Forum: Mikrocontroller und Digitale Elektronik Must Have 47er Logikbausteine

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von M. W. (blomquist)


Grüß euch,

Welche Logik Bausteine sollten in keiner guten Sammlung fehlen, hier mal 
meine Liste der Bausteine die ich bereits habe/bestelle:

(HC oder AC)

(C oder HCF)

Bitte einfach nur Type angeben, den Rest find dann ich selber raus.
Da die Dinger eh sehr günstig zu haben sind will ich mir gleich eine 
umfangreiche Sammlung anlegen.
Thanks alot.

von Tobias P. (hubertus)


ein '05er darf auch nicht fehlen.
und '08, '32, '139.

von Tobias P. (hubertus)


übrigens solltest du aber eigentlich selber wissen, was du brauchst.

von Falk B. (falk)


@  M. Weissi (blomquist)

>Welche Logik Bausteine sollten in keiner guten Sammlung fehlen, hier mal
>meine Liste der Bausteine die ich bereits habe/bestelle:

Naja, ich würde mir gerade heute keine nennenswerten Vorräte an 74xx 
zulegen, ausser vielleicht ein paar 7400, 7414. Der Rest wird "on 
demand" bestellt und verbaut. Zum experimentieren nimmt man einen CPLD 
oder ein Simulationsprogramm ;-)

>Da die Dinger eh sehr günstig zu haben sind will ich mir gleich eine
>umfangreiche Sammlung anlegen.

Die Idee ist seit mind. 10 Jahren out. Aber die Jäger und Sammlergene im 
Menschen sind jahrtausende altz ;-)


von Michael U. (amiga)



naja, da wird man wohl immer gerade das nicht haben, was man gerade 
braucht. ;)

Vielleicht noch:

Gruß aus Berlin

von Thorsten .. (tms320)



von folgenden Teilen habe ich noch massenhaft, habe die seit Jahren 
nicht mehr benutzt:

TC4023BP    Toshiba    DIP-14
TC4012BP    Toshiba    DIP-14
TC4093BP    Toshiba    DIP-14
TC4538BP    Toshiba    DIP-16
CD4503BCN    National  DIP-16
MC74F32N    Motorola  DIP-14
MC14051BCP    Motorola  DIP-16
SN84164N    TI    DIP-14
HCF4532BE    SGS    DIP-16
CD74HCT125E    ?    DIP-14
SN74LS21N    Motorola  DIP-14

Sind zwar auch CMOS dabei, aber was soll's...

Bei Interesse und gegen Portoübernahme kann ich dir was zukommen lassen.


von Gerhard (Gast)


ich kann nur Falk Recht geben. Das was du brauchst hast du eh nicht, 
egal wieviele verschiedene IC's du hast. Früher hab ich auch gesammelt. 
das hab ich aufgegeben und auch schon viele ICs weggeworfen. 
(Herstellungsdatum aus den 80er Jahren) kauf nur was du im Moment 
brauchst, damit verlierst du vielleicht ei paar tage aber du behältst 
den Überblick und ahst kein altes Zeug.

von Tom (Gast)


Sehe ich auch so. Wir haben im Labor eine Riesenschublade mit 74xx und 
LSxx, die hat seit mindestens 10 Jahren keiner mehr berührt (die ICs). 
Werden wohl bald entsorgt.

von M. W. (blomquist)


Das die einfachen Logikgatter out sind weiß ich seit ich weiß dass es 
sie gibt ;) Aber ich will ja nichts in Serie produzieren....
Und für Bastelein mit AVR's und sonstigem werd ich mich jetzt nicht dem 
spaßigem Vergnügen hingeben und VHDL lernen, wo ich noch nicht mal in C 
recht weiter komme. Und wenn ich mal in Stimmung bin was zu bauen (kommt 
ja eh nicht allzuoft vor), dann wollt ich halt ein bißl was daheim haben 
und nicht immer gleich bestellen (bin ja Ösi, will echt nicht 74er Zeugs 
beim RS bestellen müssen)

Danke an alle die ein bißl was aufgelistet haben!

P.S.: bin zwar noch nicht lange hier im Forum, aber mir ist aufgefallen 
dass hier im Forum sehr gern recht schnell "belehrt" wird: "lass es, hat 
keinen Sinn mehr, ...."
Tja, wenn's so einfach wär nur aufs hörensagen eine Idee oder ein 
Vorhaben fallen zu lassen. Erfahrung macht man am besten mit allen 
Sinnen, ergo selber Mist bauen :)

von Stefan H. (Firma: dm2sh) (stefan_helmert)



du solltest einfach so ein "Sortiment" bei Pollin bestellen. Da gibt es 
ICs als Kiloware. Da spart man viel Geld und Zeit gegen Einzelkauf. µC 
und so sind auch dabei. Man muss halt auch etwas Abfall mit dazunehmen, 
z. B. irgendwelche "Bosch ugv637dgiuw"-ICs, wozu es keine Datenblätter 

von Peter D. (peda)


M. Weissi wrote:

> 74xx00
> 74xx04
> 74xx14

nimm 74HC132, dann hast Du alle 3 erschlagen

> 74xx07

dann aber auch 74LS06

> 74xx74

manchmal ist der 74HC112 auch ganz nützlich

> 74xx138
> 74xx154

externe parallele IO-Erweiterungen sind out.

