf meine Karte spielen kann.

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Joachim S. (oyo)


Tobas P. schrieb:
> Weil mir nur die funktionierende 512 MB Karte (1. Karte) mit den ersten
> 30 Märchen zusätzlich vorliegt. Die 2 GB Karte (2. Karte mit allen
> Märchen) funktioniert aber eben nicht - warum auch immer... Daher war
> eben die Frage, ob jemand seine funktionierende 2 GB Karte dumpen
> könnte, damit ich das Image dann 1:1 auf meine Karte spielen kann.

Dass Du konkret am Inhalt dieser 2GB-Karte interessiert bist, hast Du 
leider nicht erwähnt, aus Deinem Posting war nicht einmal erkennbar, 
dass es eine neuere Version mit mehr Märchen auf einer 2GB-Karte gibt.

Die meisten Leute hier im Thread dürften allerdings wie ich lediglich 
die ursprüngliche Version gekauft habe, und somit auch nur die 
512MB-Karte haben, die Du ja bereits besitzt.

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Peter Z. (flexopete)


ich habe einen blauen Märchen-Würfel und im letzten Jahr
einige NFC-Tags nach der sehr guten Anleitung von Joachim S.
erfolgreich beschrieben.
Jetzt wollte ich neue NFC-Tags beschreiben. Allerdings erwartet
die MCT APP 4.0.2 die .mct Dateien in einem internen Ordner.
Also die .mct Dateien aus dem dump-file Ordner mit Import .mct
Wenn ich jetzt eine .mct Datei auswähle, bekomme ich eine
Fehlermeldung: error: some block(s) contain invalid data (not hex).
Was mache ich falsch?

Gruß Peter

von Erick Jaume O. (disasster)


Hallo, Meine deutsch ist night so gut, so Ich werde im englischish 

Hi, how did you created the .mct file? Can you post it here?

von Peter Z. (flexopete)


Hi Erick,

the mct files are from nfc folder like "025-Robin Hood.mct"
Or do I have to use the "TMB01_T0025.mct" file instead?

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Joachim S. (oyo)


Peter Z. schrieb:
> Hi Erick,
> the mct files are from nfc folder like "025-Robin Hood.mct"
> Or do I have to use the "TMB01_T0025.mct" file instead?

Hallo Peter,

Wo hast Du diese .mct-Dateien her?
In meinem audiocube-GitHub-Projekt gibt es ja einen Ordner mit solchen 
.mct Dateien 
aber keine Datei mit dem Namen "025-Robin Hood.mct", also hast Du diese 
Datei ja vermutlich irgendwo anders her, selbst erstellt oder schlicht 

Die besagte Fehlermeldung, die das MCT-Tool bringt, ist mir bislang 
jedenfalls unbekannt, daher kann ich Dir auf Anhieb nicht sagen, wo das 
Problem liegen könnte. Aber der Text der Fehlermeldung suggeriert ja, 
dass irgendetwas mit dem Inhalt der .mct-Datei nicht stimmt, daher wäre 
es hilfreich, wenn Du eine .mct Datei bei der diese Fehlermeldung kommt 
einfach mal hier als Dateianhang postest. Anders als die Audio- bzw. 
.smt/.mp3-Dateien sollte man die ohne irgendwelche 
Urheberrechts-Bedenken problemlos posten können.

Theoretisch denkbar wäre aber natürlich auch, dass die Fehlermeldung 
schlicht irreführend ist, und sich das MCT-Tool in Wahrheit am 
Leerzeichen im Dateinamen stört oder sowas.

von Peter Z. (flexopete)


Hallo Joachim,

die mct Datei ist aus dem nfc Ordner von Sept. 2020, mit der ich
die ersten NFC Tags beschrieben habe. Da mußte man die mct Dateien
noch nicht importieren.
Mit der zB "TMB01_T0025.mct" Datei gibt es diese Fehlermeldung
Wenn ich dann nach Anleitung gehe:
Choose the .mct file that you created in step 1, then click “Select 

(sector 0 und 1 ist ausgewählt)

Hold the “Mifare Classic” NFC tag that you want to write to the location 
of the NFC reader on the back of your smartphone. You should here a tone 
and a “New Tag found (UID:xxxxxxxx)” message should be displayed
Keep the NFC tag in this position, click “OK”,

welchen key muß ich auswählen?

then “Start mapping and write dump”

Wähle ich einen key aus, bekomme ich die Fehlermeldung:
error: access conditions are invalid

von Joachim S. (oyo)


Peter Z. schrieb:
> welchen key muß ich auswählen?
> then “Start mapping and write dump”
> Wähle ich einen key aus, bekomme ich die Fehlermeldung:
> error: access conditions are invalid

Einen Key musst Du gar nicht verwenden. Es ist allerdings schon etwas 
länger her, dass ich die App zuletzt benutzt habe, von daher kann ich 
Dir gerade nicht exakt sagen, was genau Du wann anklicken musst.

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Peter Z. (flexopete)


Wenn ich kein key file auswähle, kommt die Meldung:
error: no key file selected.
Die MCT App hat die Version 4.0.2

von Joachim S. (oyo)


Hallo Peter,

Peter Z. schrieb:
> Wenn ich kein key file auswähle, kommt die Meldung:
> error: no key file selected.
> Die MCT App hat die Version 4.0.2

Ich habe die .mct-App eben mal wieder installiert, gleiche Version 
Du hast Recht, mit dem Standard-Einstellungen und ohne da irgendeinen 
Key auszuwählen, konnte auch ich kein Tag beschreiben. Geklappt hat es 
erst, als ich das Häkchen bei "std.keys" gesetzt habe.

von Peter Z. (flexopete)


Hallo Joachim,

auch mit "std.keys" bekomme ich die Fehlermeldung:
error: access conditions are invalid
aber... ich habe es jetzt auf einem aktuellen Smartphone
ausprobiert, da geht es. Liegt evtl. am alten Android auf dem
NEXUS 7. Die alte MCT Version hat ja mal funktioniert.
Egal, alles gut.
Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung.

von Jürgen (juergen4880)


Leute hilfe!! Meine Tochter hat leider die 2 Speicherkarte geschrottet 
und find nicht mal die erste. Kann mir jemand eine kopie senden. Ich 
habe leider alle verloren und eine 2. ist leider nicht möglich zu 

Vielen Dank!!
Ihr wird mich retten!!

von Ludwig Max Schmidt (ludwigmax)


Würde ich sie auch gerne haben. Bei uns ist die Karte nämlich auch 
defekt und kein Backup..

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