Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik RFM12 verschiedene Einträger bei Baudrate für RX und TX ?

von Torsten B. (torty)


Versuche gerade zwei RFM12 zu einer Unterhaltung zu bewegen.

Im HopeRF Datenblatt finde ich für RX und TX Betrieb zwei verschiedene 
Gleichungen für das zu übertragende Bitmuster.
Verstehe ich das Richtig ?

In den BeispielCodes ist immer nur eine Berechnung zu finden.

Die Passage aus dem Datenblatt:

The actual bit rate in transmit mode and the expected bit rate of the 
received data stream in receive mode is determined by the 7-bit
parameter R (bits r6 to r0) and bit cs.
BR = 10000  29  (R+1) / (1+cs*7) [kbps]
In the receiver set R according to the next function:
R= (10000  29  (1+cs*7) / BR) – 1, where BR is the expected bit rate 
in kbps.
Apart from setting custom values, the standard bit rates from 600 bps to 
115.2 kbps can be approximated with small error.
Data rate accuracy requirements:
Clock recovery in slow mode: ΔBR / BR < 1 / (29*N ) Clock recovery in 
fast mode: ΔBR / BR < 3 / (29*N )
BR is the bit rate set in the receiver and ΔBR is the bit rate 
difference between the transmitter and the receiver. N
is the maximal number of
consecutive ones or zeros in the data stream. It is recommended for long 
data packets to include enough 1/0 and 0/1 transitions, and be
careful to use the same division ratio in the receiver and in the 


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