> 74xx244
> 74xx374

veraltet (blöde Pinbelegung)
besser 74HC573, 74HC574, braucht man aber kaum

> 74xx540


> 74xx595

und als Gegenstück (Eingangserweiterung) den 74HC165

> 74xx4094

macht doch das gleiche, wie der 74HC595

> 74xx4017


Wie wärs noch mit Zählern:


Analogmultiplexer sind auch ganz praktisch:


> xx4011
> xx40109
> xx4517
> xx4049
> xx4050

Hochvolt-CMOS würde ich generell nicht mehr verwenden, höchstens den
CD4504 als Pegelwandler 3..5V<->5..18V


von Falk B. (falk)


@ M. Weissi (blomquist)

>Tja, wenn's so einfach wär nur aufs hörensagen eine Idee oder ein
>Vorhaben fallen zu lassen. Erfahrung macht man am besten mit allen
>Sinnen, ergo selber Mist bauen :)

Ma kann auch aus Fehlern anderer lernen. Aber du hast Recht, bestimmte 
Fehler muss man selber machen.


von Paul Baumann (Gast)


74xx00 kann man immer liegen haben. Aus NAND-Gattern lassen sich die 
anderen Grundfunktionen auch "basteln".

Oft habe ich schon befreundeten Bastlern mit meinen Vorräten aus der 
Patsche helfen können.

MfG Paul

von M. W. (blomquist)


Die Teile aus der 4000er CMOS Reihe habe ich schon alle rumliegen, 
werden also nicht bestellt.

Hab auch einige gelistet die ich einfach aus Projektbeschreibungen, 
welche ich mal angehen will, kopiert habe. Ob die Funktionen redundant 
sind hab ich mir bequemerweise erspart - sorry.

Das 64bit shiftregister brauch ich aber wirklich > I2S Splitter auf 
R+/R- u. L+/L- für meine restlichen TDA1541A (als die noch billig waren)

Aber wirklich mal danke :)

von Michael G. (linuxgeek) Benutzerseite


Du solltest TTL-Bausteine vermeiden, wenn's geht... is einfach nich mehr 
so das Wahre ;) Das stimmt wohl leider, selbst wenn man sich 100.000 
Teile sammelt wird man immernoch nicht haben, was man braucht -- aber 
die Wahrscheinlichkeit steigt natuerlich, vor allem, wenn man genau 
kauft, was man sowieso im Hinterkopf schon verplant hat.


von Rudolph R. (rudolph)




von M. W. (blomquist)


Nicht mal schlecht die Idee ;)

von Esko (Gast)


Die Idee alle Logikbausteine durch entsprechend programmierte Tinys zu 
ersetzten ist sicher ne gute Idee, die in der Form sicher viele schon 
mal hatten.
Man bräuchte nur zwei Dutzend Tinys/entsprechende Pics auf Lager und 
hätte alles abgedeckt.
Gibt es ein Projekt, wo TTLs softwaremäßig nachgebildet werden?


von blah (Gast)


