Hi Hier mal ein Sonntagsthema. Seit einiger Zeit spinnt meine Solo4k. Ja, ich weiß, daß es VU+ und VTi Foren gibt, aber da bekomme meist nur den Rat, den Receiver neu aufzusetzen. Das kommt aber nicht in Frage: Der Receiver muß 24/7 aufnehmen. Ich habe den Receiver vor Jahren eingerichtet, und weiß gar nicht mehr, was ich damals alles gemacht habe, und was ich seitdem alles geändert habe. Vielleicht bekomme ich hier ein paar technische Vorschläge? Die Probleme: Mindestens 1* pro Tag stürzt das Ding mit Lilascreen ab. Schlimmer sind aber die Störungen bei der Wiedergabe der Aufnahmen. Dabei springt springt die Wiedergabe vorwärts. Die Störungen treten sowohl bei SAT und Kabelaufnahmen (per Fritzbox) auf. Beim Livesehen gibt es keine Störungen. Ich vermute deshalb Probleme beim Abspeichern. Der Receiver speichert per 1G Ethernet über einen Swich direkt auf ein NAS.
Was für eine Anwendung erfordert 24/7-Aufnahme eines Fernsehprogrammes? Ist das eine Art audiovisueller Lorem-Ipsum-Generator? Was macht man mit dem aufgenommenem Material? Festplatten testen?
Peter N. schrieb: > Schlimmer sind aber die Störungen bei der Wiedergabe der Aufnahmen. D.h. das Ding nimmt nicht nur 24h auf (ein Programm, mehrere Programme, viele Programme?), sondern spielt auch noch gleichzeitig ab? Auf good-old-fashioned HDDs im NAS nehme ich an? Dann könnte man ja mal den Versuch wagen, so eine Aufzeichnung mit einem anderen Gerät abzuspielen. Dann wäre zumindest schon mal geklärt, ob die Aufnahme oder die Wiedergabe das Problem ist.
Peter N. schrieb: > Mindestens 1* pro Tag stürzt das Ding mit Lilascreen ab. Und auf diesem schönen Lila-Screen stehen bestimmt auch ganz viele Informationen, wer diesen Absturz verursacht hat. Die selben Informationen fände man vermtulich auch in entsprechenden Logfiles, wenn man nach diesen Suchen würde.
Harald K. schrieb: > Was für eine Anwendung erfordert 24/7-Aufnahme eines > Fernsehprogrammes? Ein Programm? AutoTimer sucht den größten Teil des des deutschsprachigen Astra-Angebots ab. Aufgenommen werden gleichzeitig 5-10 Sendungen. Was ich damit mache? Vorrat anschaffen, falls irgendwann mal die SD-Sender abgeschaltet werden... Klaus schrieb: > Dann könnte man ja mal den Versuch wagen, so eine Aufzeichnung mit einem > anderen Gerät abzuspielen. Dann wäre zumindest schon mal geklärt, ob > die Aufnahme oder die Wiedergabe das Problem ist. Ich habe auch schon mal auf eine SSD im Receiver aufgenommen. Auch dort gabs Störungen. Mit VLC auf einem PC gibts auch Störungen, dort sind es aber hauptsächlich Tonaussetzer. Klaus schrieb: > Und auf diesem schönen Lila-Screen stehen bestimmt auch ganz viele > Informationen, wer diesen Absturz verursacht hat. Die selben > Informationen fände man vermtulich auch in entsprechenden Logfiles, wenn > man nach diesen Suchen würde. Klar, aber die Schrift ist viel zu klein, um sie aus Fernsehentfernung lesen zu können. Mit dem LOGs kann ich nichts anfangen. Die sehen so aus (Ich habe die ewig langen Verzeichnislisten daraus gelöscht): c <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <stbcrashlog> <dvbapp2> <crashdate>Sun Sep 29 12:56:23 2024</crashdate> <compiledate>Dec 20 2022</compiledate> <skin>Vu_HD_1080P/skin.xml</skin> <sourcedate>2022-12-15</sourcedate> <branch>vti-master</branch> </dvbapp2> <image> <stbmodel>solo4k</stbmodel> <kernelcmdline>root=/dev/mmcblk0p4 rootwait rw rootflags=data=journal debug coherent_pool=2M bmem=633m@387m bmem=499m@2573m</kernelcmdline> <nimsockets>NIM Socket 0:</nimsockets> <vtiversion>15.0.02</vtiversion> <imageversion> <![CDATA[ version=01102201706151428 creator=VTi <info@vuplus-support.org> url=http://www.vuplus-support.org/ ]]> </imageversion> </image> <stb-configuration> <configuration> <![CDATA[ config.skin.primary_vfdskin=vfd_skin/skin_vfd_vti_III.xml config.EMC.moviecenter_sort=AZMD- config.EMC.extmenu_list=true config.EMC.show_experimental_options=true config.EMC.movie_date_format=%Y/%m/%d %H:%M config.EMC.vlc=true config.EMC.extmenu_plugin=true config.EMC.hide_miniTV=all config.EMC.movie_exit=true config.EMC.cfgtopdir_enable=true config.EMC.skin_able=true config.EMC.ml_disable=true config.EMC.directories_ontop=true config.keyboard.keymap=dream-de.kmap config.pic.cache=false config.pic.framesize=5 config.pic.loop=false config.misc.use_auto_ci_assignment=false config.misc.firstrun=false config.misc.initialchannelselection=false config.misc.epg_data_timer=60 config.misc.disable_auto_channel_list=true config.misc.startCounter=2836 config.misc.languageselected=false config.misc.defaultchosen=false config.misc.videowizardenabled=false config.misc.FPwakeUpTime=1727605454 config.misc.isNextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto=true config.misc.use_ci_assignment=false config.radio.lastroot=1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "bouquets.radio" ORDER BY bouquet;1:7:2:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "userbouquet.webradio__radio_2018-01-06_21-58-41.radio" ORDER BY bouquet; config.radio.lastservice=-1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0: config.av.scaler_sharpness=13 config.av.avl=spdif config.av.osd_alpha=199 config.av.defaultac3=true config.av.audio_defaultddp=true config.av.surround_3d=spdif config.av.policy_169=panscan config.av.videorate.1080p=multi config.av.downmix_ac3=false config.av.videomode.DVI=1080p config.av.bypass_edid_checking=00000001 config.Nims.10.cable.scan_band_US_HIGH=true config.Nims.10.cable.scan_band_US_MID=true config.Nims.10.cable.scan_band_US_HYPER=true config.Nims.10.cable.scan_band_US_SUPER=true config.Nims.10.cable.scan_band_US_LOW=true config.Nims.1.diseqcMode=single config.Nims.1.powerMeasurement=false config.Nims.1.configMode=simple config.Nims.0.diseqcMode=single config.Nims.0.powerMeasurement=false config.Nims.0.configMode=simple config.Nims.9.diseqcMode=single config.Nims.9.powerMeasurement=false config.Nims.9.configMode=simple config.Nims.8.diseqcMode=single config.Nims.8.powerMeasurement=false config.Nims.8.configMode=simple 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config.pep.sharpness=100 config.autolanguage.audio_autoselect1=deu ger config.autolanguage.audio_autoselect2=deu ger config.autolanguage.subtitle_autoselect2=eng qaa config.autolanguage.subtitle_autoselect1=deu ger config.recording.enable_descramble_in_standby=false config.recording.margin_after=15 config.recording.force_standby_for_descramble=false