Forum: Compiler & IDEs Rust Problem Compile mit Fehler

von Esmu P. (Firma: privat) (max707)


Hallo Fachleute, ich habe da einmal ein paar Fragen.

Bei der Kompilierung ging fast alles glatt und nur eine Fehlermeldung 
wurde ausgegeben.

Was bedeutet diese konkret? Was fehlt in dem Quellcode?

error occurred: Command "clang" "-O3" "-ffunction-sections" 
"-fdata-sections" "--target=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc" "-static" "-I" 
"fathom/src" "-Wall" "-Wextra" "-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS" "-o" 
o"  "-c" "fathom/src/tbprobe.c" with args "clang" did not execute 
successfully (status code exit code: 1)

von Harald K. (kirnbichler)


" ... did not execute successfully"

Das hat leider nicht geklappt.

Mehr steht da nicht.

von Esmu P. (Firma: privat) (max707)


Doch, doch...

Fehlt ihm Clang? Oder was etwas Anderes?

von C-hater (c-hater)


Esmeralda P. schrieb:

> Fehlt ihm Clang?

Nein, aufgerufen werden konnte es offensichtlich, kehrte halt nur mit 
einem Fehler zurück.

> Oder was etwas Anderes?

Sicher. Man müßte in die Ausgabe von Clang schauen, um herauszufinden, 
was genau.

von Kaj G. (Firma: RUB) (bloody)


In dem Projekt wird unteranderem eine C Datei compiliert. An der Stelle 
wird clang als compiler vorausgesetzt.

Wenn du LLVM installierst, sollte es funktionieren.


von Harald K. (kirnbichler)


Naja, vermutlich verwendest Du irgendeine superschlaue IDE, wenn Du die 
Kommandozeile aus Deiner "Fehlermeldung" in ein Kommandozeilenfenster 
kopieren würdest, würdest Du vermutlich mehr sehen.

von Esmu P. (Firma: privat) (max707)


Harald K. schrieb:
> Naja, vermutlich verwendest Du irgendeine superschlaue IDE, wenn
> Du die
> Kommandozeile aus Deiner "Fehlermeldung" in ein Kommandozeilenfenster
> kopieren würdest, würdest Du vermutlich mehr sehen.

Die superschlaue IDE ist bei mir die Konsole.

Wie gesagt das war die einzige Errormeldung.

von Esmu P. (Firma: privat) (max707)


Kaj G. schrieb:
> In dem Projekt wird unteranderem eine C Datei compiliert. An der
> Stelle
> wird clang als compiler vorausgesetzt.
> Wenn du LLVM installierst, sollte es funktionieren.
> LLVM-16.0.0-win64.exe

Leider nicht. Es kommt die gleiche Meldung.

von Esmu P. (Firma: privat) (max707)


C-hater schrieb:
> Esmeralda P. schrieb:
>> Fehlt ihm Clang?
> Nein, aufgerufen werden konnte es offensichtlich, kehrte halt nur mit
> einem Fehler zurück.
>> Oder was etwas Anderes?
> Sicher. Man müßte in die Ausgabe von Clang schauen, um herauszufinden,
> was genau.

Wo finde ich sie?

von Harald K. (kirnbichler)


Esmeralda P. schrieb:
> Die superschlaue IDE ist bei mir die Konsole.

Glaub' ich nicht, denn Windows (das Du ja offenbar verwendest), gibt in 
der Konsole nicht so etwas aus:

> error occurred: Command [etc. pp.] with args "clang"
> did not execute successfully (status code exit code: 1)

Zeig' mal einen Screenshot Deiner Konsole, in dem man auch sieht, was Du 
da eingetippt hast, um zu dieser Fehlermeldung zu kommen.

von Esmu P. (Firma: privat) (max707)


Vorab: Test in der Konsole...