7400: Quad 2-input NAND Gate
7401: Quad 2-input NAND Gate with Open Collector Outputs
7402: Quad 2-input NOR Gate
7403: Quad 2-input NAND Gate with Open Collector Outputs (different 
pinout than 7401)
7404: Hex Inverter
7405: Hex Inverter with Open Collector Outputs
7406: Hex Inverter Buffer/Driver with 30V Open Collector Outputs
7407: Hex Buffer/Driver with 30V Open Collector Outputs
7408: Quad 2-input AND Gate
7409: Quad 2-input AND Gate with Open Collector Outputs
7410: Triple 3-input NAND Gate
7411: Triple 3-input AND Gate
7412: Triple 3-input NAND Gate with Open Collector Outputs
7413: Dual Schmitt trigger 4-input NAND Gate
7414: Hex Schmitt trigger Inverter
7415: Triple 3-input AND Gate with Open Collector Outputs
7416: Hex Inverter Buffer/Driver with 15V Open Collector Outputs
7417: Hex Buffer/Driver with 15V Open Collector Outputs
7419: Hex Schmitt trigger Inverter
7420: Dual 4-input NAND Gate
7421: Dual 4-input AND Gate
7422: Dual 4-Input NAND Gate with Open Collector Outputs
7423: Expandable Dual 4-input NOR Gate with Strobe
7424: Quad 2-input NAND Gate gates with schmitt-trigger line-receiver 
7425: Dual 4-input NOR Gate with Strobe
7426: Quad 2-input NAND Gate with 15V Open Collector Outputs
7427: Triple 3-input NOR Gate
7428: Quad 2-input NOR Buffer
7430: 8-input NAND Gate
7431: Hex Delay Elements
7432: Quad 2-input OR Gate
7433: Quad 2-input NOR Buffer with Open Collector Outputs
7436: Quad 2-input NOR Gate (different pinout than 7402)
7437: Quad 2-input NAND Buffer
7438: Quad 2-input NAND Buffer with Open Collector Outputs
7439: Quad 2-input NAND Buffer
7440: Dual 4-input NAND Buffer
7441: BCD to Decimal Decoder/NIXIE Tube Driver
7442: BCD to Decimal Decoder
7443: Excess-3 to Decimal Decoder
7444: Excess-3-Gray to Decimal Decoder
7445: BCD to Decimal Decoder/Driver
7446: BCD to 7-segment Decoder/Driver with 30V Open Collector Outputs
7447: BCD to 7-segment Decoder/Driver with 15V Open Collector Outputs
7448: BCD to 7-segment Decoder/Driver with Internal Pullups
7449: BCD to 7-segment Decoder/Driver with Open Collector Outputs
7450: Dual 2-Wide 2-input AND-OR-INVERT Gate (one gate expandable)
7451: Dual 2-Wide 2-Input AND-OR-INVERT Gate
7452: Expandable 4-Wide 2-input AND-OR Gate
7453: Expandable 4-Wide 2-input AND-OR-INVERT Gate
7454: 4-Wide 2-Input AND-OR-INVERT Gate
7455: 2-Wide 4-Input AND-OR-INVERT Gate (74H version is expandable)
7456: 50:1 Frequency divider
7457: 60:1 Frequency divider
7458: Dual 4-bit Decade Counter
7459: Dual 4-bit Binary Counter
7460: Dual 4-input Expander
7461: Triple 3-input Expander
7462: 3-2-2-3-Input Expander
7463: Hex Current Sensing Interface Gates
7464: 4-2-3-2-Input AND-OR-INVERT Gate
7465: 4-2-3-2 Input AND-OR-INVERT Gate with Open Collector Output
7470: AND-Gated Positive Edge Triggered J-K Flip-Flop with Preset and 
74H71: AND-OR-Gated J-K Master-Slave Flip-Flop with Preset
74L71: AND-Gated R-S Master-Slave Flip-Flop with Preset and Clear
7472: AND Gated J-K Master-Slave Flip-Flop with Preset and Clear
7473: Dual J-K Flip-Flop with Clear
7474: Dual D Positive Edge Triggered Flip-Flop with Preset and Clear
7475: 4-bit Bistable Latch
7476: Dual J-K Flip-Flop with Preset and Clear
7477: 4-bit Bistable Latch
74H78, 74L78: Dual J-K Flip-Flop with Preset, Common Clear, and Common 
74LS78A: Dual Negative Edge Triggered J-K Flip-Flop with Preset, Common 
Clear, and Common Clock
7479: Dual D Flip-Flop
7480: Gated Full Adder
7481: 16-bit Random Access Memory
7482: 2-bit Binary Full Adder
7483: 4-bit Binary Full Adder
7484: 16-bit Random Access Memory
7485: 4-bit Magnitude Comparator
7486: Quad 2-input Exclusive-OR Gate
7487: 4-bit True/Complement/Zero/One Element
7488: 256-bit Read Only Memory
7489: 64-bit Read/Write Memory
7490: Decade Counter (separate Divide-by-2 and Divide-by-5 sections)
7491: 8-bit Shift Register, Serial In, Serial Out, Gated Input
7492: Divide-by-12 Counter (separate Divide-by-2 and Divide-by-6 
7493: 4-bit Binary Counter (separate Divide-by-2 and Divide-by-8 
7494: 4-bit Shift Register, Dual Asynchronous Presets
7495: 4-bit Shift Register, Parallel In, Parallel Out, Serial Input, 
7496: 5-bit Parallel-In/Parallel-Out Shift Register, Asynchronous Preset
7497: Synchronous 6-bit Binary Rate Multiplier
7498: 4-bit Data Selector/Storage Register
7499: 4-bit Bidirectional Universal Shift Register
74100: Dual 4-Bit Bistable Latch
74101: AND-OR-Gated J-K Negative-Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with Preset
74102: AND-Gated J-K Negative-Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with Preset and 
74103: Dual J-K Negative-Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with Clear
74104: J-K Master-Slave Flip-Flop
74105: J-K Master-Slave Flip-Flop
74106: Dual J-K Negative-Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with Preset and Clear