config.recording.margin_before=15 config.recording.never_decrypt=false config.recording.autoadjust_margin_after=1 config.SleepTimer.defaulttime=180 config.usage.on_movie_stop=movielist config.usage.servicelist_show_event_time=true config.usage.show_message_when_recording_starts=false config.usage.movielist_show_picon=true config.usage.menu_sort_weight={'mainmenu': {'submenu': {'chromiumos': {'sort': 290}, 'men\xc3\xbc_positionieren': {'sort': 170}, 'schneller_kanalwechsel_(fcc)': {'sort': 240}, 'movie_list': {'sort': 10}, 'youtubetv_settings': {'sort': 280}, 'pcfs': {'sort': 70}, 'vti_menu': {'sort': 120}, 'hbbtv-anwendungen': {'sort': 320}, 'standby_restart_list': {'sort': 90}, 'setup_selection': {'sort': 140}, 'code_der_fernbedienung': {'sort': 160}, 'vti_panel': {'sort': 180}, 'epgsearch': {'sort': 220}, 'info_screen': {'sort': 100}, 'cdinfo': {'sort': 200}, 'timer_edit': {'sort': 20}, 'epgrefresh': {'sort': 300}, 'youtubetv': {'sort': 80}, 'bildbetrachter': {'sort': 210}, 'epg_wird_durchsucht...': {'sort': 350}, 'softwareverwaltung': {'sort': 310}, 'quad-pip_aktivieren': {'sort': 340}, 'dvd_backup': {'sort': 50}, 'mediaplayer': {'sort': 260}, 'openwebif': {'sort': 250}, 'piconmanager': {'sort': 230}, 'autotimer': {'sort': 30}, 'bluray_player': {'sort': 270}, 'mediaportal': {'sort': 60}, 'subtitle_selection': {'sort': 110}, 'dvdplayer': {'sort': 40}, 'audioeffect': {'sort': 150}, 'task_list': {'sort': 190}, 'plugin_selection': {'sort': 130}, 'display_modus_(lcd)': {'sort': 330}}}} config.usage.show_event_progress_in_servicelist=true config.usage.plugin_sort_weight={'chromiumos': {'sort': 70}, 'blindscan': {'sort': 40}, 'shootyourscreen setup': {'sort': 280}, 'youtubetv settings': {'sort': 340}, 'zapping-modus': {'sort': 350}, 'men\xc3\xbc positionieren': {'sort': 200}, 'wit.ai text zu sprache konfigurieren': {'sort': 330}, 'vti hdmi-cec': {'sort': 310}, 'dvd backup': {'sort': 90}, 'multi quickbutton': {'sort': 220}, 'bluray player': {'sort': 50}, 'mytube player': {'sort': 230}, 'epgsearch': {'sort': 150}, 'dvdplayer': {'sort': 110}, 'cdinfo': {'sort': 60}, 'dvd controller': {'sort': 100}, 'epgrefresh': {'sort': 140}, 'vti panel': {'sort': 320}, 'google maps': {'sort': 160}, 'code der fernbedienung': {'sort': 80}, 'mediaplayer': {'sort': 170}, 'openwebif': {'sort': 240}, 'piconmanager': {'sort': 250}, 'autotimer': {'sort': 20}, 'mediaportal': {'sort': 180}, 'spinner wechseln': {'sort': 290}, 'mediascanner': {'sort': 190}, 'bildbetrachter': {'sort': 30}, 'dyndns': {'sort': 120}, 'audioeffect': {'sort': 10}, 'schneller kanalwechsel (fcc)': {'sort': 270}, 'epg share': {'sort': 130}, 'men\xc3\xbc-3d-einstellungen': {'sort': 210}, 'transkodierungseinstellungen': {'sort': 300}, 'picturecenterfs': {'sort': 260}} config.usage.movielist_group_folder_splitstr=02 config.usage.default_pip_mode=pip config.usage.check_for_updates=24 config.usage.use_pig=true config.usage.movielist_show_folder_info=false config.usage.movielist_group_folder=false config.usage.days_mark_as_new=0 config.usage.epg_buffer=28 config.usage.quickzap_bouquet_change=false config.usage.debug_type=off config.usage.enable_zaphistory=false config.usage.timerlist_style=1 config.usage.servicelist_show_picon=100 config.usage.show_bsod=true config.usage.use_extended_pig_channelselection=true config.usage.movielist_progress_seen=90 config.usage.epg_default_view=graphicalmultiepg config.usage.movielist_last_played_movie=1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:/media/net/ autonet/Terra_N5810D_1/(REC_1)/Das Strafgericht - RTLplus - 20200317 1257.ts config.usage.movielist_use_trash_dir=true config.usage.stop_seek_eof=10 config.usage.movielist_ask_movie_del=true config.usage.allowed_timeshift_paths=['/media/hdd/'] config.usage.timer_check_free_space=false config.usage.favourite_list_w_ok=true config.usage.showdish=false config.usage.movielist_show_folder_info_new=false config.usage.movielist_show_folder_info_sort_by_new=false config.usage.disable_infobar_timeout_okbutton=true config.usage.epg.virgin=true config.usage.epg.mhw=true config.usage.movielist_group_folder_sort_like_item=true config.usage.debug_config=file config.usage.blinking_display_clock_during_recording=true config.usage.default_path=/media/net/autonet/Terra_N5810D_1/(REC_1)/ config.usage.infobar_dimm=fade_in_out config.usage.movielist_show_trash_dir=true config.usage.movielist_only_day=false config.usage.on_movie_eof=movielist config.usage.movielist_use_moviedb_trash=false config.usage.servicelist_show_servicenumber=false config.usage.autolanguage.epglanguage=deu ger config.usage.multiepg_ask_bouquet=true config.usage.movielist_show_folder_info_only_new=false config.usage.servicelist_show_service_type_icon=true config.usage.record_file_name_date_at_end=true config.usage.hdd_standby=1800 config.usage.use_rm_force_depends=true config.hdmicec.enabletvrc=false config.audio.volume=80 config.plugins.DVDBackup.directory=/media/net/autonet/Terra_N5810D_2/(RE C2)/ config.plugins.DVDBackup.name=DVD_VIDEO_RECORDER config.plugins.vtipanel.menushown=audioeffect,code_der_fernbedienung,men ü_positionieren,vti_panel,schneller_kanalwechsel_(fcc),cdinfo,bildbetrac hter,dvdplayer,epgsearch,piconmanager,openwebif,mediaplayer,autotimer,bl uray_player,youtubetv_settings,chromiumos,dvd_backup,emc_git20160416_(se tup),epgrefresh,mediaportal,softwareverwaltung,hbbtv-anwendungen,display _modus_(lcd),quad-pip_aktivieren,epg_wird_durchsucht... config.plugins.vtipanel.backupsuite.backuprestorepath=/media/net/autonet /Terra_N5810D_1 config.plugins.vtipanel.configurationbackup.backupdirs=['/etc/CCcam.cfg' , '/etc/default_gw', '/etc/enigma2/', '/etc/hostname', '/etc/network/interfaces', '/etc/resolv.conf', '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf'] config.plugins.vtipanel.configurationbackup.backuplocationimage=/media/n et/autonet/Terra_N5810D_1 config.plugins.PermanentNetSpeedInfo.Type=Lan+Wlan config.plugins.remotecontrolcode.systemcode=3 config.plugins.audioeffect.effect=3D_Surround config.plugins.audioeffect.speakerposition=extrawide config.plugins.audioeffect.spdif=on config.plugins.epgsearch.history_length=10 config.plugins.epgsearch.history=['100%', 'wieder', 'indipence', 'indi', 'Die Superh\xc3\xa4ndler - 4 R\xc3\xa4ume, 1 Deal', 'Die Schatzsucher von Oak Island', 'Lemony Snicket - R\xc3\xa4tselhafte Ereignisse'] config.plugins.fccsetup.activate=false