C:\Users\Privat>cargo --version
cargo 1.70.0 (ec8a8a0ca 2023-04-25)


C:\Users\Privat>clang --version
clang version 16.0.0
Target: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin


So noch einmal versucht zu kompilieren:
build --release
   Compiling fathomrs v1.0.0 
   Compiling tch v0.11.0
   Compiling torch-sys v0.11.0
The following warnings were emitted during compilation:

warning: fathom/src/tbprobe.c:196:9: warning: 'max' macro redefined 
warning: #define max(a,b) a > b ? a : b
warning:         ^
warning: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows 
Kits\10\Include\10.0.22621.0\ucrt\stdlib.h:1282:17: note: previous 
definition is here
warning:         #define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
warning:                 ^
warning: fathom/src/tbprobe.c:197:9: warning: 'min' macro redefined 
warning: #define min(a,b) a < b ? a : b
warning:         ^
warning: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows 
Kits\10\Include\10.0.22621.0\ucrt\stdlib.h:1283:17: note: previous 
definition is here
warning:         #define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
warning:                 ^
warning: fathom/src/tbprobe.c:2459:41: warning: comparison of integers 
of different signs: 'int' and 'unsigned int' [-Wsign-compare]
warning:   if (popcount(pos->white | pos->black) <= cardinalityDTM) {
warning:       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
warning: fathom/src/tbprobe.c:2459:7: error: always_inline function 
'_mm_popcnt_u64' requires target feature 'popcnt', but would be inlined 
into function 'tb_expand_mate' that is compiled without support for 
warning:   if (popcount(pos->white | pos->black) <= cardinalityDTM) {
warning:       ^
warning: fathom/src/tbprobe.c:125:38: note: expanded from macro 
warning: #define popcount(x)             (int)_mm_popcnt_u64((x))
warning:                                      ^
warning: 3 warnings and 1 error generated.

error: failed to run custom build command for `fathomrs v1.0.0 

Caused by:
  process didn't exit successfully: 
lease\build\fathomrs-0f12ca6177a15b31\build-script-build`  (exit code: 
  --- stdout
  TARGET = Some("x86_64-pc-windows-msvc")
  OPT_LEVEL = Some("3")
  HOST = Some("x86_64-pc-windows-msvc")
  CFLAGS_x86_64-pc-windows-msvc = None
  CFLAGS_x86_64_pc_windows_msvc = None
  CFLAGS = None
  DEBUG = Some("false")
  running: "clang" "-O3" "-ffunction-sections" "-fdata-sections" 
"--target=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc" "-static" "-I" "fathom/src" "-Wall" 
"-Wextra" "-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS" "-o" 
o"  "-c" "fathom/src/tbprobe.c"
  cargo:warning=fathom/src/tbprobe.c:196:9: warning: 'max' macro 
redefined [-Wmacro-redefined]
  cargo:warning=#define max(a,b) a > b ? a : b
  cargo:warning=        ^
  cargo:warning=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows 
Kits\10\Include\10.0.22621.0\ucrt\stdlib.h:1282:17: note: previous 
definition is here
  cargo:warning=        #define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
  cargo:warning=                ^
  cargo:warning=fathom/src/tbprobe.c:197:9: warning: 'min' macro 
redefined [-Wmacro-redefined]
  cargo:warning=#define min(a,b) a < b ? a : b
  cargo:warning=        ^
  cargo:warning=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows 
Kits\10\Include\10.0.22621.0\ucrt\stdlib.h:1283:17: note: previous 
definition is here
  cargo:warning=        #define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
  cargo:warning=                ^
  cargo:warning=fathom/src/tbprobe.c:2459:41: warning: comparison of 
integers of different signs: 'int' and 'unsigned int' [-Wsign-compare]
  cargo:warning=  if (popcount(pos->white | pos->black) <= 
cardinalityDTM) {
  cargo:warning=      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^ 
  cargo:warning=fathom/src/tbprobe.c:2459:7: error: always_inline 
function '_mm_popcnt_u64' requires target feature 'popcnt', but would be 
inlined into function 'tb_expand_mate' that is compiled without support 
for 'popcnt'
  cargo:warning=  if (popcount(pos->white | pos->black) <= 
cardinalityDTM) {
  cargo:warning=      ^
  cargo:warning=fathom/src/tbprobe.c:125:38: note: expanded from macro 
  cargo:warning=#define popcount(x)             (int)_mm_popcnt_u64((x))
  cargo:warning=                                     ^
  cargo:warning=3 warnings and 1 error generated.
  exit code: 1

  --- stderr

  error occurred: Command "clang" "-O3" "-ffunction-sections" 
"-fdata-sections" "--target=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc" "-static" "-I" 
"fathom/src" "-Wall" "-Wextra" "-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS" "-o" 
o"  "-c" "fathom/src/tbprobe.c" with args "clang" did not execute 
successfully (status code exit code: 1).

warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...