74107: Dual J-K Flip-Flop with Clear
74107A: Dual J-K Negative-Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with Clear
74108: Dual J-K Negative-Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with Preset, Common 
Clear, and Common Clock
74109: Dual J-Not-K Positive-Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with Clear and 
74110: AND-Gated J-K Master-Slave Flip-Flop with Data Lockout
74111: Dual J-K Master-Slave Flip-Flop with Data Lockout
74112: Dual J-K Negative-Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with Clear and Preset
74113: Dual J-K Negative-Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with Preset
74114: Dual J-K Negative-Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with Preset, Common 
Clock and Clear
74116: Dual 4-bit Latches with Clear
74118: Hex Set/Reset Latch
74119: Hex Set/Reset Latch
74120: Dual Pulse Synchronizer/Drivers
74121: Monostable Multivibrator
74122: Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrator with Clear
74123: Dual Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrator with Clear
74124: Dual Voltage-Controlled Oscillator
74125: Quad Bus Buffer with Three-State Outputs, Negative Enable
74126: Quad Bus Buffer with Three-State Outputs, Positive Enable
74128: Quad 2-input NOR Line Driver
74130: Quad 2-input AND Buffer with 30V Open Collector Outputs
74131: Quad 2-input AND Buffer with 15V Open Collector Outputs
74132: Quad 2-input NAND Schmitt Trigger
74133: 13-Input NAND Gate
74134: 12-Input NAND Gate with Three-State Output
74135: Quad Exclusive-OR/NOR Gate
74136: Quad 2-Input Exclusive-OR Gate with Open Collector Outputs
74137: 3 to 8-line Decoder/Demultiplexer with Address Latch
74138: 3 to 8-line Decoder/Demultiplexer
74139: Dual 2 to 4-line Decoder/Demultiplexer
74140: Dual 4-input NAND Line Driver
74141: BCD to Decimal Decoder/Nixie Tube Driver
74142: Decade Counter/Latch/Decoder/Nixie Tube Driver
74143: Decade Counter/Latch/Decoder/7-segment Driver, 15 mA Constant 
74144: Decade Counter/Latch/Decoder/7-segment Driver, 15V Open Collector 
74145: BCD to Decimal Decoder/Driver
74147: 10-Line to 4-Line Priority Encoder
74148: 8-Line to 3-Line Priority Encoder
74150: 16-Line to 1-Line Data Selector/Multiplexer
74151: 8-Line to 1-Line Data Selector/Multiplexer
74152: 8-Line to 1-Line Data Selector/Multiplexer
74153: Dual 4-Line to 1-Line Data Selector/Multiplexer
74154: 4-Line to 16-Line Decoder/Demultiplexer
74155: Dual 2-Line to 4-Line Decoder/Demultiplexer
74156: Dual 2-Line to 4-Line Decoder/Demultiplexer with Open Collector 
74157: Quad 2-Line to 1-Line Data Selector/Multiplexer, Noninverting
74158: Quad 2-Line to 1-Line Data Selector/Multiplexer, Inverting
74159: 4-Line to 16-Line Decoder/Demultiplexer with Open Collector 
74160: Synchronous 4-bit Decade Counter with Asynchronous Clear
74161: Synchronous 4-bit Binary Counter with Asynchronous Clear
74162: Synchronous 4-bit Decade Counter with Synchronous Clear
74163: Synchronous 4-bit Binary Counter with Synchronous Clear
74164: 8-bit Parallel-Out Serial Shift Register with Asynchronous Clear
74165: 8-bit Serial Shift Register, Parallel Load, Complementary Outputs
74166: Parallel-Load 8-Bit Shift Register
74167: Synchronous Decade Rate Multiplier
74168: Synchronous 4-Bit Up/Down Decade Counter
74169: Synchronous 4-Bit Up/Down Binary Counter
74170: 4 by 4 Register File with Open Collector Outputs
74172: 16-Bit Multiple Port Register File with Three-State Outputs
74173: Quad D Flip-Flop with Three-State Outputs
74174: Hex D Flip-Flop with Common Clear
74175: Quad D Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with Complementary Outputs and 
Asynchronous Clear
74176: Presettable Decade (Bi-Quinary) Counter/Latch
74177: Presettable Binary Counter/Latch (electronic)|Latch
74178: 4-bit Parallel-Access Shift Register
74179: 4-bit Parallel-Access Shift Register with Asynchronous Clear and 
Complementary Qd Outputs
74180: 9-bit Odd/Even Parity Generator and Checker
74181: 4-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit and Function Generator
74182: Lookahead Carry Generator
74183: Dual Carry-Save Full Adder
74184: BCD to Binary Converter
74185: Binary to BCD Converter
74186: 512-bit (64x8) Read Only Memory with Open Collector Outputs
74187: 1024-bit (256x4) Read Only Memory with Open Collector Outputs
74188: 256-bit (32x8) Programmable Read Only Memory with Open Collector 
74189: 64-bit (16x4) RAM with Inverting Three-State Outputs
74190: Synchronous Up/Down Decade Counter
74191: Synchronous Up/Down Binary Counter
74192: Synchronous Up/Down Decade Counter with Clear
74193: Synchronous Up/Down Binary Counter with Clear
74194: 4-bit Bidirectional Universal Shift Register
74195: 4-bit Parallel-Access Shift Register
74196: Presettable Decade Counter/Latch