config.plugins.serviceapp.options.serviceexteplayer3.autoturnon_subtitle s=false config.plugins.serviceapp.options.servicegstplayer.autoturnon_subtitles= false config.plugins.ShowClock.showTimeout=10 config.plugins.ShowClock.position_x=1344 config.plugins.ShowClock.position_y=45 config.plugins.softwaremanager.overwriteConfigFiles=ask config.plugins.FritzCall.enable=true config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname= config.plugins.configurationbackup.backuplocation=/media/hdd config.plugins.configurationbackup.backupdirs=['/etc/default_gw', '/etc/enigma2/', '/etc/hostname', '/etc/network/interfaces', '/etc/resolv.conf', '/etc/wpa_supplicant.ath0.conf', '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf', '/etc/wpa_supplicant.wlan0.conf'] config.plugins.AspectRatioSwitch.enabled=true config.plugins.quadpip.lastchannel=1 config.plugins.bluetoothsetup.vurcuSkipFwVer=0 config.plugins.piconmanager.selected=DVB-C Vodafone KD config.plugins.autotimer.maxdaysinfuture=1 config.plugins.autotimer.interval=1 config.plugins.autotimer.show_help=false config.plugins.autotimer.delay=3 config.plugins.autotimer.autopoll=true config.plugins.autotimer.addsimilar_on_conflict=true config.plugins.autotimer.refresh=auto config.plugins.autotimer.timeout=1 config.plugins.autotimer.show_in_extensionsmenu=true config.plugins.autotimer.editor=plain config.plugins.epgrefresh.begin=0:0 config.plugins.epgrefresh.lastscan=1727562051 config.plugins.epgrefresh.end=23:59 config.plugins.epgrefresh.adapter=record config.plugins.epgrefresh.parse_autotimer=true config.plugins.epgrefresh.enabled=true config.plugins.epgrefresh.interval_seconds=30 config.plugins.epgrefresh.show_help=false config.plugins.epgrefresh.interval=2 config.plugins.epgrefresh.inherit_autotimer=true config.plugins.epgrefresh.delay_standby=10 config.plugins.epgrefresh.wakeup=true config.plugins.epgrefresh.force=true config.plugins.epgrefresh.show_in_extensionsmenu=true config.plugins.Webinterface.enabled=false config.plugins.QuickButton.enable_movieplayer=true config.plugins.QuickButton.backupdirs=['/etc/'] config.plugins.QuickButton.mainmenu=false config.plugins.RemoteStreamConverter.ip= config.plugins.shootyourscreen.timeout=1 config.plugins.shootyourscreen.pictureformat=-j config.plugins.epgShare.msg=true config.plugins.epgShare.auto=false config.plugins.epgShare.autotimer=true config.plugins.epgShare.lastupdatestart=1655503260 config.plugins.epgShare.lastupdateend=1655503260 config.plugins.AtileHD.refreshInterval=10 config.plugins.AtileHD.woeid=638242 config.plugins.PictureCenterFS.hauptmenu=2 config.movielist.blue_long_button=p_MovieCut config.movielist.moviedirs_config{} config.movielist.last_selected_tags=None config.movielist.last_timer_videodir=/media/net/autonet/Solo4k/movie/Aut oTimer/ config.movielist.blue_button=p_Cutlist_Editor config.movielist.yellow_button=contextmenu config.movielist.moviesort=1 config.movielist.last_videodir=/media/net/autonet/Terra_N5810D_1/(REC_1) / config.movielist.green_button=sort ]]> </configuration> </stb-configuration> <software> <dvbapp2software> <![CDATA[ enigma2 - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-base-plugins - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-data-enigma2 - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-data-fonts - 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vti-15.0.02-20180720-r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-dvdcontroller - 0.6 enigma2-plugin-extensions-dvdplayer - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-extensions-dvdplayer-staticdev - vti-13.0.2-20171222-r0r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-dyndns - vti-15.0.02-20180720-r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-egle-picon-info - 20080613-r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgrefresh - vti-15.0.0-20180118-r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgsearch - vti-15.0.02-20180706-r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgshare - 5.84+git0+8cefdeaab9-r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-eurotictv - vti-15.0.02-20180720-r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-googlemaps - vti-15.0.02-20180720-r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-graphmultiepg - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-extensions-infobartunerstate - vti-15.0.0-20170418-3.2.3-r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaplayer - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal - 2020070101 enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediascanner - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-extensions-minitv - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-extensions-moviecut - vti-15.0.02-20180720-r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-movieretitle - vti-15.0.02-20180118-r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-multiquickbutton-vu - 2.7.17-r5 enigma2-plugin-extensions-mytube - vti-15.0.02-20180720-r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-openwebif - 1.4.9-git20211108-r2 enigma2-plugin-extensions-permanentnetspeedinfo - 20130626-v0.3-r1 enigma2-plugin-extensions-piconmanager - 2.5-20220617-r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-picturecenterfs - 8.32 enigma2-plugin-extensions-pictureplayer - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-extensions-quadpip - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-extensions-reconstructapsc - vti-15.0.02-20180720-r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-remotechannelstreamconverter - 1.0-e2openpluginsgit20151009-r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-satipclient - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-extensions-setpicon - 0.35-e2openpluginsgit20120815-r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-shootyourscreen - 0.2-r2 enigma2-plugin-extensions-showclock - vti-15.0.02-20180720-r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-spinnerselector - 2.0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-tageditor - vti-15.0.02-20180118-r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-vweather3 - 1.0r64 enigma2-plugin-extensions-webbouqueteditor - vti-15.0.02-20180720-r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-webinterface - vti-15.0.02-20180720-r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-webkithbbtv - 