--print target-features
Features supported by rustc for this target:
    adx                             - Support ADX instructions.
    aes                             - Enable AES instructions.
    avx                             - Enable AVX instructions.
    avx2                            - Enable AVX2 instructions.
    avx512bf16                      - Support bfloat16 floating point.
    avx512bitalg                    - Enable AVX-512 Bit Algorithms.
    avx512bw                        - Enable AVX-512 Byte and Word 
    avx512cd                        - Enable AVX-512 Conflict Detection 
    avx512dq                        - Enable AVX-512 Doubleword and 
Quadword Instructions.
    avx512er                        - Enable AVX-512 Exponential and 
Reciprocal Instructions.
    avx512f                         - Enable AVX-512 instructions.
    avx512gfni                      - Enable Galois Field Arithmetic 
    avx512ifma                      - Enable AVX-512 Integer Fused 
    avx512pf                        - Enable AVX-512 PreFetch 
    avx512vaes                      - Promote selected AES instructions 
to AVX512/AVX registers.
    avx512vbmi                      - Enable AVX-512 Vector Byte 
Manipulation Instructions.
    avx512vbmi2                     - Enable AVX-512 further Vector Byte 
Manipulation Instructions.
    avx512vl                        - Enable AVX-512 Vector Length 
    avx512vnni                      - Enable AVX-512 Vector Neural 
Network Instructions.
    avx512vp2intersect              - Enable AVX-512 vp2intersect.
    avx512vpclmulqdq                - Enable vpclmulqdq instructions.
    avx512vpopcntdq                 - Enable AVX-512 Population Count 
    bmi1                            - Support BMI instructions.
    bmi2                            - Support BMI2 instructions.
    cmpxchg16b                      - 64-bit with cmpxchg16b (this is 
true for most x86-64 chips, but not the first AMD chips).
    ermsb                           - REP MOVS/STOS are fast.
    f16c                            - Support 16-bit floating point 
conversion instructions.
    fma                             - Enable three-operand fused 
    fxsr                            - Support fxsave/fxrestore 
    gfni                            - Enable Galois Field Arithmetic 
    lzcnt                           - Support LZCNT instruction.
    movbe                           - Support MOVBE instruction.
    pclmulqdq                       - Enable packed carry-less 
multiplication instructions.
    popcnt                          - Support POPCNT instruction.
    rdrand                          - Support RDRAND instruction.
    rdseed                          - Support RDSEED instruction.
    rtm                             - Support RTM instructions.
    sha                             - Enable SHA instructions.
    sse                             - Enable SSE instructions.
    sse2                            - Enable SSE2 instructions.
    sse3                            - Enable SSE3 instructions.
    sse4.1                          - Enable SSE 4.1 instructions.
    sse4.2                          - Enable SSE 4.2 instructions.
    sse4a                           - Support SSE 4a instructions.
    ssse3                           - Enable SSSE3 instructions.
    tbm                             - Enable TBM instructions.
    vaes                            - Promote selected AES instructions 
to AVX512/AVX registers.
    vpclmulqdq                      - Enable vpclmulqdq instructions.
    xsave                           - Support xsave instructions.
    xsavec                          - Support xsavec instructions.
    xsaveopt                        - Support xsaveopt instructions.
    xsaves                          - Support xsaves instructions.
    crt-static                      - Enables C Run-time Libraries to be 
statically linked.