74197: Presettable Binary Counter/Latch
74198: 8-bit Bidirectional Universal Shift Register
74199: 8-bit Bidirectional Universal Shift Register with J-Not-K Serial 
74200: 256-bit RAM with Three-State Outputs
74201: 256-bit (256x1) RAM with Three-State Outputs
74206: 256-bit RAM with Open Collector Outputs
74209: 1024-bit (1024x1) RAM with Three-State Output
74210: Octal Buffer
74219: 64-bit (16x4) Random Access Memory with Noninverting Three-State 
74221: Dual Monostable Multivibrator with Schmitt Trigger Input
74222: 16 by 4 Synchronous FIFO Memory with Three-State Outputs
74224: 16 by 4 Synchronous FIFO Memory with Three-State Outputs
74225: Asynchronous 16x5 FIFO Memory
74226: 4-bit Parallel Latched Bus Transceiver with Three-State Outputs
74230: Octal Buffer/Driver with Three-State Outputs
74232: Quad NOR Schmitt Trigger
74237: 1-of-8 Decoder/Demultiplexer with Address Latch, Active High 
74238: 1-of-8 Decoder/Demultiplexer, Active High Outputs
74239: Dual 2-of-4 Decoder/Demultiplexer, Active High Outputs
74240: Octal Buffer with Inverted Three-State Outputs
74241: Octal Buffer with Noninverted Three-State Outputs
74242: Quad Bus Transceiver with Inverted Three-State Outputs
74243: Quad Bus Transceiver with Noninverted Three-State Outputs
74244: Octal Buffer with Noninverted Three-State Outputs
74245: Octal Bus Transceiver with Noninverted Three-State Outputs
74246: BCD to 7-segment Decoder/Driver with 30V Open Collector Outputs
74247: BCD to 7-segment Decoder/Driver with 15V Open Collector Outputs
74248: BCD to 7-segment Decoder/Driver with Internal Pull-up Outputs
74249: BCD to 7-segment Decoder/Driver with Open Collector Outputs
74251: 8-line to 1-line Data Selector/Multiplexer with Three-State 
74253: Dual 4-line to 1-line Data Selector/Multiplexer with Three-State 
74255: Dual 4-bit Addressable Latch
74256: Dual 4-bit Addressable Latch
74257: Quad 2-line to 1-line Data Selector/Multiplexer with Noninverted 
Three-State Outputs
74258: Quad 2-line to 1-line Data Selector/Multiplexer with Inverted 
Three-State Outputs
74259: 8-bit Addressable Latch
74260: Dual 5-Input NOR Gate
74261: 2-bit by 4-bit Parallel Binary Multiplier
74265: Quad Complementary Output Elements
74266: Quad 2-Input Exclusive-NOR Gate with Open Collector Outputs
74270: 2048-bit (512x4) Read Only Memory with Open Collector Outputs
74271: 2048-bit (256x8) Read Only Memory with Open Collector Outputs
74273: 8-bit Register with Reset
74274: 4-bit by 4-bit Binary Multiplier
74275: 7-bit Slice Wallace Tree
74276: Quad J-Not-K Edge-Triggered Flip-Flops with Separate Clocks, 
Common Preset and Clear
74278: 4-bit Cascadeable Priority Registers with Latched Data Inputs
74279: Quad Set-Reset Latches
74280: 9-bit Odd/Even Parity Generator/Checker
74281: 4-bit Parallel Binary Accumulator
74283: 4-bit Binary Full Adder
74284: 4-bit by 4-bit Parallel Binary Multiplier (low order 4 bits of 
74285: 4-bit by 4-bit Parallel Binary Multiplier (high order 4 bits of 
74287: 1024-bit (256x4) Programmable Read Only Memory with Three-State 
74288: 256-bit (32x8) Programmable Read Only Memory with Three-State 
74289: 64-bit (16x4) RAM with Open Collector Outputs
74290: Decade Counter (separate divide-by-2 and divide-by-5 sections)
74291: 4-bit Universal Shift Register, Binary Up/Down Counter, 
74292: Programmable Frequency Divider/Digital Timer
74293: 4-bit Binary Counter (separate divide-by-2 and divide-by-8 
74294: Programmable Frequency Divider/Digital Timer
74295: 4-Bit Bidirectional Register with Three-State Outputs
74297: Digital Phase-Locked-Loop Filter
74298: Quad 2-Input Multiplexer with Storage
74299: 8-Bit Bidirectional Universal Shift/Storage Register with 
Three-State Outputs
74301: 256-bit (256x1) RAM with Open Collector Output
74309: 1024-bit (1024x1) RAM with Open Collector Output
74310: Octal Buffer with Schmitt Trigger Inputs
74314: 1024-bit RAM
74320: Crystal controlled oscillator
74322: 8-bit Shift Register with Sign Extend, Three-State Outputs
74323: 8-bit Bidirectional Universal Shift/Storage Register with 
Three-State Outputs
74324: Voltage Controlled Oscillator (or Crystal Controlled)
74340: Octal Buffer with Schmitt Trigger Inputs and Three-State Inverted 
74341: Octal Buffer with Schmitt Trigger Inputs and Three-State 
Noninverted Outputs
74344: Octal Buffer with Schmitt Trigger Inputs and Three-State 
Noninverted Outputs
74348: 8 to 3-line Priority Encoder with Three-State Outputs
74350: 4-bit Shifter with Three-State Outputs
74351: Dual 8-line to 1-line Data Selectors/Multiplexers with 
Three-State Outputs and 4 Common Data Inputs
74352: Dual 4-line to 1-line Data Selectors/Multiplexers with Inverting 
74353: Dual 4-line to 1-line Data Selectors/Multiplexers with Inverting 
Three-State Outputs