1.0-20170105.r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-witaispeechtotext - 1.0-20170327.r0.vti001 enigma2-plugin-extensions-youtube - 1.0-r0 enigma2-plugin-extensions-youtubetv - 1.0-r0 enigma2-plugin-picons-vti.default - 1.2-20161123-r0 enigma2-plugin-skin-750s - vti-15.0.02-20171118-r0 enigma2-plugin-skin-atile - 6.0-r0 enigma2-plugin-skin-mutespectator - 4.7-r0 enigma2-plugin-skin-stylefhd - 2019-03-08-r0 enigma2-plugin-skin-vali.hd.warp - vti-15.0.02-20171118-r0 enigma2-plugin-skin-vu-hd - vti-15.0.02-20171118-r0 enigma2-plugin-skin-vuhd1080p - 1.2.20190305-r0 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-animationsetup - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-aspectratioswitch - vti-15.0.02-20180720-r0 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-audioeffect - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-autoframerate - 1.0-r0 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-autoresolution - vti-15.0.02-20200727-r0 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-autoshutdown - 1.4-r0 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-blindscan - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-bluetoothsetup - 1.0-20181109-r0.vti000 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-boxfind - 1.40+git0+232b78e638-r0 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-boxmodeconfig - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-cablescan - 1.0-r2 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-commoninterfaceassignment - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-crashreport - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-crossepg - 0.8.1-e2openpluginsgit20150309-r0 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-defaultservicesscanner - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-devicemanager2 - 2.3-r0 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-exteventinfohandler - 2.3 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-fastchannelchange - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-fastscan - 1.3-r0 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-hdmicec - 1.8-r0 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-hotplug - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-mphelp - vti-15.0.0-20180118-r0 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-networkbrowser - vti-15.0.02-20180720-r0 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-networkwizard - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-remotecontrolcode - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-satfinder - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-serviceapp - git95+da9deae-r0.vti005 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-skinselector - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-softwaremanager - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-toolkit - vti-15.0.02-20180118-r0 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-transcodingsetup - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-ui3dsetup - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-uipositionsetup - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-vfdskinselector - 3.12-r0 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-videoenhancement - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-videomode - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-videotune - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-wirelesslan - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-wolsetup - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-zappingmodeselection - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r03 enigma2-plugins-meta - vti-15.0.02-20180720-r0 enigma2-python - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r04 enigma2-skins-meta - vti-15.0.02-20171118-r0 enigma2-streamproxy - 1.0+git15+37a3f19-r5.vti001 enigma2-transtreamproxy - 2.0-r11-vti03+git38+7675a1e-r11-vti03 enigma2-vti-modules - vti-15.0.02-20200921-r01r02 packagegroup-vuplus-enigma2 - 1.0-r27-vti27 ]]> </dvbapp2software> <gstreamersoftware> <![CDATA[ gstplayer - 0.1-r06 gstreamer1.0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-libav - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugin-dvbmediasink - 1.0+vti004-r0-vti09.r12-bsp2 gstreamer1.0-plugin-subsink - 1.0+git7+2c4288b-r0-vti08.01-vti08.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-faad - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-hls - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-mms - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-mpegpsdemux - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-mpegtsdemux - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-rtmp - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-videoparsersbad - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-alsa - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-app - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-audioconvert - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-audioresample - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-ogg - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-playback - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-subparse - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-typefindfunctions - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-vorbis - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-good - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-apetag - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-audioparsers - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-autodetect - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-avi - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-flac - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-flv - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-icydemux - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-id3demux - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-isomp4 - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-matroska - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-mpg123 - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-rtp - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-rtpmanager - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-rtsp - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-soup - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-udp - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-good-wavparse - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-amrnb - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-amrwbdec - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-asf - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-cdio - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-dvdsub - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 libgstadaptivedemux-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 libgstapp-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 libgstaudio-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 libgstcodecparsers-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 libgstmpegts-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 libgstpbutils-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 libgstriff-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 libgstrtp-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 libgstrtsp-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 libgstsdp-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 libgsttag-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 libgsturidownloader-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 libgstvideo-1.0-0 - 1.14.2-r0-vti09.01 ]]> </gstreamersoftware> </software> <crashlogs> <dvbapp2crashlog> <![CDATA[ Record] now running: Richter Alexander Hold (3309 seconds) [eDVBServiceRecord] get record info: 0 doing version filtering 0012: 4e d0 4c 19 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 8443856440, m_skipmode_m = 0! NO CUESHEET. (8443856440, 10485700) getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 8454342140, m_skipmode_m = 0! NO CUESHEET. (8454342140, 10485700) Recording to /media/net/autonet/Terra_N5810D_1/(REC_1)/Richter Alexander Hold - SAT_1 Gold - 20240929 1248.ts... start recording... RECORD: have 1 video stream(s) (04ff), and 1 audio stream(s) (0500), and the pcr pid is 04ff, and the text pid is 0024 ADD PID: 0000 ADD PID: 0001 ADD PID: 0012 ADD PID: 0014 ADD PID: 0024 ADD PID: 0064 ADD PID: 04ff ADD PID: 0500 ADD PID: 0505 before: 1 after: 1 setIoPrio realtime level 7 ok /media/net/autonet/Terra_N5810D_1/(REC_1) location on other device FILEPUSH THREAD START IBTS Records StateRunning ID record 9c990b30 Richter Alexander Hold 5e10 IBTS addEntry record 9c990b30 Richter Alexander Hold 5e10 IBTS show True True IBTS tunerShow IBTS addEntry timer 9c990d30 Dragon Ball 567 IBTS toremove IBTS timers toremove timer 9c990b30 Richter Alexander Hold 5e10 IBTS Timers update ID timer 9c990d30 Dragon Ball 567 IBTS timerlist: timer 9c990b50 Richter Alexander Hold 5e10 IBTS timerlist: timer 9c990bd0 Richter Alexander Hold 5e0f IBTS timerlist: timer 9c990c50 Richter Alexander Hold 5e0f IBTS timerlist: timer 9c990d30 Dragon Ball 567 IBTS len pixmaps 4 IBTS len pixmaps 4 IBTS len pixmaps 4 IBTS len pixmaps 4 IBTS len pixmaps 4 IBTS len pixmaps 4 Recording to /media/net/autonet/Terra_N5810D_1/(REC_1)/Richter Alexander Hold - SAT_1 Gold - 20240929 1248_001.ts... start recording... RECORD: have 1 video stream(s) (097f), and 1 audio stream(s) (0980), and the pcr pid is 097f, and the text pid is 0982 ADD PID: 0000 ADD PID: 0001 ADD PID: 0012 ADD PID: 0014 ADD PID: 0069 ADD PID: 097f ADD PID: 0980 ADD PID: 0982 ADD PID: 0984 before: 1 after: 1 setIoPrio realtime level 7 ok /media/net/autonet/Terra_N5810D_1/(REC_1) location on other device FILEPUSH THREAD START IBTS Records StateRunning ID record 9c990b50 Richter Alexander Hold 5e10 IBTS addEntry record 9c990b50 Richter Alexander Hold 5e10 IBTS show True True IBTS timerHide IBTS tunerHide getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 8464827840, m_skipmode_m = 0! NO CUESHEET. (8464827840, 10485700) getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 8475313540, m_skipmode_m = 0! NO CUESHEET. (8475313540, 10485700) -+ 1/2 TID 4e ++ 2/2 TID 4e done! pcr of eit change: e4824f4 [eDVBServiceRecord] get record info: 0 doing version filtering 0012: 4e 44 60 05 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 +- 1/2 TID 4e +- 1/2 TID 4e ++ 2/2 TID 4e done! pcr of eit change: 113e45a15 [eDVBServiceRecord] get record info: 4 doing version filtering 0012: 4e d0 4c 1b 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 ++ 2/2 TID 4e done! pcr of eit change: 113e4ae75 [eDVBServiceRecord] get record info: 0 doing version filtering 0012: 4e d0 4c 1b 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 8485799240, m_skipmode_m = 0! NO CUESHEET. (8485799240, 10485700) main thread is non-idle! display spinner! before: 1 after: 1 [VTi eEmergencyWatchdog] ::::::: start send cancel to thread thread joined 0 ERROR reading PES (fd=128) - Value too large for defined data type -+ 1/2 TID 4e ++ 2/2 TID 4e done! pcr of eit change: e6db7b4 [eDVBServiceRecord] now running: Richter Alexander Hold (3455 seconds) [eDVBServiceRecord] get record info: 4 doing version filtering 0012: 4e 44 60 07 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 8496284940, m_skipmode_m = 0! NO CUESHEET. (8496284940, 10485700) +- 1/2 TID 4e +- 1/2 TID 4e ++ 2/2 TID 4e done! pcr of eit change: 1140d3895 [eDVBServiceRecord] now running: Richter Alexander Hold (3455 seconds) [eDVBServiceRecord] get record info: 0 doing version filtering 0012: 4e d0 4c 1d 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 ++ 2/2 TID 4e done! pcr of eit change: 1140cf245 [eDVBServiceRecord] now running: Richter Alexander Hold (3455 seconds) [eDVBServiceRecord] get record info: 4 doing version filtering 0012: 4e d0 4c 1d 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 main thread is non-idle! display spinner! before: 1 after: 1 [VTi eEmergencyWatchdog] ::::::: start send cancel to thread thread joined 0 ERROR reading PES (fd=128) - Value too large for defined data type main thread is non-idle! display spinner! before: 1 after: 1 [VTi eEmergencyWatchdog] ::::::: start getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 8506770640, m_skipmode_m = 0! NO CUESHEET. (8506770640, 10485700) send cancel to thread thread joined 0 ERROR reading PES (fd=128) - Value too large for defined data type main thread is non-idle! display spinner! before: 1 after: 1 [VTi eEmergencyWatchdog] ::::::: start getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 8517256340, m_skipmode_m = 0! NO CUESHEET. (8517256340, 10485700) send