Code-generation features supported by LLVM for this target:
    16bit-mode                      - 16-bit mode (i8086).
    32bit-mode                      - 32-bit mode (80386).
    3dnow                           - Enable 3DNow! instructions.
    3dnowa                          - Enable 3DNow! Athlon instructions.
    64bit                           - Support 64-bit instructions.
    64bit-mode                      - 64-bit mode (x86_64).
    allow-light-256-bit             - Enable generation of 256-bit 
load/stores even if we prefer 128-bit.
    amx-bf16                        - Support AMX-BF16 instructions.
    amx-fp16                        - Support AMX amx-fp16 instructions.
    amx-int8                        - Support AMX-INT8 instructions.
    amx-tile                        - Support AMX-TILE instructions.
    avx512fp16                      - Support 16-bit floating point.
    avxifma                         - Enable AVX-IFMA.
    avxneconvert                    - Support AVX-NE-CONVERT 
    avxvnni                         - Support AVX_VNNI encoding.
    avxvnniint8                     - Enable AVX-VNNI-INT8.
    branchfusion                    - CMP/TEST can be fused with 
conditional branches.
    cldemote                        - Enable Cache Line Demote.
    clflushopt                      - Flush A Cache Line Optimized.
    clwb                            - Cache Line Write Back.
    clzero                          - Enable Cache Line Zero.
    cmov                            - Enable conditional move 
    cmpccxadd                       - Support CMPCCXADD instructions.
    crc32                           - Enable SSE 4.2 CRC32 instruction 
(used when SSE4.2 is supported but function is GPR only).
    cx8                             - Support CMPXCHG8B instructions.
    enqcmd                          - Has ENQCMD instructions.
    false-deps-getmant              - VGETMANTSS/SD/SH and 
VGETMANDPS/PD(memory version) has a false dependency on dest register.
    false-deps-lzcnt-tzcnt          - LZCNT/TZCNT have a false 
dependency on dest register.
    false-deps-mulc                 - VF[C]MULCPH/SH has a false 
dependency on dest register.
    false-deps-mullq                - VPMULLQ has a false dependency on 
dest register.
    false-deps-perm                 - VPERMD/Q/PS/PD has a false 
dependency on dest register.
    false-deps-popcnt               - POPCNT has a false dependency on 
dest register.
    false-deps-range                - VRANGEPD/PS/SD/SS has a false 
dependency on dest register.
    fast-11bytenop                  - Target can quickly decode up to 11 
byte NOPs.
    fast-15bytenop                  - Target can quickly decode up to 15 
byte NOPs.
    fast-7bytenop                   - Target can quickly decode up to 7 
byte NOPs.
    fast-bextr                      - Indicates that the BEXTR 
instruction is implemented as a single uop with good throughput.
    fast-gather                     - Indicates if gather is reasonably 
fast (this is true for Skylake client and all AVX-512 CPUs).
    fast-hops                       - Prefer horizontal vector math 
instructions (haddp, phsub, etc.) over normal vector instructions with 
    fast-lzcnt                      - LZCNT instructions are as fast as 
most simple integer ops.
    fast-movbe                      - Prefer a movbe over a single-use 
load + bswap / single-use bswap + store.
    fast-scalar-fsqrt               - Scalar SQRT is fast (disable 
    fast-scalar-shift-masks         - Prefer a left/right scalar logical 
shift pair over a shift+and pair.
    fast-shld-rotate                - SHLD can be used as a faster 
    fast-variable-crosslane-shuffle - Cross-lane shuffles with variable 
masks are fast.
    fast-variable-perlane-shuffle   - Per-lane shuffles with variable 
masks are fast.
    fast-vector-fsqrt               - Vector SQRT is fast (disable 
    fast-vector-shift-masks         - Prefer a left/right vector logical 
shift pair over a shift+and pair.
    fma4                            - Enable four-operand fused 
    fsgsbase                        - Support FS/GS Base instructions.
    fsrm                            - REP MOVSB of short lengths is 
    harden-sls-ijmp                 - Harden against straight line 
speculation across indirect JMP instructions..
    harden-sls-ret                  - Harden against straight line 
speculation across RET instructions..
    hreset                          - Has hreset instruction.
    idivl-to-divb                   - Use 8-bit divide for positive 
values less than 256.
    idivq-to-divl                   - Use 32-bit divide for positive 
values less than 2^32.
    invpcid                         - Invalidate Process-Context 
    kl                              - Support Key Locker kl 
    lea-sp                          - Use LEA for adjusting the stack 
pointer (this is an optimization for Intel Atom processors).