74354: 8 to 1-line Data Selector/Multiplexer with Transparent Latch, 
Three-State Outputs
74356: 8 to 1-line Data Selector/Multiplexer with Edge-Triggered 
Register, Three-State Outputs
74362: Four-Phase Clock Generator/Driver (aka TIM9904)
74365: Hex Buffer with Noninverted Three-State Outputs
74366: Hex Buffer with Inverted Three-State Outputs
74367: Hex Buffer with Noninverted Three-State Outputs
74368: Hex Buffer with Inverted Three-State Outputs
74370: 2048-bit (512x4) Read Only Memory with Three-State Outputs
74371: 2048-bit (256x8) Read Only Memory with Three-State Outputs
74373: Octal Transparent Latch with Three-State Outputs
74374: Octal Register with Three-State Outputs
74375: Quad Bistable Latch
74376: Quad J-Not-K Flip-Flops with Common Clock and Common Clear
74377: 8-bit Register with Clock Enable
74378: 6-bit Register with Clock Enable
74379: 4-bit Register with Clock Enable and Complementary Outputs
74380: 8-bit Multifunction Register
74381: 4-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit/Function Generator with Generate and 
Propagate Outputs
74382: 4-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit/Function Generator with Ripple Carry 
and Overflow Outputs
74385: Quad 4-bit Adder/Subtractor
74386: Quad 2-Input Exclusive-OR Gate
74387: 1024-bit (256x4) Programmable Read Only Memory with Open 
Collector Outputs
74388: 4-bit Register with Standard and Three-State Outputs (74LS388 is 
equivalent to AMD Am25LS2518 , functional equivalent to Am2918 and 
74390: Dual 4-bit Decade Counter
74393: Dual 4-bit Binary Counter
74395: 4-bit Universal Shift Registers with Three-State Outputs
74398: Quad 2-input Multiplexers with Storage and Complementary Outputs
74399: Quad 2-input Multiplexer with Storage
74408: 8-bit Parity Tree
74412: Multi-Mode Buffered 8-bit Latches with Three-State Outputs and 
Clear (74S412 is equivalent to Intel 8212, TI TIM8212)
74423: Dual Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrator
74424: Two-Phase Clock Generator/Driver (74LS424 is equivalent to Intel 
8224, TI TIM8224)
74425: Quad Gates with Three-State Outputs and Active Low Enables
74426: Quad Gates with Three-State Outputs and Active High Enables
74428: System Controller for 8080A (74S428 is equivalent to Intel 8228, 
TI TIM8228)
74438: System Controller for 8080A (74S438 is equivalent to Intel 8238, 
TI TIM8238)
74440: Quad Tridirectional Bus Transceiver with Noninverted Open 
Collector Outputs
74441: Quad Tridirectional Bus Transceiver with Inverted Open Collector 
74442: Quad Tridirectional Bus Transceiver with Noninverted Three-State 
74443: Quad Tridirectional Bus Transceiver with Inverted Three-State 
74444: Quad Tridirectional Bus Transceiver with Inverted and Noninverted 
Three-State Outputs
74448: Quad Tridirectional Bus Transceiver with Inverted and Noninverted 
Open Collector Outputs
74450: 16-to-1 Multiplexer with Complementary Outputs
74451: Dual 8-to-1 Multiplexer
74452: Dual Decade Counter, Synchronous
74453: Dual Binary Counter, Synchronous (Motorola, "plain" TTL)
74453: Quad 4-to-1 Multiplexer
74454: Dual Decade Up/Down Counter, Synchronous, Preset Input
74455: Dual Binary Up/Down Counter, Synchronous, Preset Input
74456: NBCD (Natural Binary Coded Decimal) Adder
74460: Bus Transfer Switch
74461: 8-bit Presettable Binary Counter with Three-State Outputs
74462: Fiber-Optic Link Transmitter
74463: Fiber-Optic Link Receiver
74465: Octal Buffer with Three-State Outputs
74468: Dual MOS-to-TTL Level Converter
74470: 2048-bit (256x8) Programmable Read Only Memory with Open 
Collector Outputs
74471: 2048-bit (256x8) Programmable Read Only Memory with Three-State 
74472: Programmable Read Only Memory with Open Collector Outputs
74473: Programmable Read Only Memory with Three-State Outputs
74474: Programmable Read Only Memory with Open Collector Outputs
74475: Programmable Read Only Memory with Three-State Outputs
74481: 4-bit Slice Processor Elements
74482: 4-bit Slice Expandable Control Elements
74484: BCD-to-Binary Converter (mask programmed SN74S371 ROM)
74485: Binary-to-BCD Converter (mask programmed SN74S371 ROM)
74490: Dual Decade Counter
74491: 10-bit Binary Up/Down Counter with Limited Preset and Three-State 
74498: 8-bit Bidirectional Shift Register with Parallel Inputs and 
Three-State Outputs
74508: 8-bit Multiplier/Divider
74521: 8-bit Comparator
74531: Octal Transparent Latch with 32 mA Three-State Outputs
74532: Octal Register with 32 mA Three-State Outputs
74533: Octal Transparent Latch with Inverting Three-State Outputs
74534: Octal Register with Inverting Three-State Outputs
74535: Octal Transparent Latch with Inverting Three-State Outputs
74536: Octal Register with Inverting 32 mA Three-State Outputs
74537: BCD to Decimal Decoder with Three-State Outputs
74538: 1 of 8 Decoder with Three-State Outputs
