Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik Color LCD to AVR

von Pjwl (Gast)



I have an Hitachi color LCD SX14Q004 (320xRGBx240)


This LCD screen can handle 4096 colors, now i wont to control this with
an AVR.
My idea was to use an LCD controller like the S1D13706, but this
controller can max handle 320x240 8bpp so only 256 colors.

Is it posibbele to use an AVR  as LCD controller with RAM connected to
so i can handle the 4096 color, can somebody help me with how much RAM
i must use and how to control the LCD?
And can somebody tell me how i must connect it to the AVR

Thanx already

von Benedikt (Gast)


It is impossible to get more than a few colours with an AVR.
A suitable LCD controller is S1D13504 with up to 2MB of external DRAM.

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