    lea-uses-ag                     - LEA instruction needs inputs at AG 
    lvi-cfi                         - Prevent indirect calls/branches 
from using a memory operand, and precede all indirect calls/branches 
from a register with an LFENCE instruction to serialize control flow. 
Also decompose RET instructions into a POP+LFENCE+JMP sequence..
    lvi-load-hardening              - Insert LFENCE instructions to 
prevent data speculatively injected into loads from being used 
    lwp                             - Enable LWP instructions.
    macrofusion                     - Various instructions can be fused 
with conditional branches.
    mmx                             - Enable MMX instructions.
    movdir64b                       - Support movdir64b instruction 
(direct store 64 bytes).
    movdiri                         - Support movdiri instruction 
(direct store integer).
    mwaitx                          - Enable MONITORX/MWAITX timer 
    nopl                            - Enable NOPL instruction (generally 
pentium pro+).
    pad-short-functions             - Pad short functions (to prevent a 
stall when returning too early).
    pconfig                         - platform configuration 
    pku                             - Enable protection keys.
    prefer-128-bit                  - Prefer 128-bit AVX instructions.
    prefer-256-bit                  - Prefer 256-bit AVX instructions.
    prefer-mask-registers           - Prefer AVX512 mask registers over 
    prefetchi                       - Prefetch instruction with T0 or T1 
    prefetchwt1                     - Prefetch with Intent to Write and 
T1 Hint.
    prfchw                          - Support PRFCHW instructions.
    ptwrite                         - Support ptwrite instruction.
    raoint                          - Support RAO-INT instructions.
    rdpid                           - Support RDPID instructions.
    rdpru                           - Support RDPRU instructions.
    retpoline                       - Remove speculation of indirect 
branches from the generated code, either by avoiding them entirely or 
lowering them with a speculation blocking construct.
    retpoline-external-thunk        - When lowering an indirect call or 
branch using a `retpoline`, rely on the specified user provided thunk 
rather than emitting one ourselves. Only has effect when combined with 
some other retpoline feature.
    retpoline-indirect-branches     - Remove speculation of indirect 
branches from the generated code.
    retpoline-indirect-calls        - Remove speculation of indirect 
calls from the generated code.
    sahf                            - Support LAHF and SAHF instructions 
in 64-bit mode.
    sbb-dep-breaking                - SBB with same register has no 
source dependency.
    serialize                       - Has serialize instruction.
    seses                           - Prevent speculative execution side 
channel timing attacks by inserting a speculation barrier before memory 
reads, memory writes, and conditional branches. Implies LVI Control Flow 
    sgx                             - Enable Software Guard Extensions.
    shstk                           - Support CET Shadow-Stack 
    slow-3ops-lea                   - LEA instruction with 3 ops or 
certain registers is slow.
    slow-incdec                     - INC and DEC instructions are 
slower than ADD and SUB.
    slow-lea                        - LEA instruction with certain 
arguments is slow.
    slow-pmaddwd                    - PMADDWD is slower than PMULLD.
    slow-pmulld                     - PMULLD instruction is slow 
(compared to PMULLW/PMULHW and PMULUDQ).
    slow-shld                       - SHLD instruction is slow.
    slow-two-mem-ops                - Two memory operand instructions 
are slow.
    slow-unaligned-mem-16           - Slow unaligned 16-byte memory 
    slow-unaligned-mem-32           - Slow unaligned 32-byte memory 
    soft-float                      - Use software floating point 
    sse-unaligned-mem               - Allow unaligned memory operands 
with SSE instructions (this may require setting a configuration bit in 
the processor).
    tagged-globals                  - Use an instruction sequence for 
taking the address of a global that allows a memory tag in the upper 
address bits..
    tsxldtrk                        - Support TSXLDTRK instructions.
    uintr                           - Has UINTR Instructions.
    use-glm-div-sqrt-costs          - Use Goldmont specific floating 
point div/sqrt costs.
    use-slm-arith-costs             - Use Silvermont specific arithmetic 
    vzeroupper                      - Should insert vzeroupper 
    waitpkg                         - Wait and pause enhancements.
    wbnoinvd                        - Write Back No Invalidate.
    widekl                          - Support Key Locker wide 
    x87                             - Enable X87 float instructions.
    xop                             - Enable XOP instructions.