74539: Dual 1 of 4 Decoder with Three-State Outputs
74540: Inverting Octal Buffer with Three-State Outputs
74541: Non-inverting Octal Buffer with Three-State Outputs
74560: 4-bit Decade Counter with Three-State Outputs
74561: 4-bit Binary Counter with Three-State Outputs
74563: 8-bit D-Type Transparent Latch with Inverting Three-State Outputs
74564: 8-bit D-Type Edge-Triggered Register with Inverting Three-State 
74568: Decade Up/Down Counter with Three-State Outputs
74569: Binary Up/Down Counter with Three-State Outputs
74573: Octal D-Type Transparent Latch with Three-State Outputs
74574: Octal D-Type Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with Three-State Outputs
74575: Octal D-Type Flip-Flop with Synchronous Clear, Three-State 
74576: Octal D-Type Flip-Flop with Inverting Three-State Outputs
74577: Octal D-Type Flip-Flop with Synchronous Clear, Inverting 
Three-State Outputs
74580: Octal Transceiver/Latch with Inverting Three-State Outputs
74589: 8-bit Shift Register with Input Latch, Three-State Outputs
74590: 8-Bit Binary Counter with Output Registers and Three-State 
74592: 8-Bit Binary Counter with Input Registers
74593: 8-Bit Binary Counter with Input Registers and Three-State Outputs
74594: Serial-in Shift Register with Output Latches
74595: Serial-in Shift Register with Output Registers
74596: Serial-in Shift Register with Output Registers and Open Collector 
74597: Serial-out Shift Register with Input Latches
74598: Shift Register with Input Latches
74600: Dynamic Memory Refresh Controller, Transparent and Burst Modes, 
for 4K or 16K DRAMs (74LS600 is equivalent to TI TIM99600)
74601: Dynamic Memory Refresh Controller, Transparent and Burst Modes, 
for 64K DRAMs (74LS601 is equivalent to TI TIM99601)
74602: Dynamic Memory Refresh Controller, Cycle Steal and Burst Modes, 
for 4K or 16K DRAMs (74LS602 is equivalent to TI TIM99602)
74603: Dynamic Memory Refresh Controller, Cycle Steal and Burst Modes, 
for 64K DRAMs (74LS603 is equivalent to TI TIM99603)
74604: Octal 2-input Multiplexer with Latch, High-Speed, with 
Three-State Outputs (74LS604 is equivalent to TI TIM99604)
74605: Octal 2-input Multiplexer with Latch, High-Speed, with Open 
Collector Outputs (74LS605 is equivalent to TI TIM99605)
74606: Octal 2-input Multiplexer with Latch, Glitch-Free, with 
Three-State Outputs (74LS606 is equivalent to TI TIM99606)
74607: Octal 2-input Multiplexer with Latch, Glitch-Free, with Open 
Collector Outputs (74LS607 is equivalent to TI TIM99607)
74608: Memory Cycle Controller (74LS608 is equivalent to TI TIM99608)
74610: Memory Mapper, Latched, Three-State Outputs (74LS610 is 
equivalent to TI TIM99610)
74611: Memory Mapper, Latched, Open Collector Outputs (74LS611 is 
equivalent to TI TIM99611)
74612: Memory Mapper, Three-State Outputs (74LS612 is equivalent to TI 
74613: Memory Mapper, Open Collector Outputs (74LS613 is equivalent to 
TI TIM99613)
74620: Octal Bus Transceiver, Inverting, Three-State Outputs
74621: Octal Bus Transceiver, Noninverting, Open Collector Outputs
74622: Octal Bus Transceiver, Inverting, Open Collector Outputs
74623: Octal Bus Transceiver, Noninverting, Three-State Outputs
74624: Voltage-Controlled Oscillator with Enable Control, Range Control, 
Two-Phase Outputs
74625: Dual Voltage-Controlled Oscillator with Two-Phase Outputs
74626: Dual Voltage-Controlled Oscillator with Enable Control, Two-Phase 
74627: Dual Voltage-Controlled Oscillator
74628: Voltage-Controlled Oscillator with Enable Control, Range Control, 
External Temperature Compensation, and Two-Phase Outputs
74629: Dual Voltage-Controlled Oscillator with Enable Control, Range 
74630: 16-bit Error Detection and Correction (EDAC) with Three-State 
74631: 16-bit Error Detection and Correction (EDAC) with Open Collector 
74632: 32-bit Error Detection and Correction (EDAC)
74638: Octal Bus Transceiver with Inverting Three-State Outputs
74639: Octal Bus Transceiver with Noninverting Three-State Outputs
74640: Octal Bus Transceiver with Inverting Three-State Outputs
74641: Octal Bus Transceiver with Noninverting Open Collector Outputs
74642: Octal Bus Transceiver with Inverting Open Collector Outputs
74643: Octal Bus Transceiver with Mix of Inverting and Noninverting 
Three-State Outputs
74644: Octal Bus Transceiver with Mix of Inverting and Noninverting Open 
Collector Outputs
74645: Octal Bus Transceiver
74646: Octal Bus Transceiver/Latch/Multiplexer with Noninverting 
Three-State Outputs
74647: Octal Bus Transceiver/Latch/Multiplexer with Noninverting Open 
Collector Outputs
74648: Octal Bus Transceiver/Latch/Multiplexer with Inverting 
Three-State Outputs
74649: Octal Bus Transceiver/Latch/Multiplexer with Inverting Open 
Collector Outputs
74651: Octal Bus Transcevier/Register with Inverting Three-State Outputs
