Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik AVR910 ATmega8 statt 2313

von Maddin (Gast)


Hallo Forum,

ich bin gerade dabei mir einen AVR910 zu bauen.
Statt einen 2313 habe ich einen ATmega8 genommen, da ich kein 2313 
Die Software habe ich entsprechend angepasst.
Nun zu meinem Problem:
Die Kommunikation funktioniert zwar zwischen Programmer und PC 
(avrdude), aber ich bekomme einen Fehler vom Programmer zurück, das der 
Programmer beim schreiben nicht mehr Antwortet(serial_recv()programmer 
is not responding)

Kann es sein, das ich noch mehr an der Software ändern muss?


von Maddin (Gast)


Nur zur Info, das gibt der Programmer aus.

"C:\avrdude\bin\avrdude.exe" -p m32 -c avr910 -C 
"C:\avrdude\bin\avrdude.conf" -P com5 -U 
flash:w:"D:\test\m32\main.hex":i -U flash:v:"D:\test\m32\main.hex":i

Found programmer: Id = "AVR ISP"; type = S
    Software Version = 3.2; Hardware Version = 1.2
Programmer supports auto addr increment.

Programmer supports the following devices:
    Device code: 0x10 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x11 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x12 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x13 = AT90S1200
    Device code: 0x20 = AT90S2313
    Device code: 0x28 = AT90S4414
    Device code: 0x30 = AT90S4433
    Device code: 0x34 = AT90S2333
    Device code: 0x38 = AT90S8515
    Device code: 0x48 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x4c = AT90S2343
    Device code: 0x50 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x51 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x55 = ATtiny12
    Device code: 0x56 = ATtiny15
    Device code: 0x58 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x68 = AT90S8535
    Device code: 0x6c = AT90S4434
    Device code: 0x86 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x87 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x3a = ATMEGA8515
    Device code: 0x41 = ATMEGA103
    Device code: 0x42 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x43 = ATMEGA128
    Device code: 0x5e = ATTINY26
    Device code: 0x60 = ATMEGA161
    Device code: 0x64 = ATMEGA163
    Device code: 0x65 = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x6a = (unknown)
    Device code: 0x72 = ATMEGA32
    Device code: 0x74 = ATMEGA16
    Device code: 0x76 = ATMEGA8

avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 

avrdude: Device signature = 0x02951e
avrdude: NOTE: FLASH memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be 

         To disable this feature, specify the -D option.
avrdude: erasing chip
avrdude: reading input file "D:\test\m32\main.hex"
avrdude: writing flash (2168 bytes):

Writing |                                                    | 0% 
serial_recv(): programmer is not responding

von Maddin (Gast)


So habe was herausgefunden, mein Programmer funzt mir AVRProg, aber 
nicht mit avrdude, selbe Ausgabe wie oben!!

Ist es nur ne Einstellungssache??


von Maddin (Gast)


So nun habe ich es auch mit AVRDUDE.

Habe die aktuelle SW + config-Datei von WinAVR genommen und siehe da es 


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