Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik use progn. program

von ROB (Gast)

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Is it possible to use progn.c with MPLAB C18 ? I want to use a pic
Exackt.txt are correct results. Progn.txt are results from
winavr-compiler with atmega32 and
they were wrong.

von Profi (Gast)


The problem might be the reduced accuracy of your  long double
variables, in WINAVR that means 32bit floating point, which is not

How did you get the exact results? PC? :
Selbst der Mercedes unter den Compilern (IAR Embedded Workbench)
benutzt standardmäßig 32-bit-Gleitkomma.  Allerdings kann man den auf
64 bit umschalten.  Für den AVR-GCC müsste sich einfach jemand finden,
der das schreibt.

also read

von ROB (Gast)


I think there is a huge problem with 32-bit float point calculating
module from winavr !

Progn.c is now test with a another 32-bit FP math module without
Read also

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