Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik Issues FT245

von Franz P. (Firma: franck) (franziski)


As first exercise with FT245 I would to turn on two LEDs. So I wrote the 
following code [taken from this forum and adapted]. The software 
compiles but the LEDs keep on turned off...except for that one connected 
to DB1 pin of FT245 (that is always ON...). Here it is the code:

// FTDI.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

//#include "stdafx.h"

#include <windows.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include "ftd2xx.h"

typedef unsigned char UCHAR;

FT_HANDLE fthandle;
FT_STATUS status;

void Reload()



    // Open device #0 and save in handle variable the task handle

  status = FT_Open(0, &fthandle);

    // Try again the open if previuos opening failed

  while( status != 0) {
    status = FT_Open(0, &fthandle);

  // Prints a message
  printf("[OK] Device successfully opened...\n");


int main(int argc, char* argv[])




// Reset

  status = FT_ResetDevice(fthandle);

              if(status == FT_OK) {

              printf("[OK] Device reset...\n");


        } else printf ( "Error!\n");


// Timeout

 DWORD rTimeout=1000;
 DWORD wTimeout=1000;

 status = FT_SetTimeouts(fthandle,rTimeout,wTimeout);

                   if(status == FT_OK)  {

               printf("[OK] Read/Write timeout successfully set to %d/%d 
(ms)...\n", rTimeout, wTimeout);

           } else printf ("Error!\n");


// Baudrate

 status = FT_SetBaudRate(fthandle, 9600);

                   if(status == FT_OK) {

                      printf("[OK] Baudrate set to 9600..\n");



// Make a reset

UCHAR mask = 0xFF; // pin all to output
UCHAR mode = 0;    // reset code

 status = FT_SetBitMode(fthandle, mask, mode);

        if(status == FT_OK) {

          printf("[OK] Device Reset...\n");

        } else printf ("Error!\n");


// Set asincron bit-bang

mask = 0xFF;
mode = 1;

 status = FT_SetBitMode(fthandle, mask, mode);

  if(status == FT_OK) {

          printf("[OK] Set asyncron mode...\n");

        } else printf ("Error!\n");


// Write

DWORD byteWritten = 0;

UCHAR buffer[] = { 128 };  // Turn on LED #2 and LED #8

        status = FT_Write (fthandle,

                if(status == FT_OK) {
                   printf("[OK] Data wrote successfully...\n");

        } else printf ("Error!\n");


// Close


   return 0;


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