Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik Digitaler Bilderrahmen

von Gast (Gast)



bei vielen Digitalen bilderrahmen ist mir die auflösung von 800*480 in 
16:9 aufgefallen, was vermuten lässte, dass es sich um die gleichen 
Displays, wie in den Netbook verbauten, handelt.

Hat da jemand mal reingeschaut?

Interessant wäre es, ob es ein Standard-Panel mit RGB oder LVDS input 

Weiß da jemand was?


von Ale (Gast)


I bought one of those but with a 480x272 display thinking of stripping 
it but the interface to the display is so convoluted that I gave up. The 
colors where analog with 3 pixel clock signals that for some reason 
where sinusoidal, the polarity of the signals was changing every frame 
and who knows what else :-(. I gave it to my gf as a nice present, an 
expensive one.
I also wondered about the 800x480 but I have no desired to be burned 
again, I only have one gf ;-)!

von Rene H. (Gast)


In other case, the 800x480 display could be a nice present for your 
mother in law :-).

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