Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik CODE from Atmel 328pdef bascom INTO ARDUINO for chip attiny45

von Tomaz S. (tomash)


Can Somebody help me to change the code written for chip Atmel 328pdef
in BASCOM to code for chip attiny45 in ARDUINO?

Kindest Regards/Schoene Gruesse und Danke Schoen!

code from Atmel 328pdef bascom INTO chip attiny45 in ARDUINO?

'name                     : adc.bas
'copyright                : (c) 1995-2009, MCS Electronics
'purpose                  : demonstrates AD converter
'micro                    : Mega48
'suited for demo          : yes
'commercial addon needed  : no

$baud = 19200

'configure single mode and auto prescaler setting
'The single mode must be used with the GETADC() function

'The prescaler divides the internal clock by 2,4,8,16,32,64 or 128
'Because the ADC needs a clock from 50-200 KHz
'The AUTO feature, will select the highest clockrate possible
Config Adc = Single , Prescaler = Auto , Reference = Avcc
'Now give power to the chip
Start Adc

'With STOP ADC, you can remove the power from the chip
'Stop Adc

Dim W As Word , Channel As Byte

Config Portb.5 = Output

Dim X As Integer
Dim Y As Integer
Dim Z As Integer
Dim T As Integer

X = 0
Y = 0
Z = 0

'now read A/D value from channel 0

Z = 0

  W = Getadc(channel)
Print W
  Incr Channel
  If Channel > 0 Then Channel = 0
  Waitms 100

If W > 300 And W < 330 Then
Y = 1


Y = Z
Print Y
End If
If Y = 0 Then
Incr T

T = Z
Print T
End If

If T > 100 Then

X = 1

Portb.5 = 1


Portb.5 = 0

X = Z
End If

Print X
Print Y
Print Z
Print T

Danke und schone Gruesse!

von m.n. (Gast)


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