cancel to thread thread joined 0 ERROR reading PES (fd=128) - Value too large for defined data type main thread is non-idle! display spinner! before: 1 after: 1 [VTi eEmergencyWatchdog] ::::::: start send cancel to thread thread joined 0 getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 8527742040, m_skipmode_m = 0! NO CUESHEET. (8527742040, 10485700) ERROR reading PES (fd=128) - Value too large for defined data type getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 8538227740, m_skipmode_m = 0! NO CUESHEET. (8538227740, 10485700) main thread is non-idle! display spinner! before: 1 after: 1 [VTi eEmergencyWatchdog] ::::::: start send cancel to thread thread joined 0 ERROR reading PES (fd=128) - Value too large for defined data type getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 8548713440, m_skipmode_m = 0! NO CUESHEET. (8548713440, 10485700) getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 8559199140, m_skipmode_m = 0! NO CUESHEET. (8559199140, 10485700) getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 8569684840, m_skipmode_m = 0! NO CUESHEET. (8569684840, 10485700) getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 8580170540, m_skipmode_m = 0! NO CUESHEET. (8580170540, 10485700) getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 8590656240, m_skipmode_m = 0! NO CUESHEET. (8590656240, 10485700) getNextSourceSpan, current offset is 8601141940, m_skipmode_m = 0! NO CUESHEET. (8601141940, 10485700) stop recording! (was not recording) main thread is non-idle! display spinner! before: 1 after: 1 [VTi eEmergencyWatchdog] ::::::: start thread joined 0 [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 3 for service 1:0:1:4460:453:1:C00000:0:0:0: demux 3 mask 08 prevhash 00640802 [eDVBCAService] don't build/send the same CA PMT twice IBTS Records StateEnded ID record 9c990bd0 Richter Alexander Hold 5e0f IBTS finishEntry record 9c990bd0 Richter Alexander Hold 5e0f IBTS updateType FINISHED IBTS len pixmaps 4 IBTS show True True IBTS tunerShow eFilePushThread WRITE ERROR FILEPUSH THREAD STOP IBTS Records StateRunning ID record 9c990c50 Richter Alexander Hold 5e0f IBTS Records StateRunning ID record 9c9907f0 Dragon Ball 566 IBTS Records StateRunning ID record 9c990850 Dragon Ball 566 IBTS Records StateRunning ID record 9c990b30 Richter Alexander Hold 5e10 IBTS Records StateRunning ID record 9c990b50 Richter Alexander Hold 5e10 IBTS Timers update ID timer 9c990d30 Dragon Ball 567 IBTS timerlist: timer 9c990c50 Richter Alexander Hold 5e0f IBTS timerlist: timer 9c990d30 Dragon Ball 567 IBTS len pixmaps 4 IBTS len pixmaps 4 IBTS len pixmaps 4 IBTS len pixmaps 4 IBTS len pixmaps 4 IBTS len pixmaps 4 IBTS len pixmaps 4 stop recording! stopping thread. FILEPUSH THREAD STOP thread joined 0 loading streaminfo for /media/net/autonet/Terra_N5810D_1/(REC_1)/Richter Alexander Hold - SAT_1 Gold - 20240929 1153_003.ts fixed up 113e45a15 to 7b1a2eb (offset 0) fixed up 1140d3895 to 7da816b (offset 0) loading streaminfo for /media/net/autonet/Terra_N5810D_1/(REC_1)/Richter Alexander Hold - SAT_1 Gold - 20240929 1153_003.ts [eDVBCAService] free slot 0 demux 4 for service 1:0:1:D04C:2721:F001:FFFF0000:0:0:0: demux 4 mask 10 prevhash 00691001 [eDVBCAService] don't build/send the same CA PMT twice IBTS Records StateEnded ID record 9c990c50 Richter Alexander Hold 5e0f IBTS finishEntry record 9c990c50 Richter Alexander Hold 5e0f IBTS updateType FINISHED IBTS len pixmaps 4 IBTS show True True send cancel to thread thread joined 0 ERROR reading PES (fd=128) - Value too large for defined data type IBTS timerHide IBTS tunerHide eDVBServicePlay::pause decoder state: pause, vpid=168, apid=137 VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok VIDEO_FREEZE - ok AUDIO_PAUSE - ok IBTS show False False IBTS timerShow IBTS tunerShow IBTS Timers update ID timer 9c990d30 Dragon Ball 567 IBTS timerlist: timer 9c990d30 Dragon Ball 567 IBTS len pixmaps 4 IBTS len pixmaps 4 IBTS len pixmaps 4 IBTS len pixmaps 4 IBTS len pixmaps 4 eDVBServicePlay::unpause decoder state: play, vpid=168, apid=137 VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok eDVBServicePlay::pause decoder state: pause, vpid=168, apid=137 VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok VIDEO_FREEZE - ok AUDIO_PAUSE - ok IBTS hide IBTS timerHide IBTS tunerHide no version filtering 0014: 70 00 00 00 00 00 mask: fc 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 no version filtering 0014: 70 00 00 00 00 00 mask: fc 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is 1 [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] difference between linux time and RTC time is < 60 sec... so the transponder time looks ok [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] time update to 12:54:07 [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] m_time_difference is 1 [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] set Linux Time [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is -1 [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] difference between linux time and RTC time is < 60 sec... so the transponder time looks ok [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] time update to 12:54:07 [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] m_time_difference is -1 [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] set Linux Time no version filtering 0014: 70 00 00 00 00 00 mask: fc 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 no version filtering 0014: 70 00 00 00 00 00 mask: fc 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is 3 [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] difference between linux time and RTC time is < 60 sec... so the transponder time looks ok [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] time update to 12:54:55 [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] m_time_difference is 3 [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] set Linux Time [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff is 0 [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] diff < 120 .. use Transponder Time [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] not changed record: 0 allocate channel.. 0441:0001 available channel.. 