74652: Octal Bus Transcevier/Register with Noninverting Three-State 
74653: Octal Bus Transcevier/Register with Inverting Three-State and 
Open Collector Outputs
74654: Octal Bus Transcevier/Register with Noninverting Three-State and 
Open Collector Outputs
74658: Octal Bus Transceiver with Parity, Inverting
74659: Octal Bus Transceiver with Parity, Noninverting
74664: Octal Bus Transcevier with Parity, Inverting
74665: Octal Bus Transcevier with Parity, Noninverting
74668: Synchronous 4-bit Decade Up/Down Counter
74669: Synchronous 4-bit Binary Up/Down Counter
74670: 4 by 4 Register File with Three-State Outputs
74671: 4-bit Bidirectional Shift Register/Latch/Multiplexer with 
Three-State Outputs
74672: 4-bit Bidirectional Shift Register/Latch/Multiplexer with 
Three-State Outputs
74673: 16-bit Serial-in Serial-Out Shift Register with Output Storage 
Registers, Three-State Outputs
74674: 16-bit Parallel-in Serial-out Shift Registers with Three-State 
74677: 16-bit Address Comparator with Enable
74678: 16-bit Address Comparator with Latch
74679: 12-bit Address Comparator with Latch
74680: 12-bit Address Comparator with Enable
74681: 4-bit Parallel Binary Accumulator
74682: 8-bit Magnitude Comparator
74683: 8-bit Magnitude Comparator with Open Collector Outputs
74684: 8-bit Magnitude Comparator
74685: 8-bit Magnitude Comparator with Open Collector Outputs
74686: 8-bit Magnitude Comparator with Enable
74687: 8-bit Magnitude Comparator with Enable
74688: 8-bit Magnitude Comparator
74689: 8-bit Magnitude Comparator with Open Collector Outputs
74690: 4-bit Decimal Counter/Latch/Multiplexer with Asynchronous Reset, 
Three-State Outputs
74691: 4-bit Binary Counter/Latch/Multiplexer with Asynchronous Reset, 
Three-State Outputs
74692: 4-bit Decimal Counter/Latch/Multiplexer with Synchronous Reset, 
Three-State Outputs
74693: 4-bit Binary Counter/Latch/Multiplexer with Synchronous Reset, 
Three-State Outputs
74694: 4-bit Decimal Counter/Latch/Multiplexer with Synchronous and 
Asynchronous Resets, Three-State Outputs
74695: 4-bit Binary Counter/Latch/Multiplexer with Synchronous and 
Asynchronous Resets, Three-State Outputs
74696: 4-bit Decimal Counter/Register/Multiplexer with Asynchronous 
Reset, Three-State Outputs
74697: 4-bit Binary Counter/Register/Multiplexer with Asynchronous 
Reset, Three-State Outputs
74698: 4-bit Decimal Counter/Register/Multiplexer with Synchronous 
Reset, Three-State Outputs
74699: 4-bit Binary Counter/Register/Multiplexer with Synchronous Reset, 
Three-State Outputs
74716: Programmable Decade Counter (74LS716 is equivalent to Motorola 
74718: Programmable Binary Counter (74LS718 is equivalent to Motorola 
74724: Voltage Controlled Multivibrator
74740: Octal Buffer/Line Driver, Inverting, Three-State Outputs
74741: Octal Buffer/Line Driver, Noninverting, Three-State Outputs, 
Mixed enable polarity
74744: Octal Buffer/Line Driver, Noninverting, Three-State Outputs
74748: 8 to 3-line priority encoder
74783: Synchronous Address Multiplexer (74LS783 is equivalent to 
Motorola MC6883)
74790: Error Detection and Correction (EDAC)
74795: Octal Buffer with Three-State Outputs (74LS795 is equivalent to 
74796: Octal Buffer with Three-State Outputs (74LS796 is equivalent to 
74797: Octal Buffer with Three-State Outputs (74LS797 is equivalent to 
74798: Octal Buffer with Three-State Outputs (74LS798 is equivalent to 
74804: Hex 2-input NAND Drivers
74805: Hex 2-input NOR Drivers
74808: Hex 2-input AND Drivers
74832: Hex 2-input OR Drivers
74848: 8 to 3-line Priority Encoder with Three-State Outputs
74873: Octal Transparent Latch
74874: Octal D-Type Flip-Flop
74876: Octal D-Type Flip-Flop with Inverting Outputs
74878: Dual 4-bit D-Type Flip-Flop with Synchronous Clear, Noninverting 
Three-State Outputs
74879: Dual 4-bit D-Type Flip-Flop with Synchronous Clear, Inverting 
Three-State Outputs
74880: Octal Transparent Latch with Inverting Outputs
74881: 4-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit/Function Generator
74882: 32-bit Lookahead Carry Generator
742960: Error Detection and Correction (EDAC) (74F2960 is equivalent to 
AMD Am2960)
742961: EDAC Bus Buffer, Inverting
742962: EDAC Bus Buffer, Noninverting
742968: Dynamic Memory Controller
742969: Memory Timing Controller for use with EDAC
742970: Memory Timing Controller for use without EDAC
744075: Triple 3-input OR Gate
747266: Quad 2-input Exclusive-NOR Gate

von Rudolph R. (rudolph)


Also die Idee, TTL-Gatter durch µC nachzubilden halte ich dann doch 
wieder für ziemlich blöd.

Ein einzelner µC kann allerdings ein ganzes TTL-Grab flexibel ersetzen, 
darauf wollte ich hinweisen.

Allerdings ist mir auch klar, dass ein µC lange nicht so schnell sein 
kann wie ein popliger 74xx.

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