Use +feature to enable a feature, or -feature to disable it.
For example, rustc -C target-cpu=mycpu -C 

Code-generation features cannot be used in cfg or #[target_feature],
and may be renamed or removed in a future version of LLVM or rustc.


von Thomas F. (tommf)


Der Fehler dürfte das folgende vom Anfang der Meldung sein:
warning: fathom/src/tbprobe.c:2459:7: error: always_inline function
'_mm_popcnt_u64' requires target feature 'popcnt', but would be inlined
into function 'tb_expand_mate' that is compiled without support for 'popcnt'
warning:   if (popcount(pos->white | pos->black) <= cardinalityDTM) {
warning:       ^

Der error dürfte vom C-Compiler kommen. Warum wird das von Rust in eine 
Warnung gepackt?

von Esmu P. (Firma: privat) (max707)


Thomas F. schrieb:
> Der Fehler dürfte das folgende vom Anfang der Meldung sein:
> warning: fathom/src/tbprobe.c:2459:7: error: always_inline function
> '_mm_popcnt_u64' requires target feature 'popcnt', but would be inlined
> into function 'tb_expand_mate' that is compiled without support for
> 'popcnt'
> warning:   if (popcount(pos->white | pos->black) <= cardinalityDTM) {
> warning:       ^
> Der error dürfte vom C-Compiler kommen. Warum wird das von Rust in eine
> Warnung gepackt?

Ich vermute eher einen Fehler in der Konfiguration. Nur wie, oder was 
muß man ändern?

: Bearbeitet durch User
von Esmu P. (Firma: privat) (max707)


Hallo, ich hatte leider mein Problem in einem falschen Unterforum 
reingestellt. Hier: 
Beitrag "Rust Problem Compile mit Fehler"

Hat hier jemand eine Idee die mein Problem lösen kann?

Vielen Dank im vorraus.

von Esmu P. (Firma: privat) (max707)


Hat hier niemand eine Idee?

von Harald K. (kirnbichler)


Ganz offensichtlich nicht. Sonst hätte das hier schon jemand 

von Esmu P. (Firma: privat) (max707)


Harald K. schrieb:
> Ganz offensichtlich nicht. Sonst hätte das hier schon jemand
> hingeschrieben.

Die Ursache ist mittlerweile bekannt, so wie ich es vermutet hatte lag 
ein Fehler im Quellcode vor.

von Harald K. (kirnbichler)


Schön, daß Du zukünftige Generationen an dieser Erkenntnis teilhaben 
lässt. Nicht.

von Esmu P. (Firma: privat) (max707)


Harald K. schrieb:
> Schön, daß Du zukünftige Generationen an dieser Erkenntnis teilhaben
> lässt. Nicht.

Hast Du es schon selber versucht?

error occurred: Command "clang" "-O3" "-ffunction-sections"
"-fdata-sections" "--target=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc" "-static" "-I"
"fathom/src" "-Wall" "-Wextra" "-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS" "-o"
o"  "-c" "fathom/src/tbprobe.c" with args "clang" did not execute
successfully (status code exit code: 1)

Rust installieren
Toolchain dazu installieren
clang installieren

Quelldateien besorgen, entpacken, abspeichern z.B. auf dem Desktop, dann 
hat man weniger zu tippen.
Dann in: fathomrs/fathom/src/tbprobe.c öffnen und nach #undef 
TB_SOFTWARE_POP_COUNT suchen,. Anschließend undef durch define ersetzen.
DOS Konsole öffnen
Danach: cargo clean ausführen
Und damit kompilieren: cargo build --release

Hoffe, das ich nichts vergessen habe.

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