0441:0001 found shared channel.. allocate Channel: res 0 RECORD service event 14 RECORD service event 6 tuned.. no version filtering 0012: 4e 2e f4 00 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 ok ... now we start!! no version filtering 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 RECORD service event 5 resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/scan_tp_valid_check.py resolve: -> /etc/scan_tp_valid_check.py [eEPGCache] saveEventToFile epg event id 567 [eEPGCache] found event -> store eit file: /media/net/autonet/Terra_N5810D_1/(REC_1)/Dragon Ball - RTLZWEI - 20240929 1256.eit IBTS Records StatePrepared record: 0 allocate channel.. 2715:f001 available channel.. 0441:0001 available channel.. 2715:f001 found shared channel.. allocate Channel: res 0 RECORD service event 14 RECORD service event 6 tuned.. no version filtering 0012: 4e d1 63 00 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 ok ... now we start!! no version filtering 0000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 RECORD service event 5 resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/scan_tp_valid_check.py resolve: -> /etc/scan_tp_valid_check.py [eEPGCache] saveEventToFile epg event id 567 [eEPGCache] found event -> store eit file: /media/net/autonet/Terra_N5810D_1/(REC_1)/Dragon Ball - RTLZWEI - 20240929 1256_001.eit IBTS Records StatePrepared -+ 1/2 TID 4e + 1/1 TID 00 done! PATready use pmtpid 006e for service_id d163 no version filtering 006e: 02 d1 63 00 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 doing version filtering 0000: 00 00 00 2b 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 + 1/1 TID 02 done! RECORD service event 5 [eDVBCAService] add demux 2 to slot 1 service 1:0:1:D163:2715:F001:FFFF0000:0:0:0: no version filtering 0646: 74 00 00 00 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 0 demux 2 mask 04 prevhash 006e0401 [eDVBCAService] don't build/send the same CA PMT twice doing version filtering 006e: 02 d1 63 03 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 + 1/1 TID 00 done! PATready use pmtpid 002e for service_id 2ef4 no version filtering 002e: 02 2e f4 00 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 doing version filtering 0000: 00 00 00 15 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 + 1/1 TID 02 done! RECORD service event 5 [eDVBCAService] add demux 1 to slot 0 service 1:0:1:2EF4:441:1:C00000:0:0:0: no version filtering 0045: 74 00 00 00 00 00 mask: ff 00 00 00 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 00 00 00 [autoAudioTrack] use audio track: 0 demux 1 mask 02 prevhash 002e0217 [eDVBCAService] don't build/send the same CA PMT twice doing version filtering 002e: 02 2e f4 2f 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 + 1/1 TID 74 done! AITready Section Length : 89, Total Section Length : 92 found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 26, appid : 700 Save Data Len : [92] Found : control[1], name[RTL2 Startleiste], url[http://www.rtl2.de/hbbtvp] RECORD service event 10 -+ 1/2 TID 4e ++ 2/2 TID 4e done! [eDVBServiceRecord] now running: Dragon Ball (1662 seconds) [eDVBServiceRecord] get record info: 0 doing version filtering 0012: 4e d1 63 3d 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 + 1/1 TID 74 done! AITready Section Length : 89, Total Section Length : 92 found applicaions ids >> pid : ffffffff, orgid : 26, appid : 700 Save Data Len : [92] Found : control[1], name[RTL2 Startleiste], url[http://www.rtl2.de/hbbtvp] RECORD service event 10 ++ 2/2 TID 4e done! [eDVBServiceRecord] now running: Dragon Ball (1662 seconds) [eDVBServiceRecord] get record info: 0 doing version filtering 0012: 4e 2e f4 0d 00 00 mask: ff ff ff 3f 00 00 mode: 00 00 00 3e 00 00 thread joined 0 eDVBServicePlay::unpause decoder state: play, vpid=168, apid=137 VIDEO_SLOWMOTION(0) - ok VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD(0) - ok VIDEO_CONTINUE - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok decoder state: play, vpid=-1, apid=-1 DEMUX_STOP - video - ok VIDEO_STOP - ok AUDIO_STOP - ok DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok AUDIO_CONTINUE - ok DEMUX_STOP - ttx - ok main thread is non-idle! display spinner! before: 1 after: 1 [VTi eEmergencyWatchdog] ::::::: start allocate channel.. 041a:0001 available channel.. 0441:0001 available channel.. 2715:f001 available channel.. 0453:0001 available channel.. 2721:f001 Slot 0, score 15005 Slot 1, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!! Slot 2, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!! [eDVBResourceManager::allocateFrontend] m_fbc_mng->isCompatibleWith slotid : 0x5cedb0 (3), fbc_fe : (nil) (-1), score : 0 Slot 3, score 0 Slot 4, score 0 Slot 5, score 0 Slot 6, score 0 Slot 7, score 0 Slot 8, score 15005 Slot 9, score 15005 Slot 10, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!! Slot 11, score 0... but BUSY!!!!!!!!!!! Slot 12, score 0 Slot 13, score 0 opening frontend 0 [eDVBCAService] new channel 0x2601818! (0)tune RotorCmd ffffffff, lastRotorCmd ffffffff prepare_sat Freq 10729000 Pol 1 SR 22000000 INV 2 FEC 2 orbpos 192 system 1 modulation 2 pilot 2, rolloff 0, is_id -1, pls_mode 3, pls_code 0 tuning to 979 mhz OURSTATE: tuning allocate Channel: res 0 allocate demux resolve: resolve ${sysconfdir}/scan_tp_valid_check.py resolve: -> /etc/scan_tp_valid_check.py send cancel to thread thread joined 0 main thread is non-idle! display spinner! before: 1 after: 1 [VTi eEmergencyWatchdog] ::::::: start Recording to /media/net/autonet/Terra_N5810D_1/(REC_1)/Dragon Ball - RTLZWEI - 20240929 1256.ts... FATAL: ebase.cpp:154 ASSERTION notifiers.find(fd) == notifiers.end() FAILED! ]]> </dvbapp2crashlog> </crashlogs> <systemmessages> ********************KERNEL LOG / SYSTEM MESSAGES******************** <4>[149276.231753] [VID]: VIDEO_STOP 1 1 <4>[149276.231825] [AUD]: AUDIO_STOP 1256955904 <4>[149276.255374] [AUD]: AUDIO_CONTINUE 1256955904 0 aph=0x0 <4>[149276.255385] [AUD]: AUDIO_CONTINUE aph=0 0 0 <4>[149309.322175] [VID]: VIDEO_SET_STREAMTYPE 0 <4>[149309.322194] [VID]: VIDEO_SELECT_SOURCE 1 0 <4>[149309.322255] [VID]: VIDEO_PLAY 1 2 0 <4>[149309.327627] [VID]: VIDEO_CONTINUE 1 1 <4>[149309.327639] [VID]: VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER 1 1 0 <4>[149309.602136] [VID]: VIDEO_STOP 0 1 <4>[149309.603046] [VID]: VIDEO_SELECT_SOURCE 0 0 <4>[149350.520654] UDF-fs: warning (device sr0): udf_fill_super: No partition found (2) <4>[149457.456292] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MUTE 0 <4>[149457.456820] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER -889045368 <4>[149457.456830] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : amixl 0, amixr 0 <4>[149457.456835] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : next left volume -998, right volume -998 <4>[149457.456840] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : next left volume -70, right volume -70 <4>[149471.126293] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER -889045368 <4>[149471.126312] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : amixl 13, amixr 13 <4>[149471.126319] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : next left volume -70, right volume -70 <4>[149471.126325] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : next left volume -998, right volume -998 <4>[149479.855457] FE tune <4>[149481.805417] FE tune <4>[149483.705430] FE tune <4>[149485.655785] FE tune <4>[149487.605688] FE tune <4>[149489.505432] FE tune <4>[149491.705756] FE tune <4>[149493.655550] FE tune <4>[149495.605858] FE tune <4>[149497.555507] FE tune <4>[149498.487267] FE tune <4>[149498.488452] FE tune <4>[149499.465348] FE tune <4>[149501.416240] FE tune <4>[149503.365392] FE tune <4>[149505.316452] FE tune <4>[149507.266022] FE tune <4>[149509.215423] FE tune <4>[149511.155280] FE tune <4>[149513.105285] FE tune <4>[149515.055284] FE tune <4>[149517.005287] FE tune <4>[149518.955286] FE tune <4>[149520.905461] FE tune <4>[149522.855280] FE tune <4>[149524.805270] FE tune <4>[149526.755283] FE tune <4>[149528.705472] FE tune <4>[149530.655299] FE tune <4>[149532.605283] FE tune <4>[149534.555284] FE tune <4>[149536.505499] FE tune <4>[149538.455297] FE tune <4>[149540.405269] FE tune <4>[149542.355277] FE tune <4>[149544.305546] FE tune <4>[149546.505302] FE tune <4>[149548.455277] FE tune <4>[149550.405262] FE tune <4>[149552.355310] FE tune <4>[149554.305362] FE tune <4>[149556.255258] FE tune <4>[149558.195389] FE tune <4>[149560.145304] FE tune <4>[149562.095292] FE tune <4>[149563.995332] FE tune <4>[149565.945386] FE tune <4>[149567.845340] FE tune <4>[149569.795543] FE tune <4>[149571.745282] FE tune <4>[149573.645328] FE tune <4>[149575.595272] FE tune <4>[149577.498471] FE tune <4>[149579.445347] FE tune <4>[149581.395303] FE tune <4>[149583.295280] FE tune <4>[149585.245281] FE tune <4>[149587.195335] FE tune <4>[149589.095336] FE tune <4>[149591.045337] FE tune <4>[149592.945322] FE tune <4>[149594.895474] FE tune <4>[149596.845391] FE tune <4>[149598.745395] FE tune <4>[149600.695367] FE tune <4>[149602.645294] FE tune <4>[149604.845297] FE tune <4>[149606.795292] FE tune <4>[149608.695320] FE tune <4>[149610.645441] FE tune <4>[149612.595262] FE tune <4>[149614.495349] FE tune <4>[149616.445324] FE tune <4>[149618.395300] FE tune <4>[149619.866047] [AUD]: AUDIO_SELECT_SOURCE 0 <4>[149619.866283] [AUD]: AUDIO_SET_BYPASS_MODE 1 <4>[149619.866291] [AUD]: downmix 1 state : 0 <4>[149619.866375] [AUD]: AUDIO_PAUSE 1088493824 <4>[149619.866387] [AUD]: AUDIO_PLAY 1088493824 decoder start : 0 <4>[149619.867340] [VID]: VIDEO_SELECT_SOURCE 0 0 <4>[149619.867381] [VID]: VIDEO_SET_STREAMTYPE 0 <4>[149619.867503] [VID]: VIDEO_FREEZE 1088493824 0 <4>[149619.867517] [VID]: VIDEO_PLAY 1088493824 2 2 <4>[149619.874985] [VID]: VIDEO_SLOWMOTION 0 1 <4>[149619.875542] [VID]: VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD 0 1 0 <4>[149619.875587] [VID]: VIDEO_CONTINUE 1088493824 1 <4>[149619.875604] [AUD]: AUDIO_CONTINUE 1088493824 1 aph=0xccc8bd80 <4>[149619.875609] [AUD]: Mute : 0 <4>[149619.875785] [AUD]: AUDIO_CHANNEL_SELECT 0 <4>[149619.914568] [AUD]: AUDIO_CLEAR_BUFFER 1 0 <4>[149619.923263] [VID]: VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER 1088493824 1 1 <4>[149620.218569] [VID]: VIDEO_GET_SIZE src w: 720 h:576 display w:720 h:576 <4>[149620.218582] [VID]: VIDEO_GET_SIZE aspect: 0 2 <4>[149620.346300] FE tune <4>[149623.185484] [AUD]: AUDIO_CLEAR_BUFFER 1 0 <4>[149623.201374] [VID]: VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER 1088493824 1 1 <4>[151300.342115] [VID]: VIDEO_SLOWMOTION 0 1 <4>[151300.342312] [VID]: VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD 0 1 0 <4>[151300.342365] [VID]: VIDEO_FREEZE 1088493824 1 <4>[151300.342459] [AUD]: AUDIO_PAUSE 1088493824 <4>[151301.163336] [VID]: VIDEO_SLOWMOTION 0 2 <4>[151301.163402] [VID]: VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD 0 1 0 <4>[151301.163428] [VID]: VIDEO_CONTINUE 1088493824 1 <4>[151301.163446] [AUD]: AUDIO_CONTINUE 1088493824 2 aph=0xccc8bd80 <4>[151301.163451] [AUD]: Mute : 0 <4>[151302.653859] [VID]: VIDEO_SLOWMOTION 0 1 <4>[151302.653930] [VID]: VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD 0 1 0 <4>[151302.653958] [VID]: VIDEO_FREEZE 1088493824 1 <4>[151302.654005] [AUD]: AUDIO_PAUSE 1088493824 <4>[151437.922532] [VID]: VIDEO_SLOWMOTION 0 2 <4>[151437.922604] [VID]: VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD 0 1 0 <4>[151437.922646] [VID]: VIDEO_CONTINUE 1088493824 1 <4>[151437.922663] [AUD]: AUDIO_CONTINUE 1088493824 2 aph=0xccc8bd80 <4>[151437.922669] [AUD]: Mute : 0 <4>[151437.936133] [VID]: VIDEO_STOP 1 1 <4>[151437.936202] [AUD]: AUDIO_STOP 1088493824 <4>[151437.959150] [AUD]: AUDIO_CONTINUE 1088493824 0 aph=0x0 <4>[151437.959159] [AUD]: AUDIO_CONTINUE aph=0 0 0 </systemmessages> </stbcrashlog> /c
Wichtige Regeln - erst lesen, dann posten! Groß- und Kleinschreibung verwenden Längeren Sourcecode nicht im Text einfügen, sondern als Dateianhang
Peter N. schrieb: > Klaus schrieb: >> Und auf diesem schönen Lila-Screen stehen bestimmt auch ganz viele >> Informationen, wer diesen Absturz verursacht hat. Die selben >> Informationen fände man vermtulich auch in entsprechenden Logfiles, wenn >> man nach diesen Suchen würde. > > Klar, aber die Schrift ist viel zu klein, um sie aus Fernsehentfernung > lesen zu können. Keine Möglichkeit, mal näher an den TV ranzukommen? Ansonsten einfach mal hochauflösend fotografieren.
Monk schrieb: > Groß- und Kleinschreibung verwenden Habe ich doch...? Monk schrieb: > Längeren Sourcecode nicht im Text einfügen, sondern als Dateianhang Habe ich als code eingefügt. Dateianhang ist doch für Bilder?
Ralf X. schrieb: > Keine Möglichkeit, mal näher an den TV ranzukommen? > Ansonsten einfach mal hochauflösend fotografieren. Dazu steht der Text nicht lange genug...
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